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IntroductionThis study assesses the reliability of the coding procedure for a set of variables belonging to the European Statistics of Accidents at Work (ESAW). The work focused on the Portuguese data and experience with the system. In Portugal, this task has been systematically carried out by GEP (the governmental Cabinet for Strategy and Planning), here defined as the “reference group” or “expert group.” However, it is anticipated that this coding task will be performed by non-expert people, since paper-forms will be replaced by e-forms, similarly to what happened in a few EU countries.ObjectiveThis study aims to: (a) assess the current situation, that is, to quantify reliability of data coded by GEP (reference group), and (b) assess the impact on the reliability level when the coding is carried out by non-experts (two different groups of coders).MethodsThe study comprises the estimation of both intercoder and intracoder reliability for a set of 8 nominal variables. The assessment applies 3 reliability coefficients calculated by 3 software packages.ResultsThe results reveal that the expert group (GEP) holds good to excellent reliability (inter- and intracoder agreements), between 68–98%, while there is a considerable “loss of reliability” (− 5% to − 39%) when the coding process is transferred to other people, without special training or knowledge in this task.ConclusionsThis work gives quantified evidence that reliability of coding accident data is substantially affected by the coders' profile. Moreover, certain variables, regardless of the coder, systematically hold a higher level of coding reliability than others, suggesting that certain codes may need improvement. Future studies should assess coding quality across the EU countries using the ESAW protocol.Practical applicationsDirections for improving the quality of accident data and related statistics; data that is used by researchers and governmental decision-makers to derive prevention strategies.  相似文献   

This study examined differences in the importance of work outcomes between full-time and part-time hospital employees in a sample drawn from five western hospitals (N = 1,876). Work status was operationalized by classifying respondents into four categories based on hours worked per week. Exploratory factor analysis showed that work outcomes may be classified as extrinsic (pay and fringe benefits) and instrinsic (being informed about the job, participating in decision-making, and doing the job well). Confirmatory factor analyses demonstrated that this two-factor structure fits the data well for all four work status categories although the factor loadings differed across categories. Multivariate analyses of variance and covariance indicated that statistically significant differences in the importance of extrinsic and intrinsic outcomes exist for full-time and part-time employees and that these differences persist when various social and demographic variables are held constant. Employees who work fewer hours per week tend to assign less importance to the work outcomes measured in this study. The results suggest that theoretical models of variables such as job satisfaction should take into account work status differences in the importance of work-related outcomes. In addition, managers may find that workers respond to different reward structures depending on the degree of their involvement in the organization.  相似文献   

Employment after retirement, known as bridge employment, is expected to occur more frequently because the baby boom generation will increase the number of retirees. Little is known about which employees will obtain which type of bridge employment when they retire, even though it has important implications. The present study examined work‐related attitudes, job characteristics, and work‐related accomplishments of 171 retirees in order to predict whether they would fully retire or take one of two types of bridge jobs after retirement: Career‐consistent bridge jobs or bridge jobs in fields different from their original career. Continuity theory of retirement helped predict post‐retirement employment type. Retirees who had skills specifically related to their career job were more likely to work in a career‐related bridge job than either to fully retire or to take a bridge job that was not related to their careers; retirees who formerly held career jobs with intrinsically motivating job characteristics were more likely to take a career‐related bridge job than to retire fully, and retirees who had experienced work strain in their career job were more likely to take a bridge job not related to their former career than to take a career bridge job. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Marie Jahoda's latent deprivation model was tested with a representative sample of the German population (N = 998). As expected, employees reported high levels of time structure, social contact, collective purpose, and activity not only in comparison to unemployed persons but also in comparison to persons who are out of the labor force (i.e., students, homemakers, retirees). Even unskilled manual workers reported more access to these “latent functions” than persons without employment. For the fifth of Jahoda's dimensions, identity/status, no significant differences between employed persons and persons who are out of the labor force could be identified. However, unemployed persons reported less status than all other groups did. Thus, Jahoda's model was clearly endorsed for four of the five latent functions of employment and partly endorsed for the fifth function. All variables in the model correlated significantly with distress, as expected. Demographic correlates of the manifest and latent functions were also analyzed: Access to the latent functions was best among young men from higher social classes who lived in an intimate relationship in a comparatively large household with children. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with whether long-term unemployment (6-24 months) affects people's attitudes to employment once they have found a new job. One hundred and forty men aged 25-40 were asked whether they felt various aspects of employment (e.g. job security, pay) are more important to them as a result of being unemployed. The effects of mental well-being when unemployed on attitudes to employment are explored. Unemployment is reported to have made most aspects of employment more important to people. Those whose mental health was worst when unemployed report that job security is most important to them.  相似文献   

The Finnish labor market is sharply segregated by sex. This is a statistically well-documented fact and holds true for all Western European market economies. The aim of this article was to find out whether women profit (regarding the quality of their work) from performing the same sort of work as men. The qualitative aspects of work were the following: autonomy at work; lack of routinization of work; the compulsory rhythm of work; and the demands for social skills. We also analyzed monthly pay and its variation according to functional segregation of work. The empirical data came from the Finnish Study on Working Conditions (1984) which is a representative sample of the Finnish wage-earning population with 4502 persons of whom 48 per cent were women and 52 per cent men. Our results indicate that women often profit from the fact that they perform the same sort of work as men. This profit was more apparent for white-collar than for blue-collar women. For men the effects of segregation on job characteristics were the opposite. They often profit from sex segregated work. Social status played a major role regarding the qualitative aspects of work.  相似文献   

Drawing from social/political influence, leader–member exchange (LMX), and social comparison theories, the present two‐study investigation examines three levels of LMX differentiation (i.e., individual‐level, meso‐level, and group‐level LMX differentiation) and further tests a model of the joint effects of political skill and LMX differentiation on LMX, relative LMX, and employee work outcomes. In Study 1, we used data from 231 employees and found support for the interactive effect of political skill and individual perceptions of LMX differentiation on LMX quality. We also found partial support for the moderating role of individual‐level LMX differentiation on the indirect effects of political skill on self‐rated task performance and job satisfaction via LMX. In Study 2, we used data from 185 supervisor–subordinate dyads and examined both meso‐level and group‐level LMX differentiation via a multilevel moderated mediation model. Results supported the moderating role of group‐level LMX differentiation and group mean LMX on the indirect effects of political skill on supervisor‐rated task performance and contextual performance/citizenship behavior as well as job satisfaction via relative LMX. Overall, the results suggest that politically skilled employees reap the benefits of LMX differentiation, as they enjoy higher absolute LMX and relative (i.e., to their peers) LMX quality. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Today's hourly workers are facing revised work schedules and shifting hours, which may have critical implications for employment relationships. This study considers the impact of work‐hours fit on key attitudes of hourly employees—perceived organizational support, job stress, work–family conflict, intent to turnover, and life satisfaction. We define work‐hours fit as the difference between an employee's desired number of hours and the actual hours worked, and we examine both the congruence of work‐hours fit and the degree of misfit. We also examine the moderating impact of the type of misfit, defined as working too many versus too few hours. Results indicate that, in our sample, hourly employees are typically not working the hours they prefer. As predicted, work‐hours fit impacts the attitudes we examined, and, when considering the type of misfit, congruence matters more for life satisfaction and intent to turnover. Results also indicate working too few hours impacts job stress and life satisfaction, whereas working too many effects work–family conflict. This paper demonstrates the importance of preferences, as a reflection of time/money resource trade‐offs, and offers ways for employers to improve work–family facilitation and strengthen their employment relationships. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This field study addressed the relationship between age and work outcomes by investigating the effects of two potential moderators of age–work outcome relations: self-efficacy and perceptions of tool design effectiveness, while controlling for job tenure, job demands, and gender. Findings revealed that job-focused self-efficacy beliefs moderated the relationship between age and absenteeism, while tool design moderated the relationship between age and performance. Self-efficacy and tool design both had direct positive main effects on job satisfaction. Implications for research on age and constructive work force management are discussed.  相似文献   

This study describes the development and issuance of an independent report on the quality of work life in a Corporation. The theory underlying the report, criteria, definitions, measurement procedures, the properties of the measures, and report itself are presented. A survey indicating a favourable reception to the data by stockholders, financial analysts, and employees is analysed. Recommendations for increased collaboration between accountants and behavioural scientists in the measurement and assessment of the quality of work life are presented in an effort to stimulate further research in the development of standardized measures and in the preparation of independent reports on the quality of work life in organizations.  相似文献   

This paper compares the factors which affect the decision of part-time and full-time employees to leave an organization. The decision is hypothesized to be contingent on primary life involvements. A sample of 154 registered nurses, with families, was used. The results demonstrated that primary life involvements were useful for predicting turnover of part-time employees only. The results were integrated with research which suggests that different types of attitudes predict turnover of part-time and full-time employees.  相似文献   

The predictability of turnover was compared for part-time versus full-time workers. This was accomplished using variables (1) that were hypothesized by Mobley (1977) to precede the turnover decision and (2) that have been shown in previous research to be significantly related to turnover. Measures of these variables were assessed via questionnaires following the second month of employment. Turnover was assessed directly from company records for a period of up to twelve months following employment. None of the hypothesized antecedent variables were significantly related to turnover within the part-time group. However, within the full-time group, all of the hypothesized precursors to turnover were found to be at least marginally related to actual turnover. Further, there was evidence to suggest differential predictability of turnover across full-time and part-time employment status groups, suggesting that the two groups may have a different ‘psychology of work’. These results are discussed in terms of the supportive evidence provided.  相似文献   

通过分析国内外重大危险源辨识标准中危险物质临界量的差异,以汽油和液化石油气为例,分别选择池火灾和沸腾液体扩展蒸气云爆炸模型计算事故后果,并结合我国企业的安全管理状况,说明了修改我国《重大危险源辨识》中危险物质临界量的必要性。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess parental decision making regarding the timing of teenagers initiating driving and monitoring teenagers' driving after licensure. METHODS: About 300 parents were interviewed during spring 2006 in Minnesota, North Carolina, and Rhode Island, states with varying licensing provisions, while teenagers took their first on-road driving tests. RESULTS: States' differences in ages of obtaining learner's permits and licenses reflected different licensing laws, but most teenagers obtained permits and took road tests within the first few months after they became eligible. Common reasons for delaying obtaining permits were fulfilling driver education requirements and lack of readiness/immaturity. Insufficient practice driving most often delayed licensure. Among the parents interviewed, 33-49% believed the minimum licensure age should be 17 or older. Almost all parents planned to supervise teenagers' driving after licensure, and most wanted to know about speeding or distractions. When asked about in-vehicle devices to monitor teenagers' driving, 37-59% of parents had heard of them. Parents were least interested in using video cameras and about equally interested in computer chips and cell-phone-based GPS systems. Disinterest in monitoring devices most often was attributed to trusting teenagers or respecting their privacy. CONCLUSIONS: Licensing laws influence ages of initiating driving. Although many parents support licensing at 17 or older - higher than in all but one state - most teenagers initiate driving soon after reaching the minimum age. Parents plan to supervise teenagers' driving, and many say they are open to using in-vehicle monitoring devices. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Many parents support a minimum licensing age of 17 or older and would consider in-vehicle devices to extend their supervision of teenager's driving.  相似文献   

The present study examined the consequences of a dispersion‐based conceptualization of unit‐level abusive supervision or abusive supervision variability. Abusive supervision variability was proposed to negatively affect a number of employee attitudes and behaviors through the mediating effects of interpersonal justice climate strength. The results revealed significant cross‐level effects such that abusive supervision variability was negatively related to individual perceptions of leader ethicality, organizational ethicality, leader satisfaction, and affective organizational commitment. These effects remained robust after controlling for individual‐level abusive supervision. Abusive supervision variability was also positively related to the frequency with which unit members as a whole engaged in counterproductive work behaviors. Last, the results revealed partial support for the mediating effects of interpersonal justice climate strength. In sum, the findings highlight the importance of examining abusive supervision at both the individual and unit levels of analyses. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that the influence of early work experiences on organization commitment would be moderated by the value employees place on these experiences. We measured work values in two samples of recent university graduates prior to organizational entry, and obtained measures of commensurate work experiences and three forms of commitment (affective, continuance, and normative: Allen and Meyer, 1990) on different occasions following entry. Regression analyses revealed that values and experiences did interact in the prediction of affective commitment and normative commitment, but that the nature of the interaction was different for different work value/experience combinations. The findings provide some challenge to the common sense assumption that positive work experiences will have the strongest effect on commitment among those who most value such experiences. Implications for research and practice are discussed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Introduction: Workplace accidents and injuries can be quite costly to both individual employees and their organizations. While safety climate (i.e., perceptions of policies and procedures related to safety that should reflect an organization's value of safety) has been established as a predictor of safety behaviors, less research has considered the possible negative pressures that could result from an environment that emphasizes safety. Though organizations may intend to create a positive safety climate, concerns about being treated differently if an employee were to be involved in a safety incident may result in unintended, but detrimental safety and health outcomes. Method: This study investigated the stigma associated with being involved in a safety-related incident in relation to self-reported safety behaviors and psychological health outcomes. The data were acquired through a two-wave prospective design, surveying workers from Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk; N = 528) who indicated they were exposed to at least one physical work stressor (e.g., heavy lifting; air quality; standing for extended periods) a few times each month or more. Results: When controlling for safety climate, safety stigma was related to decreased safety compliance and poorer psychological health. There was a marginally significant interaction between safety stigma and safety motivation in relation to safety compliance. Conclusions: These findings suggest that experiencing pressure to work safely, for fear of being evaluated negatively, may actually come at the cost of employees' safety compliance and psychological health. Practical applications: These results may be useful in assessing and intervening to improve an organization's safety climate. Organizations should closely examine the climate for safety to ensure that positive aspects of safety are not undermined by a stigmatizing pressure associated with safety in the work environment.  相似文献   

We conducted a longitudinal field experiment to examine whether sociometric and ability-based assignment methods have different effects on multiple outcomes. We assigned subjects (N = 258) to sociometric or ability-based conditions, and assembled them into three-person workgroups. Subjects in the sociometric condition chose their own workgroup members; we assigned subjects in the ability-based condition to groups on the basis of ability. The results show that sociometric workgroups report higher levels of communication, coordination, peer ratings, group cohesion, and job satisfaction than workgroups in the ability-based condition. In addition, the results indicate that organizational forces tended to equalize the influence of ability on performance.  相似文献   

As laws are being passed or considered to ban certain forms of religious attire in the current international arena (France, Netherlands, Italy), it is important to address some of the concerns that Americans who wear religious attire might have. Based on stereotype threat theory, data from 219 American Muslim females were examined regarding their expectations of receiving job offers for a variety of occupations. Results indicated that Muslim women who wear the headscarf (Hijabis) had lower expectations of receiving a job offer than Muslim women who do not wear the hijab. This difference increased as the amount of public contact associated with the occupation decreased and job status of the occupation increased. Furthermore, work centrality moderated this relationship, but only for Muslim women who did not wear the headscarf. Implications of these findings with regard to Hijabis and occupational attainment are discussed. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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