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Huang, Biao, Christian Langpap, and Richard M. Adams, 2011. Using Instream Water Temperature Forecasts for Fisheries Management: An Application in the Pacific Northwest. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(4):861‐876. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00562.x Abstract: Water temperature is an important factor affecting aquatic life within the stream environment. Cold water species, such as salmonids, are particularly susceptible to elevated water temperatures. This paper examines the potential usefulness of short‐term (7 to 10 days) water temperature forecasts for salmonid management. Forecasts may be valuable if they allow the water resource manager to make better water allocation decisions. This study considers two applications: water releases from Lewiston Dam for management of adult Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Klamath River and leasing water from agriculture for management of steelhead trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the John Day River. We incorporate biophysical models and water temperature distribution data into a Bayesian framework to simulate changes in fish populations and the corresponding opportunity cost of water under different levels of temperature forecast reliability. Simulation results indicate that use of the forecasts results in increased fish production and that marginal costs decline as forecast reliability increases, suggesting that provision and use of such stream temperature forecasts would have potential value to society.  相似文献   

Abstract: We evaluated the impact of land cover on fish assemblages by examining relationships between stream hydrology, physicochemistry, and instream habitat and their association with fish responses in streams draining 18 watersheds of the Lower Piedmont of western Georgia. Several important relationships between land use and physicochemical, hydrological, and habitat parameters were observed, particularly higher frequency of spate flows, water temperatures, and lower dissolved oxygen (DO) with percentage impervious surface (IS) cover, higher habitat quality with percentage forest cover, and elevated suspended solid concentrations with percentage pasture cover. Fish assemblages were largely explained by physicochemical and hydrological rather than habitat variables. Specifically, fish species diversity, richness, and biotic integrity were lower in streams that received high frequency of spate flows. Also, overall fish assemblage structure as determined by nonmetric multidimensional scaling was best described by total dissolved solids (TDS) and DO, with high TDS and low DO streams containing sunfish‐based assemblages and low TDS and high DO streams containing minnow‐based assemblages. Our results suggest that altered hydrological and physicochemical conditions, induced largely by IS, may be a strong determinant of fish assemblage structure in these lowland streams and allow for a more mechanistic understanding of how land use ultimately affects these systems.  相似文献   

This article provides a method for examining mesoscale water quality objectives downstream of dams with anticipated climate change using a multimodel approach. Coldwater habitat for species such as trout and salmon has been reduced by water regulation, dam building, and land use change that alter stream temperatures. Climate change is an additional threat. Changing hydroclimatic conditions will likely impact water temperatures below dams and affect downstream ecology. We model reservoir thermal dynamics and release operations (assuming that operations remain unchanged through time) of hypothetical reservoirs of different sizes, elevations, and latitudes with climate‐forced inflow hydrologies to examine the potential to manage water temperatures for coldwater habitat. All models are one dimensional and operate on a weekly timestep. Results are presented as water temperature change from the historical time period and indicate that reservoirs release water that is cooler than upstream conditions, although the absolute temperatures of reaches below dams warm with climate change. Stream temperatures are sensitive to changes in reservoir volume, elevation, and latitude. Our approach is presented as a proof of concept study to evaluate reservoir regulation effects on stream temperatures and coldwater habitat with climate change.  相似文献   

Zorn, Troy G., Paul W. Seelbach, and Edward S. Rutherford, 2012. A Regional‐Scale Habitat Suitability Model to Assess the Effects of Flow Reduction on Fish Assemblages in Michigan Streams. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 48(5): 871‐895. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2012.00656.x Abstract: In response to concerns over increased use and potential diversion of Michigan’s freshwater resources, and the resulting state legislative mandate, an advisory council created an integrated assessment model to determine the potential for water withdrawals to cause an adverse resource impact to fish assemblages in Michigan’s streams. As part of this effort, we developed a model to predict how fish assemblages characteristic of different stream types would change in response to decreased stream base flows. We describe model development and use in this case study. The model uses habitat suitability information (i.e., catchment size, base‐flow yield, and July mean water temperature) for over 40 fish species to predict assemblage structure in an individual river segment under a range of base‐flow reductions. By synthesizing model runs for individual fish species at representative segments for each of Michigan’s 11 ecological stream types, we developed curves describing how typical fish assemblages in each type respond to flow reduction. Each stream type‐specific, fish response curve was used to identify streamflow reduction levels resulting in adverse resource impacts to characteristic fish populations, the regulatory standard. Used together with a statewide map of stream types, our model provided a spatially comprehensive framework for evaluating impacts of flow withdrawals on biotic communities across a diverse regional landscape.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Baseflow augmentation refers to the temporary storage of subsurface water in floodplains, streambanks, and/or stream bottoms during the wet season, either by natural or artificial means, for later release during the dry season to increase the magnitude and permanence of low flows. Management strategies for baseflow augmentation fall into the following categories: (1) range management, (2) upland vegetation management, (3) riparian vegetation management, (4) upland runoff detention and retention, and (5) the use of instream structures. The benefits of a management strategy focused on baseflow augmentation are many, including: (1) increased summer flows, (2) healthier riparian areas, (3) increased channel and bank stability, (4) decreased erosion and sediment transport, (5) improved water quality, (6) enhanced fish and wildlife habitat, (7) lower stream temperatures, and (8) improved stream aesthetics. This review has shown that baseflow augmentation has been successfully accomplished in a few documented cases. Given its clear impact on soil and water conservation, particularly in the semiarid western U.S., it appears that baseflow augmentation is a concept whose time has come. Research is needed on how to successfully integrate baseflow augmentation within comprehensive resource management strategies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Central Nebraska Basins (NAWQA) study unit includes the Platte River and two major tributaries, the Loup and Elkhorn Rivers. Platte River flows are variable in the western part of the study unit because of diversions, but the Loup and Elkhorn Rivers originate in an area of dune sand covered by grassland that generates consistent base flows. More frequent runoff in the eastern part of the study unit also sustains stream flow. Ground water in the study unit has no regional confining units and the system is a water table aquifer throughout. Macroinvertebrate and fish taxa at biological sampling sites in the state were related to stream flow. One of the four wetland complexes identified in the study unit includes habitat for threatened and endangered bird species. The study unit is an agricultural area that includes row crops, both irrigated and nonirrigated in the eastern and southern parts, and rangeland in the Sand Hills of the western part. A water quality assessment will be based on the differences in environmental setting in each of four subunits within the study unit.]  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The lower 4 miles of the Red River, a tributary of the Rio Grande in northern New Mexico, was designated as one of the “instant” components of the National Wild and Scenic River System in 1968. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), as the managing agency of the wild and scenic river, was a participant in a general water rights adjudication of the Red River stream system. The BLM sought a federal reserved water right and asserted a claim to the instream flows necessary to protect and maintain the values of the river. Instream flows are not recognized under New Mexico water law. Instream flow requirements were determined by several methods to quantify the claims made by the United States for a federal reserved water right under the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act. The scenic (aesthetic), recreational, and fish and wildlife values are the purposes for which instream flow requirements were claimed. Since water quality is related to these values, instream flows for waste transport and protection of water quality were also included in the claim. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Instream Flow Incremental Methodology was used to quantify the relationship between various flow regimes and fish habitat. Experience in this litigation indicates the importance of using state-of-the-art methodologies in quantifying instream flow claims. The incremental methodology held up well under technical and legal scrutiny and is an example of the latest methodology that was applied successfully in an adjudication. On February 23, 1984, the parties involved in the adjudication entered a precedential stipulation recognizing a federal reserved right to instream flows for the Red River component of the National Wild and Scenic River System.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: We evaluated the effectiveness of watershed‐scale implementations of best‐management practices (BMPs) for improving habitat and fish attributes in two coldwater stream systems in Wisconsin. We sampled physical habitat, water temperature, and fish communities in multiple paired treatment and reference streams before and after upland (barnyard runoff controls, manure storage, contour plowing, reduced tillage) and riparian (stream bank fencing, sloping, limited rip‐rapping) BMP installation in the treatment subwatersheds. In Spring Creek, BMPs significantly improved overall stream habitat quality, bank stability, instream cover for fish, abundance of cool‐ and coldwater fishes, and abundance of all fishes. Improvements were most pronounced at sites with riparian BMPs. Water temperatures were consistently cold enough to support coldwater fishes such as trout (Salmonidae) and sculpins (Cottidae) even before BMP installation. We observed the first‐time occurrence of naturally reproduced brown trout (Salmo trutta) in Spring Creek, indicating that the stream condition had been improved to be able to partially sustain a trout population. In Eagle Creek and its tributary Joos Creek, limited riparian BMPs led to localized gains in overall habitat quality, bank stability, and water depth. However, because few upland BMPs were installed in the subwatershed there were no improvements in water temperature or the quality of the fish community. Temperatures remained marginal for coldwater fish throughout the study. Our results demonstrate that riparian BMPs can improve habitat conditions in Wisconsin streams, but cannot restore coldwater fish communities if there is insufficient upland BMP implementation. Our approach of studying multiple paired treatment and reference streams before and after BMP implementation proved effective in detecting the response of stream ecosystems to watershed management activities.  相似文献   

In this study, we demonstrate a physically based semi-Lagrangian water temperature model known as the River Basin Model (RBM) coupled with the Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) hydrological model and Weather Research & Forecasting Model in the Mississippi River Basin (MRB). The results of this coupling compare favorably with observed water temperature data available from six river gages located in the MRB. Further sensitivity analysis indicates that the mean water temperatures may increase by 1.3, 1.5, and 1.8°C in northern, central, and southern MRB zones under a hypothetical uniform air temperature increase of 3.0°C. If air temperatures increase uniformly by 6.0°C in this scenario, then water temperatures are projected to increase by 3.3, 3.5, and 4.0°C. Lastly, downscaled air temperatures from a global climate model are used to drive the coupled VIC and RBM model from 2020 to 2099. Average stream temperatures from 2020 to 2099 increase by 1.0 to 8.0°C above 1950 to 2010 average water temperatures, with non-uniform increases along the river. In some portions of the MRB, stream temperatures could increase above survival thresholds for several native fish species, which are critical components of the stream ecosystem. In addition, increased water temperatures interact with nutrient loadings from sources throughout the MRB, which is expected to exacerbate harmful algal blooms and dead zones in the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: One of the biggest challenges in managing cold water streams in the Midwest is understanding how stream temperature is controlled by the complex interactions among meteorologic processes, channel geometry, and ground water inflow. Inflow of cold ground water, shade provided by riparian vegetation, and channel width are the most important factors controlling summer stream temperatures. A simple screening model was used to quantitatively evaluate the importance of these factors and guide management decisions. The model uses an analytical solution to the heat transport equation to predict steady‐state temperature throughout a stream reach. The model matches field data from four streams in southwestern Wisconsin quite well (typically within 1°C) and helps explain the observed warming and cooling trends along each stream reach. The distribution of ground water inflow throughout a stream reach has an important influence on stream temperature, and springs are especially effective at providing thermal refuge for fish. Although simple, this model provides insight into the importance of ground water and the impact different management strategies, such as planting trees to increase shade, may have on summer stream temperature.  相似文献   

One central issue affecting the health of native fish species in the Pacific Northwest is water temperature. In situ observation methods monitor point temperatures, while thermal infrared (TIR) remote sensing captures spatial variations. Satellite‐based TIR sensors have the ability to view large regions in an instant. Four Pacific Northwest river reaches were selected to test the ability of both satellite‐based and moderate resolution aircraft‐based TIR remote sensing products to measure river temperatures. Images with resolutions of 5, 15, and 90 meters were compared with instream temperature observations to assess how along stream radiant temperatures are affected by resolution, reach width, and sensor platform. Where the stream reach can be resolved by the sensor, all sensors obtain water temperatures within ±2°C of instream observations. Along stream temperature variations of up to ±5°C were also observed. Trends were similar between two sets of TIR images taken several hours apart, indicating that the sensors are observing actual temperature patterns from the river surface. If sensor resolution is sufficient to obtain fully resolved water pixels in the river reach, accurate temperatures and spatial patterns can be observed. The current generation of satellite‐based TIR sensors is, however, only able to resolve about 6 percent of all Washington reaches listed as thermally impaired.  相似文献   

A study was made to analyze and modify procedures used for stream assimilation capacity and point source wasteload allocation calculations. This paper describes the sources and types of information collected and the analysis of alternative computation methods developed during the study. The calculation of stream assimilation capacity or Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL), will depend upon assumed stream flows, quality standards, reaction rates, and modeling procedures. The “critical conditions” selected for TMDL calculations usually are low flows and warm temperatures. The complexity of water quality models used for TMDL and allocation calculations can range from simple, complete mixing to calibrated and verified mathematical models. A list of 20 wasteload allocation (WLA) methods was developed. Five of these WLA's were applied to an example stream to permit comparisons based on cost, equity, efficient use of stream assimilation capacity, and sensitivity to fundamental stream quality data. Based on insensitivity to data errors and current use by several states, the WLA method of “equal percent treatment” was preferable in the example stream.  相似文献   

Warmwater fish habitat in the San Juan River of the southwestern United States has been reduced by over 30% as a result of water depletion, reservoir inundation, and cold-water dam releases combined with drought-related changes in hydrology. This reduction and a suite of other factors have contributed to declines in native fish populations including the federally endangered Colorado Pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus lucius) and Razorback Sucker (Xyrauchen texanus). Conservation efforts for these species include determining flow needs; protecting, managing, and augmenting habitats; and stocking hatchery fish. But the young of stocked fish have low survival due largely to a paucity of nursery habitat not being reformed and maintained under current conditions. Flow recommendations for Navajo Dam releases designed to mimic the river's natural hydrograph have not been met due to water shortages, and the desired outcomes of increased channel complexity and enhanced fish habitat have not been observed. Forecasted hydrology that includes ongoing drought shows that achieving the flow targets through further dam reoperations is unlikely. Mechanical construction of early life-stage habitats is a highly recommended complement to flow management for offsetting the effects of flow reduction and habitat loss. Habitats with features that are effective and resilient under a range of flows are important in counterbalancing the effects of climate change.  相似文献   

A modeling assessment of the thermal regime for an urban sport fishery   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Water temperature is almost certainly a limiting factor in the maintenance of a self-sustaining rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, formerlySalmo gairdneri) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) fishery in the lower reaches of the Cache la Poudre River near Fort Collins, Colorado, USA. Irrigation diversions dewater portions of the river, but cold reservoir releases moderate water temperatures during some periods. The US Fish and Wildlife Service’s Stream Network Temperature Model (SNTEMP) was applied to a 31-km segment of the river using readily available stream geometry and hydrological and meteorological data. The calibrated model produced satisfactory water temperature predictions (R 2=0.88,P<0.001, N=49) for a 62-day summer period. It was used to evaluate a variety of flow and nonflow alternatives to keep water temperatures below 23.3°C for the trout. Supplemental flows or reduced diversions of 3 m3/sec would be needed to maintain suitable summer temperatures throughout most of the study area. Such flows would be especially beneficial during weekends when current irrigation patterns reduce flows. The model indicated that increasing the riparian shade would result in little improvement in water temperatures but that decreasing the stream width would result in significant temperature reductions. Introduction of a more thermally tolerant redband trout (Oncorhynchus sp.), or smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui) might prove beneficial to the fishery. Construction of deep pools for thermal refugia might also be helpful.  相似文献   

.Fish and wildlife enhancement through water resources development implies fish and wildlife will be enhanced or benefit directly from such development. As a matter of practicality, the opposite may be the case in that wildlife lands of prime value and stream fisheries are often lost or severely altered as a result of reservoir construction or stream channelization. Additionally, estuarine fish and wildlife can also suffer from water resources development due to reductions in volume of fresh waters reaching the estuaries and adjacent marshes. In some instances waterfowl habitat can be created by reservoir construction and with good planning waterfowl habitat and use may be enhanced. To offset losses of thousands of acres of wildlife habitat when a river system is to be totally harnessed, planners could set aside sufficiently large natural areas dedicated for use by wildlife. This, however, would be replacement rather than enhancement. Reservoir fisheries can be enhanced with good planning to include timber clearing, shoreline clearing, boat road clearing, variable level drawoff devices and tailrace escapement channels. To sum up, it is possible for some species offish and wildlife to be enhanced through water resources development but only at the expense of others, and then only through careful and integrated planning.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Watershed and aquatic ecosystem management requires methods to predict and understand thermal impacts on stream habitat from urbanization. This study evaluates thermal effects of projected urbanization using a modeling framework and considers the biological implications to the fish community. The Stream Network Temperature Model (SNTEMP) was used in combination with the Hydrologic Simulation Program Fortran (HSPF) to assess changes in stream thermal habitat under altered stream‐ flow, shade, and channel width associated with low, medium, and high density urban developments in the Back Creek watershed (Roanoke County, Virginia). Flow alteration by the high density development scenario alone caused minimal heating of mean daily summer base flow (mean +0.1°C). However, when flow changes were modeled concurrently with reduced shade and increased channel width, mean daily temperature increased 1°C. Maximum daily temperatures exceeding the state standard (31°C) increased from 1.1 to 7.6 percent of the time using summer 2000 climatic conditions. Model results suggest that additional urban development will alter stream temperature, potentially limiting thermal habitat and shifting the fish community structure from intolerant to tolerant fish species in Back Creek. More research is needed on the sub‐lethal or chronic effects of increased stream temperature regimes on fish, particularly for those species already living in habitats near their upper limits.  相似文献   

Abstract: Cool summertime stream temperature is an important component of high quality aquatic habitat in Oregon coastal streams. Within the Oregon Coast Range, small headwater streams make up a majority of the stream network; yet, little information is available on temperature patterns and the longitudinal variability for these streams. In this paper we describe preharvest spatial and temporal patterns in summer stream temperature for small streams of the Oregon Coast Range in forests managed for timber production. We also explore relationships between stream and riparian attributes and observed stream temperature conditions and patterns. Summer stream temperature, channel, and riparian data were collected on 36 headwater streams in 2002, 2003, and 2004. Mean stream temperatures were consistent among summers and generally warmed in a downstream direction. However, longitudinal trends in maximum temperatures were more variable. At the reach scale of 0.5‐1.7 km, maximum temperatures increased in 17 streams, decreased in seven streams and did not change in three reaches. At the subreach scale (0.1‐1.5 km), maximum temperatures increased in 28 subreaches, decreased in 14, and did not change in 12 subreaches. Models of increasing temperature in a downstream direction may oversimplify fine‐scale patterns in small streams. Stream and riparian attributes that correlated with observed temperature patterns included cover, channel substrate, channel gradient, instream wood jam volume, riparian stand density, and geology type. Longitudinal patterns of stream temperature are an important consideration for background characterization of water quality. Studies attempting to evaluate stream temperature response to timber harvest or other modifications should quantify variability in longitudinal patterns of stream temperature prior to logging.  相似文献   

Stream temperature is an important component of salmonid habitat and is often above levels suitable for fish survival in the Lower Klamath River in northern California. The objective of this study was to provide boundary conditions for models that are assessing stream temperature on the main stem for the purpose of developing strategies to manage stream conditions using Total Maximum Daily Loads. For model input, hourly stream temperatures for 36 tributaries were estimated for 1 Jan. 2001 through 31 Oct. 2004. A basin-scale approach incorporating spatially distributed energy balance data was used to estimate the stream temperatures with measured air temperature and relative humidity data and simulated solar radiation, including topographic shading and corrections for cloudiness. Regression models were developed on the basis of available stream temperature data to predict temperatures for unmeasured periods of time and for unmeasured streams. The most significant factor in matching measured minimum and maximum stream temperatures was the seasonality of the estimate. Adding minimum and maximum air temperature to the regression model improved the estimate, and air temperature data over the region are available and easily distributed spatially. The addition of simulated solar radiation and vapor saturation deficit to the regression model significantly improved predictions of maximum stream temperature but was not required to predict minimum stream temperature. The average SE in estimated maximum daily stream temperature for the individual basins was 0.9 +/- 0.6 degrees C at the 95% confidence interval.  相似文献   

Stream temperatures are key indicators for aquatic ecosystem health, and are of particular concern in highly seasonal, water‐limited regions such as California that provide sensitive habitat for cold‐water species. Yet in many of these critical regions, the combined impacts of a warmer climate and urbanization on stream temperatures have not been systematically studied. We examined recent changes in air temperature and precipitation, including during the recent extreme drought, and compared the stream temperature responses of urban and nonurban streams under four climatic conditions and the 2008–2018 period. Metrics included changes in the magnitude and timing of stream temperatures, and the frequency of exceedance of ecologically relevant thresholds. Our results showed that minimum and average daily air temperatures in the region have increased by >1°C over the past 20 years, warming both urban and nonurban streams. Stream temperatures under drought warmed most (1°C–2°C) in late spring and early fall, effectively lengthening the summer warm season. The frequency of occurrence of periods of elevated stream temperatures was greater during warm climate conditions for both urban and nonurban streams, but urban streams experienced extreme conditions 1.5–2 times as often as nonurban streams. Our findings underscore that systematically monitoring and managing urban stream temperatures under climate change and drought is critically needed for seasonal, water‐limited urban systems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Current approaches to calculating discharge limitations and the use and intent of water quality standards are examined. Flow variable discharge permits, in which the amount of pollutant that may be discharged is based on the magnitude of the flow in the stream, are introduced as an alternative permit strategy that could reduce the cost of pollution control in certain instances while still meeting in-stream water quality objectives. Several possible designs of flow variable discharge permits are presented to show the flexibility of the concept; for example, permits can be based on instantaneous flows, seasonal flows, trigger values, and ranges of flows.  相似文献   

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