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In order to study taxon richness, biodiversity and abundance patterns in the North Atlantic from temperate latitudes through Arctic to high Arctic latitudes, we recorded the faunas (at ELWS level) colonizing 20 cobbles from three sites at each of seven boulder-field localities (south-west England, 50°N; Wales, 51°N; west Scotland, 56°N; Iceland, 64°N; Tromsø, 70°N; Svalbard, 77°N, 79°N). Inverse correlations were found between latitude and all measures of richness (species, orders, and phyla numbers) and biodiversity (S–W, P). However, these correlations were driven mostly by the consistently impoverished Arctic sites; an even cline of decreasing diversity from south to north did not exist. Multidimensional scaling revealed two communities, temperate–subarctic species-rich and high arctic species-poor. Evenness as measured by Pielou’s index was similar across all latitudes. Abundance data exhibited a similar trend to the species richness and diversity data with a significant negative correlation with latitude, but when Arctic data were excluded the correlation vanished.  相似文献   

Latitudinal differences in host-specificity of marine Monogenea and digenea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rohde  K. 《Marine Biology》1978,47(2):125-134
Data from 15 surveys of marine trematodes (average of 91 trematode species and more than 80 fish species per survey) and from 12 surveys of marine Monogenea (average of 52 Monogenea species and more than 49 fish species per survey) show that the degree of host specificity of marine digenetic trematodes increases from cold to warm seas; Monogenea do not show such a trend, and the trend is probably reversed in the Pacific Ocean. The difference between the two groups is explained in terms of r - and k - strategy. Monogenea tend to follow a k - strategy (great complexity of adult, few offspring), which results in a high degree of host- and sitespecificity to facilitate mating in low-density populations. Only one or a few related host species can be infected, and as more related host species are present in the warm Pacific, host-specificity there is reduced. Digenea tend to follow an r- strategy (simple strucure of adult, many offspring), part of which is to infect many ecologically suitable hosts. Host-specificity in cold-temperate seas is reduced because of the less patchy and ecologically less restricted distribution of hosts.  相似文献   

Freestone AL  Inouye BD 《Ecology》2006,87(10):2425-2432
Understanding the large-scale distribution of species diversity requires distinguishing two of the primary factors that cause compositional differences: dispersal limitation and environmental variation. In a community with a naturally discontinuous spatial structure, we asked (1) at what scale(s) nonrandom variation in species composition occurs and (2) at what scale(s) such variation is associated with spatial separation, indicative of dispersal limitation, and at what scale(s) variation is associated with environmental heterogeneity? We sampled 50 seeps (small wetlands) on five serpentine outcrops. Using a randomization model, we showed that additive beta diversity (a measure of community dissimilarity) was lower than random within seeps and higher than random among both seeps and outcrops. Using Mantel tests, we showed that plant community dissimilarity, in both the full seep assemblage as well as in a subset of seep endemics, at the two larger scales was associated with different forms of environmental heterogeneity and, at the largest scale, was also associated with geographic distance. We conclude that diversity in this system is shaped by multiple scales of heterogeneity and by dispersal limitation at the largest scale.  相似文献   

Post DM  Palkovacs EP  Schielke EG  Dodson SI 《Ecology》2008,89(7):2019-2032
Intraspecific phenotypic variation in ecologically important traits is widespread and important for evolutionary processes, but its effects on community and ecosystem processes are poorly understood. We use life history differences among populations of alewives, Alosa pseudoharengus, to test the effects of intraspecific phenotypic variation in a predator on pelagic zooplankton community structure and the strength of cascading trophic interactions. We focus on the effects of differences in (1) the duration of residence in fresh water (either seasonal or year-round) and (2) differences in foraging morphology, both of which may strongly influence interactions between alewives and their prey. We measured zooplankton community structure, algal biomass, and spring total phosphorus in lakes that contained landlocked, anadromous, or no alewives. Both the duration of residence and the intraspecific variation in foraging morphology strongly influenced zooplankton community structure. Lakes with landlocked alewives had small-bodied zooplankton year-round, and lakes with no alewives had large-bodied zooplankton year-round. In contrast, zooplankton communities in lakes with anadromous alewives cycled between large-bodied zooplankton in the winter and spring and small-bodied zooplankton in the summer. In summer, differences in feeding morphology of alewives caused zooplankton biomass to be lower and body size to be smaller in lakes with anadromous alewives than in lakes with landlocked alewives. Furthermore, intraspecific variation altered the strength of the trophic cascade caused by alewives. Our results demonstrate that intraspecific phenotypic variation of predators can regulate community structure and ecosystem processes by modifying the form and strength of complex trophic interactions.  相似文献   

Most marine benthic macroinvertebrate species reproduce via a larval phase but attempts to explain the occurrence of different larval strategies (feeding or non-feeding, pelagic or benthic) in different habitats have been largely inconclusive. There have been very few year-round surveys of meroplankton at any latitude and in consequence fundamental data on the diversity, abundance, and timings of larval life history phases are lacking. There has been considerable debate regarding the viability of pelagic larvae in cold waters with highly seasonal primary production but there has been only one year-round study of meroplankton in the Southern Ocean, and that was outside of the Antarctic Circle. We present data from the first year-round survey of meroplankton assemblages at a location within the Antarctic Circle. We surveyed abundances of meroplanktonic larvae over 1.5 year at Rothera Point, West Antarctic Peninsula (67°34′S, 68°07′W). Larvae were collected in monthly diver-towed net samples close to the seabed at 20 and 6 m total water depths at each of three locations and were identified and counted live immediately after sampling. A total of 99 operationally defined taxonomic types representing 11 phyla were recorded but this is likely to be an underestimate of true diversity because of inherent difficulties of identification. Larvae were present in all months of the year and although planktotrophic larvae were more abundant in summer, both feeding and non-feeding types were present in all months. Comparisons of seasonal larval abundances with data from a settlement study at the same sites and from the literature show that larvae of mobile adults settle in summer regardless of developmental type, whereas sessile taxa settle in all seasons. We suggest that this is a consequence of differences in the food requirements of mobile and sessile fauna and that the availability of food for post-larval juveniles is more critical for survival than factors affecting the larval stage itself.  相似文献   

Altermatt F  Holyoak M 《Ecology》2012,93(5):1125-1133
Natural ecosystems often show highly productive habitats that are clustered in space. Environmental disturbances are also often nonrandomly distributed in space and are either intrinsically linked to habitat quality or independent in occurrence. Theoretical studies predict that configuration and aggregation of habitat patch quality and disturbances can affect metacommunity composition and diversity, but experimental evidence is largely lacking. In a metacommunity experiment, we tested the effects of spatially autocorrelated disturbance and spatial aggregation of patch quality on regional and local richness, among-community dissimilarity, and community composition. We found that spatial aggregation of patch quality generally increased among-community dissimilarity (based on two measures of beta diversity) of communities containing protozoa and rotifers in microcosms. There were significant interacting effects of landscape structure and location of disturbances on beta diversity, which depended in part on the specific beta diversity measures used. Effects of disturbance on composition and richness in aggregated landscapes were generally dependent on distance and connectivity among habitat patches of different types. Our results also show that effects of disturbances in single patches cannot directly be extrapolated to the landscape scale: the predictions may be correct when only species richness is considered, but important changes in beta diversity may be overlooked. There is a need for biodiversity and conservation studies to consider the spatial aggregation of habitat quality and disturbance, as well as connectivity among spatial aggregations.  相似文献   

Despite their ubiquity and importance to intertidal ecosystems, information is currently lacking regarding the genetic diversity of trematode parasites within coastal organisms and the distribution of their genetic variation among intertidal habitats. In this study, we quantified the clonal diversity of the coastal marine trematode Maritrema novaezealandensis within Zeacumantus subcarinatus snail hosts from three coastal bays in Otago Harbour, New Zealand, using five microsatellite loci to determine if differences exist in the frequency of occurrence of multi-clone infections. In addition, we examined gene flow among M. novaezealandensis collected from the three bays. The frequency of mixed-clone infections varied fourfold among bays and no genetic differentiation was detected among intertidal bays. Across the coastal bays studied, M. novaezealandensis comprises a single population that is potentially infecting multiple Z. subcarinatus populations with varying life history traits.  相似文献   

Bryant JA  Stewart FJ  Eppley JM  DeLong EF 《Ecology》2012,93(7):1659-1673
Oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) are natural physical features of the world's oceans. They create steep physiochemical gradients in the water column, which most notably include a dramatic draw down in oxygen concentrations over small vertical distances (<100 m). Microbial communities within OMZs play central roles in ocean and global biogeochemical cycles, yet we still lack a fundamental understanding of how microbial biodiversity is distributed across OMZs. Here, we used metagenomic sequencing to investigate microbial diversity across a vertical gradient in the water column during three seasons in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific (ETSP) OMZ. Based on analysis of small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) gene fragments, we found that both taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity declined steeply along the transition from oxygen-rich surface water to the permanent OMZ. We observed similar declines in the diversity of protein-coding gene categories, suggesting a decrease in functional (trait) diversity with depth. Metrics of functional and trait dispersion indicated that microbial communities are phylogenetically and functionally more overdispersed in oxic waters, but clustered within the OMZ. These dispersion patterns suggest that community assembly drivers (e.g., competition, environmental filtering) vary strikingly across the oxygen gradient. To understand the generality of our findings, we compared OMZ results to two marine depth gradients in subtropical oligotrophic sites and found that the oligotrophic sites did not display similar patterns, likely reflecting unique features found in the OMZ. Finally, we discuss how our results may relate to niche theory, diversity-energy relationships and stress gradients.  相似文献   

Shells of the bivalve Macoma balthica (L.) were studied from locations throughout its geographic range on both sides of the North Atlantic. These observations were supplemented by records from the literature. North-south clines were detected in shell coloration, relative shell dimensions and shell growth parameters. Moreover, shells from the two sides of the Atlantic were so different (particularly in the south) that these populations can hardly be regarded as conspecific. It is, therefore, argued that latitudinal changes should be studied separately for the American and European populations. In America, growth rates increased continuously to the south, whereas in Europe maximal growth was observed at more intermediate latitudes.Virginia Institute of Marine Science Contribution No. 1251  相似文献   

We have conducted a series of simulations in order to compare the relative diversification effects of disturbance and intransitive (i.e., A > B, B > C but C > A) competition on a hypothetical set of clonal organisms. We found large significant differences between these two effects only when disturbance levels were low or absent. We suggest that natural assemblages should be examined for the frequency of intransitive interactions along disturbance gradients in order to assess the significance of these competitive relationships. We also argue that intransitive competition ought to be incorporated into nonequilibrium disturbance models; diversification effects of disturbance and intransitive competition need not be mutually exclusive.  相似文献   

Algar AC  Kerr JT  Currie DJ 《Ecology》2011,92(4):903-914
The influence of regional and local processes on community structure is a major focus of ecology. Classically, ecologists have used local-regional richness regressions to evaluate the role of local and regional processes in determining community structure, an approach that has numerous flaws. Here, we implemented a novel trait-based approach that treats local and regional influences as a continuum, rather than a dichotomy. Using hylid frogs (Hylidae), we compared trait dispersion among members of local species assemblages to the trait dispersion in the regional assemblage from which they were drawn. Similarly, we compared trait dispersion in the regional assemblages to dispersion in the continental species pool. We estimated the contributions of local and regional filters, and we compared their strength in temperate and tropical zones. We found that regional and local filters explained 80% of the total variation among local assemblages in community body size dispersion. Overall, regional filters reduced trait dispersion, and local filters increased it, a pattern driven by particularly strong antagonistic effects in temperate zones that reduced the realized total variation by more than 40%. In contrast, local and regional filters acted in concert in tropical regions. Patterns within the tropics did not differ from the random expectation based on a null model, but within the temperate zone, local community filtering was stronger than expected by chance. Furthermore, in temperate regions, antagonistic regional and local filtering masked from 76% to 90% of the total variation in trait dispersion. Together, these results suggest that there are fundamental differences in the scale and identity of the processes determining community structure in temperate and tropical regions.  相似文献   

Marczak LB  Ho CK  Wieski K  Vu H  Denno RF  Pennings SC 《Ecology》2011,92(2):276-281
The shrub Iva frutescens, which occupies the terrestrial border of U.S. Atlantic Coast salt marshes, supports a food web that varies strongly across latitude. We tested whether latitudinal variation in plant quality (higher at high latitudes), consumption by omnivores (a crab, present only at low latitudes), consumption by mesopredators (ladybugs, present at all latitudes), or the life history stage of an herbivorous beetle could explain continental-scale field patterns of herbivore density. In a mesocosm experiment, crabs exerted strong top-down control on herbivorous beetles, ladybugs exerted strong top-down control on aphids, and both predators benefited plants through trophic cascades. Latitude of plant origin had no effect on consumers. Herbivorous beetle density was greater if mesocosms were stocked with beetle adults rather than larvae, and aphid densities were reduced in the "adult beetle" treatment. Treatment combinations representing high and low latitudes produced patterns of herbivore density similar to those in the field. We conclude that latitudinal variation in plant quality is less important than latitudinal variation in top consumers and competition in mediating food web structure. Climate may also play a strong role in structuring high-latitude salt marshes by limiting the number of herbivore generations per growing season and causing high overwintering mortality.  相似文献   

Lau JA  Strengbom J  Stone LR  Reich PB  Tiffin P 《Ecology》2008,89(1):226-236
Resource abundance and plant diversity are two predominant factors hypothesized to influence the amount of damage plants receive from natural enemies. Many impacts of these environmental variables on plant damage are likely indirect and result because both resource availability and diversity can influence plant traits associated with attractiveness to herbivores or susceptibility to pathogens. We used a long-term, manipulative field experiment to investigate how carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment, nitrogen (N) fertilization, and plant community diversity affect plant traits and the amount of herbivore and pathogen damage experienced by the common prairie legume Lespedeza capitata. We detected little evidence that CO2 or N affected plant traits; however, plants growing in high-diversity treatments (polycultures) were taller, were less pubescent, and produced thinner leaves (higher specific leaf area). Interestingly, we also detected little evidence that CO2 or N affect damage. Plants growing in polycultures compared to monocultures, however, experienced a fivefold increase in damage from generalist herbivores, 64% less damage from specialist herbivores, and 91% less damage from pathogens. Moreover, within diversity treatments, damage by generalist herbivores was negatively correlated with pubescence and often was positively correlated with plant height, while damage by specialist herbivores typically was positively correlated with pubescence and negatively associated with height. These patterns are consistent with changes in plant traits driving differences in herbivory between diversity treatments. In contrast, changes in measured plant traits did not explain the difference in disease incidence between monocultures and polycultures. In summary, our data provide little evidence that CO2 or N supply alter damage from natural enemies. By contrast, plants grown in monocultures experienced greater specialist herbivore and pathogen damage but less generalist herbivore damage than plants grown in diverse communities. Part of this diversity effect was mediated by changes in plant traits, many of which likely are plastic responses to diversity treatments, but some of which may be the result of evolutionary changes in response to these long-term experimental manipulations.  相似文献   

干扰广泛被认为是影响物种多样性变化的最主要的因素。近年来,物种多样性对干扰的响应是生态学家关注和研究的热点问题之一。2002-2011年,在内蒙古阿拉善荒漠区对人为不同利用(干扰)方式形成的禁牧、轮牧、过牧和开垦4种不同区域中,通过对啮齿动物群落的物种数、物种总捕获率、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Pielou均匀性指数等4个变量的时间序列资料的比较,分析了这些变量的年间变动特点及在不同干扰条件下的变动规律,并对不同干扰区各变量的趋势进行分析,探讨啮齿动物群落对不同干扰过程的响应。结果表明:4个变量的最高值均出现在受中等干扰的轮牧区中,物种总捕获率2003年出现了各区的第1个高峰,总捕获率分别为过牧区10.75%、轮牧区19.60%、禁牧区11.20%、开垦区10.55%;2008年出现第2个高峰,4个区物种总捕获率均达到了各区的最高峰,捕获率分别为过牧区29.60%、轮牧区34.15%、禁牧区14.20%、开垦区27.10%。过牧区与轮牧区群落物种总捕获率、Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou均匀性指数显著相关(p〈0.05),变动规律相似。过牧区与轮牧区、禁牧区与过牧区、轮牧区与禁牧区之间的物种总捕获率呈极显著正相关(p〈0.01)。过牧区与轮牧区相似度较高(I=0.8568);过牧区Shannon-Wiener指数表现为有显著的下降趋势(Y=-0.142 lnt+1.487,F=6.320,p<0.05),表明随着过牧时间的积累,对生境的干扰逐步加重,啮齿动物群落的多样性会逐渐降低。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to provide comparable estimates of abundance of herbivorous reef fishes at temperate and tropical localities using a standardized methodology. Faunas of herbivorous fish were sampled on the rocky reefs of temperate northern New Zealand and on the coral reefs of the northern Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia, and the San Blas Archipelago in the Caribbean. A pilot study established the most appropriate habitat setting and the scale and magnitude of replication for the sampling program in temperate waters. Herbivorous fishes, including members of families endemic to the southern hemisphere (Odacidae and Aplodactylidae), were most abundant in turbulent, shallow water (0 to 6 m) and had patchy distributions within this habitat. A hierarchical sampling program using 10-min transect counts within the 0 to 6 m depth stratum examined abundance patterns at a range of spatial scales including mainland and island coasts, localities separated by up to 100 km and sites separated by up to 10 km. This program identified a characteristic fauna of seven species of herbivorous fishes with mean total abundances ranging from 23 to 30 individuals per 10-min transect. Species composition of the fauna varied between islands and coasts. A similar methodology was used to sample the major families of herbivorous fish in a number of sites in each of the tropical regions. These sampling programs revealed a fauna dominated by acanthurids and scarids in both the GBR and Caribbean localities. Estimates of abundance from these regions were similar, with a mean of 108 individuals recorded on the GBR and 129 per 10-min transect in the Caribbean. Species richness varied between each region, with 44 taxa recorded from the GBR and 11 from the Caribbean. Abundances of temperate water herbivores in New Zealand were found to be 75 to 80% lower than those recorded from shallow water habitats sampled on coral reefs. This was not related to species richness, since both New Zealand and the Caribbean locality had patterns of low richness. We suggest that the differences in abundance found by our study between temperate and tropical regions are not restricted to herbivorous fishes, but are representative of general latitudinal trends in reef fish faunas. Received: 4 November 1996 / Accepted: 15 December 1996  相似文献   

Natural heterogeneity in ecological parameters, like population abundance, is more widely recognized and investigated than variability in the processes that control these parameters. Experimental ecologists have focused mainly on the mean intensity of predictor variables and have largely ignored the potential to manipulate variances in processes, which can be considered explicitly in experimental designs to explore variation in causal mechanisms. In the present study, the effect of the temporal variance of disturbance on the diversity of marine assemblages was tested in a field experiment replicated at two sites on the northeast coast of New Zealand. Fouling communities grown on artificial settlement substrata experienced disturbance regimes that differed in their inherent levels of temporal variability and timing of disturbance events, while disturbance intensity was identical across all levels. Additionally, undisturbed assemblages were used as controls. After 150 days of experimental duration, the assemblages were then compared with regard to their species richness, abundance and structure. The disturbance effectively reduced the average total cover of the assemblages, but no consistent effect of variability in the disturbance regime on the assemblages was detected. The results of this study were corroborated by the outcomes from simultaneous replicate experiments carried out in each of eight different biogeographical regions around the world.  相似文献   

Despite the important roles played by parasites in local population dynamics and community structure of marine ecosystems, there is a lack of information on the geographical variation in infection levels displayed by particular host–parasite species combinations. This study examines geographical variation in infection levels by the metacercarial stages of trematode parasites in crustacean and bivalve second intermediate hosts. Analyses were based on a dataset compiled from the literature, consisting of 164 local samples representing 49 host–parasite species pairs for crustaceans, and 338 entries representing 36 host–parasite species pairs for bivalves. The analyses indicate that for all measures of infection levels [prevalence (percentage of individuals infected), intensity (mean no. of metacercariae per infected individual), abundance (mean no. of metacercariae across all individuals in a sample)], there was statistically significant repeatability of infection values within host–parasite species pairs. However, it is only for values of intensity and abundance of infection in crustacean hosts that the repeatability was strong; this suggests that infection levels are specific properties of crustacean–trematode species pairs, showing significant consistency across localities despite spatial variation in abiotic and biotic conditions. Although the magnitude of variation in infection levels within parasite species pairs (measured as coefficients of variation) was independent of scale in crustacean hosts, infection levels in bivalves increased in variability at large (>100 km) spatial scales. These results suggest that there is a considerable geographical consistency in parasite load, especially in crustacean hosts, which should lead to consistent ecological and ecosystem effects of marine trematodes. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

A new model in the NPZ (nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton) style is presented, mechanistically simple but with 40 size classes each of phytoplankton (1-20 μm) and small zooplankton (2.1-460 μm), in order to resolve one level of trophic interactions in detail. General, empirical allometric relationships are used to parameterize both the optimal prey size and size selectivity for each grazer class, as is rarely done. This inclusion of complex predator-prey linkages and realistic prey preferences yields a system with an emergent pattern of phytoplankton diversity consistent with global ocean observations, i.e., a parabolic relationship between diversity (as measured by the Shannon evenness) and biomass. It also yields significant long-term time evolution, which places limits on the extent to which the community response to nutrient forcing can be predicted from forcing in a pragmatic sense. When a simple annual cycle in nutrient supply is repeated exactly for many years, transient fluctuations up to a factor of two in spring bloom magnitude persist for 10-20 years before a stable seasonal biomass cycle is achieved. When the amplitude of the nutrient-supply annual cycle is given a random interannual modulation, these long-lived transients add significant noise to a 100-year correlation between annual-mean nutrient supply and annual-mean biomass. This noise is 20% of total interannual variance in the model base case, and ranges from 0% to 40% depending on the grazer size selectivity. In general, unpredictability on the bloom timescale is damped when food-web complexity is increased by making grazers less selective, while unpredictability on the interannual scale shows the opposite pattern, increasing with increasing food-web complexity up to a high threshhold, past which community structure and biomass time evolution both suddenly simplify. These results suggests a new strategy for ensemble ecosystem forecasting and uncertainty estimation, analogous to methods common in circulation and climate modeling, in which internal variability (predator-prey interactions in the biological case; eddies and climate-system oscillations in the physical case) are resolved and quantified, rather than suppressed.  相似文献   

The occurrence of swollen or hyperostotic bones in skeletal preparations, preserved museum material or whole fresh specimens of marine teleost fishes was identified in 92 species belonging to 22 families. Patterns of hyperostotic skeletal growth were typically consistent and often species-specific in all individuals larger than a certain size. The taxonomic distribution of hyperostosis in diverse phylogenetic groups suggests that it has arisen independently many times. Selected bones from two species of the family Carangidae, horse-eye jack Caranx latus Agassiz and crevalle jack Caranx hippos (Linnaeus), were examined in detail by light and electron microscopy. Nonhyperostotic bone contained osteoid-producing osteoblasts, resorbing osteoclasts, occasional osteocytes, and a rich vascular network, all characteristics of cellular bone. Thus, these fishes have a spatial juxtaposition of cellular and acellular bone tissues in adjacent and often serially homologous bone sites. The functional significance of hyperostosis is unknown, but it is a predictable manifestation of bone growth and development for the many taxa in which it occurs.  相似文献   

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