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Animal movement patterns and use of space depend upon food and nonfood resources, as well as conspecific and heterospecific interactions, but models of habitat use often neglect to examine multiple factors and rarely include marsupials. We studied habitat use in an Australian population of koalas (Phascolarctos cinereus) over a 6-year period in order to determine how koalas navigate their environment and partition limited patchy food and nonfood resources. Tree selection among koalas appears to be mediated by folar chemistry, but nonfood tree selection exerts a major impact on home range use due to thermoregulatory constraints. Koalas moved on a daily basis, during both day and night, but daytime resting site was not necessarily in the same location as nighttime feeding site. Koalas had substantial home range overlap in the near absence of resource sharing with less than 1% of trees located in areas of overlap used by multiple koalas. We suggest that koala spatiotemporal distribution and habitat use are probably based upon a community structure of individuals, with a checkerboard model best describing overlap in home range area but not in resource use. Nonfood refugia and social networks should be incorporated into models of animal range and habitat use.  相似文献   

This study focused on the sorption isotherms of 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) ethane (p,p'-DDT) and 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl) ethylene (p,p'-DDE) on different original clays (i.e., zeolite, montmorillonite and attapulgite) and organoclay complexes. Sorption of organic pollutants was determined using gas chromatographic (GC) techniques to investigate the sorption behavior, and characterize the effect of, different organic cations. The original clays only sorbed low amounts of p,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDE, and the sorptive curves can be classified as L-shaped. Organoclays exhibited higher amounts of p,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDE sorption. The p,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDE sorption increased with increasing total organic carbon (OC) content of the organoclays. For hexadecyltrimethylammonium (HDTMA)-modified organoclays, the dominant adsorptive medium showed the partitioning sorption of hydrophobic-hydrophobic interaction, indicating no competitive sorption. The sorptive curves can be classified as C-shaped of constant partition (CP). However, benzyltrimethylammonium (BTMA)-modified organoclays exhibited competitive sorption. The sorption isotherm curves can be classified as S-shaped. The sorptive capacity of the HDTMA-modified organoclays for p,p'-DDT were higher than those for p,p'-DDE, but the BTMA-modified organoclays showed a reverse trend. This can be attributed to the different structures and shapes of organic cations, giving different sorptive mechanisms. The p,p'-DDT and p,p'-DDE sorption onto HDTMA-modified organoclays were caused by chemical interaction, with the BTMA modified organoclays occuring due to physical sorption.  相似文献   

Male fertilisation success in relation to male size and the mating situation (ordinary pair formation with a single, nonvirgin female vs. take overs) was examined in the fly Dryomyza anilis. In ordinary matings, large males achieved higher fertilisation success than small ones when they were the second to mate with the female. Take overs differ from ordinary pair formation in that the second male experiences intensified sperm competition. This is because in take overs the female is not able to discharge any of the sperm inseminated by the first male as she usually does before a new mating. Compared with ordinary matings, take overs reduced the fertilisation success of the second male by 8–10%, whereas that of the first male was 7–14% higher in take overs. Even though the intruder was always larger than the paired male his superior fertilisation success did not compensate for the effect of the sperm already present in the female. In D. anilis, males can increase their fertilisation success by tapping the female's external genitalia with their claspers or having several copulation bouts per mating. Thus, in a take over, the intruder could respond to the intensified sperm competition by performing more tapping sequences per copulation bout or more copulation bouts per mating. In matings observed in the wild, males performed more tapping sequences after a take over than after pair formation with a single female, although the difference was not significant. The results show that there are differences in fertilisation success between males of different size. In addition, different mating situations can result in considerable variation in the fertilisation success of an individual male. Higher fertilisation success for the first male after a take over may be significant, in particular, for the reproductive success of small males, which frequently lose their females to large males.  相似文献   

Summary. Polyphagous caterpillars of the giant geometer Biston robustum resemble the twigs of their respective food sources in color and shape. Common predatory ants, including Lasius and Formica, were often observed to freely prowl directly on caterpillars bodies, even after antennal contact. This suggests that the cuticular chemicals of the caterpillars resemble those of the twigs of the foodplants, so we analyzed both by GC and GC-MS. The chemical compositions differed among caterpillars fed on a cherry, Prunus yedoensis, a chinquapin Castanopsis cuspidata, and a camellia Camellia japonica. The cuticular chemicals of the caterpillars resembled those of their corresponding food sources. When the caterpillar diets were switched from the cherry to camellia or chinquapin at the 4th instars, the caterpillars cuticular chemicals changed after molting to resemble those of their respective foods. Caterpillars also changed their cuticular chemicals when they perched on cherry twigs and fed on camellia or chinquapin leaves, but not when they perched on camellia or chinquapin twigs and fed on cherry leaves. The chemical similarities between the caterpillars and the twigs were due to the digestion of host leaves, which indicates that this is a diet-induced adaptation.  相似文献   

Females ofBlattella germanica andBlaberus craniifer produce a volatile sex pheromone attractive at a distance for conspecific males. During the emission of the pheromone, females ofB. craniifer adopt a typical calling posture; we never observe such a stance inB. germanica females. For both species, the glandular structures responsible for pheromonal production are located on the female pygidium. InB. germanica, the thickness of the glandular epithelium is clearly correlated with the attractiveness of females, being maximum for 13 day old females. The functions of the pygidial glands are discussed in both species.  相似文献   

Summary Life stages of the primitive Australian ithomiine butterflyTellervo zoilus and its larval hostplant, the apocynaceous vineParsonsia straminea, were quantitatively assayed for pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs). PAs were found in all stages, mainly as N-oxides, being most concentrated in larvae and freshly-emerged adults. Although adults feed at various confirmed PA sources this probably does not compensate for losses, as wild-caught adults had considerably lower concentrations of PAs. The main alkaloid present in both freshly-emerged adults and in leaves of the host-plant was lycopsamine (1b), stored by butterflies in the N-oxide form. Its presence in higher proportion, in relation to intermedine (1a), in larvae, pupae and adults ofTellervo in relation to the host-plants suggests the inversion of intermedine to lycopsamine by the insects. No 14-member ring macrocyclic PAs were detected in either food-plant or butterflies. Several other PAs were found in wild-caught adults reflecting visits to other PA sources. PAs were also found in high concentrations in freshly-emerged individuals of the danaineEuploea core bred onParsonsia straminea. Wild-caughtDanaus affinis had high PA levels acquired from adult feeding. Freshly emergedEuploea raised onIschnocarpus frutescens andDanaus raised onIschnostemma carnosum (both PA-free) were preyed on by the orb weaving spiderNephila maculata, and showed no PAs. In all cases where PAs were present, most butterflies were liberated, usually cut out of the web unharmed, byNephila. The spider's response was not closely linked to PA concentration, however, and may also depend on hunger levels and previous experience with PA-containing butterflies. All control and other non-PA containing butterflies were consumed although rejection of some body parts of freshly-emergedDanaus affinis suggests that compounds other than PAs may be involved.  相似文献   

Summary Interactions were studied among alkaloid-containing legumes (Erythrina corallodendrum andSpartium junceum) and non-toxic plants (Citrus sinensis, Cucurbita moschata andEuphorbia tirucalli), several polyphagous homopterans,Aphis craccivora (Aphididae),Icerya purchasi, I. aegyptiaca (Margarodidae),Lepidosaphes ulmi (Diaspididae) andPlanococcus citri (Pseudococcidae), and some major natural enemies of these homopterans. Significant reductions in survival due to negative effects of alkaloid containing as compared with non-alkaloidal plants were recorded for the predatorsRodolia cardinalis andChilocorus bipustulatus, but not forCryptolaemus montrouzieri (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae),Chrysoperla carnea (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) andSympherobius sanctus (Neuroptera: Sympherobiidae). The development time of the larvae or pupae ofR. cardinalis, C. carnea andS. sanctus was longer on the toxic plants than on the non-toxic ones. The percentage of parasitism ofA. craccivora collected from the non-alkaloidal plantsVicia palaestina andMelilotus albus was much higher than that onS. junceum. The parasitoid complexes ofA. craccivora differed between both plant groups. The nutritive value of honeydew ofI. purchasi andA. craccivora, as expressed by the life span ofEncyrtus infelix (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) adults, was also investigated. Life spans were significantly longer when the wasps fed on honeydew produced on non-alkaloidal plants (C. sinensis andPittosporum tobira) than on alkaloid containing plants whenI. purchasi — but notA. craccivora — was the producer. It is suggested that the chemical defense ofE. corallodendrum andS. junceum is exploited by polyphagous phytophages to reduce predation. In nature, population growth and density of four of the investigated homopterans are conspicuously high when they developed on the alkaloid containing plant species, and very low on non-alkaloid plants. The efficiency of their natural enemies may be reduced by sequestration of alkaloids (or other toxic plant compounds) or their transfer into excreted honeydew. Therefore it is assumed that a generalist phytophagous homopteran may be protected from its natural enemies, although at different rates of efficiency, if it can safely sequester the host allelochemical when it develops on toxic species within its host range.  相似文献   

Host finding abilities were investigated in the braconid Coeloides bostrichorum and the pteromalid Rhopalicus tutela, two ectoparasitoid wasps attacking the late instar of the bark beetle Ips typographus. Under laboratory conditions, important differences in the host-searching behaviour of these species were found, R. tutela being highly mobile as compared to C. bostrichorum. In the presence of C. bostrichorum, R. tutela behaved as a cleptoparasitoid, displacing the females from their oviposition sites and stealing the hosts previously located by the braconid. This behaviour facilitated host finding in R. tutela and could partly explain the relative success of the polyphagous R. tutela when occurring with the more specialised C. bostrichorum.Communicated by R.F.A. Moritz  相似文献   

This work deals with the biodiversity and distribution of benthic macrophytes in the Ghar El Melh lagoon, a Mediterranean coastal lagoon located in the North of Tunisia. An inventory was made of the benthic flora and submerged macrophyte communities were mapped during two successive campaigns (the summer of 1999 and the winter of 2000). The following 24 macrophyte species were identified: seven red algae, two brown algae, 11 green algae, and four marine angiosperms. The results were compared with available data from the literature. Ruppia cirrhosa is the most dominant species. It is found in all lagoon parts, except in the west sector.Ruppia beds are usually associated withCladophora forming heterogeneous communities. During summerRuppia cirrhosa shows a large distribution, covering an area of ca. 21.4 km2, with dense, extensive beds covering 80–100%. In winter, severalCladophora species have a very large distribution as well, covering nearly an area of 28.5 km2 with an average cover of 46%. The green algaeCaulerpa prolifera is confined to the eastern part of the lagoon which is mainly affected by seawater. In comparison with previous situations, many transformations were observed in biodiversity and spatial distribution of the dominant communities. Thus,Cymodocea nodosa andZostera beds, which dominated in the 1970s, were replaced byZostera andCaulerpa prolifera in the 1980s and are currently succeeded byRuppia cirrhosa andCladophora. Restoration of the Ghar El Melh lagoon will enable an increase in the exchange with the open sea and the circulation of water, in particular in the confined zones. This should considerably improve the water quality and would positively influence the phytobenthic communities.  相似文献   

Summary. Trail-following behavior of Lasius japonicus was colony-specific in the field, while trail pheromone activity was not. We found that the footprint substance caused colony-specific trail-following behavior only when working in conjunction with the trail pheromone. The footprint substance alone did not lead the workers to follow trails. The substance consisted mainly of hydrocarbons with composition almost identical to that of cuticular hydrocarbons, except for the absence of n-alkanes. Nestmate workers shared footprint hydrocarbon profiles as well as cuticular hydrocarbons, but the profiles differed among colonies. We therefore consider that the footprint hydrocarbon profiles serve as the trail discrimination signal in L. japonicus.  相似文献   

This study forms part of the Action Plan for the Conservation of Marine Vegetation in the Mediterranean SEa (United Nation Environmental Program). It was carried out in June 2000 in the Farwà Lagoon, Libya. The mapping of the main benthic vegetation was achieved by compiling the field observations (transect method), and remote sensing of SPOT satellite images. The phytobenthos in the Farwà lagoon covers an area of 1820 ha (65%). Three benthic macrophyte species dominate, namely the marine phanerogamsCymodocea nodosa andPosidonia oceanica, and the algaCaulerpa prolifera. DeadPosidonia oceanica leaves (litter) form veritable mounds in the vicinity of the openings leading to open sea. These leaves, which come from the coastal sea, are brought into the lagoon by currents and tides; their decomposition will lead to high oxygen consumption and the release of hydrogen sulphide. The phenological data ofPosidonia oceanica shoots sampled in the lagoon are similar to those from other stations in the Mediterranean. Conversely, the lepidochronological parameters of shoots sampled in the central part of the lagoon exhibit values that are substantially higher than those generally recorded in the Mediterranean. The mean number of leaves produced annually is 9.9 (mean value for the Mediterranean: 7.5) and the rhizome growth rate is of 35.7 mm.yr−1 (mean value for the Mediterranean: 7.5 mm.yr−1). This hypersaline environment would seem to provide optimum growth conditions for the speciesPosidonia oceanica.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic habitat shifts have been documented in numerous fish and amphibians and in some reptiles. Intraspecific competition together with differential predation, prey size, social interactions, size-related thermal requirements, and morphological constraints on movement are often implicated in this ontogenetic habitat separation. In the current study, we combined field observation with experiments in seminatural arenas to test various hypotheses regarding the ontogenetic habitat shift that we have documented in the common chameleon. Juveniles (mean, 1 g) occupied low grasses and the adults (mean, 35 g) were found on bushes and trees. Overlap in habitat use between these two age classes was minimal. Our field experiments showed that juveniles actively avoid the presence of adults by concealment or flight. Adults readily attacked and consumed juveniles, regardless of their own mass. These results suggest that the risk of cannibalism towards juveniles is an important selective force behind the ontogenetic habitat shift observed in the common chameleon and may be important in other species too.  相似文献   

The curculionid beetle Naupactus bipes (Germar, 1824) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Brachycerinae) has shown feeding preference for leaves of Piper gaudichaudianum, demonstrating an unexpected specificity for an insect considered to be a generalist. The leaves of P. gaudichaudianum contain the prenylated chromenes gaudichaudianic acid (4, major compound) and its methyl ester (5) in addition to a chromene (3) lacking one prenyl residue. In addition to 4, roots contain the chromone methyl ester (1) and methyl taboganate (2, major compound). Feeding on roots, larvae of N. bipes sequester exclusively the root-specific compounds 1 and 2. Adult beetles sequester the leaf-specific chromenes 3 and 4, but were found to also contain compounds 1 and 2 that are absent in leaves. Therefore, it is suggested that 1 and 2 are sequestered by larvae and can be found in the body of adult insects after long-term storage. In addition, 3 and 4, the major compounds in leaves were found to be associated with the eggs.  相似文献   

Summary A crude cuticular extract from 3450 virgin 9–13 day old female fruit flies(Drosophila virilis), was subjected to chromatography accompanied by bioassay for sex pheromone activity. After three chromatographic steps, fractions containing active monoenes and dienes were obtained. Chemical analysis by infrared absorption, gas liquid chromatography and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry of the active fraction indicated that active monoenes were comprised chiefly of (Z)-11-pentacosene (abbreviated (Z)-11-C25:1), (Z)-13-C27:1, (Z)-13- and (Z)-14-C29:1. Synthetic monoenes were made, and only (Z)-11-C25:1 elicited good courtship behaviour in maleD. virilis. Therefore it was concluded that (Z)-11-C25:1 was a major sex pheromone. A total of 16.2±1.32 µg of cuticular hydrocarbons was isolated from 10 day old females, including 5.9±0.56 µg of (Z)-11-C25:1. An additive effect was suggested from the higher observed courtship response when using a mixture of active dienes with the active monoene.  相似文献   

We studied the role of echolocation and other sensory cues in two small frugivorous New World leaf-nosed bats (Phyllostomidae: Artibeus watsoni and Vampyressa pusilla) feeding on different types of fig fruit. To test which cues the bats need to find these fruit, we conducted behavioral experiments in a flight cage with ripe and similar-sized figs where we selectively excluded vision, olfaction, and echolocation cues from the bats. In another series of experiments, we tested the discrimination abilities of the bats and presented sets of fruits that differed in ripeness (ripe, unripe), size (small, large), and quality (intact(infested with caterpillars). We monitored the bats' foraging and echolocation behavior simultaneously. In flight, both bat species continuously emitted short (<2 ms), multi-harmonic, and steep frequency-modulated (FM) calls of high frequencies, large bandwidth, and very low amplitude. Foraging behavior of bats was composed of two distinct stages: search or orienting flight followed by approach behavior consisting of exploration flights, multiple approaches of a selected fruit, and final acquisition of ripe figs in flight or in a brief landing. Both bat species continuously emitted echolocation calls. Structure and pattern of signals changed predictably when the bats switched from search or orienting calls to approach calls. We did not record a terminal phase before final acquisition of a fruit, as it is typical for aerial insectivorous bats prior to capture. Both bat species selected ripe over unripe fruit and non-infested over infested fruit. Artibeus watsoni preferred larger over smaller fruit. We conclude from our experiments, that the bats used a combination of odor-guided detection together with echolocation for localization in order to find ripe fruit and to discriminate among them.  相似文献   

Common cuckoo (Cuculus canorus) parasitism drastically reduces the reproductive success of their hosts and selects for host discrimination of cuckoo eggs. In a second stage of anti-parasite adaptation, once cuckoos can lay eggs that mimic those of their hosts, a high uniformity of host egg appearance within a clutch may favour cuckoo egg discrimination. Comparative evidence provides indirect support for this hypothesis although experimental support is currently lacking. Here, we studied the effect of experimentally decreased uniformity of host egg appearance on cuckoo egg discrimination by great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus) hosts in a population in which long-term cuckoo parasitism has led to high levels of cuckoo–host egg mimesis. We manipulated host clutch uniformity by adding extra spots to fresh host eggs just after they were laid. Rejection of non-mimetic experimental eggs added to these nests was compared with those in control nests in which uniformity was not altered. Previously, by over-painting real spots in a control group of nests, we showed a negligible effect of our paints on hosts’ perception of their eggs. We show that for the great reed warbler, non-mimetic experimental eggs were relatively more tolerated in experimental nests, i.e. with lower uniformity (40%) than in control nests (5%). This is the first experimental study, to our knowledge, which demonstrates a reduced discrimination of foreign eggs as a consequence of an increase of egg phenotypes variation perception in a cuckoo host.  相似文献   

The reproductive behavior of male gray seals (Halichoerus grypus) breeding on land-fast ice at Amet Island, Nova Scotia, was studied. Data on energy expenditure (rate of mass loss over time) were collected. The average time budget of males at Amet Island was comparable to that of land-breeding males. The behavior of males showed seasonal changes, with a decrease in the proportion of time spent in the water and an increase in agonistic behavior during the peak mating period. The estimated amount of body mass lost over the season ranged between 25.6 and 77.1 kg, and the estimated percent of initial body mass lost ranged between 7.7 and 26.5% (n=10). The maximum number of observed copulations for an individual male was nine. Only 15 out of 42 males observed during 1992 and 1993 were seen copulating. The number of observed copulations per male was strongly correlated with success in remaining close to, or attending, females (r=0.91, P<0.001, n=42). The mean duration of attendance was 4.5 ± 5.54 days (n=42). Large size was not an important factor in determining attendance success, but reproductive effort (the estimated proportion of body mass lost over the season) and success in agonistic interactions with other males were both correlated with male success.  相似文献   

Summary. It is well known that feeding by Pieris brassicae caterpillars on cabbage leaves triggers the release of volatiles that attract natural antagonists such as the parasitoid Cotesia glomerata. The temporal dynamics in the emissions of parasitoid attracting volatiles has never been elucidated in this system. In a time course experiment, caterpillar infested leaves attracted the parasitoid within one hour after infestation. At such an early stage of infestation, as much as fifty percent of the parasitoids flew towards the infested plant in a wind tunnel bioassay, while only five percent flew towards the non-infested control plant. Three hours after infestation and later, the response to the volatiles from the infested plant reached its maximum and then continued at a constantly high level for the remaining 14 hours of the experiment. Chemical analyses of volatiles collected from infested leaves at short time intervals during the first 24 hours identified a total of ten compounds, comprising green leaf volatiles, terpenoids, and a nitrile. Significant increase of emission within the first 5 hours following initial herbivory was detected for (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol, (Z)-3-hexen-1-yl acetate, cineole and benzylcyanide. Subsequently, a coupled bioassay-chemical analysis procedure was developed allowing for testing and analyzing the same sample for future identification of the bioactive compounds. This was achieved by using stir bar sorptive extraction for the analysis of solvent extracts of caterpillar-damaged leaves.  相似文献   

Behaviour and choice of refuge by voles under predation risk   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Animals often show a strong antipredatory response when they are exposed to their most deadly predator. In northern vole populations, the least weasel, Mustela nivalis nivalis, is probably the most important predator of voles. Because of its small size and slender body shape, the least weasel is capable of hunting voles in their burrows. However, small voles can potentially escape weasel predation by selecting holes smaller than those weasels can enter. We studied the choice of nest holes and refuges by two species of voles under simulated predation risk. In a laboratory experiment, voles were provided with four nest boxes as refuges, with individually adjusted entrance sizes. When exposed to the odour of a weasel, voles did not choose the smallest opening; they rather seemed to trade full protection for easy and immediate access by choosing the nest box with an intermediate entrance size. When outside the nest at the time when a weasel entered the arena, voles avoided the refuges with the smallest holes. In addition to using refuges on ground level, voles climbed on top of the boxes as an escape reaction, as well as exhibiting a variety of behavioural responses, such as fast running, freezing and sneaking.Communicated by P.A. Bednekoff  相似文献   

Unlike other birds, shiny cowbirds (Molothrus bonariensis) must locate host nests where to lay their eggs and then decide whether to parasitise them. They should also synchronise their laying with that of the host to increase the survival of parasite egg and young. Shiny cowbirds can discover nests using host behaviour as a cue, or by searching the habitat without need for the presence of a host. Besides, they can synchronise parasitism with host laying by monitoring nests during building and laying, or directly by assessing the degree of development of embryos through the puncture of host eggs. Alternatively, synchronization can arise by lower nest attentiveness during host laying. We determined the extent of synchronization between laying of shiny cowbirds and chalk-browed mockingbirds (Mimus saturninus) and estimated if parasitism was negatively associated with host nest attentiveness. We also conducted an experiment to test if host activity was necessary to locate nests, and if puncture of host eggs was a cue for deciding parasitism. Shiny cowbirds synchronised parasitism with host laying in 75% of the cases and synchronization was not explained by lower host nest attentiveness during laying. Shiny cowbirds located nests without need for presence of a host, but the decision of parasitising the nest depended on host activity at the nest. The information that shiny cowbirds could obtain through egg punctures was not necessary for deciding parasitism. Our results indicate that shiny cowbirds rely on the precise timing of their eggs and avoid laying in unsuitable nests.  相似文献   

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