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The evolution of sexual cannibalism as the most extreme form of nuptial feeding is still poorly understood. Although increasing evidence suggests that female aggressiveness is related to other aspects of foraging behaviour, it is not clear whether the nutritional value of a male is sufficient to provide an adaptive significance for sexual cannibalism. A widely cited though rarely tested explanation is based on a paternal investment model, and predicts that consumption of a male results in increased female fecundity. The available evidence is either correlational or restricted to species with relatively large and potentially nutritious males, and different studies have come to different conclusions. Here we present a test of the paternal investment hypothesis using the very cannibalistic and highly size-dimorphic spider Argiope bruennichi. After a preset schedule, we had females consume none, one or two males independent of the female's cannibalistic behaviour. Consumption of male bodies did not result in any detectable fitness benefit for the female: neither the number of clutches, nor clutch size or hatching success were affected by consumption of males. The frequency of cannibalism was around 80%, independent of the female mating status. We did not observe male complicity, but cannibalism was associated with prolonged copulation. This suggests a sexually selected benefit of cannibalism for males. We conclude that the paternal investment hypothesis does not explain the existence of sexual cannibalism in A. bruennichi and probably not in other spider species with a pronounced sexual size dimorphism.Communicated by L. Simmons  相似文献   

Orb web spiders of the genus Argiope are permanently located at the hub of the orb web and are thus vulnerable to changing environmental conditions. Severe damage to the web by non-prey animals can have a significant impact on survival, through the cost of producing expensive silk and the loss of foraging opportunities. Thus, selection should favor web protection mechanisms, and the conspicuous web decorations, typical of Argiope spiders, may play a role. Decorated webs suffer less damage than undecorated webs, consistent with the view that they advertise the presence of the web to non-prey animals that may damage the web. However, whether spiders respond to web damage by increasing investment in web decorations has not been investigated. We subjected adult St. Andrew's Cross spider (Argiope keyserlingi) females to three levels of web damage and recorded their subsequent web-decorating behavior. Mild damage, similar to that caused by impacting prey, did not affect either web building or decorating behavior. However, spiders subjected to substantial web damage both reduced the size of subsequent webs and increased investment in web decoration size. These data are consistent with an advertising role of web decorations.  相似文献   

As in many lekking anurans, Italian treefrog males use two mating tactics: they can attract females by calling vigorously or be satellites, that is, they can remain silent in proximity of a calling male and try to intercept females attracted by their neighbour. We investigated the factors that affected the expression of this mating tactic. Consistent with the conditional mating tactic hypothesis, satellites were smaller than average and smaller than their parasitised calling males. They spent a larger-than-average number of nights at the breeding site, where most of them were also observed calling. Moreover, satellites showed lower call rates and lower mating success than those of males they parasitise but not lower than those of males they did not parasitise. Overall, these results, together with those derived from the analyses of the seasonal and spatial distribution of males, provide evidence for a non-random association between satellites and calling males and are consistent with the hypothesis that satellites have spectral and temporal acoustic preferences that parallel those of females. By adopting the less-successful satellite mating tactic, competitively inferior males can nevertheless maximise their potential reproductive fitness by sexually parasitising the most attractive chorusing males.  相似文献   

Little is known of the time and ejaculate allocation strategies during mating of American lobster, Homarus americanus. This study investigated sexual cohabitation and female ejaculate accumulation patterns in a laboratory mating experiment, as well as female seminal receptacle load in exploited populations in the waters of the Magdalen and Anticosti Islands, in eastern Canada. In the laboratory experiment, the length of sexual cohabitation was proportionate to female size for large but not for small males. Also, large males cohabited with pre- and postmolt females longer than small males. These different time investment strategies can be explained by different mutual benefits. In the field and laboratory, larger females accumulated more ejaculate than smaller ones. This suggests that male lobsters tailor ejaculate to female size, a reliable index of her reproductive potential. Moreover, similarly-sized females accumulated more ejaculate when mated with large compared to small males. Comparison of receptacle loads between wild-mated and laboratory-mated females suggests that the former were mating mainly with smaller males, although some evidence of positive size-assortative mating existed, especially at the less exploited Anticosti site. The results are discussed in the context of evolutionary theory and of proposed management measures to increase egg production in exploited populations.Communicated by T. Czeschlik  相似文献   

Sex-specific interests over the maximization of reproductive success lead to an inter-sexual conflict over the optimal mating system in a species. Traditionally, the outcome of this inter-sexual conflict has been studied from the male perspective but it also depends on female mating strategies, such as manipulating the temporal distribution of sexual activity, advertisement, and mate choice. We used a small nocturnal primate, the gray mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus) to determine the relative importance of female mating strategies on the outcome of this conflict in a species where females are solitary during their activity period. We studied their mating behavior over three consecutive annual mating seasons and determined the genetic relationships among more than 300 study animals to quantify individual reproductive success. We found that most females were receptive asynchronously. Females did not exhibit any obvious direct mate choice, probably due to a highly male-biased operational sex ratio and the corresponding costs of choosiness. However, females exercised indirect choice for multiple matings. They mated with 1–7 males up to 11 times during their single night of receptivity. As a result, mixed paternity was common but heavier males sired more offspring, meaning that indirect female choice for superior males cannot be excluded. Females exhibited a mixed mating strategy, avoiding costly direct mate choice but still counteracting male efforts to monopolize mating, successfully increasing genetic variability among offspring. Thus, females had a major influence on the outcome of the inter-sexual conflict despite male monopolization attempts.Communicated by J. Setchell  相似文献   

Insect mate recognition is often viewed as stereotypic, innate, and species-specific. However, male damselflies can learn to identify female-specific color morphs as potential mates. A suite of male mimicry hypotheses assume that heteromorphic females, which differ from males in color pattern, are more easily recognized as “female” and thus lack the inherent, anti-harassment advantage that the more male-like signal provides for andromorphs. Using two measures of male preference, we investigated whether naïve males have a preexisting sensory bias for a given morph color in Enallagma civile, a species that appeared to exhibit extreme plasticity in morph expression across generations within a breeding season. E. civile males raised in the absence of females exhibited no preference for either morph, whereas males raised with one female type exhibited a learned sensory bias for that morph. Male Enallagma also lacked a bias toward conspecific females over a congeneric sister species. In a naturally naïve population of Enallagma ebrium, males reacted sexually to both morphs of Enallagma hageni as often as they did to conspecific females, whose thoracic spectra were nearly identical with those of E. hageni. Moreover, despite the similar thoracic spectra of males and andromorphs, both of which reflected UV, males rarely reacted sexually to other males. Our results falsified implicit assumptions of male mimicry hypotheses, supported learned mate recognition, and suggested a scenario for speciation via sexual conflict.  相似文献   

Socially monogamous partners suffer conflicting interests concerning various aspects of reproduction such as parental care, copulation and fertilization. Female black-legged kittiwakes commonly eject their mates' sperm immediately following copulations. Because sperm ejection reduces male sperm competitiveness and paternity assurance, males and females have conflicting interests as regards sperm ejection. Males whose mates ejected their sperm at least once remained longer on their mates' backs after the last insemination which apparently prevented the females from ejecting sperm. These results suggest that compelling females to retain their sperm may be a previously unidentified tactic employed by males to assure their paternity. Females tried to prevent their mates from witnessing sperm ejection by ejecting sperm after their mates departed from the nest. Females were more likely to eject sperm when they terminated the copulations by unbalancing the male. The conflict over sperm ejection was related to the ability of the females to end the copulations which covaried with the body mass of their mates. These findings suggest that conflicts in monogamous pairs also exist over the disposition of sperm.Communicated by C.R. Brown  相似文献   

The dynamics of male-male competition for mates and patterns of female choice depend critically on the social environment. We released newly molted sexually receptive females of the rock shrimp Rhynchocinetes typus in the field and recorded their interactions with males. In the dense aggregations in which these shrimp live, most females were encountered and seized by males within 2 min. Usually, females were first seized by subordinate males, and subsequently taken over by the dominant males. Many females (17 out of 23) had multiple mates during the 10-min observation period, and most of them received spermatophores from multiple males. Males used different mating tactics in accordance with their dominance status: subordinate males often used the sneaking tactic, seizing the female and immediately transferring spermatophores. In contrast, all dominant males used the primary mating tactic; they seized and stimulated the female before transferring spermatophores. Results from previous studies had indicated that females may reduce the fertilization chances of subordinate males by delaying spawning and removing spermatophores. We suggest that this capability in combination with the observed rapid mate succession may enable females to exploit male contest behaviors.Communicated by P. Backwell  相似文献   

Determining the factors that affect male mating success is essential to understanding how sexual selection operates, including explanations of the adaptive value of female preferences and how variation in male traits is maintained in a population. Although females may appear to choose males based on a single parameter, female mate choice is often a complex series of assessments of male quality that can only be revealed through manipulation of multiple male traits. In the moth Utetheisa ornatrix (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae), females have been shown to judge males primarily on their production of a courtship pheromone, hydroxydanaidal, derived from defensive chemicals acquired as larvae. Recent work, however, suggested that other factors, including prior mating experience by males, may also influence the outcome of precopulatory interactions with females. I ran mating trials with one female and two males to determine whether there were any differences in male mating success based on their prior exposure to females, mating experience, and time between matings. Previously mated males were favored over virgins when both males lacked the pheromone, but courting experience and mating interval did not explain these differences in male mating success. Furthermore, multiply mated males lacking the pheromone were favored over virgin males that produced the pheromone, thus reversing the commonly observed trend of female precopulatory bias towards males with higher levels of the pheromone. These results demonstrate that males with mating experience can secure copulations despite deficiencies in the pheromone, and I provide possible mechanisms and discuss their implications regarding sexual selection.  相似文献   

The importance of sexual selection in hybridization between species that evolved in allopatry is poorly understood. Even less is known about differences between populations in their resistance or susceptibility to genetic introgression with a congener. Here we examine behavioral differences between populations of the native Pecos pupfish (Cyprinodon pecosensis) and their potential effects in facilitating or retarding hybridization with an introduced congener, the sheepshead minnow (C. variegatus). We quantified competitive interactions, establishment of territories, and mating success of several naturally occurring C. pecosensis populations and an artificially created laboratory population (control) against C. variegatus. Experiments were conducted in large outdoor tanks during the summer months when high temperatures favor breeding activity in pupfish. C. pecosensis populations differed in agonistic behavior, territoriality, and in mating success when competing against C. variegatus. Differences in the competitive ability of males from different C. pecosensis populations suggest that the rate of introgression with C. variegatus may vary, depending on the population of C. pecosensis it comes in contact with. Our results suggest that large, stable C. pecosensis populations may be relatively resistant to hybridization with C. variegatus. Interpopulation variation in male behavior, shaped by sexual selection, may be important in determining the incidence and rate of hybridization between the two congeners. Experimental studies are a powerful tool in elucidating behavioral processes, such as the action of intrasexual selection, that facilitate or retard the coalescence of lineages through initial hybridization and subsequent genetic introgression after secondary contact between allopatric species.Communicated by M. Abrahams  相似文献   

Female choice and male–male aggression are two modes of sexual selection that can lead to elaboration of male morphological and behavioral traits. In lek-mating species, male mating success is often strongly skewed, and it is puzzling why variation in male traits is still observed given directional female choice. If male traits correlated with reproductive success are honest signals of male quality, there may be survival costs associated with the expression of those traits. In this study, we examined whether morphological, behavioral, and territorial traits are correlated with male mating success and survival in the lek-mating greater prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus cupido). We introduce a novel application of multinomial discrete choice models for analysis of female mate choice behavior. We found that behavioral and territorial attributes showed 6.5 times more variability among males than morphological traits. Both display and aggressive behaviors were strong predictors of male mating success, suggesting that both female choice and male–male aggression were important in determining mating success among male greater prairie-chickens. Moreover, annual survival of male prairie-chickens was independent of mating success and male traits. Females appear to be choosing males based on behavioral traits where large variation exists between males (coefficient of variation >30%). Behavioral traits were the most important factor in determining mating success of male prairie-chickens, but the mechanism underlying this relationship is unknown. In the future, experimental manipulations of male hormones or parasite loads could bridge the proximate mechanisms and ultimate consequences of factors mediating male mating success in lek-mating grouse.  相似文献   

Species where most but not all females mate monandrously can provide insight into the potential factors both promoting and restricting polyandry. Polyandry is typically explained by direct and/or indirect benefits models; however, polyandry may also confer costs via sexually antagonistic processes. The fitness of polyandrous and monandrous females may also vary with environmental conditions, such as availability of water. For some lepidopterans, water is a vital resource that increases fecundity and may be a direct benefit of multiple mating. Male lepidopterans transfer large spermatophores that may be an important water source for females, particularly for species living in water-depauperate environments. In such species, multiple-mating females may increase their reproductive output. We examined the fitness consequences of multiple mating in the almond moth, Cadra cautella. Males transfer substantial spermatophores; these have a large chitinous process attached, which decrease female longevity. To assess the impact of female mating treatment and water availability on female fitness, females mated once or twice, either with the same or different males, with half the females in each treatment receiving water. Water-fed females had dramatically increased fecundity, but we found no fitness benefits of multiple mating. Male longevity decreased with increased mating frequency and potentially his level of reproductive investment. Water-deprived females that mated twice died sooner than once-mated females, while multiple-mating females that received water lived longer than their water-deprived counterparts. It is interesting to note that the male’s spermatophore process did not affect female fitness or longevity. Why polyandry is maintained in this species is discussed.  相似文献   

Morphological and behavioural traits can serve as anti-predator defence either by reducing detection or recognition risks, or by thwarting initiated attacks. The latter defence is secondary and often involves a ‘startle display’ comprising a sudden release of signals targeting more than one sensory modality. A suggested candidate for employing a multimodal defence is the peacock butterfly, Inachis io, which, by wing-flicking suddenly, produces sonic and ultrasonic sounds and displays four large eyespots when attacked. The eyespots make small birds retreat, but whether the sounds produced thwart predator attacks is largely unknown. Peacocks hibernate as adults in dark wintering sites and employ their secondary defence upon encounter with small rodent predators during this period. In this study, we staged predator–prey encounters in complete darkness in the laboratory between wild mice, Apodemus flavicollis and Apodemus sylvaticus, and peacocks which had their sound production intact or disabled. Results show that mice were more likely to flee from sound-producing butterflies than from butterflies which had their sound production disabled. Our study presents experimental evidence that the peacock butterfly truly employs a multimodal defence with different traits targeting different predator groups; the eyespots target birds and the sound production targets small rodent predators.  相似文献   

The genetic population structures of Atlantic northern bluefin tuna ( Thunnus thynnus thynnus) and albacore ( T. alalunga) were examined using allozyme analysis. A total of 822 Atlantic northern bluefin tuna from 18 different samples (16 Mediterranean, 1 East Atlantic, 1 West Atlantic) and 188 albacore from 5 samples (4 Mediterranean, 1 East Atlantic) were surveyed for genetic variation in 37 loci. Polymorphism and heterozygosity reveal a moderate level of genetic variability, with only two highly polymorphic loci in both Atlantic northern bluefin tuna ( FH* and SOD- 1*) and albacore ( GPI- 3* and XDH*). The level of population differentiation found for Atlantic northern bluefin tuna and albacore fits the pattern that has generally been observed in tunas, with genetic differences on a broad rather than a more local scale. For Atlantic northern bluefin tuna, no spatial or temporal genetic heterogeneity was observed within the Mediterranean Sea or between the East Atlantic and Mediterranean, indicating the existence of a single genetic grouping on the eastern side of the Atlantic Ocean. Very limited genetic differentiation was found between West Atlantic and East Atlantic/Mediterranean northern bluefin tuna, mainly due to an inversion of SOD- 1* allele frequencies. Regarding albacore, no genetic heterogeneity was observed within the Mediterranean Sea or between Mediterranean and Azores samples, suggesting the existence of a single gene pool in this area.  相似文献   

This study devised a staging system for, and monitored, the gonad development of the limpet species Patella vulgata and Patella ulyssiponensis on the South West coast of Ireland using histological techniques. Maturation began in the males of both species in January and in the females it began in March. There was no statistical difference in gonad development between sexes and between species. Spawning in the male P. vulgata occurred from September to December 2003 and in September and October 2004. In female P. vulgata spawning occurred from October to December 2003, no spawning of females was observed in 2004. In male P. ulyssiponensis spawning occurred in November and December 2003 and from September 2004 to December 2004. Spawning was observed from November 2003 to January 2004 and in September 2004 in female P. ulyssiponensis. Sex ratios also varied between the species and between months sampled. Nevertheless more males were observed in both species.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies show that predatory cane toads (Bufo marinus) exhibit specialized toe-luring behavior that attracts smaller conspecifics, but field surveys of toad diet rarely record cannibalism. Our data resolve this paradox, showing that cannibalism is common under specific ecological conditions. In the wet–dry tropics of Australia, desiccation risk constrains recently metamorphosed toads to the edges of the natal pond. Juvenile toads large enough to consume their smaller conspecifics switch to a primarily cannibalistic diet (67% of prey biomass in stomachs of larger toads). Cannibalistic attack was triggered by prey movement, and (perhaps as an adaptive response to this threat) small (edible-sized) toads were virtually immobile at night (when cannibals were active). Smaller metamorphs were consumed more frequently than were larger conspecifics. The switch from insectivory to cannibalism reflects the high dry season densities of small conspecifics (in turn, due to desiccation-imposed constraints to dispersal) and the scarcity of alternative (insect) prey during dry weather. Our study pond (102 m in circumference) supported >400 juvenile toads, which consumed many metamorphs over the course of our study. Toads appear to be low-quality food items for other toads; in laboratory trials, juvenile toads that fed only on conspecifics grew less rapidly than those that ate an equivalent mass of insects. This effect was not due to parotoid gland toxins per se. Thus, cane toads switch to intensive cannibalism only when seasonal precipitation regimes increase encounter rates between large and small toads, while simultaneously reducing the availability of alternative prey.  相似文献   

Among the diverse patterns of energy allocation to the offspring of gastropods, the presence of egg capsules to protect embryos is common. Females of the edible snail Zidona dufresnei attach egg capsules to hard substrates in shallow Argentine Patagonian waters (40°45′S, 64°56′W) during spring-summer. Embryonic development takes about 30 days at 22°C. In this study, three likely capsule predator species and the marks left by each on egg capsule walls were identified in laboratory experiments in February 2010. Abundances of predators and egg capsules with evidence of predation were assessed in the field in the summers of 2010 and 2011. Under laboratory conditions (N = 10 replicates per treatment and control), the predation rate by the chiton Chaetopleura isabellei was the highest (up to 90%), followed by the gastropod Tegula patagonica and the crab Neohelice granulata (~20% each). Nearly 60% of 41 capsules found in the field showed signs of predation. According to the marks identified in the laboratory, C. isabellei was responsible for 79% of this predation, and T. patagonica for the rest. Predation appears to be important during the encapsulated early life and could be an agent for selecting for resistant capsule walls and a relatively shorter development time.  相似文献   

While many theories exist on the evolution of the sexual swelling signal in female primates, the significance of the very large and variable swellings found in some catarrhine primates is still debated. As suggested by Pagel [(1994) Anim Behav 47:1333–1341], these exaggerated and costly signals have the potential to provide information about differential female reproductive quality to males. While Domb [(2000) Department of Anthropology, Harvard University, Cambridge] and Domb and Pagel [(2001) Nature 410:204–206] propose that swellings serve to reliably indicate between-female fitness differences, we hypothesize that they may indicate current reproductive cycle quality, within or between females. This study examines the between-cycle relationship between ovarian function, gauged via fecal steroid analysis, and absolute size of sexual swellings, yielded through photogrammetric methods. Fourteen cycles from eight captive, group-living chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) exhibited considerable variability both in ovarian steroid levels and maximum sexual swelling size. Nearly all measures of a female's maximal swelling in a cycle correlated with early follicular and early luteal estradiol averages and the duration of luteal progesterone elevation. Swelling area was also correlated with late follicular estradiol. Given past evidence that such measures of ovarian function predict conceptive success, these data strongly suggest that swellings could convey information to competing males about the fecundability of a potential mate.Communicated by C. Nunn  相似文献   

Life-history features of the sympatric amphipods Themisto pacifica and T. japonica in the western North Pacific were analyzed based on seasonal field samples collected from July 1996 through July 1998, and data from laboratory rearing experiments. T. pacfica occurred throughout the year, with populations peaking from spring to summer. In contrast, T. japonica were rare from autumn to early winter, but became abundant in late winter to spring. Mature T. pacifica females and juveniles occurred together throughout the year, indicating year-round reproduction. Mature T. japonica females were observed only in spring, and juveniles occurred irregularly in small numbers, suggesting limited, early-spring reproduction in this study area. Size composition analysis of T. pacifica identified a total of eight cohorts over the 2 years of the study. Due to the smaller sample size and rarity of mature females (>9.6 mm) and males (>7.1 mm), cohort analyses of T. japonica were not comparable. Laboratory rearing of specimens at 2°C, 5°C, 8°C and 12°C revealed that a linear equation best expressed body length growth by T. pacifica, while a logistic equation best expressed body length growth by T. japoncia. Combining these laboratory-derived growth patterns with maturity sizes of wild specimens, the minimum and maximum generation times of females at a temperature range of 2–12°C were computed as 32 days (12°C) and 224 days (2°C), respectively, for T. pacifica, and 66 days (12°C) and 358 days (2°C), respectively, for T. japonica. The numbers of eggs or juveniles in females marsupia increased with female body length and ranged from 23 to 64 for T. pacifica and from 152 to 601 for T. japonica. Taking into account the number of mature female instars, lifetime fecundities were estimated as 342 eggs for T. pacifica and 1195 eggs for T. japonica. Possible mechanisms for the coexistence of these two amphipods in the Oyashio region are also discussed.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

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