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本文基于ASTER GDEM数据,采用简单数学函数拟合龙门山地区15条河流的河流纵剖面形态,并结合基岩水力侵蚀模型来分析龙门山不同段落的地形形态特征。初步获得以下几点认识:(1)通过对龙门山地区河流纵剖面的分析,龙门山整体上具有较强的隆升速率,导致这一地区强烈的河流侵蚀作用;(2)龙门山中段和南段的河流双对数图以上凸型为主,说明该区域未达到均衡状态,处于前均衡期;(3)龙门山北段的河流双对数图呈直线形态,说明该区域达到均衡状态,处于均衡期;(4)龙门山中段和南段具有更强的构造活动性、更高的隆升速率,控制了该地区地貌、水系演化过程,并且导致这一地区容易发生地质灾害。  相似文献   

山地生态系统受地形因素影响在垂向上呈现出明显的空间分异特征,厘清山地生态系统服务的空间分异特征是区域土地利用和生态系统管理的基础。以青藏高原东缘典型流域岷江上游为研究区,将2000、2005、2010年土地利用数据及DEM数据作为数据源,运用地形位指数、相对变化率和敏感性系数,研究土地利用变化下的生态系统服务价值的地形梯度效应。结果表明:(1)岷江上游土地利用类型以林地和草地为主,约占总面积的60%和30%;2000~2010年,1~4级地形位上除未利用地外的其他土地利用类型分布指数变化较为明显,林地和耕地不断降低,草地、水域和建设用地不断升高。(2 )研究期内岷江上游生态系统服务价值总量和各类型生态系统服务的价值随地形位的升高均呈倒V形变化;2000~2010年,研究区1~12级地形位上生态系统服务价值呈增加趋势,13~20级地形位上呈减小 趋势。(3)2000~2010年,各地形位上生态系统服务价值变化趋势与研究区一致;除1级地形位上生态系统服务价值变化幅度略高于研究区外,2~20级地形位上的变化幅度与研究区基本一致。(4)研究 区各土地利用类型的单位面积生态系统服务价值敏感性系数均小于1,单位面积生态系统服务价值的变化缺乏弹性,研究结果可信;2000~2010年各地形位上水域、草地和荒漠敏感性系数不断上升,林地 和耕地敏感性系数不断下降。通过对土地利用变化驱动下的生态系统服务价值的地形梯度效应进行定量测度,明晰了生态系统服务价值随地形梯度变化所呈现的空间分异规律及其变化特征,为保护区域 生态系统,合理利用土地资源提供理论依据。 关键词: 土地利用;生态系统服务;地形位指数;地形梯度;岷江上游;青藏高原东缘  相似文献   

通过采集、测定升金湖沉积岩芯重金属含量,基于岩芯AMS14C年代—深度模型,分析了升金湖1000 A.D.以来的重金属污染历史特征和可能来源,采用潜在生态风险指数法与富集系数法评价了升金湖流域不同历史时期生态风险。研究结果表明,元素As、Mn、Pb、Cu、Zn、Cr、V和Ni的平均含量分别为19.2、623.7、28.6、42.4、115.7、83.7、153.1和46.5 mg·kg-1。随时间推移,升金湖沉积物中重金属综合潜在生态风险(RI)逐渐上升;1600 A.D.前元素As的潜在生态风险属于轻微生态危害,1900 A.D.后上升为中等生态危害,元素Cu、Mn、Ni、Pb、Zn、V和Cr均为轻微生态危害;各元素潜在生态危害由大到小排序为As>Cu>Ni>V>Pb>Cr>Mn>Zn, As、Cu为主要贡献因子。1600 A.D.前元素As为轻度富集,人为污染小,1600 A.D.后呈中等偏强富集,人为来源占比显著增加;1600 A.D.前元素Cu波动变化,1600 A.D.后呈中等富集,人为来源...  相似文献   

研究了东海内陆架两个沉积岩芯DH33和KP04中重金属的含量,分析了重金属的累积过程及影响因素,并对不同重金属间的相关性进行了比较,最后利用潜在生态危害指数表征了百年来的生态风险变化。结果表明:东海内陆架沉积物中重金属主要来源于长江的入海携带,因地理位置差异,两岩芯重金属含量变化与长江径流量变化响应程度不同,DH33靠近长江口,响应较好,径流量大的年份重金属含量高;KP04远离长江口,响应较差,浙闽沿岸流和台湾暖流均会对KP04有物源供应。重金属V与Cr、Cr与Ni间相关性良好;As、Hg、Cd 3者与其它金属相关性较差,KP04重金属的含量总体大于DH33,与“粒度律”相矛盾,初步推测KP04站位重金属含量的变化受物源供应和沉积速率共同作用的影响,台湾暖流可能是重要的物源供应途径。生态风险评价结果显示,仅岩芯KP04在1990s和1930s处于“中度污染”级别,且主要是由Hg、Cd、As引起  相似文献   

基于ANN的土壤重金属分布和污染评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农田土壤重金属污染与备受关注的农产品安全问题有密切联系,因此对其进行研究意义重大。以江苏省南通市为研究区,利用采样点实测数据,借助神经网络模型(ANN)并结合3S技术对问题进行研究,从而对土壤重金属的空间动态分布进行描述,并对各个空间位点重金属的污染状况进行评价。结果表明,神经网络模型能够智能地学习各个样点的空间位置与该点各重金属含量之间的映射关系和预先设计好的分类评价模式,并能够稳健地对各个空间插值点处的重金属含量和各个位点的重金属污染状况进行预测和评价。结论显示,南通市大部分农田土壤重金属污染较轻,但也存在局部地区的严重污染。结论与实际情况相符,表明神经网络模型可以为农田土壤重金属的研究提供一个新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

Permafrost degradation is prevalent on the Qinghai-Ti-bet Plateau. This may lead to changes in water and heat transition in soils and thus affect the structure and function of ecosystems. In this paper...  相似文献   


The issue on water environmental degradation in the source area of the Yellow River has been one of very serious ecological and socially economic problems. The temporal-spatial changes of water environment led to the decreasing of land capacity and river disconnecting. The status of water environmental degradation in this paper was analyzed based on the data and field investigation. The results indicated that the surface water area in the region has obviously decreased owing to the climate changes and human irrational use of water resources and the continuous lowering of the regional groundwater table and the steadily decreasing tendency of the flow rate in the source areas of the Yellow River.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Environmental changes caused by mankind's exploitation and regional climate changes have long been a severe problem in the world, especially in the arid and semiarid areas because of their ecosystems' vulnerability (Chen & Qu, 1992; Wang & Cheng, 1999; Liu et al., 1999). During the last half-century, especially the last 30 years, drastic environmental changes have occurred owing to exploitation and development, which have invoked society's concerns. In the Qinghai-Tibet …  相似文献   

青藏高原NPP时空演变格局及其驱动机制分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
青藏高原植被生态系统对全球变化的响应较为敏感。该研究引入重心模型等方法分析和探讨了2000~2015年青藏高原NPP时空变化格局及其驱动机理,并定量区分了NPP变化过程中气候变化和人类活动的相对作用。结果发现:(1)2000~2015年,青藏高原NPP年均值总体上呈现从东南向西北递减的趋势。在年际变化方面,近16年青藏高原不同生态子区的NPP均呈现不同程度的增加趋势。(2)近16年青藏高原NPP重心总体向西南方向移动,表明西南部NPP在增量和增速上大于东北部。(3)NPP与降水显著相关的区域主要位于青藏高原中部、青藏高原东南部及雅鲁藏布江流域中下游,而NPP与气温显著相关的区域主要位于藏南地区、横断山区北部、青藏高原中部和北部。(4)气候变化和人类活动在青藏高原NPP变化过程中的相对作用存在显著的时空差异性,在空间上呈现"四线-五区"的格局。研究成果可为揭示青藏高原区域生态系统对全球变化的响应机制提供理论和方法支撑。  相似文献   

本文从城市土壤中重金属元素的污染来源、污染危害、污染空间特征、污染评价方法和治理方法等方面来对我国城市土壤重金属污染问题的研究进展进行综述,并提出了相关的治理对策建议。  相似文献   

长三角典型城郊农田土壤-浙贝母重金属迁移特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城郊生态系统中土壤重金属分布及其在土壤—植物系统的迁移和富集特征是城乡共生体土壤安全研究的热点问题。以典型经济作物浙贝母(Fritillaria thunbergii)为例,基于野外采样和实验分析,对长三角代表性城郊农田中土壤—植物系统重金属的分布、富集和迁移特征开展研究。结果表明:受人类活动的影响,城郊农田土壤中重金属除Cr外,Cu、Zn、As、Cd和Pb的平均含量超过土壤背景值,并且不同重金属在空间分布上表现较高的空间异质性。除Cd和Cr外,浙贝母植株不同部位重金属含量表现为叶、茎显著高于鳞茎,叶中重金属含量可达到鳞茎的5~10倍,表明叶比鳞茎更易富集重金属。重金属迁移系数分析表明,Cr、Cu、Zn、As、Cd和Pb主要富集在浙贝母植株的地上部分,且不同重金属在植株中的迁移和富集能力具有较大的差异。浙贝母地上部分对Cr、As和Pb的富集能力较低,对Cu、Zn和Cd的富集能力相对较强。相比而言,鳞茎对不同重金属的富集能力均较弱,综合污染评价也表明,浙贝母鳞茎中重金属含量并未超过污染标准。  相似文献   

两种土地利用方式下土壤重金属污染特征与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究安徽铜陵某矿区耕地和人工林地两种土地利用方式下土壤重金属污染特征,应用Tomlinson污染负荷指数法和生物富集系数评价研究区土壤重金属Cd、Cu污染水平和植物重金属富集水平。结果表明:研究区耕地土壤Cd、Cu全量2.34和161.25 mg/kg,均高于林地Cd、Cu全量1.26和80.15 mg/kg,二者均超农用地土壤污染风险筛选值(GB 15618-2018,pH≤5.5)和铜陵市重金属背景值,耕地和林地污染水平分别为中度污染和轻微污染。耕地糙米Cd(0.95 mg/kg)超标严重,黄山栾树地上部Cd、Cu富集系数均低于水稻地上部。综上,黄山栾树人工林地Cd、Cu污染轻于耕地,退耕还林是研究区更佳的土地利用选择。  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to simulate the potential vegetation types on the basis of environmental parameters.The paper took Barkam County in a mountainous region of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau as the study area.The vegetation distribution was mapped in 1994 and 2007 based on TM remote sensing images by object-oriented interpretation method.We overlaid the two maps to find out the vegetation patches which have not changed,and took them as stable types.Fifty per cent of the stable patches were randomly sampled to operate the logistic regression with related environmental parameters;others were used as test data of simulated results.Seven environmental parameters were mapped,including elevation,slope,aspect,surface curvature,solar radiation,temperature and precipitation,based on DEM data and meteorological site data by GIS technology.The relationship between the spatial distribution of vegetation and environmental variables were quantified by logistic regression.The distribution probabilities of each vegetation type were calculated.Finally,the spatial distribution of potential vegetation was simulated.This research can provide a scientific basis for vegetation restoration and ecological construction in this area.  相似文献   

The results of a study of the content of heavy metals in fruticose epiphytic lichens in the taiga zone of the European Northeast of Russia (Republic of Komi) are presented. The content of elements in lichens in this area is at the background level for the northern part of Eurasia. A series of accumulated heavy metals in lichen have been established. Metal distribution mapping has made it possible to differentiate areas with respect to the level of their accumulation. The accumulation of mercury by lichen increases and the contents of manganese, coper, and cadmium decreases from the southwest to the northeast.  相似文献   

Shallow coastal waters act as nurseries for various fish species and have been recognized as essential fish habitat. We studied heavy metal concentrations in four fish species (plaice, dab, flounder and cod) as an indicator of large-scale habitat quality. The study took place along the French coasts between the Eastern English Channel and the Southern Bight of the North Sea. All species show different concentrations of measured metals (e.g., Cd, Cu, Mn and Pb) in liver but not in muscle. The highest concentrations are found for the flounder and the lowest for cod which is consistent with their habitat and diet. Although our results do not highlight levels of appreciable pollution within the study area, inter-site differences are mainly observed in the muscle tissues and are generally in agreement with the known environmental data (e.g., anthropogenic pressure). However, in the Bay of Seine, one of the most contaminated estuaries in Europe, metal concentrations are in the same range or even lower than those found in fish collected from areas distant from any anthropogenic pressures. At one site, the comparisons of the Cd, Cu and Pb concentrations between healthy and diseased dabs have been carried out on the muscle and liver tissues. The results of this preliminary study show a relationship between metal concentrations and the pathological status of the fish. The use of fish health as indicator of habitat quality is discussed.  相似文献   

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