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以钱江源水源水为研究对象,以氯、氯胺为消毒方式,研究了不同消毒条件下,三卤甲烷(THMs)、卤乙腈(HANs)、氯代酮(CKs)、二卤乙酸(DHAAs)、三卤乙酸(THAAs)等消毒副产物(DBPs)的形成情况,以便为水务工作者监测钱江源建库前后水质、DBPs形成的变化提供基础数据.结果显示,氯消毒下DBPs的产量比氯胺消毒高出3~7倍甚至1个数量级,但不管是氯消毒还是氯胺消毒,THMs、HAAs形成量均在我国饮用水标准范围内.氯消毒下,大部分DBPs产量为中、碱性条件酸性条件(除了CKs),氯胺消毒则呈现不同的情况(所有DBPs的产量均为p H=6、p H=7p H=8).消毒剂量对所有DBPs形成具有明显的促进作用;溴离子对THMs、DHANs、DHAAs的形成有明显的促进作用.进一步研究表明,钱江源水源水的水质比钱塘江下游九溪水源水好,DBPs形成也较低,某些指标(如有机碳、有机氮、HANs形成量等)甚至比同省水质较好的金兰水库还要好;而且由于其较高的比紫外吸收值(SUVA),DBPs的溴嵌入能力均比九溪水源水、金兰水库低.此外,就目前的钱江源水源水来说,控制消毒剂量(氯、或氯胺)是控制DBPs形成的有效策略.  相似文献   

消毒副产物生成潜能测试常用于表征水中消毒副产物的前体物含量.不同于三氯甲烷等含碳消毒副产物,二卤代乙腈(DHANs)与二卤代乙酰胺(DHAcAms)等含氮消毒副产物在氯消毒的余氯存在下易分解,并且在氯胺消毒过程中可由氯胺提供氮源生成,因此常用于含碳消毒副产物的生成潜能测试方法(如Krasner提出的测试法)可能无法有效揭示DHANs与DHAcAms的前体物水平.本研究以三氯甲烷和氯醛两种含碳消毒副产物为对比,考察DHANs与DHAcAms在饮用水氯消毒与氯胺消毒过程中不同投氯量与反应时间下的生成量,识别最大生成量对应的消毒条件,以便更好地评估水样中DHANs与DHAcAms的前体物浓度.同时,对消毒过程中生成的这些挥发性消毒副产物进行毒性评价.结果显示,两个水样氯消毒的DHANs与DHAcAms生成量分别为6.19~40.08、1.34~15.75 nmol·mg-1(mg-1以TOC计);氯胺消毒的DHANs与DHAcAms生成量分别为2.63~21.46、18.43~49.99 nmol·mg-1.Krasner测试法条件下的DHANs与DHAcAms生成量均最低.在投氯量为TOC+8×NH3-N、反应时间为24 h的氯消毒条件下,氯胺投加量20×TOC、反应时间为3 d的氯胺消毒条件下,两个水样具有最高水平的DHANs与DHAcAms生成量,并且消毒副产物毒性也高于Krasner法测试条件下的毒性水平.因此,氯消毒采用投氯量TOC+8×NH3-N、反应时间24 h,氯胺消毒采用投加量20×TOC、反应时间3 d的生成潜能测试条件可能更好地揭示水中DHANs和DHAcAms的前体物浓度水平.  相似文献   

应用结晶紫染色法细胞毒性试验和胞质分裂阻滞法微核试验(CBMNT)评价饮水消毒副产物(DBPs)的HepG2细胞毒性和遗传毒性,探讨该2种试验方法纳入饮水安全性评价体系的可行性.根据遗传毒性和致癌性选用了5种DBPs,分别对HepG2细胞进行染毒,结果表明,5种DBPs的细胞毒性大小排序为3-氯-4-二氯甲基-5-羟基-2(5氢)-呋喃酮(MX)>二氯乙腈>二溴乙酸>二氯乙酸>三氯乙酸,其细胞毒性潜力(%C?值)分别为89.74,283.81,1217.02,5066.81,9335.38μmol/L,该5种DBPs在一定浓度下均可致HepG2细胞微核率显著增加,表现出明显的遗传毒性,其遗传损伤能力排序与细胞毒性大小相同.可考虑将这两种实验方法纳入到饮水安全性评价体系中.  相似文献   

The comprehensive control efficiency for the formation potentials(FPs) of a range of regulated and unregulated halogenated disinfection by-products(DBPs)(including carbonaceous DBPs(C-DBPs), nitrogenous DBPs(N-DBPs), and iodinated DBPs(I-DBPs)) with the multiple drinking water treatment processes, including pre-ozonation, conventional treatment(coagulation–sedimentation, pre-sand filtration), ozone-biological activated carbon(O_3-BAC) advanced treatment, and post-sand filtration, was investigated. The potential toxic risks of DBPs by combing their FPs and toxicity values were also evaluated.The results showed that the multiple drinking water treatment processes had superior performance in removing organic/inorganic precursors and reducing the formation of a range of halogenated DBPs. Therein, ozonation significantly removed bromide and iodide,and thus reduced the formation of brominated and iodinated DBPs. The removal of organic carbon and nitrogen precursors by the conventional treatment processes was substantially improved by O_3-BAC advanced treatment, and thus prevented the formation of chlorinated C-DBPs and N-DBPs. However, BAC filtration leads to the increased formation of brominated C-DBPs and N-DBPs due to the increase of bromide/DOC and bromide/DON.After the whole multiple treatment processes, the rank order for integrated toxic risk values caused by these halogenated DBPs was haloacetonitriles(HANs)》haloacetamides(HAMs) haloacetic acids(HAAs) trihalomethanes(THMs) halonitromethanes(HNMs) 》I-DBPs(I-HAMs and I-THMs). I-DBPs failed to cause high integrated toxic risk because of their very low FPs. The significant higher integrated toxic risk value caused by HANs than other halogenated DBPs cannot be ignored.  相似文献   

在对天然有机物分类的基础上进行了水体中有机物的特性研究,并采用氯胺对不同特性有机物的氯化消毒副产物进行了控制研究。结果表明,疏水酸占有机物总量的24%,疏水中性物质占41%,疏水性有机物占67%;对于三卤甲烷类消毒副产物生成势,疏水酸所产生的最多,疏水碱次之,亲水酸最少;对于卤乙酸类消毒副产物生成势,疏水碱产生的三卤乙酸最多,其次为疏水酸,亲水酸最少。氯胺对不同类有机物氯化消毒副产物控制程度不同,氯胺对疏水中性物质控制三卤甲烷类消毒副产物最好,其次是疏水碱和亲水碱;对疏水酸的三卤甲烷生成量控制较弱,对亲水酸的控制效果最差;氯胺对亲水碱氯化产生卤乙酸的控制效果最好,其次是疏水碱,控制效果最差的为疏水中性物质。  相似文献   

Iodine containing disinfection by-products (I-DBPs) and haloacetaldehydes (HALs) are emerging disinfection by-product (DBP) classes of concern. The former due to its increased potential toxicity and the latter because it was found to be the third most relevant DBP class in mass in a U.S. nationwide drinking water study. These DBP classes have been scarcely investigated, and this work was performed to further explore their formation in drinking water under chlorination and chloramination scenarios. In order to do this, iodo-trihalomethanes (I-THMs), iodo-haloacetic acids (I-HAAs) and selected HALs (mono-HALs and di-HALs species, including iodoacetaldehyde) were investigated in DBP mixtures generated after chlorination and chloramination of different water matrices containing different levels of bromide and iodide in laboratory controlled reactions. Results confirmed the enhancement of I-DBP formation in the presence of monochloramine. While I-THMs and I-HAAs contributed almost equally to total I-DBP concentrations in chlorinated water, I-THMs contributed the most to total I-DBP levels in the case of chloraminated water. The most abundant and common I-THM species generated were bromochloroiodomethane, dichloroiodomethane, and chlorodiiodomethane. Iodoacetic acid and chloroiodoacetic acid contributed the most to the total I-HAA concentrations measured in the investigated disinfected water. As for the studied HALs, dihalogenated species were the compounds that predominantly formed under both investigated treatments.  相似文献   

不同预氧化剂对长江原水氯(胺)化DBPs生成潜能的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以取自上海市杨树浦水厂的长江原水为研究对象,对比分析了3种常见预氧化剂二氧化氯(ClO2)、高锰酸钾(KMnO4)及氯(Cl2)预氧化对削减氯化和氯胺化消毒副产物(DBPs)生成潜能的效果情况.氯化培养实验结果表明,3种预氧化剂的处理对DBPs总量的去除效果均不显著,经ClO2、Cl2及KMnO4作用后可分别削减8.4%、5.7%及3.9%,效果为ClO2>Cl2>KMnO4.对于长江原水使用氯化消毒时,采用ClO2作为预氧化剂可取得对消毒副产物较好的去除效果.氯胺化培养实验结果表明,3种预氧化剂处理对长江原水氯胺化DBPs的生成潜能影响有较大差异,经ClO2和KMnO4作用后可分别削减18.1%及4.1%,而预氯化后则增高12.3%,对于长江原水使用氯胺化消毒时,采用ClO2作为预氧化剂可取得对消毒副产物较为明显的去除效果.同时,应尽量避免使用预氯化后加氯胺化的组合,以防止在水处理过程中生成更多的DBPs而影响出水水质.  相似文献   

本文研究了在pH 6~8、反应时间2~72 h、反应温度10~30℃条件下,钱塘江水源水在臭氧-氯消毒联合作用下,三卤甲烷(THMs)、二卤乙酸(DHAAs)、三卤乙酸(THAAs)、二卤乙腈(HANs)、三卤硝基甲烷(THNMs)等5类消毒副产物(DBPs)的形成和溴取代特征.结果显示,臭氧-氯消毒下DBPs的形成与氯消毒有较多相似之处:①大部分DBPs形成量均随着温度的升高、时间的延长而增加,相应的溴取代因子(BSFs)则随着时间的延长、温度的上升而呈下降趋势;②氯代DHANs倾向于在酸性条件下形成多,而溴代DHANs则倾向于在碱性条件下形成多;③不管是氯消毒还是臭氧-氯消毒,也不管是哪种消毒条件,5类DBPs的BSF值顺序均为BSF_(HNMs)BSF_(DHANs) BSF_(THAAs)BSF_(THMs)≈BSF_(DHAAs).但与氯消毒不同的是,臭氧-氯消毒下THMs、DHAAs、THAAs、HANs的形成产量更低,而THNMs的产量则更高;而且与氯消毒相比,臭氧-氯消毒普遍增加了DBPs的溴取代程度,也改变了溴离子在不同DBPs之间的分配,即减少了THMs、DHAAs、THAAs、DHANs对溴的利用率,但大幅增加了HNMs的溴利用率.鉴于溴代HNMs的极高毒性,因此对于钱塘江水源水,臭氧-氯消毒要注意HNMs带来的健康风险.  相似文献   

Chlorination disinfection has been widely used in reclaimed water treatment plants to ensure water quality. In order to assess the downstream quality risk of a running reclaimed water disinfection process, a set of dynamic equations was developed to simulate reactions in the disinfection process concerning variables of bacteria, chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia and monochloramine. The model was calibrated by the observations obtained from a pilot disinfection process which was designed to simulate the actual process in a reclaimed water treatment plant. A Monte Carlo algorithm was applied to calculate the predictive effluent quality distributions that were used in the established hierarchical assessment system for the downstream quality risk, and the key factors affecting the downstream quality risk were defined using the Regional Sensitivity Analysis method. The results showed that the seasonal upstream quality variation caused considerable downstream quality risk; the effluent ammonia was significantly influenced by its upstream concentration; the upstream COD was a key factor determining the process effluent risk of bacterial, COD and residual disinfectant indexes; and lower COD and ammonia concentrations in the infiuent would mean better downstream quality.  相似文献   

底泥、土壤均是水体有机物的重要来源,但目前相关消毒副产物(DBPs)形成方面的研究偏少.本研究以长三角重要水源地太湖、钱塘江取水口的底泥和周边土壤的浸出液为研究对象,探索氯、臭氧+氯、氯胺、臭氧+氯胺4种消毒方式下,三卤甲烷(THMs)、卤代酮(HKs)、卤乙腈(HANs)、卤代硝基甲烷(HNMs)的形成情况.结果表明,太湖、钱塘江取水口的底泥、周边土壤有机物的芳香度均很低(SUVA254(即比紫外吸光值)2),与腐殖质(Sigma)相比,底泥、土壤有机物不是氯消毒中THMs的重要前驱物,但却是HANs特别是HNMs的重要前驱物.相比氯消毒,氯胺消毒能大幅降低土壤、底泥有机物THMs、HKs、HANs、HNMs的生成量,而且也可抑制含溴DBPs的形成.臭氧预处理大幅提高了氯、氯胺消毒中HKs、HNMs的产量,但对THMs、HANs则不一定.太湖、钱塘江的土壤、底泥存在一定的溴污染,但不管是哪种消毒方式,均是HNMs的溴嵌入因子最大.  相似文献   

付军  滕曼  肖华 《中国环境科学》2010,30(9):1189-1194
模拟考察了上海某水厂出厂水在不同输配管网体系中水质的变化规律,研究了管材和氯胺投加量对输配过程水质变化的影响.结果表明,不同输配管网体系氯胺的衰减速率总体上符合如下规律:镀锌管>铜管>不锈钢管>聚乙烯管(PE管)>三型聚丙烯管(PPR管),季节因素对氯胺衰减速率影响较大,秋冬季节氯胺衰减的速率显著降低;消毒副产物三卤甲烷(THMs)和卤乙酸(HAAs)的生成规律为:PE管?PPR管>玻璃管>不锈钢管>铜管>镀锌管;五种管材中异氧菌总数(HPC)的生长数量为:镀锌管>>PE管>不锈钢管>PPR管>铜管;铜管和PE管中生物可同化有机碳(AOC)显著高于其余管材及出厂水.  相似文献   

The effects of ozonation on the formation potential of typical disinfection byproducts (DBPs) and the changes of genotoxicity during post chlorination of tertiary effluent from a sewage treatment plant were investigated. Ozonation enhanced the yields of all detected chlorine DBPs except CHCl3. At a chlorine dose of 5 mg/L, the three brominated THMs and five HAAs increased, while chloroform decreased with the increase of ozone dose from 0 to 10 mg/L (ozone dose in consumption base). At a chlorine dose of 10 ...  相似文献   

以云贵高原典型喀斯特湖库红枫湖取水口溶解性有机质(DOM)为研究对象,调查不同组合方式下高锰酸钾-聚合氯化铝(KMnO4-PAC)对消毒副产物的生成潜能(DBPsFP)变化和平均组成分布,并通过红外光谱(FTIR)和三维荧光光谱(3D-EEM)对部分样品进行化学表征,推断其影响机制.结果表明:在0.1,0.2,0.4mg/L KMnO4投加量下,DBPsFP降低17.5~73%,DOM的卤代活性化学结构和官能团部分被有效钝化;PAC的网捕和卷扫效应使DBPsFP进一步减少27.9~86.1%,组合工艺对DBPs的生成潜能影响大小为:三卤甲烷(THM4) > 卤乙酸(HAA9) > 卤乙腈(HAN4)/卤代酮(HK2)/三氯硝基甲烷(TCNM).FTIR的结果表明预氧化后3300cm-1处的透过率降低,指纹区1000~1300cm-1处的峰频提升,表明分子中的O-H、COOH和C-O官能团增加,共轭不饱和结构在KMnO4作用下部分消失.3D-EEM验证了外源有机物(腐殖酸)在DOM中占比随KMnO4浓度梯度升高而下降,同时类蛋白结构的吸收峰强度增加,说明最终DBPs贡献可能源于DOM中剩余的小分子类蛋白(氨基酸).  相似文献   

The effects of ozonation on the formation potential of typical disinfection byproducts (DBPs) and the changes of genotoxicity during post chlorination of tertiary effluent from a sewage treatment plant were investigated. Ozonation enhanced the yields of all detected chlorine DBPs except CHCl3. At a chlorine dose of 5 mg/L, the three brominated THMs and five HAAs increased, while chloroform decreased with the increase of ozone dose from 0 to 10 mg/L (ozone dose in consumption base). At a chlorine dose of 10 mg/L, the two mixed bromochloro species THMs and two dominant HAAs (DCAA and TCAA) firstly increased and then decreased with the increase of ozone dose, with the turning point approximately occurring at an ozone dose of 5 mg/L. The genotoxicity detected using umu test, on the other hand, was removed from 7 μg 4-NQO/L to a negligible level by ozonation under an ozone dose of 5 mg/L. Chlorination could further remove the genotoxicity to some extent. It was found that SUVA (UV absorbance divided by DOC concentration) might be used as an indicative parameter for monitoring the removal of genotoxicity during the oxidation.  相似文献   

电化学消毒法对水中大肠杆菌的灭活特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究通过电化学消毒小试装置,系统考察了电极板材料、极板间距、p H、水温、Na Cl浓度等因素对水中大肠杆菌CGMCC 1.3373灭活效果的影响,并进一步考察了电化学消毒对抗生素抗性大肠杆菌CGMCC 1.1595的灭活效果及其抗性变化.结果发现,在相同的电化学消毒条件下,阳极采用钌铱涂层的钛电极板的灭活效果显著优于铅涂层和铱钽涂层电极板,并且极板间距为50 mm时灭活率最高.进一步研究表明,电化学消毒法对大肠杆菌的灭活率随水的p H升高而降低,随水温和Na Cl浓度升高而升高.在相同消毒条件下,电化学法对四环素抗性大肠杆菌的灭活率显著低于普通大肠杆菌.消毒后存活的抗性菌对四环素、青霉素、氯霉素的抗性,随消毒时间延长呈现先下降后上升的规律.  相似文献   

长江沿线城市水源氯(胺)化消毒副产物生成潜能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
黄河  徐斌  朱文倩  秦朗  马玉英 《中国环境科学》2014,34(10):2497-2504
以长江上游重庆、中游武汉、下游上海等大城市的长江饮用水源为研究对象,在对溶解性有机物分子量和亲疏水性分离的基础上,分别采用氯和氯胺两种方式消毒,对比分析了相同时期沿江这些城市原水中氯(胺)化常规和新兴含氮消毒副产物生成潜能的分子组成规律.研究表明,重庆、武汉、上海三地的溶解性有机物均以小分子前体物为主,主要分布在<1kDa的区间内,且以强疏水性成分和亲水性成分为主,原水经氯(胺)化可产生三卤甲烷、卤乙酸、卤乙腈、三氯硝基甲烷等类型的消毒副产物;三地的氯(胺)化主要的含碳消毒副产物(C-DBPs)和含氮消毒副产物(N-DBPs)生成潜能均在<1kDa的区间内最大,从上游到下游,在<1kDa的区间内的生成潜能占各自总潜能比例逐渐增加.三地的氯(胺)化的C-DBPs和N-DBPs生成潜能均以强疏水性组分或亲水性组分为主,且氯胺化可导致亲水性组分C-DBPs和N-DBPs生成潜能所占总量比例增加.  相似文献   

The chemistry associated with the disinfection of aquarium seawater is more complicated than that of freshwater, therefore limited information is available on the formation and speciation of disinfection byproducts(DBPs) in marine aquaria. In this study, the effects of organic precursors, bromide(Br-) and pre-ozonation on the formation and speciation of several typical classes of DBPs, including trihalomethanes(THM4), haloacetic acids(HAAs),iodinated trihalomethanes(I-THMs), and haloacetamides(HAc Ams), were investigated during the chlorination/chloramination of aquarium seawater. Results indicate that with an increase in dissolved organic carbon concentration from 4.5 to 9.4 mg/L, the concentrations of THM4 and HAAs increased by 3.2–7.8 times under chlorination and by 1.1–2.3 times under chloramination. An increase in Br-concentration from 3 to 68 mg/L generally enhanced the formation of THM4, I-THMs and HAc Ams and increased the bromine substitution factors of all studied DBPs as well, whereas it impacted insignificantly on the yield of HAAs. Pre-ozonation with 1 mg/L O3 dose substantially reduced the formation of all studied DBPs in the subsequent chlorination and I-THMs in the subsequent chloramination. Because chloramination produces much lower amounts of DBPs than chlorination, it tends to be more suitable for disinfection of aquarium seawater.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) has attracted much attention in drinking water treatment due to its potential to produce nitrogenous disinfection by-products (N-DBPs). This work was designed to explore the transformation and fate of DON and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) in drinking water treatment. The changes of DON and formation of N-DBPs were evaluated along the water treatment route (i.e., pre-ozonation and biological-contact oxidation, delivery pipes’ transportation, coagulation-sedimentation, sand filtration, post-ozonation, biological activated carbon, ultrafiltration and disinfection) of drinking water treatment plant (DWTP). The transformation mechanism of DON was comprehensively investigated by molecular weight fractionation, three-dimensional fluorescence, LC-OCD (Liquid Chromatography-Organic Carbon Detection), total free amino acids. A detailed comparison was made between concentrations and variations of DON and DIN affected by seasons in the drinking water treatment. Regardless of seasonal variation in raw water concentration, the DON removal trends between different treatment processes remain constant in the present study. Compared to other treatment processes, pre-ozonation and coagulation-sedimentation exhibited the dominant DON removal in different seasons, i.e., 11.13%-14.45% and 14.98%-22.49%, respectively. Contrary, biological-contact oxidation and biological activated carbon negatively impacted the DON removal, in which DON increased by 1.76%-6.49% in biological activated carbon. This may be due to the release of soluble microbial products (SMPs) from bacterial metabolism, which was further validated by the rise of biopolymers in LC-OCD.  相似文献   

Within the drinking water distribution system (DWDS) using chloramine as disinfectant,nitrification caused by nitrifying bacteria is increasingly becoming a concern as it poses a great challenge for maintaining water quality.To investigate efficient control strategies,operational conditions including hydraulic regimes and disinfectant scenarios were controlled within a flow cell experimental facility.Two test phases were conducted to investigate the effects on the extent of nitrification of thre...  相似文献   

系统研究了南水北调中线工程水源——丹江口水库水在氯(胺)化消毒条件下,常规消毒副产物的产生特性,考察了消毒方式、消毒剂投加量、接触时间、p H和溴离子浓度等因素的影响,并对消毒工艺参数进行了优化.结果发现,丹江口水库水经氯化消毒可产生三氯甲烷、二氯一溴甲烷等常规含碳和较低浓度二氯乙腈、三氯硝基甲烷等含氮消毒副产物,而氯胺化消毒仅产生三氯甲烷和三氯硝基甲烷等消毒副产物(disinfection by-products,DBPs).自由氯消毒过程产生的各类型DBPs浓度约为氯胺消毒的7.5倍,短时自由氯转氯胺方式DBPs产生量介于两者之间;随着自由氯投加量增加,各类型消毒副产物均呈现增加趋势,投加量大于2 mg·L-1后DBPs增加量较少.随氯胺投加量增加,三氯甲烷生成量变化不大,投加量大于2mg·L-1后可产生三氯硝基甲烷等副产物.随反应时间延长,自由氯的衰减速率明显大于氯胺,同时消毒副产物增长量明显快于氯胺消毒.随着p H升高,自由氯消毒后三卤甲烷含量呈现增加趋势,而氯胺消毒后变化不明显.随溴离子浓度的增加,自由氯和氯胺消毒后副产物类型均向溴代DBPs转变,同时总生成量明显增加,自由氯消毒DBPs增长量明显大于氯胺消毒过程.丹江口水库水采用氯胺化消毒可以降低消毒副产物的生成风险,如采用自由氯消毒方式,水厂需根据实际常规处理工艺重点控制自由氯的投加量等参数.  相似文献   

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