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The distribution of tree species in the landscape was studied using the approach based on the comparison of the ecological requirements of species and the properties of ecotopes distinguished by their position in the relief and peculiarities of basement rocks. The types and specificity of ecological regimes were determined for the typical ecotopes of the southern Karelian ridge landscape. The main environmental and successional factors determining the distribution of seven forest-forming tree species in the ecotopes of this landscape were identified. The results of this work can provide a basis for the prognosis of forest vegetation in the landscape studied.  相似文献   

The correlation between climatic changes and the numbers of trees in the generations of Siberian spruce (Picea obovata Ledeb.) in subgoltsy tree stands of the Southern Urals was analyzed over the past 200 years. The results showed that the most abundant generations appeared in 1809–1816, 1821–1827, 1839–1845, 1850–1867, 1875–1887, 1891–1896, 1900–1904, 1911–1918, 1923–1932, 1944–1952, 1958–1966, and 1975–1995. Their formation proved to be related to the improvement of thermal conditions of the warm season during the five to seven years before and after the emergence of trees and conditions of the cold season in the year of their emergence, as well as to the periods of increased snow depth in late April in the years 27–32 of tree growth.  相似文献   

Relationships between stem diameter and phytomass of trees and their parts (single- and multistemmed growth forms) have been studied at different altitudinal levels of the present-day upper treeline ecotone on the Iremel’ Massif, the Southern Urals. The time course of changes in the structure and phytomass of birch–spruce stands during the past centuries has been reconstructed. It is shown that the expansion of forests to the mountains in this period has occurred against the background of rise in summer and winter temperatures and increase in the amount of solid precipitation in the Southern Urals.  相似文献   

The population structure of the Colorado potato beetle in the Southern Urals is discussed. This population is shown to be divided into two groups of local populations, in central and in peripheral parts of the study area, which differ in degree of intrapopulation diversity. The founder effect and insecticide pressure are regarded as probable factors that have contributed to this division.  相似文献   

Specific features in the distribution of plant species differing in their attitude toward thermal conditions have been studied in communities of the present-day timberline ecotone on Mount Iremel’ in the Southern Urals. It has been shown that the distribution of such species is characterized by significant spatial nonuniformity. Elevation above sea level, local conditions in habitats located at the same altitudinal level, and specific features of mountain slopes account for 13–84, 5–30, and 0.4–14% of the total variance of test parameters, respectively. The abundance of plants changes nonlinearly along the altitudinal gradient, whereas changes in the species diversity of different plant groups have an almost linear pattern. Marked differences between plant communities with respect to the proportions of species differently responding to changes in thermal conditions have been revealed on all slopes in the upper part of the timberline ecotone, upon transition from the slopes proper to the plateau-like areas of intermontane depressions.  相似文献   

The sources and levels of radioactive contamination of the Techa River are analyzed. Dose assessments are made for humams and biota. The highest radionuclide concentrations in the river water were observed in the period 1950–1951. In 1951, at a distance of 78 km from the site of radioactive discharges, the content of 90Sr in the water was 2.7 × 104 Bq l−1 and that of 137Cs was 7.5 × 103 Bq l−1. Subsequently, the radionuclide activity in the river water decreased considerably. In the period 1991–1994, the average annual content of 90Sr in the water varied between 6 and 20 Bq l−1. The average annual content of 137Cs in the river water varied from 0.06 to 0.23 Bq l−1, i.e. was lower than that of 90Sr approximately by two orders of magnitude. The concentration of 239,240Pu in the water varied between 0.004 and 0.019 Bq l−1. The radioactive contamination of the Techa floodplain is highly nonuniform. With increasing distance from the river sources, the contamination density of the floodplain decreases, remaining, however, considerably higher than the background values.At present, the average annual dose rates in contaminated areas are (0.1–2) × 10−3 Sv year−1, which is considerably lower than in the periods of ‘acute’ exposure (1950–1951). The doses to aquatic biota were much higher than those to humans.  相似文献   

The Ethiopian rift is characterized by a chain of lakes of various sizes and hydrological and hydrogeological settings. The rift lakes and feeder rivers are used for irrigation, soda extraction, commercial fish farming, and recreation, and they support a wide variety of endemic birds and wild animals. The levels of some of these lakes have changed dramatically over the last three decades. Lakes that are relatively uninfluenced by human activities (Langano and Abaya) remain stable except for the usual inter-annual variations, strongly influenced by rainfall. Some lakes have shrunk due to excessive abstraction of water; others have expanded due to increases in surface runoff and groundwater flux from percolated irrigation water. Lakes Abiyata and Beseka, both heavily impacted by human activities, show contrasting lake level trends: the level of Abiayata has dropped by about 5 m over three decades because of the extraction of water for soda and an upstream diversion for irrigation. Beseka has expanded from an area of 2.5 to 40 km2 over the last three decades because of increased groundwater inputs from percolated irrigation water. Lake Awassa has risen slightly due to land use changes resulting in increased runoff in its catchment. This paper addresses these lake level changes and their environmental repercussions, based on evidence from hydrometeorological records, hydrogeological field mapping supported by aerial photography and satellite imagery interpretations, water balance estimation, and hydrological modeling. A converging evidence approach is used to reconstruct the temporal and spatial variations of lake levels. The results reveal that the major changes in the rift valley are mainly related to anthropogenic factors. These changes appear to have grave environmental consequences for the fragile rift ecosystem. These consequences demand the very urgent implementation of integrated basin wide water management practice.  相似文献   

The results of original studies and published data are used for evaluating the main responses of the avifauna of boreal forests to the combined effect of sulfur dioxide and heavy metals. It is shown that environmental pollution results in the reduction of species richness, biomass, and stability of the nesting bird fauna. In degraded areas, the structure of the bird community changes: (1) typical forest species are replaced by the species of open habitats, and (2) the proportion of species nesting in the upper tree layer decreases, whereas that of ground-nesting species increases.  相似文献   

Degradation of fur hunting in the mid-1990s allowed the impact of hunting on some species of predatory mammals to be estimated. The numbers of sables, martens, foxes, and lynx were demonstrated to slowly decrease in the period of intense hunting; after pelt trade ceased, the numbers of sables, martens, and foxes increased by a factor of three within 15 years. Ermines and Siberian weasels had not experienced a substantial hunting pressure; changes in their numbers were caused by other factors.  相似文献   

Geometric morphometrics has been used to reveal coupled geographic variation in the mandible shape in two sympatric rodent species, the pygmy wood mouse (Sylvaemus uralensis Pall.) and bank vole (Myodes glareolus Pall.), in the Southern Urals. It has been shown that syntopic samples synchronously collected from the local communities of these species usually display similar, parallel, and unidirectional morphological changes as demonstrated by comparison of species pairs from different localities. The degree of concordance in geographic variation of the species makes it possible to estimate their coevolutionary potential within local communities: the wider the range of ecological conditions under which parallel variation of sympatric species is observed, the higher is their coevolutionary potential.  相似文献   

Based on gradient analysis and indicator values, spring water chemistry and temperature and the dynamics of water level were shown to be the main ecological factors of plant cover differentiation in spring fens. Six groups of plant communities were identified by ordination along the axes of these factors, with each group being characterized by a certain suite of indicator species.  相似文献   

Data on the abundance and occurrence of 64 odonate species in the Southern Urals are considered. A comparative analysis of the odonate fauna in the early 20th century, in the 1960s and 1970s, and in the early 21st century is performed. On this basis, it is concluded that its structure has been markedly changing with time, with the magnitude of these changes being comparable to that of regional faunistic differences. The causes of these changes are discussed. The apparent enrichment of the odonate fauna is attributed primarily to the appearance of new anthropogenic habitats.  相似文献   

The results of long-term bird censuses in the Ilmen State Reserve are presented. Analysis of dynamic processes in the forest ornithocomplexes has shown that factors influencing changes in the abundance of birds in multispecies communities have unequal effects on different species. It has been found that the abundance dynamics of some species is correlated with spring meteorological parameters and the timing of phenological phases.  相似文献   

The present paper is aimed at assessing the long term behaviour of 90Sr migration from water to bottom sediments of Lake Uruskul, Southern Urals, Russia. The lake was contaminated following the nuclear accident at the Mayak nuclear complex in 1957 (the Kyshtym accident). Some transfer parameters relevant to the behaviour of 90Sr in the water-sediment system were evaluated: a) the radionuclide migration velocity from the water column to the bottom sediment, b) the radionuclide migration rate from bottom sediment to water, and c) the radionuclide migration rate from bottom sediment to deep sediment. The estimated values of the above parameters were 6.4 x 10(-1) m s(-1), 5.7 x 10(-10) s(-1) and 5.2 x 10(-10) s(-1), respectively. These values were compared with data obtained for some Italian lakes contaminated by 90Sr after the nuclear weapons tests fallout. The relatively low radionuclide migration from water to sediment of these lakes is reflected by the values of the ratio migration velocity/migration rate from sediment to water (4 m and 12 m) that are significantly lower than the corresponding value in the Russian lake (112 m). The peculiar hydrochemical conditions of Lake Uruskul (high pH, high mineralisation, etc.) are considered to be responsible for the high radionuclide migration from water to sediment.  相似文献   

Ordination methods were applied to the identification of structural units in the phytoplankton community. The groups of phytoplanktonic species identified by the time gradient and the method of cluster analysis of species lists were compared. The structural complexity of the phytoplankton community was evaluated using the index of cenotic significance (ICS) and derivative calculation coefficients. A high degree of similarity in the structure of dominance between the zooplanktonic and phytoplanktonic communities of the water body was revealed.  相似文献   

Trends of changes in species richness and dominance in staphylinid communities depending on the age of pine plantations have been analyzed. The species richness of these communities is high in the plantations of age classes 1 and 2 (11 and 28 years, respectively) but decreases in the plantations of age class 3 (60 years). The highest and lowest indices of species diversity are observed in the plantations of age classes 2 and 3, respectively. Four groups of rove beetles have been distinguished by the criterion of their dominance in pine plantations of different ages.__________Translated from Ekologiya, No. 4, 2005, pp. 306–313.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Derunkov.  相似文献   

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