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通过对攀西-六盘水地区水文、地质、矿产、气候、人文等诸方面情况的调查研究,分析了造成该地区生态环境严重破坏的原因,结合“攀西-六盘水地区生态环境保护与综合整治规划”,提出了区内主要城市环境污染的治理,崩塌、滑坡、泥石流和水土流失的整治措施,以及实施此规划的对策,最终达到对资源的综合开发与保护,实现生态系统良性循环的目的。  相似文献   

攀西-六盘水地区矿产资源种类繁多,储量丰富,优势明显,在国内占有重要地位。本文从区内赋存的矿产资源条件和现有工业基础出发,分析了发展高耗能原材料工业的有利条件和制约因素,阐述了建设以钢铁、有色金属和磷化工为主的原材料生产基地的布局构想,并提出了加快开发利用优势矿产资源的对策建议。  相似文献   

攀西-六盘水地区水能、矿产资源丰富,是建设我国能源、原材料生产的重要基地,也是长江上游资源开发和生态保护区的重要组成部分。本文在分析加快开发该区优势资源的有利条件和不利因素的基础上,提出了开发建设的总体目际和思路,突出水能和矿产资源优势,加强对农业和林业的开发,力争到21世纪中叶使该区建成我国重要的能源、原材料生产基地,从根本上改变该区文通闭塞、经济、文化落后的面貌,在主要经济、技术指标上赶上全国的平均先进水平。  相似文献   

西南三省(云、贵、川)交界区系指四川省攀西和宜宾-泸州地区、云南省东川-昭通-宣威地区及贵州省六盘水和毕节地区,共72个县、市范围,东西长约600km,南北宽约400km,国土面积17.8万km~2,约占全国国土面积的1.85%、西南三省国出面积的16%。本区总人口2700万,约占全国人口的  相似文献   

长江经济开发第二次理论研讨会于1989年10月21~23日在宜宾市举行。会议围绕长江经济带的建设,着重探讨了长江经济产业结构的调整、上中下游及沪宁汉渝4区段的协调发展、金沙江中下游经济开发与全流城的关系等问题。会议认为,长江经济带是我国经济发展向西拓展的主要通道,长江应该成为一个横贯东西、带动南北的产业密集带。从长江产业发展的特点和国家对基础产业发展的急需看,长江流域的经济发展应以资源开发为导向,向能源、原材料等基础产业倾斜。由于长江下游资源短缺,而长江上游的金沙江-六盘水开发区的资源丰富、配套;因此,攀西-六盘水的开发是长江经济带向西拓展的当务之急,有利于开发长江经济。  相似文献   

宜宾市地处四川盆地南缘,位于川滇黔三省结合部。金沙江和岷江在宜宾城汇合而成长江,长江黄金水道由此开始,故宜宾有“万里长江第一城”的美称。 宜宾是川滇黔结合部的交通枢纽和商贸中心,历为“川南重镇”,素有“西南半壁”之称。宜宾是长江经济带的组成部分,也是国家确定建设重要能源、原材料生产基地攀西──六盘水的组成部分,且处于两者的交汇点。它还是长江上游资源开发与生态保护区的重要组成部分。因此,宜宾在中西部地区和长江流域的经济发展中具有重要的地位和作用。 宜宾是著名的酒都,以生产名酒五粮液闻名于世。酒文化源…  相似文献   

根据攀西地区自然地理、地质环境条件实际情况及可操作性等因素,采用适合于裸露熔岩区的PLEIK评价模型对其地下水系统防污性能进行评价,采用层次分析法计算得出攀西地区防污性能评价分区图,通过防污性能、综合地形、水文地质条件、人类活动强度等的影响,划分攀西地区地下水防治分区。  相似文献   

攀西地区位于四川省西南部,为横断山系的东缘部分,由攀枝花市和凉山彝族自治州组成,是一个以彝族为主的多民族地区。全区幅员面积6.75万km~2,1990年人口451.60万人。1 建设攀西早市蔬菜基地的重要性1.1 发展早菜是人民生活的需要早市蔬菜与常规蔬菜一样,是人民生活中的重要副食品,是城市居民生活的重要组成部分和不可缺少的食品来源,是关系到国计民生的头等大事,是  相似文献   

攀西地区位于四川省的西南部,包括攀枝花市和凉山州的全部。幅员面积6.75万km~2,1988年末人口为437.3万人。攀西不仅矿产、水能资源举世瞩目,而且光热资源丰富,宜农荒地资源多,农业开发条件好、潜力大,是国家原材料、能源和农业开发的重点地区。本文拟就种植业为重点,对攀西农业开发条件、潜力和对策进行分析论证,以引起社会重视,使之尽快列为全国农业开发的重点区,进行先期开发。  相似文献   

攀西地区野生番石榴资源的开发利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据对四川省攀西地区野生番石榴资源的调查研究,本文论述了野生番石榴的生物学特征和分布、食用和药用价值、产量和经济效益等,并提出了开发利用和保护野生番石榴资源的建议  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, communication on environmental values, actions and performance has become an essential activity of organisations, because of the increased public concern and legislation related to the environment.

Stakeholders put pressure on companies to take environmental responsibility. In this framework, an effective environmental communication can generate value-added on companies' environmental work, and consequently, their competitiveness and profitability can benefit from communicating their environmental responsibility.

In 2006, the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) launched a standard for environmental communication, ISO 14063. ISO 14063 should not be used for third-party certification purposes. Instead, it is intended to be used as a guideline and support companies to ensure successful environmental communication. The aim of this paper is to prompt a discussion about the applicability of the standard ISO 14063 not only to single organisations but as a tool to plan the environmental communication strategy of a whole territorial area. This is achieved by performing a case study relating to the Interreg IVC-funded project “Progresland”. The project involved three Italian and one Spanish natural areas and demonstrated that ISO 14063 could be a valid support to define and implement an environmental communication plan for a territorial area.  相似文献   

针对重庆市挥发性有机物整治试点工作中面临的与企业博弈的实际问题,设定模型边界条件,建立基于完全信息的动态博弈分析模型,通过逆推归纳法分析博弈不同阶段下参与企业与政府的理性策略选择,求解此完全信息动态博弈模型的子博弈精炼纳什均衡并获得该情况下的博弈双方最终支付。研究表明,提高“许诺的可信性”和“威胁的可信性”是动态博弈的核心问题,通过交出决定权、切断沟通等多种方式可破解VOC试点博弈僵局。  相似文献   

舰船通信控制管理系统的可靠性设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
可靠性是军用通信设备的重要指标。本文对某舰船通信控制管理系统的可靠性指标进行了分析、预计,阐述了提高系统可靠性的各种设计措施,通过一系列的可靠性工程活动,保障了系统的可靠性达到指标要求。  相似文献   

Based on in-depth interviews, this article presents findings of a study centred on public communication regarding Tiengemeten, a Dutch island previously occupied by farmers. An answer is sought to the question of how visitors to Tiengemeten evaluate, according to their own experiences, the discourse of people involved in Tiengemeten from a policy and communication perspective. This study showed that visitors’ experiences do not always match the emotions appealed to in public communication materials. It is also suggested that people involved from a policy and communication perspective should refrain from using ‘heavily value-laden’ phraseology. For reasons of trust, this article suggests aligning public communication with genuine experiences of visitors. This is also necessary for avoiding scepticism of visitors as policy makers and communication professionals run a risk that public communication regarding nature becomes counterproductive.  相似文献   

Recent perspectives on public responses to environmental and risk communication have emphasised the interpretation, judgement and 'sense-making' that takes place when lay audiences receive information and advice. In this paper we consider the public reception given to air-quality information in the UK as one example of a government information and communication initiative. Drawing on elements of a wider research project undertaken in the city of Birmingham in the UK, involving a survey and in-depth interviews with members of the public, it examines the extent of awareness and use of information services, attitudes towards information and the role of information in behaviour change. The objective of the paper is to assess in practical terms the impact of air-quality information available through the media and other sources, as well as to provide empirical evidence with which to reflect on debates over the practice of environmental communication and the stimulation of pro-environmental behaviour. Conclusions are drawn which point to both problems with air quality information provision and the possibilities of more effective and appropriate interventions through local-level initiatives.  相似文献   

Climate change communication to the Public is in general presented in a negative fashion and often depicts the resultant costs and impacts as distant. Its substantial gloom together with the less immediate consequences significantly weaken responses. Narratives and stories are potent arbiters of meaningful communication and are an important vehicle for communication in our information-rich lives. Importantly, they reduce jargon, gather and translate information, provide insight, reframe evidence and engage audiences. It has been argued by many observers that stories are potentially useful in driving change; presenting a way to value what is gone, expressing emotions, and helping us assert our determination to salvage something and work towards the future. This paper details the methods utilised by the authors to generate stories and case studies in a community in Ireland over a 4-year research period. The aim of the work was to identify and assess the salience and potency of storytelling – as part of a “co-creation” process – with regard to galvanising local action in the generation of sustainable models of lifestyle practice for residents. In this paper, co-creation includes the planning phase of co-design and the implementation phase of co-production. The demonstration of these sustainable lifestyle practices was a strong driver for the sustainable transition of this community supporting the reduction of its ecological footprint by 28% over 4 years, evidence of which is highlighted in this paper.  相似文献   

周聿泓 《四川环境》2012,(4):143-146
环境监督管理全覆盖移动执法系统,是利用现代无线通信技术、计算机技术等先进技术手段,利用手持终端(PDA)、手提电脑等设备,通过无线数字通信网的支持,实现在任何执法地点都可从后台业务系统中获取所需的业务数据、文字、图片、视频等信息,同时将现场执法的信息及时回传至后台系统中。本文介绍了移动执法系统的建设以及应用的情况。  相似文献   

The 2000 BSE Inquiry report points out that the most serious failure of the UK Government was one of risk communication. This paper argues that the government's failure to communicate the risks BSE posed to humans to a large degree can be traced back to a lack of transparency in the first risk assessment by the Southwood Working Party. This lack of transparency ensured that the working party's risk characterization and recommendations were ambiguous and thus hard to interpret. It also meant that uncertainties were not addressed in a satisfactory way. In the recommendations, the attitude to uncertainty was implicit rather than explicit.The risk communication based on the report amplified these flaws. Most importantly, it did not address the uncertainty at all. Apparently, the reason for this was fear of overreaction by the public. However, the result was counter-productive, because the risk communication did not then appear trustworthy. Later risk assessments and risk communication omitted to correct these flaws. Indeed, the fact that, following receipt of new information, advisory experts and policy makers had changed their views of the risk to humans was never clearly communicated to the public. There seemed to be little faith in the public's ability to reach a balanced judgment regarding the uncertainties.In the concluding section of the paper, this analysis is compared with the food standards agency's (FSA's) approach to BSE. The intervention of this agency was seen as one of the more important efforts to restore consumer confidence in British beef. And the agency certainly appears to be committed to openness and to addressing scientific uncertainty. However, using the risk of BSE in sheep as a case study, the paper shows that transparency – i.e., the clear presentation of factual and normative claims and assumptions underlying advice, and openness about the reasoning based on these claims and assumptions – is less than fully achieved in the FSA's work.  相似文献   

有效的沟通交流是高校图书馆馆员与学生增进了解、加深友谊的重要途径。馆员与学生沟通交流应具有主动性、平等性、信任性、尊重性、差异性。馆员与大学生进行有效沟通,应该采取“面对面的沟通交流”、“书信沟通交流”、“网上沟通交流”的方式。在沟通交流过程中,要掌握一定的语言技巧,尽量消除沟通交流的障碍。  相似文献   

In February 2000, the EuropeanCommission adopted a Communication on theprecautionary principle. This states how theCommission intends to apply the principle andestablishes guidelines for its application. Thedocument is intended to inform discussions oninternational agreements. In particular, itprovides a defense of European Union (EU)precautionary policies in case of tradedisputes, for example, in case the EU isaccused of imposing unfair trade barriers onexports of genetically-modified (GM) productsfrom the United States under the rules of theWorld Trade Organisation. In the communication,the Commission emphasizes the scientificaspects of the precautionary principle, perhapspartly to counter claims from US officials thatthe EU's reluctance to accept GM imports is notbased on science but is politically-motivated.However, a principle is by definition a moralguide to behavior. In other words, it is anethic. The precautionary principle should beviewed as a complement to science, to beinvoked when a lack of scientific evidencemeans that outcomes are uncertain. Anyinterpretation of this principle needs to placeat least as much emphasis on its ethical andvalue-based aspects as on its scientificjustification. The Commission's interpretationrisks undermining the painstaking progress madeamong European Union member states inresponding to public concern about GM crops andfood by adopting increased precaution. Thispaper explores the balance between thescientific and ethical/value-based aspects ofthe precautionary principle as set out in theCommission's communication, to make the casethat it is the ethical and value-based aspectsrather than the scientific aspects of theguidelines that need strengthening.  相似文献   

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