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In this article, we clarify the current status of Japanese exports and Chinese imports of secondary resources. A total of around 10 million metric tons (t) of secondary resources are exported annually from Japan to China, Hong Kong, and Korea. Hong Kong plays the role of a transshipment point, especially regarding the trade in plastic waste, and China imports much from the USA and Japan, often through Hong Kong. The secondary resources exported from Japan include both byproducts from manufacturing processes and end-of-life products or materials. The great demand in China, and the difference in prices between countries, drive this transboundary shipment, although Japan has enacted various recycling laws that were implicitly intended to promote domestic recycling. In China, the imported secondary resources are recycled, usually by means of primitive and low-cost hand labor. The greatest concern is whether there are still improper (illegal or polluting) recycling activities in China. International material cycles should prevent environmental pollution and ensure efficient resource utilization. To that end, the following measures are needed: cooperative control of the trade of secondary resources between countries, the alignment of domestic laws with the regulations in other countries based on the actual trade activities, and the realization of sound practices for global resources management.  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,服装更新速度越来越快,废旧衣服既污染环境,其再利用价值也没有发挥出来.把循环经济中的“3R原则”应用到废旧衣服回收中,以发挥废旧衣服的最大价值.  相似文献   

回顾了SF6的历史沿革,介绍了SF6的特性和生产应用,阐述了加快SF6回收再利用工作、削减SF6使用量以及优化SF6治理模式的重要性和紧迫性,从而倡导提高环保意识、增强社会责任感。  相似文献   

Mobile phones are the most ubiquitous electronic product on the globe. They have relatively short lifecycles and because of their (perceived) in-built obsolescence, discarded mobile phones represent a significant and growing problem with respect to waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). An emerging and increasingly important issue for industry is the shortage of key metals, especially the types of metals found in mobile phones, and hence the primary aim of this timely study was to assess and evaluate the voluntary mobile phone takeback network in the UK. The study has characterised the information, product and incentives flows in the voluntary UK mobile phone takeback network and reviewed the merits and demerits of the incentives offered. A survey of the activities of the voluntary mobile phone takeback schemes was undertaken in 2008 to: identify and evaluate the takeback schemes operating in the UK; determine the target groups from whom handsets are collected; and assess the collection, promotion and advertising methods used by the schemes. In addition, the survey sought to identify and critically evaluate the incentives offered by the takeback schemes, evaluate their ease and convenience of use; and determine the types, qualities and quantities of mobile phones they collect. The study has established that the UK voluntary mobile phone takeback network can be characterised as three distinctive flows: information flow; product flow (handsets and related accessories); and incentives flow. Over 100 voluntary schemes offering online takeback of mobile phone handsets were identified. The schemes are operated by manufacturers, retailers, mobile phone network service operators, charities and by mobile phone reuse, recycling and refurbishing companies. The latter two scheme categories offer the highest level of convenience and ease of use to their customers. Approximately 83% of the schemes are either for-profit/commercial-oriented and/or operate to raise funds for charities. The voluntary schemes use various methods to collect mobile phones from consumers, including postal services, courier and in-store. The majority of schemes utilise and finance pre-paid postage to collect handsets. Incentives offered by the takeback schemes include monetary payments, donation to charity and entry into prize draws. Consumers from whom handsets and related equipment are collected include individuals, businesses, schools, colleges, universities, charities and clubs with some schemes specialising on collecting handsets from one target group. The majority (84.3%) of voluntary schemes did not provide information on their websites about the quantities of mobile phones they collect. The operations of UK takeback schemes are decentralised in nature. Comparisons are made between the UK’s decentralised collection system versus Australia’s centralised network for collection of mobile phones. The significant principal conclusions from the study are: there has been a significant rise in the number of takeback schemes operating in the UK since the initial scheme was launched in 1997; the majority of returned handsets seem to be of low quality; and there is very little available information on the quantities of mobile phones collected by the various schemes. Irrespective of their financial motives, UK takeback schemes increasingly play an important role in sustainable waste management by diverting EoL mobile phones from landfills and encouraging reuse and recycling. Recommendations for future actions to improve the management of end-of-life mobile phone handsets and related accessories are made.  相似文献   

提出一种居民家庭自动蓄水循环系统和二次循环水利用及新型概念房的构想。通过错过夏天用水高峰时段,合理利用夜晚水压进行水箱日常用水的自动补给。中水回用和雨水收集使得在概念房的有限面积内达到最大的水循环利用效率。  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Japan and the European Union (EU) both have well-established End-of-Life Vehicle (ELV) policies and management systems. However, due to the...  相似文献   

概述了日本污水处理度再利用的特点和经验;介绍了东京和福冈两个地区的回用实例;探讨了污水回用对回收水水质的关键要求。  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - This study compiled the number of End-of-Life motorcycles (ELMCs), utilizing Japanese official motorcycle data to clarify “the...  相似文献   

日本循环型社会的现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本在世界上是第一个建成循环型社会的国家。全面阐述了日本循环型社会的建设历程与现状,基本做法与2010年的资源流通目标,成功原因分析;重点介绍了日本建设循环型社会的“废弃物处理法”,“容器包装循环利用法”2部法律内容。日本政府认为,展望未来,构建国际循环型社会是必要的、可能的。  相似文献   

应日本NPO法人世界等机构和企事业邀请,由中国再生资源回收利用协会常务副会长何方明为团长的中国再生资源技术合作访日团组于2010年9月对日本进行了技术合作考察与洽谈,就中日两国在电子废弃物、报废汽车和废塑料等综合利用方面的国际合作与交流进行研讨,拜访相关机构并参观考察有关企业。就此次考察,对日本再生资源回收利用技术作一简要介绍,供我国回收利用相关企业借鉴。  相似文献   

目前我国的废旧冰箱已进入了一个报废高峰期,且大量废旧冰箱塑料的处理问题已成为当今地球环境保护的热点问题,而我国又是一个人均资源占有量很低的国家,因此,对废旧冰箱塑料进行回收与再生利用则具有极其重要的意义.介绍了废旧冰箱塑料的物理再生利用、化学再生利用、生物降解、能源回收利用的技术和方法.  相似文献   

建筑垃圾的循环利用是今后建筑垃圾处理的必经之路。在对国内外建筑垃圾循环利用的相关政策、法律法规及回收现状进行比较分析的基础上,对目前建筑垃圾循环利用的案例进行调查整理,总结出建筑垃圾循环利用的一般过程;并在对目前建筑垃圾循环利用的方法进行研究后,介绍了一种先进实用的建筑垃圾循环利用方法;最后对我国建筑垃圾循环利用存在的问题进行剖析并提出解决问题的建议,以期对我国建筑垃圾循环利用的发展有所裨益。  相似文献   

Japan's basic approach to municipal solid waste (MSW) is (1) waste reduction, (2) promotion of recycling, (3) volume reduction by intermediate treatment, and (4) environmentally sound final disposal. A brief history of legislative trends in waste management is given as background for current waste management and recycling activities. The material recovery rate for MSW collected by local municipalities was only 5.6% in 1996. More than half of MSW, on a volume basis, consists of containers and packages, while great amounts of landfill space are also taken up by bulky wastes such as electric appliances. Therefore, in order to promote recycling and decrease landfill waste, Japan is targeting containers, packages, and electric appliances. A law promoting separate collection and recycling of containers and packages (Packaging Waste Recycling Law) and a law requiring the recycling of specific home electric appliances into new products (Home Electric Appliance Recycling Law) were introduced in June 1995 and June 1998, respectively. These laws are in line with the OECD policy Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). Received: September 16, 1998 / Accepted: March 10, 1999  相似文献   

在一系列法律法规政策的支持下,日本废物循环技术处于世界领先水平。介绍了几种日本废物利用的技术研究,为促进我国废物循环利用技术水平的提高提供参考。  相似文献   

报废汽车的拆解、加工和再利用是再生资源产业的新领域,但在拆解、加工过程中,往往存在环境污染隐患,因此,建立高效、清洁的拆解流程,对拆解现场进行环境风险控制和管理,对于报废汽车拆解业的可持续发展非常重要。介绍了日本报废汽车回收、拆解现场管理的关键环节和管理方法,为我国报废汽车拆解业提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The Japanese Government introduced the Law on Recycling of End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV Recycling Law) in 2002. This law requires manufacturers to retrieve chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), airbags, and automobile shredder residue (ASR) from ELVs and to properly recycle the remaining materials. This framework is compared with European ELV directives. Pilot-scale incineration plant testing has revealed a greater formation of by-product persistent organic pollutants (POPs) during the primary combustion of ASR compared to normal municipal solid waste. This may be attributed to the abundance of chlorine, Cu, and Fe in ASR, as Cu and Fe have been found to catalyze the formation of POPs under certain conditions. However, most by-product POPs were destroyed by the secondary combustion, and almost all were removed after flue gas treatment. The direct melting system is a shaft-type gasification and melting technology that has proved effective in many municipal solid waste applications. This system can be applied to ASR recycling for effective decomposition of brominated flame retardants and polybrominated dioxins.  相似文献   

基于典型拆解区环境污染的电子废物回收利用模式探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国电器电子产品保有量巨大,面对日趋增多的电子废物,从典型电子废物拆解区土壤及地下水污染情况出发,总结国外电子废物回收利用做法,分析我国当前电子废物回收利用现状及面临的形势,研究提出符合我国国情的电子废物回收利用模式.  相似文献   

Due to economic advantages, many companies in Brazil recover Al from the process of crushing and water-leaching of secondary aluminum dross. Wastes from this process (non-metallic products and salts) are usually landfilled or disposed without treatment, causing many environmental damages. The purpose of this work is to investigate, in a recycling company sited in Sao Paulo metropolitan area (Brazil), the potential use of the non-metallic product (NMP) in the production of concrete blocks and to evaluate the presence of important chemical compounds that may be useful for other applications. Chemical and mineralogical analyses revealed that NMP is composed of refractory and abrasive oxides (alpha-Al2O3, MgAl2O4, SiO2) and an important source of transition alumina: alpha-Al(OH)3. Concrete blocks were made by adding two parts of NMP to one part of cement and four parts of sand. The blocks were tested according to the Brazilian standard (NBR7173/1982) and they passed dimension, humidity and absorption tests but not compressive strength tests. However, particular NMP constituents have accelerated the strength rate development of the blocks, thus decreasing working time. The commercial use of NMP can reduce the amount of discarded wastes contributing to environmental preservation.  相似文献   

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