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当前国内外对企业组织学习和危机管理的研究都已经较为成熟,在经历了几次大的危机之后,公共危机管理引起了我国许多学者的重视,但是关于高校危机学习的研究开展并不多,而国外的学者已经先一步提出了危机学习的概念并取得一些进展。随着危机种类越来越多,发生频率越来越高,高校必须要学习掌握应对危机的方法,并以此来教育学生。然而,无论是在危机管理中还是在组织学习中,知识管理都是不可或缺的一部分。因此本文以理论研究的方式,借鉴国内外学者对危机学习中知识管理的研究,希望能对高校危机学习的更深一步探索提供思路。  相似文献   

宋劲松  袁宁 《安全》2017,38(10)
为有利于公共危机管理学科的发展,在总结国内外公共危机管理领域著名专家学者有关成果,及结合对国外政府与企业公共危机管理部门现场调研的基础上,对危机的定义、分类进行了研究。认为,无论是应急管理,还是公共危机管理,其研究对象都应聚焦在公共安全领域,最后,本文给出了公共安全危机的定义。  相似文献   

周静菊 《安全》2011,32(5):45-47
近年来,SARS、汶川大地震、三鹿奶粉事件、国际金融危机、袭击幼儿园系列事件等公共危机频繁出现。"风险社会和非传统安全下产生的公共危机被全球化带入中国,同时中国自身的社会转型也产生了大量公共危机,中国公共危机常态化局面已经显现……"常态化的危机处理呼唤常态化的公共安全管理机制。随着我国公共安全管理研究的深入,公共安全社会化理论受到关注与肯定,政府不再是唯一的责任者,私人部门、社会组织、社区和公民个人等都是公共安全管理的重要力量。  相似文献   

城市公共危机管理框架及系统平台研究   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
在分析公共危机特点和危机管理的关键问题的基础上,归纳了城市公共危机管理的9个主题,从组织结构、信息系统、应急计划、社会应对能力4个层面提炼出较为完整的、针对城市的公共危机管理框架。基于该框架,按照日常管理与应急管理相结合的要求,设计了城市公共危机管理系统平台概念模型,详细分析了系统各个模块之间的关系;并从危机监测分析和危机应急指挥两个层面具体研究了系统平台技术体系和建设方法。最后,对公共危机管理系统建设现状和未来研究重点进行了讨论。  相似文献   

公共危机具有紧急性、突发性和高度的不确定性,搞好危机管理是政府的重要职责之一。政府应对、处置与管理公共危机的能力是政府综合能力的重要体现,也是政府有效提供公共服务、提高管理绩效、争取民众支持的重要表现之一。如何处理公共危机考验一个政府的反应力、执行力和公信力处理得当,则可以化“危”为“机”,为政府带来更高的声望和更多的支持;  相似文献   

公共危机具有紧急性、突发性和高度的不确定性,搞好危机管理是政府的重要职责之一。政府应对、处置与管理公共危机的能力是政府综合能力的重要体现,也是政府有效提供公共服务、提高管理绩效、争取民众支持的重要表现之一。如何处理公共危机考验一个政府的反应力、执行力和公信力。处理得当,则可以化"危"为"机",为政府带来更高的声望和更多的支持;处理不当,则可能加剧损失,甚至危及政权的存在。  相似文献   

王瑜  刘晓琴 《安全》2008,29(12):21-22
随着9.11、SARS、卡特里娜飓风、印尼海啸、汶川地震这些特大突发公共事件的连续发生,无论是政府还是公众都越来越关注对突发公共事件的管理能力,尤其是应急管理能力。  相似文献   

林雪  纪新青 《安全》2021,42(1):16-20
在重大公共卫生危机面前,基层农村提高公共危机应急响应能力,对于整个危机解除以及农村秩序恢复具有重要意义。本文以2019年底发生的全球性重大公共卫生危机——新冠疫情为例,以公共危机应急响应为视角,通过网络问卷调查方式,对农村在应急响应阶段的演化路径展开调研。通过调查发现,农村危机应急响应面临2个阶段困境:前期基层政府与群众反应不对等以及后期次生危机再生。基于此,结合农村特殊性分析困境存在的原因,并提出建议,以期为基层农村公共卫生危机管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

现在全世界的管理和思维方式正在酝酿一个新的趋势 ,这就是学习型政府和学习型企业的脱颖而出。因为未来社会唯一持久的竞争是要比对手学习得更快。美国著名管理学家彼得·圣吉学习型企业是人才界、管理界甚至理论界一直关注但却一直停留在“论说阶段的思维模式。最近 ,这一思维模式在实践操作中悄然破冰前行。据有关部门的初步统计 ,美国排名前 2 5家的企业中 ,已有 2 0家按照学习型组织的模式改造自己。在世界排名前10 0家的企业中 ,已有 4 0 %按照学习型组织的模式进行彻底改造。学习型企业正在全球兴起@本刊编辑部…  相似文献   

<正>新兴技术能否真正地改变世界,最终取决于其产业化水平。目前人脸识别是AI较具规模化的应用方向,正在加快应用于包括公安、法院、社区、医院等公共领域以及银行、企业、教育等商用领域。由于政府和事业单位等公共部门通常通过政府公开采购渠道采购人脸识别相关软硬件,信息相对透明,而很多商业应用领域对人脸识别系统的需求并不通过公开招投标进行,或者仅公布中标候选人名称但不公布采购金额,因此,本文的研究范围主要聚焦于上述政府部门和事业单位。  相似文献   

In light of the growing theoretical and practical interest on organizational politics, especially its probable impact on work outcomes, two stress‐related aftermaths of influence and politics in organizations were examined. On the basis of a model by Ferris, Russ, and Fandt ( 1989b ) the idea was pursued that workplace politics may have a long‐range impact on employees' job distress and aggressive behavior in and around organizations. Three samples (n1 = 155, n2 = 184, n3 = 201) were used to examine direct and indirect/mediating relationships among the research variables. Participants were Israeli employees from the private, public, and third sectors. Findings showed that: (1) job distress was an immediate response to organizational politics across the three types of organization, and (2) job distress proved a possible mediator between organizational politics and aggressive behavior as enacted by the employees themselves. Several theoretical and practical implications of the findings that may extend our knowledge on various stress‐related aftermaths of organizational politics are noted. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Gudela Grote 《Safety Science》2012,50(10):1983-1992
In view of safety management being introduced in more and more industries, the aim of this paper is to discuss what different high-risk industries can learn from each other and what limits for generalizing safety management methods within and across industries exist. After presenting core components of safety management, three attributes crucial to any organization’s functioning are described, which also affect the way safety management systems should be designed, run, and assessed. These attributes are (1) the kinds of safety to be managed, (2) the general approach to managing uncertainty as a hallmark of organizations that manage safety, and (3) the regulatory regime within which safety is managed. By discussing safety management in the context of these three attributes, contingencies are outlined that can help decision-makers in companies to tailor safety management to their own situation and support regulators in drawing up and evaluating safety management requirements for different industries while also promoting learning between different high-risk domains. Standards and procedures, safety training, incident reporting and investigation, and safety culture are taken as examples to illustrate why and how different aspects of organizational functioning should be taken into account when designing and evaluating safety management systems or elements thereof.  相似文献   

This paper examines individuals' theories about cue use in organizations — theories about which of the many cues available in an organization's feedback environment they should use to guide their behavior. It also investigates how these theories vary with increasing organizational experience. The research assesses individual's implicit theories regarding cue use using both open- and closed-ended data collection methods. Results suggest that, regardless of experience, individuals place the most importance on cues from the company and their supervisors. Peer feedback and self-observations were seen as much less important. These results are interesting in light of previous studies showing that the self was the most available, and the organization the least available, source of feedback. With experience, managers appear to learn to emphasize negative over positive feedback, especially from superiors, and to emphasize their peers' actions over their words when a negative message is being conveyed.  相似文献   

With the changing demographic composition of the workforce, managing diversity in organizations is an important organizational function. Organizations have employed varying approaches to diversity management (DM), resulting in varying organizational outcomes. Meanwhile, researchers have called for more theoretical development within the DM area. We present a framework rooted in social and cross‐cultural psychological research, to foster theory development and empirical testing in the area of DM. We also derive several propositions to guide future research on DM and note some boundary conditions that suggest research opportunities of their own. Our framework contributes a theoretical conceptualization that enhances our understanding of organizations' DM efforts, integrates current typologies, and suggests new directions of inquiry for management scholars as well as guidelines for practitioners in the area. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A number of chemical accidents have occurred in China over the past two decades with significant impact on humans and the environment. It is expected that lessons will have been learned from these accidents that will help industries to reduce the risk that catastrophic chemical accidents occur in future. In fact, to some extent there is evidence that lessons have been learned, to the extent that the Chinese government has substantially strengthened legislation and regulatory standards. Nonetheless, there remains a concern that much more still needs to be done to reduce chemical accidents risks in China. Important progress in this area requires not only government support but a commitment across all hazardous industries to learn from past accidents that may in many cases require establishment or considerable improvement of their safety management systems. To assist small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), in this effort, results of an analysis of common causes of the chemical accidents reported in the Major Accident Information (MAI) website of Chinese State Administration of Work Safety (SAWS) are presented in this paper In particular, inadequate process hazard analysis (PHA), training and emergency response planning (ERP) were identified as the top three process safety management (PSM) elements that contribute to most of the SMEs accidents in China. Seven recommendations are proposed in order to improve the effectiveness of lesson learning for government agencies and SMEs.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2007,45(3):373-396
This paper introduces a management system suitable for hazardous technology organizations which has been developed based on the assumptions that in these organizations safety is a critical strategic factor, the existence of an enhanced safety culture is a crucial condition for safety and that safety culture enhancement implies in organizational changes. The management system was theoretically developed and then implemented at a Brazilian nuclear research and development installation, as a case study, in order to validate the theoretical propositions assumed in the system development. The developed management system comprises a day-to-day based organizational framework which treats safety as one of the organization strategic perspectives and provides a continuous adaptation of the complex causal inter-relationships which occur between the implementation of new management practices – designed and implemented according to the requirements of the criteria of excellence of the Brazilian quality award management assessment model – and the organization safety culture. The results achieved in the case study permitted to demonstrate the validness of all the system theoretical propositions and to conclude that the continuous and systematic operation of the management system makes an effective safety culture enhancement possible and simultaneously facilitates that the new management practices be effectively implemented, thus making continuous organizational improvement possible.  相似文献   

The safety climate of an organization is considered a leading indicator of potential risk for railway organizations. This study adopts the perceptual measurement–individual attribute approach to investigate the safety climate of a railway organization. The railway safety climate attributes are evaluated from the perspective of railway system staff. We identify four safety climate dimensions from exploratory factor analysis, namely safety communication, safety training, safety management and subjectively evaluated safety performance. Analytical results indicate that the safety climate differs at vertical and horizontal organizational levels. This study contributes to the literature by providing empirical evidence of the multilevel safety climate in a railway organization, presents possible causes of the differences under various cultural contexts and differentiates between safety climate scales for diverse workgroups within the railway organization. This information can be used to improve the safety sustainability of railway organizations and to conduct safety supervisions for the government.  相似文献   

Organizational neuroscience has great promise for advancing organizational research and practice. The field, however, is developing rapidly and has also become the subject of technological and methodological challenges that must be considered when conducting or interpreting neuroscience research as applied to organizational behavior. We explore four issues we deem to be important in understanding the role of neuroscience in organizational behavior research: (i) neuroscientific research and reductionism; (ii) the need to address methodological and technological challenges in conducting this type of research; (iii) how neuroscientific research is meaningful in organizations (the “So what?” issue); and (iv) neuroscience as just another management fad. In addressing these issues, we hope to set out a roadmap that will enable organizational scholars to avoid past mistakes and thus serve to advance multidisciplinary research in organizational behavior using neuroscientific approaches. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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