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固体废物处理技术涉及物理学、化学、生物学、机械工程等多种学科,主要处理技术有:(1)固体废物的预处理。主要包括固体废物的破碎、筛分、粉磨、压缩等工序;(2)物理法处理固体废物。可采用重力分选、磁力分选、电力分选、光电分选、弹道分选、摩擦分选和浮选等分选方法;(3)化学法处理固体废物。煅烧、焙烧、烧结、溶剂浸出、热分解、焚烧、电力辐射都属于化学处理方法;(4)生物法处理固体废物;(5)固体废物的最终处理。有焚化法、填埋法、海洋投弃法等,固体废物在填埋和投弃海洋之前尚需进行无害化处理。  相似文献   

从生活污水处理工艺出发介绍污泥产生的环节,探究污泥传统处置方法和资源化处置方法,同时对污泥源头减量化方法做了详细论述,最后分析了污泥处置成本的影响因素,对污泥环保处置提供参考与帮助.  相似文献   

通过对目前我国固体废弃物再生利用产业存在的问题及对其本身所具有的特点的分析 , 借鉴国外的经验 , 提出了国家发展固体废弃物再生利用应遵循的基本思路 . 实践得出的结论是 : 国家的政策引导、行政干预与建立固体废物再生利用统一市场相结合的市场运作模式是解决废弃物再生利用的有效方式 .  相似文献   

当前,针对固体废弃物的处理大多采取资源再利用的途径。通过资源再利用技术,不但可以进一步提升固体废弃物的价值最大化,而且对环境具有十分的友好性。鉴于此,主要针对城市固体废弃物资源再利用问题展开深入分析与研究。  相似文献   

从家具行业可持续发展角度出发,结合国内外经典案例,阐述了国内家具设计中对固体废弃物利用不足的现状,并从政策、企业、设计者和消费者4个角度,对固体废弃物在家具产品中的再生利用提出建议。  相似文献   

大多数工业固体废弃物富含SiO2,采用煅烧、酸处理、碱处理和酸碱联合处理实现SiO2的提取再利用是实现其资源化利用的重要发展方向.利用从工业固体废弃物提取的SiO2制备的白炭黑用途广泛,可作为橡胶和塑料的补强填充剂以及吸附剂等.本文总结了以几种富含SiO2的工业固体废弃物(硫酸铝废渣、黄磷炉渣、赤泥、高炉渣、粉煤灰等)...  相似文献   

分析了长三角区域固体废弃物产生和处置现状,以及利用现有工业窑炉开展协同处置的可行性,提出了构建固体废弃物"双协同"处置的初步设想,并提出了有关政策建议.  相似文献   

利用生命周期评价(LCA)工具对城市固体废弃物管理(MSWM)的环境影响进行定量评价,能够帮助城市管理者寻找到环境成本和经济成本最小的处理方式,国内外研究者为此做了大量的研究.就生命周期评价标准(2006)的研究领域和规模、功能单位、系统边界、相关软件与数据库等方面,对国内外研究文献进行对比分析后发现:现有研究存在较大差异;缺乏透明性、规范性将制约LCA广泛应用;政府、学术组织以及团体应在数据的可获得性、完整性、研究标准的统一等方面努力,并根据本区域的资源禀赋、地理差异选择最优的废弃物管理方式.  相似文献   

以矿化垃圾作为研究对象,对矿化垃圾填埋场进行综合治理,使填埋场垃圾得到资源化利用,将填埋场土地恢复使用,提升垃圾资源化利用后产生的经济效益。  相似文献   

刘淑君  贾宝库 《化工环保》1996,16(4):210-213
辽宁轮胎厂对动力站噪声进行分步进行治理,通过采取吸声、消声和隔声措施,使动力站的混响噪声得到了大幅度下降,达到了国家标准,取得了预期的效果。  相似文献   

An in situ compost biofilter was established for the treatment of odors from biostabilization processing of municipal solid waste. The concentrations of total volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in odors and their components were measured. Biofilter media was characterized in terms of total carbon (TC), total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), organic matter (OM), pH value and determination of bacterial colony structure. Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis showed that the main components of the produced gas were benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) along with other alkanes, alkenes, terpenes, and sulphur compounds. The compost biofilter had remarkable removal ability for alkylated benzenes (>80%), but poor removal for terpenes (~30%). Total VOC concentrations in odors during the biostabilization process period ranged from 0.7 to 87 ppmv, and the VOC removal efficiency of the biofilter varied from 20% to 95%. After about 140 days operation, TN, TC, TP and OM in compost were kept almost stable, but the dissolved N, NH4–N and NO3–N experienced an increase of 44.5%, 56.2% and 76.3%, respectively. Dissolved P decreased by 27.3%. The pH value experienced an increase in the early period and finally varied from 7.38 to 8.08. Results of bacterial colony in packing material indicated that bacteria and mold colony counts increased, but yeasts and actinomyces decreased along with biofilter operation, which were respectively, 3.7, 3.4, 0.04 and 0.07 times of their initial values.  相似文献   

Although the concern with sustainable development and environment protection has considerably grown in the last years it is noted that the majority of decision making models and tools are still either excessively tied to economic aspects or geared to the production process. Moreover, existing models focus on the priority steps of solid waste management, beyond waste energy recovery and disposal. So, in order to help the lack of models and tools aiming at the waste treatment and final disposal, a new concept is proposed: the Cleaner Treatment, which is based on the Cleaner Production principles. This paper focuses on the development and validation of the Cleaner Treatment Index (CTI), to assess environmental performance of waste treatment technologies based on the Cleaner Treatment concept. The index is formed by aggregation (summation or product) of several indicators that consists in operational parameters. The weights of the indicator were established by Delphi Method and Brazilian Environmental Laws. In addition, sensitivity analyses were carried out comparing both aggregation methods. Finally, index validation was carried out by applying the CTI to 10 waste-to-energy plants data. From sensitivity analysis and validation results it is possible to infer that summation model is the most suitable aggregation method. For summation method, CTI results were superior to 0.5 (in a scale from 0 to 1) for most facilities evaluated. So, this study demonstrates that CTI is a simple and robust tool to assess and compare the environmental performance of different treatment plants being an excellent quantitative tool to support Cleaner Treatment implementation.  相似文献   

Decrease of fossil fuel dependence and resource saving has become increasingly important in recent years. From this perspective, higher recycling rates for valuable materials (e.g. metals) as well as energy recovery from waste streams could play a significant role substituting for virgin material production and saving fossil resources. This is especially important with respect to residual waste (i.e. the remains after source-separation and separate collection) which in Denmark is typically incinerated. In this paper, a life-cycle assessment and energy balance of a pilot-scale waste refinery for the enzymatic treatment of municipal solid waste (MSW) is presented. The refinery produced a liquid (liquefied organic materials and paper) and a solid fraction (non-degradable materials) from the initial waste. A number of scenarios for the energy utilization of the two outputs were assessed. Co-combustion in existing power plants and utilization of the liquid fraction for biogas production were concluded to be the most favourable options with respect to their environmental impacts (particularly global warming) and energy performance. The optimization of the energy and environmental performance of the waste refinery was mainly associated with the opportunity to decrease energy and enzyme consumption.  相似文献   

Integrated waste management--looking beyond the solid waste horizon   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Waste as a management issue has been evident for over four millennia. Disposal of waste to the biosphere has given way to thinking about, and trying to implement, an integrated waste management approach. In 1996 the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) defined 'integrated waste management' as 'a framework of reference for designing and implementing new waste management systems and for analysing and optimising existing systems'. In this paper the concept of integrated waste management as defined by UNEP is considered, along with the parameters that constitute integrated waste management. The examples used are put into four categories: (1) integration within a single medium (solid, aqueous or atmospheric wastes) by considering alternative waste management options, (2) multi-media integration (solid, aqueous, atmospheric and energy wastes) by considering waste management options that can be applied to more than one medium, (3) tools (regulatory, economic, voluntary and informational) and (4) agents (governmental bodies (local and national), businesses and the community). This evaluation allows guidelines for enhancing success: (1) as experience increases, it is possible to deal with a greater complexity; and (2) integrated waste management requires a holistic approach, which encompasses a life cycle understanding of products and services. This in turn requires different specialisms to be involved in the instigation and analysis of an integrated waste management system. Taken together these advance the path to sustainability.  相似文献   

Cost estimation is a basic requirement for planning municipal solid waste management systems. The variety of organizational, financial and management schemes and the continuously developing technological advancements render the economic analysis a complex task, made more complex by the scarcity of real cost data. The objectives of this paper were: (1) to explore the problems arising in getting cost estimates from scattered and limited published data; (2) to suggest a procedure for generating cost functions relating initial set-up cost and operating cost with facility size; and (3) to present such cost functions, relevant to European states, for selected types of solid waste treatment and disposal facilities. Regarding the problems of available scarce data, one needs to deal with cost figures which correspond to facilities with variations in size, technology, year of construction, working conditions, level of technological automation, environmental impacts, social acceptance, capacity utilization rate, composition of inflowing waste, waste management policies, degree of compliance with quality standards, etc. The paper addresses this issue and discusses the proper use of statistical analyses in such cases of fragmented data; moreover, it points out some usual misuses of statistics by analysts and the danger of getting erroneous results. The suggested process for generating cost functions acceptable to the decision-makers is pivoted around the question of acceptable approximation level. Finally, approximate cost curves are suggested for waste-to-energy facilities, landfilling facilities, anaerobic digestion facilities and composting facilities.  相似文献   

The issue addressed in this paper consists in the localization and dimensioning of transfer stations, which constitute a necessary intermediate level in the logistic chain of the solid waste stream, from municipalities to the incinerator. Contextually, the determination of the number and type of vehicles involved is carried out in an integrated optimization approach. The model considers both initial investment and operative costs related to transportation and transfer stations. Two conflicting objectives are evaluated, the minimization of total cost and the minimization of environmental impact, measured by pollution. The design of the integrated waste management system is hence approached in a multi-objective optimization framework. To determine the best means of compromise, goal programming, weighted sum and fuzzy multi-objective techniques have been employed. The proposed analysis highlights how different attitudes of the decision maker towards the logic and structure of the problem result in the employment of different methodologies and the obtaining of different results. The novel aspect of the paper lies in the proposal of an effective decision support system for operative waste management, rather than a further contribution to the transportation problem. The model was applied to the waste management of optimal territorial ambit (OTA) of Palermo (Italy).  相似文献   

Hydrothermal treatments using subcritical water (HTSW) such as that at 234 °C and 3 MPa (LT condition) and 295 °C and 8 MPa (HT condition) were investigated to recover solid fuel from municipal solid waste (MSW). Printing paper, dog food (DF), wooden chopsticks, and mixed plastic film and sheets of polyethylene, polypropylene, and polystyrene were prepared as model MSW components, in which polyvinylchloride (PVC) powder and sodium chloride were used to simulate Cl sources.While more than 75% of carbon in paper, DF, and wood was recovered as char under both LT and HT conditions, plastics did not degrade under either LT or HT conditions. The heating value (HV) of obtained char was 13,886-27,544 kJ/kg and was comparable to that of brown coal and lignite. Higher formation of fixed carbon and greater oxygen dissociation during HTSW were thought to improve the HV of char.Cl atoms added as PVC powder and sodium chloride to raw material remained in char after HTSW. However, most Cl originating from PVC was found to converse into soluble Cl compounds during HTSW under the HT condition and could be removed by washing.From these results, the merit of HTSW as a method of recovering solid fuel from MSW is considered to produce char with minimal carbon loss without a drying process prior to HTSW. In addition, Cl originating from PVC decomposes into soluble Cl compound under the HT condition. The combination of HTSW under the HT condition and char washing might improve the quality of char as alternative fuel.  相似文献   

Pretreatment of municipal solid waste prior to landfilling   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
An outdoor pilot-scale study was undertaken to pretreat municipal solid waste by windrow composting. The raw waste was introduced to active composting without any source separation or pulverization. Pretreatment indicators were developed and used as a tool to measure the optimum level of sorting and waste stabilization. The moisture content of the waste dropped from 68% to 61% and the pile attained a thermophilic temperature in one week. It was observed that the C/N ratio, pH profile and temperature gradients were comparable to that of traditional windrow composting. Within one week of active bulk composting, the easily degradable organic matter was consumed and there was a significant reduction in the bulk volume of the mixed waste. The pre-composted wastes were then sorted into four fractions. Compared to the initial untreated waste, the pretreated waste showed greater sorting efficiency and reduced volatile solids. A 1-m3 cage was used to study pile settlement and volume reduction. The results indicate that pretreatment by bulk composting could reduce by ≈40% the total mass of waste hauled to landfill sites in developing countries.  相似文献   

介绍了河北马头电厂废水处理工艺系统流程、设计及系统调试运行指标。处理后的电厂废水作为循环冷却水的补水,减少了新鲜水用量和污水排放量,对北方地区厂区废水回收利用具有借鉴意义,在火电厂废水资源利用方面有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

A number of LCA-based studies have reported on the environmental performance of landfilling of mixed waste, but little is known about the relative contributions of individual waste fractions to the overall impact potentials estimated for the mixed waste. In this paper, an empirical model has been used to estimate the emissions to the environment from landfilling of individual waste fractions. By means of the LCA-model EASEWASTE, the emissions estimated have been used to quantify how much of the overall impact potential for each impact category is to be attributed to the individual waste fractions. Impact potentials are estimated for 1 tonne of mixed waste disposed off in a conventional landfill with bottom liner, leachate collection and treatment and gas collection and utilization for electricity generation. All the environmental aspects are accounted for 100 years after disposal and several impact categories have been considered, including standard categories, toxicity-related categories and groundwater contamination.Amongst the standard and toxicity-related categories, the highest potential impact is estimated for human toxicity via soil (HTs; 12 mPE/tonne). This is mostly caused by leaching of heavy metals from ashes (e.g. residues from roads cleaning and vacuum cleaning bags), batteries, paper and metals. On the other hand, substantial net environmental savings are estimated for the categories Global Warming (GW; ?31 mPE/tonne) and Eco-Toxicity in water chronic (ETwc; ?53 mPE/tonne). These savings are mostly determined by the waste fractions characterized by a high content of biogenic carbon (paper, organics, other combustible waste). These savings are due to emissions from energy generation avoided by landfill gas utilization, and by the storage of biogenic carbon in the landfill due to incomplete waste degradation.  相似文献   

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