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Abstract: The impacts of runoff events on external suspended solids loading to Schoharie Reservoir, New York, and patterns of light scattering and sediment deposition in this reservoir are assessed. The assessment is based on monitoring of suspended solids concentrations in the reservoir's primary tributary, detailed vertical profiles of optical backscattering (a surrogate measure of light scattering) in the reservoir water column, and analysis of sediment trap collections, over a seven-month interval of high runoff. These impacts are reported to be tightly temporally coupled and strongly positively related to the magnitude of runoff events. The primary tributary entered the reservoir as a plunging inflow during runoff events, causing conspicuous subsurface peaks in light scattering, with vertical patterns that varied strongly for different events. Deposition quantified by near-bottom trap deployments is reported to be more representative than results from metalimnetic deployments that were generally within, rather than below, the turbid layers. Direct inputs of sediment, transported by density currents, are found to drive deposition, rather than resuspension/redeposition. More than 50 percent of the reported deposition occurred in less than 15 percent of the study period, associated with the four largest runoff events.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The magnitudes and patterns of sediment resuspension are assessed in Cannonsville Reservoir, New York, to quantify and characterize this internal source of sediment. The assessment is based on analyses of sediment trap collections from 10 sites over the spring to fall interval of two years. Temporal and spatial patterns in sediment deposition are demonstrated to be driven by resuspension/redeposition processes. Sediment that had been resuspended and redeposited represented 80 to 96 percent, on average, of the depositing solids collected along the main axis of the lake. About 90 percent of the redeposited sediment was inorganic. Increased resuspension caused by drawdown of the reservoir surface and fall turnover resulted in 10 to 50‐fold increases in deposition rates compared to levels observed when the reservoir was full and strongly thermally stratified. Elevated levels of redeposition from resuspension in the reservoir have been driven by both higher water column concentrations of suspended solids and settling velocities. Recurring longitudinal and lateral gradients in resuspension are delineated, establishing that resuspended solids are transported from the riverine to the lacustrine zone and from near‐shore to pelagic areas. Resuspension is demonstrated to cause increases in inanimate particle (tripton) concentrations. Higher tripton levels have been observed in years with greater drawdown. Water quality impacts of the resuspension phenomenon are considered.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An intensive water quality investigation was conducted in western North Carolina to determine whether water quality problems existed from point and nonpoint source inputs of sediment from surface mining activities. Depth integrated measurements of sediment transport and biological sampling of benthic communities indicated that very serious water quality problems were caused by erosion from a concentrated area of open pit mining for mica, kaolin, and feldspar. The erosion occurred on haul roads, active mines, inactive mines, and tailings disposal piles. The need for using specific “Best Management Practices” for erosion control on the mining operation is discussed. These practices need to be implemented to restore populations of trout to the degraded reaches of the river. Additional monitoring data are presented that indicate that the biological integrity of surface waters can be preserved in the vicinity of point source mining discharges when the operators utilize proper practices in settling and neutralizing their effluent. While much has been done to abate the point source discharges, attention now needs to be focused on the nonpoint sources of sediment from mining operations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT A method for systematic consolidation of a fixed station water quality monitoring network using dynamic programming is described. The approach utilizes a hierarchical structure; stations are allocated to what are termed primary basins on the basis of a weighted attribute score, and specific station locations within each primary basin are specified using a criterion based on stream order numbers. The method has been applied to the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle (Metro) stream and river quality monitoring network. The results aided in a 1982 metro decision to reduce the scope of its fixed station monitoring from 81 to 47 stations, at an annual savings of approximately $33,000 per year exclusive of equipment depreciation and indirect costs.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water quality impacts from two types of low water stream crossings (LWSC) were examined on the military training lands at Fort Riley, Kansas. The LWSC project was developed to enhance military training as well as improve the water quality of the streams. Water quality impacts of low water fords were quantified and compared to determine the effects of using rock to harden earthen fords. Both earthen and rock hardened low water fords were tested for the impact on stream turbidity, total solids, total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, and settleable solids. Results indicate hardening earthen fords with rock can significantly reduce water quality degradation caused by vehicle movement over the ford. Turbidity caused by vehicles crossing earthen and hardened fords was nearly sixteen times higher for earthen fords. Likewise, total solids, total dissolved solids, and total suspended solids concentrations were lower for hardened crossings. Total solids concentrations from earthen fords were nearly twelve times higher than concentrations from hardened fords. Hardening earthen fords not only provides the military with a more stable stream crossing for its soldiers to use, it decreases water quality degradation and improves local stream ecology. Recommendations for constructing rock hardened LWSC are given.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Hydrologic data network design is a fairly complicated problem where questions as to the number of gages required, time frequencies to be selected, and benefits/costs of monitoring still remain unresolved. These issues are intensified in case of water quality variables as they are more error-prone, costly, and time consuming to sample. The basic difficulty underlying the design and evaluation of monitoring systems is the lack of an objective criterion to assess: (a) the efficiency, and (b) cost-effectiveness of a network. A statistical procedure based on the entropy principle of information theory is proposed to address the evaluation of both factors. Efficiency is measured quantitatively in terms of the information produced by a network. Similarly, benefits of monitoring are described by informative measures for an objective evaluation of cost-effectiveness. The study presented demonstrates the applicability of the entropy method in assessing the efficiency and the benefits of an existing water quality monitoring network. The method is applied for temporal and spatial features of monitoring, handled as both separate and combined problems. The results are shown in the case of the highly polluted Porsuk River in Turkey. The strengths and shortcomings of the proposed methodology are discussed, with recommendations for future research on the application of the entropy principle in network design.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Three forest watersheds were isolated by roads in poorly drained flatwoods of Florida. After 12 months of baseline calibration the forest in one watershed was harvested and regenerated with minimum disturbance, in the second watershed with maximum disturbance from common practices, and in the third watershed left intact as a control. Water yields from the maximum treatments increased a significant 250 percent while that from the minimum treatments increased 117 percent as compared to the control. Weed vegetation remaining after the minimum treatment continued significant water use. The water yield increases lasted only for one year. Water quality was reduced by both treatments with the most effect immediately after the maximum disturbance. Absolute levels of suspended sediments, potassium, and calcium remained relatively low. The maximum treatment caused significant changes in net cation balances only for one year. The information shows relative little effect of silvicultural practices in flatwoods on water quality as compared to data from upland forests. Water yield increases may be manipulated by the degree of harvest and weed control practices.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. As a result of several investigations conducted in the Department of Civil Engineering through the Water Resources Research Center at The University of Tennessee, dating from 1966 to the present, a rather comprehensive surveillance of water quality conditions has been maintained in Forth Loudoun Reservoir on the Tennessee River near Knowville, Tennessee. During the period covered by these investigations, the Knoxville Third Creek Sewage Treatment Plant was upgraded from a primary plant to a secondary (activated sludge) treatment plant. Comparison of the collected data is being undertaken herein to elucidate the impact of these modifications upon water quality conditions in the reservoir. Consideration is given to the improvements of water quality as related to the expenditure for modification of the treatment facilities. In addition, comment is directed toward the public health significance of the water quality conditions determined.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Two sampling strategies designed to test for compliance with water quality objectives are examined. For objectives based on long-term mean requirements, fixed frequency sampling at frequent intervals is most advantageous regardless of the underlying distribution of the data. For objectives that are based on maximum allowable concentrations, effective sampling strategies increase the likelihood of detecting noncompliance. If data are highly autocorrelated or sharply seasonal in distribution, an exceedance-driven sampling strategy is more effective and efficient for detecting violations than fixed frequency sampling. However, data generated by exceedance-driven sampling provide biased estimates of mean and standard deviation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Wise interbasin management of Southeastern U.S. water resources is important for future development. Alabama‐Coosa‐Tallapoosa and Apalachicola‐Flint‐Chattahoochee River basins' water usage has evolved from power generation to multiple uses. Recreation and housing have become increasingly valuable components. Changing use patterns imply changing resource values. This study focused on six Alabama reservoirs, using contingent valuation questions in on‐site, telephone, and mail surveys to estimate impacts on lakefront property values, recreational expenditures, and preservation values for scenarios of permanent changes to reservoir water quantity. As summer full‐pool duration decreased, lakefront property value decreased, and as duration increased, property values increased, but at a lesser rate. Similar findings occurred for winter draw down alternatives. Permanent one‐foot reductions in summer full‐pool water levels resulted in a 4 to 15 percent decrease in lakefront property values. Recreational expenditures decreased 4 to 30 percent for each one‐foot lowering of reservoir water levels. Current nonusers of the six reservoirs showed strong preferences for protecting study reservoirs with willingness to pay values of 47 per household or approximately 29 million for the entire six‐reservoir watershed basin area. Resource management based on historic use patterns may be inappropriate and more frequent and comprehensive valuation of reservoir resources is needed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Regulatory water quality monitoring has evolved to the point where it is a rather complex system encompassing many monitoring purposes and involving many monitoring activities. Lack of a system's perspective of regulatory monitoring hinders the development of effective and efficient monitoring programs to support water quality management. In this paper the regulatory water quality monitoring system is examined in a total systems context. The purposes of regulatory monitoring are reviewed and categorized according to their legal evolution. The activities of regulatory monitoring are categorized and organized into a system which follows the flow of information through the monitoring program. The monitoring purposes and activities are combined to form a monitoring system matrix - a framework within which the total regulatory water quality monitoring system is defined. The matrix, by defining the regulatory monitoring system and clarifying many interactions within the system, provides a basis upon which a more thorough approach to managing, evaluating, and eventually optimizing regulatory monitoring can be developed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The impacts of a severe sustained drought on Colorado River system water resources were investigated by simulating the physical and institutional constraints within the Colorado River Basin and testing the response of the system to different hydrologic scenarios. Simulations using Hydrosphere's Colorado River Model compared a 38-year severe sustained drought derived from 500 years of reconstructed streamflows for the Colorado River basin with a 38-year streamflow trace extracted from the recent historic record. The impacts of the severe drought on streamflows, water allocation, storage, hydropower generation, and salinity were assessed. Estimated deliveries to consumptive uses in the Upper Basin states of Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, New Mexico, and northern Arizona were heavily affected by the severe drought, while the Lower Basin states of California, Nevada, and Arizona suffered only slight shortages. Upper Basin reservoirs and streamflows were also more heavily affected than those in the Lower Basin by the severe drought. System-wide, total hydropower generation was 84 percent less in the drought scenario than in the historical stream-flow scenario. Annual, flow-weighted salinity below Lake Mead exceeded 1200 ppm for six years during the deepest portion of the severe drought. The salinity levels in the historical hydrology scenario never exceeded 1100 ppm.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Optimal policies for supplying rapidly expanding urban centers with additional water supplies are shown to be dependent on water quality goals for the urban effluent. As effluents are required to meet increasingly stringent standards, the unit costs associated with adding capacity to existing wastewater treatment systems to renovate some waters for reuse are shown to substantially decrease. A nonlinear elimination algorithm is developed to delineate optimal policies. A model employing the technique was applied to the wastewater treatment system of a typical urban system and the water quality objectives varied. A comparison of costs with and without various levels of reuse were made and unit costs of reused water under these conditions determined.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. New Jersey, together with other states in the northeast, was stricken with drought during 1961-66. The effect of this drought was most severe in the northern part of the State. The water quality of the Passaic River, which drains the urban, industrialized northeast, perhaps deteriorated the most among the major drainage systems. This river system is used as a raw-water source by 10 water suppliers. The impact of the drought upon the water supply of the Passaic Valley Water Commission, the most downstream of the basin's suppliers, which supplies an average of about 90 million gallons a day to more than 650,000 persons, is evaluated herein. The drought's impact on the raw-water quality is appraised by the comparison of before-and-after qualities of dissolved solids, dissolved oxygen, biochemical-oxygen demand, turbidity, and hardness. For example, at the worst point during the drought, monthly average dissolved-solids content in the raw water were about 210 percent, hardness, about 167 percent, and biochemical-oxygen demand about 270 percent higher than antecedent values. In general, the study concludes that the drought produced a deterioration in both raw and finished water quality, and is estimated to have increased chemical-treatment costs during the drought by about $650,000.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Timber harvest best management practices (BMPs) in Washington State were evaluated to determine their effectiveness at achieving water quality standards pertaining to sediment related effects. A weight‐of‐evidence approach was used to determine BMP effectiveness based on assessment of erosion with sediment delivery to streams, physical disturbance of stream channels, and aquatic habitat conditions during the first two years following harvest. Stream buffers were effective at preventing chronic sediment delivery to streams and physical disturbance of stream channels. Practices for ground‐based harvest and cable yarding in the vicinity of small streams without buffers were ineffective or only partially effective at preventing water quality impacts. The primary operational factors influencing BMP effectiveness were: the proximity of ground disturbing activities to streams; presence or absence of designated stream buffers; the use of special timber falling and yarding practices intended to minimize physical disturbance of stream channels; and timing of harvest to occur during snow cover or frozen ground conditions. Important site factors included the density of small streams at harvest sites and the steepness of inner stream valley slopes. Recommendations are given for practices that provide a high confidence of achieving water quality standards by preventing chronic sediment delivery and avoiding direct stream channel disturbance.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: During waning flood flows in gravel-bed streams, finegrained bedload sediment (sand and fine gravel) is commonly winnowed from zones of high shear stress, such as riffles, and deposited in pools, where it mantles an underlying coarse layer. As sediment load increases, more fine sediment becomes available to fill pools. The volume of fine sediment in pools can be measured by probing with a metal rod, and, when expressed as the fraction (V*) of scoured residual pooi volume (residual pool volume with fine sediment removed), can be used as an index of the supply of mobile sediment in a stream channel. Mean values of V* were as high as 0.5 and correlated with qualitative evaluations of sediment supply in eight tributaries of the Trinity River, northwestern California. Fine-sediment volume correlated strongly with scoured pool volume in individual channels, but plots of V* versus pool volume and water surface slope revealed secondary variations in fines volume. In sediment-rich channels, V* correlated positively with scoured pool volume; in sediment-poor channels, V* correlated negatively with water-surface slope. Measuring fine sediment in pools can be a practical method to evaluate and monitor the supply of mobile sediment in gravel-bed streams and to detect and evaluate sediment inputs along a channel network.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An assumption of scale is inherent in any environmental monitoring exercise. The temporal or spatial scale of interest defines the statistical model which would be most appropriate for a given system and thus affects both sampling design and data analysis. Two monitoring objectives which are strongly tied to scale are the estimation of average conditions and the evaluation of trends. For both of these objectives, the time or spatial scale of interest strongly influences whether a given set of observations should be regarded as independent or serially correlated and affects the importance of serial correlation in choosing statistical methods. In particular serial correlation has a much different effect on the estimation of long-term means than it does on the estimation of specific-period means. For estimating trends, a distinction between serial correlation and trend is scale dependent. An explicit consideration of scale in monitoring system design and data analysis is, therefore, most important for producing meaningful statistical information.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A procedure using a simple, empirically‐based model that makes efficient use of available information has been developed for designing a ground water monitoring well network. A moving plume is described by siting wells in a sequential manner, relying upon two‐dimensional concentration data obtained from previously installed wells to determine the locations of future wells. Data sets from two well known, densely monitored natural gradient tracer studies were used to test the procedure. Plumes defined by all information in the original networks were compared to those defined by reduced networks designed by the new procedure. The new procedure tracked the plumes using only a portion of that information. The new procedure could have reduced the number of wells in the original tests by about 50 percent without appreciable loss of plume information as measured by plume location and extent and by tracer mass.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The influence of perceptions of water quality on the likelihood of recreating at a particular recreation site is investigated using a logit model. The model is estimated for St. Albans Bay, Vermont. A hypothetical improvement in water quality was shown to greatly increase the probability of at least one visit to the bay during a season. This implies that many recreationists who do not use the bay at present will do so if water quality improves. A demand model for predicting site visitation must, therefore, include current nonusers in the sample. Failure to do so would result in misleading predictions about future demand for the bay.  相似文献   

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