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One of the key advantages of meta‐analysis (i.e., a quantitative literature review) over a narrative literature review is that it allows for formal tests of interaction effects—namely, whether the relationship between two variables is contingent upon the value of another (moderator) variable. Interaction effects play a central role in organizational science research because they highlight boundary conditions of a theory: Conditions under which relationships change in strength and/or direction. This article describes procedures for estimating interaction effects using meta‐analysis, distills the technical literature for a general readership of organizational science researchers, and includes specific best‐practice recommendations regarding actions researchers can take before and after data collection to improve the accuracy of substantive conclusions regarding interaction effects investigated meta‐analytically. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Proper scale development and validation provide the necessary foundation to facilitate future quantitative research in the organizational sciences. Using the framework provided by the Researcher's Notebook , the purpose of this study is twofold. First, we present a modern summary of best practice procedures for scale development, reliability analysis, and validity analysis. Second, we explain and illustrate these best practice procedures by describing each procedure in the context of developing and psychometrically analyzing a new Character Strength Inventory (CSI). Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Statistical control is widely used in correlational studies with the intent of providing more accurate estimates of relationships among variables, more conservative tests of hypotheses, or ruling out alternative explanations for empirical findings. However, the use of control variables can produce uninterpretable parameter estimates, erroneous inferences, irreplicable results, and other barriers to scientific progress. As a result, methodologists have provided a great deal of advice regarding the use of statistical control, to the point that researchers might have difficulties sifting through and prioritizing the available suggestions. We integrate and condense this literature into a set of 10 essential recommendations that are generally applicable and which, if followed, would substantially enhance the quality of published organizational research. We provide explanations, qualifications, and examples following each recommendation. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Reliability data reflects equipment safety and provides a reference for setting inspection period, thereby serving as crucial information for the implementation of equipment integrity management policies. The calculation foundation of reliability data is maintenance records of adequate data quality. However, maintenance records of doubtful quality are common. Despite excluding poor quality recodes and using only the remaining maintenance recodes to calculate the reliability data, the calculated results generally lack a sufficient degree of confidence. This study applied data mining technology, including quality metrics, the association rule, and clustering, to explore the cause of low-quality maintenance data. The results revealed that the low data quality of maintenance records was due to ineffective maintenance policies, the low integrity of key system columns, nonadherence to the policy, and misunderstanding of column definitions. The proposed method successfully identified the causes of low-quality maintenance records. By incorporating the method into the function module of a CMMS, operators can equip the system with self-diagnosis, self-supervision, and continuous optimization functions.  相似文献   

提高环境监测数据公信力和权威性,可促进环境管理水平提升、加快推进生态文明建设,对打赢污染防治攻坚战、推动经济社会高质量发展都具有重要意义。本文通过环境监测分布点、采样质量、环境监测仪器、环境监测测试分析方法及环境监测工作人员等几方面因素分析对监测数据质量的影响,根据在实际工作中出现的情况,提出了相应的、有针对性的改进措施,主要从环境监测点位的确定应科学合理、加强实验材料及实验设备的管理、样品的采集与保存应规范明确、环境监测质量分析方法应充分合理及综合提高环境监测工作人员的综合素质等方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

Background: State laws regarding child passenger protection vary substantially.

Objectives: The objective of this study was to develop a scoring system to rate child passenger safety laws relative to best practice recommendations for each age of child.

Methods: State child passenger safety and seat belt laws were retrieved from the LexisNexis database for the years 2002–2015. Text of the laws was reviewed and compared to current best practice recommendations for child occupant protection for each age of child.

Results: A 0–4 scale was developed to rate the strength of the state law relative to current best practice recommendations. A rating of 3 corresponds to a law that requires a restraint that is sufficient to meet best practice, and a rating of 4 is given to a law that specifies several options that would meet best practice. Scores of 0, 1, or 2 are given to laws requiring less than best practice to different degrees. The same scale is used for each age of child despite different restraint recommendations for each age. Legislation that receives a score of 3 requires rear-facing child restraints for children under age 2, forward-facing harnessed child restraints for children aged 2 to 4, booster seats for children 5 to 10, and primary enforcement of seat belt use in all positions for children aged 11–13. Legislation requiring use of a “child restraint system according to instructions” would receive a score of 1 for children under age 2 and a 2 for children aged 2–4 because it would allow premature use of a booster for children weighing more than 13.6 kg (30 lb).

Conclusions: The scoring system developed in this study can be used in mathematical models to predict how child passenger safety legislation affects child restraint practices.  相似文献   

An interaction effect indicates that a relationship is contingent upon the values of another (moderator) variable. Thus, interaction effects describe conditions under which relationships change in strength and/or direction. Understanding interaction effects is essential for the advancement of the organizational sciences because they highlight a theory's boundary conditions. We describe procedures for estimating and interpreting interaction effects using moderated multiple regression (MMR). We distill the technical literature for a general readership of organizational science researchers and include specific best‐practice recommendations regarding actions researchers can take before and after data collection to improve the accuracy of MMR‐based conclusions regarding interaction effects. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了解决智能规划的船舶航线贴着障碍物、岸边等问题,提出了一种基于海量AIS数据,研究船舶习惯航路并以此规划航线的方法。将分析水域网格化,选取目标船舶,统计其航迹所占的网格并计数,形成单船的航迹网格图。叠加不同目标船的航迹网格图,可获取分析水域内的航迹分布网格频数图,该图凝结了前船行驶的习惯航线。依据前船习惯航线设置网格的适航度,利用适航度改进A星算法的估值函数,可规划两点间安全航线。利用成山头警戒区作为分析水域,构建该水域3个月内100~150 m船舶形成的航迹分布网格频数图,并以此为依据规划航线,结果显示推荐的航线倾向于选择适航度较高的网格,有效避免以往研究中航线贴着障碍物、岸边的情况。  相似文献   

This paper describes concerns about the documentation, dissemination and use of lessons learned from mishap investigations, impediments posed by current practices, and opportunities for improvement. Lessons are presently developed, documented and stored primarily in narrative form and relational databases, and disseminated in many forms and media, including the Internet. Current practices pose many impediments to maximized development, dissemination and use. Investigation process research and new data concepts behind the Semantic Web, exploited elsewhere, offer potential opportunities to overcome these impediments. To exploit these opportunities, formation of a working group to develop an improved Semantic Web-friendly mishap investigation lessons learning system is proposed. An example illustrating an alternative approach is described to support a reasonable expectation that an alternative lessons learning system could be developed.  相似文献   

基于熵权的改进密切值法在地面水水质评价中的应用   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
为了简化传统密切值法运算,更能全面客观地反映出各样本的优劣情况,尝试采用目标差值率法进行初始矩阵的规范化处理,引入熵权法确定各评价指标的权重,对传统密切值法进行了改进.通过将两种不同密切值法对某区域水体水质的评价结果进行对比表明: 两种密切值法评价水质得出了一致的水质优劣排序,但改进后的密切值法可以有效地消除各评价指标在量纲、数量级及指标优劣等方面的差异,计算更简便; 改进后的密切值法利用熵权法确定各评价指标的权重,更客观; 改进后的密切值法评价结果中各样本的差异性放大了,对比更为明显.  相似文献   

为探究大数据对安全心理学发展影响,把握大数据背景下安全心理学研究方向,基于大数据、安全心理学的理论,提出安全心理大数据定义,并阐述其内涵及研究意义。在此基础上,分析对比安全心理大数据与样本数据差异性,提出并解析安全心理大数据研究类型与准则,提炼基于大数据思维的安全心理学6条基础原理,构建安全心理大数据研究的“理论—技术—应用”三维结构体系。研究表明:基于大数据思维的安全心理学研究是未来发展趋势,其研究内容包括安全心理大数据的理论基础与应用基础。  相似文献   

随着我国经济的迅速发展,安全生产的问题在国民经济中的地位越来越重要,安全评价工作正在各个行业开展。目前,对系统安全状况的评价主要通过人工方式,其主要缺点有评价数据精度不高、评价速度慢、评价操作复杂等。本文设计了一个适合政府部门和企业的安全评价辅助系统。将计算机技术应用于安全评价过程中,较好的克服了人工方式的缺点,并能将评价信息及时完整的反馈给安全工作者。该系统运用MicrosoftSQLServer2000和.NET技术,构建了基于B/S/D/C结构的安全评价辅助系统平台,实现了安全评价报告的撰写等功能。其具有一定的实用性,能满足一般用户对安全评价报告的撰写、快速浏览添加以及统计管理等功能。  相似文献   

Steam curtain equipment is used to prevent leaking flammable gases from reaching ignition sources, such as furnaces. However, steam curtains are sometimes designed badly and are ineffective for preventing the leaking gas from spreading in the windward direction. The leaked gas may pass on either side of the stream curtain, it may pass between the nozzles, or it may pass on the upper side of the stream curtain. At present, data to design the best stream curtains are quite rare. It is necessary to obtain fundamental data on the entrainment of air by steam jet and on the inclination of the steam curtain caused by the strong wind. Therefore, a series of experiments to investigate the entrained air and the inclination of the steam curtain were performed, in addition to further theoretical considerations. Thus, fundamental data useful for the design of the steam curtain equipment have been obtained.  相似文献   

工作安全分析(简称JSA)作为有效的危害识别和风险控制工具被广泛使用,但基层班组员工所做JSA的质量一直不高,具体表现为员工虽然清楚JSA的各个环节,却不能高质量的完成.尽管这在一定程度上与基层员工文化素质低,文字表达能力差有关,但也是管理者缺乏具体和优秀的指导所致.针对实施JSA的各个环节,分析制约质量提升的具体原因,以标准规范为基础提出具体可行的改进措施,实施效果良好.  相似文献   

徐玉芳 《环境与发展》2020,(2):130-130,132
近年来,在我国工业化规模不断扩大、工业项目不断增多的影响下,水资源的污染问题愈发严峻,对人们的生命健康安全造成了巨大影响。所以,水质监测部门要充分利用先进的水质监测技术和设备,对污染源水质实施连续不间断的监测,有效提高水质监测数据质量。本文主要提出了几点保障污染源水质自动监测系统数据质量的措施,供相关人员借鉴采纳。  相似文献   

作业场所职业危害基础数据标准设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
作业场所职业危害基础信息数据标准是避免信息孤岛现象,促进数据共享和作业场所职业危害相关信息系统建设的重要基础。本文介绍了数据元的主要分类方法,并采用面分类方法和线分类方法相结合的方法对作业场所职业危害基础信息数据进行分类,通过面分类方法设计了合理的作业场所职业危害基础信息数据元对象类,通过线分类方法将作业场所职业危害基础信息数据元划分到不同的对象类下,并阐述了作业场所职业危害基础信息数据标准设计的内容和方法。  相似文献   

我国信息系统数据结构标准对比研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
数据结构是信息系统的核心,建立数据结构标准是建立高效、统一、高度共享的信息系统的重要保障。本文介绍了我国信息系统数据结构标准的研究进展,并对信息系统数据结构标准从建立的时间、分布的行业和内部的数据元属性三个不同的角度进行了对比研究,总结发现了目前我国信息系统存在的主要问题、以及数据结构标准在信息系统建设和促进数据共享中所起的重要作用以及存在的主要矛盾,并提出了针对作业场所职业危害监管信息系统基础数据结构标准化过程中可能存在的主要问题以及拟采用的解决方法。  相似文献   

分析了高空清洁作业的特点及其对服装的功能需求;在对比现有高空清洁作业服的基础上,阐述了抓取、同方向伸展、反方向伸展这三个典型动作的特点及其同服装的关系;基于人体工效学理论,从款式特征、结构组合、面料选择、色彩搭配等方面提出高空清洁作业服的总体设计方案。  相似文献   

卫星遥感数据在林火排放模型中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
火对大气中的温室气体和气溶胶的增加有显著影响,也是植被的一个主要干扰因子.利用精确卫星火产品对中国林火排放量进行量化计算,对于制定正确的减排战略具有参考意义.采用GBA2000的研究结果,分析了不同植被区的过火区分布情况.2000年中国林地上共有8 587个过火斑块,总面积为10 773 212 hm2,其中阔叶落叶林过火面积最大,为3 674 404 hm2;其次为阔叶常绿林,过火面积为1 141 402 hm2.林火排放计算模型采用各植被带平均生物量和燃烧系数估计火烧消耗的生物量和计算森林燃烧释放的温室气体量.我国2000年林火释放CO2 688 Tg,CO和CH4分别为57 Tg和4 Tg.计算精度取决于森林火灾面积、土地类型图、燃烧效率和排放因子.由于采用的卫星火产品没有对中国区域进行精度评估,据此统计的森林过火区有误差.如果采用更精确的卫星遥感数据,将提高林火释放模型的计算精度.  相似文献   


Macroergonomics, which emerged historically after sociotechnical systems theory, quality management, and ergonomics, is presented as the basis for a needed integrative methodology. A macroergonomics methodology was presented in some detail to demonstrate how aspects of microergonomics, total quality management (TQM), and sociotechnical systems (STS) can be triangulated in a common approach, in the context of this methodology, quality and safety were presented as 2 of several important performance criteria. To demonstrate aspects of the methodology, 2 case studies were summarized with safety and quality performance results where available. The first case manipulated both personnel and technical factors to achieve a “safety culture” at a nuclear site. The concept of safety culture is defined in INSAG-4 (International Atomic Energy Agency, 1991). as “that assembly of characteristics and attitudes in organizations and individuals which establishes that, as an overriding priority, nuclear plant safety issues receive the attention warranted by their significance.” The second case described a tire manufacturing intervention to improve quality (as defined by Sink and Tuttle, 1989) through joint consideration of technical and social factors. It was suggested that macroergonomics can yield greater performance than can be achieved through ergonomic intervention alone. Whereas case studies help to make the case, more rigorous formative and summative research is needed to refine and validate the proposed methodology respectively.  相似文献   

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