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Monthly stream water calcium and Gran alkalinity concentration data from 11 sub-catchments of the Nether Beck in the English Lake District have been used to appraise the transferability of the Scottish, River Dee-based G-BASH model. Readily available riparian zone geochemistry and flow paths were used initially to predict minimum and mean stream water concentrations at the Nether Beck, based on calibration equations from the River Dee catchment data. Predicted values significantly exceeded observed values. Differences in runoff between the two areas, leading to a dilution effect in the Nether Beck, explained most of the difference between observed and predicted values. Greater acid deposition in the Lake District also reduced stream water Gran alkalinity concentrations in that area. If regional differences in precipitation, evapotranspiration and pollutant deposition are incorporated into the model, it may then be used reliably to predict catchment susceptibility to acidification over a wide regional (national) scale.  相似文献   

Quantifying diffuse sources of pollution is becoming increasingly important when characterising river catchments in entirety - a prerequisite for environmental management. This study examines both low and high flow events, as well as spatial variability, in order to assess point and diffuse components of zinc pollution within the River West Allen catchment, which lies within the northern England lead-zinc Orefield. Zinc levels in the river are elevated under all flow regimes, and are of environmental concern. Diffuse components are of little importance at low flow, with point source mine water discharges dominating instream zinc concentration and load. During higher river flows 90% of the instream zinc load is attributed to diffuse sources, where inputs from resuspension of metal-rich sediments, and groundwater influx are likely to be more dominant. Remediating point mine water discharges should significantly improve water quality at lower flows, but contribution from diffuse sources will continue to elevate zinc flux at higher flows.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The detailed analyses of the water balance components (WBCs) of the catchment help assess the available water resources, especially in the arid...  相似文献   

In the last 5 years, naproxen, ibuprofen and diclofenac have been the subject of investigation in the South African water resources. In this study, their occurrence in river water, sediments and aquatic plants was investigated. The concentrations of compounds detected in river water and sediments varied from 0.59 to 2.3 µg L?1 and 0.2 to 9.2?ng g?1, respectively. The partitioning coefficients (L kg?1) for naproxen, ibuprofen and diclofenac varied from one sampling location to the other in ranges of 3.36–4, 1.3–1.9 and 0.13–0.91, respectively. This indicates that the fate of these pharmaceuticals can be influenced by the surrounding conditions such as climate and presence of other water pollutants as well as differences in physicochemical parameters. In the aquatic plant species (Eichhornia crassipes), the concentrations of target compounds varied in different parts of the plant material (roots, stems and leaves). Naproxen was the most abundant in Eichhornia crassipes, with the maximum concentration of 12.0?ng g?1 found in leaves. In this initial assessment, we found no rational trend for the concentrations detected in various parts of Eichhornia crassipes, however, it is speculated that these pharmaceuticals diffuse from water into the roots of the aquatic plants and get translocated into the stem and leaves. Overall, the occurrence of naproxen, ibuprofen and diclofenac in river water, sediments and Eichhornia crassipes was observed, which is an indication that Eichhornia crassipes has the ability to reduce water pollution through the uptake of pharmaceuticals through plant roots.  相似文献   

以植物、微生物为生物处理要素构建生物栅,处理污染的景观水体.选用的水生植物黄花美人蕉(Canna indica)的二级、三级根系与作为微生物载体的组合填料交织成强大的网状结构,起到固定植物、微生物附着载体及为生态系统提供氧气的作用,同时在生物栅装置运行的前期(约2 h)对污染物起到网捕、吸附作用.由网捕、吸附作用对TN、TP、NH4 -N的去除率分别为7.2%、12.5%和10.3%,对胶体态UV254的去除率为89.6%.在不进行人工曝气的条件下,生物栅主要处于微氧状态,DO维持在1.40~1.50 mg/L.生物栅的微氧状态有利于总有机碳(TOC)的去除(去除率为52.2%),特别是难降解有机物的去除(溶解态UV254去除率为27.9%),这对处理含有一定量难降解有机物的景观水体具有重要意义.由于生物栅的微氧状态及生物膜的DO浓度梯度的存在,使得微生境存在好氧、缺氧和厌氧的不同含氧状态,因而生物栅同时具有硝化、反硝化作用,并有一定的除磷效果.在水力停留时间(HRT)为72 h时,生物栅对TOC、COD、TN和TP的去除率分别为52.2%、57.6%、60.9%和82.4%.  相似文献   

There is currently uncertainty on the persistence of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) and on their depletion mechanisms in natural surface waters such as rivers, and hence predictions of their fate are often poor. In this study, a beta-adrenergic receptor, propranolol hydrochloride, was selected as a model API to explore the relative significance of direct phototransformation as a potential removal process of hydrophilic APIs in rivers. Phototransformation kinetics of propranolol was measured under simulated solar irradiation in the laboratory, which were then converted to the kinetics applicable in UK and US rivers. The effects of light intensity, light penetration, river size and flow were examined. The extrapolated phototransformation half-lives were applied in the river catchment models of GREAT-ER and PhATE. Results demonstrated that direct phototransformation significantly reduced the predicted environmental concentrations of propranolol in the water phase. Predicted reductions of mean concentrations in the River Aire (UK) were 27% in summer and 3% in winter; and for the US rivers simulated, reductions were 28-68% in summer and 11-41% in winter. The highest reductions were predicted for long rivers with low turbidity and low flow conditions.  相似文献   

Statistically significant downward trends in measured UK annual mean PM10 concentrations have been observed at eight out of the nine urban background monitoring sites between the start of monitoring in 1992 or 1993 and 2000.Site-specific projections of the individual components of measured PM10 concentrations have been derived for the period 1992–2000 at three monitoring sites from receptor modelling results for 1999 monitoring data. Measured annual average PM10 concentrations declined to between 71% and 66% of the 1992 values during this period at the sites studied. The largest contributions to the decline in total PM10 are from secondary particles at London Bloomsbury (40%, 3.4 μg m−3, tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM)), stationary sources at Belfast Centre (53%, 4.6 μg m−3, TEOM) and roadside traffic emissions at Bury Roadside (49%, 5.0 μg m−3, TEOM). The good agreement between the projected total PM10 concentrations and measured values for the years 1992–2000 indicate that the combination of the receptor model and the site-specific projections provide a suitably robust method for predicting future PM10 concentrations and the quantification of the impact of possible future policy measures to reduce PM10 concentrations. The good agreement between the projections and measured concentration also provides a useful verification of the trends in emissions inventory estimates for the 1990s.Projections of estimated PM10 concentrations have also been calculated for the London Bloomsbury site for the period from 1970 to 1991. Annual mean concentrations are predicted to have been in the range from 30 to 35 μg m−3, TEOM from 1977 to 1991 but much higher at values between 39 and 46 μg m−3, TEOM in the early 1970s.  相似文献   

Monitoring of cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes (cVMS) carried out at Anglian Water’s Broadholme sewage treatment plant (STP) is described. The method deployed used headspace gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (HS-GC/MS) and the addition of isotopically labelled cVMS to correct for partitioning in samples containing high levels of particulate and dissolved organic carbon. The method was capable of measuring cVMS in raw sewage samples, with recoveries of 80%, 85% and 71% respectively, for D4, D5 and D6. The limit of quantification was 0.2 μg L−1 for all three substances. Recoveries close to 100% were observed for all cVMS spiked into treated effluent (LOQ = 0.01 μg L−1). Despite the volatile nature of cVMS and its ubiquitous presence in the ambient atmosphere, the methods deployed showed excellent recoveries, reproducibility and quantification limits. A distinct diurnal variation in cVMS concentration, probably linked with the use of personal care products was observed for raw sewage but not in treated sewage effluent. The estimated per capita consumption of D5 (∼2.7 mg cap−1 d−1) derived for the population served by this plant was significantly lower than that derived in the Environment Agency (UK) risk assessment (11.6 mg cap−1 d−1). The cVMS were highly removed during sewage treatment with efficiencies greater than 98%. The methods and findings of this pilot study can be used as the basis for future studies on the fate of cVMS substances in STPs.  相似文献   

The concentrations of pentachlorophenol (PCP), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) polychlorinated dibensofurans (PCDFs) and organochlorine and organophosphorus pesticides in water, sediments and biota from the Lake Rotorua catchment were determined to evaluate the relative significance of various contaminants and their potential sources. PCP was found in water, sediments and biota (fish and freshwater mussels) and the highest concentrations in water (3.62 μ g.L−1) and in sediments (400 ng.g−1 dry weight (DW) were found in and near a stream that had been affected by PCP contamination from a sawmill. PCDD and PCDF concentrations in all cases, except for the waters and sediments of the stream near to the sawmill, were relatively low compared to values reported in the literature for similar sites. Negligible pesticide contamination was found in the Lake Rotorua catchment. Pesticides found included low concentrations of p.p′-DDE, p.p-TDE and dieldrin in rainbow trout from the lake.  相似文献   

A year-long survey, with samples collected weekly, was conducted to estimate long-term average concentrations of arsenic in treated and untreated drinking water for the city of Hamilton, New Zealand. The average concentration of arsenic in Waikato River water at Hamilton before processing was found to be (32.1 +/- 3.7) microg litre(-1), about three times above the new WHO limit of 10 microg litre(-1). However, full conventional water treatment effects a five-fold reduction in arsenic concentrations in drinking water to a level which meets the new standards of (6.2 +/- 0.8) microg litre(-1). The results of both this study and retrospective analysis of archived data suggest that total arsenic concentrations in the Waikato River are likely to follow a regular seasonal variation, being about 10-25 microg litre(-1) higher in the summer months. Changes in river flow rates have an almost negligible effect on the summer peak and winter trough; it is proposed that most of the variation in total arsenic concentrations may be due to the seasonal conversion of arsenic in the river sediments to more soluble forms.  相似文献   

Measurements of 1-month concentrations of NO(2) and SO(2) were carried out in the period from May 1993 to April 1994 in 147 points in 30 major cities of Poland and in 31 points in rural areas. The measurement points were divided into five classes representing: centres of cities, residential areas, industrial areas, traffic locations and rural areas. Passive samplers were prepared in one laboratory, mailed to local laboratories for sampling and then returned for analysis. The same samplers were used for collecting both NO(2) and SO(2). Analyses for NO(2) absorbed as nitrite were made spectrophotometrically after reaction with Saltzman reagent. Sulphur dioxide was determined as sulphate with ion chromatography. The consistency of data allowed comparison of levels of air pollution in different cities and the production of maps of spatial distribution of NO(2) and SO(2) in rural areas of Poland.  相似文献   

Fungicide treatments have led to large copper contents of the topsoils of most vineyards. This paper examines the contamination of surface waters by copper in a Mediterranean wine-growing catchment. Its aims were to characterise the forms of copper associated with suspended matter during a heavy autumn storm event and to identify which soils contribute the most to the copper exports. A mixing model involving three reservoirs, corresponding to three soil-landscape units (plateau, terraces and footslope-depression system) and two tracers (reducible iron content and dolomite/calcite ratio) was used to estimate the contribution of each reservoir to erosion during a storm flow. The average copper concentration of the suspended matter was 245 mg kg(-1), of which 1% was exchangeable, 4% acid-soluble, 10% oxidizable, 23% reducible and 63% residual. The soils of the plateau of the catchment (chromic luvisols and haplic calcisols-FAO soil classification) were the source of 42% of copper exports but represented only 27% of the total catchment area.  相似文献   

This study reports on the occurrence and behaviour of six pesticides and one metabolite in a small stream draining a vineyard catchment. Base flow and flood events were monitored in order to assess the variability of pesticide concentrations according to the season and to evaluate the role of sampling frequency on the evaluation of fluxes estimates. Results showed that dissolved pesticide concentrations displayed a strong temporal and spatial variability. A large mobilisation of pesticides was observed during floods, with total dissolved pesticide fluxes per event ranging from 5.7 × 10−3 g/Ha to 0.34 g/Ha. These results highlight the major role of floods in the transport of pesticides in this small stream which contributed to more than 89% of the total load of diuron during August 2007. The evaluation of pesticide loads using different sampling strategies and method calculation, showed that grab sampling largely underestimated pesticide concentrations and fluxes transiting through the stream.  相似文献   

In the routine São Paulo state (Brazil) surface water quality-monitoring program, which includes the Salmonella microsome mutagenicity assay as one of its parameters, a river where water is taken and treated for drinking water purposes has repeatedly shown mutagenic activity. A textile dyeing facility employing azo-type dyes was the only identifiable source of mutagenic compounds. We extracted the river and drinking water samples with XAD4 at neutral and acidic pH and with blue rayon, which selectively adsorbs polycyclic compounds. We tested the industrial effluent, raw, and treated water and sediment samples with YG1041 and YG1042 and compared the results with the TA98 and TA100 strains. The elevated mutagenicity detected with YG-strains suggested that nitroaromatics and/or aromatic amines were causing the mutagenicity detected in the samples analyzed. Positive responses for the blue rayon extracts indicated that mutagenic polycyclic compounds were present in the water samples analyzed. The mutagen or mixture of mutagens present in the effluent and water samples cause mainly frameshift mutations and are positive with and without metabolic activation. The Salmonella assay combined with different extraction procedures proved to be very useful in the identification of the origin of the pollution and in the identification of the classes of chemical compounds causing the mutagenic activity in the river analyzed.  相似文献   

A particle measurement campaign was conducted in a suburban environment near a major road in Kuopio, Central Finland from 3 August to 9 September 1999. The mass concentrations of fine particles (PM2.5) were measured simultaneously at distances of 12, 25, 52 and 87 m from the centre of a major road at a height of 1.8 m, using identical samplers. The concentration measurements were conducted during 16 daytime hours (from 6.00 a.m. to 10.00 p.m.) for 27 days. Traffic flows and relevant meteorological parameters were measured on-site; meteorological measurements from a nearby synoptic weather station were also utilised. We also suggest a preliminary model for predicting the concentrations of PM2.5 and apply this model in order to analyse the measured data. The regionally and long-range transported contribution was evaluated on the basis of a semi-empirical mathematical model utilising as input values the daily sulphate, nitrate and ammonium measurements at the EMEP stations (Co-operative programme for monitoring and evaluation of the long-range transmission of air pollutants in Europe). The influence of primary vehicular emissions from the nearest roads was evaluated using a roadside emission and dispersion model, CAR-FMI, in combination with a meteorological pre-processing model, MPP-FMI. The contribution of non-exhaust particulate matter emissions (including resuspension of particulate matter from road surfaces) was estimated simply to be directly proportional to the concentrations originating from primary vehicular emissions. Comparison of the predicted results and measurements yields information on the relative importance of various source categories of the measured concentrations of PM2.5. The regionally and long-range transported contribution, the primary and non-exhaust vehicular emissions, and other sources were estimated to contribute on average 41±6%, 33±6% and 26±7% of the observed PM2.5 concentrations, respectively. The model presented could also be applied in other European cities for analysing the source contributions to measured fine particulate matter concentrations.  相似文献   

Nitrogen removal processing in different constructed wetlands treating different kinds of wastewater often varies, and the contribution to nitrogen removal by various pathways remains unclear. In this study, the seasonal nitrogen removal and transformations as well as nitrogen balance in wetland microcosms treating slightly polluted river water was investigated. The results showed that the average total nitrogen removal rates varied in different seasons. According to the mass balance approach, plant uptake removed 8.4–34.3 % of the total nitrogen input, while sediment storage and N2O emission contributed 20.5–34.4 % and 0.6–1.9 % of nitrogen removal, respectively. However, the percentage of other nitrogen loss such as N2 emission due to nitrification and denitrification was estimated to be 2.0–23.5 %. The results indicated that plant uptake and sediment storage were the key factors limiting nitrogen removal besides microbial processes in surface constructed wetland for treating slightly polluted river water.  相似文献   

Cheung KC  Poon BH  Lan CY  Wong MH 《Chemosphere》2003,52(9):1431-1440
The effects of anthropogenic activities, industrialization and urbanization on the accumulation of heavy metals and nutrients in sediments and water of rivers in the Pearl River Delta region were examined. Most sediments were seriously contaminated with Cd, Pb, and Zn in accordance with the classification by Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department. Total phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) concentrations in sediments ranged from 0.02% to 0.12% and 0.06% to 0.64%, respectively. High carbon (C), N, P and sulphur (S) levels at Yuen Long Creek were related to the discharge of industrial effluents along the river. The enrichment of P and ammoniacal-nitrogen (NH4+-N) in water were obvious. For most sites, the P concentration exceeded 0.1 mg/l, which is the recommended concentration in flowing water to encourage excessive growth of aquatic plants. Nine out of the 16 sites studied had NH4+-N concentration over 2 mg/l. The rivers in the south of Deep Bay (Hong Kong) had high nutrient exports compared with the rivers in the east region and western oceanic water. The concentrations of nitrate-nitrogen NO3--N in surface water were under the maximum contaminant level in public drinking water supplies (10 mg/l) except for one site. Although the concentrations of heavy metals in overlying water were low, their accumulations were significant. High contents of nickel (Ni) and zinc (Zn) in water were found at certain locations, suggesting the occurrence of some local contamination. These preliminary results indicated that river and sediment transported pollutants is likely one of the factors for the water quality degradation of Deep Bay water.  相似文献   

A review of the export of carbon in river water: fluxes and processes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This review summarizes data on exports of carbon from a large number of temperate and boreal catchments in North America, Europe and New Zealand. Organic carbon losses, usually dominated by dissolved organic matter, show relatively little variation, most catchments exporting between 10 and 100 kg C ha(-1) yr(-1). Inorganic carbon exports occur at a similar rate. However, a lack of information on the flux of particulate organic carbon and dissolved CO2 is highlighted, particularly for rivers in Europe. Processes regulating the flux of organic carbon to streams and its subsequent fate in-stream are reviewed, along with the effects of land use and acidification on these processes. The size of the global riverine flux of carbon in relation to the global carbon cycle and the possible effects of environmental change on the export of carbon in rivers are considered.  相似文献   

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