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ABSTRACT: The Hydrologic Simulation Program‐FORTRAN (HSPF) is a powerful time variable hydrologic model that has rarely been applied in arid environments. Here, the performance of HSPF in southern California was assessed, testing its ability to predict annual volume, daily average flow, and hourly flow. The model was parameterized with eight land use categories and physical watershed characteristics. It was calibrated using rainfall and measured flow over a five‐year period in a predominantly undeveloped watershed and it was validated using a subsequent 4‐year period. The process was repeated in a separate, predominantly urbanized watershed over the same time span. Annual volume predictions correlated well with measured flow in both the undeveloped and developed watersheds. Daily flow predictions correlated well with measured flow following rain events, but predictions were poor during extended dry weather periods in the developed watershed. This modeling difficulty during dry‐weather periods reflects the large influence of, and the poor accounting in the model for, artificially introduced water from human activities, such as landscape overwatering, that can be important sources of water in urbanized arid environments. Hourly flow predictions mistimed peak flows, reflecting spatial and temporal heterogeneity of rainfall within the watershed. Model correlation increased considerably when predictions were averaged over longer time periods, reaching an asymptote after an 11‐hour averaging window.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Watershed functions that dominate the hydrologic environment are identified and discussed. Hydrological and ecological functions are considered in relation to the storm and annual hydrographs, and to water quality. Two integrative watershed responses to these functions are also articulated. Since most of the Earth's water is in storage, consideration of the hydrologic cycle as movement between water storage sites enhances this functional and response characterization of the watershed which, in turn, suggests guidance and direction for the restoration of watershed functions.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: . Under a watershed based approach being examined by the Quebec Ministry of Agriculture to accelerate the adoption of conservation practices, a study on the impacts of agricultural practices on the St. Esprit watershed was initiated in the fall of 1993. The water quality of this 26 km2 intensive agricultural watershed was studied over an 18 month period. Water samples taken at the outlet of the watershed were analyzed for nitrate, phosphate, suspended sediment, and atrazine. Water quality data were analyzed to establish seasonal trends in pollutant concentration and load in the watercourse. Spring snowmelt was identified as a significant period of pollutant material export. All pollutant materials displayed seasonal variability in the export process. Peak pollutant concentrations were associated with high flow events. Mean observed pollutant concentrations did not exceed drinking water quality standards.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A survey was made to determine the status of formal education in wildland hydrology by colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. As of December 1977 nine institutions offered the B.S. degree, 18 the M.S. degree, and 17 the degree of Ph.D. with a major or minor in watershed management, forest hydrology, or range hydrology. In addition, 8 other schools offer a minor in watershed management. The survey indicated 44 schools in the United States offer a total of 157 courses, five schools in Canada offer 24 courses, and 1 in Mexico offers one course in the related areas. The survey illustrated rapid growth in education programs and it is anticipated that growth will continue.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Ten topographic analysis methods were employed to estimate watershed mean slopes for 13 small forested watersheds (32 to 131 mi2) in East Texas. Of the ten methods employed, the mean slope curve is the most accurate but also the most tedious and laborious one. The method can be simplified by measuring only the lengths of five contours and the areas between these contours within the watershed with little loss of its accuracy. Watershed slopes estimated by the contour length method, the grid contour method, the systematic slope sampling method, and the simplified contour length method are satisfactory for general purposes and relatively simple. The watershed circumference-stream length method, the length-width axis method, the Justin method, and the regression plane method are not suitable for estimating watershed slopes in East Texas without modification.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Model predictions of the relatively simple soil compartment model SESOIL are compared with those of the more data-intensive terrestrial ecosystem hydrology model AGTEHM. Comparisons were performed using data from a deciduous forest stand watershed, a grassland watershed, and two agricultural field plots. Good agreement was obtained between model predictions for annual values of infiltration, evapotranspiration, surface runoff, and groundwater runoff. SESOIL model predictions also compare well with empirical measurements at the forest stand and the grassland watersheds.  相似文献   

An experimental three-dimensional finite-difference watershed model in the form of a Fortran IV program was constructed. The model was an oversimplified one which divided the watershed volume into layers of cells which represented the overland flow, the vadose, and the phreatic zones. Water budget equations which utilized such formulas as Darcy's law and Manning's equation were applied to each interior cell. The resulting set of simultaneous equations was solved for heads at the end of successive time increments. This information was transformed to streamflow and other hydrologic output. Input was weather data, which effected appropriate adjustments in the cells representing the surface-water and vadose zones. After testing the model, it was concluded that this type of model is undesirably sensitive to cell size and length of time increment. In spite of the deficiencies of this primitive model, this general kind of approach to modeling seems promising, but it may be necessary to devise new transport equations which apply to more natural divisions of watersheds.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A National Pilot Project (NPP) on Livestock and the Environment was initiated in 1992 to help provide solutions to environmental problems associated with livestock production. A major development of the NPP was the Comprehensive Economic and Environmental Optimization Tool‐Livestock and Poultry (CEEOT‐LP), an integrated modeling system designed to produce economic and environmental indicators for alternative policy scenarios applied to intensive livestock production watersheds. The system consists of a farm‐level economic model (FEM) and two environmental models: the field‐scale APEX model and the watershed‐level SWAT model. To date, CEEOT‐LP has been applied to two watersheds in Texas and one in Iowa. Predicted reductions in P losses for two P‐based manure application rate scenarios, relative to baseline conditions, ranged from ?4 to ?54 percent across the three watersheds; however, N loss impacts ranged from a decrease of 34 percent to an increase of 79 percent. For five other alternative scenarios that were simulated for only one watershed, N and P loss impacts ranged between a reduction of 78 percent to an increase of 20 percent. Aggregate watershed‐level economic impacts of the seven scenarios spanned a spectrum of a 27 percent decrease to a 25 percent increase in profit, relative to the baseline.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The National Park Service and the National Biological Service initiated research in Denali National Park and Preserve, a 2.4 million-hectare park in southcentral Alaska, to develop ecological monitoring protocols for national parks in the Arctic/Subarctic biogeographic area. We are focusing pilot studies on design questions, on scaling issues and regionalization, ecosystem structure and function, indicator selection and evaluation, and monitoring technologies. Rock Creek, a headwater stream near Denali headquarters, is the ecological scale for initial testing of a watershed ecosystem approach. Our conceptual model embraces principles of the hydrological cycle, hypotheses of global climate change, and biological interactions of organisms occupying intermediate, but poorly studied, positions in Alaskan food webs. The field approach includes hydrological and depositional considerations and a suite of integrated measures linking key aquatic and terrestrial biota, environmental variables, or defined ecological processes, in order to establish ecological conditions and detect, track, and understand mechanisms of environmental change. Our sampling activities include corresponding measures of physical, chemical, and biological attributes in four Rock Creek habitats believed characteristic of the greater system diversity of Denali. This paper gives examples of data sets, program integration and scaling, and research needs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A comprehensive mathematical watershed model containing a complete soil moisture accounting system was used to simulate the hydrologic processes measured in one of the weighing lysimeters at Coshocton, Ohio. Data from a four-year rotation were used to calibrate the parameters initially selected for the model. Data from the succeeding four years were used to evaluate the predictions. Reasonable agreement was obtained between observed and predicted percolation and evapo-transpiration values.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Soil moisture in two layers of a soil near Chickasha, Oklahoma, was simulated, using USDAHL-74 Model of Watershed Hydrology. Weekly values computed for both layers compared well with those observed during the 15-month period. Certain key parameters required adjustments in the model which illustrate the need for accurate input information. The experiment demonstrates that the model, which has previously given good results in continuous streamflow prediction on watersheds up to 100 square miles, can also compute soil moisture continuously at a site. This capability suggests other model uses, for example, in monitoring the disposition of applied chemicals.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The widely available USGS 7.5‐minute Digital Elevation Model (DEM) has a cell size of approximately 30 m × 30 m. This high resolution topographic information is impractical for many applications of distributed hydrologic and water quality models. In this study, cells were aggregated into coarse‐resolution areal units, termed grids, and a method to approximate flow direction for coarse‐resolution grids from 30 m DEM cells was developed. The method considers the flow path defined from the fine‐resolution DEM in determining a grid's flow direction and makes flow directions for grids closely follow the flow pattern suggested by the DEM. The aggregation method was applied to a DEM of Goodwater Creek, a nearly flat watershed that is located in central Missouri. The drainage networks derived for different levels of cell aggregations showed that grid aggregates of the Goodwater Creek watershed provided an adequate representation of the landscape topography.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper explores a range of forest hydrology issues and identifies my concepts of the field's most pressing research needs. I extend the topic to include teaching and education in the broader sense because current teaching is usually part of the researcher's portfolio and because education involves that of both the research scientist and a broader audience. I consider the primary research, education, and service roles of the forest hydrologist also within a range of domains or, as I prefer to identify them, scales: (1) the molecular or pore level; (2) hydrological process; (3) watershed function; (4) global considerations, and (5) the human dimension which, while not actually a scale itself, embraces, is important to, and is affected by the first four. All are topics screaming for attention by researchers, educators, and practitioners. I shall here focus on the middle three.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A distributed watershed model was developed to mathematically simulate overland and channel flow for a single-event storm. The modeled watersheds in the study were subdivided into rectangular grid elements. All hydrologically significant parameters, such as land slope, rainfall and precipitation excess, were assumed to be uniform within each element. The Green-Ampt method was adopted to generate precipitation excess for each element during the simulation period. A two-dimensional diffusion wave model was used for overland flow routing and an iterative Alternative Direction Implicit scheme was used to solve the simultaneous overland flow equations. Once the overland flow became inflow to the channel, a one-dimensional dynamic wave flood routing technique, based on a four-point, implicit, non-linear finite difference solution of the St. Venant equation of unsteady flow, was applied. A limited number of comparisons were made between simulated and observed hydrographs for areas of about one square mile. Given the appropriate parameters, the model was able to accurately simulate runoff for single-event storms. This paper describes a distributed watershed model developed to simulate overland and channel flow. Comparisons were made between simulated and observed hydrographs for three watersheds. The model was able to accurately simulate the runoff for single-event storms using 61-m by 61-m (200 ft by 200 ft) watershed grid elements.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Integrated watershed ecosystem studies in National Parks or equivalent reserves suggest that effects of external processes on “protected” resources are subtle, chronic, and long-term. Ten years of data from National Park watersheds suggests that temperature and precipitation changes are linked to nitrogen levels in lakes and streams. We envision measurable biotic effects in these remote watersheds, if expected climate trends continue. The condition of natural resources within areas set aside for preservation are difficult to ascertain, but gaining this knowledge is the key to understanding ecosystem change and of processes operating among biotic and abiotic ecosystem components. There is increasing evidence that understanding the magnitude of variation within and between such processes can provide an early indication of environmental change and trends attributable to human-induced stress. The following four papers are case studies of how this concept has been implemented.* These long-term studies have expanded our knowledge of ecosystem response to natural and human-induced stress. The existence of these sites with a commitment to gathering “long-term” ecosystem-level data permits research activities aimed at testing more important hypotheses on ecosystem processes and structure.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Protecting surface water quality in watersheds undergoing demographic change requires both the management of existing threats and planning to address potential future stresses arising from changing land use. Many reservoirs and threatened waterbodies are located in areas undergoing rapid population growth, and increases in density of residential and commercial land use, accompanied by increased amount of impervious surface area, can result in increased pollutant loading and degradation of water quality. Effective planning to address potential threats, including zoning and growth management, requires analytical tools to predict and compare the impacts of different management options. The focus of this paper is not on developing demographic projections, but rather the translation of such projections into changes in land use which form the basis for assessment of future watershed loads. Land use change can be forecast at a variety of spatial and temporal scales. A semi-lumped, GIS-based, transition matrix approach is recommended as consistent with the level of complexity achievable in most watershed models. Practical aspects of forecasting future land use for watershed assessment are discussed. Several recent reservoir water supply projection studies are used to demonstrate a general framework for simulating changes in land use and resulting impacts on water quality. In addition to providing a technical basis for selecting optimal management alternatives, such a tool is invaluable for demonstrating to different stakeholder groups the trade-offs among management alternatives, both in terms of water quality and future land use patterns within the watershed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The development of effective solutions for addressing nonpoint source pollution on a watershed basis often involves watershed stakeholders. However, success in engaging stakeholders in collaborative decision making processes varies, as watershed managers are faced with the challenges inherent to finding the right process for the decisions needed and in successfully engaging stakeholders in that process. Two characteristics that may provide guidance for determining the appropriateness of applying a collaborative process to a watershed problem are the need to collaborate and the willingness of stakeholders to engage in a collaborative decision making process. By examining seven attributes of the issues confronted by stakeholders in a collaborative process, the consequences of these attributes on the need for collaboration and stakeholders' willingness to engage can be estimated. The issue attributes include: level of uncertainty, balance of information, risk, time horizon of effects, urgency of decision, distribution of effects, and clarity of problem. The issue attribute model was applied to two collaborative decision making processes conducted by the same watershed stakeholder group in a North Carolina coastal watershed. Need and willingness to engage did not coincide for either issue; that is, stakeholders were more willing to engage on the issue that required less need for their involvement.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A micro computer based Watershed Information System (W.LS.) is developed to assist in the preparation of input files for the hydrologic simulation model HEC-1. This system consists of three phases. Phase I utilizes the capabilities of AutoCAD version 9 and three programs, BASINS, PLANES, and CHANNELS, to extract, organize, and display watershed data. Phase II uses the program CN to calculate some HEC-1 parameter values. Phase II utilizes the program HECUPDATE to create HEC-1 input files. The system input includes topographic, soils, land use, watershed geometry data, and a skeletal HEC-1 input file. Output from the system includes a summary User Reference File, a Soils File, a Land Use File, a Watershed Geometry File, a Curve Number File, and a HEC-1 input file, which is ready to run. The W.I.S. has been applied to Macks Creek Watershed in southwest Idaho.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Data collected at a 79-acre urban watershed in Albuquerque, New Mexico, were used to calibrate and verify the Distributed Routing Rainfall-Runoff Model, a parametric watershed model. Standard errors of estimate for the 38 calibration storms were 33 percent and 38 percent, respectively, for volumes and peaks; and for the 46 verification storms were 29 percent and 37 percent, respectively, for volumes and peaks. Correlation coefficients for peaks were 0.8 and 0.95, respectively, for calibration and verification storms.  相似文献   

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