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In urban area, management of stormwater leads to the accumulation of polluted sediments at the water-sediment interface of various aquatic ecosystems. In many cases, these sediments are colonised by dense populations of tubificid worms. However, the influence of tubificid worms on the fate of stormwater sediments has never been tackled. The aim of this study was to measure in sediment columns the influence of tubificid worms on sediment reworking, organic matter processing (O(2) uptake and release of NH(4)(+), NO(3)(-), PO(4)(3-), and dissolved organic carbon), release of hydrocarbons and heavy metals, and microbial characteristics. Results showed that tubificid worms increased the release of NH(4)(+), PO(4)(3-), and dissolved organic carbon by 2-, 4-, and 3-fold, respectively. O(2) uptake also increased by more than 35% due to tubificid activity. The increase in the percentages of active bacteria and hydrolytic activity in the presence of worms indicated that the higher sediment respiration was caused by the stimulation of microbial communities. A reduction of the number of sulphate-reducing bacteria in the uppermost layers of the sediment was attributed to the penetration of O(2) due to worm activity. These significant effects of tubificid worms were probably linked to the dense network of burrows, which enhanced the exchange surface between the water column and the sediment. No release of heavy metals and hydrocarbons to the water phase was detected in the sediment columns. Understanding the fate and effect of organic stormwater sediments in the natural environment requires the integration of the role of bioturbation in urban pollution studies.  相似文献   

The effects of suspended and deposited sediments on the macroinvertebrates are well documented in upland streams but not in slower flowing lowland rivers. Using species found in lowland lotic environments, we experimentally evaluate mechanisms for sediments to affect macroinvertebrates, and in one experiment whether salinity alters the effect of suspended sediments. Suspended kaolin clay reduced feeding of Ischnura heterosticta (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) at high turbidity (1000-1500 NTU) but had no effects on feeding of Hemianax papuensis (Odonata: Aeshnidae) and Micronecta australiensis (Hemiptera: Corixidae). In freshwater (0.1 mS/cm), survival of Ischnura aurora was poor in clear water, but improved with suspended kaolin. Growth and feeding of I. aurora were unaffected by suspended sediments and salinity. Burial (1-5 mm) of eggs with kaolin or sand reduced hatching in Physa acuta (Gastropoda: Physidae), Gyraulus tasmanica (Gastropoda: Planorbidae) and Chironomus cloacalis (Diptera: Chironomidae). Settling sediments may pose greater risk to lowland lotic invertebrates than suspended sediments.  相似文献   

The understanding of the global environmental multiphase distribution of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) as a result of the physico-chemical properties of the respective compounds is well established. We have analysed the results of a vertical transport of POPs from upper water layers (0-200 m) to the deepwater region (> 800 m) in terms of the contamination of the biophase in both water layers. The contents of persistent organochlorine compounds like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in fish living in the upper water layers of the North Atlantic and the South Atlantic, and at the continental shelf of California (Marine Sanctuary Monterey Bay and its deep-sea Canyon) are compared to the levels in deep-sea or bottom dwelling fish within the same geographic area. The deep-sea biota show significantly higher burdens as compared to surface-living species of the same region. There are also indications for recycling processes of POPs--in this case the PCBs--in the biophase of the abyss as well. It can be concluded that the bio- and geo phase of the deep-sea may act similarly as the upper horizons of forest and grasslands on the continents as an ultimate global sink for POPs in the marine environment.  相似文献   

The understanding of the global environmental multiphase distribution of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) as a result of the physico-chemical properties of the respective compounds is well established. We have analysed the results of a vertical transport of POPs from surface water to deepwater in terms of the contamination of the biota living in the respective environmental compartments. Samples were taken from the North and the South Atlantic and from the uprising water region of the continental shelf of California (Marine Sanctuary Monterey Bay and its Canyon). The contents of persistent organochlorine pesticides (DDTs, chlordanes, toxaphenes, HCHs, and HCB) in surface-living fish are compared to those in deepwater fish of the same geographic area. The deepwater biota show significantly higher burdens as compared to surface-living species of the same region. There are also indications for recycling processes of POPs of the class of organochlorine pesticides in the biophase of the abyss as well. It can be concluded that the bio- and geophase of the deep-sea may act as an ultimate global sink for persistent semivolatile contaminants in the marine environment like the soil on the continents.  相似文献   

In many densely populated areas, riverine floodplains have been strongly impacted and degraded by river channelization and flood protection dikes. Floodplains act as buffers for flood water and as filters for nutrients and pollutants carried with river water and sediment from upstream source areas. Based on results of the EU-funded “AquaTerra” project (2004-2009), we analyze changes in the dynamics of European river-floodplain systems over different temporal scales and assess their effects on contaminant behaviour and ecosystem functioning. We find that human-induced changes in the hydrologic regime of rivers have direct and severe consequences on nutrient cycling and contaminant retention in adjacent floodplains. We point out the complex interactions of contaminants with nutrient availability and other physico-chemical characteristics (pH, organic matter) in determining ecotoxicity and habitat quality, and draw conclusions for improved floodplain management.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The paper reviews graphitic carbon nitride–based nanostructured photocatalytic materials and nanofibres for applications in water purification....  相似文献   

The chemism of the glaciers is strongly determined by long-distance transport of chemical substances and their wet and dry deposition on the glacier surface. This paper concerns spatial distribution of metals, ions, and dissolved organic carbon, as well as the differentiation of physicochemical parameters (pH, electrical conductivity) determined in ice surface samples collected from four Arctic glaciers during the summer season in 2012. The studied glaciers represent three different morphological types: ground based (Blomlibreen and Scottbreen), tidewater which evolved to ground based (Renardbreen), and typical tidewater glacier (Recherchebreen). All of the glaciers are functioning as a glacial system and hence are subject to the same physical processes (melting, freezing) and the process of ice flowing resulting from the cross-impact force of gravity and topographic conditions. According to this hypothesis, the article discusses the correlation between morphometric parameters, changes in mass balance, geological characteristics of the glaciers and the spatial distribution of analytes on the surface of ice. A strong correlation (r = 0.63) is recorded between the aspect of glaciers and values of pH and ions, whereas dissolved organic carbon (DOC) depends on the minimum elevation of glaciers (r = 0.55) and most probably also on the development of the accumulation area. The obtained results suggest that although certain morphometric parameters largely determine the spatial distribution of analytes, also the geology of the bed of glaciers strongly affects the chemism of the surface ice of glaciers in the phase of strong recession.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Climate change is severely damaging the agricultural system of many food producing regions worldwide. Small/subsistent livestock herders are the most...  相似文献   

Logarithmic values of the subcooled liquid vapor pressure (log PL) were estimated for 1436 polychlorinated and polybrominated congeners of benzenes, biphenyls, dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans, diphenyl ethers and naphthalenes by employing the Quantitative Structure–Property Relationships (QSPR) approach. The QSPR model developed with GA–PLS technique was characterized by satisfactory goodness-of-fit, robustness and the external predictive performance (R2Y = 0.970, QCV2 = 0.970, QExt2 = 0.966, RMSEC = 0.21, RMSECV = 0.22 and RMSEP = 0.22). The externally validated model has been applied to predict subcooled liquid vapor pressure of uninvestigated halogenated persistent organic pollutants. Moreover, a simple arithmetic relationship between logarithmic values of subcooled liquid vapor pressures in pairs of chloro- and bromo-analogues has been found. This relationship can be used for estimating log PL of a brominated compound, whenever log PL of its chlorinated counterpart is known, without necessity of performing any time-consuming computations.  相似文献   

Mutagenic and recombinagenic activity of surface waters in the Guaíba Hydrographic Region (RS, Brazil) was investigated using the SMART in Drosophila melanogaster. Two positive results in Caí River (September 2000 and August 2001) and in Taquari River (August 2001 and February 2002)--linked to direct recombinagenic toxicants were observed. In Jacuí samples, an indirect mutagenic and recombinagenic action was detected in a September 2000 collection and a direct recombinational activity was observed in February 2002. Also in February 2002--samples from Dilúvio Brook and Guaíba Lake (GPC) were able to induce wing spots by mitotic recombinagenesis. The former sampling site showed toxicants to have a direct action, and the latter an increment in mitotic recombination that depended on metabolic action. The SMART wing test shows that all positive responses were mainly related to homologous mitotic recombination.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The 2030 United Nations Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 13 agenda hinges on attaining a sustainable environment with the need to “take urgent...  相似文献   

Atmospheric fixed-nitrogen deposition can contribute to eutrophication in coastal and estuarine waters. Stable nitrogen isotope data can provide important information regarding the sources and processing of atmospheric fixed-nitrogen species and is thus important in controlling eutrophication. Size-segregated aerosol samples were collected from two coastal sites: Weybourne, England and Mace Head, Ireland and also aboard the RRS Challenger in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean. Aerosol concentrations of ammonium and nitrate were determined prior to δ15N isotopic analysis. The isotopic enrichment factor, ε, was calculated for both the species by subtracting the respective δ15N values of the coarse-mode fraction (>1 μm diameter) from those of the fine-mode fraction (<1 μm diameter). Variations in this parameter were observed as weak functions of the percentage of each species in the coarse mode and of meteorological condition. As a result, the presence of two different size-shift processes (dissociation/gas scavenging and dissolution/coagulation) is proposed, consistent with similar arguments based upon major-ion data obtained from the same suite of samples. Dissolution/coagulation processes appear to exhibit negative isotopic enrichment factors whereas dissociation/gas scavenging processes appear to exhibit positive enrichment factors, suggesting that they may be reversible and thermodynamically driven. In offshore-flowing air masses just entering the marine environment, transferral of nitrate to the coarse mode by initial dissociation of NH4NO3 followed by scavenging of the HNO3 produced appears to be significantly more important than in samples of onshore, marine dominated air. In contrast, ammonium appears to be transferred to the coarse mode during offshore flow largely via the dissolution and coagulation of aerosol ammonium, nitrate and sulphate-containing species. During onshore flow, the uptake of gaseous NH3, arising from the continued dissociation of NH4NO3, seems to become increasingly important.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope  

As a consequence of flood events, runoff and remobilized sediments may cause an increase of ecotoxicologically relevant effects from contaminant reservoirs. Aquatic and terrestrial organisms as well as cattle and areas of settlement are exposed to dislocated contaminants during and after flood events. In this study, the impacts of two flood events triggered by intense rain at the rivers Neckar and Rhine (Southern Germany) were studied. Effects in correlation to flood flow were assessed at the river Neckar using samples collected at frequent intervals. River Rhine suspended particulate matter (SPM) was sampled over a longer period at normal flow and during a flood event. Three cell lines (H4L1.1c4, GPC.2D.Luc, RTL-W1) were used to compare Ah receptor agonist activity in different biotest systems. Multilayer fractionation was performed to identify causative compounds, focusing on persistent organic contaminants.  相似文献   

We explored how hepatic [metal]s in Anguilla anguilla at a contaminated estuarine site are influenced by body size, age and season, and the extent that [Cu], [Cd] and [Zn]s are reflected in [metallothionein (MT)]s. Although each [metal] and [MT] increased significantly with length, weight and age, those biotic variables explained <10% of the variation in each [metal] and only 11-16% for [MT]. Seasonal changes in [Cu] and [Cd] were paralleled by [MT]. The variation in [MT] explained by Cu (42%) was greater than by Zn (16%) and Cd (13%), and seasonally lay between 43 and 69% for those metals collectively. Thus, hepatic [MT] in eels is closely correlated with hepatic [heavy metal]s. However, the great variability among [MT]s for eels of similar sizes and ages, which reflects marked variability in hepatic [heavy metal]s, means that this variable reflects imprecisely the contamination level at a particular site.  相似文献   

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