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Wood preserving facilities have used a variety of compounds, including pentachlorophenol (PCP), creosote, and certain metals, to extend the useful life of wood products. Past operations and waste management practices resulted in soil and water contamination at a portion of the more than 700 wood preserving sites in the United States (EPA, 1997). Many of these sites are currently being addressed under federal, state, or voluntary cleanup programs. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Risk Management Research Laboratory (NRMRL) has responded to the need for information aimed at facilitating remediation of wood preserving sites by conducting treatability studies, issuing guidance, and preparing reports. This article presents a practical methodology and computer model for screening the performances and comparing the costs of seven innovative technologies that could be used for the treatment of contaminated soils at user‐specified wood preserving sites. The model incorporates a technology screening function and a cost‐estimating function developed from literature searches and vendor information solicited for this study. This article also provides background information on the derivation of various assumptions and default values used in the model, common contaminants at wood preserving sites, and recent trends in the cleanup of such sites. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

This article discusses the use of solidification/stabilization (S/S) to treat soils contaminated with organic and inorganic chemicals at wood preserving sites. Solidification is defined for this article as making a material into a freestanding solid. Stabilization is defined as making the contaminants of concern nonmobile as determined from a leaching test. S/S then combines both properties. For more information on S/S in general the reader should refer to other publications (Connors, J.R. [1990]). Chemical fixation and solidification of hazardous wastes. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold; US Environmental Protection Agency. [1993a]. Engineering bulletin solidification/stabilization of organics and inorganics (EPA/540/S‐92/015); Wiles, C.C. [1989]. Solidification and stabilization technology. In H.M. Freeman [Ed.], Standard handbook of hazardous waste treatment and disposal. New York: McGraw Hill) as this article addresses only wood preserving sites and assumes basic knowledge of S/S processes. For a more general discussion of wood preserving sites and some other remedial options, the reader may wish to refer to a previous EPA publication (US Environmental Protection Agency. [1992a]. Contaminants and remedial options at wood preserving sites [EPA/600/R‐92/182]). This article includes data from the successful remediation of a site with mixed organic/inorganic contaminants, remediation of a site with organic contaminants, and detailed treatability study results from four sites for which successful formulations were developed. Included are pre‐ and post‐treatment soil characterization data, site vaines. ileizdot‐ names (in some cases), treatment formulas used (generic aridproprietary), costs, recommendations, and citatioiis to inore detailed refer‐ en ces. The data presen ted iiidica te that dioxins, pentachlorophepi 01 (PCP), creosote, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbom (PAHsI, and metals can be treated at moderate cost by the use of S/S techuologp.  相似文献   

Contaminated groundwater and surface water have posed a great challenge in restoring wood preserving sites to beneficial use. Often contaminated groundwater plumes extend far beyond the legal property limits, adversely impacting drinking water supplies and crop lands. To contain, treat, and/or remediate these valuable resources is an important part of restoring these impacted sites. Various options are available for remediating the groundwater and other affected media at these sites. Frequently, pump and treat technologies have been used that can provide well‐head treatment at installed extraction wells. This approach has shown to be costly and excessively time consuming. Some of the technologies used for pump and treat are granular activated carbon (GAC), biotreatment, and chemical oxidation. Other approaches use in‐situ treatment applications that include enhanced bioremediation, monitored natural attenuation (biotic and abiotic), and chemical reduction/fixation. Ultimately, it may only be feasible, economically or practicably, to use hydraulic containment systems. Depending upon site‐specific conditions, these treatment approaches can be used in various combinations to offer the best remedial action. A comparison of water treatment system costs extrapolated from the treatability studies performed on contaminated groundwater from the McCormick/Baxter Superfund site in Stockton, California, yielded operation and maintenance costs of $1.19/1,000 gal. for carbon treatment and $7.53/1,000 gal. for ultraviolet (UV) peroxidation, respectively.  相似文献   

Application of fungal‐based bioaugmentation was evaluated for the remediation of creosote‐contaminated soil at a wood‐preserving site in West Virginia. Soil at the site contained creosote‐range polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) at concentrations in some areas that exceed industrial risk‐based levels. Two white‐rot fungi (Pleurotus ostreatus and Irpex lacteus) were evaluated for remediation effectiveness in a two‐month bench‐scale treatability test. Both fungi produced similar results, with up to 67.3 percent degradation of total PAHs in 56 days. Pilot‐scale testing was performed at the site using Pleurotus ostreatus grown on two local substrate mixtures. During the 276‐day field trial, total PAHs were degraded by up to 93.2 percent, with all individual PAHs except one achieving industrial risk‐based concentrations. It was recommended that fungal‐based remediation be applied to all contaminated soil at the site. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to evaluate in-situ soil bioremediation processes, including degradation and detoxification, for two types of wood preserving wastes and two types of petroleum refining wastes at high concentrations in an unacclimated soil. The soil solid phase, water soluble fractions of the soil, and column leachates were evaluated. Two bioassays, a mutagenic potential asay (Ames assay) and an aqueous toxicity assay (Microtox assay) were used to evaluate detoxification; high performance liquid chromatography was used to evaluate chemical concentration and degradation for eight polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The group of non-carcinogenic PAHs studied demonstrated greater degradation, ranging from 54–90% of mass added for the four wastes; the carcinogenic group of PAHs studied exhibited degradation ranging from 24–53% of mass added. Although no mutagenicity was observed in waste/soil mixtures after one year of treatment, Microtox toxicity was observed in water soluble fractions and in leachate samples. An integration of information concerning degradation of hazardous constituents with bioassay information represents an approach for designing treatability studies and for evaluating the effectiveness of in-situ bioremediation of contaminated soil/waste systems. When combined with information from waste, site and soil characterization studies, the data generated in treatability studies may be used in predictive mathematical models to: (1) evaluate the effectiveness of use of on-site bioremediation for treatment of wastes in soil systems; (2) develop appropriate containment structures to prevent unacceptable waste transport from the treatment zone; and (3) design performance monitoring strategies.  相似文献   

To stem rising remediation costs for soils contaminated with hazardous metals, increased emphasis is being placed on the development of in-situ and ex-situ treatment technologies. Often, a lack of basic information on the chemical and physical characteristics of the soil and contaminants hampers treatability studies used to design these technologies. This article proposes and demonstrates a characterization program to meet these information needs, employing standard analytical techniques coupled with advanced spectroscopy and microscopy techniques. To support treatments involving physical separation strategies, the program uses standard analytical techniques to characterize the soil and the association of contaminants with different soil fractions (e.g., size and density fractions). Where chemical treatments are required, spectroscopy and microscopy methods are employed to yield quantitative information on the oxidation state and speciation of the contaminant. Examples demonstrate the use of measured soil and contaminant characteristics in the screening of alternative treatment technologies and in the selection of soils for use in treatability studies. Also demonstrated is the use of these characterization tools in the design and optimization of treatment strategies and in support of risk assessment determinations.  相似文献   

Contamination of soil and sediment by pollutants represents a major environmental challenge. Remediation of soil during the original Superfund years consisted primarily of dig and haul, capping, or containment. The 1986 amendments to CERCLA—SARA—provided the incentive for treatment and permanent remedies during site remediation. Thermal treatment, which routinely achieves the low cleanup criteria required by RCRA land-ban regulations, became one of the major technologies used for cleanup under the concept of ARAR. As the remediation industry matured and recognized specific market niches in soil remediation, a number of new technologies emerged. Thermal desorption, bioremediation, soil vapor extraction, soil washing, and soil extraction are being used on sites at which the technology offers advantages over incineration. In addition, a continuing stream of emerging technologies is being presented that requires careful evaluation relative to existing cleanup methods. Each of these technologies offers a range of options for achieving appropriate cleanup criteria, application to different soil matrices, cost, time of remediation, and public acceptability. Balancing cleanup criteria defined by regulation or risk assessment with technology cost and capability affords the opportunity to solve these problems with appropriate balance of cost and protection of human health and the environment.  相似文献   

Bench‐scale solvent extraction and soil washing studies were performed on soil samples obtained from three abandoned wood preserving sites included in the National Priority List. The soil samples from these sites were contaminated with high levels of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), pentachlorophenol (PCP), dioxins, and heavy metals. The effectiveness of the solvent extraction process was assessed using liquefied propane or dimethyl ether as solvents over a range of operating conditions. These studies have demonstrated that a two‐stage solvent extraction process using dimethyl ether as a solvent at a ratio of 1.61 per kg of soil could decrease dioxin levels in the soil by 93.0 to 98.9 percent, and PCP levels by 95.1 percent. Reduction percentages for benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) potency estimate and total detected PAHs were 82.4 and 98.6 percent, respectively. Metals concentrations were not reduced by the solvent extraction treatment. These removal levels could be significantly improved using a multistage extraction system. Commercial scale solvent extraction using liquefied gases costs about $220 per ton of contaminated soil. However, field application of this technology at the United Creosote site, Conroe, Texas, failed to perform to the level observed at bench scale due to the excessive foaming and air emission problem. Soil washing using surfactant solution and wet screening treatability studies were also performed on the soil samples in order to assess remediation strategies for sites. Although aqueous phase solubility of contaminants seemed to be the most important factor affecting removal of contaminants from soil, surfactant solutions (3 percent by weight) having nonionic surfactants with hydrophile‐lipophile balance (HLB) of about 14 (Makon‐12 and Igepal CA 720) reduced the PAH levels by an average of 71 percent, compared to no measurable change when pure deionized water was used. Large fractioza of clay and silt (<0.06mm), high le!ezielsof orgaizic contami‐ nants and hzimic acid can makesoil washing less applicable.  相似文献   

Remediation of recalcitrant compounds at sites with high concentrations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) or nonaqueous‐phase liquids (NAPLs) can present significant technical and financial (long‐term) risk for stakeholders. Until recently, however, sustainability has not been included as a significant factor to be considered in the feasibility and risk evaluation for remediation technologies. The authors present a framework for which sustainability can be incorporated into the remediation selection criteria focusing specifically on off‐gas treatment selection for soil vapor extraction (SVE) remediation technology. SVE is generally considered an old and standard approach to in situ remediation of soils at a contaminated site. The focus on off‐gas treatment technology selection in this article allows for more in‐depth analysis of the feasibility evaluation process and how sustainable practices might influence the process. SVE is more commonly employed for recovery of VOCs from soils than other technologies and generally employs granular activated carbon (GAC), catalytic, or thermal oxidation, or an emerging alternative technology known as cryogenic‐compression and condensation combined with regenerative adsorption (C3–Technology). Of particular challenge to the off‐gas treatment selection process is the potential variety of chemical constituents and concentrations changing over time. Guidance is available regarding selection of off‐gas treatment technology (Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence, 1996; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 2006). However, there are common shortcomings of off‐gas treatment technology guidance and applications; practitioners have rarely considered sustainability and environmental impact of off‐gas treatment technology selection. This evaluation includes consideration of environmental sustainability in the selection of off‐gas treatment technologies and a region‐specific (Los Angeles, California) cost per pound and time of remediation comparisons between GAC, thermal oxidation, and C3–Technology. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

As a remediation tool, nanotechnology holds promise for cleaning up hazardous waste sites cost‐effectively and addressing challenging site conditions, such as the presence of dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs). Some nanoparticles, such as nanoscale zero‐valent iron (nZVI) are already in use in full‐scale projects with encouraging success. Ongoing research at the bench and pilot scale is investigating particles such as self‐assembled monolayers on mesoporous supports (SAMMS™), dendrimers, carbon nanotubes, and metalloporphyrinogens to determine how to apply their unique chemical and physical properties for full‐scale remediation. There are many unanswered questions regarding nanotechnology. Further research is needed to understand the fate and transport of free nanoparticles in the environment, whether they are persistent, and whether they have toxicological effects on biological systems. In October 2008, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation (OSRTI) prepared a fact sheet entitled “Nanotechnology for Site Remediation,” and an accompanying list of contaminated sites where nanotechnology has been tested. The fact sheet contains information that may assist site project managers in understanding the potential applications of this group of technologies. This article provides a synopsis of the US EPA fact sheet, available at http://clu‐in.org/542F08009 , and includes background information on nanotechnology; its use in site remediation; issues related to fate, transport, and toxicity; and a discussion of performance and cost data for field tests. The site list is available at http://clu‐in.org/products/nanozvi . © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Hazardous waste remediation technologies are rapidly evolving, and it is a challenge for environmental consultants and those working in the government and public sectors to remain current with those technologies. Fortunately, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), through a variety of programs and initiatives, has been a leader in providing information on hazardous waste remediation technologies. This article provides an overview of EPA remediation programs and guides the reader through valuable EPA information sources including publications, databases, and on-line services.  相似文献   

The development of treatment technologies to limit the discharge of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the atmosphere has proceeded apace with the increasing use of soil venting for the remediation of contaminated soil. This article surveys the commonly-used emission control systems that have developed under air pollution control regulations in California. Emphasis is on equipment operating characteristics, typical performance results (destruction efficiencies of VOCs), and operating costs. A recently commercialized process for treating halogen-containing VOCs is described, and some operating and cost data are included.  相似文献   

In-situ biological solid-phase (or land) treatment was cost-effectively used to remediate 1,500 cubic yards (1,100 m3) of contaminated soil within three months of field operation following spillage of an estimated 12,000 gallons (45,000 L) of vinyl acetate from a railroad tank car onto surface soil. The vinyl acetate rapidly hydrolyzed to acetate and acetaldehyde with concentrations ranging up to 22,000 and 3,000 mg/kg, respectively. Ethanol, a metabolic intermediate, was found to accumulate in soil to concentrations as high as 280 mg/kg. The estimate for excavation, transportation, and disposal of the contaminated soil as a special waste, and for backfilling of the excavated area, was $850,000. The cost for biological remediation of the contaminated soil was $400,000, which was less than half the cost of excavation. In-situ biological treatments have been used to readily remove contaminants, such as acrylonitrile, styrene, butylcellosolve, ethylacrylate, and n-butylacrylate, at other sites involving railroad incidents.  相似文献   

This study has been conducted at the University of Connecticut (UCONN) in connection with the USEPA Superfund Innovative Technology Evaluation (SITE) program to evaluate a chemical oxidation technology (sodium persulfate) developed at UCONN. A protocol to assess the efficacy of oxidation technologies has been used. This protocol, which consists of obtaining data from a treatability study, tested two in-situ chemical oxidation technologies that can be used on soil and groundwater at a site in Vernon, Connecticut. Based on the treatability report results and additional field data collected at the site, the design for the field implementation of the chemical oxidation remediation was completed. The results indicate that both sodium persulfate and potassium permanganate were able to effectively degrade the target VOCs (i.e., PCE, TCE and cis-DCE) in groundwater and soil-groundwater matrices. In the sodium persulfate tests (120 hrs), the extent of destruction of target VOCs was 74% for PCE, 86% for TCE and 84% for cis-DCE by Na2S2O8 alone and 68% for PCE, 76% for TCE, and 69% for cis-DCE by Fe(II)-catalyzed Na2S2O8. The results demonstrate the sodium persulfate's ability to degrade PCE, TCE and cis-DCE. It is expected that given sufficient dose and treatment time, a higher destruction rate of the dissolved phase contamination can be achieved. The data also indicates that the catalytic effect of the iron chelate on persulfate chemistry was much less pronounced in the soil-groundwater matrix. This indicates an interaction between the iron chelate solution and the soil, which may have resulted in a lower availability of the chelated iron for catalysis. The study showed that the remediation of the VOCs-contaminated soil and groundwater by in-situ chemical oxidation using sodium persulfate is feasible at the Roosevelt Mills site. As a result, the USEPA SITE program will evaluate this technology at this site.  相似文献   

Directionally drilled horizontal wells offer the opportunity for significant cost savings and technical advantages over alternative trenched well and vertical well soil and groundwater remediation systems in many cases. The magnitude of the cost savings is a function of the remediation technology deployed and the values placed on the reduction of site impacts, dramatic reduction in the time required to achieve site remediation goals and requirements, the ability of horizontal well remediation to easily treat normally recalcitrant contaminants such as MTBE, and the ability to drill under paved areas, operating plants, residential areas, landfills, lagoons, waterways, ponds, basins, and other areas that are normally difficult or impossible to access with conventional drilling or trenching methods. In addition to improvements in site access capabilities, horizontal wells have been found capable of addressing contaminants that vertical wells do not readily treat, even with the same remediation technology deployed, especially if air‐based remediation technologies are deployed. With biosparging, for example, greater treatment capabilities of horizontal wells over vertical wells are attributed to greater oxygen flux over a broader area, a larger treatment zone, and extremely prolonged residence of groundwater contaminants in the aerobic treatment area, typically months or years. This article describes the use of directionally drilled horizontal wells for application of a variety of treatment technologies and includes costs of various options with a detailed comparison of biosparging options. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Due to the nature of contamination typically found at former MGP (manufactured gas plant) sites, excavation and thermal desorption of MGP wastes has proven to be an effective method for the remediation of MGP‐contaminated soil. The use of on‐site thermal desorption enables MGP sites to be quickly remediated at a low cost. Tar pits, holders, and other underground storage structures typically contain coal tar residuals and waste from former operations, and the areas around these structures are often significantly contaminated. Thus, excavation techniques, odor and vapor management, and material preparation for the treatment method are important factors to consider when developing a site remediation strategy. This article reviews typical excavation and handling methods associated with the remediation of former MGP sites and discusses the treatment of MGP wastes using on‐site thermal desorption technology. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Gentle remediation options (GRO) are risk management strategies/technologies that result in a net gain (or at least no gross reduction) in soil function as well as risk management. They encompass a number of technologies, including the use of plant (phyto‐), fungi (myco‐), and/or bacteria‐based methods, with or without chemical soil additives or amendments, for reducing contaminant transfer to local receptors by in situ stabilization, or extraction, transformation, or degradation of contaminants. Despite offering strong benefits in terms of risk management, deployment costs, and sustainability for a range of site problems, the application of GRO as practical on‐site remedial solutions is still in its relative infancy, particularly for metal(loid)‐contaminated sites. A key barrier to wider adoption of GRO relates to general uncertainties and lack of stakeholder confidence in (and indeed knowledge of) the feasibility or reliability of GRO as practical risk management solutions. The GREENLAND project has therefore developed a simple and transparent decision support framework for promoting the appropriate use of gentle remediation options and encouraging participation of stakeholders, supplemented by a set of specific design aids for use when GRO appear to be a viable option. The framework is presented as a three phased model or Decision Support Tool (DST), in the form of a Microsoft Excel‐based workbook, designed to inform decision‐making and options appraisal during the selection of remedial approaches for contaminated sites. The DST acts as a simple decision support and stakeholder engagement tool for the application of GRO, providing a context for GRO application (particularly where soft end‐use of remediated land is envisaged), quick reference tables (including an economic cost calculator), and supporting information and technical guidance drawing on practical examples of effective GRO application at trace metal(loid) contaminated sites across Europe. This article introduces the decision support framework. ©2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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