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Effects of lime [Ca(OH)2] stabilization upon the pathogenic population in accumulated solids associated with the operation of two aerated wastewater lagoons in Alaska and two facultative wastewater lagoons in northern Utah were evaluated. The subsequent drying, at a temperature of 12 °C, of the lime stabilized sludges on sand and soil beds was also investigated. The lime stabilization of the lagoon sludges was evaluated by dosing the sludges with lime and applying sludges to bench scale drying beds. Lime addition produced high fecal coliform reduction, and the limed sludges readily dewatered on both sand and soil beds.  相似文献   

Using household-level survey data, this study investigates farmers’ perceptions on untreated wastewater use for irrigation of vegetable farms in urban and peri-urban Kumasi of Ghana. Empirical results from an ordered probit model show that there is some relationship between personal characteristics of farmers such as age, education and gender, and perceptions of farmers on health-related risks of untreated wastewater use for irrigation. Policy efforts should be geared toward updating the knowledge, skills and attitudes of producers through frequent training and workshops so that wastewater irrigation farmers in Ghana would better appreciate health-related risks of waster irrigation and how to adopt risk mitigating strategies. Further research for a more in-depth analysis on those relationships in the short-term with immediate emphasis on improving adoption of safer irrigation technologies among wastewater irrigation farmers is recommended.  相似文献   

A hydrodynamic field study of the Segara Anakan lagoon combined with a reconstruction of the recorded data using a three-dimensional numerical model provides insights into the processes driving the hydrodynamics of the lagoon. This includes bathymetry, quantification of water volume fluxes with ADCP measurements, sea level recordings, salinity measurements, water budget and numerical model results for the periods of the field studies. Salinity measurements at the Klaces village show a complete flushing of the western lagoon during neap tide in the rainy season, which is assumed to increase the sedimentation. Mean salinities of the western part are in the order of 10 and 21 g/kg, while the eastern part has a larger mean salinity of 27 and 32 g/kg for the rainy and dry season, respectively. A numerical sensitivity study shows a relationship between the Citanduy discharge and the nett water volume transport between the eastern and western part of Segara Anakan. A nett transport to the west, which differs from neap to spring tides, turns to zero when Citanduy discharges are between 300 and 400 m3/s. The flushing time of the lagoon depends on the monsoon season and is about 1–3 days at the western outlet and increases to 12 days in the central parts.  相似文献   

Five plants were examined for their ability to remove nutrients from aquaculture wastewater and suitability as fish feed: alfalfa, white clover, oat, fall rye, barley. The seeds were first germinated in water in a hydroponic system, and the plants were fed wastewater from Tilapia production facility. Clover and alfalfa seeds were infected with fungus shortly after germination, and their roots were completely destroyed by day 14. Oat, rye and barley had the fastest growth and showed greater tolerance to fungal disease compared with alfalfa and clover. Although substantial amounts of soluble and insoluble substances were released by the seeds during the germination period, the plants were able to remove all the pollutants in wastewater and significant portions of those released substances. The total reductions in total solids, COD, NO3-N, NO2-N, phosphate and potassium ranged from 54.7% to 91.0%, 56.0% to 91.5%, 82.9% to 98.1%, 95.9% to 99.5%, 54.5% to 93.6% and 99.6% to 99.8%, respectively. Oat, barley and rye grow well in this type of hydroponic system and can be used as a fish feed after being supplemented with fat, Ca, Na, Mn and Fe. Oil seeds and the chlorides of these elements could be added to these plants when formulating the fish feed. For a continuous operation, a two-unit system could be configured to allow for one week germination and one week cleaning and startup in one unit while the other unit is in operation.  相似文献   

The study reported and analyzed the current state of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in urban China from the perspective of treatment technologies, pollutant removals, operating load and effluent discharge standards. By the end of 2013, 3508 WWTPs have been built in 31 provinces and cities in China with a total treatment capacity of 1.48 × 108 m3/d. The uneven population distribution between China's east and west regions has resulted in notably different economic development outcomes. The technologies mostly used in WWTPs are AAO and oxidation ditch, which account for over 50% of the existing WWTPs. According to statistics, the efficiencies of COD and NH3–N removal are good in 656 WWTPs in 70 cities. The overall average COD removal is over 88% with few regional differences. The average removal efficiency of NH3–N is up to 80%. Large differences exist between the operating loads applied in different WWTPs. The average operating loading rate is approximately 83%, and 52% of WWTPs operate at loadings of < 80%, treating up to 40% of the wastewater generated. The implementation of discharge standards has been low. Approximately 28% of WWTPs that achieved the Grade I-A Discharge Standard of Pollutants for Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant (GB 18918–2002) were constructed after 2010. The sludge treatment and recycling rates are only 25%, and approximately 15% of wastewater is inefficiently treated. Approximately 60% of WWTPs have capacities of 1 × 104 m3/d–5 × 104 m3/d. Relatively high energy consumption is required for small-scale processing, and the utilization rate of recycled wastewater is low. The challenges of WWTPs are discussed with the aim of developing rational criteria and appropriate technologies for water recycling. Suggestions regarding potential technical and administrative measures are provided.  相似文献   

The dairy industry is among the most polluting industries as it produces large volume of wastewater that may adversely affect the environment if discharged untreated. Dairy wastewater is characterized by high COD, BOD and nutrient levels. In this study, water treatment sludge was used as a coagulant for the treatment of synthetic dairy wastewater in the pH range of 4–10. Turbidity, COD, BOD, TSS and TDS removals from the synthetic dairy wastewater were found to be around 93, 65, 67, 84 and 85%, respectively, at the optimum conditions. Water treatment sludge was found to perform even better than other conventional coagulants used for the same. Results showed that it has the potential to substitute the conventional coagulants partially or fully in the primary treatment of dairy wastewater. The utilization of water treatment sludge at dairy wastewater treatment plants would provide sustainable sludge management and cost-effective dairy wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effectiveness of aerobic biological treatment in removal of nitrogen, phosphorous, and heavy metals from a unique anaerobic liquid waste, produced at a solid waste-to-methane anaerobic digestion facility. Laboratory scale continuous flow activated sludge reactors were employed in this study. The liquid waste has moderate BOD/COD ratio with BOD concentration of 1300 mg/L and high concentration of essential nutrients, making the liquid waste biologically treatable. Results showed that aerobic biological treatment can remove nitrogen and phosphorous on the order of 85%. Metal removal efficiencies vary widely for 11 metals studied in this investigation.  相似文献   

Triclosan (TCS) is an antimicrobial agent widely used in many personal care products. This study investigated the occurrence of TCS in effluents, biosolids and surface waters, and its fate in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). The aqueous concentrations of TCS in nineteen effluents from Australian WWTPs ranged from 23 ng/L to 434 ng/L with a median concentration of 108 ng/L, while its concentrations in nineteen biosolids ranged from 0.09 mg/kg to 16.79 mg/kg on dry weight basis with a median concentration of 2.32 mg/kg. The removal rates for TCS in five selected WWTPs were found to range between 72% and 93%. Biological degradation was believed to be the predominant removal mechanism for TCS in the WWTPs. However, adsorption onto sludge also played a significant role in the removal of TCS in the WWTPs. TCS at concentrations up to 75 ng/L was detected in surface waters (outfall, upstream, and downstream) from five rivers receiving effluent discharge from WWTPs. Preliminary risk assessment based on the worst-case scenario showed that the TCS concentrations in surface waters might lead to risks to aquatic organisms such as algae. Based on the TCS levels in the biosolids, application of biosolids on agricultural land may also cause adverse effects in the soil environment.  相似文献   

This study reports the results of a screening survey of perfluoroalkyl compounds (PFCs) in the Danish environment. The study included point sources (municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants and landfill sites) and the marine and freshwater environments. Effluent and influent water and sewage sludge were analysed for point sources. Sediment, blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and liver from plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), flounder (Platichthys flesus) and eel (Anguilla anguilla) were analysed for the freshwater and marine environments. The results obtained show a diffuse PFCs contamination of the Danish environment with concentrations similar to those measured in other countries with the absence of primary contamination sources such as fluorochemical production. PFOS and PFOA were generally the most dominating PFCs measured in both point sources and the aquatic environments. PFCs were found in both inflow and outflow water and sewage sludge from municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), indicating that WWTPs can be significant sources to PFCs in the environment. This is also reflected in the locally elevated PFCs concentrations found in fish like eels from shallow freshwater and marine areas. However, the highest PFCs concentrations found in fish in this study was in plaice from the Skagerrak (156 ng/g wet weight PFOS), but it is unknown if this can be related to significant sources in the North Sea region or to differences between species. The concentrations of PFCs were below the detection limit in all analysed freshwater and marine samples of sediment and mussels. Despite the relatively low PFCs concentrations measured in marine fish, the high bioaccumulation potential of PFCs, particularly PFOS, may lead to high concentrations of PFCs in marine mammals as shown by previous investigations.  相似文献   

Since the early 1990s in the lagoon of Venice, especially in the central basin, the surface sediment underwent high re-suspension and sedimentation changes and water turbidity increased both because of the disappearance of the macroalgal coverage and the harvesting of the Manila clam Tapes philippinarum Adams and Reeve, which had rapidly colonised the bottom free of macrophytes. Clams are harvested with hydraulic and mechanical dredges which remove and re-suspend surface sediments causing the transport and loss of the finest materials. Sediment transport and re-deposition in the lagoon have been monitored with sediment traps placed onto the bottoms near the Malamocco mouth (st. A), the Lido watershed (st. B) and the mainland (sts. C and D). From 1989-1993 to 1998-1999 sedimentation rates increased significantly at st. A (from 41 to 228 kg DW m(-2) year(-1)), st. B (from 65 to 760 kg DW m(-2) year(-1)) and st. C (from 140 to 721 kg DW m(-2) year(-1)), while at st. D sedimentation rates increased only by ca. 20%. In parallel sediment grain-size changed with a loss of the finest fraction especially near the mainland. The erosion or sedimentation status, acquired by utilizing sedimentation devices placed onto the bottoms, showed that sts. B, C, D were affected by sediment losses, while st. A, populated by seagrasses and characterised by seasonal variations which depend on the shoot development, did not show any significant bathymetric change on an annual basis. The highest sediment erosion was recorded at st. D (ca. 3.6 cm year(-1)) whereas a loss of ca. 1.5 and 0.5 cm year(-1) was found at sts. C and B, respectively, which accounted for a mean loss in the central lagoon of ca. 1.2 million tonnes year(-1). Those data agree with the previous indirect estimation of sediment loss which was based on the number of fishing boats operating in the lagoon on an annual basis.  相似文献   

This review provides an innovative approach of treating palm oil mill effluent (POME) from open pond and closed anaerobic sludge reactor for generation of green energy in the form of biogas containing methane. Improper techniques for the treatment and management of POME produce hazards to people and contribute to global warming. In all over the world, the total crude oil palm production in the countries like Malaysia, Indonesia, Africa, Latin America, Asian countries, Solomons and other were around 51, 31, 7, 6, 3, 2 and 1% compared with soya 41.8% and coconut 3.48%, respectively. In the year 2014–15, Malaysia generated at least 87.8 million tonnes of palm effluent per year. Various studies reveal that about 80% of palm effluent is disposed off partially treated in open dumps. The generated certified emission reductions (CERs) estimated and favoured the treatment of POME in anaerobic reactor by replacing open lagoon of aerobic system for cleaner production. The clean development mechanism (CDM) encourages the utilisation of upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors for POME treatment and methane capture to earn CER credits as a source of revenue.  相似文献   

The Jahra Plant was commissioned in 1981 as a secondary treatment plant employing the extended aeration process. The plant has been upgraded since that time by constructing additional tertiary filtration units to improve effluent quality. The plant has a design capacity of 66 000 m3/d. At present, the daily inflow to the plant is about 47 000 m3/d of domestic sewage. The sludge produced at the Jahra Plant can be classified as excess activated sludge which combines the primary and secondary solids. At present, there are 30 drying beds receiving about 100 m3 of sludge dally. Sewage-sludge production represents about 0.5% of the total flow treated at the plant and is increasing yearly with increases in population and water consumption. Present dewatering systems are not adequate to cope with expansion in sewage treatment. Increasing the capacity of the existing plant would require more drying beds that could exacerbate existing odor problems. Some dewatering systems, such as the belt filter press and the centrifuge, have been tested to determine the most effective one under local conditions. Appropriate polymer doses for thickening have been determined. This paper describes present sludge dewatering units and operating techniques which have been developed during the operation of this facility.  相似文献   

This work evaluated the sludge potential of the Wastewater Treatment Plant (ETA) in the city of Brasília to be used as a fuel by gasification. It is known that ETA sludge is a significant environmental liability, since current legislation restricts its final disposal. For this, the chemical characterisation of ETA sludge was performed by immediate and elemental analysis. No traces of heavy metals were observed, and the moisture (ω) and ash contents were 31.17 and 51.77%, respectively, different from those already reported in the literature because the composition depends on the water treatment technology employed. The gasification process was numerically simulated; once dry, it constitutes a residue with an energy content (HHV) of 22.4498 MJ kg?1, comparable with other types of biomass currently used for large-scale energy generation by thermochemical processes (e.g. agricultural residues, wood and sugar cane bagasse). For the numerical simulation with an equivalence ratio (Φ) near 3, higher concentrations of CO and H2 can only be achieved with ω lower than 15%. The results showed that gasification can be an attractive option for the disposal and use of a renewable waste resource, such as ETA sludge, in an environmentally safe way, and it is allowed by local legislation.  相似文献   

Jiao  Youzhou  Xue  Huizan  He  Chao  Wang  Zigang  Ma  Xiaoran  Liu  Xinxin  Liu  Liang  Chang  Chun  Petracchini  Francesco  Li  Panpan 《Environment, Development and Sustainability》2022,24(4):4709-4726
Environment, Development and Sustainability - Anaerobic digestion (AD) is an attractive straw resource treatment technology as it can improve the utilization efficiency of straw resource. Raw straw...  相似文献   

A method was developed for the simultaneous determination of almost 40 pharmaceuticals; including antidepressants, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, analgesics, hypolipidemics, α- and β-blockers, an anti cancer drug, anti-fungal agents, an opiate, an antibiotic, an anti-coagulant, a diuretic, an anti-anginal and an anti-diabetic compound. This was used to assess the contribution of pharmaceuticals originating from hospital effluents to one of Oslo city's wastewater treatment works. Some pharmaceuticals were found to contribute to more of the wastewater loading than others. 11% of the propranolol entering the wastewater treatment works stems from hospital effluent, approximately 2% of the atenolol, carbemazepine, metaprolol and atorvastatin, and for several other compounds the contribution is less than 1%.This assessment shows that point sources discharges from hospitals typically make a small contribution to the overall pharmaceutical load when compared to municipal areas, however this varies from substance to substance and is not the case when a drug's use is primarily hospital based.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - Recently, laser radiation and nanomaterials have been utilized to improve biogas yield via anaerobic digestion of herd’s manure through...  相似文献   

The concentrations of total, inorganic and organic carbon in the surface sediment of the central part of the Venice lagoon (31-55 stations) during the month of June in 1987, 1993 and 1998 were recorded. In two stations: San Giuliano and Lido, samples were collected on a monthly basis for 1 year also in different periods. On an average, by considering the whole central lagoon, inorganic carbon (IC) and total carbon (TC) did not show significant changes. In contrast organic carbon (OC) had alternating trends showing a decrease from 1987 to 1993, due to the almost complete disappearance of huge macroalgal biomasses, and a marked increase from 1993 to 1998, because of the high sediment disturbance caused by the catching of the clam Tapes philippinarum Adams & Reeve which had colonised the sediment free of macrophytes. The carbon changes monitored in the two stations studied on a seasonal basis during different years not only confirmed such results, but also enhanced the effects of fishing activities at Lido station and those depending on the disappearance of macroalgae at S. Giuliano. Moreover, this paper underlines the importance of seagrass beds. In fact in the areas colonised by those plants the percentage of fine sediments and organic matter is on the increase, while erosive processes are contrasted.  相似文献   

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