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公路运输化学事故应急救援体系研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
以动态源的定义为基础 ,结合危化品公路运输特殊性 ,阐述了危化品在公路运输过程中发生化学事故后应急救援的原则、工作特点与基本要求 ;提出化学事故应急救援中的基本任务是控制危险源 ,抢救受害人员 ,指导并组织群众疏散、自救和做好事故现场清理洗消工作 ,消除危害后果 ;提出公路运输化学事故应急救援预案系统建设的总体目标是 ,在应用ITS智能交通系统对动态源精确定位的基础上 ,建立公路运输化学事故应急救援预案动态库及应急救援组织保障系统和应急救援技术支持系统 ,一旦事故发生 ,能够做到尽快有效处理 ,最大限度地减小或消除事故损失。  相似文献   

去污洗消是核泄漏应急撤离工作中的重要环节之一,我国在相关规定中主要明确的是人员洗消的适用时段以及原则,各拥有核电的省份在省级核电站场外应急程序中,设定了人员洗消站点的配置方案,但对方案可能存在的风险缺乏进一步研究。根据某核电站场外应急撤离程序中的居民数量、撤离路线、风向风力等信息,构建3种污染场景,利用系统动力学模型,按照洗消站点建设方案,对公众洗消进行仿真。研究结果表明:利用现有洗消站点设备配置进行人员洗消,时间过长,不利于稳定撤离群众的情绪;同时,需要重新审视现有洗消站点的选址及设备配置数量的合理性。因此,建议开展应急撤离程序的洗消站配置方案风险性评估,并进一步制定我国公众洗消站的配置标准。  相似文献   

根据重大城市的化学事故后果评估与应急救援的实际需要出发,提出了研制辅助决策系统任务需求和设计构想,阐述了该系统的系统结构、系统实现的流程和系统功能,并做了可行性分析。系统的模块包括:化学品基础信息模块、化学事故类型划分模块、地理信息系统模块、化学源周围道路交通模块、实时的天气预报模块、数学模型模块、危害后果评估模块、救援方案生成模块、人员疏散撤离方案生成模块、人机交互模块。系统与地理信息系统(G IS)、卫星导航系统(GPS)、遥感成像技术结合后能够实现精确定位、快速评估。将物联网技术与系统结合,还可实现对大型固定化学源远程时时监控,确保在事故发生后第一时间掌握信息,为后果评估和应急救援赢得时间,将化学突发事故的危害降到最低。该系统在信息化条件下,较好地为决策者进行化学事故后果评估,为应急救援决策提供了依据,可大幅度提高应急救援效能。  相似文献   

李军    李庆奇    贺城墙    赵子文    魏状状   《中国安全生产科学技术》2017,13(11):66-72
为了研究危险化学气体泄漏事故扩散过程以及受灾人员疏散规划问题。提出以GIS为“连接器”,将危险化学气体的泄漏和扩散过程模拟、气体扩散风险分析和最优疏散方案生成3个过程进行集成,实现泄漏事故的综合应急响应。研究结果显示:方法能针对各类泄漏事故模拟气体的动态扩散过程,并生成受灾人员疏散规划方案,有助于应急处置机构及时决策,进而减少生命财产的损失。  相似文献   

<正>本刊讯2014年9月初,为了更好地处理生产安全事故,上海市安全监管局建立健全了3项安全事故应急处置制度。制度包括:指导和协同处置制度。主要任务是:了解掌握事故基本情况和初步原因;督促区县政府和相关部门、应急管理单元牵头单位及生产经营单位核查核实,并如实上报事故遇险、遇难、受伤人员情况;根据前期处置情况对救援方案提出建议,协调应急资源,指导事故处置工作;指导当地做好舆论引导和善后处理工作;起草事故情况报告,并及  相似文献   

化学事故应急救援中的防护问题与救援的质量和救援人员自身安全等密切相关。国内外多起化学事故都有应急救援人员在实施救援过程中发生数人中毒的报道,特别是那些已经采取了防护措施的人员因防护不当也不同程度地出现中毒症状。由此可见,化学事故应急救援中的防护问题应该引起我们的高度重视。在救援中,务必做到充分准备,学会正确的防护方法,以保证救援人员顺利执行任务及保障自身安全。  相似文献   

基于WinQSB的多阶段应急决策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建立应急预案是应对突发事件最有效的方法.为解决应急预案不够完备、灵活性差等问题,提出了多阶段应急决策的分析方法.通过对突发事件的风险分析,研究不同场景、不同阶段下应急决策的制定方法,应用WinQSB提供的决策树模型,计算得到不同场景下的可能决策结果.运用多阶段情景决策方法对某市一化工厂的泄漏事故进行实例计算,得出了合理的决策结果,对紧急情况下的现场应急有重要辅助作用,提高了事故现场应急决策的效率和准确性,有效地控制事故风险,减少事故损失,提高决策者应对突发事件的能力.  相似文献   

重大突发职业中毒事故应急研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
重大突发职业中毒事故频频发生,事故导致社会影响大和死伤人数众多的情况引起政府和企业的高度关注.造成这一结果的原因除与企业在管理和生产运行中存在的问题有关以外,面对突发事件发生的应急准备和响应能力不足是导致事态进一步扩大的重要原因之一.在对目前我国大多数企业的应急准备能力进行了大样本的问卷调查和数据统计,包括应急管理、应急机构或管理人员设置、应急资源配置、应急预案及有关应急处置方案制定、应急培训和演练等事故时应急响应需求等各方面.在总结存在问题的基础上,提出了应急准备诸多方面对策措施及建议.  相似文献   

程云书 《劳动保护》2003,(10):20-22
化学事故应急救授预案是针对特定化学危险源而预先制定的在危险状态下的应急救援行动方案,目的是为了在发生化学事故时能以最快的速度发挥最大的效能,有序地实施救援,尽快控制事态发展,降低事故危害,减少事故损失。各地、各企业在制定化学事故应急救援预案中,针对不同的化学危险源,在救援技术上需要得到科学,权威的指导。为此,国家安全生产监督管理局安奎监管二司、国家化学品登记注册中心和本刊联合举办《化学事故应急救援知识讲》,旨在普及化学品应急救援知识,对一些常用的危险化学品的应急救援颓案提供技术上的指导。  相似文献   

危险化学品事故发生后,参与事故救援的应急人员穿戴合适的个体防护装备,受到事故影响的公众采取恰当的避难方式,是防止事故继续造成人员伤亡的关键.通过分析国内外应急人员防护标准的差异,探讨呼吸防护用品、化学防护服选择的主要影响因素和程序,提出了根据有害环境的危害程度、应急人员的职责选择个体防护装备的原则.研究国外在避难方式上...  相似文献   

化学事故应急救援指挥软件系统的设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从化学事故应急救援工作的实际需求出发,对化学事故应急救援指挥软件系统的设计进行了研究,分析了化学事故应急救援指挥软件系统的用户需求,提出了软件系统的设计思想和主要功能模块。  相似文献   

液氨储罐事故性泄漏扩散过程模拟分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
液氨是化工企业常用的原料,而每年因为液氨储罐的泄漏造成的事故也十分频繁,液氨属于高度危险性物质,一旦泄漏极可能造成灾难性后果。本文探讨了描述液氨储罐事故性泄漏及扩散过程的数学模型,并用所建模型针对某市化学园区某化工公司液氨储罐工程建设项目进行模拟分析。从模拟结果来看,采用数学模型的方法对事故后果进行预测和分析具有一定程度的可靠性,对于救灾、重大危险源编制应急事故预案以及对新建项目进行危险性预评价都具有一定程度的指导意义。  相似文献   

Understanding the commonalities among previous chemical process incidents can help mitigate recurring incidents in the chemical process industry and will be useful background knowledge for designers intending to foster inherent safety. The U.S. Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (CSB) reports provide detailed and vital incident information that can be used to identify possible commonalities. This study aims to develop a systematic approach for extracting data from the CSB reports with the objective of establishing these commonalities. Data were extracted based on three categories: attributed incident causes, scenarios, and consequences. Seventeen causal factors were classified as chemical indicators or process indicators. Twelve chemical indicators are associated with the hazards of the chemicals involved in the incidents, whereas five process indicators account for the hazards presented by process conditions at the time of the incident. Seven scenario factors represent incident sequences, equipment types, operating modes, process units, domino effects, detonation likelihood for explosion incidents, and population densities. Finally, three consequence factors were selected based on types of chemical incidents, casualties, population densities, and economic losses. Data from 87 CSB reports covering 94 incidents were extracted and analyzed according to the proposed approach. Based on these findings, the study proposes guidelines for future collection of information to provide valuable resources for prediction and risk reduction of future incidents.  相似文献   

Devastating vapour cloud explosions can only develop under appropriate (boundary) conditions. The record of vapour cloud explosion incidents from the past demonstrates that these conditions are readily met by the congestion by process equipment at (petro-) chemical plant sites. Therefore, the possibility of an accidental release of a flammable and a subsequent vapour cloud explosion is a major hazardous scenario considered in any risk assessment with regard to the process industries.If an extended flammable vapour cloud at a chemical plant site extends over more than one process unit, which are separated by lanes of sufficient width, the vapour cloud explosion on ignition develops the same number of separate blasts. If, on the other hand, the separation between the units is insufficient, the vapour cloud explosion develops one big blast. The critical separation distance (SD) is the criterion that allows discriminating in this matter for blast modelling purposes.This paper summarises some major results of an experimental research programme with the objective to develop practical guidelines with regard to the critical SD. To this end, a series of small-scale explosion experiments have been performed with vapour clouds containing two separate configurations of obstacles. Blast overpressures at various stations around have been recorded while the SD between the two configurations of obstacles was varied.The experimental programme resulted in some clear indications for the extent of the critical SD between separate areas of congestion. On the basis of safety and conservatism, these indications have been rendered into a concrete guideline. Application of this guideline would allow a greater accuracy in the modelling of blast from vapour cloud explosions.  相似文献   

Process safety incidents can result in injuries, fatalities, environmental impacts, facility damage, downtime & lost production, as well as impacts on a company's and industry's reputation. This study is focused on an analysis of the most commonly reported contributing factors to process safety incidents in the US chemical manufacturing industry. The database for the study contained 79 incidents from 2010 to 2019, partly investigated by the Chemical Safety Board (CSB). To be included in the study, the CSB archive of incident investigations were parsed to include only incidents which occurred at a company classified as 325 in the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), assigned to businesses that participate in chemical manufacturing. For each incident, all of the identified contributing factors were catalogued in the database. From this list of identified contributing factors, it was possible to name the ‘top three’ contributing factors. The top three contributing factors cited for the chemical manufacturing industry were found to be: design; preventive maintenance; and safeguards, controls & layers of protection. The relationship between these top contributing factors and the most common OSHA citations was investigated as well. The investigation and citation history for NAICS 325 companies in the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) citations database was then analysed to assess whether there was any overlap between the top reported contributing factors to process safety events and the top OSHA citations recorded for the industry. A database consisting of the inspection and citation history for the chemical manufacturing industry identified by NAICS code 325 was assembled for inspections occurring between 2010 and 2020 (August). The analysis of the citation history for the chemical manufacturing industry specifically, identified that the list of the top contributing factors to process safety incidents overlapped with the most common OSHA violations. This finding is relevant to industry stakeholders who are considering how to strategically invest resources for achieving maximum benefit – reducing process safety risk and simultaneously improving OSHA citation history.  相似文献   

大型活动生物恐怖应急处置研究与系统开发   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对非传统安全威胁的现状及其应急处置中的主要问题,以典型的非传统安全事件-大型活动举办过程中生物恐怖事件为背景,通过比较分析,给出了生物恐怖的定义;从大型活动生物恐怖应急指挥与处置的角度,通过应急处置业务流程分析,提出了大型活动生物恐怖事件应急处置的系统框架;根据系统框架和处置功能分析,基于三维GIS和AJAX技术开发了大型活动生物恐怖应急处置原型系统,对复杂的应急处置体系进行了分层模块化和可视化,可为应急救援部门制定更为详细的救援方案和应急决策提供技术参考。  相似文献   

危险品道路运输过程风险管理体系探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
危险品道路运输是一个复杂的系统,风险管理涉及危险品运输规划和事故应急响应。本文介绍了现有的危险品运输风险管理模式和基本管理原则,基于运输风险评估、运输路径优化、应急单位优化选址和选线、人员疏散管理以及事件决策管理等构建了危险品道路运输过程风险管理体系,阐述了系统基本要素之间的相互关系。危险品道路运输过程风险管理是一个持续改进的结构化过程风险管理体系,有助于减少危险品运输事故概率和降低运输沿线影响人员风险,为政府监管部门和危险品生产经营单位的运输安全管理、优化选线以及应急救援等工作提供技术依据,合理规划危险品运输系统。  相似文献   

Loss prevention programmes for the Hazardous Work Place Review and Inspection Act have been enforced in Taiwan since 1994. Essentially, the objective was to minimize occupational incidents and enhance work efficiency by strict inspection and stringent evaluation with cautious safety management. However, effective implementation of such a programme requires a consideration of the effect of this system and the perception and attitude of the employees. A survey was employed to quantify the safety achievements that resulted from executing the programme specified in the Hazardous Work Place Review and Inspection Act, along with a study to assess the programme's applicability. The information is intended to serve as a valuable reference for industries to actively improve loss prevention by using an inherently safer approach. This study was the first completed in Taiwan since the programme was launched in 1994. The data illustrated which elements of the programme could significantly alleviate occupational incidents and near misses. Effect analysis of more than 80% of the interviewed companies confirmed that the system is not only practical but also useful for promoting safety, if the programme is carried out appropriately.  相似文献   

区域疏散分析是应急管理工作的重要内容。基于CBRN事故区域疏散的特点,引入疏散亚区域的概念,并运用运筹学中图论与离散时间动态网络流的理论和方法,建立CBRN事故区域疏散优化模型。采用RELAX算法求解该模型,并结合CBRN事故时期人员疏散过程详细介绍区域疏散分析的流程。最后将所建模型应用于具体实例,程序运算结果表明群众对紧急疏散通知的反应速度越快,被疏散人数越少以及尽早通知群众疏散时,人员疏散效率明显提高。CBRN事故区域疏散优化模型可为优化和改进CBRN事故区域疏散的方法提供依据。  相似文献   

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