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Water supply and sanitation demands are foreseen to face enormous challenges over the coming decades to meet the fast growing needs in a global perspective. Significant growth in the industry is predicted and membrane separation technologies have been identified as one of the possible solutions to meet future demands. Application and implementation of membrane technology is expected both in production of potable water as well as in treatment of wastewater. In potable water production membranes are substituting conventional separation technologies due the superior performance, potential for less chemical use and sludge production, as well as the potential to fulfill hygienic barrier requirements. Membrane Bio-Reactor (MBR) technology is probably the membrane process which has had most success and has the best prospects for the future in wastewater treatment. Trends and developments indicate that this technology is becoming accepted and is rapidly becoming the best available technology (BAT) for many wastewater treatment applications. A major drawback of MBR systems is membrane fouling. Studies have shown that fouling mitigation in MBR systems can potentially be done by coupling coagulation and flocculation to the process.  相似文献   

本研究以南方某含溴水源为原水,利用饮用水常规工艺及臭氧-活性炭深度处理中试连续实验,评价臭氧氧化过程中溴酸盐生成情况,并考察了氨氮、过氧化氢(H_2O_2)对溴酸盐控制效果及对三卤甲烷生成势(THMFP)的去除影响.结果表明,在不同水质条件下,臭氧消耗量为1.0 mg·L~(-1)以上时,溴酸盐的生成量超过标准(10.00μg·L~(-1)).利用氨氮和H_2O_2投加均能有效控制溴酸盐生成量,且随投加量增大,溴酸盐生成量逐渐降低,氨氮投加0.10~0.30 mg·L~(-1)或m(H_2O_2)/m(O3)(质量比)为0.2~1.0时,能够将溴酸盐控制在标准以内.当氨氮-H_2O_2联合控制溴酸盐时,溴酸盐生成量随m(H_2O_2)/m(O3)先升高后降低.在利用氨氮和H_2O_2投加进行溴酸盐控制过程中,氨氮对THMFP的去除效率影响并不显著,而投加H_2O_2使得THMFP去除效能有所降低.  相似文献   

This research was aimed at investigating the reduction of DOM fractions and their trihalomethane formation potential (THMFP) by in-line coagulation with 0.1 μm ceramic membrane filtration. The combination of ceramic membrane filtration with a coagulation process is an alternative technology which can be applied to enhance conventional coagulation processes in the field of water treatment and drinking water production. The Ping River water (high turbidity water) was selected as the raw surface water because it is currently the main raw water source for water supply production in the urban and rural areas of Chiang Mai Province. From the investigation, the results showed that the highest percent reductions of DOC, UV-254, and THMFP (47.6%, 71.0%, and 67.4%, respectively) were achieved from in-line coagulation with ceramic membrane filtration at polyaluminum chloride dosage 40 mg/L. Resin adsorption techniques were employed to characterize the DOM in raw surface water and filtered water. The results showed that the use of a ceramic membrane with in-line coagulation was able to most efficiently reduce the hydrophobic fraction (HPOA) (68.5%), which was then followed by the hydrophilic fraction (HPIA) (49.3%). The greater mass DOC reduction of these two fractions provided the highest THMFP reductions (55.1% and 37.2%, respectively). Furthermore, the in-line coagulation with ceramic membrane filtration was able to reduce the hydrophobic (HPOB) fraction which is characterized by high reactivity toward THM formation. The percent reduction of mass DOC and THMFP of HPOB by in-line coagulation with ceramic membrane filtration was 45.9% and 48.0%, respectively.  相似文献   

To ensure the safety of drinking water, ozone (O3) has been extensively applied in drinking water treatment plants to further remove natural organic matter (NOM). However, the surface water and groundwater near the coastal areas often contain high concentrations of bromide ion (Br?). Considering the risk of bromate (BrO3?) formation in ozonation of the sand-filtered water, the inhibitory efficiencies of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and ammonia (NH3) on BrO3? formation during ozonation process were compared. The addition of H2O2 effectively inhibited BrO3? formation at an initial Br? concentration amended to 350 µg/L. The inhibition efficiencies reached 59.6 and 100% when the mass ratio of H2O2/O3 was 0.25 and > 0.5, respectively. The UV254 and total organic carbon (TOC) also decreased after adding H2O2, while the formation potential of trihalomethanes (THMsFP) increased especially in subsequent chlorination process at a low dose of H2O2. To control the formation of both BrO3? and THMs, a relatively large dose of O3 and a high ratio of H2O2/O3were generally needed. NH3 addition inhibited BrO3? formation when the background ammonia nitrogen (NH3N) concentration was low. There was no significant correlation between BrO3? inhibition efficiency and NH3 dose, and a small amount of NH3N (0.2 mg/L) could obviously inhibit BrO3? formation. The oxidation of NOM seemed unaffected by NH3 addition, and the structure of NOM reflected by synchronous fluorescence (SF) scanning remained almost unchanged before and after adding NH3. Considering the formation of BrO3? and THMs, the optimal dose of NH3 was suggested to be 0.5 mg/L.  相似文献   

活性炭纤维电极产生过氧化氢的影响因素与机制研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
以活性炭纤维为阴极、RuO2/Ti网为阳极、Na2SO4为支持电解质的电化学体系为研究对象,研究了电流强度、pH值和溶解氧含量等主要参数对电化学体系产生H2O2的影响.结果显示,在电流强度0.12~0.50 A范围内,H2O2的生成量随着电流强度增大而升高,反应60 min后,H2O2浓度可达稳定值;电化学体系具有较宽泛的pH范围,初始pH在2.0~6.0时活性炭纤维阴极产生的H2O2均高于500μmol.L-1,pH 2.0时H2O2生成量最大,可达575.8μmol.L-1;体系中溶解氧浓度影响H2O2的电化学生成量,溶解氧浓度越高H2O2生成量越大;无背景气体通入时,电化学体系自身产生的溶解氧可以支持活性炭纤维阴极产生高浓度的H2O2.研究结果表明具有高比表面积的活性炭纤维电极是一种高效的电-Fenton阴极.  相似文献   

污水处理厂传统的二级生化处理对药品及个人护理用品(Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products, PPCPs)等新兴污染物的去除率较低, PPCPs随出水排放会给生态环境带来较大的风险,并会经过生物富集最终危害到人体健康,因此需要通过进一步的深度净化以削减其风险.本文综述了常见PPCPs在污水处理系统的分布特征及生态风险,阐述了高级氧化工艺(Advanced oxidation processes, AOPs)、生物活性炭工艺(Biological activated carbon, BAC)以及高级氧化联合生物活性炭工艺(AOPs-BAC)深度净化PPCPs的净化原理,在此基础上,综述了AOPs-BAC工艺对污水中PPCPs的深度净化效果及主要影响因素,并探讨了AOPs-BAC工艺对污水中PPCPs的风险削减能力,为污水中PPCPs深度净化工艺的研发及PPCPs的生态风险控制提供了参考.  相似文献   

源水水质的恶化给传统的饮用水处理工艺带来了挑战.生物过滤是饮用水消毒输配之前管理、维护及增强颗粒滤料表面生物活性以去除有机和无机物的过程.由于具有高效、低成本等优点,生物过滤在饮用水深度处理工艺中逐渐得到广泛的应用.本文综述了生物过滤在饮用水处理过程中对水中溶解性有机质(消毒副产物前体物)的去除、微量污染物的削减、嗅味化合物及氨氮的去除等.此外,针对生物过滤在水深度处理过程中存在的问题,本文详细讨论了含氮消毒副产物前体物的生成、低温下生物过滤效能下降等挑战,并提出了今后需要研究的问题.  相似文献   

Many problems in drinking water distribution systems (DWDSs) are caused by microbe, such as biofilm formation, biocorrosion and opportunistic pathogens growth. More iron release from corrosion scales may induce red water. Biofilm played great roles on the corrosion. The iron-oxidizing bacteria (IOB) promoted corrosion. However, when iron-reducing bacteria (IRB) and nitrate-reducing bacteria (NRB) became the main bacteria in biofilm, they could induce iron redox cycling in corrosion process. This process enhanced the precipitation of iron oxides and formation of more Fe3O4 in corrosion scales, which inhibited corrosion effectively. Therefore, the IRB and NRB in the biofilm can reduce iron release and red water occurrence. Moreover, there are many opportunistic pathogens in biofilm of DWDSs. The opportunistic pathogens growth in DWDSs related to the bacterial community changes due to the effects of micropollutants. Micropollutants increased the number of bacteria with antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). Furthermore, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) production was increased by the antibiotic resistant bacteria, leading to greater bacterial aggregation and adsorption, increasing the chlorine-resistance capability, which was responsible for the enhancement of the particle-associated opportunistic pathogens in DWDSs. Moreover, O3-biological activated carbon filtration-UV-Cl2 treatment could be used to control the iron release, red water occurrence and opportunistic pathogens growth in DWDSs.  相似文献   

移动源排放VOCs特征及臭氧生成潜势研究—以兰州市为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高浓度近地面臭氧(O_3)污染是国内外许多城市面临的大气污染问题,且近年来O_3浓度呈逐渐升高的趋势.随着城市规模日益扩大,移动源成为VOCs的主要排放源之一,对移动源的O_3生成潜势进行评估,并识别其关键物种和重点污染区域,可为城市O_3控制对策的制定提供科学依据.本文以兰州市移动源为例,结合排放系数、交通流量及相关统计数据,建立兰州市VOCs移动源排放清单,并使用最大增量反应活性(MIR)估算移动源VOCs的臭氧生成潜势(OFP).结果表明,兰州市汽油车是移动源中最主要的OFP贡献源类,占移动源的71.12%;烯烃和芳香烃为移动源总OFP主要的贡献者,主要贡献物种为:乙烯、丙烯、甲醛、3-甲基-1-丁烯、甲苯、正丁烯、乙炔、间二甲苯、1,2,4-三甲基苯、邻二甲苯,这10个物种的OFP占移动源总OFP的67.29%;根据兰州市移动源VOCs排放的OFP贡献空间分布结果,移动源VOCs排放的重点控制区域为城关区和七里河区.  相似文献   

The integrated system for the detection, early warning, and control of pipeline leakage has been successfully developed to manage the pipeline networks of Beijing.  相似文献   

Characterizing natural organic matter (NOM), particles and elements in different water treatment processes can give a useful information to optimize water treatment operations. In this article, transformations of particles, metal elements and NOM in a pilot-scale water treatment plant were investigated by laser light granularity system, particle counter, glass-fiber membrane filtration, inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy, ultra filtration and resin absorbents fractionation. The results showed that particles, NOM and trihalomethane formation precursors were removed synergistically by sequential treatment of different processes. Preozonation markedly changed the polarity and molecular weight of NOM, and it could be conducive to the following coagulation process through destabilizing particles and colloids; mid-ozonation enhanced the subsequent granular activated carbon (GAC) filtration process by decreasing molecular weight of organic matters. Coagulation-flotation and GAC were more efficient in removing fixed suspended solids and larger particles; while sand-filtration was more efficient in removing volatile suspended solids and smaller particles. Flotation performed better than sedimentation in terms of particle and NOM removal. The type of coagulant could greatly affect the performance of coagulation-flotation. Pre-hydrolyzed composite coagulant (HPAC) was superior to FeCl3 concerning the removals of hydrophobic dissolved organic carbon and volatile suspended solids. The leakages of flocs from sand-filtration and microorganisms from GAC should be mitigated to ensure the reliability of the whole treatment system.  相似文献   

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