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封志明  江东  雷梅  李宇 《自然资源学报》2020,35(8):1817-1829
资源科学是自然科学、社会科学和工程技术科学相互交叉、相互渗透、相互结合的多学科横向发展的新学科领域,具有综合性、交叉性等学科特点。研究适应新时期面向国家和社会发展需求的资源科学学科建设与人才培养方向具有重要的科学与实践意义。在梳理资源科学的学科发展历程基础上,进一步探讨国内外高等院校资源科学的研究领域、学科体系建设、课程及专业设置和人才培养模式,总结了我国资源科学的学科建设和人才培养的成就与不足,以期更好地服务国家需求。  相似文献   

There is substantial interest in promoting the emergence of a hydrogen-based energy economy. If successful, this would represent a policy-led, discontinuous transition away from existing fossil fuel-based systems. Such a move has few precedents and few policy tools exist to manage such a complex and uncertain endeavour. Furthermore, existing hydrocarbon energy systems can be considered Techno-Institutional Complexes (TIC), which have developed through the path dependent co-evolution of physical technologies and social institutions. These complexes have numerous structures that ensure their perpetuation and create important barriers to the implementation of alternatives like hydrogen-based systems. The authors explore the application of prospective voluntary agreements (PVA) as a policy tool/process that can help facilitate a move towards a hydrogen-based economy through foresight and negotiation. From this perspective, we look at the recent case of the Nordic Hydrogen Energy Foresight project for evidence.  相似文献   

对典型内分泌干扰物炔雌醇(EE2)在模拟饮用水氯化过程中的反应行为进行了深入研究.结果发现,EE2的氯化反应符合二级反应动力学.表观速率常数kapp随pH的变化规律证明EE2分子中的酚环是氯原子攻击的首选位置.EE2的转换是由不同形态的EE2和HClO之间的3个基元反应控制.去质子化的EE2阴离子明显比其中性共轭体更具活性.高效液相色谱/质谱(HPLC/MS)分析表明氯原子可以通过亲电取代反应接到EE2分子中的酚羟基的邻位,先后生成一氯和二氯代EE2,第三个氯原子的取代导致苯环结构的破坏,分子不稳定发生水解.本研究的结果对全面了解EE2在饮用水氯化消毒过程中的反应规律,为评价EE2对人体的潜在暴露提供了依据.  相似文献   

After a historical introduction, recent achievements in agrometeorology and their limitations are highlighted. It is then discussed what determines what we do in agrometeorology. It is argued that the needs in the livelihood of farmers should push the scientific support systems and it is exemplified that this is possible. This analysis has serious consequences for science, training, education and extension in agrometeorology. This applies most strongly for developing countries or tropical studies elsewhere. Farmers’ livelihoods should be connected through agrometeorological services. Farmer or Climate Field Schools are introduced as a new approach to do so. Examples from China are given in which such schools or classes could be used. Finally a pilot project approach for agrometeorological services is discussed in which this could be prepared.  相似文献   

The need to understand and mitigate diffuse water pollution from agriculture (DWPA) using a range of monitoring or modelling techniques and abatement methods has never been greater. In response to the widely reported detrimental environmental impacts of such pollution and the desire to safeguard water resources, a number of important legislative drivers have been introduced, including the Water Framework Directive (WFD) for EU member states. Efforts to commission research and introduce policy options that address the key requirements of over-arching legislation, increasingly point to a number of common and important issues for policy makers. Whereas our understanding of, and ability to predict, pollutant loadings is reasonably well developed, coupling such pressures to ecological impacts remains a difficult task due to the limited functionality of available toolkits. It is important for mitigation programmes to consider multiple pollutants especially given the risks of pollution swapping and to support the uptake of abatement options that are economically and socially acceptable to the stakeholders involved. Appropriate spatial targeting of mitigation methods will continue to come under scrutiny, especially in the context of additional environmental pressures like climate change. Given its key role in governing the transfer and fate of priority nutrients and contaminants and its well-documented negative habitat impacts, sediment must be given a higher profile in diffuse pollution policy. The latter does, however, require further investigation of background sediment loads necessary for healthy habitats and associated sediment standards or thresholds, in order that catchment compliance can be more reliably assessed. Delayed water quality response to the mitigation of DWPA must be assessed and understood, as a means of informing stakeholders and policy options. A further challenge is posed by the need to place DWPA in the context of pollution from alternative sectors so that a more holistic approach to understanding and managing pressures and impacts and engaging stakeholders can be encouraged.  相似文献   

The funding of scientific research is almost always justified in terms of the potential for achieving beneficial societal outcomes. In pursuing a particular societal outcome, how can we know if one research portfolio is better than another? In this paper we conceptualize: (1) science in terms of a “supply” of knowledge and information, (2) societal outcomes in terms of a “demand” function that seeks to apply knowledge and information to achieve specific societal goals, and (3) science policy decision-making as a process aimed at “reconciling” the dynamic relationship between “supply” and “demand.” The core of our argument is that “better” science portfolios (that is, portfolios viewed as more likely to advance desired societal outcomes, however defined) would be achieved if science policy decisions reflected knowledge about the supply of science, the demand for science, and the relationship between the two. We provide a general method for pursuing such knowledge, using the specific example of climate change science to illustrate how research on science policy could be organized to support improved decisions about the organization of science itself.  相似文献   

Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change - Industrial processes cause significant emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) to the atmosphere and, therefore, have high mitigation and...  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyse under what conditions, with respect to CO2 emission-reduction and biofuels-for-transport targets, the trading in the EU of CO2 credits and solid and/or liquid biofuels is cost-effective from the perspective of an optimisation energy systems model. We use the PEEP model covering the EU27 (except Bulgaria, Malta, and Cyprus) to generate insights about the cost-effectiveness of different options under different policy scenarios. Trade in CO2 credits is a cost-effective option, in all relevant policy scenarios. Trade in some biofuels (mainly from central and eastern European countries to the EU15) is cost-effective in all assessed scenarios. In the case of CO2 targets (whether national or at the EU level) there is trade in solid biofuels. When biofuels-for-transport targets are also implemented, trading both solid and liquid biofuels is cost-effective.  相似文献   

森林对于降水的可能影响:几种分析方法所得结果的比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
森林对于降水的影响是一个在科学界持续百余年的复杂问题,关于这种影响的错误分析,可能会导致指导思想的混乱与行动上的失误。因此,对这一问题的研究极具理论价值与实践意义。论文从对比观测、统计分析和模拟分析3种不同的研究方法入手,对有代表性的文献进行归纳整理,试图就这一复杂问题进行判断,得出一些初步认识。结果表明,不同的研究手段所得出的结论往往差距很大,其中存在着很大的主观性;各种研究方法均存在着某些需要改进的地方。更加深入的研究,不仅应考虑低层大气的物理变化,还应考虑植被的生物学特征,如林草的生理特征和生态适应性及土壤水分平衡问题,特别是随着植被覆盖的变化,植被的水分消耗、土壤水分的动态以及区域水资源的可能变化,而这些问题在区域生态恢复与建设中可能具有更加重要的意义。  相似文献   

胡倩  阳海  石妮  胡乐天  易兵 《环境科学》2016,37(9):3524-3531
利用光催化技术探讨了烟碱类杀虫剂噻虫胺在水体环境中降解的可行性,不同催化剂浓度、反应温度、底物浓度、溶液初始p H值和不同阴阳离子等因素对其光催化降解动力学的影响,及其初步的光催化降解机制.结果表明噻虫胺的光催化降解符合L-H动力模型,其降解假一级动力学速率常数为0.050 6 min-1.当催化剂用量(TiO_2)为3.0 g·L~(-1)时,噻虫胺的光催化降解速率最大;高温和较低的底物浓度有利于噻虫胺的光催化降解;溶液的初始p H值为5时噻虫胺的降解速率最大,强酸和强碱均不利于其光催化降解.而无机阴、阳离子对噻虫胺降解均有明显的抑制作用.最后,通过GC/MS对噻虫胺光催化降解中间产物进行了初步鉴定,研究发现在活性氧物种的作用下噻虫胺降解途径主要有母体化合物的羟基化,硝基胍基团中N—N的断裂,以及连接硝基胍和噻唑环的C—N键的裂解等.  相似文献   

Stakeholder participation is considered a key principle for sustainable development in the context of natural resource and disaster risk management. Participatory modelling (PM) is an interactive and iterative process in which stakeholder involvement is supported by modelling and communication tools. Planning and decision-making for sustainable development (SD)integrate three substantive dimensions − social, ecological and economic. The procedural dimension of SD, however, is equally important, and here we see great potential for PM. In this study, we evaluate five PM research projects against criteria for the procedural dimension of SD. This provides a basis for identifying key issues and needs for further research into PM for SD. While the cases show great potential, especially for supporting knowledge integration, learning and transparent handling of values and perspectives, they indicate a particular need to develop PM in respect of organizational integration. This issue is closely connected to the possibility of effectively implementing PM in practice.  相似文献   

As concern about climate change grows, so does interest in deliberately managing the carbon cycle to reduce atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide. Given the scientific and technical nature of knowledge of the carbon cycle, one would expect that carbon science would be directly of use to society in considering this objective. However, carbon science is not currently organized or conducted in such a way that it can be usable to the wide diversity of decision makers who might potentially be involved in managing the carbon cycle. This paper reviews the science policies and actors governing the production or “supply” of carbon cycle science, and suggests alternatives for enabling the supply to better meet demand.  相似文献   

The issue of sustainability places particular demands on engineers to become more ‘connoisseur’ of the roots of the problems, in addition to being ‘trained’ in problem solution techniques that emphasize holistic approaches (for both the social and ecological environment). We have introduced the new E3 model, as outlined here, to chemical engineering students, with an integrated approach to translate ‘generic’ common-sense pollution prevention strategies (design, operation) into definite problems where engineering science can be put into action. New tools (such as minimization hierarchy and life cycle), as well as abilities both to identify and evaluate environmental problems, and to propose, select and implement solutions, provide methods for understanding a problem and for mitigating it through (re)design of a product or process, by emphasizing basic approaches to analysis, synthesis and integration. Additionally, control technologies can be systematized, including the best available selection procedures on which the emission limits are based. Awareness, institutional factors and normative-ethical aspects are also considered.  相似文献   

How does the resilience concept of nested relationships (panarchy) contribute to sustainability science and policy? Resilience at a particular level of organization, the community level in our case, is influenced by internal processes at that level. But it is also impacted by actions at lower levels of organization (individuals, households), and by drivers of change originating at higher levels (national level policies, globalized market forces). We focus on community level social-ecological systems, looking upwards and downwards from there. Our objective is to explore the connections of the community to other levels, the ways in which community resilience is impacted, and the implications of this for sustainability. Conventional disciplines specialize at different levels, a barrier to investigating multi-level interactions. Use of the panarchy concept helps contribute to the interdisciplinary understanding of resilience at the community (and other levels) by drawing attention to cross-scale relationships. From the effect of individual leadership to the implication of pandemics that move swiftly across levels, examples illustrate a diversity of ways in which community resilience is shaped in a multi-level world.  相似文献   

论价值哲学和环境哲学视角中的环境价值   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
为了加深对环境价值的认识和促使环境资源核算逐渐逼近人们的期望值,本文首先从环境哲学的视角讨论了环境价值的哲学含义然后又从环境哲学的视角对环境价值的复杂性和多样性作了初步的评价讨论结果表明,目前人们对环境资源的价值内涵的把握虽然有了质的升华.但仍然是不彻底的;因而必须对环境价值进行不懈的探索.  相似文献   

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