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A novel mutualism between an ant-plant and its resident pollinator   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pollination systems in which the host plant provides breeding sites for pollinators, invariably within flowers, are usually highly specialized mutualisms. We found that the pollinating bee Braunsapis puangensis breeds within the caulinary domatia of the semi-myrmecophyte Humboldtia brunonis (Fabaceae), an unusual ant-plant that is polymorphic for the presence of domatia and harbours a diverse invertebrate fauna including protective and non-protective ants in its domatia. B. puangensis is the most common flower visitor that carries the highest proportion of H. brunonis pollen. This myrmecophyte is pollen limited and cross-pollinated by bees in the daytime. Hence, the symbiotic pollinator could provide a benefit to trees bearing domatia by alleviating this limitation. We therefore report for the first time an unspecialised mutualism in which a pollinator is housed in a plant structure other than flowers. Here, the cost to the plant is lower than for conventional brood-site pollination mutualisms where the pollinator develops at the expense of plant reproductive structures. Myrmecophytes housing resident pollinators are unusual, as ants are known to be enemies of pollinators, and housing them together may decrease the benefits that these residents could individually provide to the host plant.  相似文献   

Mobbing of predators occurs within a conspecific and heterospecific context but has not been quantified within the framework of a communication network and analysed with respect to heterospecific reciprocity. Here, we used playbacks of mobbing calls to show that mobbing is unequally distributed within a community of deciduous forest birds. Five species (great tit Parus major, blue tit Cyanistes caeruleus, marsh tit Poecile palustris, nuthatch Sitta europaea and chaffinch Fringilla coelebs) responded to each other’s playbacks of mobbing calls. Commitment to mob was measured by minimum distance, response latency and uttering of calls. Commitment was higher when conspecific calls were broadcast. Yet, responses to heterospecific calls were significantly different between the five species. Chaffinches had the lowest commitment, and blue tits tended to have the highest. The communication network is asymmetric. Some species invest more than they receive from other species. As mobbing might incur costs, these are unequally distributed across the community.  相似文献   

采用气体悬浮物粒子监测仪和NanoMoudi-Ⅱ125A型分级采样器对某封闭式博物馆进行颗粒物数浓度监测和颗粒物采样,测定了不同粒径段颗粒物中的主要离子组分。结果表明,监测期间粗颗粒物(粒径≥2.5μm)、细颗粒物(粒径在0.1~2.5μm之间)和超细颗粒物(粒径≤0.1μm)质量浓度分别为20.50~24.38μg/m3、23.39~24.08μg/m3和16.02~17.48μg/m3。颗粒物数浓度集中在粒径≤0.3μm范围,PM1数浓度占PM10数浓度的97%以上,游客扰动和清洁活动使粗颗粒物数浓度增加了8~172倍。SO42-、NO3-、NH4+峰值出现在0.32~0.56μm粒径段,Na+、Cl-分布较平均,K+峰值出现在0.32~0.56μm和3.2~5.6μm粒径段,Mg2+的峰值出现在3.2~5.6μm粒径段,Ca2+峰值出现在1.8~3.2μm粒径段;总有机酸根离子无明显峰值;乙酸根离子浓度为1.238μg/m3,高于甲酸根和乙二酸根。颗粒物的阳/阴离子比均值为2.83,说明阴离子测定可能有缺失,如碳酸盐等。颗粒物中水溶性离子浓度水平和粒径分布受游客影响不明显,受室外空气输送的影响较大。  相似文献   

洱海流域稻鸭共作对稻田温室气体排放和水稻产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
稻季是水旱轮作生态系统温室气体排放的主要时期,探索有效措施实现稻季温室气体减排和水稻增产已成为当前研究的热点.稻鸭共作是减少稻季温室气体排放的有效措施之一,而确定合理的稻鸭共作密度对确保洱海流域水稻产量基础上实现温室气体减排具有重要意义.该研究通过设置不同稻鸭共作密度试验,采取密闭静态箱—气相色谱法研究了稻鸭共作对温室气体排放规律、排放量及全球增温潜势(GWP)的影响.结果表明:水稻生育期,CH_4和N_2O均在分蘖期和结实期出现排放峰;CH_4排放通量、累计排放量和总排放量大小均为常规处理(CT)低密度鸭处理(LDD)高密度鸭处理(HDD)空白处理(CK),而N_2O为HDDLDDCTCK.与CT相比,CK、LDD、HDD的CH_4排放总量分别降低45%、18%、25%,N_2O排放总量分别降低8%、增加11%和37%,温室气体综合增温潜势分别降低41%、14%、17%.田面水DO、NH~+_4-N、NO~-_3-N及土壤温度是引起温室气体CH_4和N_2O排放差异的主要因素.不同处理的水稻产量为LDDCKCTHDD.合理的稻鸭共作密度降低CH_4排放,增加N_2O排放,减缓全球增温潜势,提高了水稻产量.兼顾水稻产量和温室气体减排效果,LDD处理综合效益最好.  相似文献   

Competitive and cooperative adsorption of arsenate and citrate on goethite   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The fate of arsenic in natural environments is influenced by adsorption onto metal (hydr)oxides. The extent of arsenic adsorption is strongly a ected by coexisting dissolved natural organic acids. Recently, some studies reported that there existed competitive adsorption between arsenate and citrate on goethite. Humic acid is known to interact strongly with arsenate by forming complexes in aqueous solution, hence it is necessary to undertake a comprehensive study of the adsorption of arsenate/citrate onto goethite in the presence of one another. The results showed that at the arsenate concentrations used in this study (0.006–0.27 mmol/L), citrate decreased arsenate adsorption at acidic pH but no e ect was observed at alkaline pH. In comparison, citrate adsorption was inhibited at acidic pH, but enhanced at alkaline pH by arsenate. This was probably due to the formation of complex between arsenate and citrate like the case of arsenate with humic acid. These results implied that the mechanism of the adsorption of arsenate and citrate onto goethite in the presence of one another involved not only competition for binding sites, but the cooperation between the two species at the watergoethite interface as well.  相似文献   

在天然气井钻井和井下作业施工中,由于井下或操作人员原因,稍有不慎就会形成井喷失控事故,带来经济损失和不良社会影响。介绍了一口天然气井由于管柱内失控形成井喷事故而处理成功的实例,以期对井控实际工作有所帮助。  相似文献   

We describe the first known embryo of a neoceratopsian dinosaur, perhaps the most ubiquitous Laurasian group of Cretaceous dinosaurs, which is preserved completely enclosed within an egg. This specimen was collected from Late Cretaceous beds of southern Mongolia, which commonly preserve fossils of the neoceratopsian, Yamaceratops dorngobiensis. The small egg was scanned using high-resolution X-ray computed tomography and digitally prepared from the matrix. The preserved and imaged elements support a diagnosis of the embryo to Neoceratopsia and allow preliminary observations of ontogenetic transformations within this group. The addition of an embryo also adds another important data point to the already impressive postnatal ontogenetic series that are available for this clade.  相似文献   

Benzene is a carcinogenic air pollutant for which European legislation has set an annual limit and criteria for the number of fixed monitoring sites within air quality networks(AQMN). However, due to the limited number of fixed sites for benzene measurement, exposure data are lacking. Considering the relationship between benzene levels and other variables monitored within an AQMN, such as NO2, O3, temperature, solar radiation, and accumulated precipitation, this study propo...  相似文献   

煤流化床气化的床内脱硫研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在φ100mm加压流化床气化装置上,进行了义马、大同、夏庄和南定4种煤及2种钙基脱硫剂的床内脱硫试验。结果表明,所选石灰石和白云做为床内脱硫剂是可行的,脱硫率随Ca/S摩尔比增加而提高,比为3达最大值。操作压力对脱硫率的影响与床层温度和CO2分压是有关,反应处于脱硫剂煅烧不受压力影响,在非煅烧区脱硫率随压力而降低。原煤中全硫增加脱硫效率提高。本试验范围所得脱硫率50-85%。  相似文献   

刘宇 《世界环境》2014,(1):21-24
<正>近些年,由于信息发布不对称以及公众对环保专业知识不了解所引发的环保舆论事件不断攀升。在这些事件中,各级环境保护主管部门在突发环保事件发生后与媒体的沟通解释都出现了不同问题,进而引发新的负面情况,甚至导致公众恐慌,引发信任危机。因此把握正确舆论导向,引导媒体采访,释放政府信息已经成为能决定突发事件处理效果的关键因素之一。  相似文献   

Flood risk management is becoming increasingly important, because more people are settling in flood-prone areas, and flood risk is increasing in many regions due to extreme weather events associated with climate change. It has been proposed that appropriately designed flood risk communication campaigns can stimulate floodplain inhabitants to prepare for flooding, and encourage adaptation to climate change. However, such campaigns do not always result in the desired action, and the effectiveness of communication in raising flood risk awareness and improving flood preparedness has hardly been studied. We evaluate different flood risk communication strategies, using an agent-based modelling approach, which is especially suitable for examining the effect of communication on each individual, and how flood risk communication can propagate through an individual’s social network. Our modelling results show that tailored, people-centred, flood risk communication can be significantly more effective than the common approach of top-down government communication, even when tailored communication reaches fewer individuals. Furthermore, communication on how to protect against floods, in addition to providing information about flood risk, is much more effective than the traditional strategy of communicating only about flood risk. Another main finding is that a person’s social network can have a significant effect on whether or not individuals take protective action. This leads to the recommendation that flood risk communication should aim at exploiting this natural amplifying effect of social networks, for instance, through the use of social media.  相似文献   

将中国共产党的基本工作路线——群众路线运用到党内以推进党内民主建设,既有着现实的可能性,也有着紧迫的必要性。将群众路线贯彻运用到党内以助推党内民主应从三方面着手:在思想和作风方面大胆使用批评和自我批评的有力武器,在党内培养民主作风、营造民主氛围;在组织方面建立统一完善的党员证制度,强化党员的身份认同、增强党员的主人翁意识;在制度方面切实尊重党员的主体地位、保障党员的各项民主权利。  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variability of nutrients and suspended solids were investigated for two years in a 1.8 km agricultural headwater stream, located by Chaohu Lake, southeastern China. The stream form was greatly modified by human activities into channelized, pond and estuary shapes. The stream could be divided into 4 channelized reaches(1.3 km), a pond reach(0.15 km) and 3 estuary reaches(0.36 km). It was found that nutrients and TSS concentrations in the stream showed temporal variability, and higher concentrations occurred in months with high precipitation and intensive agricultural activities. And, retention of total nitrogen ( TN ), nitrate ( NO3-N ),ammonium( NH4^ -N) and total suspended solids (TSS) predominantly occurred in the pond reach and estuary reaches with larger width and low current velocity. Pollutants retained in these reaches accounted for more than 50% of those retained in whole stream. The retention mostly happened in the rain-runoff events and it was 7 to 27 times than that in base flow. The results showed that the channelized reach was the most important source for pollutants release under either runoff or base flow, and its release accounted for more than 90% of whole stream release.There was a high spatial variability of nutrients retention in different channelized reaches. The channelized reach directly discharging into the pond did always retain nutrients and TSS under base flow and runoff conditions, whereas the other channelized reaches performed differently in different hydrological conditions. The high spatial and temporal variability of nutrients and TSS in the stream indicated that anthropogenic disturbance of the agricultural headwater stream, such as channelization and excavation, would be expected to decrease the capacity of nutrients retention in the stream.  相似文献   

木易  于学青 《环境》2005,(8):62-64
移动通信基站辐射的话题,本刊在第7期绿色通讯专题中已进行了初步探讨,从概念上对电磁辐射和辐射污染进行了解释和区分,消除了公众的一些误解。为帮助广大读者更深入地了解移动通信基站辐射问题,本刊记者走访了有关部门和电磁辐射研究专家。我们希望通过科学详实的数据,厘清人们对基站辐射的认识误区。  相似文献   

We have applied our multimarker approach of maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) and free-beta human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) for Down syndrome screening to multiple gestations to assess its efficacy for improved detection of twin and triplet pregnancies. This study matched 225 cases of twin pregnancy and 39 cases of triplet pregnancy each with ten singleton pregnancies based on gestational week, race, time to receive sample, time of year of sample, and geographical area. The ratios of the MOM for each group at the tenth, 50th, and 90th percentiles were compared by the Wilcoxon test. Risks for twins were calculated using Bayes' rule, the age-related incidence of twins, and the levels of AFP and free-beta hCG. The tenth, 50th, and 90th percentiles of free-beta hCG MOMs in twin and triplet cases were 0.85, 1.99, and 4.51, and 1.38, 2.78, and 4.07, respectively. For AFP, the MOMs at these percentiles were 1.26, 1.91, and 2.99, and 2.02, 2.68, and 5.30, respectively. The twin and triplet distributions for each marker were statistically significantly different from the singleton distributions (P<0.0001) and from each other (P=0.0012). At a twin risk cut-off of 1 in 50, 77.4 per cent of all twin gestations can be detected in a second-trimester AFP and free-beta hCG screening protocol with 5.1 per cent of singleton pregnancies falsely identified as at risk for twins. Our dual marker protocol for mid-trimester pregnancy screening combining AFP and free-beta hCG can identify over 77 per cent of twin pregnancies in women less than 35 years of age. This benefit may contribute to an improved outcome of pregnancy by early detection of multiple gestation.  相似文献   

论证限期治理是可诉的具体行政行为,探讨限期治理及其行政处罚的主体适格问题,通过对相关法律规范的剖析和质疑,澄清多种模糊认识,并提出一些建设性意见。  相似文献   

ERIC-PCR群落指纹图谱监测与常规技术相结合,分析了焦化废水处理系统曝气池的微生物群落结构动态变化与污染负荷和主要污染物降解效果变化的关系,在每3d1次,连续8个时间点的监测中,待处理废水中苯酚负荷在35.53mg/L和132.82mg/L之间波动,氰化物负荷从0.96mg/L变化到34.75mg/L,CODcr最低为1044.10mg/L,最高时为7930.90mg/L,第4监测期间高浓度矿物油冲击使活性污泥的沉降能力和对CODcr的降解效率显著降低,但对苯酚和氰化物的降解能力造成的影响较小.监测期间2个曝气池微生物群落的ERIC-PCR指纹图谱的平均相似性系数(Cs)分别为94.1%和96.6%,多样性指数在177—2.34和1.60—2.16之间,表明用ERIC-PCR检测出的该系统中的活性污泥这部分微生物种群的结构比较稳定,可能构成了苯酚和氰化物去除效率在监测期间相对稳定的基础。  相似文献   

近年来,随着社会经济生活的不断发展,人们的生活方式和居住环境都在发生着巨大的变化,环境噪声污染问题也越来越突出,也逐渐得到政府部门及城市普通居民的重视。国家修订了相关的噪声标准,用GB12348—2008《工业企业厂界环境噪声排放标准》取代了GB12348—90和GB12349—90。为了准确测量厂界噪声,引入噪声测量不确定度,通过对厂界噪声的测定分析,根据噪声背景值修正理论,分析修正的误差和测量不确定度,同时对厂界噪声测定不确定度作出评估。并提出为合理评价厂界噪声迭标与否.在噪声的监测报告中应对本次监测的不确定度进行评估。  相似文献   

在分析金沙江(云南段)环境现状和“十五”期间水质发展变化的基础上,提出金沙江(云南段)水环境保护的思路和实施重点。  相似文献   

通过查阅大量参考资料,根据地裂缝的成因机制与灾害特征,利用西安地区1989年第三季度—1990年第四季度的地裂缝实测数据,以四层内廊式横向框架结构模型为研究对象,采用SAP2000有限元软件,对地裂缝上的建筑结构进行内力变化和结构变形的分析和对比,从而标识出结构中最容易破坏的构件,为建筑结构设计提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

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