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ABSTRACT: An analogue method of ex post evaluation is proposed as a method of measuring the effectiveness of small watershed projects in obtaining flood control and economic benefits. Two watersheds were compared on a “with vs. without” project basis by both direct and indirect measurement of economic benefits. Direct measurements indicated that small watershed flood control projects did not generate the expected economic benefits. However, the indirect measurements of the same watersheds using land value enhancement as a surrogate suggested that the expected economic benefits were reflected in differential land values. The economic efficiency of small watershed projects should be measured ex ante and ex post on a “with vs. without” project basis rather than on a “before vs. after” basis whether using direct or surrogate variables.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The search for an adequate methodology to quantify environmental trade-offs led to a simulation technique, the Priority Evaluator Technique (PET). The PET was applied to determine values and trade-off preferences for environmental variables related to a proposed reservoir project. The PET simulates real world situations and allows the respondents to evaluate their preferences within a fixed cost framework. It systematically checks the respondents's perception of the existing conditions and compares the changes sought. From the responses obtained via interviewing, one can establish the extent to which respondents are satisfied with the prevailing conditions, the magnitude and direction of changes sought, the quality trade-offs, and the relative value of different situations. The PET is flexible and can accommodate alternative planning decisions, prices, incomes, and end factors. The promise shown by this application of the PET should encourage further exploration and evaluation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The impacts of milled peat mining on runoff quality in northern Minnesota were determined using a multiple watershed approach. The frequency distributions of water quality constituents were used to detect whether runoff from a mined bog differed from that of 15 unmined (control) bogs. Peat mining increased water temperature, suspended sediment, specific conductance and concentrations of acidity, iron, sodium, and nitrogen species, although drinking water standards were not exceeded (α= 0.05). The method presented may be applicable for other nonpoint pollution investigations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The great temporal and spatial variability of pine flat-woods hydrology suggests traditional short-term field methods may not be effective in evaluating the hydrologic effects of forest management. The FLATWOODS model was developed, calibrated and validated specifically for the cypress wetland-pine upland landscape. The model was applied to two typical flatwoods sites in north central Florida. Three harvesting treatments (Wetland Harvesting, Wetland + Upland Harvesting, and Control) under three typical climatic conditions (dry, wet, and normal precipitation years) were simulated to study the potential first-year effects of common forest harvesting activities on flatwoods. Long-term (15 years) simulation was conducted to evaluate the hydrologic impacts at different stages of stand rotation. This simulation study concludes that forest harvesting has substantial effects on hydrology during dry periods and clear cutting of both wetlands and uplands has greater influence on the water regimes than partial harvesting. Compared to hilly regions, forest harvesting in the Florida coastal plains has less impact on water yield.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Nonpoint pollution in the form of runoff generated by conventional agricultural practices is one of the major sources of environmental degradation of surface water bodies. Agricultural conservation practices including no‐tillage operations have been introduced as alternatives to cope with such challenges. This study attempts to examine the economic and environmental impacts of no‐tillage as compared to conventional agricultural practices for cotton, soybeans and corn cultivated in the Mississippi Delta. Impacts in the form of sediment, nutrient and pesticide runoff at farm level are investigated, using the Erosion Productivity Impact Calculator (EPIC).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Controlling agricultural nonpoint source pollution from livestock grazing is a necessary step to improving the water quality of the nation's streams. The goal of enhanced stream water quality will most likely result from the implementation of an integrated system of best management practices (BMPs) linked with stream hydraulic and geomorphic characteristics. However, a grazing BMP system is often developed with the concept that BMPs will function independently from interactions among controls, climatic regions, and the multifaceted functions exhibited by streams. This paper examines the peer reviewed literature pertaining to grazing BMPs commonly implemented in the southern humid region of the United States to ascertain effects of BMPs on stream water quality. Results indicate that the most extensive BMP research efforts occurred in the western and midwestern U.S. While numerous studies documented the negative impacts of grazing on stream health, few actually examined the success of BMPs for mitigating these effects. Even fewer studies provided the necessary information to enable the reader to determine the efficacy of a comprehensive systems approach integrating multiple BMPs with pre‐BMP and post‐BMP geomorphic conditions. Perhaps grazing BMP research should begin incorporating geomorphic information about the streams with the goal of achieving sustainable stream water quality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Most of us are aware, or feel we are aware, of the impacts of major water resources projects on our lives. “Dam-lovers” note the life-saving flood-risk reduction and recreational benefits of a proposed reservoir, while “dam-haters” bemoan the future drowning out of the wildlife habitat of its river valley, and the recreational disbenefits to stream (as opposed to lake) fishermen. Water supply projects can often be given such a revered status, assuming the “obvious” tenet that water, air, food, and shelter are basic requirements of decent living, that the economic viability of the project may not even be assessed. Water resources planners are supposed to impartially weigh the environmental and economic benefits, and especially now, the energy implications of all proposed water projects, but many times the partial views of political or public advocates may be hard to ignore. The assumptions used in the planning of four recent water projects in the Province of Alberta will be presented and some revisions suggested which materially affect their Benefit/Cost ratios. In one project that is still in the public hearing stage, the economic analysis will be revealed, indicating that the original B/C ratio of about 1.6:1 might be more realistically placed at 0.6:1. In another project just completed, the apparent lack of an economic or energy analysis that has resulted in a perpetual and unnecessary energy load on the province, will be described.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: At a time in history when water resource development in the United States is being condemned as both economically inefficient and an environmental disaster, perhaps economists need to look back at previous development to see what the fruits of water development (be they sweet or sour) have been. The Boise Project of south-western Idaho is 70 years old and to some people it represents a gross error in resource use, while to others it represents a means of livelihood and well being. A recent research project at the University of Idaho attempted to measure not only the direct economic income benefits of the project (from irrigation), but also the indirect or secondary income benefits (from the food processing industry). Periodic regional input-output tables were constructed to assess the income generated from irrigation and food processing over the period from 1946 to 1970. Input-output analysis allowed researchers to evaluate the direct and indirect impacts of both the irrigation sector and the food processing sector and to compare their growth over time.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper presents the results of a statistical analysis performed for the watershed and stream corridor in the South Fork of the Clearwater River (SFCR) basin, in north central Idaho. The analysis was performed for 61 six‐field hydrological unit codes (HUCs) of the SFCR basin using an extensive record (up to 100 years) for 50 watershed and in‐stream parameters, including hydrologic, flow, fish, anthropogenic, and natural activity data. The objective of this research was twofold: first, the development of quantitative relations that describe the Index of Fish Density (IFD) of particular fish species as a function of watershed and instream parameters; and second, to provide a robust confirmation for the effects of some of these parameters, previously recorded by the fisheries profession, by using well established statistical techniques. The uniqueness of this work is the compilation and statistical analysis of large data sets to quantitatively describe the impacts of watershed and instream parameters on the IFD of all salmonids and specific fish species. Factor analysis was employed to regroup parameters that are highly correlated to each other into a set of single factors and to relate the IFD to these factors. Using factor extraction, 12 factors were developed from the 50 watershed and instream parameters. Multiple regression diagnostic tests indicated that only 7 of the 12 factors are strong predictors offish indicators. The strongest predictors are longitude, latitude, elevation, watershed gradient, and water temperature. The analysis indicated that the present model has reasonable predictive power, considering the uncertainty involved in estimating the interdependence of IFD with watershed parameters.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The vulnerability of wetlands to changes in climate depends on their position within hydrologic landscapes. Hydrologic landscapes are defined by the flow characteristics of ground water and surface water and by the interaction of atmospheric water, surface water, and ground water for any given locality or region. Six general hydrologic landscapes are defined; mountainous, plateau and high plain, broad basins of interior drainage, riverine, flat coastal, and hummocky glacial and dune. Assessment of these landscapes indicate that the vulnerability of all wetlands to climate change fall between two extremes: those dependent primarily on precipitation for their water supply are highly vulnerable, and those dependent primarily on discharge from regional ground water flow systems are the least vulnerable, because of the great buffering capacity of large ground water flow systems to climate change.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Farms that once spread only manures are now also applying sewage biosolids (sludge) and/or other wastes such as those from food processing. The objective of this study was to monitor environmental impacts at a dairy farm applying these materials. Fields were selected representing recent waste applications of manure (M1, M2), sewage biosolids (B1, B2), or fertilizer only control (F1, F2), although most fields had historical biosolids applications. Fields representing each treatment were not experimental replicates because of varying applications and soil characteristics. Septage and food processing wastes were also applied. Soil percolates were collected with wick lysimeters. Runoff was sampled at seven stream sites. Test field soils and alfalfa (Medicago sativa) were analyzed for trace elements. Cumulative trace metal loadings were low, at most only 1 percent of USEPA Part 503 limits. Surface soil enrichment was most evident for Mo, P, and S. Alfalfa tissue showed no trends of concern. The B2 site had the greatest percolate concentrations for 6 of 13 elements. Percolate Cu was somewhat elevated at Sites M1, M2, B2, and Fl. Percolate sodium was elevated on all M and B fields and sulfur was greatest at M2, B1, and B2. Soluble orthophosphate correlated with stream discharge during intensive monitoring of Stream Sites S1 (fertilizer) and S2 (biosolids). Peaks in S2 streamwater Mo lagged large runoff events by five days. Total streamwater export of Cu, Na, Mo, and soluble P were greater from the S2 biosolids subwatershed than from the S1 fertilizer subwatershed. Percolate concentrations exceeded corresponding streamwater concentrations in most cases.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper examines the social impact of reservoir construction on a rural community group located in the urban fringe of a major metropolitan area in central Ohio. The study data were collected at three intervals over a ten-year period (1970, 1974, 1980). Evaluation of resident opinions in the affected community revealed significant attitude differences over time for four of the five variables measured. The findings revealed that the study group desired more social stability but had accommodated the changes experienced to date. Responses to the attitude scales showed that the people in the study group were well integrated and were closely identified with each other at all three test periods. Attitudes toward the lake project were significantly more positive over time, and in 1980 the collective community group held a basically neutral attitude about the lake. The development agency was also perceived more positively over time.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Driven by increasing concerns about bacterial pollution from agricultural sources, states such as Virginia have initiated cost sharing programs that encourage the use of animal waste best management practices (BMPs) to control this pollution. Although a few studies have shown that waste management BMPs are effective at the field scale, their effectiveness at the watershed scale and over the long term is unknown. The focus of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of BMPs in reducing bacterial pollution at the watershed scale and over the long term. To accomplish this goal, a 1,163 ha watershed located in the Piedmont region of Virginia was monitored over a ten‐year period. Fecal coliforms (FC) and fecal streptococci (FS) were measured as indicators of bacterial pollution. A pre‐BMP versus post‐BMP design was adopted. Major BMPs implemented were manure storage facilities, stream fencing, water troughs, and nutrient management. Seasonal Kendall trend analysis revealed a significant decreasing trend during the post‐BMP period for FC concentrations at the watershed outlet, but not at the subwatershed level. Implementation of BMPs also resulted in a significant reduction in the geometric mean of FS concentrations. FC concentrations in streamflow at the watershed outlet exceeded the Virginia primary standard 86 and 74 percent of the time during pre‐BMP and post‐BMP periods, respectively. Corresponding exceedances for the secondary standard were 50 and 41 percent. Violations decreased only slightly during the post‐BMP period. The findings of this study suggest that although BMP implementation can be expected to accomplish some improvement in water quality, BMP implementation alone may not ensure compliance with current water quality standards.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: There are increasing concerns in the forestry community about global climate change and variability associated with elevated atmospheric CO2. Changes in precipitation and increases in air temperature could impose additional stress on forests during the next century. For a study site in Carteret County, North Carolina, the General Circulation Model, HADCM2, predicts that by the year 2099, maximum air temperature will increase 1.6 to 1.9°C, minimum temperature will increase 2.5 to 2.8°C, and precipitation will increase 0 to 10 percent compared to the mid‐1990s. These changes vary from season to season. We utilized a forest ecosystem process model, PnET‐II, for studying the potential effects of climate change on drainage outflow, evapotranspiration, leaf area index (LAI) and forest Net Primary Productivity (NPP). This model was first validated with long term drainage and LAI data collected at a 25‐ha mature loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) experimental watershed located in the North Carolina lower coastal plain. The site is flat with poorly drained soils and high groundwater table. Therefore, a high field capacity of 20 cm was used in the simulation to account for the topographic effects. This modeling study suggested that future climate change would cause a significant increase of drainage (6 percent) and forest productivity (2.5 percent). Future studies should consider the biological feedback (i.e., stomata conductance and water use efficiency) to air temperature change.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Recent research that couples climate change scenarios based on general circulation models (GCM) with Great Lakes hydrologic models has indicated that average water levels are projected to decline in the future. This paper outlines a methodology to assess the potential impact of declining water levels on Great Lakes waterfront communities, using the Lake Huron shoreline at Goderich, Ontario, as an example. The methodology utilizes a geographic information system (GIS) to combine topographic and bathymetric datasets. A digital elevation surface is used to model projected shoreline change for 2050 using water level scenarios. An arbitrary scenario, based on a 1 m decline from February 2001 lake levels, is also modeled. By creating a series of shoreline scenarios, a range of impact and cost scenarios are generated for the Goderich Harbor and adjacent marinas. Additional harbor and marina dredging could cost as much as CDN $7.6 million. Lake freighters may experience a 30 percent loss in vessel capacity. The methodology is used to provide initial estimates of the potential impacts of climate change that can be readily updated as more robust climate change scenarios become available and is adaptable for use in other Great Lakes coastal communities.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The listing of the Snake-Columbia River salmon under the Endangered species Cut will lead to a set of river management changes aimed at species recovery. One measure almost certain to be implemented is a periodic river drawdown. A drawdown will speed fish migration downriver but will also temporarily close the river to barge transportation. Grain shippers in the region rely on the barge carriage to move a significant share of annual production to export elevators on the Lower Columbia. A number of other bulk commodities utilize barges as well. This study outlines the aggregate and distributional economic implications of a suspension of barge transportation resulting from a river drawdown.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The history of the Milwaukee water pollution abatement program is examined as a case study to investigate the costs of conflicting environmental policy. The recent U.S. Supreme Court decision concerning the Milwaukee case is described as a milestone in U.S. water pollution abatement policy which will help preclude the type of environmental policy conflict which has been found to be so costly to Milwaukee. The implications to U.S. water pollution abatement policy of the 13-year history of conflict in Milwaukee are presented.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The State of Louisiana created in 1972 the Deep Draft Harbor and Terminal Authority (commonly called Superport Authority) to plan, promote, and develop a deepwater (crude oil) terminal off the coast of Louisiana, and empowered it to establish an Authority development program to promote the economic and social welfare of its citizens. Simultaneously, the Authority was also charged with developing an environmental protection plan to preserve the environmental values of Louisiana's unique coastal marshland while permitting beneficial industrial and economic development. Consequently, in January 1974, an Environmental Protection Plan was promulgated, consisting of a series of regulations, design standards, and operating procedures aimed specifically at protecting the fragile estuarine environment of coastal Louisiana during the construction and ultimate operation of the superport. The paper describes the development of the Superport Authority's Environmental Protection Plan and the current status of the superport project.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Environmental resources can be managed properly only by adopting a comprehensive approach. The whole environment must be considered as a single system, and prior to any action, all types of environmental impacts caused by it should be studied in detail. This paper underlines the close relationship between different environmental problems, analyzes existing management patterns, and proposes new alternatives whenever applicable. The different constraints, which have to be considered in the decision-making process while developing a plan, are also discussed. It is concluded that efforts neglecting the interaction among different aspects of the environment do not upgrade the quality of water, air, and land to any appreciable degree.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Toxicity testing is a means of establishing the environmental risk of a uranium tailings release. It is valuable in designing tailings containment structures because it assists in setting acceptable levels of risk for the design. This paper presents details of toxicity tests of the tailings from Ranger Uranium Mine, Northern Territory, Australia. The results suggest that the non-radiological toxicity of the tailings is low. The environmental risk of a tailings release is more likely to be related to the physical impacts of the tailings, including infilling of billabongs and changes in the sedimentology of riparian ecosystems rather than their biogeochemical impact. Two major results were: (1) water from treatment with washed tailing fines were not toxic to Hydra viridissima, and (2) mixtures of washed tailings fines and natural floodplain sediment (overlying water or elutriates) were not toxic to Hydra viridissima or Moinodaphnia macleayi.  相似文献   

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