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Variation in the reproduction of Varroa jacobsoni mite was studied in relation to the expansion of the range of its parasitism on the honeybee. Geographic differences in the seasonal dynamics of mite reproduction in the nests of bee families were revealed. Variation in the sex ratio of mites and the factors inhibiting their reproduction at the northern boundary of the honeybee range are considered. The forms of parthenogenetic reproduction in V. jacobsoni are discussed.  相似文献   

Host specificity of mites with respect to different species of small mammals in forest ecosystems was studied. The preferences of some parasites for certain host species differed from those described previously. In some cases, most parasites preferred to feed on the species that were most numerous in a certain biogeocenosis, rather than on their specific hosts. Conversely, other species of mites fed mostly on their specific hosts, irrespective of their low abundance, thus manifesting close connections with these mammals. Two mite species, Myonyssus dubinini and M. rossicus, were found in the study region for the first time.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of the parasitic gamasid mite Macronyssus corethroproctus (Oudemans, 1902) during the overwintering period of its host, the pond bat Myotis dasycneme (Boie, 1825), has been analyzed. Regression equations have been obtained that describe the dependence of the abundance of mites on the time since the start of overwintering and on host??s sex and body condition.  相似文献   

Since the late 1980s, spider mite pests have caused serious damage to many moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens) forests in China’s Fujian province. The culms of this plant are an essential component of the building and handicraft industries, and the shoots are a prized food item in many Asian countries. Furthermore, bamboo forests play an important soil conservation role in mountainous areas. We examined pest mite outbreaks in several moso bamboo plantations in Fujian, and could show that a change in cultivation style from polyculture (a kind of mixed forest) to monoculture (all plants other than bamboo were removed) was primarily responsible for the local extinction of an important predaceous mite species. This phenomenon is due to the periodic shedding of leaves by the bamboo, which forces the predator mites occurring on bamboo to switch to prey mite species that occur on other plants. We then tried to elucidate the factors that resulted from such a cultivation change. Adopting a computer simulation approach, we could successfully show that at least two plants, moso bamboo and Chinese silvergrass, are necessary to maintain stable predator–prey interactions in moso forests. That is, systems consisting of one common predator and two host-specific pest mites on different host plant species frequently became stable when the pest mites were at low density. This finding indicates clearly that bio-diversity, even when it consists of only two plants and three mite species as in this study, is necessary for the sustainable regulation of large-scale forests, such as moso bamboo plantations.  相似文献   

Using methods of geometric morphometrics, significant differences have been revealed in manifestations of variability and morphological disparity in allochronous samples from the population of model species, the bank vole (Clethrionomys glareolus Schreb. 1780), in the Middle Urals at different levels of rodent community (taxocene) completeness in different years. Two states of the taxocene—oligospecific (two species) and polyspecific (five species)—and the level of relative abundance of bank voles (high or low) have been taken into account. Comparative analysis of variation in the size and shape of the mandible in same-aged (late-summer) young of the year has shown that significant morphogenetic differences exist between the animals sampled from the rodent taxocene at its different states (oligospecific and polyspecific) and, to a lesser extent, at high and low levels of abundance. The level of variation and the parameter of intragroup morphological disparity (MNND) in the mandible shape reach a maximum when the community has a reduced composition and decrease to a minimum when its composition is complete (i.e., in the oligo- and polyspecific taxocene). A parallelism is observed in the manifestation of morphofunctional changes of the mandible in male and female voles under conditions when the taxocene has high abundance and oligospecific composition or low abundance but polyspecific composition. Different morphogenetic responses of the population to oligo- and polyspecific composition of the community are considered as a compensatory increase of morphological disparity in the dominant species (the bank vole) under conditions of incomplete composition of the taxocene and low population density, in accordance with Chernov’s ecological compensation principle.  相似文献   

Changes in the species composition of parasite fauna in the European perch in Lake Gusinoye (the Lake Baikal basin) were analyzed in the periods before and during depression of host abundance (the early and late 1970s) and in the years of its recovery to a stable level (the mid-2010s). The period of depression was associated with a significant decrease in the species richness of parasite fauna. Subsequent recovery of perch abundance to a stable level resulted in an increase in the parasite species richness, but it remained lower than before the depression of host abundance.  相似文献   

The time course of changes in characteristics of herbaceous vegetation around Formica aquilonia Yarr. ant nests formed from artificially relocated fragments of original families was studied over 6 years. At the initial stage of nest formation, species richness and diversity of the herbaceous layer decreased, and its taxonomic, spatial, phytocenotic, and ecological structure changed. Trivialization of vegetation around anthills was observed. The proportion of zoochorous and anemophilous plants with narrow or strongly dissected leaves increased in the developing myrmecotopic assemblages.  相似文献   

The types, frequency, and intensity of human interference with forests markedly affect the vegetation dynamics. Assessment of the impact of anthropogenic disturbances on forest diversity and structure is one of the central issues related to human behaviour and forest ecosystems and management. Both species diversity and density are very sensitive to local anthropogenic disturbance, which can be reduced depending on land-use systems. We used 10 line transects of 500 × 10 m to record and measure all plants ≥10 cm girth in some of the remaining forests surrounding villages in Tripura, Northeast India. To predict the effects of anthropogenic pressure on species richness and forest structure, we recorded and scored all ongoing disturbances in all transects of the forests. Although our study did not show any significant effects on the mean number of species, all diversity indices were significantly affected by disturbance. Total stem density (F = 128.60, p < 0.0001) and basal area (F = 65.30, p < 0.0001) of the forest stands were significantly affected by disturbance. Disturbance significantly (F = 84.81, p < 0.0001) impacts the abundance of mature voluminous trees removed by extensive illegal logging. Further, stem density at the middle (F = 10.01, p < 0.05) and upper (F = 131.70, p < 0.0001) canopy stories was also reduced by high disturbance intensity. The present analysis will be useful to policy-makers and planners for implementation of sustainable forest management at both the local and regional scale.  相似文献   

The gyrfalcon in the Yamal Peninsula nests mostly on trees. The average brood size in this species decreased from 3.1 nestlings per active nest (n = 28) between 1973 and 1989 to 2.2 (n = 22) between 1998 and 2008. This decrease is probably explained by switching to the habit of using mostly smaller nests (built by the rough-legged buzzard, raven, or hooded crow) instead of large nests built by the white-tailed eagle. The survival rate of gyrfalcon nestlings in smaller nests is considerably lower: the average brood size is only 1.6 (n = 12), compared to 2.5 (n = 20) in medium-sized and 3.0 (n = 34) in large nests. The possible role of increase in snow cover density caused by climate warming in making large nests less accessible to the gyrfalcon is discussed.  相似文献   

The results of regression and correlation analyses of long-term data (1971–2005) on the dates of arrival of 16 bird species to the Il’men State Nature Reserve (the Southern Urals) show that they have not changed in most of these birds, unlike in many countries of Europe and North America. This is explained primarily by the absence of any significant trends in the dynamics of spring air temperatures in the study region. Only the herring gull Larus argentatus and the lapwing Vanellus vanellus have shown a significant tendency to arrive earlier, while the garganey Anas querquedula has shown a tendency to arrive on later dates in the past two decades. Nevertheless, interannual fluctuations in the dates of arrival are well manifested in both early arriving species wintering in Europe and late-arriving species wintering in Africa. These fluctuations largely depend on temperature conditions in spring. As a rule, almost all species studied—from waterbirds to passerines—appear in the Il’men Reserve earlier in years with early and warm springs than in cold years. Hence, spring weather is the key factor determining the dates of arrival of migratory birds to the study region.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that morphological disparity increases while taxonomic diversity decreases in a radioactively contaminated environment, the relationship of these parameters was studied in communities (taxocenes) of rodents living in the Southern Urals in the zone of influence from the Eastern Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT) (2003–2008). Young of the year of six rodent species (98 samples) were examined in the background (control) area (0.2 Ci/km2) and in the impact area polluted with radionuclides from the EURT (750 Ci/km2). The dynamics of morphological disparity (MD), assessed with regard to average values of five exterior characters, was compared between the control and impact taxocenes. Taxonomic (taxocenotic) diversity was estimated with the Shannon index (H). Morphological disparity was found to increase significantly at low rodent abundance (in conditionally unfavorable years) and decrease at high abundance, with the value of MD in the impact taxocene being significantly higher. A negative correlation between MD and H was revealed (r = −0.70), in conformity with the above hypothesis. Discordance (difference in direction) of annual changes in the test parameters, with H increasing while MD decreases (or vice versa) was observed in unfavorable years; it can be used as an indicator of conditions unfavorable for rodent taxocenes.  相似文献   

On the basis of abundant fossil and subfossil bone remains, the ecological and faunal role of the narrow-skulled vole in zonal rodent communities of northern Eurasia is analyzed over the period from the Late Pleistocene to the present time. Special attention is given to the correlated dynamics of relative abundance of Microtus gregalis and other rodent species in the course of transition from one zonal type to another and to specific features of this correlation in the southern, middle, and northern parts of the species range. It is shown that distinctive dimensional and morphotypic features of the two currently existing subspecies, Microtus gregalis major Ogn. and M. g. gregalis Pall., are the product of concordant development of the species and environmental conditions in the past 3000–4000 years (transition from the Holocene optimum to the present-day climate and state of the natural environment). Published in Russian in Ekologiya, 2007, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 117–123. The article was translated by the authors.  相似文献   

The abundance, structure, and distribution of oribatid communities in high-mountain pine forest biotopes of the Eastern Caucasus are described in dependence on elevation above sea level. The oribatid fauna of high-mountain pine forests proved to be characterized by high abundance, an assortment of dominants, and species richness. It was shown that, as the elevation increases, specific dominants typical of particular altitudinal zones appear in communities, and changes in the mass species occur. These species are stable in terms of their long-term dynamics, and zonal groups (communities) demonstrate a high species diversity.  相似文献   

We compared differences in plant species diversity between conifer (Pinus tabulaeformis) plantations and natural secondary forests in the middle of the Loess plateau. The goal of the study was to examine the differences in the effect of stand development on species diversity and in species responses to changes between forest types and between forest layers. To clarify the effects of differences in forest management, we emphasized the functional types of plant species occurring in each forest type. The result as follow: (1) The H′ and S of tree layer were significantly lower in natural conifer forest than old conifer and secondary forest, but were not different compared with mid aged conifer forest. The H′ and S of shrub layer were significantly lower in mid aged conifer forest compared with other forest types. The H′ of herb layer showed no significant differences in the four forest types. The evenness index (J′) of tree layer of mid aged conifer forest was lower than other forest communities and its J′ of shrub layer was highest although its richness of shrub layer was lower than in the other forest types. (2) The analysis of β diversity index also indicated large differences between conifer plantations and natural forests. Although the tree layer species were similar in old plantation and natural conifer forests, they differed greatly between the natural conifer and secondary forests. The natural conifer and secondary forest species composition in shrub layer differed significantly from those in plantation and secondary plots. Tree species were significantly less common in plantations than in abandoned coppice forests. Species composition in the herb layer of different forest types was similar. (3) The management of P. tabulaeformis plantations alters plant species composition considerably; the number of sub tall-tree species is increased in old aged conifer forest, especially species dispersed by animals. Plantation management appears to affect ecological processes through seed dispersal. From the perspective of management, the change in the structure and composition of the canopy in plantations could affect the behavior of dispersers and regeneration.  相似文献   

Data are presented on the abundance, structure, and dynamics of hemipopulations of G. conopsea protocorms and autotrophic individuals at the northern boundary of the species range. The dynamics of ontogenetic structure of G. conopsea cenopopulations have a fluctuating pattern. Their response to adverse weather conditions is manifested in short-term reduction of density and increase in cenopopulation ageness in subsequent years. Deterioration of growing conditions in a series of ecotopes is accompanied by an increase in the proportion of young individuals, which allows the species to level off the impact of adverse weather factors on population size.  相似文献   


Picea neoveitchii is an endemic species in China. It had been listed as an endangered species in red data books. It scatters in several locations of south slope of the Qinling Mountain of China. Upon reviewing the related literature, discussing with leading scholars on gymnosperm, ecology and plant conservation, the field survey was carried out in four locations. There are eleven mature individuals and two seedlings surviving in its natural habitats. With the survey of quadrat method in four locations, related community index were calculated such as relative important value (RIV), species richness, similarity index, diversity index and evenness index etc. The community could be sorted and characterized as three groups based on the community parameters. The analysis of vegetation table elucidates that Picea neoveitchii is a dominant species with low grouping rate in most surveyed sites.

The RAPD analysis shows target species has intraspecific genetic variability. The estimation of Shannon's phenotypic diversity index (Ho) also explains the difference of genetic variations of different locations.

Due to the lack of enough knowledge and professional guide of conservation biological perspective, Picea neoveitchii had been clear-cut for timber production. The extent of occurrence and area of occupancy declined rapidly from 1950s to 1990s. According to the Conservation Category guideline proposed by the World Conservation Union, the conservation status of Picea neoveitchii was reevaluated as Critically Endangered (CR) B2b C2a D. Upon research in areas of ecology, molecular biology, cluster analysis of environmental parameters, a practical conservation strategy is recommended in this research.  相似文献   

2012年3月、6月、9月和12月按季度对涪江支流老河沟的14个样点进行了鱼类群落结构调查和分析。共采集鱼类11种,隶属于2目4科;其中,鲤形目鱼类7种,占物种数的63.64%。沿上游源头到下游的纵向梯度方向,老河沟鱼类的种类数和丰度均逐渐增加,具极显著性差异,而鱼类种类数和丰度则无季节差异性。聚类分析(Cluster Analysis)和多维尺度分析(MDS)表明,当Bray-curtis相似度矩阵值为40.77%时,老河沟鱼类群落分成上游、中游和下游3组。利用相似度百分比分析(SIMPER)确定,引起3组差异性的特定鱼类是宽鳍鱲、尖头、似()、齐口裂腹鱼、贝氏高原鳅、红尾荷马条鳅和青石爬鮡。典型相关分析(CCA)表明海拔、底质类型、流速、溶氧、总溶解固体、水温、电导率、河宽、pH值和水深等环境变量是老河沟鱼类群落时空格局差异的影响因子。  相似文献   

Perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS) is the stable end product of the degradation of various perfluorinated compounds and is the predominant compound found in the environment and biota. PFOS is a widespread environmental contaminant that is found in a great diversity of wildlife species with more elevated tissue concentrations in animals from populated and industrialized areas. In this study we determined the PFOS accumulation in blood and livers of a small songbird, the great tit (Parus major), in the vicinity of a large fluorochemical plant in Antwerp, Belgium. PFOS concentrations ranged from 553 ng/g to 11359 ng/g in liver and ranged from 24 to 1625 ng/ml in blood, which are among the highest ever reported in free-living animals, and exceeded in almost all birds the hepatic benchmark concentrations for the protection of avian species [Beach SA, Newsted JL, Coady K, Giesy JP. Ecotoxicological evaluation of perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS). Rev Environ Contam Toxicol 2006;186:133-174]. Although PFOS concentrations in liver and blood decreased significantly within approximately 5.5 km of the plant, differences were smaller than previously described for wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) and nestling great tits. PFOS concentrations in liver and blood were higher in young birds (one-year old). No significant sex differences were found. A highly significant correlation between liver and blood concentrations indicates the usefulness of blood as a non-destructive matrix for biomonitoring purposes.  相似文献   

Topical connections between F. aquilonia ants and herbaceous plants in a fragmented forest area have been analyzed. The species composition of the group of herbaceous plants changing their occurrence frequency in response to the presence of F. aquilonia nests has been determined. Ecological and phytocenotic parameters of herbaceous plants contributing to the development of the myrmecotopic assemblage are described. Signs of meadowfication and synanthropization of the herbaceous layer around ant nests have been observed.  相似文献   

Littoral (lake shore) macroinvertebrate communities were studied in eight natural lakes affected by fallout from the Chernobyl accident. The lakes spanned a range in 137Cs contamination from 100 to 15500 kBq m−2 and estimated external dose rates ranged from 0.13 to 30.7 μGy h−1. General linear models were used to assess whether abundance of individuals, taxon richness, Berger-Parker dominance and Shannon-Wiener diversity varied across the lakes. Step-wise multiple regressions were used to relate variation in total abundance, taxon richness, Berger-Parker dominance, Shannon-Wiener diversity, taxon richness within major groups of macroinvertebrates and abundance of the more common individual taxa to the measured environmental characteristics (conductivity, pH, total hardness and phosphate; lake area, lake maximum depth and total external dose) of the lakes. No evidence was found in this study that the ecological status of lake communities has been influenced by radioactive contamination from the Chernobyl accident. Indeed, the most contaminated lake, Glubokoye, contained the highest richness of aquatic invertebrates. Taxon richness in the eight study lakes varied from 22 (Svyatskoe #7) to 42 (Glubokoye) which spans a range typical for uncontaminated lakes in the region. Since 90Sr is readily-absorbed by Mollusca, estimated dose rates to this group exceeded those for other invertebrate groups in two lakes (Perstok and Glubokoye). However this study found no association between mollusc diversity or abundance of individual snail species and variation between lakes in the external radiation dose. Indeed Glubokoye, the lake most contaminated by 90Sr, had the highest richness of freshwater snails per sample (an average of 8.9 taxa per sample).  相似文献   

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