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以小麦为供试植物,山西工矿区生黄土为供试土壤,进行了土壤中二氧化硫(SO2)与多环芳烃(PAHs)单一及复合污染对小麦种子萌发率及小麦幼苗株高、根伸长和地下生物量影响的研究,以期考察复合污染的生态毒性效应。结果表明,小麦种子萌发对SO2与PAHs单一及复合污染均不敏感;SO2和PAHs单一污染时,小麦幼苗的株高与根伸长均受到一定程度的影响,低浓度SO2或PAHs处理对小麦生长起促进作用,高浓度则为抑制作用;小麦幼苗株高与SO2浓度呈显著负相关(r=-0.954,P<0.05),但与PAHs浓度的相关性不显著;SO2与PAHs复合污染条件下,对小麦幼苗株高或根伸长的联合作用多体现为协同作用,在低浓度情况下(SO2<500mg·kg-1)表现为协同促进;当SO2达到500~1000mg·kg-1时,对小麦幼苗株高或根伸长的联合作用均体现为协同抑制。SO2和PAHs单一污染时,小麦幼苗地下生物量与SO2、PAHs浓度均为显著负相关(rPAHs=-0.953,rSO2=-0.916,P<0.05);复合污染条件下,在SO2浓度为10mg·kg-1时,对地下生物量的联合作用多体现协同促进作用;而在SO2浓度为1000mg·kg-1,PAHs为50~100mg·kg-1时,对地下生物量的联合作用均体现为协同抑制作用。多元逐步回归分析进一步表明,SO2与PAHs复合污染条件下,小麦幼苗株高、根伸长都受到了SO2及PAHs的共同影响,而SO2是影响小麦幼苗地下生物量的主要因素。  相似文献   

A common explanation for hunting in groups is that doing so yields a greater per capita caloric benefit than hunting solitarily. This is logical for social carnivores, which rely exclusively on meat for energy, but arguably not for omnivores, which obtain calories from either plant or animal matter. The common chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes, is one of the few true omnivores that regularly hunts in groups. Studies to date have yielded conflicting data regarding the payoffs of group hunting in chimpanzees. Here, we interpret chimpanzee hunting patterns using a new approach. In contrast to the classical assumption that hunting with others maximizes per capita caloric intake, we propose that group hunting is favored because it maximizes an individual’s likelihood of obtaining important micronutrients that may be found in small quantities of meat. We describe a mathematical model demonstrating that group hunting may evolve when individuals can obtain micronutrients more frequently by hunting in groups than by hunting solitarily, provided that group size is below a certain threshold. Twenty five years of data from Gombe National Park, Tanzania are consistent with this prediction. We propose that our ‘meat-scrap’ hypothesis is a unifying approach that may explain group hunting by chimpanzees and other social omnivores.  相似文献   

Radon (222Rn) and carbon dioxide were monitored simultaneously in soil air under a cool-temperate deciduous stand on the campus of Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. Both 222Rn and CO2 concentrations in soil air varied with atmospheric (soil) temperature in three seasons, except for winter when the temperature in soil air remained constant at 2–3°C at depth of 80 cm. In winter, the gaseous components were influenced by low-pressure region passing through the observation site when the ground surface was covered with snow of ~1 m thickness. Carbon isotopic analyses of CO2 suggested that CO2 in soil air may result from mixing of atmospheric air and soil components of different origins, i.e. CO2 from contemporary soil organic matter and old carbon from deeper source, to varying degrees, depending on seasonal meteorological and thus biological conditions.  相似文献   

Summary. Doratomyces stemonitis (Hyphomycetales, Dematiaceae) is a saprotrophic fungus belonging to the mycobiota of the cereal rhizosphere. The fungus is able to metabolize benzoxazolin-2-(3H)-one and a variety of its derivatives including higher plant detoxification products, microbial degradation products and the chemically rather stable 2-amino-(3H)-phenoxazin-3-one. D. stemonitis can use all of these compounds as sole C-sources but their utilization, especially that of microbial degradation products and 2-amino-(3H)-phenoxazin-3-one, seems to be highly energy consuming, resulting in slow mycelium growth and a change of colony morphology. Benzoxazolin-2-(3H)-one derived compounds induce the synthesis of different isoforms of a glycosylated protein with sequence homologies to the endo-1,3-β-glucanase Asp f2, an allergen from Aspergillus fumigatus and other Asp f2-like proteins e.g., from Verticillium dahliae or PRA1 antigen from Candida albicans. The induction of the protein is regarded as a stress response.  相似文献   

Summary. Males of dacine tephritids, Bactrocera carambolae and B. dorsalis are strongly attracted to, and compulsively feed on methyl eugenol (ME), a potent attractant for many Bactrocera species. While ME was shown to be biotransformed into phenylpropanoids, 2-allyl-4,5-dimethoxyphenol and (E)-coniferyl alcohol, and temporarily stored in the rectal gland of male B. dorsalis prior to release during courtship at dusk, B. carambolae male produces only the latter compound along with its de novo synthesized pheromone components. Both species were also shown to have different age-related response, sensitivity and consumption levels of ME. Here, we monitored and compared temporal changes in the accumulation profiles of these phenylpropanoids by the two sibling species, with male rectal glands being individually excised at different time intervals from 15 minutes to 20 days after initial ME feeding and analysed quantitatively. Results are discussed in light of plant-fruit fly co-evolution relationship.  相似文献   

Territories are often aggregated. Because of this, distance to neighbours should influence how territory-holders balance safety from predators with the use and defence of resources. I examined the influence of distance to a neighbour on refuge use by pairs of convict cichlids (Archocentrus nigrofasciatus) faced with a conflict between hiding and defending food patches. Neighbours could reduce the rate of intrusions by strangers as a by-product of their own resource defence. This should allow fish with near neighbours to spend more time in the refuge. Neighbours could also steal from patches that are left undefended. This should lead to a reduction in use of the refuge. When one fish was confined to its refuge (so that its patch was undefended), theft by the other increased as inter-patch distance decreased. Distance between patches did not influence the rate of intrusion by non-territorial fish. When both fish defended patches, body mass influenced the effect of inter-patch distance on refuge use. Large fish rarely used the refuge, but small territory-holders spent more time in the refuge when patches were close together, as predicted. However, when one fish was dominant at both patches, distance between patches did not influence refuge use. These results suggest that, despite increased opportunity for theft, there is no realised foraging or defensive benefit to settling near neighbours that are of similar competitive ability.Communicated by J. Krause  相似文献   

Summary. The presence of considerable quantities of hydroquinones including hydroquinone, 2-methylhydroquinone, 2,3- dimethoxyhydroquinone, 2-methoxy-3-methylhydroquinone, and 2,3-dimethoxy-5-methylhydroquinone renders the defensive secretion of Acladocricus setigerus (Silvestri, 1897) significantly different from that of other quinone-producing millipedes. In addition, two hitherto undescribed compounds, namely, 2,3-dimethoxy-5-methylhydroquinone and 2-methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyphenol, were characterized from the defensive secretion. However, it is uncertain if the latter compound is formed after the release of the secretion. The two major compounds, 2-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone and 2-methoxy-3-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone, constitute about 75% of the defensive fluid. Furthermore, hydrocarbons, which are typically present in the secretions of most other arthropods that use benzoquinones as repellents, are notably absent in the secretion of A. setigerus.  相似文献   

Theoretical treatments and empirical studies both suggest that signals that occur in multiple sensory modes have superior detectabilities, discriminabilities, and memorabilities. There is also an intuitive link between signal detectability, discriminability, and memorability and the quality of information that is transferred via the signaler. We investigated the role of information quality and sensory modality in the sexual identification of intruding conspecifics by territorial male red-backed salamanders (Plethodon cinereus). Our results imply that these salamanders are able to discriminate between intruding male and female conspecifics (based on the allocation of aggression) in bimodal scenarios (vision and olfaction) even under situations in which the information available about the intruders sexual identities is reduced in quality. In unimodal scenarios (olfaction only), male residents exhibited heightened levels of aggression toward male secretions and reduced levels of aggression toward female secretions. In unimodal scenarios where information pertaining to the sex of the stimulus was reduced in quality, male residents displayed intermediate levels of aggression relative to the responses that male and female stimuli received respectively. Although resident males touched bimodal stimuli significantly more than they touched unimodal stimuli, we were unable to find support for the notion that sensory modality greatly influences how male resident red-backed salamanders allocate aggression toward intruding male versus female stimuli.Communicated by H. Kokko  相似文献   

Because the efficiency of biological nutrient removal is always limited by the deficient carbon source for the low carbon/nitrogen (C/N) ratio in real domestic sewage, the denitrifying phosphorus removal (DNPR) was developed as a simple and efficient method to remove nitrogen and phosphorous. In addition, this method has the advantage of saving aeration energy while reducing the sludge production. In this context, a pre-denitrification anaerobic/anoxic/post-aeration + nitrification sequence batch reactor (pre-A2NSBR) system, which could also reduce high ammonia effluent concentration in the traditional two-sludge DNPR process, is proposed in this work. The pre-A2NSBR process was mainly composed of a DNPR SBR and a nitrifying SBR, operating as alternating anaerobic/anoxic/post-aeration + nitrification sequence. Herein, the long-term performance of different nitrate recycling ratios (0–300%) and C/N ratios (2.5–8.8), carbon source type, and functional microbial community were studied. The results showed that the removal efficiency of total inorganic nitrogen (TIN, including NH4+-N, NO2 -N, and NO3 -N) gradually increased with the nitrate recycling ratios, and the system reached the highest DNPR efficiency of 94.45% at the nitrate recycling ratio of 300%. The optimum C/N ratio was around 3.9–7.3 with a nitrogen and phosphorus removal efficiency of 80.15% and 93.57%, respectively. The acetate was proved to be a high-quality carbon source for DNPR process. The results of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis indicated that nitrifiers and phosphorus accumulating organisms (PAOs) were accumulated with a proportion of 19.41% and 26.48%, respectively.

Females show mate preferences for males that are genetically dissimilar to themselves in a variety of taxa, but how females choose these males is not clearly understood. In this study, we examined the effects of olfactory stimuli and genetic relatedness on female mate choice in a small carnivorous marsupial, the agile antechinus (Antechinus agilis), during two breeding seasons. Captive female antechinus in oestrus were provided with a combination of male urine and body scent from two novel males, one more genetically similar and one more dissimilar to the females, in a Y-maze olfactometer. Genetic relatedness between females and pairs of males was determined using highly polymorphic, species-specific, microsatellite markers. Females consistently chose to visit the scents of males that were genetically dissimilar to themselves first, spent significantly more time near the source of those scents and showed more sexual and non-exploratory behaviours near those scents. These data demonstrate that chemosensory cues are important in mate choice in the agile antechinus and that females prefer males that are genetically dissimilar to themselves.  相似文献   

Combining chemical analysis and odour preference tests, we asked whether two closely related sympatric species of sac-winged bats use odour for species recognition. Males of the two sister species Saccopteryx bilineata and Saccopteryx leptura have pouches containing an odoriferous liquid in their antebrachial wing membrane, which is used in S. bilineata during courtship displays. Although both species occasionally share the same daytime roosts and are morphologically similar, there is no evidence for interbreeding. We compared the production and composition of the wing sac odorant in male S. leptura and S. bilineata and performed odour preference tests with female S. bilineata. Similar to male S. bilineata, male S. leptura cleansed and refilled their wing sacs with secretions, but they spent more time each day in doing so than male S. bilineata. Chemical analysis by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry revealed that male Saccopteryx carried species-specific scents in their wing sacs. Binary choice tests confirmed that female S. bilineata preferred the wing sac scents of male S. bilineata to those of the sister species, suggesting that the species specificity of male wing sac scents maintain the pre-mating isolation barrier between these closely related species.  相似文献   

We studied the factors that enhance food recognition and consumption in young canaries when confronted with adults. In contrast to previous studies on canaries, in which social transmission of food habits was studied in the context of dyadic interactions (one juvenile–one adult), we proposed a more realistic framework in which young canaries were studied in the context of triadic interactions, free or not, with adults of both sexes. We found that during free interactions, the young bird only eats with a familiar male and that this association enhances the social transmission of seed handling. When the juvenile was separated from the adults by a transparent partition, it only learned to husk seed if it was present at the feeder at the same time as a familiar adult acting as a demonstrator. The presence of adults that are familiar but do not act as demonstrators does not facilitate social transmission of handling. However, the presence of a familiar, demonstrating female had also no effect on this transmission. Coordination of the actions of the experienced bird and of the naive subject is required for social transmission to occur. Action coordination does not depend solely on the level of familiarity between partners but also on the role played by the demonstrator (here, the adult male) that looks after the juvenile during its transition towards independence.  相似文献   

Summary. Broad mite, Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Acari: Tarsonemidae) exhibits a specific phoretic relationship with whiteflies. Under field conditions most broad mites, caught in sticky traps, are attached to whiteflies. Under laboratory conditions, attachment occurs equally well in the dark and light. Mites do not differentiate between the sexes of their phoretic host Bemisia tabaci. However, mite attachment to B. tabaci is greatly diminished by washing the host with various organic solvents, chloroform in particular. The effect of whitefly waxy particles on broad mite behavior was studied using wax from the whitefly Aleyrodes singularis and from the mealybug Planococcus citri. Broad mites were not only attracted specifically to the A. singularis waxy particles-treated leaf areas but were also attached to leaf trichomes in this area. The results of this study suggests the importance of olfactory cues from the whitefly waxy particles in the recognition process of the phoretic host and/or the induction of the attachment behavior to whitefly legs or leaf trichomes.  相似文献   

Sex-specific interests over the maximization of reproductive success lead to an inter-sexual conflict over the optimal mating system in a species. Traditionally, the outcome of this inter-sexual conflict has been studied from the male perspective but it also depends on female mating strategies, such as manipulating the temporal distribution of sexual activity, advertisement, and mate choice. We used a small nocturnal primate, the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) to determine the relative importance of female mating strategies on the outcome of this conflict in a species where females are solitary during their activity period. We studied their mating behavior over three consecutive annual mating seasons and determined the genetic relationships among more than 300 study animals to quantify individual reproductive success. We found that most females were receptive asynchronously. Females did not exhibit any obvious direct mate choice, probably due to a highly male-biased operational sex ratio and the corresponding costs of choosiness. However, females exercised indirect choice for multiple matings. They mated with 1–7 males up to 11 times during their single night of receptivity. As a result, mixed paternity was common but heavier males sired more offspring, meaning that indirect female choice for superior males cannot be excluded. Females exhibited a mixed mating strategy, avoiding costly direct mate choice but still counteracting male efforts to monopolize mating, successfully increasing genetic variability among offspring. Thus, females had a major influence on the outcome of the inter-sexual conflict despite male monopolization attempts.Communicated by J. Setchell  相似文献   

The objective of our study was to investigate the spatial distribution and genetic structure of a solitary primate at the microgeographical scale of adjacent local populations. We obtained spatial data and tissue samples for mtDNA analysis from 205 gray mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus) captured along transects and within 3 grid systems within a 12.3 km2 area in Kirindy Forest, western Madagascar. Our capture data revealed that, even though the forest was continuous, gray mouse lemurs were not evenly distributed, and that daily and maximum dispersal distances were significantly greater in males. The frequency distribution of 22 mtDNA D-loop haplotypes was highly skewed. Nine haplotypes were unique to males, indicating male-mediated gene flow from surrounding areas. The geographic distribution of haplotypes revealed that males were also more dispersed than females. Females with the same haplotype showed a tendency towards spatial aggregation, and the correlation between genetic and geographic distances was higher in females. In several areas of the forest, however, spatially clustered females were not of the same haplotype, and females were not always found in clusters. Hence, in contrast to suggestions from previous studies, matrilineal clustering is not the only way females are socially organized. In addition, our study revealed heterogeneity and patterns in population structure that were not evident at smaller spatial scales, some of which may be relevant for designing conservation strategies.Communicated by C. Nunn  相似文献   

The apparently maladaptive tendency of fish to approach and inspect potential predators has been explained in terms of useful information gathering or as a signal to the predator that it has been seen. We examined this behaviour in 16 populations of wild-caught stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) from ponds with and without predatory perch (Perca fluviatilis). Three large and three small individuals per population were each exposed to three model predators differing in realism. A final cooperative treatment entailed pairing subjects with a second individual from the same population, but of the alternative size class, during predator presentation. As might be expected, predator inspection behaviour was much greater in the predator-sympatric populations, and only these fish increased their level of inspection as the models became incrementally more realistic. This suggests that reductions occur in the level of costly inspection behaviour in populations without predators. Subject body size had no effect on inspection effort, which suggests a limited role for experience (we assumed larger fish to be older than smaller fish), at least over the relative age differences utilized. However, small predator-sympatric fish were the only subjects to increase inspection significantly when in a cooperative context, perhaps reflecting the inherent value of a relatively larger partner in this context. These results confirm that levels of predator inspection are both population- and situation-dependent, suggesting a trade-off in the potential costs and benefits of this behaviour.Communicated by C. St. Mary  相似文献   

Summary.  We conducted a series of experiments with the white-spotted longicorn beetle Anoplophora malasiaca (Thomson), and its host plant, Citrus unshiu, to examine the origin of the sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (SHCs; including β-elemene, β-caryophyllene, α-humulene, α-farnesene, and several unidentified compounds) that are contained in the elytra of the beetles and act as an attractant. In the laboratory, mechanically wounded citrus branches, as well as those fed upon by A. malasiaca, attracted males more frequently than intact branches. Solid phase microextraction (SPME) and subsequent analyses by gas chromatography (GC) analyses detected measurable SHCs from the air around both mechanically wounded and beetle-infested branches, as well as trace amounts from intact branches. The SHCs were also detected for a certain time from beetles that had fed on the citrus branches, but the amounts decreased rapidly after they were removed from the host. This decrease generally corresponded with a reduction of attractiveness of the beetles in a behavioural assay. Isolated females acquired the SHCs after exposure to, but not upon contact with, other females that had fed on C. unshiu branches. We hypothesize that the citrus SHCs are adsorbed in, retained on, and released from the wax layer of the beetle elytra. Since these compounds are released from branches when beetles feed, they may indirectly signal the presence of beetles to others in the field. The high response rate to SHCs by males is likely representing mate searching behavior. The SHCs act as kairomones with a releaser effect in the communication system of A. malasiaca. Hiroe Yasui, Toshiharu Akino, Midori Fukaya: These authors contributed equally to this article.  相似文献   

To respond appropriately to communication signals, animals must have the ability to decipher signal meaning. At a basic level, interpreting the difference between territorial and courtship signals can be vital for the survival and reproduction of social animals. Male and female fiddler crabs communicate with claw-waving displays, but the function of these waves remains uncertain. Species differ in the context in which they wave: Some wave during courtship, some during territorial defence and some during both. In this paper, we provide evidence that males of an Australian species of fiddler crab, Uca perplexa, use two different types of claw waving display, lateral and vertical. Lateral waves are employed solely in a courtship context, whilst vertical waves are employed during courtship as well as territorial interactions. Using video recordings, we show that lateral waves were produced spontaneously (broadcast), and their frequency increased only in the presence of female wanderers. Vertical waves were not broadcast but were elicited by male wanderers during agonistic interactions and female wanderers during close range courtship. Male resident U. perplexa were able to discriminate the sex of wandering crabs on the mudflat at distances of 32 cm. During all resident–wanderer interactions, residents attempted to maintain a position directly between the wanderer and the home burrow and orient themselves to face females and to present the major claw towards males. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of the multiple use of waving displays in a fiddler crab species.  相似文献   

Population genetic structure of the thorny skate (Amblyraja radiata) was surveyed in >300 individuals sampled from Newfoundland, Iceland, Norway, the Kattegat and the central North Sea. A 290-bp fragment of the mt cytochrome-b gene was first screened by SSCP. Sequences of SSCP haplotypes revealed 34 haplotypes, 14 of which were unique to Iceland, 3 to Newfoundland, 1 to Norway and 3 to the Kattegat. The global F ST was weak but significant. Removal of the two Kattegat locations, which were the most differentiated, resulted in no significant genetic differentiation. Haplotype diversity was high and evenly distributed across the entire Atlantic (h = 0.8) with the exception of the North Sea (h = 0.48). Statistical parsimony revealed a star-like genealogy with a central widespread haplotype. A subsequent nested clade analysis led to the inference of contiguous expansion with evidence for long distance dispersal between Newfoundland and Iceland. Historical demographic analysis showed that thorny skates have undergone exponential population expansion that started between 1.1 million and 690,000 years ago; and that the Last Glacial Maximum apparently had little effect. These results strongly differ from those of a parallel study of the thornback ray (Raja clavata) in which clear structure and former refugial areas could be identified. Although both species have similar life history traits and overlapping ranges, the continental shelf edge apparently does not present a barrier to migration in A. radiata, as it does for R. clavata.  相似文献   

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