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Photooxidation studies of 1,3-, 1,4-, 1,8- and 2,3-dimethylnaphthalene (DMN) suspended in and layered on seawater and distilled water have been performed in the presence and absence of crude Ekofisk oil, methylene blue and dibenzothiophene. With the exception of 2,3-DMN which was very insensitive to the reaction conditions, the course of reaction was, generally, influenced by the structure of the substrate, the salinity of the water, the oil and the presence of sulfur-containing compounds. In the absence of oil the photooxidation was fairly inefficient and took place exclusively in benzylic positions. In the presence of oil oxidation of the naphthalene moiety predominated due to abundant formation of singlet oxygen.  相似文献   

Discrimination between malignant cells and their normal counterparts by surface properties has been demonstrated by means of two-phase aqueous polymer systems. Primary cultures of normal rat fibroblasts were treated with carcinogens DMBA and DEN. Nonmaliguant mouse fibroblasts of permanent line C3HlOTl2 were treated with carcinogen DB(a,h)A. These treatments change their partition in the direction of their malignant counterparts. Noncarcinogenic phenanthrene affected the cell partition in the reverse direction. The possibility of using two-phase aqueous polymer systems for testing carcinogenic chemicals is discussed.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effect of aniline in photochemical smog reactions was studied using actual Toronto air samples. An aniline concentration of 0.81 pphm had negligible effect in a light traffic air sample containing negligible NO, whereas 20 pphm in a heavy traffic sample caused a 70% decrease in the oxidant dosage, a 50% decrease in the NO2 peak and a four-fold increase in the NO half-life. In experiments with propylene in synthetic mixtures, the half-life of propylene was increased from 144 min. to 192 min. by the present of 20 pphm of aniline. In addition, a thirty-fold increase in condensation nuclei was produced following a one hour induction period. A chemical mechanism is proposed which is consistent with these results. Although the condensation nuclei detected may be too small to produce light scattering, they may be retained in the lung. In addition they may grow in size. These consequences do not favour the use of aniline as an inhibitor in photochemical smog.  相似文献   

Computerized methodologies for the quantification of total PCBs, PCB in Aroclor mixtures and individual PCB congeners in environmental samples are presented. The method for total PCBs is based on a multiple-linear regression analysis using data from capillary gas chromatography of Arocolor standards. PCB congeners were identified and their weight percentages determined in Aroclor mixtures by GC/MS. PCB congeners and total PCBs were accurately quantified in predetermined test data and environmental samples.  相似文献   

Measurement of untransformed (p,p'- and o,p'-) DDT in rain, snow, and peat indicates that input of “new” DDT continues over a large portion of eastern North America. Peat cores obtained from ombrotrophic bogs indicate that current atmospherically derived fluxes are about 10–20% of those which occurred during peak DDT usage (~1960). Since DDT has been banned in North America and considering the magnitude of present fluxes, these residues must result from atmospheric transboundary transport. It is suggested that “new” DDT is being transported from neighboring areas where current use is substantial, Mexico and Central America.  相似文献   

The influence of air humidity on the sampling efficiency of Amberlite XAD porous polymers and activated charcoal was studied by determining the recovery of various organics at 20% and 85% relative humidity. The sampling efficiency of XAD-7 was found to decrease with increasing relative humidity, while the sampling efficiency of XAD-2 and activated charcoal was relatively unaffected for the compounds studied. Activated charcoal had a greater capacity than Amberlite XAD for several types of compounds, however.  相似文献   

Amberlite XAD-2 and XAD-7 porous polymers were evaluated for the solid sampling of aliphatic and aromatic nitro compounds in work-room air. With the use of solvent desorption, XAD-2 gave 80–100% recovery of nitroaromatics, and XAD-7 85–100% recovery of nitroaliphatics. The compounds studied were nitromethane, nitroethane, 2-nitropropane, nitrobenzene, m-dinitrobenzene and 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene. All six compounds gave very poor recoveries from activated charcoal.  相似文献   

Activated charcoal, Amberlite XAD-2, and Amberlite XAD-7 have been evaluated for the solid sampling of airborne nitroglycerin, ethylene glycol dinitrate and isopropyl nitrate. With the use of diethyl ether for solvent desorption, XAD-2 was found superior for sampling nitroglycerin and ethylene glycol dinitrate. Both XAD-7 and activated charcoal gave high recoveries for isopropyl nitrate; charcoal had a greater capacity than XAD-7 for this compound, however.  相似文献   

A sampling and analysis method for PAH from two-stroke engines is described. The method, which uses a standard glass fiber filter with a back-up section of Amberlite XAD-2 for sampling and GC or GC-MS for analysis, is suitable for both emission studies and occupational studies during logging. Filters and XAD-2 are desorbed with cyclohexane in an ultrasonic bath. After separation on a silica-gel micro column, the samples are submitted to analyses by capillary GC. The method is simple and covers both gaseous and particulate PAH. Naphthalene and alkyl substituted naphthalenes are also quantified.  相似文献   

This paper describes the tissue distribution of inorganic mercury, organic mercury and selenium in Dutch and British seals as well as in seals which were dosed with methylmercury under experimental conditions.In the experimental animals, a time-related increase of both mercury and selenium was found in liver and kidney after the administration of methylmercury, while in the other tissues examined, e.g. brain, thyroid, blood, only the concentrations of mercury increased.In the wild seals, it was also demonstrated that the selenium concentrations showed a positive correlation with the concentrations of mercury.Atomic ratios of mercury and selenium were close to one in the wild seals as was also found in previous studies. However, atomic ratios above one were found in seals fed additional methylmercury.In vitro studies with liver homogenates of seals did not provide evidence for the presence of a biochemical demethylation mechanism nor for any effect of selenium on the demethylation process.  相似文献   

As part of the OECD Chemicals Group program, much effort has gone into trying to identify and develop methodologies for predicting human and environmental exposure to new chemicals. This paper reviews this activity and discusses the applicabilities and limitations of the methodologies. Of special interest is the model developed by Mackay and adapted by Wood that can be used at several levels of sophistication depending on the chemical and environmental data available.  相似文献   

Distribution of radiotin (Sn113) in target organs and in the hepatic subcellular fractions was studied in sham and partially hepatectomised rats 72 hrs after the administration of tin (II) tartrate (2 mg Sn++, 10 uCi/100 gm body weight) intraperitoneally. The results indicate that in both the groups Sn113 was maximally accumulated in liver followed by kidney and spleen. Partially hepatectomised rat however accumulated less Sn113 in liver while an increase was observed in kidney. Subcellular studies showed significantly high affinity of tin for microsomes. A compartmental shift of radiotin from cytosol to microsomal fraction was observed in hepatectomised rats when compared to sham operated rats.  相似文献   

The distribution of Nickel-63, Iron-59, Manganese-54 and Tin-113 in plasma was studied in rats which received single intravenous (i.v.) injection of aqueous solutions of their salts alone, and in rats which also received single intramuscular (im) injection of triethylene tetramine (TETA). TETA was extremely effective in reducing the plasma concentration of Nickel-63 followed by that of Iron-59, Manganese-54 and Tin-113.  相似文献   

D. Brown  P. Laboureur 《Chemosphere》1983,12(3):397-404
The paper describes a method for measuring the primary biodegradability of water soluble dyestuffs under anaerobic conditions and gives the results obtained on 22 dyes of commercial significance.  相似文献   

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