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The use of electrostatic force mechanisms can make a substantial contribution to control the pollution from air solids arising naturally, or from human development. In the present investigation we discuss the efficiency of a technique to precipitate the atmospheric aerosol of a size <5 µm, by energizing metal mesh (Por=0.7) collectors (+, N, and –) using low D.C. voltage (0–30 V or –1.224×102 Vm–1).  相似文献   

Monitoring air quality in large urban agglomerations is the key to the prevention of air pollution-related problems in emerging mega-cities. The city of Wuhan is a highly industrialised city with >9 million inhabitants in Central China. Simultaneous PM10 sampling was performed during 1 year at one urban and one industrial site. Mean PM10 daily levels (156 microg m(-3) at the urban site and 197 microg m(-3) at the industrial hotspot) exceed the US-EPA or EU annual limit values by 3-4 times. A detailed study of daily speciation showed that the mean chemical composition of PM10 presents minimal differences between peak and low PM episodes. This implies that PM10 aerosols in the study area result from local emissions, and air quality management and abatement strategies in Wuhan should thus focus on local anthropogenic sources. The levels of some elements of environmental concern are relatively high (409-615 ngPb m(-3), 66-70 ngAs m(-3), 116-227 ngMn m(-3), 10-12 ngCd m(-3)) due to industrial, but also urban emissions. Principal component analysis identified a mineral source (probably cement and steel manufacture) and smelting as the main contributors to PM10 levels at the industrial site (34%), followed by a coal fired power plant (20%) and the anthropogenic regional background (16%). At the urban site the major PM10 source is a mixed coal combustion source (31%), followed by the anthropogenic regional background (28%) and traffic (16%).  相似文献   

An atmospheric deposition sampler was validated with respect to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), a compound group that is widely used as flame retardants in many types of consumer products. The deposition sampler consists of an adsorption cartridge that is connected to a glass funnel. Extraction tests with spiked cartridges using soxhlet extraction with acetone revealed recoveries of >80% for all of the investigated PBDEs. Once adsorbed, PBDEs are stable, as proven by extractions of spiked cartridges that were stored outdoors and collected after different periods of time, up to 84 days. High recoveries indicate that degradation of adsorbed PBDEs does not play a role under realistic field conditions. Bulk deposition rates of PBDEs were determined in a field test with 3 replicates, and a possible breakthrough of target compounds was assessed in the field using a second adsorption cartridge in series. No breakthrough of target compounds could be observed within a sampling period of 61 days, and a bulk deposition rate of approximately 1 ng m(-2) day(-1) for the sum of all analysed PBDEs was measured. The highest deposition rates were measured for octa-brominated congeners, followed by BDEs 99, 183, 153, and 47. Overall, the sampler was successfully validated regarding the atmospheric deposition of PBDEs.  相似文献   

大气二氧化硫采样对比试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对大气二氧化硫连续自动采样过程中的导气管吸附,样品的放置时间,吸收液的放置时间,采样高度等方面进行了试验,结果表明,导气管的吸附是使二氧化硫的监测值较五日采样法明显偏低的主要因素,其余方面无显著影响。  相似文献   

Atmospheric aerosols were collected during the scientific expedition to Mt. Qomolangma (Everest) in May–June, 2005. The elemental concentrations of the aerosols were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. This yielded data for the concentration of 14 elements: Na, Mg, Al, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Pb. The mean elemental concentrations were generally comparable with those from central Asia and the Arctic, while much higher than those from Antarctic. Size, morphology, and chemical composition of 900 individual aerosol particles were determined by scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis. Based on morphology and elemental composition, the particles were clustered into eight groups: soot (8%), tar ball (3%), alumosilicates/silica (55%), calcium sulfate (16%), Ca/Mg carbonate (2%), Fe/Ti-rich particles (3%), Pb-rich particles (1%), and biological particles (12%). The sampling site, located at 6,520 m in the Himalayas, is particularly remote and located at high altitude. Nonetheless, high aerosol enrichment factors for copper, chromium, lead, nickel, vanadium, and zinc all suggest the influence of long-range transported pollution, while enrichment in calcium and the presence of alumino-silicates in individual particle analyses indicates a distinct mineral dust influence. The backward air mass trajectories showed that the northwestern part of India may contribute to the atmospheric aerosol in the central high Himalayas.  相似文献   

大气颗粒物中元素碳的直接测定   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
对原来用元素分析仪测定大气颗粒物样品中有机碳、元素碳的方法[1 ] 进行改进 ,将差减法间接测定元素碳改为一步直接测定元素碳。有机碳、元素碳的测量标准偏差的平均值分别为 0 35 %、0 34% ,提高了元素碳的测量精度 ,同时避免了误差传递 ,解决了差减法测定元素碳时出现负值的情况。  相似文献   

Atmospheric aerosols can consist of, amongst others, compounds like NH(4)NO(3) or (NH(4))(2)SO(4). Such components can suffer radiation damage and/or evaporate during EDXRF measurements, providing errors on successively applied analysis. The aim of this work is to investigate the influence of measurements using conventional EDXRF on the volatile compounds and to compare it with the influence of polarized beam EDXRF using secondary targets (and hence indirect irradiation). The effect of different parameters (acquisition time, accelerating voltage, current and medium) on the concentration loss was studied. The measurements performed in vacuum during a long period lead to the highest losses of volatile compounds. The influence of direct irradiation was proved to be larger than the indirect variant.  相似文献   

Healthcare settings present a challenging environment for assessing low-level concentrations of specific volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the presence of high background concentrations of alcohol from the use of hand sanitizers and surface disinfectants. The purposes of this laboratory-based project were to develop and validate a sampling and analysis methodology for quantifying low-level VOC concentrations as well as high-level alcohol concentrations found together in healthcare settings. Sampling was conducted using evacuated canisters lined with fused silica. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis was performed using preconcentration (for ppb levels) and loop injection (for ppm levels). For a select list of 14 VOCs, bias, precision, and accuracy of both the preconcentration and loop injection methods were evaluated, as was analyte stability in evacuated canisters over 30 days. Using the preconcentration (ppb-level) method, all validation criteria were met for 13 of the 14 target analytes-ethanol, acetone, methylene chloride, hexane, chloroform, benzene, methyl methacrylate, toluene, ethylbenzene, m,p-xylene, o-xylene, alpha-pinene, and limonene. Using the loop injection (ppm-level) method, all validation criteria were met for each analyte. At ppm levels, alpha-pinene and limonene remained stable over 21 days, while the rest of the analytes were stable for 30 days. All analytes remained stable over 30 days at ppb levels. This sampling and analysis approach is a viable (i.e., accurate and stable) methodology that will enable development of VOC profiles for mixed exposures experienced by healthcare workers.  相似文献   

A new dust-collecting device was developed to assess surface lead loading rates in houses in communities contaminated with lead oxide dust used for caulking in nearby boat-repair yards. The device consists of two small glass sheets with total area of 1,200 cm2 placed in two plastic trays suspended from the ceiling in the house for 3 months before wiping and sending the dust specimen for determination of lead content using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. After a pilot trial in four households, further data were collected from 43 matched pairs of boat-caulkers’ and neighboring control households. All devices were retained in the house for 3 months without any complaint. Static measurements of lead dust levels were also assessed in all households. The values significantly discriminated high from low lead exposure households (p = 0.015) and provided good correlations with floor lead loading (Spearman rank correlation coefficient, r = 0.39 to 0.62) and dust lead content (r = 0.53 to 0.64). This sampling method is an alternative to others which consume more household space or require a longer collection period.  相似文献   

微小流量大气采样器自动检定装置的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了微小流量大气采样器自动检定装置的检测原理 ,给出了该检定装置用于计算的数学模型 ,主要通过对各分量标准不确定度进行分析和计算 ,得到该检定装置测量的扩展不确定度 ,并证明建立该自动检定装置适用于微小流量大气采样器的检定工作  相似文献   

A field study aimed to characterize atmospheric pollutants in the gaseous and the particulate phases was conducted during the fall-winter of 2004 and the summer of 2005 in the Ashdod area, Israel. The site is influenced by both anthropogenic sources (power plants, refineries, chemical and metal industries, a cargo port, road traffic) and natural sources (sea-spray and desert dust). The use of diffusion lines--a series of annular diffusion denuders for sampling gaseous compounds followed by a cyclone and a filter pack for determining PM(2.5) composition--allowed a good daily characterization of the main inorganic compounds in both the gaseous (HCl, HNO(3), SO(2), NH(3)) and the particulate phase (Cl(-), NO(3)(-), SO(4)(=), NH(4)(+), and base cations). During the summer campaign two other activities were added: an intensive 3-h sampling period and the determination of PM(2.5) bulk composition. The results were interpreted on the basis of meteorological condition, especially the mixing properties of the lower atmosphere as determined by monitoring the natural radioactivity due to Radon progeny, a good proxy of the atmospheric ability to dilute pollutants. Several pollution episodes were identified and the predominance of different sources was highlighted (sea-spray, desert dust, secondary photochemical pollutants). During the summer period a considerable increase of nitric acid and particulate sulphate was observed. Secondary inorganic pollutants (nitrate, sulphate and ammonium) constituted, on the average, 57% of the fine particle fraction, organic compounds 20%, primary anthropogenic compounds 14%, natural components (sea-spray and crustal elements) 9%. The advantages of the diffusion lines in determining gaseous and particulate N- and S- inorganic compounds are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent laboratory research indicates physiologic sampling of gas and vapor may provide more representative estimates of personal exposures than traditional methods. Modifications to the physiologic sampling pump (PSP) used in that research are described which extend its usefulness to size-selective sampling of particulates. PSPs used in previous research varied motor speed to keep sampling proportional to the subject's inhalation. This caused airflow and particle velocities through the collection device to continually change making those pumps unsuitable for sampling particulates. The modified implementation of the PSP pulls a constant airflow into and through a cyclone, then uses valves to either direct the airflow through, or divert the airflow around, the sampling filter. By using physiologic inputs to regulate the fraction of each second that air flows through the sampling filter, samples may be collected in proportion to inhalation rate. To evaluate the performance of a functional prototype 5 different sizes of monodisperse aerosols of ammonium fluorescein were generated by a vibrating orifice aerosol generator and introduced into a calm air chamber. To simulate different inhalation rates the valves of the PSP were energized using 9 different duty cycles. Efficiency curves are presented and compared to a standard respirable convention by bias mapping. The performance of the modified cyclone used in the PSP sampling head compared favorably with a commercially available cyclone of the same model, operating at a constant airflow (± 10% over almost all the size distributions of concern). The new method makes physiologic sampling of the respirable fraction of particulates feasible.  相似文献   

Aerosol samples were collected during the scientific expedition to Mt. Bogda in July-August, 2009. The major inorganic ions (Na(?+?), NH??, K(?+?), Mg(2?+?), Ca(2?+?), Cl(?-?), SO2??, and NO??) of the aerosols were determined by ion chromatography. SO2??, NO??, and Ca(2?+?) were the dominate ions, with the mean concentrations of 0.86, 0.56, and 0.28 μg m?3, respectively. These mean ion concentrations were generally comparable with the background conditions in remote site of Xinjiang, while much lower than those in ürümqi. Morphology and elemental compositions of 1,500 particles were determined by field emission scanning electron microscopy equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer. Based on the morphology and elemental compositions, particles were classed into four major groups: soot (15.1%), fly ash (4.7%), mineral particles (78.9%), and little other matters (0.8% Fe-rich particles and 0.5% unrecognized particles). Presence of soot and fly ash particles indicated the influence of anthropogenic pollutions, while abundance mineral particles suggested that natural processes were the primary source of aerosols over this region, coinciding with the ionic analysis. Backward air mass trajectory analysis suggested that ürümqi may contribute some anthropogenic pollution to this region, while the arid and semi-arid regions of Central Asia were the primary source.  相似文献   

Validation of a Street Canyon Model in Two Cities   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A street canyon model has been formulated based on work published by Hertel and Berkowicz. An outline is given of the theoretical approach used, followed by a modelling of nitrogen oxides and carbon monoxide measurements from sites at Cromwell Road, Central London and Stratford Road, Birmingham. Modelled concentrations were compared with observed mixing ratios for both sites. At Cromwell Road, good agreement was achieved for one month but which was not reproduced as well for the other two months tested. There is uncertainty as to the effect of one of the side streets and whether the general flow is altered during periods of marked solar heating. Also emissions from vehicles may vary from those assumed. The interpretation of the Stratford Road site's results was less straightforward with complications concerning background pollutant levels and changes in emissions from interrupted traffic flow.  相似文献   

The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) has been established to provide information to Parties to the Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution on deposition and concentration of air pollutants, as well as on the quantity and significance of long-range transmission of pollutants and transboundary fluxes. To achieve its objectives with the required scientific credibility and technical underpinning, a close integration of the programme's main elements is performed. These elements are emission inventories, chemical transport modelling, and the monitoring of atmospheric chemistry and deposition fluxes, which further are integrated towards abatement policy development. A critical element is the air pollution monitoring that is performed across Europe with a focus not only on health effect aspects and compliance monitoring, but also on process studies and source receptor relationships. Without a strong observational basis a predictive modelling capacity cannot be developed and validated. Thus the modelling success strongly depends on the quality and quantity of available observations. Particulate matter (PM) is a relatively recent addition to the EMEP monitoring programme, and the network for PM mass observations is still evolving. This article presents the current status of EMEP aerosol observations, followed by a critical evaluation in view of EMEP's main objectives and its model development requirements. Specific recommendations are given for improving the PM monitoring programme within EMEP.  相似文献   

Selection of appropriate sampling stations in a lake through mapping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Much valuable information is obtained from water quality measurements and monitoring of lakes around the world. A powerful tool is the use of mapping techniques, as it offers potential use in water quality research. Both remote sensing techniques and traditional water quality monitoring are required to collect data at sampling stations. This study suggests another approach to determine the most appropriate distribution of sampling stations in water reservoirs that will be mapped for water quality parameters. Tests were conducted for the proposed approach for Secchi disc depth (SDD), chlorophyll-a, turbidity and suspended solids parameters in Lake Beysehir, Turkey. Results of analysis are available for a total of 30 sampling stations in August 2006. Ten sampling stations were used to model Lake Beysehir while the others were used for validation of the model. Sampling stations that offered the best representation of the lake for each parameter were determined. Then, the best representative sampling stations for all parameters in the study were determined. Moreover, in order to confirm the accuracy of these re-determined sampling stations, modelling was performed on the results of the analysis of June 2006, and it was found that the values obtained from the re-determined sampling stations were acceptable.  相似文献   

Standard protocols are critical for maximizing data comparability and aggregation in national monitoring programs, and taxa richness is a common indicator of site condition and biological diversity. There are two general approaches for sampling stream macroinvertebrate assemblages: targeted richest habitat and site wide. At seven sites, we compared three methods: Ontario Benthic Biomonitoring Network (OBBN), Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP), and Rapid Bioassessment Protocol (RBP). The OBBN method produced a biased sample at a site with a single small riffle, the RBP method produced the most total taxa, and the EMAP method produced the most taxa at four sites and the most individuals at six sites. The RBP method produced asymptotes for percent tolerant individuals, percent chironomid individuals, and Hilsenhoff Biotic Index score after five to ten stations. The EMAP method produced asymptotes for those metrics after 10 to 20 stations per site. The EMAP method typically required half the number of stations as the RBP method to obtain 70–90% of true taxa richness as estimated by the Jaccard coefficient. We conclude that the EMAP method is preferable because of its greater precision in taxa richness estimates.  相似文献   

Pollution loads discharged from upstream development or human activities significantly degrade the water quality of a reservoir. The design of an appropriate water quality sampling network is therefore important for detecting potential pollution events and monitoring pollution trends. However, under a limited budgetary constraint, how to site an appropriate number of sampling stations is a challenging task. A previous study proposed a method applying the simulated annealing algorithm to design the sampling network based on three cost factors including the number of reaches, bank length, and subcatchment area. However, these factors are not directly related to the distribution of possible pollution. Thus, this study modified the method by considering three additional factors, i.e. total phosphorus, nitrogen, and sediment loads. The larger the possible load, the higher the probability of a pollution event may occur. The study area was the Derchi reservoir catchment in Taiwan. Pollution loads were derived from the AGNPS model with rainfall intensity estimated using the Thiessen method. Analyses for a network with various numbers of sampling sites were implemented. The results obtained based on varied cost factors were compared and discussed. With the three additional factors, the chosen sampling network is expected to properly detect pollution events and monitor pollution distribution and temporal trends.  相似文献   

A new method utilizing the diffusive sampling of formaldehyde in air has been developed. Formaldehyde is sampled with the use of a glass fiber filter impregnated with N-methyl-4-hydrazino-7-nitrobenzofurazan (MNBDH) and phosphoric acid. The formaldehyde hydrazone formed is desorbed from the filter with acetonitrile and determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with UV/visible detection at 474 nm. The sampling rate was determined to be 24.7 mL min-1 with a relative standard deviation of 7% for 48 experiments. The measured sampling rates were not dependent on the formaldehyde concentration (0.1-1.0 mg m-3), sampling time (15-482 min) or relative humidity (20-85%). The detection limit was 70 micrograms m-3 for a 15 min sampling period and 2 micrograms m-3 for an 8 h sampling period.  相似文献   

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