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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Prosulfocarb is a thiocarbamate herbicide that is rapidly growing in use due to the progressive bioresistance of weeds to certain pesticides and the...  相似文献   

可渗透反应墙是20世纪末出现的一种地下水原位修复技术,是目前地下水修复研究领域中的热点.可渗透反应墙设置在受污染的地下水流动路径的横截面上,通过墙体或反应器内填充的反应材料与地下水的接触,降解和滞留水中的污染组分,达到修复地下水的目的.填充的反应材料,根据受污染地下水中主要污染组分的不同而有所不同,零价金属、螯合剂、吸附剂或者微生物等是目前的主要选择.污染区的水文地质条件是可渗透反应墙应用的前提;反应材料和系统结构的筛选、反应器尺寸和水力停留时间的确定是其设计的关键;数值模拟、柱体实验是完善设计的重要辅助手段.  相似文献   

This study investigates and discusses a time-efficient technology that contains a surrogate model within a simulation-optimization model to identify the characteristics of groundwater pollutant sources. In the proposed surrogate model, Latin hypercube sampling (a stratified sampling approach) and artificial neural network (commencing at the stress period when the concentration is within a certain range, and ending at the peak time) were utilized to reduce workload and costly computing time. The results of a comparison between the proposed surrogate model and the common artificial neural network model and non-surrogate model indicated that the proposed model is a time-efficient technology which could be used to solve groundwater source identification problems.  相似文献   

光催化与生物技术联用工艺处理油漆废气中试研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
光催化与生物技术联用工艺用于油漆生产、加工过程有机废气的现场处理,中试实验结果表明:油漆生产、加工过程现场的主要污染物是甲苯、乙苯、间/对二甲苯和邻二甲苯等苯系物,浓度在27~55 mg/m3之间。单独使用光催化和微生物技术现场处理这些苯系物,其去除效率都不很高。虽然在中试开始阶段光催化对苯系物的平均去除效率达到了86.2%,在中试稳定期,光催化技术对苯系物的平均去除效率却只有67.6%,而生物滴滤床在成功挂膜之后对现场有机废气的平均去除效率也仅为67.5%。但是将这两种工艺联合使用之后,在中试稳定期该组合工艺对苯系物的平均去除效率可以达到99.2%。  相似文献   

Munition residues from waste disposal on ordnance property have resulted in a defined plume of RDX contaminated groundwater stretching 6.5 km and underlying an area of 6.5 km2. A smaller plume of TNT was detected near the plant's boundary. The relative positions of the plumes combined with an historical review of total plant output of RDX and TNT indicates that RDX is much more persistent than TNT. The estimated RDX transport velocity of 0.5 m day−1 closely approximates the calculated Darcian velocity. The RDX plume sinks with recharge at a rate of about 0.5 m yr−1.Nitrate is associated primarily with adjacent upgradient landuse and is not related to plant manufacture of ammonium nitrate. The average δ15N of the Nitrate was about + 10% and strongly suggests that animal wastes are the predominant source.  相似文献   

Remedial efforts at Superfund sites across the country focus on groundwater contaminant plumes that have been produced by contributions from multiple parties. Allocating cleanup costs between the parties in a fair and equitable manner can be a problem of substantial complexity. Considerable time and money may be spent determining the amount of contamination attributable to each party in order to apportion liability. Contaminant plumes that have evolved over long periods of time may affect large volumes of groundwater and require extensive remediation. Pump and treat remedial costs are driven by both the volume of water extracted and the mass of contaminants removed. Allocation methods based solely on the mass of contaminants contributed by each party are inadequate in this setting since they do not account for both components of the remedial costs. This paper presents an approach for equitably allocating remedial costs when addressing overlapping or commingled groundwater plumes. The method accounts for the major elements driving the costs of remediating dispersed contaminant plumes.  相似文献   

Remedial efforts at Superfund sites across the country focus on groundwater contaminant plumes that have been produced by contributions from multiple parties. Allocating cleanup costs between the parties in a fair and equitable manner can be a problem of substantial complexity. Considerable time and money may be spent determining the amount of contamination attributable to each party in order to apportion liability. Contaminant plumes that have evolved over long periods of time may affect large volumes of groundwater and require extensive remediation. Pump and treat remedial costs are driven by both the volume of water extracted and the mass of contaminants removed. Allocation methods based solely on the mass of contaminants contributed by each party are inadequate in this setting since they do not account for both components of the remedial costs. This paper presents an approach for equitably allocating remedial costs when addressing overlapping or commingled groundwater plumes. The method accounts for the major elements driving the costs of remediating dispersed contaminant plumes.  相似文献   

Two two-stage sequencing batch reactors (TSSBR), one attached-growth and one suspended-growth, were operated under three levels of wastewater concentration (approximately 4,000, 2,000 and 500 TOC mg/L), respectively, to compare the pH and ORP (oxidation-reduction potential) patterns and system performance. In both TSSBR systems, the pH and ORP profiles varied with organic loading yet exhibited consistent patterns with distinctive features suitable for real-time control. For all runs at the three levels of influent, both systems achieved similar levels of treatment for BOD5, TOC and TSS of over 97.5, 93.4, and 97.3%, respectively. The attached-growth system out performed the suspended-growth system in achieving the same levels of treatment at much shorter aeration cycle times. The treatment efficiency for NO3(-)-N and PO4(-3) was greatly affected by the carbon content in the wastewater, and the best treatment was achieved during the TOC approximately 4,000 mg/L runs with final effluent at 4.0 and 21.3 mg/L, respectively.  相似文献   

通过建立地下水数学模型,回答了土壤渗滤工程运行控制中的两个难点问题:(1)工程运行水力负荷.当工程地块周边存在河流时,河流水位低时,有助于增加水力负荷,反之则降低水力负荷;实际土壤运行面积的增加和独立运行单元之间的间距增加也能够增加工程运行水力负荷.(2)地下水水质监测井的优化布设.模拟工程运行后地下水水质空间分布特征,在地下水水质最不利的位置和其他特别关注的位置布置监测井,从而能够以具有典型代表性且数目较少的监测井达到准确评估工程对地下水水质影响的目的.  相似文献   

The reliable assessment of hazards or risks arising from groundwater contamination problems and the design of efficient and effective techniques to mitigate these problems require the capability to predict the behavior of chemical contaminants in flowing water. Most attempts at quantifying contaminant transport have relied on a solution of some form of a well-known governing equation referred to as advection-dispersion-reaction equation. To choose an appropriate remediation strategy, knowledge of the contaminant release source and time release history becomes pertinent. As additional contaminated sites are being detected, it is almost impossible to perform exhaustive drilling, testing, and chemical fingerprint analysis every time. Moreover, chemical fingerprinting and site records are not sufficient to allow a unique solution for the timing of source releases. The purpose of this paper is to present and review mathematical methods that have been developed during the past 15 years to identify the contaminant source location and recover the time release history.  相似文献   

The reliable assessment of hazards or risks arising from groundwater contamination problems and the design of efficient and effective techniques to mitigate these problems require the capability to predict the behavior of chemical contaminants in flowing water. Most attempts at quantifying contaminant transport have relied on a solution of some form of a well-known governing equation referred to as advection-dispersion-reaction equation. To choose an appropriate remediation strategy, knowledge of the contaminant release source and time release history becomes pertinent. As additional contaminated sites are being detected, it is almost impossible to perform exhaustive drilling, testing, and chemical fingerprint analysis every time. Moreover, chemical fingerprinting and site records are not sufficient to allow a unique solution for the timing of source releases. The purpose of this paper is to present and review mathematical methods that have been developed during the past 15 years to identify the contaminant source location and recover the time release history.  相似文献   

PRB修复渗滤液污染地下水的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
可渗透反应墙(PRB)原位修复地下水污染技术,具有经济、高效等特点。采用PRB技术治理渗滤液污染的地下水,反应介质的选择和介质配比是一个关键问题。因此,以渗滤液污染地下水为研究对象,分别用零价铁粉、活性炭、沸石和陶粒4种混合介质,设计了5个PRB反应器,分别为A、B、C、D和E,对PRB修复渗滤液污染地下水的可行性和有效性进行了试验研究。设计的反应器充分考虑了反应器的渗透性能。实验结果表明:混合介质反应器A、B、C、D和E对CODcr,的平均去除率分别达到了79.6%、75.6%、77.0%、78、9%和79.9%;对NH4^+的平均去除率分别为87.3%、82.1%、92.1%、98.8%和88.5%。验证了PRB技术处理垃圾渗滤液对处理地下水污染的可行性。  相似文献   

利用GCMS定性分析漂白废水主要发色物质的种类,对黄孢原毛平革菌在抑制条件下的生长与脱色作用进行试验研究,结果表明,废水中各类高分子量有机污染物是形成色度的主要来源,此类物质在菌对数生长阶段被大量降解。  相似文献   

Finding the location and concentration of contaminant sources is an important step in groundwater remediation and management. This discovery typically requires the solution of an inverse problem. This inverse problem can be formulated as an optimization problem where the objective function is the sum of the square of the errors between the observed and predicted values of contaminant concentration at the observation wells. Studies show that the source identification accuracy is dependent on the observation locations (i.e., network geometry) and frequency of sampling; thus, finding a set of optimal monitoring well locations is very important for characterizing the source. The objective of this study is to propose a sensitivity-based method for optimal placement of monitoring wells by incorporating two uncertainties: the source location and hydraulic conductivity. An optimality metric called D-optimality in combination with a distance metric, which tends to make monitoring locations as far apart from each other as possible, is developed for finding optimal monitoring well locations for source identification. To address uncertainty in hydraulic conductivity, an integration method of multiple well designs is proposed based on multiple hydraulic conductivity realizations. Genetic algorithm is used as a search technique for this discrete combinatorial optimization problem. This procedure was applied to a hypothetical problem based on the well-known Borden Site data in Canada. The results show that the criterion-based selection proposed in this paper provides improved source identification performance when compared to uniformly distributed placement of wells.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of the early life stage (ELS) toxicity test for two compounds with different modes of action was determined, and related to other toxicity tests with the same compounds. The zebrafish. Danio rerio, was used as a test organism, and the two model compounds were 1,2,3-trichlorobenzene (123TCB), a non-polar narcotic, and parathion, an acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor. Hatching and survival after 28 days were significantly reduced in the highest 123TCB treatment (263 microg/l), but not in any of the parathion treatments. Growth of the larvae was negatively affected at parathion concentrations above 20 microg/l, while AChE was only significantly inhibited at the highest concentration, 93 microg/l. No effects on growth were found in the 123TCB treatments. In comparison with acute and chronic studies with both compounds, the ELS test turned out to be less sensitive than chronic studies and more sensitive than acute studies. The difference in sensitivity between the tests systems seems however, to depend on the mode of action of the compound.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Groundwater resource is significantly important for sustainable development of the world, especially for arid endorheic watersheds. A total of 28...  相似文献   

采用两级混凝-化学氧化组合工艺处理城市生活污水,在混凝试验中确定了两级不同混凝剂的适宜投加量,并对自制混凝剂Inx进行了氧化再生重复利用实验。结果表明:经两级混凝-化学氧化组合工艺处理后的城市污水达到国家污水综合排放标准,并且自制混凝剂Inx可以重复利用。  相似文献   

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