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辽北四位一体庭院生态系统冬季增温保温效应研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
观测表明,辽北庭院生态系统中日光温室、养猪暖舍、厕所、沼气池四位一体模式具有较好的增温保温效应,效果明显优于单一日光温室,可创造良好的种养殖业环境,保证模式中沼气池在冬季良好运行。  相似文献   

以江西省定南县龙塘镇杏林农庄"猪-沼-果-鱼"生态农业模式为例,系统研究了该模式的关键技术与农业面源污染控制效果.杏林农庄内实施山顶种植水土涵养林,山腰开梯田种脐橙,园间栽培生草,山脚保留防护植被带,山脚建造养猪场和沼气池,沼气池下游建有多级鱼塘,已形成较典型的"养猪一沼气一果树一养鱼"四位一体的物质循环和能量梯级利用的综合生态农业模式.分析认为该模式的推广应用有助于有效控制农业面源污染,防止东江源头区水质恶化,具有良好的经济、社会和生态效益.  相似文献   

五里塘生态农场有机废弃物的资源化生态工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
上海市松江县五里塘生态农场以沼气工程、氧化沟和鱼塘围网养鸭为主的生态工程,有效地利用了农场产生的大量禽畜粪便并解决了沼液,沼渣的二次污染问题;在沼气池上建玻璃温室保温,使沼气池能正常越冬从而得以周年运转.生态工程的建立,取得了良好的经济、生态和环境效益.  相似文献   

陕西省淳化县农户生活垃圾处理方案的比选与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过问卷调查和现场勘查对陕西省淳化县农村生活垃圾污染及处理现状进行分析,采用层次分析法对户用沼气池、户用堆肥池和小型焚烧炉3种主要处理方案进行经济效益、能源效益和资源环境效益的综合评价,结果表明户用沼气池的综合效益最高.选用成本效益分析、财务现金流分析和敏感度分析方法着重对户用沼气池推广的优势因素和限制因素进一步分析,结果表明,当农户有足够的资金、土地资本和垃圾产量时,应采用沼气池,同时应重视对沼气建设技术人员和维护管理沼气池农户的技术培训,以求保证建池质量;当农户资金、土地资本和垃圾产量有限时,也可以采用户用堆肥池,同时要注意堆肥池规格的设计,以求达到最高的综合效益.  相似文献   

为揭示户用沼气池温室气体减排能力的区域差异性特征,以四川省为例,在对5个农业大区进行农户调查的基础上,以县/区为基本评价单元,采用国内常用的评价方法和关键参数取值,核算了四川省各农业大区户用沼气池的碳减排效益。结果表明,全省户用沼气池的户均减排能力为2.21~3.21 t·a-1,平均为2.69 t·a-1;各农业大区的户均减排能力差异显著,从大到小依次为盆周山地大区(3.21 t·a-1)川西北高山、高原大区(2.94 t·a-1)川西南山地大区(2.65 t·a-1)盆地丘陵大区(2.42 t·a-1)盆西平原大区(2.21 t·a-1)。按照减排效益贡献大小可将户用沼气池类型划分为保护林地减排型和改变能源结构减排型2大类,前者的减排效益更高。2013年全省户用沼气池通过改变粪便管理方式产生的直接减排量为416.4万t,通过保护林地和改变能源结构产生的间接减排量为1 493.6万t,沼气池泄漏和因沼气自身燃烧产生的碳排放量为330.7万t,总体减碳能力为1 579.3万t。针对户用沼气项目推广中面临的新问题、新现象,建议未来新建户用沼气池项目重点向盆周山地大区和川西北高山、高原大区倾斜;建议重视盆西平原大区和盆地丘陵大区户用沼气池的维修保障体系建设,并重点支持新兴的小规模养殖户发展中小型沼气工程。  相似文献   

根据IPCC的国家温室气体排放清单编制指南,初步计算了中国动物废弃物源的甲烷排放量。20年间,中国动物废弃物源的甲烷排放量增加了75%,1990年的甲烷排放量为1.198Tg,占全球的10%左右。并提出发展沼气池、贮留池不仅能减少甲烷排放,而且能产生其它的环境效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

动物废弃物源甲烷排放量的初步估算与减缓技术选择   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据IPCC的国家温室气体排放清单编制指南,初步计算了中国动物废弃物源的甲烷排放量。20年间,中国动物废弃物源的甲烷排放量增加了75%,1990年的甲烷排放量为1.198Tg,占全球的10%左右。并提出发展沼气池、贮留池不仅能减少甲烷排放,而且能产生其它的环境效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

本文根据安溪、龙海等地的试验资料,从保持水土的角度出发,并结合农民的社会经济背景,对坡地果园的梯田进行了评价,认为梯田具有良好的保持水土功能,但其有费工和交通作业不便等局限性。试验证明,香根草带间作模式和山边沟模式均具有与梯田相似的保持水土功效,且具有省工、交通作业方便等优点,在坡地果园开发中可以大力推广。  相似文献   

对现有的碳减排计算模型加以改进,对于关键参数的取值大部分参考我国学者的研究成果,以湖北省恩施州为例,从甲烷利用直接减排、化石能源替代减排、甲烷泄漏碳排放和甲烷燃烧碳排放4个方面,综合核算2000-2010年农村户用沼气项目的碳减排效益.结果表明,每口沼气池的碳减排量为1.10~1.29 t·a-1,碳减排量受沼气池规格(饲养生猪数量和类型)和地区气温变化等因素影响,每口沼气池的间接碳减排量(1.07 t·a-1)是直接碳减排量(0.22 t·a-1)的4.9倍.2000-2010年恩施州年碳减排效益整体随新建沼气池数量的增加而增加,碳减排量由2000年的3.97万t·a-1上升到2010年的70.93万t·a-1;2000-2010年恩施州户用沼气项目处理畜禽粪便导致的直接碳减排总量为157.44万t,沼气替代燃煤导致的间接碳减排总量为361.82万t,甲烷燃烧导致的碳排放量为13.12万t,甲烷泄漏导致的碳排放量为89.94万t,碳减排总效益为416.20万t.  相似文献   

坡地果园开发水土保持新模式   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
本文根据安溪、龙海等地的试验资料,从保持水土的角度出发,并结合农民的社会经济背景,对坡地果园的梯田进行了评价,认为梯田具有良好的保持水土功能,但其有费工和交通作业不便等局限性。试验证明,香根草带间作模式和山边沟模式均具有与梯田相似的保持水清真寺载效,且具有省工、交通作业方便等优点,在坡地果园开发中可以大力推广。  相似文献   

应用生态学和系统论的原理,把可利用的生物物质通过沼气厌氧发酵形成良性生态循环系统。这样既解决了农村能源,保护了森林资源和植被,又解决了环境保护等问题。同时,把种植业和养殖业有机地结合起来,取得了综合效益。福州市郊泉头村生态工程建设从1986年起经过8年的试点,采用了沼气多级发酵工艺,成功地建造了沼气生态系统工程,促进了生产的发展,1993年产值达6800万元,人均产值93400元,成为福州市重点商品猪基地之一和菜篮子工程项目。  相似文献   

猪场废水厌氧消化过程中的除磷效果   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用序批式半连续厌氧消化试验方法,研究猪场废水厌氧消化过程中磷的去除情况。结果表明,水力停留时间(HRT)为1、3、6和9 d的厌氧反应器平均除磷率分别为65.0%、81.1%、82.7%和83.0%,而COD平均去除率分别为54.5%、82.3%、87.0%和85.9%。厌氧反应器除磷能力随沼气产量的增加而增加,说明厌氧反应器中磷的去除与产甲烷过程密切相关。对厌氧消化前后的污泥进行浸提后发现,厌氧消化过程中,化学反应生成磷酸盐沉淀的除磷作用十分显著,污泥中正磷酸盐,与铁结合的磷化合物(Fe-RP),还原可溶性磷,与钙、镁离子结合的磷化合物(Ca-RP、Mg-RP)以及无机或有机聚合磷增加量分别为0.027 8~0.101 5、0.013 5~0.081 0、0.2165~0.430 5、23.4~54.8和7.2~21.5 mg.g-1;且总体而言,HRT越长,污泥中与不同金属结合的磷增加量就越大。从HRT、磷和有机物的去除效果以及沼气产气速率3个方面综合考虑,猪场废水厌氧消化反应器的HRT控制在3 d为宜。  相似文献   

添加蚓粪对玉米秸秆厌氧发酵产气特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以玉米秸秆为原料,总固体(TS)含量为50g.kg-1,采用中温35℃批式发酵,考察了添加蚓粪对玉米秸秆厌氧发酵产气的影响。结果表明:玉米秸秆单独发酵时,单位TS产气量为333.3mL.g-1,甲烷产量为202.0mL.g-1,并在反应初期出现酸化现象;蚓粪与玉米秸秆TS质量比为1:1进行发酵时,单位TS产气量为400.0mL.g-1,甲烷产量为269.6mL.g-1,相对于玉米秸秆单独厌氧发酵分别提高了20.0%和35.5%,且反应过程中未出现酸化现象。说明蚓粪适合作为玉米秸秆厌氧发酵产气的添加剂。  相似文献   

本文运用调查方法,定量分析不同地貌类型区(山区丘陵、山前平原、低平原和滨海平原)表征村落生态系统结构和功能的几个指标的变化。结果表明:1.平原地带的庭院面积大于丘陵山区,主要是由于地形及土地利用政策的影响;2.庭院经济收入取决于庭院面积与经营程度;3.村落规模、密度的变化与农田生产力变化一致;4.适当增加村落密度,控制村落规模,有利于缩短耕作半径,提高劳动生产率。  相似文献   

The performance of a pilot plant operation combining thermal hydrolysis (170°C, 30 min) and anaerobic digestion (AD) was studied, determining the main properties for samples of fresh mixed sludge, hydrolyzed sludge, and digested sludge, in order to quantify the thermal pretreatment performance (disintegration, solubilisation, and dewaterability) and its impact on the anaerobic digestion performance (biodegradability, volatile solids reduction, and digester rheology) and end product characteristics (dewaterability, sanitation, organic and nitrogen content). The disintegration achieved during the thermal treatment enhances the sludge centrifugation, allowing a 70% higher total solids concentration in the feed to anaerobic digestion. The digestion of this sludge generates 40% more biogas in half the time, due to the higher solids removal compared to a conventional digester. The waste generated can be dewatered by centrifugation to 7% dry solids without polymer addition, and is pathogen free.  相似文献   

两年内7次从同一个以杨木木屑为原料的厌氧发酵罐的高稀释度发酵液中分离出一株中温纤维分解菌,即新种阿氏梭状芽孢杆菌(Clostridiumaldrichii)。从细菌计数高且能反复分离获得这两个特点,可以断定阿氏梭状芽孢杆菌在该生态系统中曾是一个优势种群。经菌落及菌体形态学观察,以及用首次分离的菌株所作的多价抗血清酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA),确定7次分离菌株为同一菌种,从而证实阿氏梭状芽孢杆菌在1986年9月至1988年8月间,曾是该厌氧发酵罐中每毫升含菌高达106─107的优势纤维分解菌。  相似文献   

Overtones of fruit wastes accumulate daily in the city of Chennai, India and there is an urgent need to develop, assess and use ecofriendly methods to dispose them. Presently an attempt has been made to study solid state biomethanation of fruit wastes using a laboratory scale anaerobic digester Fruit wastes containing 3%, 4% and 5% solids were used for experimentation. Daily and cumulative production of biogas produced during the study was recorded. Increase in nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content in the feed was observed during the digestion. During the study the biogas generation increased with increase in total solids. While the gas generation was 0.006 m3/day/m3 of the reactor volume when the solid content was 3% the corresponding values for 4% and 5% solids were 0.27and 0.35 m3 respectively Varying TS 3% to 4% has no effect on fermentation stability and pH remained between 6.8 and 7.4, but an inhibition of methanogenic bacteria was observed for TS 5%. The overall performance of the reactor was depressed by changing feed concentration from 3% to 5%. Experiments with 4% initial solid contend was ideal for solid-state biomethanation.  相似文献   


Goal, Scope and Background

Worldwide energy requirements are constantly increasing. Rising prices and the necessity to secure the future energy supply have led the decision-makers in politics and economy to focus on the more intensive use of their own resources. Before the background of possible climatic effects caused by the use of fossil energies, the use of renewable resources as primary energies, with its narrow C-circulation, have gained in importance, particularly in terms of economic aspects. The production of biogas is of specific interest here. It is a sensible ecological investment and a solid source of income for our agriculture.

Material and Methods

The operator uses a complex biological system in a plant with high investment costs. An economic operation is only possible if the process parameters are optimized and the properties of the substrates and the co-ferments are known. For the important determination of the blogas potential, we present an efficient and robust system, which is easy to handle and low cost, that has been developed by the LHL and LLH at the Eichhof. This procedure enables one to make statements on the implementation dynamics and is also suited to judge the fermentation process depending on the size of particles, as the co-ferments are used in a practice-oriented consistency.


With the described fermentation apparatus you can not only assess the potential development of biogas and methane, but also the process of fermentation. The sum-graphs determined allow one to make conclusions on the implementation dynamics and, thus, on the optimization of the process. The advanced equipment makes it possible to determine the process of fermentation and the gas yield under different retention times and digester loads. The determination of the potential of the biogas and also the evaluation of the continuous fermentation are related to a specific correction factor won from the standard.


A prerequisite for economic process management is the knowledge of the attainable gas yield and the fermentation process of substrates and co-ferments. A precise calibration is the quality basis for the results achieved with this method, as is the case with other fermentation tests as well. For the tests, a highly homogeneous substrate, which guarantees a continuous biological activity in the digesters, ought to be used. The possibility of determining optimum retention times and digester loads with this equipment makes costly tests with a full scale reactor unnecessary.


All tests run demonstrated that the fermentation apparatus originally developed to determine the biogas yield is absolutely suited to also assess the impact of different digester loads and retention times.


The problem of the suitability and the potential of different materials, the optimum reactor performance and the combination of different processes of energy generation from renewable but also conventional resources will increaseingly become the focus of laboratory tests. The following subjects have to be taken into account:
  • - Testing different materials on their suitability
  • - Evaluation security of common and new co-ferments
  • - Guidelines for mixtures to optimize reactor performance
  • - Mixtures of different substrates and co-ferments available to a particular operator (also with the help of simulation models)
  • - Processing changing quantity proportions of plants won from a rotation of crops altered for energy generation
  • - Other parameters like pre-fermentation, particle size and fer mentation supplements.
  • Perspective

    These tests with a high practical relevance are supposed to contribute to a reliable method of producing biogas, in order to optimize the yield of gas production, but also to find a calibration of less costly procedures like those involving Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS).  相似文献   

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