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Phytoextraction is a remediation technology with a promising application for removing arsenic (As) from soils and waters. Several plant species were evaluated for their As accumulation capacity in hydroponic culture amended with As. Cucumis sativus (cucumber) displayed the highest tolerance against As among 4 plants tested in this study (corn, wheat, sorghum and cucumber). The germination ratio of Cucumis sativus was more than 50% at the high concentration of 5,000 mg-As/l. In Cucumis sativus grown in a solution contaminated with 25 mg-As/l, the accumulated As concentrations in the shoot and root were 675.5 ± 11.5 and 312.0 ± 163.4 mg/kg, respectively, and the corresponding values of the translocation and bioaccumulation factors for As were 1.9 ± 0.9 and 21.1 ± 8.4, respectively. These results indicate Cucumis sativus is to be a candidate plant for phytoextraction of As from soils and water.  相似文献   

The stabilization efficiencies of arsenic (As) in contaminated soil were evaluated using various additives such as limestone, steel mill slag, granular ferric hydroxide (GFH), and mine sludge collected from an acid mine drainage treatment system. The soil samples were collected from the Chungyang area, where abandoned Au-Ag mines are located. Toxicity characteristic leaching procedure, synthetic precipitation leaching procedure, sequential extraction analysis, aqua regia digestion, cation exchange capacity, loss on ignition, and particle size distribution were conducted to assess the physical and chemical characteristics of highly arsenic-contaminated soils. The total concentrations of arsenic in the Chungyang area soil ranged up to 145 mg/kg. After the stabilization tests, the removal percentages of dissolved As(III) and As(V) were found to differ from the additives employed. Approximately 80 and 40% of the As(V) and As(III), respectively, were removed with the use of steel mill slag. The addition of limestone had a lesser effect on the removal of arsenic from solution. However, more than 99% of arsenic was removed from solution within 24 h when using GFH and mine sludge, with similar results observed when the contaminated soils were stabilized using GFH and mine sludge. These results suggested that GFH and mine sludge may play a significant role on the arsenic stabilization. Moreover, this result showed that mine sludge can be used as a suitable additive for the stabilization of arsenic.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Colloid mobilization is a significant process governing colloid-associated transport of heavy metals in subsurface environments. It has been studied for the...  相似文献   

A soil washing process was applied to remediate arsenic (As)-contaminated stream sediments around an abandoned mine in Goro, Korea. Laboratory scale soil washing experiments for As-contaminated stream sediments were performed under various washing conditions in order to maximize As removal efficiency. Stream sediments were taken from two sites (S1 and S5) along the main stream connected to an abandoned mine. Stream sediments at the two sites were divided into two groups (≥0.35 and <0.35 mm in diameter), giving four types of sediments, which were thereupon used for soil washing experiments. The results of soil washing experiments involving various pH conditions suggested that As removal efficiency is very high in both strongly acidic and basic solutions (pH 1 and 13), regardless of sediment type. Removal efficiencies for fine sediments from S1 and S5 were >95% after 1 h of washing with 0.2 M citric acid (C6H8O7). When using 0.2 M citric acid mixed with 0.1 M potassium phosphate (KH2PO4), the As removal efficiency increased to 100%. When recycled washing solution was applied, As removal efficiency was maintained at a level greater than 70%, even after eight recycling events. This suggests that the recycling of washing solution could be successfully applied as a means of decreasing the cost of the washing process. Results from the experiments suggest that soil washing is a potentially useful process for the remediation of As-contaminated stream sediments around abandoned mines.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - This study was initiated to develop a model specialized to conduct human risk assessments (HRAs) of abandoned metal mine areas in Korea. The Korean guideline...  相似文献   

镍钴采选废石和尾矿中重金属的溶出释放规律对矿区的重金属污染防治具有重要意义。但目前,国内还没有对镍钴行业采选产生的尾矿和废石中重金属的溶出规律开展研究。本文以镍钴采选企业的尾矿和废石作为样本,开展了毒性浸出实验。研究了不同pH值、离子强度、温度等实验条件对重金属溶出的影响,探讨了镍钴采选过程中所产生的尾矿和废石中重金属的溶出特性和释放规律。实验结果表明,尾矿样品中Ni的浸出浓度为42.28 mg·L^-1,是最大允许排放浓度的8.86倍,为具有浸出毒性特征的危险废物;废石样品中重金属Ni和Cu的溶出浓度分别为4.72 mg·L^-1和26.2 mg·L^-1,超过最大允许排放浓度,属于第Ⅱ类一般工业固体废物。pH对样品中Ni、Cr、Pb、Co和As的溶出量影响较大,其中尾矿中Ni和Cu在pH较低的条件下,可达到44.28 mg·L^-1和53 mg·L^-1,远高于最大允许排放浓度,而Hg、Cd和Cu的溶出量随pH值的变化不大。除As以外,样品中大多数重金属的溶出质量浓度在酸性条件下比在中性条件下高,这表明在酸性环境条件下,这些重金属对周围生态环境的潜在风险更大。离子强度的变化对Cd和Co的溶出量的变化并不明显,而当离子强度变化时,Ni、Cr、Pb、Hg、Cu和As的溶出量可能达到最大,使周围环境的潜在生态风险增大。当温度达到35~40℃时,部分重金属如Co、Pb、Cd 等,溶出量将达到最大;当温度低于25℃时,除 Ni 以外,大部分重金属溶出量很低。而温度变化对重金属Cu、As、Cr和Hg的溶出量的影响不明显,波动范围较小,对周围生态环境产生的潜在生态风险较小。  相似文献   

矿山的生产活动往往会造成周边农田的污染,而利用生物炭技术治理矿区周边污染农田土壤具有重要的现实意义。生物炭是指生物质在无氧或限氧条件下热裂解制备而成的一种细粒度、多孔性的环境友好型材料,其在调控温室气体排放,改良土壤性状,促进植物生长和控制环境污染物迁移转化方面应用潜力巨大。采用室内盆栽模拟实验,研究了不同水稻秸秆生物炭施用量(0、1%、5%)对郴州和龙岩地区矿山周边重金属污染的农田土壤的生化性状、油菜(Brassia campestris L.)产量、重金属累积和富集系数等的影响,为生物炭作为环境功能材料应用于矿山污染农田治理提供科学依据。结果表明:与对照相比,施加1%和5%生物炭均能提高土壤pH值和有机质质量分数,提升幅度随施用量的增加而升高,其中偏酸性的龙岩土壤的变化幅度更大;生物炭施用会影响土壤酶活性,5%生物炭处理下两种受试土壤中脲酶和过氧化物酶活性均显著提高,但酸性磷酸酶活性降低;龙岩土壤上的油菜产量在1%和5%生物炭施用处理下均显著提高,而郴州土壤上的油菜产量在1%生物炭处理下无显著变化,而在5%生物炭处理下降低了42.9%;生物炭施用影响了两种土壤上油菜可食部分重金属Cd、As和Pb的质量分数,但没有一致的规律;与对照相比,生物炭施用后郴州和龙岩土壤上油菜可食部分中Cd质量分数均出现下降趋势,但是仅5%生物炭处理的龙岩土壤具显著性差异;1%和5%生物炭施用处理使两种受试土壤上油菜可食部分Pb质量分数较对照处理显著降低(P〈0.05),但降幅不同,郴州土壤降低了23.6%和22.0%,而偏酸性的龙岩土壤降低了82.1%和94.5%;生物炭施用后两种受试土壤上油菜可食部分As质量分数的变化不同,郴州土壤添加生物炭后油菜As质量分数呈上升趋势,且增量随生物炭施用量增加而升高,龙岩土壤则相反,1  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - This study discusses an estimate of the risk associated with the intake of soil contaminated by lead, based on the nature of the source, through a detailed...  相似文献   

不同大气污染区林木根区土壤重金属和酶活性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄埔区是广州市污染较严重的地区,其中林木也受到了大气等污染物的危害。林木根区的土壤重金属和酶活性是探讨污染对林木影响机制和反映污染程度的重要指标。作者分别在该区的石化厂、硫酸厂附近林地和非污染的华南农业大学校园(对照)共3个区选择了台湾相思、马尾松、尾叶桉和荔枝4个树种、11个采样点,共采集了33个供试土壤样品,分析了林木根区土壤重金属(Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd)全量、有效量和土壤酶(脲酶、过氧化氢酶、酸性磷酸酶和蛋白酶)活性。结果表明,(1)石化厂重金属含量总体上与对照区差异不大,而硫酸厂区重金属含量则显著地高于对照区,污染严重。(2)不同调查区根区土壤酶活性存在显著差异,各调查区平均土壤酶活性大小顺序基本上表现为:对照区>石化厂区>硫酸厂区,尤其是硫酸厂区显著地低于对照区;而同一调查区不同树种之间的酶活性也存在差异,台湾相思根区土壤脲酶的活性均比其它树种高;从酶活性看,在硫酸厂严重污染胁迫下,台湾相思比尾叶桉更耐污染。(3)对土壤重金属含量和酶活性进行典型相关分析得出:根区土壤有效Zn含量对过氧化氢酶和酸性磷酸酶活性有明显的刺激作用,但抑制了蛋白酶活性;有效Cd则抑制了过氧化氢酶和酸性磷酸酶活性,但刺激了蛋白酶活性。  相似文献   

Soil and pasture herbage samples from some historical metalliferous mining and smelting areas in England were analysed for As, Sb and Bi by ICP-AES using a hydride generation method after ashing with Mg(NO3)2. The results showed that As, Sb and Bi concentrations in soils were elevated because of their associations with the Pb-Zn mineralisation in Derbyshire and Somerset, and Sn-Cu mineralisation in Cornwall. The distribution of As, Sb and Bi in soils reflected the chemical nature of different mine waste materials, and on a regional basis clearly reflected the geochemistry of the three mineral provinces. Historical smelting and calcination have caused intensive contamination in soils in the immediate vicinity of these activities. Antimony was highly elevated in soils at an old Pb smelter site in Derbyshire. Although the concentrations of As, Sb and Bi were generally low in the pasture herbage samples examined, the concentrations of As and Sb in herbage often reflected those of the corresponding soils. Soil pH had a large effect on the plant uptake of Bi from soils. The pasture herbage contaminated by soil can be an important exposure pathway of these elements to livestock grazing on contaminated land.  相似文献   


Paddy soil contamination is directly linked to human dietary exposure to toxic chemicals via crop consumption. In Korea, rice paddy fields are often located around industrial complexes, a major anthropogenic source of metals. In this study, rice paddy soils were collected from 50 sites in three industrial cities to investigate the contamination characteristics and ecological risk of metals in the soils. The cities studied and their major industries are as follows: Ulsan (petrochemical, nonferrous, automobile, and shipbuilding), Pohang (iron and steel), and Gwangyang (iron and steel, nonmetallic, and petrochemical). Thirteen metals (Al, As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn) were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometry (ICP–OES). The mean concentration of Cd (1.98 mg/kg) exceeded the soil quality guideline of Canada (1.4 mg/kg), whereas concentrations of other metals were under the standards of both Korea and Canada. Generally, levels of metal concentrations decreased with increasing distance from industrial complexes. Among the three cities, Pohang showed high concentrations of Zn (142.2 mg/kg), and Ulsan and Gwangyang showed high concentrations of Cr (33.9 mg/kg) and Ba (126.4 mg/kg), respectively. These contamination patterns were influenced by the different major industries of each city, which was clearly demonstrated by the principal component analysis results. Pollution indices suggested that As, Cd, Pb, and Zn were enriched in the paddy soils via anthropogenic activities. Comprehensive potential ecological risk indices were at considerable levels for most sites, especially because of major contributions from As and Cd, which can pose potential ecological threats.


Atmospheric mercury emissions from polluted gold mining areas (Venezuela)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil, waste rock and mud from mercury-gold amalgamation mining areas of El Callao (Venezuela) are highly enriched in Hg (0.5–500 μg g−1) relative to natural background concentrations (<0.1 μg g−1). Mercury fluxes to the atmosphere from twelve polluted sites of this area were measured in situ (6 a.m. to 8 p.m.) using a Plexiglas flux chamber connected to a portable mercury analyzer (model RA-915+; Lumex, St. Petersburg, Russia). Mercury fluxes ranged between 0.65 and 420.1 μg m−2 h−1, and the average flux range during the diurnal hours␣was 9.1–239.2 μg m−2 h−1. These flux values are five orders of magnitude higher than both reported world background Hg fluxes (1–69 ng m−2 h−1) and the regional values, which are in the range 2–10 ng m−2 h−1. The flux results obtained in this study are, however, similar to those measured at Hg polluted sites such as chloro-alkali plants or polymetallic ore mining districts (>100,000 ng m−2 h−1). The results from this study also show that Hg emissions from the soil are influenced by solar radiation, soil temperature and soil Hg concentration. Our data suggest that solar radiation may be the dominant factor affecting Hg° emission since the major species of mercury in polluted soil is Hg° (85–97% of total Hg). The simple release of Hg° vapor is probably the dominant process occurring with incident light in the field. The apparent activation energy for mercury emission indicates that the volatilization of mercury mainly occurred as a result of the vaporization of elemental mercury in soil. The degree of Hg emission differed significantly among the soil sites studied, which may be due to variations in soil texture, organic matter content and soil compaction.  相似文献   

An ecological survey was undertaken on metal contamination (Cu, Fe, Al, Cr) of vegetation (tree, shrub and herb) collected from the overburden soil of South Bolanda, Talcher, Orissa. Stem and leaf parts of the trees and shrubs, and whole plant of the herbs were analysed. Concentrations of metals were the maximum in leafy part of trees and shrub samples. Among the various heavy metals studied, Fe concentration in plant parts was the highest and Cu concentration was the lowest.  相似文献   

Environmental concerns have been raised that suspended solids in turbid water adversely affect human health, and that their removal increases in the cost of water treatment. The Yongdam dam reservoir, located in the southwestern region of Korea, is severely affected by inflowing turbid water after storms. In this study, soil samples were collected from 37 sites in the Yongdam upstream basin to investigate mineralogical and environmental factors associated with the turbidity potential of soils in water environments. Turbidity potential was estimated by measuring the turbidity of soil-suspension solutions after settling for 24 h. The mineralogy of the soils was dominated by four minerals—quartz, microcline, albite, and muscovite—with lesser amounts of hornblende, chlorite, kaolinite, illite, and mixed layer illite. The quartz content was the most variable of the soil mineralogy among the collected samples. Principal-components analysis (PCA) was used to examine relationships between turbidity potential and other soil properties. The variables considered in the PCA included turbidity potential, quartz content, albite content, mean size of soil particles, clay content, clay mineral content, zeta potential, conductivity, and pH of the soil-suspension solution. The first two components of the PCA explained 52% of the overall variation of the selected variables. The first component was possibly explained by physical properties such as the size of the soil particles; the second was correlated with chemical properties of the soils, for example dissolution and extent of weathering. Closer examination of the PCA results revealed that the quartz content of the soils was negatively correlated with their turbidity potential. A linear correlation (r = 0.63) was obtained between measured turbidity potential and that predicted using multiple regression analysis based on the content of clay-sized particles, clay minerals, and quartz, and the conductivity of the soil-suspension solution.  相似文献   

论矿区土壤环境问题   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22  
白中科  付梅臣  赵中秋 《生态环境》2006,15(5):1122-1125
我国矿山生态环境破坏和环境污染十分严重。文章论述了矿区土壤环境问题的相关概念及相关问题,指出矿区土壤环境问题包括矿区生态破坏和矿区环境污染。分析了矿区土壤环境问题的影响因素识别以及调查研究主要性状识别等普遍性问题。分析了矿区生态修复问题的复杂性,即有的属于典型的土壤环境学科问题,有的属于相关学科问题引发的土壤环境问题要求矿区生态修复研究的多学科交叉与融合。建议淡化矿区复垦土壤的学科问题,强化矿区复垦土壤的科学问题,集成不同学科的修复技术,从源头上控制矿区土壤污染,将有利于我国不同类型矿区土壤环境问题的诊断,以及矿区复垦土壤生产功能、环境功能和生态功能的恢复对策的正确选择。  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to measure the concentrations of As, Cr, Co, Fe, and Zn in soils from two heavily industrialized areas and to assess the degree of heavy metal pollution by using the indices enrichment factor and the geo-accumulation index, as well as assessing the potential ecological risk. The concentrations of the selected elements in the environmental samples were determined by the neutron activation analysis. The pollutant concentrations in the studied areas showed that the soils were characterized by a high pollution from As and Cr due to the industrial facilities in the area. The concentrations in the Tuzla industrial area were 79–1215 mg/kg of Cr, 17–84 mg/kg of As, 22,000–54,000 mg/kg of Fe, 101–258 mg/kg of Zn, and 8–23 mg/kg of Co. The results for the Cerkezkoy industrial area were found to be 46–196 mg/kg of Cr, 6–24 mg/kg of As, 17,000–25,000 mg/kg of Fe, 67–136 mg/kg of Zn, and 7–10 mg/kg of Co. The contamination in the soils from heavy metals was assessed based on enrichment factor, geo-accumulation factors, and ecological risk indices. The results were compared with the data from other industrial areas in Turkey. It was found that the metals As and Cr showed higher concentrations in Tuzla than in other examined industrial areas. The results for Cerkezkoy industrial area indicate that the area is not as contaminated as the other industrial areas in Turkey.  相似文献   

太原市土壤重金属污染空间分布及评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以太原市土壤作为研究对象,系统研究了太原市城市土壤及工业区土壤中Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Cd、Pb的污染水平和分布,并对污染状况进行了评价.研究表明,太原市土壤中重金属的含量分别为Cr:35.35—848.80mg·kg-1,Ni:4.00—99.57 mg·kg-1,Cu:4.89—266.99 mg·kg-1,Zn:45.16—677.01 mg·kg-1,As:0.66—35.46 mg·kg-1,Cd:nd—1.00 mg·kg-1,Pb:15.61—1240.41 mg·kg-1.其中城市土壤重金属含量较低,工业区土壤重金属含量较高,受到多种重金属的复合污染.以土壤环境质量国家二级标准值作为评价标准,用单项污染指数和综合污染指数对太原市土壤重金属污染进行评价,结果显示太原市大部分城市土壤未受7种重金属污染,只有6.7%的地区处于轻污染水平;工业区土壤污染严重,污染程度从高至低为化工厂(重污染)热电厂(重污染)化肥厂(重污染)第一电厂(中度污染)建筑工地(中度污染)焦化厂(轻污染).7种重金属在太原市土壤中的空间分布规律不同,且均与工业区分布相关,工业区是太原城市土壤重金属污染的重要来源.  相似文献   

Contamination of soils by heavy metals is of rising concern in many cities in China undergoing rapid urbanization. Here, we evaluate the severity of soil contamination by four heavy metals (arsenic, chromium, copper, and lead) at 146 urban and suburban sites within the city of Xiamen, Fujian, China. A multivariate regression model was proposed and developed to simulate heavy metals accumulation in urban and suburban soils, to identify the concentration and spatial distribution of heavy metals in soils, and to assess ecological risks by 2020. Results showed that, overall, Xiamen soils should be subject to low ecological risks due to heavy metals contamination by 2020, the ecological risks for urban soils were greater than suburban soils, nearly half of Xiamen soils are at moderate ecological risks, and many suburban soils experience low ecological risks. The methods demonstrate the potential to predict future ecological risks from heavy metals contamination which could inform pollution prevention and control measures.  相似文献   

污泥农用后,土壤中重金属的形态会发生转化.用土柱模拟实际土壤,采用棕壤和褐土两种土壤类型,分别施人生活污泥和工业污泥.混合后,对土柱进行淋洗,经过7次淋洗后,测定土柱中0~10 cm均匀混合层中重金属各形态的含量,然后再与污泥和土壤混合后重金属形态不发生变化时重金属的总量相比较,得出污泥农用后土壤中重金属形态的转化规律.结果表明:Cu主要向碳酸盐结合态和残渣态转化,Pb向铁锰氧化物结合态转化,Zn向碳酸盐结合态转化.  相似文献   

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