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The data from a previous experiment carried out in open-top chambers to assess the effects of ozone (O3) exposure on growth and physiology of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) were re-assessed to test the performance of the EMEP O3 stomatal conductance model used to estimate tree O3 uptake at a European scale. Aleppo pine seedlings were exposed during three consecutive years to three different O3 treatments: charcoal filtered air, non-filtered air and non-filtered air supplemented with 40 nl l(-1). The results of the model using the default parameterisation already published for Mediterranean conifers showed a poor performance when compared to measured data. Therefore, modifications of g(max), f(min), and new f(VPD), f(temp) and f(phen) functions were developed according to the observed data. This re-parameterisation resulted in a significant improvement of the performance of the model when compared to its original version.  相似文献   

A long-term experiment was performed to study the effects of O3 and drought-stress (DS) on Aleppo pine seedlings (Pinus halepensis Mill.) exposed in open-top chambers. Ozone reduced gas exchange rates, ribulose-1,5-biphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase activity (Rubisco), aboveground C and needle N concentrations and C/N ratio and Ca concentrations of the twigs under 3 mm (twigs<3) and the aerial biomass. Also it increased phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPc) and N and K concentrations of the twigs<3. Water stress decreased gas exchange rates, predawn needle water potential (PsiPd), C/N ratio, twigs<3 Ca, plant growth, aerial biomass and increased N, twigs with a diameter above 3 mm P and Mg concentrations. The combined exposure to both stresses increased N concentrations of twigs<3 and roots and aboveground biomass K content and decreased root C, maximum daily assimilation rate and instantaneous water use efficiency. The sensitivity of Aleppo pine to both stresses is determined by plant internal resource allocation and compensation mechanisms to cope with stress.  相似文献   

This study aims at presenting a combined air quality and GIS modelling methodological approach in order to estimate crop damages from photochemical air pollution, depict their spatial resolution and assess the order of magnitude regarding the corresponding economic damages. The analysis is conducted within the Greater Thessaloniki Area, Greece, a Mediterranean territory which is characterised by high levels of photochemical air pollution and considerable agricultural activity. Ozone concentration fields for 2002 and for specific emission reduction scenarios for the year 2010 were estimated with the Ozone Fine Structure model in the area under consideration. Total economic damage to crops turns out to be significant and estimated to be approximately 43 M€ for the reference year. Production of cotton presents the highest economic loss, which is over 16 M€, followed by table tomato (9 M€), rice (4.2 M€), wheat (4 M€) and oilseed rape (2.8 M€) cultivations. Losses are not spread uniformly among farmers and the major losses occur in areas with valuable ozone-sensitive crops. The results are very useful for highlighting the magnitude of the total economic impacts of photochemical air pollution to the area’s agricultural sector and can potentially be used for comparison with studies worldwide. Furthermore, spatial analysis of the economic damage could be of importance for governmental authorities and decision makers since it provides an indicative insight, especially if the economic instruments such as financial incentives or state subsidies to farmers are considered.  相似文献   

Changes of tree-ring widths of Japanese black pine (Pinus thunbergii Parl.) trees growing in air-polluted and unpolluted areas were analyzed. In the stand close to an industrial complex, a large reduction in the series of tree-ring index (TRI), which were computed by removing endogenous effects from the measured series, appeared from the 1960s to 1970s. This reduction in radial tree growth was not explained by the climatic response model calibrated for a pre-pollution period. TRI changes corresponding with changes in concentrations of sulfur dioxide (SO(2)), and a significant negative correlation between the TRI and SO(2) concentration were found in the polluted area. Reduction in tree-ring growth was not seen in the unpolluted area. These results indicate that the past reduction in the growth of Japanese black pine trees growing in an industrial area was mainly caused by SO(2).  相似文献   

An eleven-year foliar sulphur (S) monitoring program was carried out from 1976 to 1986 near a sulphur recovery-gas plant in west-central Alberta, Canada, as part of a case study designed to determine the effects of chronic, low concentration sulphur gas emissions on the forest ecosystem surrounding the gas plant. Measurements of both foliar total sulphur (ST) and foliar inorganic sulphur (SO4-S) concentration in lodgepole x jack pine trees at the end of each of the 11 growing seasons were taken to provide an indication of S loading of the forest from industrial sulphur emissions. To measure the state of the forest ecosystem, foliar ST was separated into foliar accumulated sulphur (inorganic sulphur or SO4-S) and foliar assimilated sulphur (organic sulphur or S0) and the ratio of SO4-S/S0 taken. Foliar S0 was calculated as the difference between foliar ST and foliar SO4-S. The median SO4-S/S0 ratio, with all three years of needles considered, varied from 0.29 at a reference location (AV) to 0.88 at the location with the highest stress (AI). The corresponding mean values ranged from 0.3 at the reference location to 2.2 at the location of highest stress. The mean seasonal photosynthetic rate of current year's foliage of the pine trees and soil pH were reduced at a stressed location (AI) compared to the reference location (AV), between 1976 and 1981. Over this same time period the mean foliar SO4-S/S0 ratio increased from 0.4 +/- 0.1 to 1.0 +/- 0.3 at the stressed location (AI) and remained nearly the same at the reference location (AV) at 0.3 +/- 0.1. This research suggests that the foliar SO4-S/S0 ratio is a useful indicator of the state of forest ecosystems under S air pollution stress. It is concluded that foliar S separated into various fractions has potential as an early warning environmental management tool.  相似文献   

Recent results from EU-sponsored projects have shed new light on the workings of the atmosphere in the Mediterranean Basin, where a large airmass becomes trapped and nearly stagnant over the sea during the summer. This work reviews the developments which have led to our present understanding of air pollution dynamics and associated meteorological processes in this region. In summer, the sea breezes combine with upslope winds to create recirculations along the coasts and within the western Mediterranean basin, with residence times in the order of days. Under strong insolation these recirculations become "large natural photo-chemical reactors" where most of the NOx emissions and other precursors are transformed into oxidants, acidic compounds, aerosols and ozone, which can exceed European Union directives for several months of the year. The objective of this paper is to evaluate available experimental evidence and complementary modelling results to help in the interpretation of observed ozone cycles and to anticipate possible scenarios for anthropogenic nitrogen deposition in the region.  相似文献   

2011-2013年中国雾霾易发生期间API的分布格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2011-2013年每年的1-3月和10-12月的中国120个城市逐日空气污染指数(API)数据为基础,通过选取最优的空间插值方法获得雾霾易发生期间每月的API空间分布;采用面向对象的分形网络演化算法对API分布图进行图像分割,获取"污染场"基元,通过G*指数的空间聚集分析提取"污染岛"范围;构建城市污染效应比例指数来反映污染效应的时空变化趋势;利用小波变换分析城市大气污染时间序列的多尺度变化特征。结果表明:近3年来雾霾易发生期间API空间分布的高值区域面积呈现不断增大的态势,京津冀、山东半岛、长三角等地污染岛分布面积较大;在时间尺度上,全国七大地理分区的API强度呈现出一定的周期性,污染强度虽未表现出明显的时间差异,但1-3月西部的污染大于东部,10-12月北方的污染大于南方。  相似文献   

A long-term study of measurement of concentration of NOx, SO2 and TSP pollutants have been done in a port and harbour region in India. Monthly measurements of gaseous and particulate pollutants were made at six monitoring stations from January 1997 to December 2000. Meteorological data was also simultaneously collected. In this study, the relationship between monitored ambient air quality data and meteorological factors, such as wind speed, temperature, is statistically analysed, using the SPSS package. The monthly mean concentrations of NOx, SO2 and TSP were in the range of 19.5–59.0 μg/m3, 8.6–51.3 μg/m3 and 88.2–199.3 μg/m3, respectively. The results show that TSP is strongly correlated with NOx and SO2 with a correlation coefficient of 0.83 and 0.82, respectively. The correlation coefficients for TSP, NOx, and SO2 with wind are –0.78, –0.78, and –0.88, respectively.  相似文献   

Young wheat plants were fumigated with 170 microg m(-3) ozone for 3 days, or with 210 microg m(-3) ozone for 7 days, for 7 hours a day. At the end of the fumigation period the plants were inoculated with brown rust (Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici) uredospores. The development of new uredospore pustules on fumigated and control plants was evaluated as a measure of rust disease potential. The number of pustules on the ozone fumigated plants was greatly reduced in comparison with the number of plants treated with charcoal-filtered air.  相似文献   

The spatial variations of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were characterized in the Village of Waterfront South neighborhood (WFS), a "hot spot" for air toxics in Camden, NJ. This was accomplished by conducting "spatial saturation sampling" for 11 VOCs using 3500 OVM passive samplers at 22 sites in WFS and 16 sites in Copewood/Davis Streets (CDS) neighborhood, an urban reference area located ~1000 m east of the WFS. Sampling durations were 24 and 48 h. For all 3 sampling campaigns (2 in summer and 1 in winter), the spatial variations and median concentrations of toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (TEX) were found significantly higher (p < 0.05) in WFS than in CDS, where the spatial distributions of these compounds were relatively uniform. The highest concentrations of methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) (maximum of 159 μg m(-3)) were always found at one site close to a car scrapping facility in WFS during each sampling campaign. The spatial variation of benzene in WFS was found to be marginally higher (p = 0.057) than in CDS during one sampling campaign, but similar in the other two sampling periods. The results obtained from the analyses of correlation among all species and the proximity of sampling site to source indicated that local stationary sources in WFS have significant impact on MTBE and BTEX air pollution in WFS, and both mobile sources and some of the stationary sources in WFS contributed to the ambient levels of these species measured in CDS. The homogenous spatial distributions (%RSD < 24%) and low concentrations of chloroform (0.02-0.23 μg m(-3)) and carbon tetrachloride (0.45-0.51 μg m(-3)) indicated no significant local sources in the study areas. Further, results showed that the sampling at the fixed monitoring site may under- or over-estimate air pollutant levels in a "hot spot" area, suggesting that the "spatial saturation sampling" is necessary for conducting accurate assessment of air pollution and personal exposure in a community with a high density of sources.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented to show that a serious leaf spot disease of potato which appeared each year in the Punjab since 1978 is primarily due to ozone:
  • 1.(i) The symptoms of the leaf spot were similar to the ozone stipple of potato reported in the U.S.A.
  • 2.(ii) Activated charcoal and ethylenediurea effectively controlled the spots.
  • 3.(iii) Elevated ozone in the atmosphere was detected with the bioindicators Nicotiana tabacum var. Bel-W3 and potato variety Cherokee. This is the first report of ozone injury to a crop plant in India.

Ok G  Ji SH  Kim SJ  Kim YK  Park JH  Kim YS  Han YH 《Chemosphere》2002,46(9-10):1351-1357
The atmospheric contamination levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) were evaluated from the analysis of pine needles in South Korea. Pine needles were collected from 30 sampling points at five main cities in South Korea (Busan, Daegu, Gwangju, Changwon and Jeju island). The highest concentrations of PCDDs/DFs (2.19–26.88 pg I-TEQ/g of dry weight) were measured at Busan, where is the city of the highest population density and traffic volume among five cities. The lowest concentration was detected at Jeju with 0.62 pg I-TEQ/g dry weight, suggesting Jeju could be an environmental background area in Korea. The dominant homologues of PCDDs/DFs in pine needles were the lower chlorine-substituted compounds such as tetra CDDs and CDFs, and the distribution ratios of PCDDs/DFs decreased with increase of the number of chlorine substituents. Homologue profiles of pine needle samples were similar to PCDDs/DFs profiles of the vapor phase in the ambient air, and thus the pine needles absorbed the vapor phase of PCDDs/DFs from air. Results suggested that pine needles could be used as an indicator of the atmospheric contamination for PCDDs/DFs in Korea.  相似文献   

Hourly ambient ozone exposure data and crown injury measurements were gathered in the Sierra Nevada and San Bernardino Mountains of California to develop relationships between the Ozone Injury Index (OII), the Forest Pest Management Index (FPM), chlorotic mottle, fascicle retention (OII index components) and cumulative ambient ozone indices for Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws and Pinus jeffreyi Grev. and Balf. Eleven sites located in the mixed conifer forest near ambient ozone monitoring sites were evaluated annually for 4 years. Four other sites in the San Bernardino Mountains were evaluated for 1 year. Analyses showed OII to be functionally equivalent (r2 = 0.96) to the FPM, and to depend only on fascicle retention and chlorotic mottle (R2 = 0.95) of the fourth whorl (or if four whorls are not present at the site, then the last whorl present for the majority of trees). Significant associations were found between OII and 4-year 24-h. summer SUM0, SUM06, W126 and HRS80 ozone indices. Three sites had higher levels of cumulative chlorotic mottle for individual whorls and larger numbers of trees with visible crown injury than other sites with similar cumulative ambient ozone levels. Including an indicator variable to discriminate between these two groups of sites increased R2 and decreased root mean square (RMSE) for all indices, especially SUM0 (R2 = 0.93, RMSE reduced by 46%).  相似文献   

In pollution exclusion experiments on the verge of a widely-used motorway, it has been shown that roadway emissions increase the abundance of the aphid Aphis fabae Scop. on two different host plants, Viburnum opulus L. and Phaseolus vulgaris L. Analysis of phloem sap of excised leaves revealed on increase in almost all of the detected amino acids due to ambient air pollution. To investigate the significance of these changes to aphid development, the patterns analyzed were translated into artificial diets, representing the amino acid composition either of filtered air or ambient air host plants. On 'ambient air' diets, the larvae were significantly larger at birth compared to the progeny on 'filtered air' diets. Also the mean relative growth rates (MRGR) of larvae reared on 'ambient air' diets were significantly increased. At the same time, a conspicuous shorter development time of the larvae could be observed on 'ambient air' diets.  相似文献   


Background, aim, and scope  

Arthropods, with over a million species described, are ubiquitous throughout different environments. Knowledge of their responses to human impact is crucial for understanding and predicting changes in ecosystem structure and functions. Our aim was to investigate the general patterns and to identify sources of variation in changes of the diversity, abundance and fitness of terrestrial arthropods (including Arachnida, Collembola and Insecta) in habitats affected by point polluters.  相似文献   

Data are lacking on human exposure to air pollutants occurring in ground-level outdoor environments within a few meters of point sources. To better understand outdoor exposure to tobacco smoke from cigarettes or cigars, and exposure to other types of outdoor point sources, we performed more than 100 controlled outdoor monitoring experiments on a backyard residential patio in which we released pure carbon monoxide (CO) as a tracer gas for continuous time periods lasting 0.5–2 h. The CO was emitted from a single outlet at a fixed per-experiment rate of 120–400 cc min?1 (~140–450 mg min?1). We measured CO concentrations every 15 s at up to 36 points around the source along orthogonal axes. The CO sensors were positioned at standing or sitting breathing heights of 2–5 ft (up to 1.5 ft above and below the source) and at horizontal distances of 0.25–2 m. We simultaneously measured real-time air speed, wind direction, relative humidity, and temperature at single points on the patio. The ground-level air speeds on the patio were similar to those we measured during a survey of 26 outdoor patio locations in 5 nearby towns. The CO data exhibited a well-defined proximity effect similar to the indoor proximity effect reported in the literature. Average concentrations were approximately inversely proportional to distance. Average CO levels were approximately proportional to source strength, supporting generalization of our results to different source strengths. For example, we predict a cigarette smoker would cause average fine particle levels of approximately 70–110 μg m?3 at horizontal distances of 0.25–0.5 m. We also found that average CO concentrations rose significantly as average air speed decreased. We fit a multiplicative regression model to the empirical data that predicts outdoor concentrations as a function of source emission rate, source–receptor distance, air speed and wind direction. The model described the data reasonably well, accounting for ~50% of the log-CO variability in 5-min CO concentrations.  相似文献   

The atmospheric contamination levels of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) were evaluated from the analysis of pine needles in South Korea. Pine needles were collected from 30 sampling points at five main cities in South Korea (Busan, Daegu, Gwangju, Changwon and Jeju island). The highest concentrations of PCDDs/DFs (2.19–26.88 pg I-TEQ/g of dry weight) were measured at Busan, where is the city of the highest population density and traffic volume among five cities. The lowest concentration was detected at Jeju with 0.62 pg I-TEQ/g dry weight, suggesting Jeju could be an environmental background area in Korea. The dominant homologues of PCDDs/DFs in pine needles were the lower chlorine-substituted compounds such as tetra CDDs and CDFs, and the distribution ratios of PCDDs/DFs decreased with increase of the number of chlorine substituents. Homologue profiles of pine needle samples were similar to PCDDs/DFs profiles of the vapor phase in the ambient air, and thus the pine needles absorbed the vapor phase of PCDDs/DFs from air. Results suggested that pine needles could be used as an indicator of the atmospheric contamination for PCDDs/DFs in Korea.  相似文献   

Because the current critical level of ozone (O(3)) for forest trees is based only on one species, the responses of five deciduous tree species were differentiated in a climate chamber experiment. The number of symptomatic leaves per tree was significantly increased, and stomatal conductance was decreased under 50% ambient+30 nl l(-1) O(3) as compared to 'normal' senescence at 50% ambient [O(3)]. Species with a high stomatal conductance did not show earlier or more leaf injury symptoms. The additional 30 nl l(-1) O(3) induced specific pectinaceous cell wall protrusions, phenolic cell wall incrustations, tonoplast vesicles, and inhomogeneous, condensed/precipitated phenolic material in the vacuoles. Due to added O(3), cell senescence was accelerated with increased electron-density of the cytoplasm, and initial chloroplast degeneration. The slow degeneration process started in mesophyll cells, and expanded into epidermal and finally guard cells. Because of the large variance in biomass between individuals and species, the current critical level is supported by the assessment of visible leaf symptoms rather than growth reduction.  相似文献   

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