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Sequential supercritical fluid (CO2) extraction (SSFE) was applied to eight historically contaminated soils from diverse sources with the aim to elucidate the sorption-desorption behavior of high molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The method involved five extraction phases applying successively harsher conditions by increasing fluid temperature and density mobilizing target compounds from different soil particle sites. Two groups of soils were identified based on readily desorbing (available) PAH fractions obtained under mildest extraction conditions (e.g., readily desorbing fractions of fluoranthene and pyrene significantly varied between the soils ranging from <10 to >90%). Moreover, extraction behavior strongly correlated with molecular weight revealing decreasing available PAH fractions with increasing weight. Physicochemical soil parameters such as particle size distribution and organic dry mass were found to have no distinct effect on the sorption-desorption behavior of PAHs in the different soils. However, PAH profiles significantly correlated with readily available pollutant fractions; soils with relatively less mobile PAHs had higher proportions of five- and six-ring PAHs and vice versa. Eventually, biodegradability corresponded well with PAH recoveries under the two mildest extraction phases. However, a quantitative relationship was only established for soils with biodegradable PAHs. Out of eight soils, five showed no biodegradation including the four soils with the lowest fraction of readily desorbing PAHs. Only one soil (which was found to be highly toxic to Vibrio fischeri) did not match the overall pattern showing no PAH biodegradability but large fractions of highly mobile PAHs, concluding that mass transfer limitations may only be one of many factors governing biodegradability of PAHs.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are possible contaminants in some former industrial sites, representing a potential risk to human health if these sites are converted to residential areas. This work was conducted to determine whether PAHs present in contaminated soils are transferred to edible parts of selected vegetables. Soils were sampled from a former gasworks and a private garden, exhibiting a range of PAH concentrations (4 to 53 to 172 to 1263 and 2526 mg PAHs kg-1 of dry soil), and pot experiments were conducted in a greenhouse with lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. Reine de Mai), potato (Solanum tuberosum L. var. Belle de Fontenay), and carrot (Daucus carota L. var. Nantaise). At harvest, above- and below ground biomass were determined and the PAH concentrations in soil were measured. In parallel, plates were placed in the greenhouse to estimate the average PAH-dust deposition. Results showed that the presence of PAHs in soils had no detrimental effect on plant growth. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons were detected in all plants grown in contaminated soils. However, their concentration was low compared with the initial soil concentration, and the bioconcentration factors were low (i.e., ranging from 13.4 x 10(-4) in potato and carrot pulp to 2 x 10(-2) in potato and carrot leaves). Except in peeled potatoes, the PAH concentration in vegetables increased with the PAH concentration in soils. The PAH distribution profiles in plant tissues and in soils suggested that root uptake was the main pathway for high molecular weight PAHs. On the opposite, lower molecular weight PAHs were probably taken up from the atmosphere through the leaves as well as by roots.  相似文献   

This paper presents a hybrid technology of soil remediation based on the integration of biodegradation and electroosmosis. We employed soils with different texture (clay soil and loamy sand) containing a mixture of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) present in creosote, and inoculation with a representative soil bacterium able to degrade fluorene, phenanthrene, fluoranthene, pyrene, anthracene, and benzo[a]pyrene. Two different modes of treatment were prospected: (i) inducing in soil the simultaneous occurrence of biodegradation and electroosmosis in the presence of a biodegradable surfactant, and (ii) treating the soils sequentially with electrokinetics and bioremediation. Losses of PAH due to simultaneous biodegradation and electroosmosis (induced by a continuous electric field) were significantly higher than in control cells that contained the surfactant but no biological activity or no current. The method was especially successful with loamy sand. For example, benzo[a]pyrene decreased its concentration by 50% after 7 d, whereas 22 and 17% of the compound had disappeared as a result of electrokinetic flushing and bioremediation alone, respectively. The use of periodical changes in polarity and current pulses increased by 16% in the removal of total PAH and in up to 30% of specific compounds, including benzo[a]pyrene. With the aim of reaching lower residual levels through bioremediation, an electrokinetic pretreatment was also evaluated as a way to mobilize the less bioaccessible fraction of PAH. Residual concentrations of total biodegradable PAH, remaining after bioremediation in soil slurries, were twofold lower in electrokinetically pretreated soils than in untreated soils. The results indicate that biodegradation and electroosmosis can be successfully integrated to promote the removal of PAH from soil.  相似文献   

A solid-phase microbiological assay was used to determine the changes in genotoxicity associated with sequestration or biodegradation of carcinogenic compounds in contaminated soils. The concentration of six carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) did not change in 59 d in sterile soil, but the genotoxicity declined markedly. In a soil undergoing bioremediation in the field for 147 d or biodegradation in the laboratory for 180 d, the concentrations either changed little or declined at different rates, but the genotoxicity increased followed by a decline. The genotoxicity of a second soil declined as a result of biological treatment. The data show that genotoxicity of contaminated soils may be unrelated to the concentration of carcinogenic PAHs because of aging or new mutagens formed during biological treatment.  相似文献   

Contamination of soil by hazardous substances poses a significant threat to human, environmental, and ecological health. Cleanup of the contaminants using destructive, invasive technologies has proven to be expensive and more importantly, often damaging to the natural resource properties of the soil, sediment, or aquifer. Phytoremediation is defined as the cleanup of contaminated sites using plants. There has been evidence of enhanced polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) degradation in rhizosphere soils for a limited number of plants. However, research focusing on the degradation of PAHs in the rhizosphere of trees is lacking. The objective of this study was to assess the potential use of trees to enhance degradation of PAHs located in manufactured gas plant-impacted soils. In greenhouse studies with intact soil cores, acenaphthene, anthracene, fluoranthene, naphthalene, and phenanthrene decreased significantly (p < 0.05) in green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall) and hybrid poplar (Populus deltoides x P. nigra DN 34) phytoremediation treatments when compared to the unplanted soil control. Increases in PAH microbial degraders in rhizosphere soil were observed when compared to unvegetated soil controls. In addition, the rate of degradation or biotransformation of PAHs was greatest for soils with black willow (Salix nigra Marshall), followed by poplar, ash, and the unvegetated controls. These results support the hypothesis that a variety of plants can enhance the degradation of target PAHs in soil.  相似文献   

Surface soil samples from various altitudes on Tenerife Island, ranging from sea level up to 3400 m above mean sea level, were analyzed to study the distribution of 26 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a remote subtropical area. The stable atmospheric conditions in this island define three vertically stratified layers: marine boundary, trade-wind inversion, and free troposphere. Total PAH concentrations, 1.9 to 6000 microg/kg dry wt., were high when compared with those in tropical areas and in a similar range to those in temperate areas. In the marine boundary layer, fluoranthene (Fla), pyrene (Pyr), benz [a]anthracene (BaA), and chrysene (C + T) were largely dominant. The predominance of Fla over Pyr may reflect photo-oxidative processes during atmospheric transport, although coal combustion inputs cannot be excluded. The PAHs found in higher concentration in the soils from the inversion layer were benzo[b + j]fluoranthene (BbjF) + benzo[k]fluoranthene (BkF) > benzo[e]pyrene (BeP) approximately indeno[1,2, 3-cd]pyrene (Ind) > benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) approximately benzo[ghi]perylene (Bghi) > coronene (Cor) approximately dibenz[a,h]anthracene (Dib), reflecting that high temperatures and insolation prevent the accumulation of PAHs more volatile than BbjF in significant amounts. These climatic conditions involve a process of standardization that prevents the identification of specific PAH sources such as traffic, forest fires, or industrial inputs. Only soils with high total organic carbon (TOC) (e.g., 10-30%) preserve the more volatile compounds such as phenanthrene (Phe), methylphenanthrenes (MPhe), dimethylphenanthrenes (DMPhe), and retene (Ret). However, no relation between PAHs and soil TOC and black carbon (BC) was found. The specific PAH distributions of the free tropospheric region suggest a direct input from pyrolytic processes related to the volcanic emission of gases in Teide.  相似文献   

Thirty-three air samples were collected by high-volume samplers from May 2007 to June 2008 in the coastal area of southwest Taiwan and analyzed for total suspended particulates (TSP) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Concentrations of TSP and total PAHs ranged from 40.4 to 251 μg m(-3) and 1.86-56.4 ng m(-3), respectively. Except for joss paper burning during the religious celebration of Ghost Month, which resulted in the highest concentration of PAHs in the summer of 2007, a seasonal variation in total PAH concentration was observed over this study period, with the highest concentrations in winter and the lowest in summer. Because of the geographical and climatic characteristics of the sampling site, monsoon activities modulate the seasonal variations of PAHs. Diagnostic ratios showed that PAHs in the atmosphere of the Kaohsiung coastal area arose predominantly from vehicle emissions (mainly from diesel exhaust), joss paper burning, and coal/wood combustion. The results of hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) and principal component analysis (PCA) indicated that the sampling days could be divided into three groups and that the major source identification of PAHs was the same as the identification by diagnostic ratios. In addition, the results of HCA and PCA suggest that the samples collected with a prevailing northerly or northeasterly wind direction contain both local emissions and those from neighboring sources. On the other hand, the cases related to westerly or northwesterly winds indicated that local emission was the major source for the sampling site.  相似文献   

The solubilization of phenanthrene (PHE) and pyrene (PYR) by rhamnolipid biosurfactant was systematically investigated. The solubilities of both polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were increased linearly with the biosurfactant concentration at above critical micelle concentration. A competitive effect was observed between PHE and PYR. The solubility of PHE in a mixed system was lower than that in a single PAH system, whereas the solubility of PYR in a mixed system was enhanced. This is because the hydrophobicity of PYR is higher than that of PHE, so PYR is favored in the competitive solubilization. The combined effect of biosurfactant and dissolved organic matter (DOM) on PAH solubilization was also examined. Two kinds of DOM (derived from soil and from compost) were used. There was an obvious enhancement of solubility for PHE and PYR in systems with concurrence of DOM and biosurfacrant compared with systems with only DOM or biosurfactant; however, the enhancement in the mixed system was less than their additive. This could be explained as the formation of a DOM-biosurfactant complex. In addition, the solubility enhancement of PAHs in a compost-DOM system was higher than that in a soil-DOM system. This could be explained as functional group differences of two DOM types.  相似文献   

Soybean [ (L.) Merr.] stalk-based carbons were prepared by phosphoric acid activation at different carbonization temperatures. Characteristics of the prepared carbon, including specific surface area, iodine number, and amount of methylene blue sorption, were determined. Experiments on phenanthrene, naphthalene, and acenaphthene, as representatives of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), removal from aqueous solution by the prepared carbon were conducted at different levels of carbon addition. The results indicated that the specific surface area, iodine number, and amount of methylene blue sorption increased with an increase of carbonization temperature. The maximum values were observed at 700°C and were 287.63 m g, 508.99 mg g, and 90.14 mg g, respectively. The removal efficiencies of phenanthrene, naphthalene, and acenaphthene tended to increase with increasing carbon amounts and carbonization temperature. The optimal removal performance was obtained under the experimental conditions of carbon concentrations of 0.04 g 32 mL and carbonization temperature of 700°C, and the removal efficiencies of phenanthrene, naphthalene, and acenaphthene were 99.89, 100, and 95.64%, respectively. The performance of the prepared carbon was superior to that of commercial activated carbon. Additionally, for the same carbon concentrations, the removal efficiency of PAHs on prepared carbons followed the order: phenanthrene > naphthalene > acenaphthene. Results obtained from this work provide some insight into the reuse of an agricultural residue, and also provide a new application for the treatment of PAHs in contaminated water utilizing activated carbon prepared from agricultural residues.  相似文献   

Microbial biodegradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) during the process of bioremediation can be constrained by lack of nutrients, low bioavailability of the contaminants, or scarcity of PAH-biodegrading microorganisms. This study focused on addressing the limitation of nutrient availability for PAH biodegradation in oil-contaminated beach sediments. In our previous study, three nutrient sources including inorganic soluble nutrients, the slow-release fertilizer Osmocote (Os; Scotts, Marysville, OH) and Inipol EAP-22 (Ip; ATOFINA Chemicals, Philadelphia, PA), as well as their combinations, were applied to beach sediments contaminated with an Arabian light crude oil. Osmocote was the most effective nutrient source for aliphatic biodegradation. This study presents data on PAH biodegradation in the oil-spiked beach sediments amended with the three nutrients. Biodegradation of total target PAHs (two- to six-ring) in all treatments followed a first-order biodegradation model. The biodegradation rates of total target PAHs in the sediments treated with Os were significantly higher than those without. On Day 45, approximately 9.3% of total target PAHs remained in the sediments amended with Os alone, significantly lower than the 54.2 to 58.0% remaining in sediment treatments without Os. Amendment with Inipol or soluble nutrients alone, or in combination, did not stimulate biodegradation rates of PAHs with a ring number higher than 2. The slow-release fertilizer (Os) is therefore recommended as an effective nutrient amendment for intrinsic biodegradation of PAHs in oil-contaminated beach sediments.  相似文献   

A 12-mo greenhouse study was conducted to evaluate the contribution of root death and decay on the dissipation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in rhizosphere soil. The contaminated soil was previously treated by land-farming, but residual PAHs remained after treatment. Tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) and yellow sweet clover (Melilotus officinalis Lam.) were the target plants. To specifically evaluate the effect of root decay on contaminant dissipation, plants were treated with glyphosate, a broad spectrum herbicide, to induce root decay. Although tall fescue treatments had the highest root and shoot biomass and root surface area, this plant did not result in the highest contaminant degradation rates. Significant differences were noted between treatments for seven PAHs, with the active yellow sweet clover resulting in 60 to 75% degradation of these compounds. Induced root death and decay did not produce a significant enhancement of PAH degradation. The PAH microbial degrader populations in the vegetated treatments were more than 100 times greater than those in the unvegetated control. The phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) structural group profile shifted over the growing period, indicating a change in the community structure. In conclusion, phytoremediation was shown to be an effective polishing tool for PAH-affected soil previously subjected to biological treatment.  相似文献   

Both natural organic matter (NOM) and surfactants are known to enhance the apparent aqueous solubility of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) in aqueous systems. In this study, the combined effect of NOM and surfactants on enhancing the solubility of HOCs was investigated, since both may occur and affect the fate and transport of HOCs in natural aqueous environments. Experimental results indicated that the apparent solubility of naphthalene, phenanthrene, and pyrene in NOM and anionic surfactant solution was lower than their solubility in NOM solution alone. However, the apparent solubility of an HOC in NOM and nonionic surfactant solution is almost the same as the sum of the HOC's solubility in NOM solution plus its solubility in nonionic surfactant solution. The observation that apparent aqueous solubility of HOCs in NOM and anionic surfactant solution is decreased is probably due to the fact that the cations that are released when the anionic surfactant dissociates may form ion pairs with acidic or phenolic groups associated with the NOM. This serves to increase the size of hydration of these groups, thereby decreasing the effective size of the nonpolar moieties associated with the NOM, and thus decreasing hydrophobic partitioning of the HOCs into the NOM. The results presented here will help us to understand the effect of NOM and surfactants on the fate and transport of HOCs in aquatic systems.  相似文献   

Recent molecular modeling and spectroscopic studies have suggested that relatively strong interactions can occur between aromatic pi donors and metal cations in aqueous solutions. The objective of this study was to characterize potential cation-pi interactions between pi donors and exchangeable cations accumulated at mineral surfaces via both spectroscopic and batch sorption methods. Quadrupolar splitting in deuterium nuclear magnetic resonance ((2)H NMR) spectroscopy for d(2)-dichloromethane, d(6)-benzene, and d(8)-toluene (C(6)D(5)- moiety) in aqueous suspensions of a Na-saturated reference montmorillonite unambiguously indicated the ordering of solute molecules with respect to the clay surface. The half line broadening (Delta nu(1/2)) of (2)H NMR of d(6)-benzene in montmorillonite suspensions showed that soft exchangeable cations generally resulted in more benzene sorption compared with harder cations (e.g., Ag(+) > Cs(+) > Na(+) > Mg(2+), Ba(2+)). In batch sorption experiments, saturating minerals (e.g., porous silica gels, kaolinite, vermiculite, montmorillonite) with a soft transition metal or softer base cations generally increased the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) sorption relative to harder cations (e.g., Ag(+) > Cs(+) > K(+) > Na(+); Ba(2+) > Mg(2+)). Sorption of phenanthrene to Ag(+)-saturated montmorillonite was much stronger compared with 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene, a coplanar non-pi donor having slightly higher hydrophobicity. In addition, a strong positive correlation was found between the cation-dependent sorption and surface charge density of the minerals (e.g., vermiculite, montmorillonite > silica gels, kaolinite). These results, coupled with the observations in (2)H NMR experiments with montmorillonite, strongly suggest that cation-pi bonding forms between PAHs and exchangeable cations at mineral surfaces and affects PAH sorption to hydrated mineral surfaces.  相似文献   

Understanding enzyme responses to contamination with persistent organic pollutants (POPs) is a key step in the elucidation of POP metabolic mechanisms in plants. However, there is little information available on enzyme activity in subcellular fractions of POP-contaminated plants. To our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the activities of polyphenol oxidase (PPO) in cell fractions of plants under contamination stress from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) using a greenhouse batch technique. Three parameters, E(cell), E(cell-n), and P(cell), denoting the amount of PPO activity, cell fraction content-normalized PPO activity, and proportion of PPO activity in each cell fraction, respectively, were used in this study. Contamination with phenanthrene, as a representative PAH, at a relatively high level (>0.23 mg L?1) in culture solution generally stimulated PPO activity in tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) roots and shoots and their cellular fractions. The amount and distribution proportion of PPO activity in each cell fraction of phenanthrene-contaminated roots and shoots were (in descending order): cell solution > > cell wall > cell organelles. Cell solution was the dominant storage domain of PPO activity and contributed 84.0 and 82.8% of PPO activity in roots and shoots, respectively. The cell wall had the highest density of PPO activity in roots and shoots, based on the highest cell fraction content normalized PPO activity in this cell fraction. Our results provide new information on enzyme responses in plant intracellular fractions to xenobiotic POPs and fundamental information on within-plant POP metabolic mechanisms.  相似文献   

Although most of the organic carbon in soils and sediments may be composed of humic substances, their interaction with other compounds, especially their sorption interactions, may be significantly affected by the presence of small amounts of the other components of natural organic matter (NOM). In this investigation, the influence of the lipid fraction of NOM on the sorption thermodynamics of fluorene, phenanthrene, and pyrene to several geosorbent samples was examined before and after extraction of lipids. Batch experiments were performed at the same concentration for all polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (0.025 x their solubility in water) at different temperatures (10, 20, 30, and 40 degrees C), and the thermodynamic parameters were calculated. Removal of the lipids increases the sorption capacity of the samples as well as the exothermicity of the process. The free energy change was negative for all the samples and no significant differences were noticed on lipid removal. The entropy changes were small and positive for the whole geosorbent samples, but even smaller or more negative when the lipids were removed. This indicates that the interaction of PAHs with soils and sediments in the absence of extractable lipids is stronger and the mechanisms involved may be different, changing from a partitioning-like mechanism to specific adsorption. Because of the competition between lipids and PAHs for the same sorption sites, the lipids can be viewed as an "implicit sorbate."  相似文献   

In response to the growing concern about the contribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from vehicular activities in Lagos mega city and their effect on air quality, PAH emissions were estimated using the emission factors approach. To make these estimates, PAH emission factors were calculated from the profile ratio of four PAHs emitted from vehicle sources obtained from the European Environment Agency's emission inventory guidebook, whereas the total number of registered vehicles based on the type of fuel they use for a period of 10 years was obtained from Lagos State Bureau of Statistics. Vehicle emissions were estimated using a combination of individual emission factors, the total number of vehicles in use based on fuel type, and the average mileage covered. The average highest level of emission of PAHs of 3.542 kilograms (kg) for gasoline‐powered vehicles was obtained in 2013, whereas the average lowest level of emission of 2.679 kg was recorded for diesel‐powered vehicles in 2007. In the same manner, 2013 had highest annual average total emission of 6.384 kg, whereas the lowest annual total PAHs emission of 5.727 kg was recorded in 2007. It is therefore advised that effective control measure should be put in place by regulatory agency to prevent personnel exposure to these hazardous substances.  相似文献   

The ability of pre-oxidation to overcome polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) recalcitrance to biodegradation was investigated in creosote contaminated soil. Sand and peat artificially spiked with creosote (quality WEI C) were used as model systems. Ozonation and Fenton-like treatment were proved to be feasible technologies for PAH degradation in soil. The efficiency of ozonation was strongly dependent on the water content of treated soil samples. The removal of PAH by Fenton-like treatment depended on the applied H2O2/soil weight ratio and ferrous ions addition. It was determined that the application of chemical oxidation in sand resulted in a higher PAH removal and required lower oxidant (ozone, hydrogen peroxide) doses. The enhancement of PAH biodegradability by different pre-treatment technologies also depended on the soil matrix. It was ascertained that combined chemical and biological treatment was more efficient in PAH elimination in creosote contaminated soil than either one alone. Thus, the combination of Fenton-like and the subsequent biological treatment resulted in the highest removal of PAH in creosote contaminated sand, and biodegradation with pre-ozonation was found to be the most effective technology for PAH elimination in peat.  相似文献   

Sixteen USEPA priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) extracted by Soxhlet extraction (S-PAHs) with dichloromethane and routine accelerated solvent extraction (A-PAHs) with 1:1 toluene/methanol, respectively, were investigated in 24 soil samples from two cities in the center of the Pearl River Delta, South China. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, methylphenanthrene and perylene, in two soils, two sediments, and an immature oil shale were also sequentially extracted by accelerated solvent extraction (ASE) with each of four different organic solvents for three times. The A-PAHs' concentrations are 2.41 times the S-PAHs' concentrations. For sequential three ASEs, PAHs in the first extract account for 56 to 67% of their total concentrations in the sequential three extractions and toluene displays the best extraction performance among the four solvents. Diagnostic ratios of PAHs in Soxhlet extraction, routine ASE, and sequential ASE with each solvent for a given sample are very similar, suggesting their identical petrogenic and pyrogenic sources in the soils and sediments. But the PAH ratios for the shale have an obvious petrogenic origin. The perylene/5-ring PAH ratios indicate a diagenetic source, especially in the shale and sediments. The correlation analysis shows that A-PAHs/S-PAHs is better associated with the contents of total organic carbon (TOC) than those of black carbon (BC). The above results indicate the significant petrogenic origin of PAHs and the important effect of organic matter on their extraction and distribution in the investigated field soils/sediments.  相似文献   

The knowledge of the environmental fate of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is restricted to few climatic regions of the world almost excluding the Taiga. Our objectives were to (i) separate anthropogenic from background contributions to PAH concentrations and (ii) determine temporal trends in PAH concentrations during the last century including the change in distribution of PAHs in interior and exterior portions of aggregates in soils of the Moscow region. Along a southeast-bound transect from Moscow (windward in winter) and at a background location northeast of Moscow (leeward in winter), seven topsoil samples were collected in 1910-1954 and 35 in 1998-2003. We fractionated the soils in interior and exterior portions of aggregates > 10 mm and remaining soil without aggregates. The sum of 21 PAHs (sigma21PAHs) concentrations in recent bulk soil ranged from 59 to 1350 ng g(-1). The concentrations of all PAHs were lower outside than in Moscow. The range of the concentrations of the sigma21PAHs in archived soil samples (159-1280 ng g(-1)) was similar as in recent soils. In most recent and archived samples, naphthalene and phenanthrene, were most abundant. The concentrations of low-molecular-weight PAHs decreased during the last century at most sites; those of high-molecular-weight compounds increased. The sigma21PAHs concentrations were accumulated in the exterior of aggregates (109%) and depleted in the interior (95%) relative to the concentration in bulk soil (defined as 100%), which was similar to that in the soil without aggregates (99%). The differences between aggregate interior and exterior did not change during the last century. The dominance of naphthalene and phenanthrene is typical of remote regions. The urban influence on PAH concentrations in the last century was small.  相似文献   

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