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The marine bivalve Lucinoma aequizonata (Lucinidae) maintains a population of sulfide-oxidizing chemoautotrophic bacteria in its gill tissue. These are housed in large numbers intracellularly in specialized host cells, termed bacteriocytes. In a natural population of L. aequizonata, striking variations of the gill colors occur, ranging from yellow to grey, brown and black. The aim of the present study was to investigate how this phenomenon relates to the physiology and numbers of the symbiont population. Our results show that in aquarium-maintained animals, black gills contained fewer numbers of bacteria as well as lower concentrations of sulfur and total protein. Nitrate respiration was stimulated by sulfide (but not by thiosulfate) 33-fold in homogenates of black gills and threefold in yellow gill homogenates. The total rates of sulfide-stimulated nitrate respiration were the same. Oxygen respiration could be measured in animals with yellow gills but not in animals with black gills. The cumulative data suggest that black-gilled clams maintained in the aquarium represent a starvation state. When collected from their natural habitat black gills contain the same number of bacteria as yellow gills. Also, no significant difference in glycogen concentrations of the host tissues was observed. Therefore, starvation is unlikely the cause of black gill color in a natural population. Alternative sources of nutrition to sulfur-based metabolism are discussed. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) performed on the different gill tissues, as well as on isolated symbionts, resulted in a single gill symbiont amplification product, the sequence of which is identical to published data. These findings provide molecular evidence that one dominant phylotype is present in the morphologically different gill tissues. Nevertheless, the presence of other phylotypes cannot formally be excluded. The implications of this study are that the gill of L. aequizonata is a highly dynamic organ which lends itself to more detailed studies regarding the molecular and cellular processes underlying nutrient transfer, regulation of bacterial numbers and host–symbiont communication. Received: 1 September 1999 / Accepted: 1 February 2000  相似文献   

Sulfur content and fine structure were studied for tissues of three species of clams, Lucinoma annulata, Calyptogena elongata and Lucina floridana, which inhabit sulfide-rich environments and whose gills harbor symbiotic sulfur bacteria. Lucinoma annulata and C. elongata were dredged from the Santa Barbara basin, California, USA, at a depth of 480 to 490 m, and Lucina floridana were dug from below the roots of seagrasses in Saint Joseph Bay, Florida, at a depth of 0.25 to 2m. Foot tissue of Lucinoma annulata, without symbionts, had a total sulfur content of 1.4±0.1 (SD) mg 100 mg-1 dry weight of tissue (%DW). The symbiont-containing gill tissue of different individuals of L. annulata varied in color from dark red to pale yellow, and the total sulfur content was 2.5±0.4% DW in red gills and was 5.6±3.3 % DW in the yellowest gills. Maintenance of L. annulata in the laboratory for 21 d in the absence of sulfide resulted in the loss from the gill of yellow deposits which were elemental sulfur in the form of liquid-crystalline sulfur globules rather than solid orthorhombic sulfur crystals. The foot tissue did not contain elemental sulfur. When examined by freeze-etch microscopy, sulfur globules were found only within bacteria and not in the animal host cytoplasm. Sulfur globules were confined to the periplasmic space of the bacteria. C. elongata and Lucina floridana resembled Lucinoma annulata in the physical form and distribution of elemental sulfur. The absence of elemental sulfur in the animal cytoplasm suggests that its formation from sulfide is not a detoxification scheme to protect animal tissue from sulfide toxicity. The sulfur deposits probably represent inorganic energy reserves that permit the symbiotic bacteria to function even during the temporary absence of external sulfide.  相似文献   

Populations of Mercenaria mercenaria (L.) from South Carolina, USA, and M. campechiensis (Gmelin) from the Gulf of Mexico, Florida, USA, were sampled in 1987. The two species differed at all of seven enzyme loci tested, as well as in the thickness of shell ridges and nacre color. The difference in lunule shape was not great, although differences in relative shell width, shell weight, and lunule size make morphometric discrimination between the species possible. Shell ridges, nacre color, and multivariate morphometrics in a sample of clams collected from the Indian River Lagoon on the Atlantic coast of Florida in 1985 do not assort independently. Individuals with thick ridges, white nacre, and/or campechiensis-like morphometrics have significantly different allele frequencies at most enzyme loci from individuals with thin ridges, purple nacre, and/or mercenaria-like morphometrics. The deviations are in the direction predicted from the analysis of the allopatric populations of M. mercenaria and M. campechiensis. M. mercenaria outnumber M. campechiensis in the Indian River sample, but the majority of the clams seem to be hybrids.Contribution No. 235 from South Carolina Marine Resources Center  相似文献   

Lucina pectinata is a large tropical clam living deeply burrowed in the black, reducing mud of mangrove swamps. It is known to possess hemoglobin in the cytoplasmic areas of its bacteriocytes, which harbor sulfide-oxidizing bacteria. The bacteriocytes also possess lysosome-like microbodies containing either membrane whorls or electron-dense granules in which free heme compounds have been identified. The cytochemical detection of acid phosphatase and arylsulphatase through EDX (energy-dispersive X-ray) microanalysis strongly suggests that the bacteriocytes of L. pectinata contain, in fact, two different types of microbodies. Some of these (devoid of dense granules) possess a variable amount of lysosomal enzymes and occasionally a limited quantity of iron, which may result from a recycling process of hemoglobin. Their main function seems to be the digestion of a limited proportion of symbiotic bacteria. They represent genuine secondary lysosomes with a functionally acidic pH. The second type of microbodies is characterized by dense granules containing sulfur and iron hemes but no lysosomal enzymes. Their sulfide-oxidizing activity was substantiated by benzyl viologen assay, with Na2S as a substrate. These microbodies appear to be similar to the sulfide-oxidizing bodies (SOBs) described in the bacteriocytes of other bivalve species with symbiotic thioautotrophic bacteria; however, their sulfide-oxidizing activity appears to be non-enzymatic. They are discrete organelles, characterized by a functionally basic pH and pseudoperoxidasic activity, and have been termed SOBs. Therefore, the bacteriocytes of L. pectinata possess at the same time functional lysosomes and functional SOBs. Received: 17 August 2000 / Accepted: 20 December 2000  相似文献   

Abstract:  Although land preservation and promotion of successful regeneration are important conservation actions, their ability to increase population growth rates of slow-growing, long-lived trees is limited. We investigated the demography of Taxus floridana Nutt., a rare understory conifer, in three populations in different ravine forests spanning its entire geographic range along the Apalachicola River Bluffs in northern Florida (U.S.A.). We examined spatial and temporal patterns in demographic parameters and projected population growth rates by using four years of data on the recruitment and survival of seedlings and established stems, and on diameter growth from cross-sections of dead stems. All populations experienced a roughly 10-fold increase in seedling recruitment in 1996 compared with other years. The fates of seedlings and stems between 8 and 16 mm differed among populations. The fates of stems in two other size classes (the 2- to 4-mm class and the 4- to 8-mm class) differed among both populations and years. Individual stems in all populations exhibited similarly slow growth rates. Stochastic matrix models projected declines in all populations. Stochastic matrix analysis revealed the high elasticity of a measure of stochastic population growth rate to perturbations in the stasis of large reproductive stems for all populations. Additional analyses also indicated that occasional episodes of high recruitment do not greatly affect population growth rates. Conservation efforts directed at long-lived, slow-growing rare plants like Taxus floridana should both protect established reproductive individuals and further enhance survival of individuals in other life-history stages, such as juveniles, that often do not appear to contribute greatly to population growth rates.  相似文献   

The functional status of organ systems involved into the processing of exogenous food is critical for the survival and growth of fish early life stages. The present study on laboratory-reared larval turbot, Scophthalmus maximus, provides an overview on the ontogeny of structure and functions involved in digestion, absorption and metabolism of nutrients. At start of exogenous feeding the intestine of larval turbot is anatomically differentiated, with enterocytes displaying an adult-type ultrastructure and being able to process lipids. At the microvillous border of the enterocytes, enzymes of contact digestion such as aminopeptidase are found. The ultrastructure of the exocrine pancreatic cells is fully differentiated from hatching onwards. Likewise, substantial activities of trypsin-type proteases are present. A stomach anlage exists in first-feeding larvae; however, the stomach becomes functional (appearance of gastric glands and pepsin secretion) only during metamorphosis. Liver parenchymal cells already display a functional ultrastructure during the endotrophic phase; with onset of exogenous feeding they develop pronounced diet-related changes of their energy stores. Larval respiration is not executed by the gills since respiratory surface of these structures develops only towards metamorphosis. The energy generation of larval muscle tissue depends on aerobic metabolism, whereas glycolytic activities start to increase at metamorphosis. In conclusion, two important patterns can be recognized in the development of turbot larvae: (1) The structure/function is differentiated at hatching or at the onset of exogenous feeding (afterwards it experiences mainly quantitative but not qualitative growth, i.e., intestine, exocrine pancreas, liver); or (2) the structure/function is absent in larvae and develops only during metamorphosis (i.e., gills, glycolytic muscle metabolism, stomach).  相似文献   

The lack of fundamental data on the abfrontal surface of bivalve gills has prompted a comparative study of cilia and mucocytes on this surface, using scanning electron microscopy and histology on eight species of bivalves, representing seven families and the four major gill types: Mytilus edulis, Modiolus modiolus, Arca zebra, Placopecten magellanicus, Crassostrea virginica, Spisula solidissima, Mercenaria mercenaria, and Mya arenaria. Abfrontal cilia and mucocytes were found in all species studied, with types and densities differing within and between gill types. The three species of homorhabdic filibranchs presented different densities of abfrontal cilia and mucocytes, from very dense in M. edulis to sparse in A. zebra. The heterorhabdic gills had intermediate cilia and mucocyte densities, with highest concentrations of both abfrontal cilia and mucocytes on the principal filaments. The eulamellibranchs showed low ciliary densities together with high mucocyte densities, especially in S. solidissima, where the abfrontal mucocytes were glandular. These results indicate that: (1) the abfrontal surface is a vestigial mucociliary surface; (2) the abfrontal surface cannot participate in water pumping in most species, due to low ciliary densities; and (3) species with high densities of abfrontal mucocytes could utilize abfrontal mucus to reduce drag, especially in the highly fused gills, such as those of the eulamellibranchs. The differing distributions of abfrontal cilia and mucocytes may reflect different selective pressures acting on the gills within the various taxa. Received: 12 February 2000 / Accepted: 10 September 2000  相似文献   

Assimilation efficiencies (AEs) and physiological turnover-rate constants (k) of six trace elements (Ag, Am, Cd, Co, Se, Zn) in four marine bivalves (Crassostrea virginica Gmelin, Macoma balthica Linnaeus, Mercenaria mercenaria Linnaeus, and Mytilus edulis Linnaeus) were measured in radiotracer-depuration experiments. Egestion rates of unassimilated elements were highest during the first 24 h of depuration and declined thereafter. Significant egestion of unassimilated Co, however, continued for up to 5 d in Macoma balthica, Mercenaria mercenaria and Mytilus edulis. With the exception of the extremely low values for 110 mAg, 109Cd, and 65Zn in C. virginica, physiological turnover-rate constants (k) showed no general pattern of variation among elements, bivalve species or food types, and were relatively invariant. Values from  ≤0.001 to 0.1 d−1 were observed, but excluding those for Co, most values were  ≤0.04 d−1. In all four species, the AEs of Ag, Am, and Co were generally lower than those of Cd, Se, and Zn. The AEs of Ag, Cd, Se, and Zn in these bivalves are directly related to the proportion of each element in the cytoplasmic fraction of ingested phytoplankton, indicating that >80% of elements in a prey alga's cytoplasm was assimilated. C. virginica, Macoma balthica, and Mercenaria mercenaria assimilated ∼36% of the Ag and Cd associated with the non-cytoplasmic (membrane/organelle) fraction of ingested cells in addition to the cytoplasmic fraction. The ratio of AE:k, which is proportional to the consumer–prey trace-element bioaccumulation factor (concentration in consumer:concentration in prey) was generally greater for Cd, Se, and Zn than for Ag, Am, and Co. This ratio was lowest in Mytilus edulis, suggesting that this bivalve, the most widely employed organism in global biomonitoring, is relatively inefficient at accumulating important elements such as Ag, Cd, and Zn from ingested phytoplankton. Received: 7 February 1997 / Accepted: 24 February 1997  相似文献   

The possible involvement of calmodulin-dependent processes in the control of Na+ and Cl- transport pathways has been investigated on isolated, perfused preparations of salt-transporting posterior gills of the euryhaline Chinese crab Eriocheir sinensis (collected near Emden, Germany in autumn 1990). The anti-calmodulin phenothiazine drugs Chlorpromazine and Trifluoperazine induced depolarization of the transepithelial potential only when added to the serosal bathing saline (socalled in). This effect is best interpreted by assuming a disturbance of the conductive Cl- pathways located at the baso-lateral side of the epithelium. In agreement with that conclusion is the fact that Trifluoperazine inhibits the Cl- transepithelial influx. Trifluoperazine also induces inhibition of the Na+ influx when added either to the incubation (out) or to the perfusion (in) medium. These results indicate inhibitory effects of the anticalmodulin drug on both the Na+/K+ pump and leak system located at the serosal side and on the Na+/H+ exchange located at the apical side of the epithelium.  相似文献   

W. Narchi 《Marine Biology》1973,19(4):332-337
Hiatella solida (Sowerby, 1834) is the only species of the genus Hiatella represented in Southern Brazilian waters. It occurs on the coast of São Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul. The bivalves were found nestling or attached by byssus threads to specimens of the sea squirt Polyandrocarpa zorritensis or between the tubes of the polychaete Phragmatopoma lapidosa in the intertidal zone. The structure, adaptation and functional morphology were studied in detail, including the functioning of the stomach. H. solida were found with mature ova in August.  相似文献   

A pterobranch hemichordate, Cephalodiscus sp., was collected from Bermuda just below the low-tide mark in July 1983 and again in October through December 1983. This is the third report of this genus in shallow water and the second for the Western Hemisphere. Specimens were observed alive in the laboratory. Colonies consist of zooids at various stages of development arranged in clusters inside a translucent, collagenous coenecium. Cilia-driven currents of the zooids are used in a method of filter-feeding similar to phylactolaemate bryozoans.  相似文献   

Larvae of the sabellariid polychaete Phragmatopoma californica (Fewkes), which were collected in San Diego, California and were competent to metamorphose after 18 to 30 d of development were observed in vivo by videoequipped light microscopy, and the fine structure of the larval tentacles was examined by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Each tentacle has tufts of at least two types of immotile cilia arranged in dorsolateral and ventrolateral rows, and a ventral groove covered by two types of motile cilia that beat independently of each other. The epidermis is regionalized into glandular, sensory, locomotory, and support cell types and contains four longitudinal bundles of basiepithelial nerve fibers. A layer of connective tissue separates the epidermis and the nerve tracts from obliquely striated muscles that occur within the peritoneum that lines the central coelomic cavities. The peritoneum forms an intact coelomic epithelium that overlies and interdigitates with the muscle cells, with no intervening basal lamina. The muscle cells are considered to be intraperitoneal because they are located above the basal lamina and they lack intercellular junctions with the peritoneal cells. Specialized peritoneal cells form a striated myoepithelial blood vessel that partitions the coelom into medial and lateral cavities. No neuromuscular junctions were found, but both muscular and ciliary movement seem to be under neuronal control. The basiepithelial nerve terminals appear to synapse into the connective tissue layer toward the intraperitoneal muscle. Several similarities in tissue organization are noted between the larval tentacles of P. californica and the tube feet of echinoderms. Observations on the ontogeny, morphology, and behavior of the tentacles suggest that they are multifunctional organs involved in feeding, construction of the juvenile sand tube, locomotion, attachment, and sensory perception during larval and adult lives.  相似文献   

A number of previous studies have shown that the relationships of symbiosis existing between mussels and microorganisms are directly dependent on the environmental conditions. However, little is known about existing relationships between mussels and bacteria in hydrocarbon-impacted marine environments. The aim of this preliminary study is to investigate the presence of oil-degrading bacteria in the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis during growth in polluted ecosystems. All the experiments were carried out in a mesocosm system designed to simulate chronic pollution and to enable direct exposure of mussels to chemicals. Quantitative (4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole, colony-forming units, Most Probable Number) analyses and screening (presence/absence) of metabolic functional genes were performed to analyse bacterial populations inside the gills of mussels exposed and not exposed to hydrocarbons. The data obtained show that the presence of hydrocarbons affected the abundance of bacteria inside the gills of specimens and determines selection for specific (hydrocarbon-degrading) bacteria (i.e. Alcanivorax sp. and Marinobacter sp.). However, is not yet clear whether the presence of such genera of bacteria inside the mussel is due to symbiosis or as a result of filtration.  相似文献   

Some Bosmina water flea species develop morphological antipredatory defenses, such as long antennules and a high carapace, but in Bosmina (Eubosmina) coregoni gibbera these traits are larger and more variable in females than in males. Here we propose that this sexual dimorphism derives from differential costs of hydrodynamic drag and selection for mobility in males. We tested this hypothesis by estimating drag of several Bosmina morphologies by using scale models sinking in glycerin of different concentrations and viscosities. Body forms included males, sexual and asexual females of B. c. gibbera, and males and asexual females of Bosmina (Eubosmina) longispina, a taxon with less variable body shape. For a given body length or body volume, male models had lower drag than models of sexual and asexual females, suggesting that males can swim 14-28% faster with the same energy consumption. Consistent with this conclusion, video recordings showed that males of B. c. gibbera advanced 55-73% farther than females in each swimming stroke. We conclude that hydrodynamic drag may have significant implications for swimming and evolution of sexual dimorphism in water fleas, and we suggest that males lack the defensive structures of females of B. c. gibbera (e.g., high carapaces) because competition over mates favors low drag.  相似文献   

Lysosomal, tissue and cellular alterations of the gill, the palp and the intestine epithelium of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (L.) collected from six stations along a closed estuarine system (Thermaikos Gulf, northern Greece) were monitored in May, August and December. Semi-quantitative evaluation of histopathological alterations was performed under the light microscope, while certain of the latter alterations were confirmed electron microscopically. In addition, morphometrical evaluation of the volume density of the lysosomes under the electron microscope was conducted. The observed alterations, as the detachment of gill epithelial cells from the basement membranes and the dilated extracellular spaces formed either between the lateral plasma membranes or between the infoldings of the basal plasma membrane in the palps and the intestine are possibly related to the degree of pollution at the examined stations. The particularly expanded extracellular spaces formed by basal plasma membrane infoldings in the intestine in spring may be attributable to red tide algal infection. On the other hand, differences in morphometric parameters of lysosomal structures indicated no direct relationships with pollution levels.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

The alimentary tract of the nauplius larva of Balanus spp. consists of cuticle-lined foregut and hindgut, with intervening endodermal midgut constricted into anterior and posterior regions. The anterior midgut cells in the region of the constriction (constriction cells) secrete proteins (probably digestive enzymes). The remaining anterior midgut cells, often containing lipid droplets, form the absorptive region of the tract. Glycoprotein globules and lipid droplets within anterior midgut cells are the remants of the yolk in a pre-hatched larva, this yolk additionally supporting the larva through the non-feeding first nauplius stage. Nauplius Stages II to VI are actively feeding planktonic stages which increase in size and build up lipid reserves. These accumulated reserves support the non-feeding cyprid, first through its planktonic life and then through settlement and subsequent metamorphosis to the juvenile barnacle. Juvenile barnacles start to feed between 2 and 5 days after metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Shell growth rate is an important component of fitness in bivalve molluscs. Using the parameter computed from the von Bertalanffy growth equation, we quantitatively compared rates of annual shell grwoth among the hard clams Mercenaria mercenaria, M. campechiensis, and their hybrids sampled from a variety of habitats in the Indian River lagoon, Florida, USA, a zone of species overlap and natural hybridization. Our results indicate that the classical paradigm describing hard clam growth, in which growth rate is fastest in M. campechiensis, intermediate in hybrids, and slowest in M. mercenaria is not supported in the Indian River lagoon. Instead, M. campechiensis has a growth advantage in deep-water habitats in the northern section of our study area. In the central and southern sections of our study area, hybrids have a growth advantage over M. mercenaria in shallow-water habitats, but M. mercenaria has a growth advantage over hybrids in deep-water habitats. In all other sampled habitats, either growth rate among genotype classes is equal, or M. mercenaria has a growth advantage. This complex relationship between genotype and habitat-specific growth provides a mechanism for selection to act on hard clams in the Indian River.  相似文献   

Summary Nymphs and adult females ofBlatta orientalis and nymphs ofEurycotis floridana produce a proteinaceous sticky secretion which accumulates on the last abdominal tergites. The proteic patterns do not differ between individuals of the same species. HPLC analyses show that all the common amino acids are found in both species, aspartic and glutamic acids representing 24 to 37% of the total amount of amino acids. InB. orientalis, glutamic acid is the more abundant amino acid whereas inE. floridana it is the aspartic acid. The secretion appears and accumulates rapidly on isolated insects. Behavioural assays revealed that these secretions have a defensive role.  相似文献   

Functional gene arrays (FGAs) are a special type of microarrays containing probes for key genes involved in microbial functional processes, such as biogeochemical cycling of carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, phosphorus, and metals, biodegradation of environmental contaminants, energy processing, and stress responses. GeoChips are considered as the most comprehensive FGAs. Experimentally established probe design criteria and a computational pipeline integrating sequence retrieval, probe design and verification, array construction, data analysis, and automatic update are used to develop the GeoChip technology. GeoChip has been systematically evaluated and demonstrated to be a powerful tool for rapid, specific, sensitive, and quantitative analysis of microbial communities in a high-throughput manner. Several generations of GeoChip have been developed and applied to investigate the functional diversity, composition, structure, function, and dynamics of a variety of microbial communities from different habitats, such as water, soil, marine, bioreactor, human microbiome, and extreme ecosystems. GeoChip is able to address fundamental questions related to global change, bioenergy, bioremediation, agricultural operation, land use, human health, environmental restoration, and ecological theories and to link the microbial community structure to environmental factors and ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

A number of species of macroalagae possess a flat, strap-like blade morphology in habitats exposed to rapidly-moving water whereas those at protected sites have a wider, undulate blade shape. We have explored the functional consequences of flat, narrow vs. wide, undulate blade morphologies in the giant bull kelpNereocystis luetkeana. Our study focused on the behavior of blades in ambient water currents and the consequences of that behavior to breakage and to photosynthesis. In flowing water, the narrow, flat blades flap with lower amplitude and collapse together into a more streamlined bundle than do wide, undulate blades, and hence experience lower drag per blade area at a given flow velocity. If the algae at current-swept sites had ruffled blades, drag forces would sometimes be sufficient to break the stipes. However, flat blades in a streamlined bundle experience more self-shading than do undulate blades, which remain spread out in water currents. Thus, there is a morphological trade-off between reducing drag and reducing self-shading. Photosynthetic14C-HCO3 uptake rates decrease in slow flow when the boundary layer along the blade surface across which diffusion takes place is relatively thick. However, blade flapping, which stirs water near the blade surface, enhances carbon uptake rates in slow water currents for both the undulate and the flat morphologies.  相似文献   

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