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Landry D  Dousset S  Andreux F 《Chemosphere》2006,62(10):1736-1747
Field studies monitoring herbicide pollution in the vineyards of Burgundy (France) have revealed that drinking water reservoirs are contaminated with several pre-emergence herbicides. An assessment of the leaching of two such herbicides, diuron and oryzalin, was therefore performed using lysimeters, under outdoor conditions, from May 2001 to May 2002. Four vineyard soils from Vosne-Romanée (Burgundy) were chosen along a topolithosequence: a rendosol and three calcosols. After 673 mm of rainfall, greater amounts of diuron than oryzalin were measured in percolates: respectively 0.10-0.84% and 0.02-0.43% of applied herbicide, depending on soils. Measurements for diuron metabolites detected greater amounts of DCPMU than DCPU in the percolates: respectively 0.05-0.13% and 0-0.04% of the applied diuron. At the end of the monitoring period, more residues of diuron than oryzalin were recovered in the soil profiles: respectively 4.6-9% and 1.4-4.4%. The oryzalin residues were found mainly in the upper 10 cm of soil columns, whereas diuron residues were present in the whole core. The mobility of both oryzalin and diuron seems fairly well-related to soil organic carbon content; the mobility of diuron is also related to soil texture (sand and coarse material contents). Under such experimental conditions, this study confirms that diuron leaching, and therefore potential groundwater contamination, is greater than that of oryzalin.  相似文献   

In the present study, diuron [3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea] and metolachlor [2-chloro-N-(2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl)-N-(2-metoxi-1-methylethyl)acetamide] leaching was studied in undisturbed soil columns collected in a cotton crop area in Mato Grosso State, Brazil. The pesticides were applied to the soil surface in dosages similar to those used in a cotton plantation. To assess the leaching process, soil columns were submitted to simulated rain under laboratory conditions at 25 ± 3°C, in the absence of wind and direct solar radiation. During the rain simulations, leachate solutions were collected and herbicide concentrations were determined. At the end of the experiment, the soil columns were cut into 10 cm sections to determine the remaining herbicide concentrations through the soil profile. Metolachlor was detected in all soil sections, and approximately 4% of the applied mass was leached. Diuron was detected only in the upper two soil sections and was not detected in the leachate. A linear correlation (r > 0.94) between the metolachlor soil concentrations and the organic contents of the soil sections was observed. Mass balance suggests that around 56% of diuron and 40% of metolachlor were degraded during the experiments. Measurements of the water table depth in the area where the samples were collected showed that it varied from 2 to 6 m and is therefore vulnerable to contamination by the studied herbicides, particularly metolachlor, which demonstrated a higher leaching potential.  相似文献   

Field studies monitoring pesticide pollution in the Morvan region (France) have revealed surface water contamination by some herbicides. The purpose of this study was to investigate in greater detail the transport of two herbicides, used in Christmas tree production in the Morvan, under controlled laboratory conditions. Thus, the leaching of hexazinone (3-cyclohexyl-6-dimethyl-amino-1-methyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4 (1H,3H) dione) and glyphosate (N-(phosphono-methyl-glycine)) through structured soil columns was studied using one loamy sand and two sandy loams from sites currently under Christmas tree cultivation in the Morvan. The three soils were cultivated sandy brunisol [Sound reference base for soils, D. Baize, M.C. Girard (Coord.), INRA, Versailles, 1998, 322 p] or, according to the FAO [FAO, World reference base for soil resources, ISSS-ISRIC-FAO, FAO, Rome, Italy, 1998], the La Garenne was an arenosol and the two other soils were cambisols. The clay contents of the soils ranged from 86 to 156 g kg(-1) and the organic carbon ranged from 98 to 347 g kg(-1). After 160 mm of simulated rainfall applied over 12 days, 2-11% of the applied hexazinone was recovered in the leachate. The recovery was much higher than that of glyphosate, which was less than 0.01%. The greater mobility of hexazinone might be related to its much lower adsorption coefficient, K(oc), 19-300 l kg(-1), compared with 8.5-10231 l kg(-1) for glyphosate (literature values). Another factor that may explain the higher amounts of hexazinone recovered in the leachates of the three soil columns is its greater persistence (19.7-91 days) relative to that of glyphosate (7.9-14.4 days). The mobility of both herbicides was greater in the soils with higher gravel contents, coarser textures, and lower organic carbon contents. Moreover, glyphosate migration seems negatively correlated not only to soil organic carbon, but also to aluminium and iron contents of soils. This soil column study suggests that at the watershed scale, surface water contamination by hexazinone could occur via the horizontal subsurface flow in upper centimeters of soil. In contrast, the surface water contamination with glyphosate by this mechanism appears unlikely.  相似文献   

To develop alternatives to methyl bromide (MeBr) for soil disinfection under environmental Moroccan conditions, distribution and persistence of 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) and methyl isothiocyanate (MITC) were tested in undisturbed soil columns (12 cm internal diameter, 1 m length). 1,3-D was injected at a 15 cm depth and directly followed by metam-sodium (a precursor of MITC), which was applied at the soil surface of the same column using a peristaltic pump. Concerning the distribution of these fumigants in the soil profiles, our results showed that 24 h after treatment, 1,3-D and MITC were concentrated at the 0-40 cm soil layers, and reached the deeper layers 48 h later. MITC and 1,3-D dissipation was studied and the half-life (DT50) measured were 6.5 and 8 days, respectively. Total volatilization losses reached 9% for MITC and 28% for 1,3-D. MITC and 1,3-D volatilization was found to be influence by soil water contents.The results show that by reducing volatilization, photodegradation and leaching of these fumigants a suitable alternative to MeBr use is offered.  相似文献   

Rapid movement of agricultural chemicals through soil to groundwater via preferential flow pathways is one cause of water contamination. Previous studies have shown that time domain reflectometry (TDR) could be used to characterize solute transport in soil. However, previous studies have only scarcely addressed preferential flow. This study presents an extended application of TDR for determining preferential flow properties. A TDR method was tested in carefully controlled laboratory experiments using 20-cm long and 12-cm diameter undisturbed, structured soil columns. The method used a vertically installed TDR probe and a short pulse of tracer application to obtain residual mass (RM) breakthrough curves (BTC). The RM BTC obtained from TDR were used to estimate mobile/immobile model (MIM) parameters that were compared to the parameter estimates from effluent data. A conventional inverse curve fitting method (CXTFIT) was used to estimate parameters. The TDR-determined parameters were then used to generate calculated effluent BTC for comparison with observed effluent BTC for the same soil columns. Time moments of the calculated and observed BTC were calculated to quantitatively evaluate the calculated BTC. Overall, the RM BTC obtained from TDR were similar to the RM BTC obtained from effluent data. The TDR-determined parameters corresponded well to the parameters obtained from the effluent data, although they were not within the 95% confidence intervals. Correlation coefficients between the parameters obtained from TDR and from effluent data for the immobile water fraction (theta im/theta), mass exchange coefficient (alpha), and dispersion coefficient (Dm) were 0.95, 0.95, and 0.99, respectively. For three of the four soil cores, theta im/theta ranged from 0.42 to 0.82, indicating considerable preferential flow. The TDR-calculated effluent BTC also were similar to the observed effluent BTC having an average coefficient of determination of 0.94. Time moments obtained from calculated BTC were representative of those obtained from observed BTC. The vertical TDR probe method was simple and minimally destructive and provided representative preferential flow properties that enabled the characterization of solute transport in soil.  相似文献   

Landry D  Dousset S  Andreux F 《Chemosphere》2004,54(6):735-742
The leaching of diuron and oryzalin through undisturbed soil columns was studied in the laboratory using three vineyard soils from Vosne-Romanée (Burgundy): a rendosol, a calcosol and a vegetated calcosol. After 845 mm of simulated rainfall in 15 days, soil leachates contained higher amounts of diuron (3.2%, 11.8% and 18.8% of applied diuron, respectively) than oryzalin (0.2%, 4.9%, 3.7%, respectively). A greater proportion of soil extractable residues was obtained for diuron (42.5%, 26.8% and 32.2%, respectively) than for oryzalin (14.7%, 12% and 15.5%, respectively). The greater mobility of diuron might be related to its higher water solubility (36.4 mgl(-1) compared with 2.6 mgl(-1) for oryzalin) and smaller adsorption coefficient (400 lkg(-1), compared with 700-1100 lkg(-1) for oryzalin). The mobility of the two herbicides was greater in the two calcosols than in the rendosol, not only due to different organic carbon contents but also different soil textures and structures.  相似文献   

Yu Q  Chen Y  Ye X  Zhang Q  Zhang Z  Tian P 《Chemosphere》2007,67(5):872-878
The application of nitrogen fertilizers leads to various ecological problems such as nitrate leaching. The use of nitrification inhibitors (NI) as nitrate leaching retardants is a proposal that has been suggested for inclusion in regulations in many countries. In this study, the efficacy of the new NI, 3,4-dimethyl pyrazole phosphate (DMPP), was tested under simulated high-risk leaching situations in two types of undisturbed soil columns. The results showed that the accumulative leaching losses of soil nitrate under treatment of urea with 1.0% DMPP, from columns of silt loam soil and heavy clay soil, were 66.8% and 69.5% lower than those soil columns tested with regular urea application within the 60 days observation, respectively. However, the losses of ammonium leaching were reversely increased 9.7% and 6.7% under the former treatment than the latter one. Application of regular urea with 1.0% DMPP addition can reduce about 59.3%-63.1% of total losses of inorganic nitrogen via leaching. The application of DMPP to urea had stimulated the inhibition effects of DMPP on the ammonium nitrification process in the soil up to 60 days. It is proposed that the DMPP could be used as an effective NI to control inorganic N leaching losses, minimizing the risk of nitrate pollution in shallow groundwater.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work is to assess the effectiveness of two grass covers (buffer zone and grass-covered inter-row), to reduce pesticide leaching, and subsequently to preserve groundwater quality. Lower amounts of pesticides leached through grass-cover soil columns (2.7-24.3% of the initial amount) than the bare soil columns (8.0-55.1%), in correspondence with their sorption coefficients. Diuron was recovered in higher amounts in leachates (8.9-32.2%) than tebuconazole (2.7-12.9%), in agreement with their sorption coefficients. However, despite having a sorption coefficient similar to that of diuron, more procymidone was recovered in the leachates (10.2-55.1%), probably due to its facilitated transport by dissolved organic matter. Thus even in this very permeable soil, higher organic matter contents associated with grass-cover reduce the amount of pesticide leaching and limit the risk of groundwater contamination by the pesticides. The results of diuron and tebuconazole transfer through undisturbed buffer zone soil columns are in agreement with field observations on the buffer zone.  相似文献   

In this study, displacement experiments of isoproturon were conducted in disturbed and undisturbed columns of a silty clay loam soil under similar rainfall intensities. Solute transport occurred under saturated conditions in the undisturbed soil and under unsaturated conditions in the sieved soil because of a greater bulk density of the compacted undisturbed soil compared to the sieved soil. The objective of this work was to determine transport characteristics of isoproturon relative to bromide tracer. Triplicate column experiments were performed with sieved (structure partially destroyed to simulate conventional tillage) and undisturbed (structure preserved) soils. Bromide experimental breakthrough curves were analyzed using convective-dispersive and dual-permeability (DP) models (HYDRUS-1D). Isoproturon breakthrough curves (BTCs) were analyzed using the DP model that considered either chemical equilibrium or non-equilibrium transport. The DP model described the bromide elution curves of the sieved soil columns well, whereas it overestimated the tailing of the bromide BTCs of the undisturbed soil columns. A higher degree of physical non-equilibrium was found in the undisturbed soil, where 56% of total water was contained in the slow-flow matrix, compared to 26% in the sieved soil. Isoproturon BTCs were best described in both sieved and undisturbed soil columns using the DP model combined with the chemical non-equilibrium. Higher degradation rates were obtained in the transport experiments than in batch studies, for both soils. This was likely caused by hysteresis in sorption of isoproturon. However, it cannot be ruled out that higher degradation rates were due, at least in part, to the adopted first-order model. Results showed that for similar rainfall intensity, physical and chemical non-equilibrium were greater in the saturated undisturbed soil than in the unsaturated sieved soil. Results also suggested faster transport of isoproturon in the undisturbed soil due to higher preferential flow and lower fraction of equilibrium sorption sites.  相似文献   


Leaching, downward mobility and persistence of tebufenozide was investigated under laboratory conditions in columns packed with forest litter and soil, after fortification with the analytical grade material (purity > 99.6%) and with two commercial formulations, RH‐5992 2F (aqueous flowable) and RH‐5992 ES (emulsion suspension). Two types of litter and soil were used: one type with relatively high amounts of sand and the other with high amounts of clay.

The concentrations eluted in the leachates were lower when the analytical material (dissolved in acetone) was used for fortification, than when the two formulations (diluted with water) were used. The amount leached was higher for RH‐5992 2F than for RH‐5992 ES. The type of substrate, i.e., sandy or clay type, had only marginal influence on the amounts eluted in the leachates. Downward movement of tebufenozide from the top 2‐cm layer to the untreated middle and bottom layers (3‐cm segments) was consistently lower when the analytical material was used for fortification, than when the two formulations were used. Downward movement was higher for RH‐5992 2F than for RH‐5992 ES. Persistence of tebufenozide in substrates, maintained under submerged conditions for 70 days after leaching, indicated an initial 2‐week lag period prior to the onset of degradation. Formulation‐related differences were observed in the half‐life (DT50) values. When the analytical material was used for fortification, the DT50 ranged from ca 54 to 59 d. However, when the formulations were used for fortification, the DT50 showed a higher range, i.e., from ca 62 to 67 d for RH‐5992 2F and ca 70 to 80 d for RH‐5992 ES. Formulation ingredients appear to have caused enhanced adsorption of tebufenozide onto the substrates, thus delaying degradation.  相似文献   

The impact of water saturation level (oxidizing-reducing environment) on As and metal solubility in chromium, copper, arsenic (CCA)-contaminated soil amended with Fe-containing materials was studied. The soil was mixed with 0.1 and 1 wt% of iron grit (Fe(0)) and 1, 7 and 15 wt% of oxygen scarfing granulate (OSG, a by-product of steel processing). Solubility of As and metals was evaluated by a batch leaching test and analysis of soil pore water. Soil saturation with water greatly increased As solubility in the untreated as well as in the Fe-amended soil. This was related to the reductive dissolution of Fe oxides and increased concentration of As(III) species. Fe amendments showed As reducing capacity under both oxic and anoxic conditions. The cytotoxicity of the soil pore water correlated with the concentration of As(III). The Fe-treatments as well as water saturation of soil were less significant for the solubility of Cu, Cr and Zn than for As. The batch leaching test used for waste characterization substantially underestimated As solubility that could occur under water-saturated (anaerobic) conditions. In the case of soil landfilling, other techniques than Fe-stabilization of As containing soil should be considered.  相似文献   

Metal-contaminated soils in the vicinity of industrial sites become of ever-increasing concern. Diagnostic criteria and ecological technologies for soil remediation should be calibrated for various soil conditions; actually, our knowledge of calcareous soil is poor. Silty soils near smelters at Evin (Pas de Calais, France) have been contaminated by non-ferrous metal fallout and regularly limed using foams. Therefore, the mobility, bioavailability, and potential phytotoxicity of Cd, Pb and Zn, were investigated using single soil extractions (i.e. water, 0.1 n Ca(NO(3))(2), and EDTA pH 7), and vegetation experiments, in parallel with a biological test based on (iso)-enzymes in leaves and roots, before and following soil treatment with chemical agents, i.e. Thomas basic slags (TBS), hydrous manganese oxide (HMO), steel shots (ST) and beringite. No visible toxicity symptoms developed on the above-ground parts of ryegrass, tobacco and bean plants grown in potted soil under controlled environmental conditions. Cd, Zn and Pb uptake resulted in high concentrations in the above-ground plant parts, but the enzyme capacities in leaves and roots, and the peroxidase pattern indicated that these metal concentrations were not phytotoxic for beans as test plants. The addition of chemical agents to the soil did not increase biomass production, but treatment with either HMO, ST or beringite markedly decreased the mobility of Cd, Zn and Pb. These agents were proven to be effective in mitigating the Cd uptake by plants. HMO and ST decreased either Pb or Zn uptake by ryegrass. TBS was effective in lowering Pb uptake by the same species. Beringite decreased Cd uptake by beans. If fallout could be restricted, the metal content of food crops in this area should be lowered by soil treatment. However, the differences in Cd uptake between plant species were not suppressed, regardless of the type of agents applied to the soil.  相似文献   

Effect of soil amendments on sorption and mobility of metribuzin in soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Majumdar K  Singh N 《Chemosphere》2007,66(4):630-637
Metribuzin (4-amino-6-tert-butyl-4,5-dihydro-3-methylthio-1,2,4-triazin-5-one), is weakly sorbed to soil therefore, leaches easily to lower soil profiles. Soil amendments play a significant role in the management of leaching losses of pesticides. Therefore, present study reports the effect of organic manure and fly ash amendments on metribuzin downward mobility in sandy loam soil columns. Application of animal manure [T-1(OM) and T-2(OM)] and fly ash [T-1(FA) and T-2(FA)] at 2.5% and 5.0% levels increased the metribuzin retention in the soil. Freundlich constant [K(f)(1/n)] values of metribuzin for treatments T-1(OM) and T-2(OM) were 0.70 and 1.11, respectively, which were significantly higher than the value (0.27) in natural soil (T-0). The respective values for treatments T-1(FA) and T-2(FA) were 1.80 and 4.61. Downward mobility of metribuzin was studied in packed soil columns [300 mm (l)x59 mm (i.d.)]. Both the amendments significantly reduced the downward mobility of metribuzin and affected breakthrough time and maximum concentration of metribuzin in the leachate. Leaching losses of metribuzin were decreased from 97% in natural soil (T-0) column to 64% [T-1(OM)] and 42% [T-2(OM)] for animal manure-amended columns and 26% [T-1(FA)] to 100% [T-2(FA)] for fly ash-amended columns, as metribuzin did not leach out of 5% fly ash-amended column. Study indicates that both animal manure and fly ash were quite effective in reducing the downward mobility of metribuzin in packed soil columns of a sandy loam soil.  相似文献   

This experiment was undertaken to see if a wind tunnel could be used to investigate fine particle (d < 25 μm) production by wind erosion. The effects of sandblasting, wind speed, soil consolidation and soil surface texture were separated. Results for loose soil showed that wind speed was of primary importance whereas surface texture and sandblasting had little effect. Surface crust effectively eliminated fine particle emission and greatly limited coarse particle emission. The effectiveness of the surface crust in preventing wind erosion seemed to be related to the modulus of rupture of the soil. Sand fluxes in the wind tunnel tests agreed with field observed fluxes but fine particle fluxes differed between wind tunnel and field observations.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Benzimidazoles are anthelmintics frequently used in sheep farming due to the high susceptibility of these animals to parasitic diseases. Sheep excreta...  相似文献   

Interest in identifying pools of antibacterial-resistance genes has grown over the last decade, with veterinary antibiotics (VAs) receiving particular attention. In this paper, a mesoscale study aimed at evaluating the vertical transport of common VAs—namely, fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines, sulfonamides, and lincosamides in agricultural soil subjected to drip irrigation—was performed under greenhouse conditions. Accordingly, leachates of cropped and uncropped soil, amended with swine-slurry leading to 19–38 μg kg?1 (dry mass) antibiotics in the soil, were analyzed over the course of the productive cycle of a lettuce (42 days) with three sampling campaigns (N?=?24). High lincomycin (LCM) concentrations (30–39 μg L?1) were detected in the leachates collected from the swine-slurry-amended soil. The highest LCM mass recovered in the leachates (30.1?±?1.63 %) was obtained from cropped experimental units. In addition, the LCM leaching constant and its leaching potential as obtained from the first-order model were higher in the leachates from the cropped experimental units. Lower concentrations of sulfadimethoxine were also detected in leachates and in soil. Enrofloxacin and oxytetracycline occurred only in soil, which is consistent with high soil interaction.  相似文献   

Effects of two "enhanced" treatments (drying and composting mesophilic anaerobically digested (MAD) biosolid) on nutrient leaching were investigated. Repacked sandy or sandy loam textured soil cores amended with fresh, dried and composted MAD biosolid (250 kg N ha(-1)), were investigated under steady-state hydrological conditions. Two 24 h, 4.5 mm h(-1) rainfall events, with a 14-day interval, were simulated using water-tracers. Losses of nitrate from the sandy loam soil during rainfall event 1 (43.9-68.0 mg kg(-1)) were significantly greater (P < or = 0.05) than during event 2 (6.4-11.9 mg kg(-1)). Phosphate losses were significantly greater (P < or = 0.05) during event 2 (up to 0.30 mg kg(-1)) compared to the first (< 0.05 mg kg(-1)). The sand soil showed similar effects. Losses of nitrate-N (percentage of total N applied) from the sand soil were small (around 0.06% for fresh/dried and 0.63% for composted MAD biosolids). Losses of nitrate-N from the sandy loam soil were greater; 4% for fresh and dried and 3% for composted MAD biosolids. This research showed that drying MAD biosolid had little impact on nitrate and phosphate losses from soil compared to fresh MAD biosolid. The effect of composting MAD biosolid on nutrient losses was more variable.  相似文献   

Experiments were undertaken to examine the key variables affecting metal release and sequestration processes in marine sediments with metal concentrations in sediments reaching up to 86, 240, 700, and 3000 mg kg(-1) (dry weight) for Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn, respectively. The metal release and sequestration rates were affected to a much greater extent by changes in overlying water pH (5.5-8.0) and sediment disturbance (by physical mixing) than by changes in dissolved oxygen concentration (3-8 mg l(-1)) or salinity (15-45 practical salinity units). The physical disturbance of sediments was also found to release metals more rapidly than biological disturbance (bioturbation). The rate of oxidative precipitation of released iron and manganese increased as pH decreased and appeared to greatly influence the sequestration rate of released lead and zinc. Released metals were sequestered less rapidly in waters with lower dissolved oxygen concentrations. Sediments bioturbated by the benthic bivalve Tellina deltoidalis caused metal release from the pore waters and higher concentrations of iron and manganese in overlying waters than non-bioturbated sediments. During 21-day sediment exposures, T. deltoidalis accumulated significantly higher tissue concentrations of cadmium, lead and zinc from the metal contaminated sediments compared to controls. This study suggests that despite the fact that lead and zinc were most likely bound as sulfide phases in deeper sediments, the metals maintain their bioavailability because of the continued cycling between pore waters and surface sediments due to physical mixing and bioturbation.  相似文献   

Effect of soil on microbial responses to metal contamination   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
An experiment was conducted to investigate microbial responses to metal inputs in five soils with varying clay and organic contents; one soil had also a higher pH. These soils were treated with a low metal, sewage sludge control or with this sludge contaminated to achieve Cu=112, Ni=58 and Zn=220 mg kg(-1) in medium and Cu=182, Ni=98 and Zn=325 mg kg(-1) in high metal soils. CO(2) evolution rates were measured at 1 week and at 4-5-day intervals thereafter until the end of the incubation (7 weeks). Extractable metals (CaCl(2) and water), biomass C, metabolic quotient, ergosterol, bacterial-fungal phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA-3 weeks only) ratio and mineral N were measured at 3 and 7 weeks. Metal inputs caused a marked increase in metal availability in the slightly acidic sandy loams, a smaller increase in slightly acidic clays and had little effect in the alkaline loam. After an initial increase in CO(2) evolution with metal inputs in all soils, the high metal treatment alone caused a significant decrease at later stages, mainly in sandy loams. Although biomass C and metabolic quotient decreased in all soils with higher metal inputs, the effect was more pronounced in the sandy loams. Metal inputs increased ergosterol and decreased bacterial-fungal PLFA ratios in most soils. Larger mineral N contents were found in all high metal soils at 3 weeks but, after 7 weeks, metals caused a significant decrease in sandy loams. CaCl(2) and water-extractable Cu, Ni and Zn contents were closely correlated with microbial indices in sandy loam but not in clay soils. Overall, the effect of treatments on microbial and extractable metal indices was greater in loams. Within a single series, higher organic soils showed less pronounced responses to metal inputs, although this trend was not always consistent.  相似文献   

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