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In the lowlands of central Panama, the Neotropical pioneer tree Trema micrantha (sensu lato) exists as two cryptic species: "landslide" Trema is restricted to landslides and road embankments, while "gap" Trema occurs mostly in treefall gaps. In this study, we explored the relative contributions of biotic interactions and physical factors to habitat segregation in T. micrantha. Field surveys showed that soils from landslides were significantly richer in available phosphorus and harbored distinct arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) communities compared to gap soils. Greenhouse experiments designed to determine the effect of these abiotic and biotic differences showed that: (1) both landslide and gap species performed better in sterilized soil from their own habitat, (2) the availability of phosphorus and nitrogen was limiting in gap and landslide soils, respectively, (3) a standardized AMF inoculum increased performance of both species, but primarily on gap soils, and (4) landslide and gap species performed better when sterilized soils were inoculated with the microbial inoculum from their own habitat. A field experiment confirmed that survival and growth of each species was highest in its corresponding habitat. This experiment also showed that browsing damage significantly decreased survival of gap Trema on landslides. We conclude that belowground interactions with soil microbes and aboveground interactions with herbivores contribute in fundamental ways to processes that may promote and reinforce adaptive speciation.  相似文献   

镉和铁及其交互作用对植物生长的影响   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
镉是植物的非必需元素,而铁是植物生长发育过程中必不可少的元素。虽然这两种元素对植物的作用是截然相反的,但是它们在植物体内存在着交互作用关系,相互影响着对方功能的发挥。供给植物足够的铁可极大地缓解植物的镉污染毒害,利于植物合成更多的叶绿素,促进光合作用进行,降低镉对氨基酸、蛋白质合成以及酶活性的影响。相反,镉污染将诱导植物的铁营养缺乏。渍水植物根表形成的铁氧化物胶膜可促进植物对镉的吸收。  相似文献   

Barber NA  Adler LS  Theis N  Hazzard RV  Kiers ET 《Ecology》2012,93(7):1560-1570
Herbivores affect plants through direct effects, such as tissue damage, and through indirect effects that alter species interactions. Interactions may be positive or negative, so indirect effects have the potential to enhance or lessen the net impacts of herbivores. Despite the ubiquity of these interactions, the indirect pathways are considerably less understood than the direct effects of herbivores, and multiple indirect pathways are rarely studied simultaneously. We placed herbivore effects in a comprehensive community context by studying how herbivory influences plant interactions with antagonists and mutualists both aboveground and belowground. We manipulated early-season aboveground herbivore damage to Cucumis sativus (cucumber, Cucurbitaceae) and measured interactions with subsequent aboveground herbivores, root-feeding herbivores, pollinators, and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). We quantified plant growth and reproduction and used an enhanced pollination treatment to determine if plants were pollen limited. Increased herbivory reduced interactions with both antagonists and mutualists. Plants with high levels of early herbivory were significantly less likely to suffer leaf damage later in the summer and tended to be less attacked by root herbivores. Herbivory also reduced pollinator visitation, likely due to fewer and smaller flowers, and reduced AMF colonization. The net effect of herbivory on plant growth and reproduction was strongly negative, but lower fruit and seed production were not due to reduced pollinator visits, because reproduction was not pollen limited. Although herbivores influenced interactions between plants and other organisms, these effects appear to be weaker than the direct negative effects of early-season tissue loss.  相似文献   

Herrera CM  García IM  Pérez R 《Ecology》2008,89(9):2369-2376
The ecology of nectarivorous microbial communities remains virtually unknown, which precludes elucidating whether these organisms play some role in plant-pollinator mutualisms beyond minor commensalism. We simultaneously assessed microbial abundance and nectar composition at the individual nectary level in flowers of three southern Spanish bumble bee-pollinated plants (Helleborus foetidus, Aquilegia vulgaris, and Aquilegia pyrenaica cazorlensis). Yeasts were frequent and abundant in nectar of all species, and variation in yeast density was correlated with drastic changes in nectar sugar concentration and composition. Yeast communities built up in nectar from early to late floral stages, at which time all nectaries contained yeasts, often at densities between 10(4) and 10(5) cells/mm3. Total sugar concentration and percentage sucrose declined, and percentage fructose increased, with increasing density of yeast cells in nectar. Among-nectary variation in microbial density accounted for 65% (H. foetidus and A. vulgaris) and 35% (A. p. cazorlensis) of intraspecific variance in nectar sugar composition, and 60% (H. foetidus) and 38% (A. vulgaris) of variance in nectar concentration. Our results provide compelling evidence that nectar microbial communities can have detrimental effects on plants and/or pollinators via extensive nectar degradation and also call for a more careful interpretation of nectar traits in the future, if uncontrolled for yeasts.  相似文献   

Rudolf VH 《Ecology》2008,89(6):1650-1660
Direct and indirect interactions between two prey species can strongly alter the dynamics of predator-prey systems. Most predators are cannibalistic, and as a consequence, even systems with only one predator and one prey include two prey types: conspecifics and heterospecifics. The effects of the complex direct and indirect interactions that emerge in such cannibalistic systems are still poorly understood. This study examined how the indirect interaction between conspecific and heterospecific prey affects cannibalism and predation rates and how the direct interactions between both species indirectly alter the effect of the cannibalistic predator. I tested for these effects using larvae of the stream salamanders Eurycea cirrigera (prey) and Pseudotriton ruber (cannibalistic predator) by manipulating the relative densities of the conspecific and heterospecific prey in the presence and absence of the predator in experimental streams. The rates of cannibalism and heterospecific predation were proportional to the respective densities and negatively correlated, indicating a positive indirect interaction between conspecific and heterospecific prey, similar to "apparent mutualism." Direct interactions between prey species did not alter the effect of the predator. Although both types of prey showed a similar 30% reduction in night activity and switch in microhabitat use in response to the presence of the predator, cannibalism rates were three times higher than heterospecific predation rates irrespective of the relative densities of the two types of prey. Cumulative predation risks differed even more due to the 48% lower growth rate of conspecific prey. Detailed laboratory experiments suggest that the 3:1 difference in cannibalism and predation rate was due to the higher efficiency of heterospecific prey in escaping immediate attacks. However, no difference was observed when the predator was a closely related salamander species, Gyrinophilus porphyriticus, indicating that this difference is species specific. This demonstrates that cannibalism can result in the coupling of predator and prey mortality rates that strongly determines the dynamics of predator-prey systems.  相似文献   

Chamberlain SA  Holland JN 《Ecology》2008,89(5):1364-1374
Interspecific interactions are often mediated by the interplay between resource supply and consumer density. The supply of a resource and a consumer's density response to it may in turn yield context-dependent use of other resources. Such consumer-resource interactions occur not only for predator-prey and competitive interactions, but for mutualistic ones as well. For example, consumer-resource interactions between ants and extrafloral nectar (EFN) plants are often mutualistic, as EFN resources attract and reward ants which protect plants from herbivory. Yet, ants also commonly exploit floral resources, leading to antagonistic consumer-resource interactions by disrupting pollination and plant reproduction. EFN resources associated with mutualistic ant-plant interactions may also mediate antagonistic ant-flower interactions through the aggregative density response of ants on plants, which could either exacerbate ant-flower interactions or alternatively satiate and distract ants from floral resources. In this study, we examined how EFN resources mediate the density response of ants on senita cacti in the Sonoran Desert and their context-dependent use of floral resources. Removal of EFN resources reduced the aggregative density of ants on plants, both on hourly and daily time scales. Yet, the increased aggregative ant density on plants with EFN resources decreased rather than increased ant use of floral resources, including contacts with and time spent in flowers. Behavioral assays showed no confounding effect of floral deterrents on ant-flower interactions. Thus, ant use of floral resources depends on the supply of EFN resources, which mediates the potential for both mutualistic and antagonistic interactions by increasing the aggregative density of ants protecting plants, while concurrently distracting ants from floral resources. Nevertheless, only certain years and populations of study showed an increase in plant reproduction through herbivore protection or ant distraction from floral resources. Despite pronounced effects of EFN resources mediating the aggregative density of ants on plants and their context-dependent use of floral resources, consumer-resource interactions remained largely commensalistic.  相似文献   

The increasing alienation of people from nature is profoundly concerning because people's interactions with nature affect well-being, affinity for nature, and support of biodiversity conservation. Efforts to restore or enhance people's interactions with nature are, therefore, important to ensure sustainable human and wildlife communities, but little is known about how this can be achieved. A key factor that shapes the way people interact with nature is their affinity for nature (often measured as nature relatedness [NR]). We explored how using cues to experience nature as a means to induce NR situationally can influence the quality of people's nature interactions on visits to green spaces and their positive affect after the visit. Cues to experience are cues that guide individuals on how to interact with nature. We surveyed 1023 visitors to a nature reserve to examine the relationships between trait (i.e., stable and long-lasting) and state (i.e., temporary, brief) NR, the quality of nature interactions, and positive affect. We also conducted a controlled experiment in which 303 participants spent 30 min outdoors on campus and reported the quality of their nature interactions and positive affect. Participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 9 cues-to-experience experimental groups (e.g., smell flowers, observe wildlife, turn off your phone) that differed in the psychological distance from nature that they prompted. Participants who received cues of close psychological distance from nature (e.g., smell and touch natural elements) interacted 3 to 4 times more with nature and reported 0.2 more positive affect than other participants. Our results demonstrate that providing cues to experience nature, which bring people closer to nature and potentially induce state NR, can enhance the quality of people's nature interactions and their positive affect. These results highlight the role of NR in high-quality nature interactions and suggest the use of cues to experience as a promising avenue for inducing state NR and promoting meaningful interactions with biodiversity, thus, reconciling conservation and well-being objectives.  相似文献   

G. J. Edgar 《Marine Biology》1987,95(4):599-610
The potential of drifting Macrocystis pyrifera kelp for transporting associated animals and plants long distances around the southern oceans was assessed by anchoring kelp holdfasts off the Tasmanian coast in 1985, monitoring the turnover of organisms, and relating species survival to water-transport times and species geographic distributions. Although most of the common animal species and approximately half of the plant species associated with Tasmanian M. pyrifera holdfasts were still present on kelp holdfasts after 191 d at sea, very few of these species have been recorded from New Zealand. It therefore seems unlikely that M. pyrifera plants with intact holdfasts are presently drifting to New Zealand. Drifting kelps probably become negatively buoyant in the Tasman Sea because dissolved nitrate concentrations are insufficient for normal plant growth. Moreover, even if some kelp plants do drift to New Zealand it is possible that their holdfasts rapidly disintegrate in the open ocean because of the abundance of the boring isopods Phycolimnoria spp. in Tasmanian holdfasts. In contrast to the restricted distributions of Tasmanian holdfast-inhabiting species, most of the identified species collected from M. pyrifera holdfasts at subantarctic Macquarie Island also occurred 5 000 km west at Kerguelen Island. Because of the extensive ranges of many subantarctic species, the good probability of survival of epifaunal species on drifting kelps, and the high surface-water nitrate concentrations and low holdfast-densities of Phycolimnoria spp. in the higher latitudes, it is likely that M. pyrifera-mediated transport of faunal and floral propagules has recently occurred, and is probably presently occurring, in subantarctic waters.  相似文献   

Preisser EL  Dugaw CJ  Dennis B  Strong DR 《Ecology》2006,87(5):1116-1123
Interest in facilitative predator plant interactions has focused upon above-ground systems. Underground physical conditions are distinctive, however, and we provide evidence that bush lupine, Lupinus arboreus, facilitates the survival of the predatory nematode Heterorhabditis marelatus. Because H. marelatus is prone to desiccation and lupines maintain a zone of moist soil around their taproots even during dry periods, we hypothesized that dry-season nematode survival under lupines might be higher than in the surrounding grasslands. We performed field surveys and measured nematode survival in lupine and grassland rhizospheres under wet- and dry-season conditions. Nematodes survived the crucial summer period better under lupines than in grasslands; however, this advantage disappeared in wet, winter soils. Modeling the probability of nematode population extinction showed that, while even large nematode cohorts were likely to go extinct in grasslands, even small cohorts in lupine rhizospheres were likely to survive until the arrival of the next prey generation. Because this nematode predator has a strong top-down effect on lupine survival via its effect on root-boring larvae of the ghost moth Hepialus californicus, this facilitative interaction may enable a belowground trophic cascade. Similar cases of predator facilitation in seasonally stressful environments are probably common in nature.  相似文献   

Nests of Lasius niger (L.) ants were given varied food regimens to test whether their behaviour towards an aphid partner, Aphis fabae (Scop.), changed with alternative food supplies. Honeydew collection and predation on aphids were measured by video monitoring the movement of ants between their nest and an aphid aggregation. Data collected from the aphid aggregations enabled comparisons between remaining aphid biomass and between the tending intensities of the ants. I tested how ant behaviour was influenced by their access to alternative prey and sugar. The results showed that ants accepted a honey solution as a substitute for the honeydew produced by aphids. Ants not only attended their aphid partners, but also preyed on them. The average predation rate increased eightfold when ants were offered the alternative of sugar, whereas alternative prey had no significant effect. In contrast, ant-tending intensity decreased with alternative sugar whereas alternative prey elicited no effect.  相似文献   

Insects feeding on aboveground and belowground tissues can influence each other through their shared plant and this is often mediated by changes in plant chemistry. We examined the effects of belowground root fly (Delia radicum) herbivory on the performance of an aboveground herbivore (Plutella xylostella) and its endoparasitoid wasp (Cotesia vestalis). Insects were reared on three populations of wild cabbage (Brassica oleracea) plants, exhibiting qualitative and quantitative differences in root and shoot defense chemistry, that had or had not been exposed to root herbivory. In addition, we measured primary (amino acids and sugars) and secondary [glucosinolate (GS)] chemistry in plants exposed to the various plant population-treatment combinations to determine to what extent plant chemistry could explain variation in insect performance variables using multivariate statistics. In general, insect performance was more strongly affected by plant population than by herbivory in the opposite compartment, suggesting that population-related differences in plant quality are larger than those induced by herbivory. Sugar profiles were similar in the three populations and concentrations only changed in damaged tissues. In addition to population-related differences, amino acid concentrations primarily changed locally in response to herbivory. Whether GS concentrations changed in response to herbivory (indole GS) or whether there were only population-related differences (aliphatic GS) depended on GS class. Poor correlations between performance and chemical attributes made biological interpretation of these results difficult. Moreover, trade-offs between life history traits suggest that factors other than food nutritional quality contribute to the expression of life history traits.  相似文献   

Diel changes in the composition of crustacean zooplankton and the diets of fish predators from an intertidal eelgrass flat were monitored concurrently. The zooplankton is characterized by two major components. The obligate zooplankters (holoplanktonic calanoid copepods and meroplanktonic decapod larvae) appear to exhibit vertical migration, being present in higher densities near the surface of the water column at night. The facultative zooplankton (amphipods and ostracods) are benthic during the day, but move up into the water column at night. Planktivorous midwaterdwelling fish consume calanoid copepods and decapod larvae during the day and cease feeding or switch their diet to amphipods at night. Benthic-dwelling fish consume some amphipods during both day and night. The factors important in prey selection by fish and the functional significance of vertical migration in both components of the zooplankton are discussed in the light of the changing patterns of fish predation.This paper is Publication No. 183 in the Ministry for Conservation of Victoria, Environmental Studies Series.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,187(4):413-425
This paper develops a mechanistic model of the population dynamics and coevolution of mutualisms such as plants and mycorrhizae where one resource is traded for another resource. The mechanism is based on limiting resources and is derived from von Liebig's law of the minimum [von Liebig, 1862, Die Chemie in irher Anwendung auf Agricultur und Physiologie. 7e ed. F. Vieweg und Sohn, Braunschwieg] and Tilman's R* [Tilman, D., 1980, Resources: a graphical-mechanistic approach to competition and predation, Am. Nat. 116, 362–393]. The model makes several predictions: (1) resource limitations cause mutualisms to have stable population dynamics, despite previous predictions to the contrary, (2) game-theory based models of evolution show that potential coevolving mutualists face a Prisoner's-dilemma-like paradox, rigorously confirming the intuition of many people and (3) a mechanism which enforces fair-trade will eliminate the dilemma and a mutualism will evolve, despite having no gene flow between the species.  相似文献   

Summary Female Polyglypta dispar membracids facultatively guard egg masses or oviposit into masses guarded by other females. Defending females repel at least some enemies of both eggs and nymphs. Eggs of guarding females may be partially protected from parasitism by the presence of additional eggs laid by other females. Females sometimes desert egg masses or groups of nymphs, and undefended masses are sometimes adopted by other females. Some individuals remain on or near the plant where they grew up, and littermates sometimes oviposit into the same egg mass. Some copulating pairs are littermates, while others are not. Females with larger numbers of mature and nearly mature eggs in their ovaries are less likely to defend egg masses, and females desert smaller groups of nymphs more often.  相似文献   

Thompson JN  Fernandez CC 《Ecology》2006,87(1):103-112
Variation among sites and years in the local ecological outcome of interspecific interactions can generate a geographic mosaic of coevolution, as indicated by recent mathematical models. We evaluated whether local temporal dynamics of ecological outcome in the interaction between the moth Greya politella (Prodoxidae) and its host plant Lithophragma parviflorum (Saxifragaceae) are likely to mitigate or magnify geographic differences in ecological outcome found in earlier studies. The moths are highly host-specific pollinating floral parasites, and the mutualism can be swamped in some populations by the presence of effective co-pollinators. Hence, differing community contexts can shift the outcome of the interaction from mutualism to commensalism or antagonism. During each of four years, we evaluated the effect of Greya oviposition on seed development through a paired design that controlled for plant genotype and microenvironment. At Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge in Washington State, the interaction was significantly mutualistic in all four years. Mutualism in this population was indicated by a higher probability of development of capsules visited by ovipositing Greya than capsules not visited by Greya on the same plant. At Rapid River, Idaho, the interaction was commensalistic in three years and antagonistic in one year. Antagonism in this population was indicated by selective withering of capsules containing Greya eggs. Overall, the results suggest stable geographic differences in the range of ecological outcomes in this plant-insect interaction under different community contexts.  相似文献   

Behavioral interactions with native species may influence the invasiveness of introduced species. The salamanders Plethodon glutinosus and P. jordani in the eastern United States share many life history traits and demonstrate complex interspecific interactions that range geographically from competitive exclusion to sympatry. P. jordani was introduced to Mountain Lake Biological Station, Virginia, USA, between the years 1935 and 1945. We tested whether competition for space may influence the invasion of P. jordani into native P. glutinosus habitat by utilizing data from natural distributions, a field experiment, and controlled laboratory experiments. No environmental variables differed where P. glutinosus and P. jordani were collected in the field at the site of P. jordani introduction. In the field experiment, P. glutinosus was more fully exposed during foraging bouts in cages shared with heterospecifics as opposed to ones shared with conspecific salamanders. Condition (mass relative to body length) of salamanders at the end of the 3 months did not differ between conspecific and heterospecific treatments. In the laboratory, P. glutinosus most often attained the single burrow in the arena, but residency status had no effect. Species cohabited the burrow 50% of the time. Pair-wise encounters in the laboratory indicated that both species spend less than 20% of the time in aggressive behaviors as juveniles. Adults showed no behavior interpreted by us as aggression during pair-wise encounters. Received: 19 December 1999 / Accepted: 18 March 2000  相似文献   

Overgrowth interactions between encrusting cyclostome (eight species) and cheilostome (over 50 species) colonies were examined in subtidal communities in the northern Adriatic Sea off Rovinj, Croatia, in May–June 1988 and September–October 1990. Cheilostome colonies occupied ca. 80% of the available substrate space, whereas the cyclostome colonies occupied <5%. Out of 210 recorded interactions, cheilostomes overlapped cyclostomes in 164, while cyclostomes overlapped cheilostomes in only 16; 30 encounters resulted in mutual overlap or at least temporary growth termination along the line of contact. Most of the recorded interactions were for the cyclostomes Diplosolen obelia (Johnston) and Plagioecia patina (Lamarck). Both species elevated their colony margins on contact with a cheilostome in some instances, but D. obelia only overgrew competing cheilostomes in 12/120 encounters, and P. patina never prevailed. I propose that the cheilostomes have a key evolutionary innovation, lacking in cyclostomes, consisting of more rapid ontogenetic development of zooids along colony margins so that encrusting cheilostomes have substantially higher colony margins. This results in an outflow of filtered water along the edge of encrusting cheilostome colonies, while cyclostomes take water in at colony margins. These contrasting feeding currents apparently give a competitive advantage to the cheilostomes where colony margins approach and make contact with those of cyclostomes.  相似文献   

Summary Coexistence of defended and undefended plants may be maintained by herbivory. In the present paper this phenomenon is analyzed by means of evolutionary game theory. The plants in the model play either a defensive or a non-defensive strategy and they interact indirectly: when a plant is grazed its competitive ability decreases, because of this a neighboring plant makes a profit. The solution to the game leads to three qualitatively different cases depending on whether the profit is equal for the two strategies, defended and undefended, or if the profit is higher for one type than for the other. When the results are applied to intea-specific interactions, the model predicts that polymorphic populations should be expected only under certain specific conditions. When the results are applied to inter-specific interactions, the model predicts either stable coexistence, i.e., increased diversity, or a paradoxical situation without increased diversity.Offprint requests to: M. Augner  相似文献   

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