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Sensory and certain microbial analyses were applied to assess the quality of raw fish sold at a market in Siliguri cityof West Bengal, India. In regular surveys undertaken during June to August 2008, a particular fish species was randomly selected, its source was noted and a sensory analysis, the quality index method (QIM) was applied to assess its quality Raw fish samples were also collected and a small quantity (about 1 g) of scales oran upper layer of the skin surface (forscale-less fish samples), gill, liverand a portion of gut with gut-contents were aseptically removed for enumeration of the total aerobic heterotrophic bacteria, Aeromonas spp., Pseudomonas spp., Salmonella spp. and coliform counts. Oreochromis mossambicus and Tenulosa ilisha recorded significantly higher QIM scores, compared to other species (p<0.05). Riverine fish, Lepidocephalichthys guntea and Channa punctatus scored the lowest QIM scores (0) while scores for Puntius ticto and Mystus vittatus and pond cultured species like Cirrhinus mrigala, Catla catla, Labeo rohita, Labeo bata and Cyprinus carpio were very marginal (p<0.05). Aeromonas spp., Salmonella spp. and total coliforms were recorded from all the studied species while Pseudomonas spp. was isolated from only seven species. Among the tissues examined, the lowest counts of total heterotrophic bacteria, Aeromonas spp., Pseudomonas spp., Salmonella spp. and total coliforms were recorded from the skin in every fish species. Highest counts of pathogenic bacteria (except Pseudomonas spp.) were recorded in Tenulosa ilisha for all the tissues except liver. Since fish are properly cooked in Bengali households, the risk of disease from fish consumption is relatively less. However, some tribes residing in the region are known to consume undercooked fish and proper cooking methods should be followed in view of the present findings to avoid health risks. Besides, utmost care should be taken while handling fish.  相似文献   

Pulp paper mill pollutants are the major source of aquatic contamination having metals, lignin and chlorophenols. Study was conducted to see the effect of these contaminants on antibiotic resistance pattern of isolated bacteria. Pulp paper effluents were evaluated for its physico-chemical properties i.e, BOD 72143 +/- 164.81 to 22.32 +/- 2.48, COD 213136 +/- 583.59 to 60.40 +/- 6.34, total phenol 386 +/- 71.24 to 0.43 +/- 0.0, lignin 26312 +/- 258.59 to 73.67 +/- 31.81and microbial quality i.e. K. pneumonae, S. typhi, S. faecalis, P. aeruginosa, E. coli, Ent. faecalis, A. hydrophila, B. subtilis, S. aureus, Y enterolitica and V vulrificus. Antibiotic sensitivity (10-30 microg), heavy metal resistance (100-1000 microg ml(-1)), lignin (1000-10,000 ppm) and pentachlorophenol (100-1000 ppm) tolerance of bacterial strains were assessed by seven classes of antibiotics. Eleven bacterial isolates were found multidrug resistant towards antibiotics, heavy metal, lignin and PCP. Out of 11 isolates, 90.9% were found resistant against eleven antibiotics which acquired 100% resistant in presence of heavy metal, lignin and chlorophenols. Results also revealed that concentration of lignin (50-350 ppm) and PCP (5-30 ppm) induced maximum growth (273-8050 cfu ml(-1)) of pathogenic bacteria in river water.  相似文献   

漓江桂林市区段夏季浮游植物群落特征与水质评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
浮游植物是水生态系统的重要组成部分,其群落结构变化与水体环境条件密切相关,能直接影响水生态系统的功能,是水环境质量优劣的重要指示因子之一。为揭示漓江流域浮游植物群落结构特征及其与水质的相互关系,2012年8月对漓江桂林市区段干流(桂林赵家桥村至桂林王家村)的理化指标及浮游植物的群落组成分布进行了分析研究,并结合水体理化指标和生物指数对漓江水质进行了评价。结果表明,漓江水体高锰酸盐指数、总氮、总磷、氨氮的变化范围依次为1.80-6.20、1.12-2.68、0.022-0.282、0.34-1.73 mg·L-1,其含量在上游变化平稳,到三条支流汇入处大幅增高,最高值均出现在南溪河入口处。共调查到浮游植物7门60属128种,其中硅藻50种(占种类组成的39.06%),绿藻52种(占40.63%),蓝藻16种(占12.50%),裸藻7种(占5.47%),黄藻、金藻和甲藻各1种(分别占0.78%)。优势种依次为冠盘藻(S. tephanodiscus)、蛋白核小球藻(C. pyrenoidosa)、喙头舟形藻(N.rhynchocephala)、短小舟形藻(N.exigua)、广缘小环藻(C.Bodanica)、四尾栅藻(S.quadricanda)和肘状针杆藻(S. ulna)。浮游植物密度为10.3×10^4-1047.0×10^4ind.·L^-1,平均密度为474.7×10^4 ind.·L^-1,其中密度最小的是赵家桥村,密度最大的是南溪河入口;种类上绿藻门占据多数,密度和优势种分布上以硅藻居多,总体上属于硅藻-绿藻型水体。浮游植物多样性指数Shannon-Wiener指数(H)在1.60-4.27之间,Simpson指数(D)在2.24-12.74之间,水质总体上为清洁-轻度污染。Margalef指数(d)在1.85-4.23之间,Pielou指数(J)在0.40-0.83之间,指数值总体较高,漓江水体中浮游植物群落结构比较稳定,受外界环境的影响较小。漓江干流水质总体上属于Ⅱ-Ⅲ类水体,在支流汇入处理化指标浓度增加,浮游植物多样性指  相似文献   

为研究阜阳城区各水体浮游动物结构特征、多样性水平以及各水体浮游动物的生物量与主要水质指标的相关性,于2011年3月到2012年2月设点采样并进行分析。结果:各水体浮游动物密度有一致特征,一年中分别在4—5月和10月出现高峰,相应密度高峰后一个月左右生物量也出现高峰;与水质检测结果对照,浮游动物密度年平均值大的水域污染明显,相应多样性指数、丰富度指数及均匀度指数都低,而浮游动物密度年均值相对小的水体污染较轻,相应多样性指数、丰富度指数及均匀度指数都高;相关分析表明,浮游动物生物量与相应水体检测指标(CODCr、BOD、DO、TP、NH3-N)显著相关。结论:阜阳城区各水体浮游动物生物量与水体污染程度关系明显,水体水质可凭相应浮游动物生物量来评价,但水生态环境受多种因素的影响,情况复杂,综合分析各层面因素便于得出客观结论。  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to determine the heavy metal contamination in soil with accumulation in plants in waste water irrigated areas. Results revealed that waste water contained lower concentrations of Cr, Zn, Cu, and Pb except Cd (0.03) than the permissible limits prescribed by the World Health Organization. The maximum metal concentrations occurred in Brassica oleracea (Zn 63.80, Cu 12.25, Cr 10.65, Pb 3.63, and Cd 0.56 mg Kg?1).The metal enrichment (EF of Cd 1.9, Cr2.9, Zn 4.8, Cu 6.5, and Pb 15.5) and degree of contamination (CF of Cd 2.9, Cr 2.0, Zn 2.3, Cu 2.7, and Pb 2.2) showed that accumulation of the five toxic metals increased during sewage irrigation as compared with the reference values, other Indian regions and globally. However, based on WHO standards for heavy metal contamination of soil and irrigation water, our data does not ensure safe levels for food.  相似文献   

Reviewed the change of ARGs and ARB in full-scale urban drinking water systems. Conventional processes are more promising than BAC process in ARGs removal. Mechanisms of ARGs enrichment and spread in BAC filter and DWDSs are discussed. Raise the need of future research on ARGs and ARB change in building plumbing systems. Antibiotic resistance in aquatic environment has become an important pollution problem worldwide. In recent years, much attention was paid to antibiotic resistance in urban drinking water systems due to its close relationship with the biosafety of drinking water. This review was focused on the mechanisms of antibiotic resistance, as well as the presence, dissemination and removal of antibiotic resistant bacteria (ARB) and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in the urban drinking water system. First, the presence of ARB and ARGs in the drinking water source was discussed. The variation of concentration of ARGs and ARB during coagulation, sedimentation and filtration process were provided subsequently, in which filtration was proved to be a promising technology to remove ARGs. However, biological activated carbon (BAC) process and drinking water distribution systems (DWDSs) could be incubators which promote the antibiotic resistance, due to the enrichment of ARGs and ARB in the biofilms attached to the active carbon and pipe wall. Besides, as for disinfection process, mechanisms of the inactivation of ARB and the promotion of conjugative transfer of ARGs under chlorine, ozone and UV disinfection were described in detail. Here we provide some theoretical support for future researches which aim at antibiotic resistance controlling in drinking water.  相似文献   

以重庆缙云山8种不同构建模式的水源涵养林及林地土壤为研究对象,用物种多样性指数(simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数)、均匀度指数(Pieiou指数)和物种丰富度指数(Margalef指数)以及用土壤容重、毛管孔隙度、非毛管孔隙度、pH值、有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾、速效氮、有效磷、速效钾和阳离子交换量12个指标表征土壤的物理性状和养分特征,分析了8种群落的植物多样性、土壤特征及二者的相互关系.结果表明:物种多样性以广东山胡椒(Lindera kwangtungensis)×杉木((7unninghamia anceolata)混交林最高.马尾松(Pinus massoniana)×广东山胡椒混交林次之,马尾松×柳杉(Cryptomeria fortunei Hooibrenk)混交林和毛竹(Phyllostachys pubescens)纯林最低.各模式林地土壤特征差异显著,以毛竹纯林土壤质量最差.在该地区针阔混交林对提高物种多样性和改良土壤作用显著,针叶林及纯林则较差.物种多样性指数与土壤特征因子的相关性分析表明,不同模式水源林群落植物多样性与土壤特征因子存在一定相关性,其中与土壤物理性状特征关系不显著,与养分特征关系显著.全N与全K与四个多样性指数呈显著或极显著的正相关,Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数和有机质、阳离子交换量、速效P呈显著的正相关,特别是有机质和全N两因子与物种多样性关系最密切.  相似文献   

• UV/chlorine can effectively remove VBNC pathogens, ARGs and MGEs in reclaimed water. • Microbial community was changed with reduced diversity during UV/chlorine process. • CRBs-carried MGEswere the predominant groups during UV/chlorine process. • No direct co-selection strategy was shared between UV/chlorine and resistome. Urban wastewater contains a wide range of pathogens and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), which are a serious concern if reusing treated wastewater. However, few studies have explored the microbial communities in reclaimed water using ultraviolet (UV)/chlorine treatment and assessed the changes of the resistome. This study investigated the occurrence of typical pathogens, ARGs, and bacterial communities in UV/chlorine-treated reclaimed water samples. The numbers of culturable and viable but non-culturable pathogens were effectively reduced to 0 CFU/mL within 1–10 and 10–30 min after UV/chlorine treatment, respectively. Meanwhile, the physicochemical indices of water quality were not affected. UV/chlorine treatment could significantly change the bacterial community structure of reclaimed water, showing a decrease in bacterial abundance and diversity. Chlorine-resistant Acinetobacter and Mycobacterium were the dominant bacterial genera (>50%) after UV/chlorine treatment. Moreover, the number of ARGs and mobile genetic elements (MGEs) decreased with an increase in UV/chlorine exposure. However, eight ARGs and three MGEs were consistently detected in more than three seasons, making these major concerns because of their potential role in the persistence and dissemination of antibiotic resistance. Overall, the results of this study suggest that UV/chlorine treatment can potentially improve the microbiological safety of reclaimed water. And more attention should be paid to the pathogens that are both chlorine-resistant and carry MGEs because of their potential for resistance transmission.  相似文献   

Plant responses to abiotic stress can alter their response to biotic stress. We examined changes in the activity of several defense proteins in response to powdery mildew infection of garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolata) in the greenhouse and in the field. Second, we examined the effects of water limitation on the same defense protein responses, as well as on total soluble protein and glucose concentration, plant growth, and powdery mildew disease development. Similar increases in the activity of peroxidase, chitinase, and β-1-3-glucanase were observed in leaves of plants with substantial powdery mildew disease in both greenhouse- and field-grown plants. In the greenhouse, activities of chitinase and peroxidase as well as total soluble protein and glucose concentrations generally increased with the degree of water limitation. In turn, leaf growth and powdery mildew symptom development decreased as the degree of water limitation increased. This study revealed that plant chemical responses to water limitation and powdery mildew disease can overlap to a large extent, which, in addition to changing microenvironmental conditions and other indicators of plant quality, may underlie the ability of water limitation to inhibit powdery mildew disease symptom development in this wild plant pathosystem.  相似文献   

粤北2座饮用水源地水库的富营养化与浮游植物群落动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粤北地区的水库以山地型水库为主,其中有不少担负着饮用水源的功能。为了解粤北地区水源地水库的富营养化状态与浮游植物种群的动态变化,于2011年的枯水期(2―3月)和丰水期(6―7月)对花山和白水礤2座中型水库进行了采样调查,对水库的营养盐和浮游植物种群进行了分析。结果表明:2座水库均为贫营养型;浮游植物在枯水期和丰水期的种类变化不大,共鉴定出的浮游植物6门37种(属),以硅藻为主要优势种群,优势种为小环藻(Cyclotella sp.)和颗粒直链藻(Melosira granulata)。同时,枯水期和丰水期2座水库浮游植物的丰度和生物量都比较低,其值分别为0.65×106~1.95×106cells.L-1、0.11 mg.L-1和0.73×106~8.9×106cells.L-1、0.05~0.50 mg.L-1。在浮游植物种群动态中,2座水库浮游植物丰度和生物量的季节变化主要表现为硅藻丰度和生物量的变化,低浓度的氮、磷营养盐限制是影响这2座贫营养水库浮游植物动态变化主要因素。  相似文献   

Reversed phase thin layer chromatography (RPTLC) has been investigated for the estimation of octanol/water partition coefficients (P), an important parameter for the prediction of the environmental behaviour of organic chemicals. A strong correlation between P derived from the traditional octanol/water system and RPTLC has been established over five orders of magnitude. RPTLC data are likewise correlated to results obtained by high performance chromatography (HPLC). Due to the low costs, simplicity and separation power RPTLC is especially suited for the investigation and screening of mixtures of compounds before more complicated tests are involved.

Results from a round robin test on the determination of partition coefficients by HPLC, RPTLC and the batch method indicate the simplicity and accuracy of the RPTLC technique. Applications of the RPTLC‐technique on technical products and industrial waste waters are described.  相似文献   

The concentration of heavy metals (Cu, Fe and Zn) were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in the river water and the edible muscle tissues of chub, Leuciscus cephalus, from river Yildiz, Turkey, and in the waste water The following results were found in the water of the river Yildiz: Cu 0.03-0.53, Fe 0.91-1.96 and Zn, 053-1.49 microgl(-1), in the waste water Cu 0.20-0.52, Fe 1.22-2.29 and Zn 0.92-1.46 microgl(-1) and in the edible muscle of chub: Cu 1.00-3.79, Fe 7.21-17.04 and Zn 4.12-18.33 microg g(-1) wet weight respectively. Among the heavy metals studied Pb, Cd, Co, Cr, Ni and Mn were not detected in the river water, waste water and chub samples. Heavy metal contents in these samples were evaluated and the highest concentrations of Cu, Fe and Zn were found in the muscle tissue. The levels of the heavy metals were detected in decreasing order as iron> zinc> copper. All the samples contained comparatively lower amounts of metals as suggested by international and national regulatory bodies. Thus, we recommend periodic monitoring of these metals in the fish consumed by local people.  相似文献   

A detailed lithostratigraphic analysis already exists for salt marsh sediments of the Severn Estuary, which provides an ideal background for an investigation of phase associations of trace elements within sediment depth profiles. The first stages of a detailed investigation are reported in which phase associations of Cu, Pb and Zn are related to early diagenetic processes.Reading University PRIS Contribution No. 044.  相似文献   



Identifying typical odor-causing compounds is essential for odor problem control in drinking water. In this study, aiming at a major water source reservoir in hot and humid areas in southern China, which encountered seasonable odor problems in recent years, an integrated approach including comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography with time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GC?×?GC–TOFMS), flavor profile analysis (FPA) and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) was adopted to investigate the odor occurrence.


The results indicated that earthy–musty odor is blamed to the seasonable odor problems, and it is consistent with the complaints results from consumers. Fifty-four typical odor compounds were investigated in the reservoir and twelve were detected, of which, 2-methylisoborneol (2-MIB) was significantly increased during the odor event. Pseudanabaena sp. is the dominant species in the reservoir, which can be further represented by the number of mic gene with qPCR method (R2?=?0.746, P?<?0.001). Oxygen consumption (CODMn) and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) have great influence on growth of Pseudanabaena sp., and the release of 2-MIB from the Pseudanabaena sp. cells is affected by temperature and light.


Our findings demonstrated that 2-MIB is the odor-caused substance in the reservoir and Pseudanabaena sp. is the main 2-MIB producer, which was confirmed as a benthic filamentous algae. Due to CODMn and DOC have great influence on Pseudanabaena sp. growth, further measures to reduce the CODMn and DOC input should be performed. We also demonstrated that the 2-MIB release is affected by temperature and light. The risk of sudden increase of 2-MIB will be reduced by raising the depth of water in the reservoir. Our study will improve the understanding of T&O problems in this city, as well as in other hot and humid area.

The concentration of heavy metals was analyzed each of 20 river water, suspended sediments and bed sediments along the stretch of Swarnamukhi River Basin. River water is not contaminated with heavy metals except Fe and Mn. Contamination factor in sediments shows considerable to very high degree contamination with Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn. The sources of these metals could be residential wastes, sewer outfall, fertilizers, pesticides (M-45 + carbondine) and traffic activities apart from natural weathering of granitic rocks present in the basin area. Principal component analyses indicate the interaction between metals in different media. The comparison of metals (Cu, Pb and Zn) in bed sediments of Swarnamukhi River with the Indian and world averages indicates that the values obtained in the basin are above the Indian averages and far below to the world averages. Average shale values and sediment quality guidelines point toward the enrichment and contamination of Cu, Cr, Pb and Zn to several fold leading to eco-toxicological risks in basin.  相似文献   

Securing adequate safe drinking water and proper sanitation is a major challenge facing the developing world. The “Water for Life Decade” emphasizes the importance of upgrading national water quality and sanitation services. This study assessed the domestic water profile in the city of Beirut. Samples were collected from three types of household water sources (municipality, private wells, and vended water bottles) and assessed for their physiochemical and microbiological profile. At the same time, a cross-sectional survey assessing water consumption patterns and the prevalence of water-borne diseases was conducted. The results showed a deficient water quality profile in all three water sources. The measured physiochemical and bacteriological parameters reflected the high frequency of water-borne diseases. Action to secure a safe domestic water supply is essential. The plan should guarantee the protection of water sources, ensure sufficient treatment of domestic water and upgrade the national program for potable water quality control. Periodic quality monitoring and legislating the chaotic water-vending sector are indispensable. Additionally, the deterioration of private well sources by sea and wastewater infiltration necessitates the enforcement of legislation associated with the use and management of private wells. Consumer awareness and active contributions to promote and protect public health are important.  相似文献   

The effect of catchment land use on water quality and macroinvertebrate communities was examined by using data gathered during a 2004 reconnaissance of nine sites in the Otara Creek, New Zealand. Data collected included macroinvertebrate, water chemistry and sediments characteristics. Macroinvertebrate data were used in metric and index calculations. A total of 61 macroinvertebrate taxa, with 3032 total individuals, were identified from the macroinvertebrates samples collected from nine sites in Otara Creek. The greatest number of macroinvertebrate taxa was recorded within bush sites (mean>25), while the urban sites had the least number of taxa (mean=10). Pasture sites were intermediate with the mean>17. Taxa number differed significantly across land use. Mean macroinvertebrates abundance varied across the sites and land uses. The highest macroinvertebrates mean abundance was recorded in urban and pasture sites, while bush sites had significantly lower mean abundance. Physico-chemical parameters decreased from bush toward urban streams. Biotic indices were sensitive to changes in macroinvertebrates community structure across land uses with mean scores decreasing from bush to urban and pasture streams. Ordination of biological data showed a clear separation of bush from urban and pastures streams. Analysis of similarities revealed significant differences in macroinvertebrates between both stream groups and land-use groups. The observed macroinvertebrate assemblage pattern was best correlated with a single variable, conductivity, temperature, turbidity, nitrate and dissolved oxygen. The combination of these environmental variables best explained the changes in the macroinvertebrate assemblages between sites. This study demonstrates that catchment land use may significantly affect the water quality and macroinvertebrate communities in an ecosystem.  相似文献   

Wood charcoal production provides affordable energy in many developing countries and has substantially contributed to the economy through the provision of rural incomes. In several countries, charcoal production leads to overexploitation of forests due to inefficiencies in processing. This study was undertaken in central Laos to (1) examine and document traditional charcoal production systems; (2) investigate the production capacity, recovery efficiencies and economic gains of existing traditional charcoal production methods; (3) characterize the chemical properties of wood charcoal and investigate the potential for soil restoration and (4) investigate local charcoal producers' perception on forest degradation and their species preferences. Through a socio-economic survey, a cost-based method for economic valuation was undertaken on a range of charcoal production methods currently being used. Laboratory chemical analyses were performed on wood charcoal samples. Results indicated that the traditional mud charcoal mound was used by the majority (82%) of charcoal producers. Total charcoal production per production cycle varied between 400 (produced from 2.7 m3 of wood) and 1600 kg (produced from 18 m3 of wood), with a mean of 938 kg (±120) for traditional mud charcoal mounds. The volume of the traditional mud charcoal mounds correlated positively and significantly with total charcoal production (R 2 = 0.45, p?=?0.03), whereas correlated negatively and significantly with the recovery efficiency (R 2 = 0.58, p?=?0.01). On average, the local producers receive a total net benefit of 457,272 Lao kip (USD 57.2) in 17 days. We also identified a rice husk mound method of charcoal production, which may not encourage further deforestation while producing rice husk biochar that can be used for soil restoration. Furthermore, we found that there are significant differences (p < 0.05) between the sampled wood charcoals in chemical properties, indicating that the potential of using wood charcoal for the restoration of degraded soils varies from charcoal to charcoal.  相似文献   

Massive losses of eelgrass Zostera marina beds in Japan have occurred over the past 100 years. Toward their restoration, transplantation of eelgrass has been attempted in some areas, including Tokyo Bay. This study examined population genetic structures and gene flow in eelgrass in Tokyo Bay to establish guidelines for conducting restoration. Genotypes of a total of 360 individuals from 12 beds were determined using five microsatellite markers. The eelgrass beds in inner bay had above-average genetic diversity. A neighbor-joining tree based on F ST values among beds revealed that a strong gene flow had occurred among six beds in the inner bay. Genetic assignment testing of drifting shoots indicated that those with seeds migrate in both directions between the inner and outer bay. We suggested that the restoration of eelgrass in the innermost part of Tokyo Bay, where natural habitats have been lost, should be conducted using the inner bay beds.  相似文献   

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