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Past research has identified a research gap regarding studies of the reliability and validity of OHS management audit methods. This study describes 17 audit methods used by OHS auditing organizations in the broader public sector in the province of Ontario, emphasizing aspects relevant to audit reliability and validity. Wide variation was found in pertinent characteristics of the audit methods and in their corresponding programs. In addition, some discrepancies were found between actual auditing practices and international standards on management system auditing. Further research is needed to precisely determine the impact of these variations and discrepancies on the measurement properties of audit data and on the performance of audit programs. This study determined that such research is feasible with some, but not all, auditing programs.  相似文献   

通过实例,针对某铸造分厂砂处理生产工艺落后,旧砂对车间、环境及产品质量的影响,提出了建立旧砂再生系统的技术改造方案,阐述了旧砂干法再生方法及系统设施选择,分析了砂处理后取得的环境效益和经济效益。可为中小型铸造厂提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Although the literature on employee involvement suggests that some organizations experience significant benefits to employee attitudes and productivity, the results from individual studies vary widely. This study focuses on those factors that may mediate the success or failure of employee involvement practices, especially the role played by middle managers. A postal survey of 155 organizations examined the perceived outcomes of different employee involvement practices and the support or resistance attributed to middle managers. Hypothesized correlates of middle management resistance to employee involvement were examined. As hypothesized, positive outcomes of employee involvement were lower in organizations that experienced middle management resistance. The study supports the view that middle managers may resist employee involvement practices in response to threats to self interest (managerial job loss and delayering). However, lack of congruence between organizational systems and structures and the goals of EI and divided or unclear senior management support for EI were also found to be strongly related to middle management resistance. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Modern work is frequently characterized by jobs where adaptive performance (AP) is crucial for employees to succeed in light of new or altered task demands. This recognition has fueled growing interest in AP as a dimension of workplace performance. To this point, however, research on AP has evolved from disparate perspectives and methods, resulting in fragmentation and a less than coherent knowledge base. This paper presents a comprehensive review of research studies regarding the nomological network of individual AP. In doing so, we synthesize the current knowledge base surrounding correlates of AP, elucidate current ambiguities, and suggest directions for future research efforts. We conclude that although the extant AP literature has amassed a critical body of studies linking various predictors to successful AP outcomes, much remains unknown, most critically regarding the implications of different methods of assessing AP, the effects of different types of changes in the task environment, the process of AP, and the steps organizations can take to foster AP among their employees. We hope that our synthesis and analysis paves the way for efforts to address these important questions. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Antecedents and consequences of participating in a romantic relationship in the workplace are critically examined. These factors are derived from social-psychological theories of interpersonal attraction, romantic attraction, love, emotion, and social exchange, as well as from previous research addressing romance in the workplace. The antecedent factors explain the processes by which romantic relationships develop between two members of the same organization, and the consequent factors highlight both the beneficial and detrimental effects that such relationships have on the participants, coworkers, and the host organization. Based on these formation and impact factors, a conceptual model of workplace romance is developed along with a series of testable propositions in order to facilitate and direct future research on romantic organizational behavior.  相似文献   

Recent research linking individuals' personality characteristics to their social networks has brought a new understanding of how individual patterns of behavior affect networks in organizations. This review summarizes the major advancements in the three areas of social network research relevant to organizational behavior: (a) brokerage and structural holes; (b) network centrality and network size; and (c) strength of ties. This review also provides an agenda outlining three key opportunities for future research. These opportunities involve personality and social network change, bidirectional and dyadic processes, and the potential effect of network position on personality expression. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A type of organizational reward system based on personal power is described and partially tested. The theory, developed from observations of Hungarian organizations, is grounded in theories of procedural justice and learned helplessness. Person-based organizational reward systems are characterized by highly valued rewards combined with personalistic criteria for reward distribution. Such organizational reward systems were hypothesized to lead to employee perceptions of organizational unfairness; negative evaluations of others; anxiety; and perceptions of self, collegial and organizational inefficacy. These hypotheses were supported in tests in a sample of three Hungarian state-owned organizations classified as having person-based systems and five non-person-based organizations (two Hungarian privately-owned companies, one American state-owned and two American privately-owned organizations). In addition, several behavioral effects of person-based reward systems were proposed: they foster bargaining behavior, withholding of information, avoidance of collaborative tasks, ingratiation and noncompliance with rules.  相似文献   

Competition between individuals permeates people's lives as they strive for limited resources, services, and status. However, research on competition and competitiveness in organizations is limited despite its relevance to relational dynamics (e.g., rivalry), individual differences (e.g., traits and gender), social factors (e.g., competitive climate), and organizational outcomes (e.g., work performance and unethical behavior). In this article, we propose a multilevel model of competition and competitiveness that includes the individual, the group, and the situation. By providing a holistic overview of research across a broad array of disciplines, we organize the field and create a usable framework to advance knowledge of competition and competitiveness. In doing so, we identify what we know, what we still need to discover, and provide direction for future research. The article closes with an assessment of methods and measures used in studying competition. In conclusion, this review establishes a multilevel and integrative structure that incorporates individual and team competitiveness with competitive situations that prompt competitive processes and important organizational outcomes.  相似文献   

The risk of off-the-job misconduct by high-profile employees is a serious concern of top management in professional sport organizations, media and entertainment companies, and public-facing entities in the government and education sectors. Yet there is little research on how to prevent or mitigate this form of misconduct in organizations. Utilizing upper echelons theory and the literature on demographic composition, we examine the relationship between the gender composition of executives of team organizations in a men's professional sport league and subsequent misconduct by players on those teams. Specifically, we employed multilevel and logistic regression analyses to unique data on U.S. National Football League team organizations, and we found that firms with a critical mass of women executives experienced fewer player arrests. No support was found for executive power as a moderator of this relationship. We discuss the implications of our findings for the demographic composition literature. We also offer guidance for preventing and managing off-the-job misconduct by high-profile employees.  相似文献   

Idiosyncratic deals (i‐deals) research focuses on the emergence of customized work arrangements employees negotiate with their employers. This article provides a critical review and synthesis of i‐deals research, combining a qualitative review of i‐deals theory and research with a supplementary meta‐analysis of 23 empirical studies (k = 27 samples, N = 8110 individuals). The qualitative review examines the conceptualization and measurement of i‐deals and identifies patterns and gaps in i‐deals research, while the quantitative meta‐analysis tests the moderating effect of societal cultures on the predictors and consequences of ideals investigated to date. In each section, attention is given to strengths and weaknesses of current approaches to i‐deals theory and research. Future research directions are identified with particular emphasis on the largely unexamined role of i‐deals from a multilevel perspective. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

There are two predominant views of organizational commitment: instrumental and affective. The purpose of the paper is to explore the extent to which an adapted version of Etzioni's macro organizational model of involvement may serve as a single model of both affective and instrumental perspectives of organizational commitment. Moral commitment and alienative commitment are treated as affective forms of organizational attachment, and calculative commitment is treated as an instrumental form of organizational attachment. The paper employs five samples for the investigation. It develops scales for measuring each of the three dimensions of commitment. The paper concludes that organizational commitment is multidimensional. It also concludes that employees report a mixture of commitment types. Evidence is offered in support of the affective character of moral and alienative commitment. Although the evidence is equivocal, there is support for the independence of the two dimensions of affective commitment: moral and alienative. Evidence is also offered for the differential association of the three dimensions of organizational commitment with related aspects of organizational behavior. The paper extends our understanding of organizational commitment by providing a place for both instrumental and affective forms of psychological attachment to organizations. It offers scales which may be used for future research, and it suggests research which may extend the adapted model in this paper as well as provide direction for practising managers.  相似文献   

When social scientists conduct research in organizations, they engage in relationships with respondents in order to obtain information. For studies of race relations in organizations, questions arise about how researchers take account of their organizational and racial group memberships. This field experiment tests hypotheses derived from embedded intergroup relations theory about the effects of questionnaire administration procedures and race of respondents on response rate, reactions to the research, perceptions of race relations, and satisfaction. Results provided support for several hypotheses that predict respondents will experience the research and respond differently when they answer questionnaires in race alike group meetings than when they report anonymously by mail.  相似文献   

Brain drain (BD) is one of the more detrimental implications of organizational decline and crisis, yet it has only been fleetingly addressed in organization studies. In light of this lacuna, the current paper introduces a conceptual framework of BD during decline. A model featuring both BD antecedents (predictors) and consequences is presented, including an analysis of leavers' behavioral characteristics. The paper offers a set of research propositions and concludes with directions for future study. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The Pygmalion effect, a type of self‐fulfilling prophecy, has been demonstrated in educational settings with empirical studies, qualitative reviews and meta‐analyses. It has also been studied in organizational settings. This meta‐analysis provides a review of the Pygmalion literature, an analysis of findings to date, and a deeper look into the nature of the effect. The present analysis of 13 effect sizes revealed an overall d for the Pygmalion effect in work organizations of 0.81. Moderator analyses revealed stronger effects when the initial level of performance was low and when the experiment took place in a military rather than a business setting. Implications of these findings are discussed. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper adopts the concept of status inconsistency from the wider sociological literature in order to explain one of the social psychological processes possibly underlying the linkage between organizational demography and occupational stress. In doing so, we review the methodological and theoretical difficulties that arise in applying status inconsistency to an organizational setting. After explicitly discussing our assumptions, we develop out of the literature a series of propositions explicating the nature of the relationships between demography, status, status inconsistency and occupational stress. In offering these propositions we not only attempt to show how status inconsistency may be used to explain many of the empirical relations found to exist between demography and occupational stress, but also try to show the potential value of the status inconsistency concept as both an independent and dependent variable in general organizational research.  相似文献   

A historical analysis was carried out on 189 accidents that occurred in gas and oil fuel fired equipment. The variation of frequency as a function of time, the main causes leading to a fire or an explosion, as well as the consequences of the accidents were studied. Explosion was the most frequent accident, followed by fire; in a few cases the final outcome was a release. Accidents in gas fired combustion equipment were significantly more frequent than those in the liquid fired ones. The main causes were tube rupture and/or error in ignition/reignition sequences, followed by loss of flame in the combustion chamber and, with a minor frequency, entrance of non-expected fuel and presence of non-combusted materials. The consequences on people were much more important in case of explosions than in case of fires. Even though the equipment involving combustion chambers can be considered essentially safe, this historical analysis has shown that accidents continue to occur with certain frequency because the number of existing units is quite high and the possibility of human error during its operation and maintenance is still significant.  相似文献   

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