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The objective of the study was to investigate and develop new alternative approaches to effectively meeting the federal SOx and particulate ambient air quality standards at cost savings. Since air pollution control costs would very likely be passed along to the consumer, it is in the best interests of the consumer and industry to find the least-cost alternative policies. Cost-sharing possesses advantages not shared by other control schemes, such as emissions taxes, auctioning of “pollution certificates,” or other methods. The results of this paper indicate that the cost-sharing approach is useful for particulates control in order to minimize the burden of plants already performing substantial control who may require significant added capital investment beyond their initial amount. For SOξ emissions control the cost-sharing analysis calculations show significant savings in nearly all situations, whether or not stack gas treatment methods were assumed available. Furthermore, the cost-sharing approach may allow further savings when the particular cost requirements of an individual firm differ substantially from the average engineering cost estimates. A cost-sharing option should thus be included in implementation plans as an option to be used by industries at their own initiative. The spatial characteristics of emissions resulting from a particular application of the cost-sharing approach are considered. A spatial airshed emissions allocation model is discussed as a useful method of evaluating cost sharing.  相似文献   

Adaptive Decision Rules for the Acquisition of Nature Reserves   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract:  Although reserve-design algorithms have shown promise for increasing the efficiency of conservation planning, recent work casts doubt on the usefulness of some of these approaches in practice. Using three data sets that vary widely in size and complexity, we compared various decision rules for acquiring reserve networks over multiyear periods. We explored three factors that are often important in real-world conservation efforts: uncertain availability of sites for acquisition, degradation of sites, and overall budget constraints. We evaluated the relative strengths and weaknesses of existing optimal and heuristic decision rules and developed a new set of adaptive decision rules that combine the strengths of existing optimal and heuristic approaches. All three of the new adaptive rules performed better than the existing rules we tested under virtually all scenarios of site availability, site degradation, and budget constraints. Moreover, the adaptive rules required no additional data beyond what was readily available and were relatively easy to compute.  相似文献   

In current debates on emerging technologies for plant breeding in Europe, much attention has been given to the regulatory status of these techniques and their public acceptance. At present, both genetically modified plants with cisgenic approaches—using genes from crossable species—as well as transgenic approaches—using genes from different species—fall under GMO regulation in the EU and both are mandatorily labelled as GMOs. Researchers involved in the early development of cisgenic GM plants convey the message that the potential use and acceptance of cisgenic approaches will be seriously hindered if GMO regulations are not adjusted. Although the similar treatment and labelling of transgenic and cisgenic plants may be a legitimate concern for the marketability of a cisgenic GM plant, there are concerns around their commercialization that reach beyond the current focus on (de)regulation. In this paper, we will use the development of the cisgenic GM potato that aims to overcome ‘late blight’—the most devastating potato disease worldwide—as a case to argue that it is important to recognize, reflect and respond to broader concerns than the dominant focus on the regulatory ‘burden’ and consumer acceptance. Based on insights we gained from discussing this case with diverse stakeholders within the agricultural sector and potato production in Norway during a series of workshops, we elaborate on additional issues such as the (technical) solution offered; different understandings of the late blight problem; the durability of the potato plant resistance; and patenting and ownership. Hence, this paper contributes to empirical knowledge on stakeholder perspectives on emerging plant breeding technologies, underscoring the importance to broaden the scope of the debate on the opportunities and challenges of agricultural biotechnologies, such as cisgenic GM plants. The paper offers policy-relevant input to ongoing efforts to broaden the scope of risk assessments of agricultural biotechnologies. We aim to contribute to the recognition of the complex socio-ecological, legal and political dimensions in which these technological developments are entangled as a means to acknowledge, discuss and respond to these concerns and thereby contribute to more comprehensive and responsible developments within agricultural biotechnology.  相似文献   


This paper analyses the fundamental problems of defining and achieving sustainable development. A common core of the various definitions of sustainability circulating is identified. Economic and scientific approaches to operationalize sustainability generally lead to management rules, which — if obeyed — should guarantee sustainability. Since it is not possible to precisely predict the future, this scientific—technical—economic route to sustainability may fail. A second, ethical way, to sustainability which interprets sustainability as an ideal for fair play is introduced. How the two different ways may complement one another with a three-step hierarchy of political goals is elucidated.  相似文献   


A water crisis is looming in the Nile Basin in the near future due to higher population growth rates, greater affluence, and higher demand for water by agriculture and industry. There is no basin-wide agreement among the ten Nile Basin states and the existing rules of international water management are complicated and are not equipped to handle any future water conflicts in the Nile Basin. This paper reviews the existing water sharing arrangements among the Nile Basin countries, examines areas of potential conflict over future water use, and suggests possible areas of cooperation that will ensure equitable use of the Nile waters. The paper concludes by (1) appealing for formulation of good water development policies to deal with growing water needs such as water quality protection, efficiency of water delivery and efficiency of water use; and (2) calling for human resources development and technology transfers that are critical for good management and efficient use of the water resources of the Nile.  相似文献   

The development of new active ingredients and formulations is increasingly influenced by costs and regulations in the frame of pesticide registration procedures. Lawmakers and administrators therefore take over more responsibility, not only for the subject of regulation, but also for fair and balanced rules which can be predicted in the long-term. There are, however, deficiencies in the choice of certain quality standards — like in the European drinking water directive — which are not risk-related and which are susceptible to giving misleading guidance. Testing requirements should be scrutinized for efficiency, i.e. whether the increase in knowledge and safety is in reasonable proportion to the invested resources.  相似文献   

国家助学贷款是我国实施“教育成本分担”、促进“教育机会均等”的一项重大措施.它对支持教育体制改革、促进教育事业发展、提高全民族素质具有十分重要的意义.笔者在深入调查和充分论证的基础上,简要回顾了目前国家助学贷款发展状况,并进一步提出完善的政策措施与建议,以期探寻国家助学货款健康发展的良方.参8.  相似文献   

Plastic pollution has been a legacy environment problems and more recently, the plastic particles, especially those ultrafine or small plastics particles, are widely recognized with increasing environmental and ecological impacts. Among small plastics, microplastics are intensively studied, whereas the physicochemical properties, environmental abundance, chemical states, bioavailability and toxicity toward organisms of nanoplastics are inadequately investigated. There are substantial difficulties in separation, visualization and chemical identification of nanoplastics due to their small sizes, relatively low concentrations and interferences from co-existing substances (e.g., dyes or natural organic matters). Moreover, detection of polymers at nanoscale is largely hampered by the detection limit or sensitivity for existing spectral techniques such as Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) or Raman Spectroscopy. This article critically examined the current state of art techniques that are exclusively reported for nanoplastic characterization in environmental samples. Based on their operation principles, potential applications and limitations of these analytical techniques are carefully analyzed.  相似文献   

A major justification of environmental management research is that it helps practitioners, yet previous studies show it is rarely used to inform their decisions. We tested whether conservation practitioners focusing on bird management were willing to use a synopsis of relevant scientific literature to inform their management decisions. This allowed us to examine whether the limited use of scientific information in management is due to a lack of access to the scientific literature or whether it is because practitioners are either not interested or unable to incorporate the research into their decisions. In on‐line surveys, we asked 92 conservation managers, predominantly from Australia, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom, to provide opinions on 28 management techniques that could be applied to reduce predation on birds. We asked their opinions before and after giving them a summary of the literature about the interventions’ effectiveness. We scored the overall effectiveness and certainty of evidence for each intervention through an expert elicitation process—the Delphi method. We used the effectiveness scores to assess the practitioners’ level of understanding and awareness of the literature. On average, each survey participant changed their likelihood of using 45.7% of the interventions after reading the synopsis of the evidence. They were more likely to implement effective interventions and avoid ineffective actions, suggesting that their intended future management strategies may be more successful than current practice. More experienced practitioners were less likely to change their management practices than those with less experience, even though they were not more aware of the existing scientific information than less experienced practitioners. The practitioners’ willingness to change their management choices when provided with summarized scientific evidence suggests that improved accessibility to scientific information would benefit conservation management outcomes. El Efecto de la Evidencia Científica sobre las Decisiones de Manejo de Quienes Practican la Conservación  相似文献   

Monitoring free‐ranging animals in their natural habitat is a keystone of ecosystem conservation and increasingly important in the context of current rates of loss of biological diversity. Data collected from individuals of endangered species inform conservation policies. Conservation professionals assume that these data are reliable—that the animals from whom data are collected are representative of the species in their physiology, ecology, and behavior and of the populations from which they are drawn. In the last few decades, there has been an enthusiastic adoption of invasive techniques for gathering ecological and conservation data. Although these can provide impressive quantities of data, and apparent insights into animal ranges and distributions, there is increasing evidence that these techniques can result in animal welfare problems, through the wide‐ranging physiological effects of acute and chronic stress and through direct or indirect injuries or compromised movement. Much less commonly, however, do conservation scientists consider the issue of how these effects may alter the behavior of individuals to the extent that the data they collect could be unreliable. The emerging literature on the immediate and longer‐term effects of capture and handling indicate it can no longer be assumed that a wild animal's survival of the process implies the safety of the procedure, that the procedure is ethical, or the scientific validity of the resulting data. I argue that conservation professionals should routinely assess study populations for negative effects of their monitoring techniques and adopt noninvasive approaches for best outcomes not only for the animals, but also for conservation science. Efecto de la Técnica de Monitoreo en la Calidad de la Ciencia de la Conservación  相似文献   

This paper provides further evidence on the development and application of the iterative bidding technique used to assess environmental impacts. Three specific issues—the hypothetical nature of the survey technique, the questionnaire information structure, and the bidding procedure starting point—are examined theoretically and empirically to determine their effect on individual bid behavior. The empirical results indicate that the importance of these influences may have been overstated in earlier studies.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes two common features of markets in which eco-label programs certify that products are “green”: gradation—single programs offering multiple certification standards (e.g., platinum, gold, silver)—and competition—multiple programs vying to certify to their respective standards. We find that, depending on whether programs are sponsored by industry, environmental groups, or a government, they have strikingly different incentives to grade or compete. Industry sponsors are indifferent about both; environmentalist sponsors optimally grade or compete with other environmentalist sponsors only if consumer preferences for green consumption are skewed in a specific way; and government sponsors׳ decisions depend on the relative importance of private vs. public benefits generated by the green market. We find also that it is no accident that green markets frequently have an environmentalist program competing with an industry one. For each of the cases examined, our analysis is consistent with casual empirical evidence.  相似文献   

The Future of Scattered Trees in Agricultural Landscapes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract: Mature trees scattered throughout agricultural landscapes are critical habitat for some biota and provide a range of ecosystem services. These trees are declining in intensively managed agricultural landscapes globally. We developed a simulation model to predict the rates at which these trees are declining, identified the key variables that can be manipulated to mitigate this decline, and compared alternative management proposals. We used the initial numbers of trees in the stand, the predicted ages of these trees, their rate of growth, the number of recruits established, the frequency of recruitment, and the rate of tree mortality to simulate the dynamics of scattered trees in agricultural landscapes. We applied this simulation model to case studies from Spain, United States, Australia, and Costa Rica. We predicted that mature trees would be lost from these landscapes in 90–180 years under current management. Existing management recommendations for these landscapes—which focus on increasing recruitment—would not reverse this trend. The loss of scattered mature trees was most sensitive to tree mortality, stand age, number of recruits, and frequency of recruitment. We predicted that perpetuating mature trees in agricultural landscapes at or above existing densities requires a strategy that keeps mortality among established trees below around 0.5% per year, recruits new trees at a rate that is higher than the number of existing trees, and recruits new trees at a frequency in years equivalent to around 15% of the maximum life expectancy of trees. Numbers of mature trees in landscapes represented by the case studies will decline before they increase, even if strategies of this type are implemented immediately. This decline will be greater if a management response is delayed.  相似文献   

Assessing causes of population decline is critically important to management of threatened species. Stochastic patch occupancy models (SPOMs) are popular tools for examining spatial and temporal dynamics of populations when presence–absence data in multiple habitat patches are available. We developed a Bayesian Markov chain method that extends existing SPOMs by focusing on past environmental changes that may have altered occupancy patterns prior to the beginning of data collection. Using occupancy data from 3 creeks, we applied the method to assess 2 hypothesized causes of population decline—in situ die-off and residual impact of past source population loss—in the California red-legged frog. Despite having no data for the 20–30 years between the hypothetical event leading to population decline and the first data collected, we were able to discriminate among hypotheses, finding evidence that in situ die-off increased in 2 of the creeks. Although the creeks had comparable numbers of occupied segments, owing to different extinction–colonization dynamics, our model predicted an 8-fold difference in persistence probabilities of their populations to 2030. Adding a source population led to a greater predicted persistence probability than did decreasing the in situ die-off, emphasizing that reversing the deleterious impacts of a disturbance may not be the most efficient management strategy. We expect our method will be useful for studying dynamics and evaluating management strategies of many species.  相似文献   

The European Chemical Agency (ECHA) is in the process of revising its guidance documents on how to address the challenges of ecotoxicological testing of nanomaterials. In these revisions, outset is taken in the hypothesis that ecotoxicological test methods, developed for soluble chemicals, can be made applicable to nanomaterials. European Research Council project EnvNano—Environmental Effects and Risk Evaluation of Engineered, which ran from 2011 to 2016, took another outset by assuming that: “The behaviour of nanoparticles in suspension is fundamentally different from that of chemicals in solution”. The aim of this paper is to present the findings of the EnvNano project and through these provide the scientific background for specific recommendations on how ECHA guidance could be further improved. Key EnvNano findings such as the need to characterize dispersion and dissolution rates in stock and test media have partially been addressed in the updated guidance. However, it has to be made clear that multiple characterization methods have to be applied to describe state of dispersion and dissolution over time and for various test concentration. More detailed information is called for on the specific characterization methods and techniques available and their pros and cons. Based on findings in EnvNano, we recommend that existing algal tests are supplemented with tests where suspensions of nanomaterials are aged for 1–3 days for nanomaterials that dissolve in testing media. Likewise, for daphnia tests we suggest to supplement with tests where (a) exposure is shortened to a 3 h pulse exposure in daphnia toxicity tests with environmentally hazardous metal and metal oxide nanomaterials prone to dissolution; and (b) food abundance is three to five times higher than normal, respectively. We further suggest that the importance of considering the impact of shading in algal tests is made more detailed in the guidance and that it is specified that determination of uptake, depuration and trophic transfer of nanomaterials for each commercialized functionalization of the nanomaterials is required. Finally, as an outcome of the project a method for assessing the regulatory adequacy of ecotoxicological studies of nanomaterials is proposed.  相似文献   

城市绿地滞尘作用机理和规律的研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
城市绿地的滞尘作用是城市绿地重要的生态功能之一。综述了城市绿地的滞尘机理、变化规律。城市绿地的滞尘机理主要分为3种方式:滞留、附着和粘附;城市绿地滞尘能力与滞尘时间、城市环境、植物种、植物群落结构等因素存在密切的联系。不同植物滞尘能力的差异很大,总体规律表现为乔木植物〉灌木植物〉草本植物;但就单位叶面积来说,滞尘能力均以草本植物〉灌木植物〉乔木植物〉藤本植物;主要原因是垂直高度不同,灌草能有效截留地面的扬尘(城市中灰尘的主要来源)。研究表明,同种类植物种在封闭式环境条件下叶片滞尘量明显低于开敞式环境条件下的滞尘量,因此,在城市不同环境中的植物滞尘能力表现为工业区〉商业交通区〉居住区〉清洁区。随着季节和滞尘时间的变化,每种植物都存在一个滞尘限度,如果无雨水或人为干扰,最终达到一个动态平衡。从城市绿地群落的垂直结构看,乔—灌—草型的绿地具有相对较好的滞尘作用,是目前较为理想的绿地类型;另外,在城市绿地面积明显不足的情况下,以藤本植物为主的垂直绿化将成为城市绿化发展的新方向。同时,在城市绿地滞尘机理、规律以及植物滞尘能力评价等方面仍需要进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

The biggest challenge of agricultural extension in urban communities is how to reach the appropriate target group, because the majority of people are engaged in agricultural production as well as homestead development in a part-time or restricted-time basis, and have different interests. Therefore, an agricultural extension research package, initiated in late 1990, is being tested, with special reference to the horticultural interests of the population in the Western Province. It has three modules: first, dealing with rehabilitation of already existing fruit trees (rambutan, mango) for long-term economic benefits; second, strengthening the income-generating activities at the homestead level, namely leafy vegetable cultivation, value-added products from fruits and vegetables, cultivation of vegetables in pots and hanging baskets, in situ budding, and post-harvest management techniques in fruits, vegetables and flowers; third, the improvement of soil fertility and waste management—particularly soil conservation, compost making, and landscaping techniques. The package integrates traditional and modern extension methods, and at present is still undergoing the implementation process (currently 15% complete). Moreover, it includes a mechanism enabling the mixing of indigenous knowledge and exogenous knowledge by viewing the target group as the subject of the extension process.  相似文献   

Patch Size and Connectivity Thresholds for Butterfly Habitat Restoration   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Abstract:  Recovery of endangered species in highly fragmented habitats often requires habitat restoration. Selection of restoration sites typically involves too many options and too much uncertainty to reach a decision based on existing reserve design methods. The Fender's blue butterfly (  Icaricia icarioides fenderi ) survives in small, isolated patches of remnant prairie in Oregon's Willamette Valley—a habitat for which <0.5% of the original remains. Recovery of this species will require considerable habitat restoration. We investigated the potential of biologically based rules of thumb and more complex models to serve as tools in making land acquisitions. Based on Fender's blue dispersal behavior and demography, we have estimated that restored patches should be <1 km from existing habitat and at least 2 ha. We compared these rules to the results of two modeling approaches: an incidence function model and a spatially explicit simulation of demography and dispersal behavior. Not surprisingly, the simple rules and complex models all conclude that large (>2 ha) connected (<1 km) patches have the highest restoration value. The dispersal model, however, suggests that small, connected patches have more restoration value than large, isolated patches, whereas the incidence function model suggests that size and connectivity are equally important. These differences stem from model assumptions. We used incidence functions to predict long-term, stochastic, steady-state conditions and dispersal simulations to predict short-term (25-year) colonization dynamics. To apply our results in the context of selecting restoration sites on the ground, we recommend selecting nearby sites when short-term colonization dynamics are expected to be an important aspect of a species' biology.  相似文献   

染色体步行PCR技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
染色体步行是一种常用的克隆已知基因旁侧序列的技术.本文综述了现有的染色体步行PCR技术,如反向PCR、锅柄PCR、连接介导PCR、热不对称PCR、SON PCR等,并在此基础上提出了一种新的染色体步行PCR技术的构思.它运用特异引物与随机引物的搭配,在普通PCR程序下扩增目的序列.实验中设置相应随机引物的RAPD对照,识别非目的扩增产物.文中介绍了新方法的原理,分析了这种方法的优缺点.这种方法可能是一种新的有效进行染色体步行的PCR技术,国内外尚未见相关报道.图2参26  相似文献   

Using the example of the transboundary Biosphere Reserve Rhone, experiments were performed and expounded upon with regard to the concept of ‘integrated monitoring’. The paper describes the components of a step-by-step harmonisation of data sampling and analysis procedures. Special emphasis is given to topics dealing with suitable methods for a sound selection of areas and plots to be monitored, as well as on rules for the spatial integration and generalisation of sampling results. As tools for this purpose the concept of ‘integrated monitoring’ uses the federal ‘Classification System of Ecoregions’ (Standortökologische Raumgliederung) and geostatistical methods for the spatial integration of existing monitoring programmes and sampling grids. Further, the paper outlines how to judge the development of water catchment areas using existing data from hydrological analyses and by means of an ecosystem-oriented water balance model.  相似文献   

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