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S. Garthe  O. Hüppop 《Marine Biology》1998,131(4):735-741
Discard utilization by seabirds in the North Sea has been quantified by so-called discard experiments on board fishery research vessels. In this paper we evaluate possible biases in this method, although discard practices vary considerably between commercial fishing fleets, seasons and areas. Whereas the total consumption of discards remained relatively unaffected by the different phases of the fish catch procedure, the length of fish discarded, the different methods of compiling the data and the quantities of fish discarded at once all significantly influence the results. The differences were particularly apparent between single- and multi-item trials in rapidly sinking fish. Correction factors for single-item experiments are suggested. Even more obvious were differences between the methods when focusing on the proportions obtained by the different bird species. Correcting the results of discard experiments on research vessels as presented in this paper appears necessary when quantifying the consumption of discards by seabirds in the North Sea. Received: 10 September 1997 / Accepted: 9 March 1998  相似文献   

The annual cycle of abundance and distribution of the scyphozoan medusae Aurelia aurita, Cyanea lamarckii, C. capillata and Chrysaora hysoscella were studied in the southern North Sea in 2004 and 2005. Three different patterns of seasonal occurrence of medusae were distinguished: (1) the early occurring C. lamarckii (February–August), (2) C. capillata and A. aurita (April–August) and (3) the late appearing C. hysoscella (July/August–September). Cyanea lamarckii was the most frequently encountered species in this study; its highest mean abundance was 1.8 ± 2.7 ind. 100 m−3. The prey spectra of C. lamarckii, C. capillata and C. hysoscella contained several copepod and other crustacean species and thus make them potential competitors with fish larvae. Medusae in this study also consumed fish eggs and larvae, including clupeids, in all months analysed. Although peak spawning of sprat (Sprattus sprattus) coincides with the maximum abundance of medusae (May–June) the relative low abundance of all medusae species in this study makes jellyfish predation unlikely to be a factor controlling sprat recruitment in the time frame investigated.  相似文献   

The southeastern Bering Sea is characterized by three mixing regimes, separated by fronts associated with the 50, 100, and 200 m isobaths. Phytoplankton to zooplankton transfer-rates are high in waters over the outer shelf and slope (seaward of the 100 m front) relative to transfer in waters over the middle shelf (between the 50 and 100 m fronts). To see whether this difference is reflected at a higher trophic level, we computed carbon flux to the 11 commonest seabird species. Bird-density data (for the period 1975 through 1979) were combined with daily caloric requirement, which is an allometric function of body size in this endothermic group. Minimum transfer to seabirds over a 153 d period (April–August) was 30 mg C m-2 for the middle shelf and 48 mg C m-2 for outer shelf and slope waters. Trophic transfer to subsurface-feeding birds (shearwaters, murres and auklets) differed little between regions. In contrast, trophic transfer to surface-feeding birds (fulmars, petrels, and kittiwakes) in the outer shelf and slope waters was 3 times greater than in the waters of the middle shelf. Thus, for seabirds as a whole, pathways of energy transfer differed more between regions than did total carbon flux.  相似文献   

Yeasts were isolated from twelve established sites in the North Sea from 1964 to 1966. A percentage frequency of 99% with populations varying from <10 to >3000 viable cells/L was observed. This mycota was characterized by considerable spatial and temporal fluctuation, with the dominant yeast present being the ascosporogenous species, Debaryomyces hansenii. This taxon, as well as other common North Sea yeasts, e.g., Rhodotorula rubra and Candida diddensii, have been reported frequently from other marine locales. Noteworthy concentrations of yeasts, especially D. hansenii, were observed during summer months, often in association with various stages of development of the dinoflagellate, Noctiluca miliaris. The population dynamics of the North Sea yeasts are discussed in relation to similar studies of other marine environments.  相似文献   

Summary In a laboratory experiment it was shown that piscivorous predators reversed the outcome of competitive interactions between two fish prey species, juveniles of roach (Rutilus rutilus) and perch (Perca fluviatilis), by behaviorally affecting their use of two available habitats, an open water habitat and a structurally complex refuge. The shift in the competitive relationship was the result of predators forcing the juvenile fishes into a prey refuge with high structural complexity. While roach was competitively superior in the unstructured habitat, perch was superior in the structurally complex prey refuge. The reversal in competitive relationship was demonstrated both with respect to foraging rate and growth rate and resulted from the high structural complexity in the prey refuge interfering with the roach's swimming performance. Because survival and growth patterns through the juvenile stages have profound effects on the population/community dynamics of size-structured populations such as those of fish, behaviorally induced changes in competitive ability should have significant implications also at the population and community levels.  相似文献   

Predators sometimes provide biotic resistance against invasions by nonnative prey. Understanding and predicting the strength of biotic resistance remains a key challenge in invasion biology. A predator's functional response to nonnative prey may predict whether a predator can provide biotic resistance against nonnative prey at different prey densities. Surprisingly, functional responses have not been used to make quantitative predictions about biotic resistance. We parameterized the functional response of signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) to invasive New Zealand mud snails (Potamopyrgus antipodarum; NZMS) and used this functional response and a simple model of NZMS population growth to predict the probability of biotic resistance at different predator and prey densities. Signal crayfish were effective predators of NZMS, consuming more than 900 NZMS per predator in a 12-h period, and Bayesian model fitting indicated their consumption rate followed a type 3 functional response to NZMS density. Based on this functional response and associated parameter uncertainty, we predict that NZMS will be able to invade new systems at low crayfish densities (< 0.2 crayfish/m2) regardless of NZMS density. At intermediate to high crayfish densities (> 0.2 crayfish/m2), we predict that low densities of NZMS will be able to establish in new communities; however, once NZMS reach a threshold density of -2000 NZMS/m2, predation by crayfish will drive negative NZMS population growth. Further, at very high densities, NZMS overwhelm predation by crayfish and invade. Thus, interacting thresholds of propagule pressure and predator densities define the probability of biotic resistance. Quantifying the shape and uncertainty of predator functional responses to nonnative prey may help predict the outcomes of invasions.  相似文献   

The distribution of cyanobacteria in the surface waters of the North Sea was measured during July 1987. Numbers of cyanobacteria ranged from 2.5x106 to 1.7x108 cells 1-1. In the majority of stations, cyanobacterial numbers were highest in the near-surface water and a subsurface maximum was found at only one station. The distribution of 14C among the end-products of photosynthesis was determined for picoplankton (<1 m) and other phytoplankton >1 m throughout the North Sea. The majority of label was found in the protein fraction of both picoplankton and >1 m phytoplankton; incorporation into lipids and polysaccharides plus nucleic acids was much lower. We interpret the large incorporation into protein to be a consequence of nutrient limitation of these natural assemblages. Photosynthetic parameters of the two size fractions were also determined. Assimilation number (P m B ) and initial slope were greater for the picoplankton fraction than for phytoplankton >1 m but there was no evidence of significant photoinhibition of either fraction at irradiances up to 1 000 E m-2 s-1.  相似文献   

Experimental studies demonstrating that nitrogen (N) enrichment reduces plant diversity within individual plots have led to the conclusion that anthropogenic N enrichment is a threat to global biodiversity. These conclusions overlook the influence of spatial scale, however, as N enrichment may alter beta diversity (i.e., how similar plots are in their species composition), which would likely alter the degree to which N-induced changes in diversity within localities translate to changes in diversity at larger scales that are relevant to policy and management. Currently, it is unclear how N enrichment affects biodiversity at scales larger than a small plot. We synthesized data from 18 N-enrichment experiments across North America to examine the effects of N enrichment on plant species diversity at three spatial scales: small (within plots), intermediate (among plots), and large (within and among plots). We found that N enrichment reduced plant diversity within plots by an average of 25% (ranging from a reduction of 61% to an increase of 5%) and frequently enhanced beta diversity. The extent to which N enrichment altered beta diversity, however, varied substantially among sites (from a 22% increase to an 18% reduction) and was contingent on site productivity. Specifically, N enrichment enhanced beta diversity at low-productivity sites but reduced beta diversity at high-productivity sites. N-induced changes in beta diversity generally reduced the extent of species loss at larger scales to an average of 22% (ranging from a reduction of 54% to an increase of 18%). Our results demonstrate that N enrichment often reduces biodiversity at both local and regional scales, but that a focus on the effects of N enrichment on biodiversity at small spatial scales may often overestimate (and sometimes underestimate) declines in regional biodiversity by failing to recognize the effects of N on beta diversity.  相似文献   

Until the turn of the century the inshore waters of North Carolina harbored populations of sea turtles large enough to support a commercial fishery. Based on a 4- to-5-year record of sighting reports by the public, interviews of recreational fishermen, and records kept by commercial fishermen the waters continue to provide important developmental habitats for loggerhead, green, and Kemp's ridley sea turtles. Leathertback and hawksbill sea turtles infrequently entered the inshore waters. Reports from the public and commercial fishermen indicated that sea turtles were present offshore North Carolina all year and were present in inshore waters April through December. Sea turtles were encountered most frequently in the Atlantic Ocean, but seasonal encounters in some inshore waters, such as Core and Pamlico Sounds, often were greater. In early May large numbers of leatherbacks were sighted in the ocean and moved northward along the beach. Reported sightings of leatherbacks declined markedly by late June. Based on incidental captures by commercial fishermen loggerhead turtles were the most numerous species in Pamlico and Core Sounds (80%), followed by green (15%) and Kemp's ridley sea turtles (5%). Most captured turtles were immature, and all were released alive. The abundance of immature sea turtles in North Carolina inshore waters serves to emphasize that southeast U.S. estuaries are important habitats for these threatened and endangered species. This recognition supported the decision of the U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service to extend the requirement for turtle excluder devices in shrimp trawls to inshore areas during the entire year, full implementation of these requirements was achieved by December 1994.  相似文献   

The fringe-lipped bat, Trachops cirrhosus, is an eavesdropping predator that hunts frogs and katydids by approaching these preys' sexual advertisement calls. In captivity, bats can rapidly learn to associate novel acoustic stimuli with food rewards. It is unknown how this learning ability is related to foraging behavior in the wild where prey and the calls that identify them vary over space and time. In two bat populations that differ in available prey species (Soberanía, Panama, and La Selva, Costa Rica), we presented wild-caught bats with frog calls, katydid calls, and control stimuli. Bats in Soberanía were significantly more responsive to complex calls and choruses of the túngara frog, Physalaemus pustulosus, than were bats in La Selva. La Selva bats were significantly more responsive to katydid calls (Steirodon sp.) than Soberanía bats. We also examined seasonal variation in bat response to prey cues. Bats were captured in Soberanía in dry and wet seasons and presented with the calls of a dry season breeding frog (Smilisca sila), a wet season breeding frog (P. pustulosus), and four katydid species. Bats captured in the dry season were significantly more responsive to the calls of S. sila than bats captured in the wet season, but there were no seasonal differences in response to the calls of P. pustulosus or the katydid calls. We demonstrate plasticity in the foraging behavior of this eavesdropping predator but also show that response to prey cues is not predicted solely by prey availability.  相似文献   

During the past 25 years, the management of marine ecosystems has evolved significantly. Due to the increased use of the sea and the increased awareness of adverse impacts of certain human activities in and around the sea, which has been a common good for a long time—‘Mare Liberum’—an international and integrated approach has become increasingly important to regulate the use of our common seas. From the late 1960s onwards, intergovernmental meetings have taken place in order to tackle the problems of international pollution of seas and oceans. One reason for this attention was the Torrey Canyon accident in 1967, which triggered the start of the Bonn Agreement in 1969 for coordinating the combat mission against oil and chemical spills in the North Sea. After the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, with the involvement of the European Union, the International Council for Exploration of the Sea (ICES) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs), other regional and global Conventions, as well as the North Sea Ministerial Conferences were established. These continuous international efforts have resulted in a considerable reduction of the input of certain contaminants and of nutrients (in particular phosphate) into the marine environment. However, not all problems have yet been solve. The North Sea Ministers agreed at the Conference in Esbjerg (1995) to aim at a reduction of the input of all hazardous substances within one generation, in order to reach the goal of negligible risks of pollution. Furthermore, there is a general aim to minimize adverse effects of disturbing activities. The challenge, now and in the future, is to find a balance between economic development and environmental protection of our international marine waters aiming at a sustainable development of the marine resources by employing scientifically based measures and, in situations where there are reasonable grounds for concern but no conclusive links between cause and problem, applying the precautionary principle with respect to pollution and disturbing activities.  相似文献   

Benthic epifauna in three areas of the northern North Sea was studied from 1999 to 2007 to investigate the effect of temperature changes on community structure and species abundance and biomass. Abundance and/or biomass of 16 epifauna species was significantly correlated with temperature anomalies of the mean sea surface temperature (SST) from 1971 to 2000. The response of species to SST changes was different in the study areas depending on species life history and, most likely on food supply, which in turn is strongly influenced by the timing and duration of primary production and regional hydrographical conditions (e.g. stratification). Also, changes in community structure were obvious in the three areas between 2002 and 2003 coinciding with high temperature anomalies and SST. On the other hand, these changes were mainly caused by the variability in abundance of dominant species and altogether no clear trends in community structure were found. In contrast to epifauna communities in the shallow southern North Sea temperature changes in the northern North Sea affected only single epifauna species until now.  相似文献   

The effects of biological processes on dissolved inorganic nutrients, dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and phosphorus (DOP) are considered in the north western Adriatic Sea. The budgets of these nutrients, which represent the sum of production and consumption processes in comparison to advection, are discussed with regard to dissolved inorganic nitrogen ( 15 N labelled) uptake, which basically indicates the biological demand of this fraction of nitrogen by phytoplankton community. The presented data show that, although important, the continental input of dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), mainly nitrate, is utilised and recycled within the coastal marine environment (budget of m 15 r µmol-N·dm m 3 ). In fact, during four cruises (June, 1996; February, 1997; June, 1997; February, 1998), phytoplankton production was mainly driven by regenerated nutrients ( f h 0.4). Regarding dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP), the negative budgets observed in most cases (down to m 0.4 r µmol-P·dm m 3 ) confirm, above all, its scarce availability in this basin. Recycling processes rather than continental inputs regulate the availability of this nutrient. In addition, the comparison between DIN and DIP budgets indicates that, in this ecosystem, dissolved inorganic phosphorus is recycled faster than nitrogen through the living particulate and dissolved organic pools. As a consequence of biological activities, a strong production of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) can occur in summer (up to +22 r µmol-N·dm m 3 ) while DOP shows a more independent behaviour both with respect to its accumulation in the environment and to the observed nitrogen variations.  相似文献   

Individuals of Mytilus edulis L., collected from the Erme estuary (S.W. England) in 1978, were exposed to low concentrations (7 to 68 g l-1) of the water-accommodated fraction (WAF) of North Sea crude oil. The pattern of accumulation of petroleum hydrocarbons in the body tissues was affected by the presence of algal food cells, the period of exposure, the hydrocarbon concentration in seawater, the type of body tissue and the nature of the hydrocarbon. Many physiological responses (e.g. rates of oxygen consumption, feeding, excretion, and scope for growth), cellular responses (e.g. lysosomal latency and digestive cell size) and biochemical responses (e.g. specific activities of several enzymes) were significantly altered by short-term (4 wk) and/or long-term (5 mo) exposure to WAF. Stress indices such as scope for growth and lysosomal latency were negatively correlated with tissue aromatic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

J. D. Dodge 《Marine Biology》1977,40(4):327-336
The south-western quarter of the North Sea (between the Wash and the River Tyne) has been investigated for the presence of dinoflagellates. Extensive net surveys were carried out in March, May and June 1971 and a number of other collections were made in the area. North of Flamborough Head, the spring bloom of diatoms was succeeded by a considerable growth of dinoflagellates, of which Dinophysis norvegica was the most abundant organism. Maximum counts of over 28 million dinoflagellates per m3 were recorded. Distribution charts are given for the most common species. A total of 61 species was found during the course of the survey.  相似文献   

Strings of moored sediment traps were deployed in a 150 m water column over a period covering the growth and collapse of the spring bloom (4 April–3 June 1976) in an area of the northern North Sea. The efficiency of collection of material in the moored traps was compared to collections in free-drifting traps in the same area of deployment. The ways in which the data from the trap collections may be interpreted was considered at some length and a best estimate of the flux of organic carbon and nitrogen to the sediment was made. For the period prior to the spring bloom (4–23 April) this flux was 50 mg C m–2 d–1 (about 20% of primary production). During the bloom (24 April–19 May) it was about 185 mg C m–2 d–1 (35% of production) and during early summer (20 May–3 June) it was 115 mg C m–2 d–1, about 25% of the overlying production. The organic carbon and nitrogen content of the material collected was measured and the material was examined microscopically. There was evidence of a large settlement of diatoms immediately after the spring bloom which was reflected in changes in the C:N and C:chlorophyll ratios of the material collected. This change in biochemical composition of the material may affect its nutritional quality and have a stimulatory effect on the growth and reproduction of the animals living in the sediment.  相似文献   

Low densities of harbour porpoises in winter (November–March) and high densities in summer (April–October) were found in the Sound, connecting the Baltic Sea and Kattegat. Due to their high energy requirements, it is hypothesized that the density of harbour porpoises is related to local prey abundance. This was tested by examining the stomach content of 53 harbour porpoises collected between 1987 and 2010 in the Sound (high season, 34 porpoises; low season, 19 porpoises). A total of 1,442 individual fish specimens from thirteen species were identified. Twelve of these were present in the high–porpoise density season and seven in the low-density season. The distribution of occurrence and the distribution of number of fish species were different between seasons, indicating a shift in prey intake between seasons. Furthermore, during the high-density season, the mean and total prey weight per stomach as well as the prey species diversity was higher. However, no difference was found in the number of prey species between the two seasons, indicating a higher quality of prey in the high-density season. Atlantic cod was found to be the main prey species in terms of weight in the high-density season while Atlantic herring and Atlantic cod were equally important during the low-density season. Prey availability and predictability are suggested as the main drivers for harbour porpoise distribution, and this could be caused by the formation of frontal zones in spring in the northern part of the Sound, leading to prey concentrations in predictable areas.  相似文献   

Benthic bacterial production and biomass were measured at 16 stations in the North Sea covering a wide range of sediment types from the Southern Bight and the English coast to the Skagerrak. Stations were sampled in August 1991 and February 1992. The best predictor for summer/winter and spatial variations in benthic bacterial production in North Sea sediments was temperature. In winter the ranges in temperature were too small to account for the spatial variations in benthic bacterial production. The direct effect of temperature alone on bacterial production could not explain the variations. The apparent Q10-values derived from the relations between bacterial growth and temperature exceeded the range in Q10-values generally accepted for bacterial growth (between 2 and 3). Temperature was assumed to covary closely with substrate availability for bacteria. Due to its significant seasonality phytopigment content of the sediment (chlorophyll a and pheopigment) was found to be a better indicator of substrate availability than sediment organic matter, which did not demonstrate seasonality. Temperature and phytopigment accounted for up to 88% of the seasonal and spatial variations in bacterial production. The significant relations between bacterial production and biomass in summer coinciding with significant relations between bacterial biomass and phytopigments suggest that variations in phytopigments in the sediment may be indicators of the variability of labile components regulating bacterial production in sediments.  相似文献   

White JW  Caselle JE 《Ecology》2008,89(5):1323-1333
While there is great interest in the degree to which local interactions "scale-up" to predict regional patterns of abundance, few studies in marine systems have simultaneously examined patterns of abundance at both the large scale (tens of kilometers) typical of larval movement and the small scale (meters) typical of post-settlement interactions. We addressed this gap by monitoring larval supply, adult survivorship, and giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera, a primary habitat-forming species) abundance for 13 populations of kelp bass (Paralabrax clathratus) spread over approximately 200 km in the Santa Barbara Channel, California, USA. At the small, within-site scale, both recruitment and adult survivorship of kelp bass were density-dependent and positively related to kelp abundance. At the larger, among-site scale, the spatial pattern of adult kelp bass abundance was predicted well by the pattern of kelp bass larval supply, but there was a consistent negative spatial relationship between kelp abundance and kelp bass larval supply despite the positive effects of kelp on kelp bass at the smaller spatial scale. This large-scale negative relationship was likely a product of a channel-wide spatial mismatch between oceanographic conditions that favor kelp survival and those that concentrate and distribute fish larvae. These results generally support the recruit-adult hypothesis: kelp bass populations are limited by recruitment at low recruit densities but by density-dependent competition for food resources and/or predator refuges at high recruit densities. At the same time, spatial variation in kelp abundance produced substantial spatiotemporal heterogeneity in kelp bass demographics, which argues for a multispecies, metacommunity approach to predicting kelp bass dynamics.  相似文献   

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