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太湖浮游植物种类组成时空变化规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从2010年的3月到2010年的10月,通过春、夏、秋3个季度的采样,对太湖东部的浮游植物种类组成及其变化进行渊查,发现浮游植物92属279种,太湖东部五个采样点位的浮游植物常见种季节变化明显,而各湖区浮游植物种类绀成空间变化较小。通过对太湖东部浮游植物种类组成的时空变化的规律的初步探索,为预警监测及水环境保护提供技术支持。  相似文献   

运用多元统计方法,对东江中游水质自动站(河源临江站和惠州剑潭站)2009-2012年水质监测数据进行时空分异特征及影响因素研究。结果表明:水站水质在Ⅰ类~Ⅲ类之间;空间特征差异为 T 与 TB 差异不显著,pH 值、EC、DO、IMn、NH3-N 及 TP均存在极显著差异;水期体征差异为河源临江站除 DO各水期差异显著外,其他指标差异不明显,惠州剑潭站 pH值、EC、IMn与 TP各水期均呈显著差异,NH3-N 水期差异不显著。Pearson 相关性分析表明,T 是制约河源临江站水体 DO的主要相关因子,营养盐作用相对较低;惠州剑潭站水体 DO 与 T、TP及 IMn呈极显著负相关关系。通过因子分析,识别出影响惠州剑潭水质的主因子,量化了水体理化性质、地表径流及人为污染对水质变化的贡献。  相似文献   

There are discordant results on trends in nutrient river water quality from the economical transition countries in Europe. The present study assessed the impact of these economical changes on the load and concentration at 17 monitoring stations along the Nemunas River and its major tributaries (Lithuania and Belarus). Three time periods were evaluated: the Soviet rule command system period 1986–1991, the transfer to market economy period 1992–1996 and the post reform period 1997–2002. The most surprising result in this study, was the increased area-specific load of NO3-N from the first to the third period at almost all the sampling sites. The increase was particularly large (43–78%) at the sites in the Lithuanian part of the river. The corresponding load increase in the Belarussian part of the river was only 1–15%. The statistical analyses of concentration data confirm the strong upward NO3-N trend at the Nemunas mouth and at 5 of the 6 tributaries in the lower part of Nemunas. Temporal and spatial analysis of nitrates transport in the Nemunas River and its main tributaries revealed that nitrates mainly originate from agricultural areas. The upward trends were most likely an effect of ploughing of pastures and unbalanced crop fertilisation in combination with large storage and accumulation of soil-nitrogen during the Soviet period.On contrary to nitrate-N, the area-specific load of PO4-P decreased significantly from the first to the third period at all sites along the Nemunas River (31–86%). Seasonal (SMK) and Partial (PMK) Mann-Kendall tests on PO4-P concentrations also showed significant downward trend at 14 of 16 investigated sites. The decrease of PO4-P levels was attributed to the reduction of municipal and industrial point source emissions and to the decreased livestock numbers.The NH4-N load showed the same pattern as PO4-P. At the river mouth the load was 90 kg km−2 yr−1 during the first period compared to only 20–30 kg km−2 yr−1 in the third period. The trend test on NH4-N concentrations detected significant downward trends at 5 out of 16 sites. The declines were explained by decreased emissions from cities and large animal breeding farms.This study showed that trend analysis at multiple sites in a river basin is crucial for the understanding of the variability in time and space. Such analysis is also important for our interpretation of underlying sources and fluxes in a drainage basin over time. This is particularly important for compounds that have different source origin.  相似文献   

The present study deals with the characterisation and interpretation of hourly taken maximum ozone concentrations of each day at various high altitude monitoring sites in Germany and contributes to the understanding of ozone transport processes. The relation between long range transport of ozone as well as its precursors and high ozone concentrations is of special interest. Aim of this paper is to investigate the influence and importance of large scale meteorological circulation and source regions of anthropogenic ozone precursors to local ozone concentrations using 2-dimensional backward trajectories. Further, reasons for the spatial and temporal variation of ozone concentration levels will be shown. Investigating numerous cases a similar origin of air masses causing high ozone concentrations in Germany and uniform patterns at various sites could be identified.  相似文献   

贵阳室内氡时空分布特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了全面分析室内氡的时空分布特征、来源和影响因素,选择了贵阳市不同地理位置的居民住宅、办公场所和公共场所,进行了为期一年的室内氡监测。贵阳市室内氡的平均浓度为(72.7±1.6)Bq/m3,低于室内空气污染国家标准,达标率98.5%。其中居民住宅、办公场所和公共场所的室内氡浓度分别为(93.46±86.93)、(74.68±40.74)、(61±26.93)Bq/m3。研究表明,室内涂料、装修程度和通风效果、小区环境等对室内氡浓度高低有显著影响,室内氡也随季节变化而发生波动。对于居民住宅和公共场所氡的室内外来源相对重要性不同。居民住宅内新楼和旧楼不同楼层室内氡的来源、影响因素和分布特征有显著差异。  相似文献   

通过分析位于钦州湾的2个海水水质自动监测站2009-2010年的自动监测数据,发现钦州湾水温、盐度、溶解氧季节变化明显,海水表层水温变化是引起钦州湾溶解氧含量变动的主要原因;钦州湾海水表层盐度及pH值主要受钦江、茅岭江径流及潮汐涨落的影响;处于河口区域,受大陆径流影响显著的海域使用海水水质标准来评价有欠妥当。  相似文献   

广西贝江大型底栖动物群落结构时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解贝江大型底栖动物群落结构特征并对其水质进行生物学评价,于2015年1、8月对贝江流域17个采样点进行了调查,共采集大型底栖动物146个分类单元,隶属于8纲20目52科,其中昆虫纲所占比例最高(86.99%),软体动物次之(6.16%)。贝江底栖动物群落结构存在季节性差异,群落数量特征和结构复杂性均表现为冬季>夏季。无度量多维标定排序和ANOSIM分析发现,贝江流域冬季和夏季底栖动物群落组成存在显著差异(r=0.26,P<0.001)。群落相似性分析表明,贝江底栖动物存在显著的空间差异,整个流域可以分为2组,组1基本分布在自然河段,组2主要包括电站采样点和贝江下游采样点,各组间差异显著(P<0.01)。底栖动物功能摄食类群以集食者(55%)和撕食者为主(16%),其次为滤食者(14%)和捕食者(11%),刮食者(4%)所占比例较小。水质评价结果显示,Shannon-Wiener生物多样性指数(H′)评价贝江水质为轻污-清洁。Hilsenhoff生物指数(BI)评价贝江流域水质属于清洁,与实际水质情况最接近。总体上,贝江流域自然河段底栖动物群落结构复杂多样,整体水质清洁。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to monitor long-term temporal and spatial groundwater NO3- removal efficiencies in different riparian zones via a limited number of sampling wells. Groundwater NO3- concentrations were measured fortnightly or monthly over a period of two years using transects of ground water sampling wells. Depending on the level of the NO3- load (up to 120mgNL-1 at the input side of the riparian zone a distance of 10 to 30m was needed to remove NO3- from the groundwater below 11.3mgNL-1. Considering all seasons, the mixed vegetation and grass riparian site succeeded to remove groundwater NO3- efficiently (92—100% within a distance of 30m. The forested riparian zone removed 72—90% of the total NO3- input within a distance of 30m. Evidence emerged that NO3- could also be removed actively at depths up to 2m, due to the presence of organically enriched layers of alluvial deposits or roots. Our four dimensional approach (three dimensional space and time), in combination with a limited number of sampling wells, was shown to be a useful monitoring tool to assess the variability of NO3- removal in riparian zones.  相似文献   

基于遥感数据,利用多元线性回归模型研究地面监测的PM_(2.5)质量浓度数据与AOD、气象数据及地面植被覆盖等数据的关系,空间精细化反演江苏省PM_(2.5)质量浓度分布。结果表明,AOD、气象数据及地面植被覆盖数据能较好地反演出PM_(2.5)质量浓度时空分布特征;江苏全省PM_(2.5)质量浓度呈现出冬高秋低、春夏居中的季节变化规律;春、冬季PM_(2.5)质量浓度的高值区集中在苏锡常、宁镇扬及泰州、南通等东南沿海的城市,而在靠近西北内陆的盐城、连云港、徐州、淮安、宿迁PM_(2.5)质量浓度较低,夏、秋季呈现出相反的态势。  相似文献   

We examined how length of fish is related to mercury concentrations in muscle tissue of seven species of fish from Lake Meredith, Texas and determined how sex and growth rate are related to mercury concentration in walleye (Sander vitreus). Flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris), walleye and white bass (Morone chrysops) had the highest concentrations of mercury and channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), river carpsucker (Carpiodes carpio) and gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) had the lowest concentrations of mercury. Mercury concentrations were positively correlated with total length (TL) of fish for all species except gizzard shad, which exhibited a negative correlation between mercury concentration and TL. Male walleye grew more slowly than females, and males had higher concentrations of mercury than females. We also assessed the differences in fish consumption advisories that would be issued using Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) guidelines versus United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) recommendations. Using DSHS guidelines, no fish species in Lake Meredith would be issued a fish consumption advisory. Nevertheless, DSHS has issued an advisory for walleye in Lake Meredith, possibly due to an inadequate sample size of fish. Using USEPA guidelines, a fish consumption advisory would be issued for the largest size class of flathead catfish but no advisory exists for flathead catfish in Lake Meredith. We suggest that when fish in a lake may be contaminated with mercury, all game fish in the lake should be assessed, and mercury advisories should take fish size into account.  相似文献   

基于环渤海地区2017—2021年各城市空气质量指数(AQI)、污染物浓度与社会经济数据,利用数理统计、克里金插值法对环渤海地区AQI与污染物浓度的时空变化特征进行分析,运用皮尔逊相关性分析方法探讨AQI与污染物浓度、社会经济因素的相关关系,采用时间序列预测模型对2022年6月—2023年12月空气质量及污染物浓度进行预测。结果表明:环渤海地区AQI及污染物浓度大致呈逐年降低的趋势。AQI的逐月变化呈"W"形,O3浓度的年内变化呈倒"V"形,其余污染物则呈现与O3相反的变化趋势。AQI大致呈现西南高、东北低的空间分布特点,而污染物浓度分布具有明显的空间差异。环渤海地区5个代表性城市的AQI类别以良好为主,冬季首要污染物主要为PM2.5、PM10,夏季首要污染物以O3为主。人口数量是影响AQI的主要因素,城市园林绿地面积对AQI具有一定影响。预测结果显示,未来环渤海地区AQI、主要污染物浓度(O3除外)均呈现出随时间的推移逐渐下降的变化趋势。  相似文献   

利用2013-2019年沈阳地区11个国控监测站近地层臭氧(O3)浓度监测数据和地面气象观测资料,分析了沈阳地区O3污染日的O3浓度时空分布规律,并对造成O3污染日的天气系统进行了主观分型.结果表明:自2013年以来,以O3为首要污染物的天数逐年增加,2017年达到研究期内的最高值,但2018-2019年略有下降.O3...  相似文献   

利用MODIS 3 km AOD原始数据,借助ENVI、Arc GIS等软件对桂林市AOD进行提取和插值,模拟该市AOD的空间分布特征,综合分析区域地形、NDVI与AOD分布的相关关系。结果表明:桂林市AOD空间分布受到地形的影响,AOD高值区出现在近乎封闭的桂林中部盆地和其他区域的谷地,地势高的区域AOD值较低;利用NCEP分析资料的风场数据,对比春节期间桂林市的AOD相对高值中心的变化,得出气溶胶的迁移和扩散方向与风向一致,静风时AOD相对高值中心更容易集中在中部盆地的城区。  相似文献   

In this report, predictions of the species that were expected to occur at stream sites were generated and probable stressors to fish species that were predicted to occur but were absent were diagnosed. Predictions were generated based on the hierarchical screening method of Smith and Powell (1971, Am. Mus. Novit. 2458, 1–30), using fish abundance in conjunction with 25 environmental variables at 895 sites. The sites were sampled throughout Maryland and represent the entire range of environmental quality from severely degraded to minimally degraded. Stressor variable values that exceeded tolerance thresholds for species that were expected to occur, but were absent, were considered to be probable stressors. This method was tested for efficacy in stream site assessments and stressor diagnosis using an independent data set. Sites that were classified as degraded according to the IBI and to non-biological criteria had fewer predicted species present compared to minimally influenced sites, indicating that the proportion of predicted species present accurately represents the biological integrity of a stream site. The nine stressors that were applied to the test data set accounted for species absences in 43.7% of degraded sites. Impervious land cover was the most common stressor identified. In addition to assessing stream biological integrity and identifying stressors to fish species, this approach also provides tolerance thresholds for predicted fish species that are useful endpoints necessary to plan effective restoration of fish species in Maryland.  相似文献   

利用2000—2019年TERRA和AQUA相结合的气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)产品数据,从时间和空间角度分析了常州市AOD的变化特征。结果显示:(1)2012—2019年常州市PM2.5与AOD年均值的相关系数为0.898,表明AOD产品适用于常州市气溶胶污染年际变化研究。(2)2000—2019年常州市AOD年均值范围为0.463~0.688,平均值为0.627。其中,2000—2007年常州市AOD年均值整体呈上升趋势,2011—2019年呈下降趋势。常州市AOD的月变化趋势呈倒“U”形,特征最高值出现在6月,最低值出现在12月。常州市AOD有明显的季节变化特征,夏季最高,冬季最低。(3)常州市AOD高值主要分布在西部的溧阳市金坛区,北部的新北区也存在少量高值分布。(4)通过Moran指数发现,常州市Moran指数均大于零,表明各年份AOD均呈集聚状态。2000—2010年常州市AOD的空间集聚程度较高,2010年以后的空间集聚效应逐渐减弱。空间热点分析表明,2011—2019年常州市AOD高值集聚区域相比2000—2010年有所减少,冷点集聚区域有所增加,AO...  相似文献   

基于MODIS的华东地区气溶胶光学厚度时空变化特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用2001年1月-2015年12月MODIS数据,运用线性趋势等方法研究华东地区气溶胶光学厚度(AOD)的变化特征及影响因素。结果表明,2001-2015年华东地区AOD平均值变化范围在0.4~0.7之间,且呈现递减趋势。山东省西部、安徽省北部及江苏省AOD相对较高;福建省、浙江省南部及江西省南部地区AOD较低。华东地区气溶胶最低值出现在12月,最高值出现在6月;虽然冬季AOD变化趋势增长较高,但最高值仍出现在夏季。AOD主要受地形、NDVI、风速及人类活动等因素的影响,地形、NDVI、风速均与AOD呈负相关。  相似文献   

选取2015年珠海市国控监测站ρ(PM_(2.5))数据,分析PM_(2.5)中有机碳(OC)、元素碳(EC)、水溶性离子组分等化学组成,ρ(PM_(2.5))时空分布特征,以及与气象因素的相互关系。结果表明,2015年珠海市PM_(2.5)年均值为31.0μg/m3,表现出显著的时间分布规律,月均值呈现"V"型趋势,PM_(2.5)中主要化学组分是有机物(OM),占总质量的34.0%,其次是硫酸根(SO2-4),占总质量的26.9%,具有明显的季节分布特征,呈现冬高夏低分布;ρ(PM_(2.5))日变化呈现双峰型分布,其值工作日显著高于非工作日;ρ(PM_(2.5))与平均温度、相对湿度、风速呈现负相关关系,与气压呈现显著正相关关系;珠海市ρ(PM_(2.5))空间分布总体呈现"东高西低,北重南轻"变化趋势,有机物、SO2-4和NH+4空间分布呈现东部高于西部趋势,颗粒物浓度受地形、气候因素和海域环境等影响呈现多样化分布趋势。  相似文献   

以1986-2020年苏州河水质监测数据为依据,将水质变化过程划分成1986-1996年、1997-2006年和2007-2020年3个阶段,系统分析了苏州河水质状况及多年时空变化特征。结果表明,在第1阶段(1986-1996年),苏州河整体处于重度污染水平,从上游到下游水质显著恶化,市区段污染严重;在第2阶段(1997-2006年),苏州河市区段水质显著改善,有机污染指标消除劣Ⅴ类,氨氮和总磷仍处于较高污染水平,上下游水质逐渐趋同;在第3阶段(2007-2020年),苏州河水质持续改善,特别是2016年以来改善明显,2020年水质达到34年来的最好水平。苏州河水质改善与上海市实施的全市及苏州河多轮环境综合治理工程、上游来水水质改善等密切相关,反映了苏州河30多年环境综合治理的突出成效,并为城市黑臭水体治理提供经验。  相似文献   

Previous studies have combined random-site hierarchical sampling designs with analysis of variance techniques, and grid sampling with spatial autocorrelation analysis. We illustrate that analysis techniques and sampling designs are interchangeable using densities of an infaunal bivalve from a study in Poverty Bay, New Zealand. Hierarchical designs allow the estimation of variances associated with each level, but high-level factors are imprecisely estimated, and they are inefficient for describing spatial pattern. Grid designs are efficient for describing spatial pattern, and are amenable to conventional analysis. Our example deals with a continuous spatial habitat, but our conclusions also apply in disjunct or patchy habitats. The influence of errors in positioning is also assessed. The advantages of systematic sampling are reviewed, and more efficient hierarchical approaches are identified. The distinction between biological and statisticalsignificance in all analyses is emphasised.  相似文献   

太湖蓝藻水华时空分布与预警监测响应的分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
选择2007和2008年200幅EOS/MODIS太湖蓝藻监测遥感影像,统计分析了梅梁湾、竺山湾宜兴段、贡湖湾、东太湖胥口湾和湖州方向湖体蓝藻水华爆发的空间和时间分布规律。并在得出全太湖蓝藻水华空间和时间分布规律的基础上,从环境监测部门蓝藻预警监测工作的实际出发,将蓝藻水华预警监测的响应划分为常规监测和应急监测,提出了具体的监测要求,为环太湖地区的相关部门更好地开展蓝藻预警监测工作提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

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