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Most Great River ecosystems (GREs) are extensively modified and are not receiving adequate protection to prevent further habitat degradation and loss of biotic integrity. In the United States, ecological monitoring and assessment of GREs has lagged behind streams and estuaries, and the management of GREs is hampered by the lack of unbiased data at appropriate spatial scales. Properties of GREs that make them challenging to monitor and assess include difficult sample logistics and high habitat diversity. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) has developed a comprehensive, regional-scale, survey-based monitoring approach to assessment of streams and estuaries, but has not yet conducted research on applying these tools to GRE monitoring. In this paper we present an overview of an EMAP research project on the Upper Missouri River (UMR). We summarize the assessment objectives for the study, the design for selecting sample locations, the indicators measured at these sites and the tools used to analyze data. We present an example of the type of statements that can be made with EMAP monitoring data. With modification, the set of methodologies developed by EMAP may be well suited for assessment of GREs in general.  相似文献   

Lake restoration projects require substantial monitoring. Primary purposes are to assess a lake problem, determine its causes and design or develop a corrective program. Hundreds of these lake monitoring projects have been initiated in the United States over the past decade. A number of field limnological activities can be improved to make the monitoring results more applicable to the objectives of a project. This paper discusses twenty of the most common limnology procedures that may go awry in applied limnology and makes suggestions, alternatives or improved field and project procedures. Expenditures may be reduced, but more important can be an increased use capability of the information for the scientific and engineering needs of a lake restoration effort.  相似文献   

新形势下,中国生态环境监测面临新任务和新挑战,迫切需要明确发展思路和方向。因此,从环境监测管理体系、业务体系、标准方法体系等方面,举例浅析了美国、欧盟等发达国家和地区环境监测业务的发展现状,并从法制建设、体系优化、方法标准等方面对比分析了中国与发达国家和地区的差异及不足,总结归纳了适用于中国国情的先进经验与启示。在此基础上,初步研判了当前和今后一段时期中国生态环境监测的发展方向,并提出了相关建议,为加快推动实现中国生态环境监测的跨越式发展提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

The Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement stipulates that the Governments of Canada and the United States are responsible for restoring and maintaining the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the waters of the Great Lakes Basin Ecosystem. Due to varying mandates and areas of expertise, monitoring to assess progress towards this objective is conducted by a multitude of Canadian and U.S. federal and provincial/state agencies, in cooperation with academia and regional authorities. This paper highlights selected long-term monitoring programs and discusses a number of documented ecological changes that indicate the present state of the open and nearshore waters of the Great Lakes.  相似文献   

In 1990, the National Research Council (NRC) published two in-depth assessments of marine environmental monitoring effectiveness. The first of these, Managing Troubled Waters: The Role of Marine Environmental Monitoring, provided a national perspective and the second, Monitoring Southern California's Coastal Waters, examined the specifics of monitoring design and implementation in a densely populated, highly urbanized coastal region. The reports include explicit recommendations about the need for greater regionalization of monitoring efforts, supported by greater standardization of field, laboratory, and data analysis methods. They also identified the need for centralized data management and for greater flexibility in the language of standard discharge permits, flexibility that would permit discharge agencies to more readily participate in regional monitoring and research programs. Other recommendations identified a need for EPA and NOAA to focus on creating a national monitoring program structured as a network of coordinated local and regional efforts. Finally, the NRC emphasized the need for better reporting and for periodic review of monitoring's relevance to management concerns. In this paper, we use southern California as a test case to assess progress made in implementing the NRC's recommendations. We review progress made on each recommendation and discuss the features of the regulatory and management climate that contributed to or impeded this progress. We also consider whether, and to what extent, the NRC's recommendations remain relevant in the present context.  相似文献   

Determining Ecoregions for Environmental and GMO Monitoring Networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A representative environmental monitoring network at the regional scale cannot use raster-based or random sampling designs, but requires a stratified sampling procedure integrating different information layers, and it has to occur in ecologically differing homogeneous regions (ecoregions). These we have determined using a set of spatial strata with ecological variables which we analysed with classification and regression trees (CART). We present a framework for environmental monitoring, that covers different scales, and we transfer the framework to a potential GMO (genetically modified organisms) monitoring network. We use ecoregion and other environmental strata together with existing environmental monitoring networks to determine GMO monitoring sites more precisely.  相似文献   

美国空气质量监测的经验与启示   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2013年9月10日,国务院发布《大气污染防治行动计划》,为当前和今后一个时期全国大气污染防治工作提供行动指南。近年来,中国空气质量监测工作发展迅猛,但新的空气质量管理目标对空气质量监测水平提出了更高的要求。为了加强中国空气质量监测能力,文章总结了美国空气质量监测四十多年的发展历程,介绍了美国系统谋划监测战略、合理布设监测网络、严格控制数据质量、开展污染组分分析、科学应用监测结果、积极推动公众参与等方面的经验,为中国发展和完善空气质量监测体系提供参考,为切实改善空气质量提供技术支持。  相似文献   

我国流域水生态完整性评价方法构建   总被引:16,自引:11,他引:5  
流域水生态完整性评价是指通过对水生态系统中不同水生态指标(生物和非生物)的监测以及由数学方法综合形成的综合评价指数,来反映水生态系统完整性状况。近年来,世界各国水环境管理政策发生了变化,开始强调生态保护,重视水体的生态质量。中国现行的常规理化监测指标(如COD、氨氮、BOD5)很难满足水环境管理的需求,难以全面准确地反映水环境质量变化的趋势。因此,在借鉴欧美发达国家流域水生态完整性评价方法的基础上,结合中国目前监测现状以及流域水环境管理需求,构建了包括物理生境指标、理化指标、水生生物指标在内的流域水生态完整性监测与评价方法,以期为中国流域水质目标管理技术体系的业务化运行提供可资借鉴的技术支撑,实现从单一的化学指标监测转向综合的水生态系统监测,实现流域水生态完整性的监测与评价。  相似文献   

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) have formed a partnership to establish pilot sites for the development of a network known as the Coastal Intensive Site Network (CISNet). CISNet is composed of intensive, long-term monitoring and research sites around the U.S. marine and Great Lakes coasts. In this partnership, EPA and NOAA are funding research and monitoring programs at pilot sites that utilize ecological indicators and investigate the ecological effects of environmental stressors. NASA is funding research aimed at developing a remote sensing capability that will augment or enhance in situresearch and monitoring programs selected by EPA and NOAA. CISNet has three objectives: 1) to develop a sound scientific basis for understanding ecological responses to anthropogenic stresses in coastal environments, including the interaction of exposure, environment/climate, and biological/ecological factors in the response, and the spatial and temporal nature of these interactions, 2) to demonstrate the value of developing data from selected sites intensively monitored to examine the relationships between changes in environmental stressors, including anthropogenic and natural stresses, and ecological response, and 3) to provide intensively monitored sites for development and evaluation of indicators of change in coastal systems.  相似文献   

Uses of pesticides and related agrochemicals have been regulated in the United States since 1948. The United States government has supported human and environmental monitoring for pesticides and selected toxic chemicals for the past 15 yr. The initial ambient monitoring systems were designed to determine average concentrations of pesticides and related chemicals in human and environmental media on a nationwide basis and determine changes in these concentrations over time. The results of these surveys showed that almost all of the general human population and various environmental components contained low concentrations of chlorinated pesticides. As the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) restricted many uses of the chlorinated pesticides, the organophosphorous and carbamate pesticides which replaced them were not as easily monitored by ambient surveys. Special monitoring studies had to be done more frequently to produce data on these compounds which were not as persistent or accumulative in the environment. Currently, a re-evalution has begun to determine pesticide monitoring data needs for the next 5 to 10 yr, modify existing ambient surveys, and plan needed short-term studies to efficiently meet regulatory data needs. Ambient monitoring for trends in chemical levels in humans and the environment will continue in the United States at a reduced level, and many exposure data needs will be met with use-specific monitoring studies.Presented at the International Conference on Environmental Hazards of Agrochemicals in Developing Countries, 8–12 November, 1983 in Alexandria, Egypt.  相似文献   

We examine trends from 1970 to the mid 1990's of some variables related to development and sustainability for Costa Rica, Korea, Mexico, the Netherlands and the United States: first, by calculating energy and agricultural efficiencies over time, second, by examining the environmental impacts of economic activities, and third, by estimating ecological footprints. We find that many "optimistic" arguments about sustainability have been misleading, and that there is little or no indication that we are becoming any more sustainable or even efficient. Total quality-corrected energy consumption has increased for all five countries and the renewable energy portion is decreasing. The efficiency of turning energy into both agricultural production and GDP has declined for all countries except for the US. In general, there is a remarkable linearity between resource use and economic and agricultural production over all countries and all years, suggesting severe biophysical constraints to sustainable objectives. On the other hand, per capita ecological footprints have decreased somewhat in Costa Rica, Mexico, and the United States, while national ecological footprints have tended to remain constant except for Korea. While there has been a reduction of specific pollutants in the United States, some of this has been achieved by exporting heavy manufacturing industries. We conclude that continued population and economic growth in each country is likely to make the achievement of any kind of sustainability increasingly unlikely. Sustainability, if that is desirable, requires a very different approach than what we have undertaken to date.  相似文献   

从生态监管对生态质量评价的需求角度梳理了我国生态监测的现状及存在问题,分析了我国构建生态质量监测网络的必要性,并从网络建设目的、原则、空间布局、监测内容和工作机制等5个方面提出了国家生态质量监测网络的构建思路,最后指出"十四五"期间国家生态质量监测网络的重点任务,即开展生态质量综合观测站建设并进行生态功能相关监测和评估研究,开展生态质量监测样地系统建设并进行生态系统结构组成监测,从引导生态保护修复的科学性和提高自然生态用地利用效率出发开展生态质量监测和评价的尝试,建成天-空-地一体化的生态质量监测与预警体系。  相似文献   

A forest ecological inventory and monitoring system combining information derived from maps and samples is proposed based on ecosystem regions (Bailey, 1994). The system extends the design of the USDA Forest Service Region 6 Inventory and Monitoring System (R6IMS) in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The key uses of the information are briefly discussed and expected results are illustrated with examples. The system is flexible, allowing regions based on ecological considerations to be modified. Sampling intensities that are affordable are likely to be insufficient to provide meaningful estimates for key parameters relating to rare and endangered species, watersheds, and other ecological units. Methods are proposed for collecting additional information in follow-up surveys and combining it with relevant information obtained in R6IMS. Near-continuous information on weather and possible pollution variables recorded by instruments at sampling sites is needed to develop meaningful models to understand what is happening in the ecoregions. R6IMS and the proposed additions constitute a dynamic system which will be modified further as data are analyzed.  相似文献   

The Montreal Process was formed in 1994 to develop an internationally agreed upon set of criteria and indicators for the conservation and sustainable management of temperate and boreal forests. In response to this initiative, the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) and Forest Health Monitoring (FHM) programs of the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service have implemented soil measurements as part of a national monitoring program to address specific questions related to the conservation of soil and water resources. Integration of soil assessments into the national FIA program provides for systematic monitoring of soil properties across all forested regions of the U.S. using standardized collection, laboratory, and statistical procedures that are compatible with existing forest inventory data. The resulting information will provide quantitative benchmarks for regional, national, and international reporting on sustainable forest management and enhance our understanding of management effects on soil quality. This paper presents an overview of the FIA soil monitoring program, outlines the field and laboratory protocols as currently implemented, and provides examples of how these data may be used to assess indicators of sustainable management as defined by the Montreal Process.  相似文献   

Over the past three decades, considerable effort has been invested in the development of complex and comprehensive ecosystem classifications and inventories in many parts of North America. Paralleling this has been an evolution in those hierarchical frameworks guiding the development and application of classifications. However, resource management agencies continue to grapple with the dilemma of applying multiple classification and inventory templates over large jurisdictions, especially as they attempt to address ecosystem management objectives. Given that Canada and the United States share ecosystems and that commitments have been made by all levels of government to make progress towards ecosystem-based approaches to management, there is a need to provide the proper tools. Comprehensive goals will not be achieved without collaboration and cooperation.This paper outlines the range of ecosystem classification approaches that exist in the Upper Great Lakes region. Canadian and American national hierarchical frameworks are briefly examined. Specific information needs and tasks are outlined which must be followed, independent of national boundaries, for the successful integration of planning and monitoring programs for large regional ecosystems.A general model is proposed for the development and application of an integrated, multi-scale and bi-national ecosystem classification, inventory and information system. This approach would facilitate data sharing and communication across jurisdictional boundaries.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities are changing the chemical composition of the global atmosphere. This results in changes to the physical properties as well, such as the radiation balance. These properties are important input variables for biospheric processes. This paper discusses a number of documented ecological changes that have occurred in response to the changing atmosphere. Much of the information has been derived from data collected at integrated monitoring sites. The changing atmosphere is expected to result in many more ecological changes to resources of economic as well as environmental value. Defining and understanding these changes will be necessary for managing sustainable development and poses major challenges for monitoring programs in general and for integrated sites in particular.  相似文献   

对国家环境保护野外观测研究站建设的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《国家环境保护"十二五"科技发展规划》提出将国家环境保护野外观测研究站作为"十二五"环境科技支撑能力建设内容之一;在《"十二五"国家自主创新能力建设规划》中也将国家野外科学观测研究站(网)作为科技创新基础条件的建设内容。在分析环保部门生态环境观测研究台站建设现状基础上,对国家环境保护野外观测研究台站的建设目标与定位、空间布局、运行机制、监测与评价技术体系构建、监测指标体系框架等进行分析探讨。在目标与定位上,国家环境保护野外观测研究台站既要与目前国内主要的生态环境监测网络(如中国生态系统研究网络和中国森林生态系统定位研究网络)形成补充,同时也要突出环保部门特色;在空间布局上既要关注水、空气、土壤污染的重点监控区,也要关注生态脆弱区、重要(点)生态功能区等生态敏感区;在技术体系上,要研究建立标准化、规范化的观测技术体系,同时也要注重生态环境评价方法研究,为生态环境精准化管理提供技术支持。  相似文献   

详细介绍了美国环境空气监测培训课程设置的方法和结构,分析了其在课程的目标规划、内容设计和指导人员自学方面的主要做法,总结出应从监测人员能力和知识要求角度设定培训目标,以技术性实用性内容为主设计课程环节,将指导支持人员自学摆在更突出位置。借鉴美国经验,文章对探索我国环境空气监测培训的课程设置提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

Implementing a statistically valid and practical monitoring design for large-scale stream condition monitoring and assessment programs can be difficult due to factors including the likely existence of a diversity of ecosystem types such as ephemeral streams over the sampling domain; limited resources to undertake detailed monitoring surveys and address knowledge gaps; and operational constraints on effective sampling at monitoring sites. In statistical speak, these issues translate to defining appropriate target populations and sampling units; designing appropriate spatial and temporal sample site selection methods; selection and use of appropriate indicators; and setting effect sizes with limited ecological and statistical information about the indicators of interest. We identify the statistical and operational challenges in designing large-scale stream condition surveys and discuss general approaches for addressing them. The ultimate aim in drawing attention to these challenges is to ensure operational practicality in carrying out future monitoring programs and that the resulting inferences about stream condition are statistically valid and relevant.  相似文献   

大气中消耗臭氧层物质(ODS)及其替代物监测是科学评估履约成效的重要基础。美国等发达国家针对大气中ODS及其替代物开展了长期的网络化监测,中国相关监测起步相对较晚,基础比较薄弱。该文总结了发达国家大气中ODS及其替代物的监测经验,分析了中国的监测现状及存在的问题,提出了中国大气中ODS及其替代物监测的建议:明确监测目标,推进国家大气中ODS及其替代物监测网络建设;加快相关监测设备研发及方法研究进程,形成规范统一的监测技术体系;定期开展监测数据质量评价,加强综合分析利用。通过采取相应措施,逐步形成中国履行保护臭氧层国际环境公约的监测支撑能力。  相似文献   

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