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Small-scale inland capture fisheries provide an important source of nutritious food, employment and income to millions of people in developing countries, particularly in rural environments where limited alternatives exist. However, the sector is one of most under-valued fisheries sectors and is increasingly experiencing environmental change. This study adopts a Sustainable Livelihoods Approach and investigates how important a fluctuating inland fishery is to livelihoods, and how local perceptions on challenges corresponds to global evidence. Through an innovative participatory method; photovoice, the lived experiences and perceptions of fishers are depicted. The findings illuminate the valuable role of the sector to food and nutrition security and the complex nexus with vulnerability to climate change. The study responds to the call for more local level assessments of the impacts of climate change on inland fisheries in data-limited environments, and the value of the sector in underpinning the Sustainable Development Goals. Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13280-021-01583-1.  相似文献   

Many of the world’s rural populations are dependent on the local provision of economically and medicinally important plant resources. However, increasing land-use intensity is depleting these resources, reducing human welfare, and thereby constraining development. Here we investigate a low cost strategy to manage the availability of valuable plant resources, facilitated by the use of isolated Ficus trees as restoration nuclei. We surveyed the plants growing under 207 isolated trees in Assam, India, and categorized them according to their local human-uses. We found that Ficus trees were associated with double the density of important high-grade timber, firewood, human food, livestock fodder, and medicinal plants compared to non-Ficus trees. Management practices were also important in determining the density of valuable plants, with grazing pressure and land-use intensity significantly affecting densities in most categories. Community management practices that conserve isolated Ficus trees, and restrict livestock grazing and high-intensity land-use in their vicinity, can promote plant growth and the provision of important local resources.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s13280-015-0645-9) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Lichens are a bottleneck resource for circumpolar populations of reindeer, and as such, for reindeer husbandry as an indigenous Sami land-use tradition in northern Sweden. This study uses ground lichen data and forest information collected within the Swedish National Forest Inventory since 1953, on the scale of northern Sweden. We found a 71 % decline in the area of lichen-abundant forests over the last 60 years. A decline was observed in all regions and age classes and especially coincided with a decrease of >60 year old, open pine forests, which was the primary explanatory factor in our model. The effects of reindeer numbers were inconclusive in explaining the decrease in lichen-abundant forest. The role that forestry has played in causing this decline can be debated, but forestry can have a significant role in reversing the trend and improving ground lichen conditions.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s13280-015-0759-0) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Silver (Ag) ions are among the most toxic metallic ions to aquatic biota. In southern Argentina, fish from Patagonian lakes have liver Ag concentrations [Ag] among the highest ever reported globally. Silver concentration in phytoplankton from Lake Moreno (1.82 ± 3.00 μg g−1 dry weight, DW) was found to be significantly higher than [Ag] in zooplankton (0.25 ± 0.13 μg g−1). Values in snails and decapods (0.60 ± 0.28 μg g−1 and 0.47 ± 0.03 μg g−1 respectively), were higher than in insect larvae (0.28 ± 0.39 μg g−1 for Trichoptera). We examined trophic transfer of Ag in the biota using stable nitrogen and carbon isotopes ratios (δ15N and δ13C respectively). Silver concentrations in the biota of Lake Moreno were not associated with any particular C source, as assessed by δ13C. Hepatic [Ag] significantly increased with trophic position, as measured by δ15N, within the brook trout sample set. Biodilution of Ag was observed between primary producers and small forage fish when whole body [Ag] was analyzed. Nevertheless, when considering whole food web biomagnification and hepatic [Ag] of top predator fish, a significant positive regression was found between [Ag] and trophic position, as measured by δ15N. The importance of species-specific and tissue-specific considerations to obtain more information on Ag trophodynamics than that usually presented in the literature is shown. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study in assessing Ag trophodynamics and tissue-specific biomagnification in a whole freshwater food web.  相似文献   

The natural range of variation of ecosystems provides reference conditions for sustainable management and biodiversity conservation. We review how the understanding of natural reference conditions of boreal forests in northern Europe has changed from earlier perceptions of even-aged dynamics driven by stand-replacing disturbances towards current understanding highlighting the role of non-stand-replacing disturbances and the resultant complex forest dynamics and structures. We show how earlier views and conceptual models of forest disturbance dynamics, including the influential ASIO model, provide estimates of reference conditions that are outside the natural range of variation. Based on a research synthesis, we present a revised forest reference model incorporating the observed complexity of ecosystem dynamics and the prevalence of old forests. Finally, we outline a management model and demonstrate its use in forest ecosystem management and show how regional conservation area needs can be estimated. We conclude that attaining favourable conservation status in northern Europe’s boreal forests requires increasing emphasis on ecosystem management and conservation for old forest characteristics.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s13280-020-01444-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The principles of precaution and sustainability require more consideration in the assessment of environmental risks posed by chemicals and genetically modified organisms. Instead of applying risk reduction measures when there are serious indications for damage, full scientific certainty is often waited for before taking action. The precautionary principle particularly should be applied in those cases in which the extent and probability of damage are uncertain, e.g. in the case of persistent chemicals which are additionally bioaccumulative or highly mobile. Based on these principles, environmental action targets for risks associated with GMOs and chemicals can be developed. Risk management not only includes statutory measures but also instruments designed to influence behaviour indirectly are important to achieve the goals. Particularly for risks of GMOs which provoke fear, risk communication is important. Some rules to which attention should be paid in communication with the public are presented.  相似文献   

Tareq SM  Tanoue E  Tsuji H  Tanaka N  Ohta K 《Chemosphere》2005,59(11):1655-1665
Evidence of changing vegetation in the tropical wetland (Rawa Danau, west Java, Indonesia) over the past 7428 years is illustrated by elemental (soot) carbon (EC) and n-alkane composition of sedimentary geolipids. In this study, vegetation changes and relevant controlling factors (e.g. forest fire and climate change) were documented on a decadal to centennial scale. The n-alkane composition that changes with depth might record changes in sources of organic matter (OM) in the wetland. The presence of EC (0.01–0.24% of organic carbon: OC) during late (0–1700 cal. year BP) and mid (3500–4500 cal. year BP) Holocene (at depths 0–50 cm, and 160–210 cm) indicated that large-scale forest fires severely affected the tropical vegetation. The hydrocarbon indices (CPI: carbon preference index, MCN: mean carbon number, and HVI: hydrocarbon vegetation index) significantly correlated with one another while a comparison of EC profile with the profiles of hydrocarbon indices indicated that n-alkane composition of the geolipid in lake sediment could record signatures of changes in catchment vegetation. Forest fire and vegetation changes might be related to regional climatic shifts relating to ENSO activity as well as being influenced by human influences.  相似文献   

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