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Epidemiological analysis of sequential growth data may be a tool in assessing ozone sensitivity of mature trees. Annual shoot growth of mature Fagus sylvatica in 83 Swiss permanent forest observation plots and of Picea abies in 61 plots was evaluated for 11 and 8 consecutive years, respectively, using branches harvested every 4 years. The data were assessed as annual deviation from average growth and related to fructification, ozone, meteorological parameters, and modelled soil water content using a mixed linear model. In beech, a significant association between ozone and shoot growth was observed which corresponded to a 7.4% growth reduction between 0 and 10 ppm h AOT40 (accumulated ozone over threshold 40). This is in the same order of magnitude as the response observed in experiments with seedlings. No interaction was found between ozone and drought parameters. In Norway spruce, shoot growth was neither associated with ozone nor with drought.  相似文献   

Much attention has been paid to ozone as a major cause of novel forest decline in Europe. In combination with acidic mist, O(3) has been observed to increase ion leaching. Besides cations lake Mg(2+), Ca(2+), K(+), NH(4)(+), considerable amounts of nitrate were found to be leached by acidic mist from needles of Norway spruce. Controlled fumigation experiments, with 100, 300, and 600 microg O(3)m(-3) over 22 days continuously, have led to a nitrate accumulation of 94.1 +/- 14.8, 119.4 +/- 28.7 and 198.9 +/- 14.9 microg NO(3)(-1) g(-1) FW, respectively, in leaves of Quercus robur. Similar values were found in leaves of Fagus sylvatica and current and previous year needles of Picea abies. Nitrate levels of controls receiving charcoal filtered air were well below 40 microg NO(3)(-) g (-1) FW. Statistically significant elevated nitrate levels were observed after only 48 h of continuous fumigation with 600 microg O(3)m(-3), in all tree species tested, and after 144 h in the 100 microg O(3)m(-3) treatment. In another experiment, trees of Picea abies were kept in two charcoal (C) and two Purafil plus charcoal (P/C) ventilated chambers, and fumigated with O and 500 microg O(3)m(-3) in cabinets of each filter-type in order to eliminate NO(x) from chamber air. After 29 days of continuous ozone fumigation, NO(3)(-) accumulation in needles amounted to 102.0 +/- 37.7 and 137.4 +/- 40.5 microg g(-1) FW in P/C and C-filtered chambers, respectively. Nitrate contents of controls were below 30 microg NO(3)(-)g(-1) FW at the end of the experiment. No significant differences in NO(3)(-) accumulation between filter treatments were observed. Since NO(x) was reduced by more than 95% in the Purafil/charcoal versus the charcoal treatment, NO(3)(-) accumulation in needles can be attributed predominantly to the influence of ozone and not to direct NO(2) uptake of needles by the possible oxidation of NO to NO(2) in the presence of ozone.  相似文献   

At 17 long-term pollution monitoring sites throughout the Carpathian Mountains, tree growth patterns and variation in growth rate were examined to determine relationship of tree growth to specific pollutants. Canopy dominant Picea abies and Fagus sylvatica were selected at each site. Basal area increment (BAI) values were calculated from raw ring widths and used as an estimate of tree growth. Across all sites, BAI chronologies were highly variable, therefore local conditions and forest structure accounted for considerable variation. Several significant relationships, however, implicated a role of pollutants on tree growth. Average levels (1997-1999) of NO(2) and SO(2) were inversely related to BAI means (1989-1999). Although average O(3) alone was not related to growth, the maximum O(3) value reported at the sites was negatively correlated with overall growth. A variable representing the combined effect of O(3), NO(2) and SO(2) was negatively correlated with both P. abies and F. sylvatica growth. Pollution data were used to categorize all sites into 'high' or 'low' pollution sites. Difference chronologies based on these categories indicated trends of decline in the 'high' pollution sites relative to 'low' pollution site. In the more heavily polluted sites, the BAI of Fagus sylvatica has declined approximately 50% and Picea abies has declined 20% over the past 45 years.  相似文献   

Current-year seedlings of beech, ash, Norway spruce and Scots pine were exposed during one growing season to different, but moderate, ozone (O(3)) scenarios representative for Switzerland (50, 85, 100% ambient, 50% ambient+30 nl l(-1)) in open-top chambers (OTCs) and to ambient O(3) concentrations in the field. Biomass significantly decreased with increasing O(3) dose in all species except for spruce. Losses of 25.5% (ash), 17.4% (beech), 9.9% (Scots pine) were found per 10 microl l(-1) h accumulated O(3) exposure over a threshold concentration of 40 nl l(-1) during daylight hours (AOT40). Ratios of root/shoot biomass (RSR) also significantly decreased with increasing AOT40 levels in beech and ash, but not in Norway spruce and Scots pine. The data show that the deciduous species beech and ash were more susceptible to O(3) with respect to RSR and biomass than the coniferous species Norway spruce and Scots pine.  相似文献   

We investigated concentrations of Zn, Cu, Cd and Pb in the compartments of a soil-plant (Urtica dioica)-snail (Cepaea nemoralis) food chain in four polluted locations in the Biesbosch floodplains, the Netherlands, and two reference locations. Total soil metal concentrations in the polluted locations were 4-20 times higher than those in the reference locations. Positive relationships between the generally low leaf concentrations and the soil concentrations were found for Zn only (r2 = 0.20). Bioaccumulation of Zn, Cu and Cd was observed in the snail tissues. We found positive relationships between the snail and leaf concentrations for all metals (range r2 = 0.19-0.46). The relationships between soil and snail concentrations were also positive, except for Cu (range r2 = 0.15-0.33). These results suggest transfer of metals to C. nemoralis snails from U. dioica leaves and from the soil. Metal transfer from polluted leaves to C. nemoralis is more important than transfer from the soil.  相似文献   

In northern Japan, the growth of Picea abies Karst., and Picea glehnii Masters, which have been planted along the highways, is often suppressed due to several environmental stresses. To examine the adverse effects of deicing salt, the primary source of stress,we measured needle life span, photosynthetic capacity, and water potential and transpiration rate of the two spruce species at a site with damaged trees, near the roadside and a site with healthy trees, located far from the highway. Results from the analysis showed large amounts of sodium and chlorine in the soil and snow at the damaged site. These elements had accumulated in the needles of the spruce. Moreover, physiological traits of the spruce, at the damaged site were also affected. Therefore, we concluded that poor physiological traits might be attributed to an accumulation of deicing salt in the needles, resulting in the suppression of tree growth.  相似文献   

PAH-pools in soils along a PAH-deposition gradient   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The objectives of this study are to characterize different PAH-pools (soil horizons, microsites influenced by stem flow, aggregate core and surface fractions, particle size fractions) in soils affected by depositions. Three forest soils affected by the emissions of an aluminium plant near Ziar/Central Slovakia were sampled to analyze 20 PAHs. The organic layers have high concentrations of PAHs (40-200 mg kg(-1)), decreasing as soil depth and distance from the aluminium plant increases. At the two sites nearest to the plant PAH-concentrations are higher in microsites affected by stem flow than in microsites not influenced by stem flow. They are also higher in aggregate surface fractions than in aggregate core fractions and in bulk soil samples than in aggregates. Sand- and siltsize particles contain decreasing percentages of the sum PAH-concentrations as distance from the plant increases. This microscale heterogeneity affects PAH-availability and has to be considered when assessing environmental risks.  相似文献   

Bernhardt A  Ruck W 《Chemosphere》2004,57(10):1563-1570
The pesticide contamination of water samples collected in and nearby a beech forest in northern Germany was evaluated. For this purpose, a method for the collection of water samples from stemflow and throughfall of beeches (Fagus sylvatica L.) and rainfall was developed in response to the demands for the analysis of organic contaminants in water samples. Furthermore a sensitive and selective multiresidue method was developed to determine 18 pesticides, frequently used in Germany, in aqueous samples. The samples collected were taken from the stemflow, the crown throughfall and the rainfall between May and November 2001. Analysis based on reversed-phase liquid chromatography with a pneumatically assisted electrospray mass spectrometer followed a solid phase extraction using C-18 extraction cartridges. Isoproturon, metolachlor, prosulfocarb and terbuthylazine were found during and shortly after their application period. In rainfall metolachlor, terbuthylazine and prosulfocarb were detectable in concentrations between 5 and 65 ng l(-1) and isoproturon in concentrations between 20 and 360 ng l(-1) respectively. In most of the samples, concentrations of those four pesticides were higher and detectable for a longer time in stemflow than in rainfall. Crown throughfall samples were collected from the end of August to November. Absolute deposition of isoproturon to forest soil were up to 70 times higher in comparison to rainwater samples.  相似文献   

Monoterpenoid emissions from Fagus sylvatica L. trees have been measured at light- and temperature-controlled conditions in a growth chamber, using Proton Transfer Reaction Mass Spectrometry (PTR-MS) and the dynamic branch enclosure technique.De novo synthesized monoterpenoid Standard Emission Factors, obtained by applying the G97 algorithm (Guenther, 1997), varied between 2 and 32 μg gDW?1 h?1 and showed a strong decline in late August and September, probably due to senescence.The response of monoterpenoid emissions to temperature variations at a constant daily light pattern could be well reproduced with a modified version of the MEGAN algorithm (Guenther et al., 2006), with a typical dependence on the average temperature over the past five days.The diurnal emissions at constant temperature showed a typical hysteretic behaviour, which could also be adequately described with the modified MEGAN algorithm by taking into account a dependence on the average light levels experienced by the trees during the past 10–13 h.The impact of the past light and temperature conditions on the monoterpenoid emissions from F. sylvatica L. was found to be much stronger than assumed in previous algorithms.Since our experiments were conducted under low light intensity, future studies should aim at confirming and completing the proposed algorithm updates in sunny conditions and natural environments.  相似文献   

Earthworm communities along a gradient of urbanization   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Earthworms were studied at six sites along a gradient of urbanization and their relations with several soil abiotic factors were determined. Concentrations of heavy metals, calcium and magnesium in earthworms and in soils were measured by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Strong negative correlations were detected between earthworm density and soil concentrations of cadmium and magnesium. Earthworm biomass was negatively correlated with lead, copper and zinc, and positively correlated with the distance from the centre of the city. High concentrations of Cd and Zn (concentration factors 49 and 32) were accumulated by earthworms in contrast to those of Cu and Pb (2 and 1). Relations between worm and soil concentrations of heavy metals, Ca and Mg are discussed.  相似文献   

A decline in a Picea abies L. (Karst.) stand in the Fichtelgebirge, NE-Bavaria, FRG has been attributed to a nutritional disharmony-a seasonal imbalance between a high supply of nitrogen, caused by high nitrogen deposition, and a low supply of soil magnesium, caused by soil acidification (Oren et al., 1988a). The nutritional disharmony hypothesis was tested on ten-year-old P. abies saplings in an adjacent stand growing on identical soil. The supply rate of magnesium relative to nitrogen was continuously increased or decreased during three successive growing seasons. Increasing the nitrogen or carbon supply resulted in a small increase in foliar nitrogen concentrations. Magnesium or carbon addition slightly raised the concentration of magnesium in the foliage. Reduction in crown leaf-area did not result in any appreciable changes in nutrient concentrations. Increased N supply decreased foliar Mg concentrations. In spite of the changes in the nutritional status of the needles, gas-exchange rates, pigment concentrations, needle characteristics and growth of twigs and stems did not differ among treatments. It appears that the growth of saplings was unimpaired at the foliar magnesium concentration at which the growth of adjacent mature trees was reduced. Moreover, it was not possible to promote nutritional disharmony in the saplings, including those receiving three times the annual nitrogen input. The study demonstrates that in young, relatively open stands of P. abies, much of the deposited nitrogen is not absorbed by the roots of saplings. Thus, the conceptual model of nutritional disharmony cannot explain forest decline if nitrogen uptake does not increase with deposition. Identifying the processes which control the uptake relative to the supply of all nutrients, and quantifying the rates of nutrient uptake are essential steps in using the conceptual model to explain specific decline symptoms.  相似文献   

The effects of elevated O3 on photosynthetic properties in adult beech trees (Fagus sylvatica) were investigated in relation to leaf mass per area as a measure of the gradually changing, within-canopy light availability. Leaves under elevated O3 showed decreased stomatal conductance at unchanged carboxylation capacity of Rubisco, which was consistent with enhanced δ13C of leaf organic matter, regardless of the light environment during growth. In parallel, increased energy demand for O3 detoxification and repair was suggested under elevated O3 owing to enhanced dark respiration. Only in shade-grown leaves, light-limited photosynthesis was reduced under elevated O3, this effect being accompanied by lowered Fv/Fm. These results suggest that chronic O3 exposure primarily caused stomatal closure to adult beech trees in the field regardless of the within-canopy light gradient. However, light limitation apparently raised the O3 sensitivity of photosynthesis and accelerated senescence in shade leaves.  相似文献   

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) have been the focus of interest to understand atmospheric processes and their consequences in formation of ozone or aerosol particles; therefore, VOCs contribute to climate change. In this study, biogenic VOCs (BVOCs) emitted from Fagus sylvatica L. trees were measured in a dynamic enclosure system. In total 18 compounds were identified: 11 monoterpenes (MT), an oxygenated MT, a homoterpene (C14H18), 3 sesquiterpenes (SQT), isoprene and methyl salicylate. The frequency distribution of the compounds was tested to determine a relation with the presence of the aphid Phyllaphis fagi L. It was found that linalool, (E)-β-ocimene, α-farnesene and a homoterpene identified as (E)-4,8-dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene (DMNT), were present in significantly more samples when infection was present on the trees. The observed emission spectrum from F. sylvatica L. shifted from MT to linalool, α-farnesene, (E)-β-ocimene and DMNT due to the aphid infection. Sabinene was quantitatively the most prevalent compound in both, non-infected and infected samples. In the presence of aphids α-farnesene and linalool became the second and third most important BVOC emitted. According to our investigation, the emission fingerprint is expected to be more complex than commonly presumed.  相似文献   

During the summer of 2001, 2-year-old Fraxinus excelsior and Fagus sylvatica plants were subjected to ozone-rich environmental conditions at the Regional Forest Nursery at Curno (Northern Italy). Atmospheric ozone concentrations and stomatal conductance were measured, in order to calculate the foliar fluxes by means of a one-dimensional model. The foliar structure of both species was examined (thickness of the lamina and of the individual tissues, leaf mass per area, leaf density) and chlorophyll a fluorescence was determined as a response parameter. Stomatal conductance was always greater in Fraxinus excelsior, as was ozone uptake, although the highest absorption peaks did not match the peaks of ozone concentration in the atmosphere. The foliar structure can help explain this phenomenon: Fraxinus excelsior has a thicker mesophyll than Fagus sylvatica (indicating a greater photosynthesis potential) and a reduced foliar density. This last parameter, related to the apoplastic fraction, suggests a greater ability to disseminate the gases within the leaf as well as a greater potential detoxifying capacity. As foliar symptoms spread, the parameters relating to chlorophyll a fluorescence also change. PI (Performance Index, Strasser, A., Srivastava, A., Tsimilli-Michael, M., 2000. The fluorescence transient as a tool to characterize and screen photosynthetic samples. In: Yunus, M., Pathre, U., Mohanty, P., (Eds.) Probing Photosynthesis: Mechanisms, Regulation and Adaptation. Taylor & Francis, London, UK, pp. 445-483.) has proved to be a more suitable index than Fv/Fm (Quantum Yield Efficiency) to record the onset of stress conditions.  相似文献   

Rooted cuttings of poplar (Populus nigra) and seedlings of beech (Fagus sylvatica) were exposed to ozone in open-top chambers for one growing season. Three treatments were applied: charcoal-filtered (CF), non-filtered (NF) and non-filtered air plus 30 ppb (nl l(-1)) ozone (NF+). Extra ozone was only added on clear days, from 09:00 until 17:00-20:00. The AOT40s (accumulated exposure over a threshold of 40 ppb), calculated from April to September were 4055 ppb.h for the NF and 8880 ppb.h for the NF+ treatments. For poplar ozone exposure caused highly significant reductions in growth rate, light-saturated net CO(2) assimilation rate, stomatal conductance, F(v)/F(m) and chlorophyll content. The largest effects were observed in August at which time ozone concentrations were elevated. A reduction was noticed in new leaf production, while accelerated ageing and visible damage to leaves caused high leaf losses. For beech the responses were similar but less pronounced: ozone exposure resulted in non-significant growth reductions, slight changes in light-saturated photosynthesis and accelerated leaf abscission. The chlorophyll content of beech leaves was not affected by the ozone treatments. The results confirmed previous observations that fast-growing tree species, such as most poplar species and hybrids, are more sensitive and responsive to tropospheric ozone than slower-growing species, such as beech. The growth reductions observed and reported here for beech were within the range of those reported in relationship to the AOT40 (accumulated exposure over a threshold of 40 ppb) critical level for ozone.  相似文献   

Crop growth along a gradient of ambient air pollution   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An experiment, designed to elucidate the relative importance of SO2, NO2, O3, and other environmental factors in influencing the performance of four cultivars of Trifolium pratense L. and Hordeum vulgare L., was performed by growing plants in situ along a transect from central London into the surrounding countryside. A multiple regression analysis provided evidence of significant effects of SO2, NO2, and, to a lesser extent, O3, on vegetative and reproductive growth parameters, although these differed according to pollutant, cultivar, species, and the parameter concerned. The significance of these findings for the impact of ambient air pollution on the growth of crops in the more polluted rural areas of western Europe is suggested by the fact that mean SO2, NO2, and O3 concentrations in the experimental area are less than 0.020 (39.2 microg/m3), 0.025 (47.75 microg/m3), and 0.030 ppm (58.8 microg/m3), respectively. The value of the technique is discussed with respect to other studies on the effects of low levels of air pollution on crops.  相似文献   

The forests surrounding the urban areas of the Los Angeles basin are impacted by ozone and nitrogen pollutants arising from urban areas. We examined changes in the herbivore communities of three prominent plant species (ponderosa pine, California black oak and bracken fern) at six sites along an air pollution gradient. Insects were extracted from foliage samples collected in spring, as foliage reached full expansion. Community differences were evaluated using total herbivore abundance, richness, Shannon-Weiner diversity, and discriminant function analysis. Even without conspicuous changes in total numbers, diversity or richness of herbivores, herbivore groups showed patterns of change that followed the air pollution gradient that were apparent through discriminant function analysis. For bracken fern and oak, chewing insects were more dominant at high pollution sites. Oak herbivore communities showed the strongest effect. These changes in herbivore communities may affect nutrient cycling in forest systems.  相似文献   

Understorey vegetation of Scots pine forests was studied along a 8-km transect running SE from a Cu-Ni smelter at Harjavalta, SW Finland. Long-term accumulation of heavy metals and sulphur in the forest ecosystem has drastically changed plant communities. Vegetation was almost absent up to a distance of 0.5 km from the smelter. The total coverage and the number of plant species increased with increasing distance from the smelter. Ordination by global non-metric multidimensional scaling (GNMDS) indicated that the floristic composition was differentiated in response to the pollution level. The main compositional gradient of GNMDS was correlated with the heavy metal concentrations in the organic soil layer and with the size of the overstorey trees. Vascular plants were more pollution-resistant than ground lichens, whereas mosses were the most sensitive plant group. In addition to heavy metals, nutrient imbalances and the considerably reduced water-holding capacity of the surface soil also restrict plant recolonisation on the degraded sites.  相似文献   

Chamber experiments on juvenile trees have resulted in severe injury and accelerated loss of leaves along with reduced biomass production under chronically enhanced O3 levels. In contrast, the few studies conducted on adult forest trees in the field have reported low O3 sensitivity. In the present study, young beech in phytotrons was more sensitive to O3 than adult beech in the field, although employed O3 regimes were similar. The hypotheses tested were that: (1) differences in O3 uptake were caused by the ontogenetically higher stomatal conductance of young compared to adult trees, (2) the experimental settings in the phytotrons enhanced O3 uptake compared to field conditions, and (3) a low detoxification capacity contributes to the higher O3 sensitivity of the young trees. The higher O3 sensitivity of juvenile beech in the phytotrons is demonstrated to relate to both the experimental conditions and the physiological responsiveness inherent to tree age.  相似文献   

Microorganisms play an important role in the fixation of radionuclides in forest soils. In particular, fungi have the capacity to absorb and translocate radionuclides. The role of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Hebeloma crustuliniforme in the uptake of radiocaesium (134Cs) and radiostrontium (85Sr) into seedlings of Norway spruce (Picea abies) was investigated in a pouch test system. Inoculated and non-inoculated seedlings; seedlings inoculated during 8 and 15 weeks; seedlings exposed during 2 and 3 weeks to the radioactive solution; and seedlings grown under low and high ammonium conditions prior to the application of the radionuclides were compared. The final 134Cs and 85Sr activity was determined in fine-roots, main-roots, stems and needles. The results showed that ectomycorrhizae reduced the uptake of 134Cs and 85Sr. The degree of ectomycorrhization was of crucial importance and seemed to be governed by the period during which ectomycorrhizae were allowed to develop and by the ammonium concentration in the nutrient solution. The radionuclide uptake increased with increasing exposure time. Both radionuclides were predominantly accumulated in fine-roots. However, needles proved to describe best the result of net root uptake and translocation to the shoot. The uptake-and and translocation-rates of 85Sr were smaller than those of 134Cs. It is assumed that the translocation is coupled with the intensity of water fluxes through the xylem and that 85Sr is more readily adsorbed into mycelium or plant tissue relative to 134Cs. The effect of high ammonium growth conditions was overcome by the effect of ectomycorrhization, except in needles with a very large biomass which behaved as a strong sink and led to a high accumulation of 134Cs.  相似文献   

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