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Several hypotheses suggested by the theoretical literature on burnout were empirically tested in an attempt to identify the organizational conditions associated with employee burnout. Public service lawyers in the U.S. ( N= 391) completed a survey designed to assess (a) three components of burnout, namely, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and feelings of low personal accomplishment; (b) perceptions of several job conditions predicted to be associated these three components of burnout, including workload, role conflict, social support, decision-making policies, and autonomy; and (c) organizational commitment. Results indicate that emotional exhaustion is most strongly associated with role conflict and quantitative workload. Feelings of personal accomplishment were associated with supervisory social support and job level. Depersonalization was associated with role conflict and decision-making policies. Finally, each burnout component is significantly related to organizational commitment. 相似文献
为解决工作区域搜索待操作目标的不确定性以及单一策略无法解决障碍物区域多搜索目标遍历与避障的问题,提出1种随机与固定搜索相结合的协同巡检策略。该策略在重点监测点通过引入非线性收敛因子及动态权重策略的改进灰狼优化算法遍历多任务点进行固定路线搜索;在非重点监测区域为差速转向移动机器人赋予三视野扫描线,并运用其灵活转动的特点进行随机路线搜索;通过交互式人工标记的方法定位搜索目标点并对其进行标记,运用改进灰狼优化算法对标记出的多目标点进行遍历顺序规划及D*算法避障到达;通过5个国际通用工程函数仿真测试改进的灰狼优化算法。结果表明:改进的灰狼优化算法能加快收敛速度,增强模型的求解精度,加强算法的稳定性,同时验证随机与固定相结合的区域协同搜索避障巡检策略的有效性。 相似文献
This study investigates whether there is evidence of age-related accident risks among male assembly workers in the Swedish automobile industry. Age-related accident ratios (ARs) were measured for all accidents aggregated and for six accident types over a 10-year period, using five age categories and three time intervals. The results showed that regardless of accident type, ARs were generally higher among younger workers than older ones, though not for all accident types and time periods. ARs by (open) age cohorts increased over time in four accident situations out of six for assemblers aged 25–34 (35–44 in 1990–1991). Inequalities in risk exposure, labor-market factors, and early deselection from the occupation are emphasized as significant external factors in the age-related differences observed in ARs. 相似文献
This study examines several different kinds of correlates of career-oriented mentoring experiences among early career managers and professionals. Survey data were collected from 416 respondents employed in a wide variety of jobs, organizations, and industries. The respondents averaged 30 years of age, and 28 per cent were women. Results indicated that younger, more work-involved respondents from higher socioeconomic origins received more career-oriented mentoring. In addition, managers received more mentoring than professionals, as did those who were higher in the organization hierarchy. While gender of the protégé was unrelated to the amount of career mentoring received, reasons are offered for this result. Various boundary conditions likely to affect mentoring processes are discussed and several directions are recommended for future research on mentoring. 相似文献
IntroductionSeat belt use reduces the risk of injuries and fatalities among motor vehicle occupants in a crash, but belt use in rear seating positions is consistently lower than front seating positions. Knowledge is limited concerning factors associated with seat belt use among adult rear seat passengers. MethodsData from the 2012 ConsumerStyles survey were used to calculate weighted percentages of self-reported rear seat belt use by demographic characteristics and type of rear seat belt use enforcement. Multivariable regression was used to calculate prevalence ratios for rear seat belt use, adjusting for person-, household- and geographic-level demographic variables as well as for type of seat belt law in place in the state. ResultsRear seat belt use varied by age, race, geographic region, metropolitan status, and type of enforcement. Multivariable regression showed that respondents living in states with primary (Adjusted Prevalence Ratio (APR): 1.23) and secondary (APR: 1.11) rear seat belt use enforcement laws were significantly more likely to report always wearing a seat belt in the rear seat compared with those living in a state with no rear seat belt use enforcement law. Conclusions and practical applicationsSeveral factors were associated with self-reported seat belt use in rear seating positions. Evidence suggests that primary enforcement covering all seating positions is an effective intervention that can be employed to increase seat belt use and in turn prevent motor vehicle injuries to rear-seated occupants. 相似文献
Objective: We examined the prevalence of and characteristics associated with drink-driving in China. We compared this study's drink-driving findings with those from the United States to explore how effective traffic safety interventions from Western cultures might be adapted for use in China. Methods: Data from the 2010 China Chronic Disease and Risk Factor Survey were analyzed to describe the prevalence and characteristics associated with drink-driving in China. Results: Overall, 1.5% of Chinese adults reported drink-driving in the past 30 days—3% of males and 0.1% of females. However, among males who had driven a vehicle in the past 30 days and consumed at least one alcoholic beverage in the past 30 days, 19% reported drink-driving during the 30-day period. Excessive drinking, binge drinking, nonuse of seat belts, and having been injured in a road traffic crash in the past year were most strongly associated with drink-driving among males. Conclusions: Drink-driving is prevalent among male drivers in China. Although large differences exist between China and the United States in the proportion of adults who drive, the proportion who consume alcohol, and some of the personal characteristics of those who drink and drive, similarities between the 2 countries are present in patterns of risk behaviors among drink-driving. To reduce injuries and deaths from drink-driving, effective interventions from Western cultures need to be tailored for adoption in China. 相似文献
Given the substantial impact that new ventures have on the global economy, understanding what motivates entrepreneurs is of both practical and theoretical importance. Although research on the nature, causes, and consequences of entrepreneurial motivation has grown rapidly, it has evolved in distinct theoretical silos that tend to isolate motives based on the phase of business development (e.g., initiation, growth, and exit) rather than acknowledge that individuals often traverse all these phases and experience multiple types of motivation throughout their entrepreneurial journey. To advance the study of motivation in the fields of entrepreneurship and organizational behavior and provide a means through which these advancements can contribute to our understanding of how motivation drives the start-up, growth, and exiting of businesses, we organize and review the extant literature on entrepreneurial motives based on the phases of the new venture process. In doing so, this article develops a roadmap of the current state of entrepreneurial motivation research and its nomological network and provides suggestions to guide future research in extending our understanding of motivation in the entrepreneurship domain as well as in traditional organizational settings. 相似文献
为探求安全是否需要激励以及如果采用激励、从何激励的问题,对848名煤制油基地的员工进行问卷调查,将员工需求分为低层次需求、尊重需求、成就实现需求和超越自我需求4个方面,对每个具体需求构建需求场景。对控制变量进行差异性检验分析和相关性分析,得出文化程度和年龄对不同层次需求的影响,在此基础上进行结构方程模型验证分析。结果表明:安全需要激励,低层需求和成就需求大于尊重需求,超我需求最小,负向激励不受欢迎;受欢迎的因素在不同年龄和文化下略有差异,考核制度、人际关系、物质激励等均排在前列,且安全动机由经济性满足和自我价值实现共同确定,精神激励制度不是安全动机的核心要素。 相似文献
安监管人〔2 0 0 2〕1 2 3号各省、自治区、直辖市及新疆生产建设兵团安全生产监督管理部门 ,各煤矿安全监察局及北京、新疆生产建设兵团煤矿监察办事处 : 为规范生产经营单位主要负责人、安全生产管理人员及其他从业人员的安全生产培训、考核及安全资格认证工作 ,提高生产经营单位主要负责人、安全生产管理人员及其他从业人员的安全生产素质 ,促进安全生产 ,依据《安全生产法》的有关规定 ,现就生产经营单位主要负责人、安全生产管理人员及其他从业人员的安全生产培训考核工作提出如下意见 : 一、生产经营单位主要负责人、安全生产管… 相似文献
为了研究多专家对多方案的比选排序规则及数据特点,提出一种基于合作博弈-云化AHP算法处理该问题,并用以地铁隧道施工方案选择。方案选择对于控制施工成本,保证施工安全尤为重要。使用云模型嵌入AHP构建云化AHP模型对专家提供的不确定信息进行处理,得到在考虑实际工程背景下的方案偏好排序。使用合作博弈模型得到多个方案排序的综合排序。根据方案权重最大原则确定最优方案。分析了3位专家对3种隧道施工方案的偏好排序,其结果表明:对于给定的工程背景,盾构法施工是最优的。与现有4种模型进行对比,说明了其能更好地处理数据的不确定性,综合专家决策群意见,且数据量和计算量较小。 相似文献
针对冲击地压会对巷道超前支护装备产生冲击等不利影响,提出一种基于改进型扰动观测器的控制方法。该方法在常规扰动观测器基础上,增加两个控制器,对理想模型控制器的输出进行动态补偿。使控制器不仅能够对频率较低的外界扰动进行抑制,同时能够对高频的测量噪声干扰进行消除。对其进行数值仿真与模拟实验,结果表明改进后控制方法能够有效降低冲击地压对超前支护装备产生的不利影响。 相似文献
我国当前安全事故频发与安全科技人才匮乏有一定的关系,安全科技人才教育公共性的缺失是安全科技人才减少的主要原因,国家要走政府主导型的安全科技人才教育发展之路,从战略的高度对其进行研究,本文就这一问题进行尝试性的探索,旨在为我国安全产生提供数量足够的高质量的安全科技人才,为国家作出更大的贡献。 相似文献
流动人口的职业健康监护问题是职业卫生工作的重点与难点,是预防控制职业病,是保障流动人口职业健康和公平劳动权益的重要环节。根据对北京、浙江、山东、湖北、内蒙等地的调研,对流动人口职业健康监护存在的问题及原因进行了总结分析,结合目前我国职业卫生资源提出了政策建议。 相似文献
Introduction: Safe and accessible transportation options are important for older adults’ health, safety, mobility, and independence. Ride share services may promote older adult health and well-being. This is the first study that describes ride share services available to older adults (65+ years) in the United States, including factors that may affect use of services. Methods: We analyzed secondary data from two research and administrative databases provided by ITNAmerica, a national non-profit transportation service for older adults: ITNRides, which tracks information on older adults who used ITN in 29 locations across the United States from 1996 to 2019, and Rides in Sight, the largest national data source on ride share services for older adults. We conducted a literature review, and telephone interviews with nine key informants representing ride share services, referral services, and other organizations. We offer a conceptual framework describing factors that may affect older adults’ use of ride share services. Results: This study identified 917 non-profit ride share services and eleven for-profit ride share services available for older adults in the United States as of August 2018. Services varied by corporate structure, location, use of technology, and business model. The majority of non-profit services served primarily older adults, while the for-profit services served primarily younger adults. Riders from one multi-site non-profit service had a median age of 82. Use of ride share services is affected by individual needs and preferences; social conditions; and business and policy factors. Conclusion: Ride share services may offer a promising alternative to driving for older adults and may help to address negative health consequences associated with driving cessation. Practical applications: These findings may help policy makers, practitioners, and other stakeholders understand older adults’ needs related to use of ride share services in order to offer solutions that prioritize public health and safety. 相似文献
The unexpected failures, the down time associated with such failures, the loss of production and, the higher maintenance costs are major problems in any process plant. Risk-based maintenance (RBM) approach helps in designing an alternative strategy to minimize the risk resulting from breakdowns or failures. Adapting a risk-based maintenance strategy is essential in developing cost-effective maintenance policies.The RBM methodology is comprised of four modules: identification of the scope, risk assessment, risk evaluation, and maintenance planning. Using this methodology, one is able to estimate risk caused by the unexpected failure as a function of the probability and the consequence of failure. Critical equipment can be identified based on the level of risk and a pre-selected acceptable level of risk. Maintenance of equipment is prioritized based on the risk, which helps in reducing the overall risk of the plant.The case study of a power-generating unit in the Holyrood thermal power generation plant is used to illustrate the methodology. Results indicate that the methodology is successful in identifying the critical equipment and in reducing the risk of resulting from the failure of the equipment. Risk reduction is achieved through the adoption of a maintenance plan which not only increases the reliability of the equipment but also reduces the cost of maintenance including the cost of failure. 相似文献
Petrochemical facilities and plants require essential ongoing maintenance to ensure high levels of reliability and safety. A risk-based maintenance (RBM) strategy is a useful tool to design a cost-effective maintenance schedule; its objective is to reduce overall risk in the operating facility. In risk assessment of a failure scenario, consequences often have three key features: personnel safety effect, environmental threat and economic loss. In this paper, to quantify the severity of personnel injury and environmental pollution, a failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA) method is developed using subjective information derived from domain experts. On the basis of failure probability and consequence analysis, the risk is calculated and compared against the known acceptable risk criteria. To facilitate the comparison, a risk index is introduced, and weight factors are determined by an analytic hierarchy process. Finally, the appropriate maintenance tasks are scheduled under the risk constraints. A case study of a continuous catalytic reforming plant is used to illustrate the proposed approach. The results indicate that FMEA is helpful to identify critical facilities; the RBM strategy can increase the reliability of high-risk facilities, and corrective maintenance is the preferred approach for low-risk facilities to reduce maintenance expenditure. 相似文献
为加强省级行政学院应急管理培训,强化应急管理预防准备。对自2010年开始的省级行政学院应急管理培训工作的现状和成效进行了总结和分析,目前各省级行政学院应急实验培训存在发展不平衡、教研队伍力量薄弱、培训供给与需求有差距的问题,提出应做好对发达国家应急管理培训经验的消化和吸收,加强顶层设计,加强应急管理培训基地建设,积极推广应急管理演练式培训,加强合作交流等对策。 相似文献
针对白洋淀流域存在的水环境与水生态问题,以综合集成方法论为指导,从节水、控源、净淀、调控4个单元进行技术集成,并运用多目标优选的数学方法进行技术方案的选择,确立了流域节水模式、污染源控制和负荷削减技术、淀区净化方案以及综合调控方法,并整合水环境健康诊断、水生态安全预警、GIS平台,构建了水生态综合调控决策支持系统. 相似文献