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Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are widespread compounds, such as organohalogenated compounds, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and pesticides, which can be found in all types of environmental compartments. Their presence in the aquatic environment is a worldwide problem, with emphasis on sediments which act as depository and consequently as a source of hydrophobic, recalcitrant and harmful compounds. Besides, these pollutants might affect the reproduction and mortality of living organisms, diverging in their potential to bioaccumulate in tissues. The present paper aims to review the occurrence of POPs in sediments and biota from the coastal, estuarine and river areas of Portugal. The list of the studied compounds comprises organohalogenated compounds, PAHs, organometallic compounds, pesticides, sterols, fatty acids and pharmaceutical compounds. The contamination of sediments by various pollutants is presented, such as PAHs up to 7,350 ng g?1 found in Sado estuary and polychlorinated biphenyls up to 62.2 ng g?1 in the case of sediments collected in Ria de Aveiro. The occurrence of these persistent toxic substances in sediments demonstrates aquatic contamination from agricultural, industrial and urban discharges and the concern about the potential risks to aquatic organisms, wildlife and humans. In fact, several classes of POPs have also been found in biota, such as polychlorinated biphenyls up to 810.9 ng g?1 in sentinel fish from the Douro River estuary and pesticides in bivalves from the Sado River estuary. The importance of further systematic research on sediments and biota is here highlighted to compare the contamination of these two reservoirs; to assess their spatial and temporal variation; and to determine other classes of POPs that were not investigated yet (e.g., industrial compounds, estrogens and many classes of pharmaceuticals).  相似文献   

Background, Aims and Scope Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) are known for their adverse and cumulative effects at low concentration. In particular, the PAHs accumulate in sewage sludge during wastewater treatment, and may thereafter contaminate agricultural soils by spreading sludge on land. Therefore, sludge treatment processes constitute the unique opportunity of PAH removal before their release in the environment. In this study, the ability of aerobic microorganisms to degrade light and heavy PAHs was investigated in continuous bioreactors treating trace-level PAH-contaminated sludge. Methods Several aerobic reactors were operated under continuous and perfectly mixed conditions to simulate actual aerobic sludge digesters. Three sterile control reactors were performed at 35°C, 45°C or 55°C to assess PAH abiotic losses under mesophilic and thermophilic conditions. Three biological reactors were also operated at 35°C, 45°C or 55°C. Furthermore, 250 mM methanol were added in an additional mesophilic reactor (35°C). All reactors were fed with long-term PAH-contaminated sewage sludge, and PAH removal was assessed by inlet/outlet mass balance. In this study, PAH compounds ranged from 2 to 5-unsubstituted aromatic rings, i.e. respectively from Fluorene to Indeno(123cd)pyrene. Results and Discussion Significant abiotic losses were observed for the lightest PAHs (fluorene, phenanthrene and anthracene), while biodegradation occurred for all PAHs. More than 80% of the lightest PAHs were removed. Biodegradation rates inversely correlated with the increasing molecular weight, and seemed limited by the low bioavailability of the heaviest PAHs (only 50% of removal). The enhancement of PAH bioavailability by increasing the process temperature or adding methanol was tested. A temperature increase from 35°C to 45°C and then to 55°C significantly enhanced the biodegradation of the heaviest PAHs from 50% to 80%. However, high abiotic losses were observed for all PAHs at 55°C, which was attributed to volatilization. Optimal conditions were found at 45°C considering the low abiotic losses and the high PAH biodegradation rates. Similar performances were achieved by addition of methanol in the sludge. It was concluded that increasing temperatures or addition of methanol favored PAH diffusion from solids to an aqueous compartment, and enhanced their bioavailability to PAH-degrading microorganisms. Conclusion In this study, the use of long-term acclimated aerobic ecosystems showed the high potential of aerobic microorganisms to degrade a wide range of PAHs at trace levels. However, PAH biodegradation was likely controlled by their low bioavailability. Two aerobic processes have been finally proposed to achieve efficient decontamination of sewage sludge, at 45°C or in the presence of methanol. The PAH concentrations in reactor outlet were lower than the French requirements, and allow the treated sludge to be spread on agricultural land. Recommendations and Outlook The two proposed aerobic processes used physical or chemical diffusing agents. The global ecological impact of using the latter agents for treating trace level contamination must be considered. Since methanol was completely removed during the process, no additional harm is expected after treatment. However, an increase of temperature to 45°C could drastically increase the energy demand in full-scale plants, and therefore the ecological impact of the process. Moreover, since bioavailability controls PAH biodegradation, efficiency of the processes could also be influenced by the hydraulic parameters, such as mixing and aeration rates. Further experimentations in a pilot scale are therefore recommended, as well as a final assessment of the global environmental benefit of using such aerobic processes in the bioremediation of trace level compounds. - Abbreviations (PAHs): Ant – anthracene; B(a)A – benzo(a)anthracene ; B(b)F – benzo(b)fluoranthene; B(k)F – benzo(k)fluoranthene; B(ghi)P – benzo(g,h,i)perylene; B(a)P – benzo(a)pyrene; Chrys – chrysene; DB – dibenzo(a,h)anthracene; Fluor – fluoranthene; Fluo - fluorene; Ind – indeno(1,2,3-c,d)pyrene; Phe - phenanthrene; Pyr – pyrene - * The basis of this peer-reviewed paper is a presentation at the 9th FECS Conference on 'Chemistry and Environment', 29 August to 1 September 2004, Bordeaux, France.  相似文献   

A two-step analytical method is developed for the isolation and characterization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in crude oil contaminated soil. In the first step, those crude oil components were isolated which are easily mobilized with water from the contaminated soil (determination of groundwater pollution potential). In the second step, the fraction containing the remaining crude oil compounds was extracted using toluene. After the cleanup of the fractions, both fractions were analyzed using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The HPLC of the toluene extracted fraction shows that along with the sixteen priority pollutants from the US-EPA list, many other polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are present as well. It is evident from the chromatograms that a significant amount of PAHs are present as is also the case in the fractions eluted by water. The described method allows the determination of total organic pollutants from crude oil, some of them being potential groundwater contaminants. The major part of the total pollutants could not be mobilized by water and therefore remains in the soil, which was extracted in the second step.  相似文献   

Background Many contaminated sites contain a variety of toxicants. Risk assessment and the development of soil quality criteria therefore require information on the interaction among toxicants. Interactions between heavy metals are relatively well studied, but little is known about those between heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Methods 0.1 mg/kg dry soil phenanthrene alone or phenanthrene plus 10 mg/kg cadmium (Cd) were added to soil to determine the influence of phenanthrene on Cd toxicity to soil enzymes (invertase, urease, dehydrogenase and phosphatase) and microorganisms (fungi, bacteria and actinomycete) in paddy soil. Results and Discussion 0.1 mg/kg phenanthrene did not reduce the number of microorganisms. However, the addition of phenanthrene to soil with Cd enhanced the Cd toxicity to soil enzymes and microorganisms. This deleterious effect was seen to mainly affect the growth of fungi and the activity of invertase, urease and dehydrogenase. The order of combined inhibition of Cd and phenanthrene was fungi>bacteria>actinomycete. Conclusion The presence of phenanthrene might enhance the toxicity of Cd to soil microorganisms. Phenanthrene can easily be used by the soil actinomycetes as a source of carbon and energy and the finding may be supportive to the development of bioremediation techniques.  相似文献   

我国环境介质中多环芳烃的分布及其生态风险   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
持久性有机污染物多环芳烃(PAHs)在我国环境介质中广泛分布,美国EPA规定的16种.优先控制多环芳烃大多在我国大气、水体、沉积物、土壤和生物体内检出.总结了我国环境介质中PAHs污染水平及特点,分析了其存在的环境风险.我国大气中PAHs污染较重,尤其是北方.水体已普遍受PAHs污染,其中部分水体污染严重;沉积物多环芳烃污染大多处于低生态风险水平,但沉积记录研究表明有越来越严重的趋势.我国土壤和生物体PAHs含量较低,污染生态风险较小.部分区域蔬菜中PAHs含量较高,存在不可忽视的生态风险.  相似文献   

The spatial and seasonal distribution and concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were investigated in core sediments of Ubeji, Ifie, and Egbokodo creeks in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. A total of 222 core sediment samples were collected during the wet season (August 2010) and the dry season (January 2011). The samples were dried, Soxhlet extracted, fractionated, and injected into a gas chromatograph with flame ionization detector (GC-FID). The concentrations of PAHs ranged from not detected to 2,654 μg/kg (wet season) and not detected to 3,513 μg/kg (dry season). In general, the concentrations of PAHs for a number of stations in this study are comparable to sites with high anthropogenic activities in the Niger Delta. The toxicity risk assessment based on the total BaP equivalent quotient of the seven carcinogenic PAHs (BaA, Chry, BbF, BkF, BaP, DBA, and Iper) was 97.416 μg/kg and did not exceed the method B cleanup level for benzo(a)pyrene (137 μg/kg), according to toxic equivalency factors, which implied that PAHs in sediments of the present study currently have minimal adverse effects. This study provided information on the concentrations and profiles of PAHs sediment cores, which is useful for source diagnosis, environmental quality management, contamination history, and environmental forensic studies.  相似文献   

Distribution and sources of 16 parent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were investigated in surface sediments from Port Dickson, Malaysia. Total PAHs varied from 481.3 to 976.6 with a mean value of 679.3 ng g?1 dry weight, which can be classified as moderate level of pollution. The toxic assessment suggested that the PAHs in sediments will not cause immediately adverse biological effects. Both petrogenic and pyrogenic PAHs were recorded in the study area with dominance of pyrogenic. The authors believe that effective monitoring and implementation of environmental regulations have resulted in a tremendous improvement of sediment quality in the Malaysian aquatic ecosystem.  相似文献   

燃煤电厂多环芳烃的生成与控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多环芳烃 (PAHs)对人体健康的危害极大。本文综述了燃煤电厂煤燃烧过程中多环芳烃的生成机理 (直接释放、热解合成和高温缩合机理 )和影响因素 (煤种、温度、锅炉负荷、过剩空气系数、停留时间、钙硫比和一次风 /二次风比 ) ,在此基础上介绍了煤燃烧过程中多环芳烃的各种控制技术和方法  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) seasonal variation and sources in Ubeji, Ifie, and Egbokodo Creeks of the Niger Delta, Nigeria, were predicted using diagnostic ratios (DRs) of parent PAHs (Phe/Phe + Ant; Flu/Flu + Pyr; BaA/BaA + Chry, and Ind/Ind + BghiP) and principal component analysis (PCA). A total of 222 sediment core samples were collected during the wet (August 2010) and the dry seasons (January 2011). The samples were dried and Soxhlet extracted; sample extracts were fractionated and analyzed by gas chromatography/flame ionization detection (GC/FID) to identify individual PAHs. The diagnostic PAH ratios revealed that PAHs in the sediment cores at the three creeks, in both seasons, mainly stemmed from the combustion process (pyrogenic sources). Principal component analysis further confirmed that wood-burning, coal combustion, diesel, gasoline-powered vehicular emissions, and petroleum combustion were the dominant contributors of PAHs sources at the sampling location. This study provided information on the origin and sources of PAHs in sediment cores, which may be useful for regulatory actions, environmental quality management, contamination history, and environmental forensic studies.  相似文献   

Passive air sampling (PAS) was employed to study the occurrence of gaseous and particle-bound PAHs in the North Chinese Plain. The averaged concentrations of gaseous and particle-bound PAHs were 485 ± 209 ng/m3 and 267 ± 161 ng/m3, respectively. The PAHs concentrations at urban sites were generally higher than those at rural ones with ratios <1.5 in spring, summer and fall, but differences between them were not significant for the wintertime and annually averaged concentrations. This urban-rural distribution pattern was related to the PAHs emission sources. PAHs spatial variation can be partially (49%) explained by emission with a simple linear regression method. Both the gaseous and particle-bound PAHs were highest in winter and lowest in summer, with winter/summer ratios of 1.8 and 8, respectively. Emission strength was the most important factor for the seasonality.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are widespread and persistent organic pollutants with high carcinogenic effect and toxicity; their behavior and fate in the soil-plant system have been widely investigated. In the present paper, meta-analysis was used to explore the interaction between plant growth and dissipation of PAHs in soil based on the large body of published literature. Plants have a promoting effect on PAH dissipation in soils. There was no difference in PAH dissipation between soils contaminated with single and mixed PAHs. However, plants had a more obvious effect on PAH dissipation in freshly-spiked soils than in long-term field-polluted soils. Additionally, a positive effect of the number of microbial populations capable of degrading PAHs was observed in the rhizosphere compared with the bulk soil. Our meta-analysis established the importance of the rhizosphere effect on PAH dissipation in variety of the soil-plant systems.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the seasonal distribution and the possible sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the atmospheric environment of Tamil Nadu, India. Passive air sampling was performed at 32 locations during the period from April 2009 to January 2010, and PAHs were quantified using a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer. Analysis showed that the concentrations of PAHs were in the range of 5–47.5 ng/m3 with uniform distribution in urban areas in all seasons. Pre-monsoon season showed the highest cumulative concentration of PAHs in both agricultural and coastal areas. Among PAHs, phenanthrene, fluoranthene, and pyrene levels were found to be predominant in all the samples, contributing up to 36%, 35.5%, and 24.5% of total PAHs, respectively. The signature of the PAHs obtained through diagnostic ratio and principal component analysis revealed that diesel emissions was the probable source of PAHs in all locations. Based on Word Health Organization guidelines, the human lung cancer risk due to observed level of PAH concentration (i.e., PAHs exposure) is meager. However, the risk is predicted to be more in the coastal area during summer (18 individuals among 0.1 million people). To the knowledge of these authors, this report is the first on the seasonal analysis of PAHs using passive air sampling in India.  相似文献   

Hong L  Luthy RG 《Chemosphere》2008,72(2):272-281
Polyoxymethylene (POM) is a polymeric material used increasingly in passive sampling of hydrophobic organic contaminants such as PAHs and PCBs in soils and sediments. In this study, we examined the sorption behavior of 12 PAH compounds to POM and observed linear isotherms spanning two orders of magnitude of aqueous concentrations. Uptake kinetic studies performed in batch systems for up to 54 d with two different volume ratios of POM-to-aqueous phase were evaluated with coupled diffusion and mass transfer models to simulate the movement of PAHs during the uptake process and to assess the physicochemical properties and experimental conditions that control uptake rates. Diffusion coefficients of PAHs in POM were estimated to be well correlated with diffusants' molecular weights as D(POM) proportional, variant(MW)(-3), descending from 2.3 x 10(-10) cm(2) s(-1) for naphthalene to 7.0 x 10(-11) cm(2) s(-1) for pyrene. The uptake rates for PAHs with log K(ow)<5.8 were controlled by the POM phase and the hydrophobicity of PAH compounds. For more hydrophobic PAH compounds, the aqueous boundary layer played an increasingly important role in determining the overall mass transfer rate. The POM partitioning technique was demonstrated to agree well with two other procedures for measuring PAH soil-water distribution coefficients in oil-soot (lampblack) containing soil samples.  相似文献   

Background, Aim and Scope Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are important environmental contaminants which may lead to increased levels of neoplastic aberrations or tumours in fish liver. Therefore, monitoring of PAH and their effects are part of several international environmental programmes. The aim of the present field study was to investigate the concentrations of the PAH metabolites in fish bile, to elucidate spatial, seasonal and species differences as well as to discuss different strategies of normalisation with regard to environmental monitoring. Materials and Methods: PAH metabolites were determined in the bile fluid of dab (Limanda limanda) and flounder (Platichthys flesus) caught in the North Sea and Baltic Sea between 1997 and 2004. After enzymatic deconjugation, two metabolites were determined by means of HPLC. The limit of detection and the limit of quantification were calculated. The accuracy of the method was tested with a standard reference material. Results were referred to bile volume as well as to biliverdin. Results: The main metabolite, 1-hydroxypyrene, was determined in concentrations from <0.7 to 838 ng/ml in bile of dab (Limanda limanda) and flounder (Platichthys flesus) caught between 1997 and 2004. The values for 1-hydroxyphenanthrene in fish bile were considerably lower (<0.4 – 87 ng/ml). Significant differences in the 1-hydroxypyrene levels were found between summer and winter surveys as well as between the sampling sites in the data set from 2004 (383 dabs and 62 flounders): Highest levels of PAH contamination were found in dab from the German Bight and in flounder from the Baltic Sea. Discussion: Spatial differences in 1-hydroxypyrene concentrations between North Sea and Baltic Sea were discussed, as well as differences in relation to season, sex and species. Three parameters of normalisation (biliary protein, biliverdin and bile pigments) were discussed. Biliverdin was identified as a suitable parameter for the normalisation of PAH metabolites in field samples. Conclusions: Spatial differences in 1-hydroxypyrene concentrations of dab demonstrate the usefulness of PAH metabolites in fish bile as a monitoring parameter in marine regions. Significant differences in 1-hydroxypyrene concentrations were found between summer and winter sampling campaigns. This may be linked to an annual cycle of 1-hydroxyprene in dab. It is also possible that bile synthesis/release in dab differs between the seasons. There is no indication for a time trend from 1997 to 2004. Recommendations and Perspectives: It is recommended to relate PAH metabolites in fish bile to biliverdin concentrations. Although the concentrations are low in offshore regions and bile volumes are small, the method presented here allows one to measure PAH metabolites on an individual level which is a crucial prerequisite for meaningful monitoring studies.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background Sewage sludge produced in wastewater treatment contains large amounts of organic matter and nutrients and could, therefore, be suitable as fertiliser. However, with the sludge, besides heavy metals and pathogenic bacteria, a variety of organic contaminants can be added to agricultural fields. Whether the organic contaminants from the sludge can have adverse effects on human health and wildlife if these compounds enter the food chain or groundwater still remains a point of controversial discussion. Main Features This paper presents an overview on the present situation in Europe and a summary of some recent results on the possible uptake of organic contaminants by crops after addition to agricultural fields by sewage sludge. Results Greenhouse experiments and field trials were performed to study the degradation and uptake of organic micro-contaminants in sludge-amended agricultural soil in crops, such as barley and carrots grown in agricultural soil amended with anaerobically-treated sewage sludge from a wastewater treatment plant, but studies hitherto have revealed no immediate risks. Common sludge contaminants such as linear alkylbenzene sulphonates (LAS), nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPE), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), bis(diethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), showed neither accumulation in soil nor uptake in plants. Discussion It is assumed that the annual amount of sewage sludge produced in Europe will increase in the future, mainly due to larger amounts of high quality drinking water needed by an increasing population and due to increasing demands for cleaner sewage water. Application of sewage sludge to agricultural soils is sustainable and economical due to nutrient cycling and disposal of sewage sludge. However, this solution also involves risks with respect to the occurrence of organic contaminants and other potentially harmful contents such as pathogens and heavy metals present in the sludge. There have been concerns that organic contaminants may accumulate in the soil, be taken up by plants and thereby transferred to humans via the food chain. Results obtained so far revealed, however, no immediate risk of accumulation of common organic sludge contaminants in soil or uptake in plants when applying sewage sludge to agricultural soil. With very high dosages of sewage sludge, there may be a risk for accumulation of very apolar contaminants, such as DEHP, to the soil. Conclusions Any conclusions on the safe use of sewage sludge in agriculture have to be drawn carefully, as the studies performed until now have been limited. Further studies are required, and before final statements can be drawn, it is imminent to study a larger variety of common crops and the effect sewage sludge application may have on a possible accumulation of organic contaminants in the crops. Furthermore, a larger variety of organic contaminants need to be studied and special focus should be given to contaminants newly introduced into the environment. Besides investigating possible plant uptake of organic contaminants, the fate of these compounds in soil after sludge application need to be monitored too. Here, special attention has to begiven to studies on degradation and the formation of degradation products, to weathering and to leaching effects on groundwater, to the application of different crops on the same field (crop rotation), to the use of full-width tillage and strip tillage, and to long term application of sewage sludge on the soil. Recommendations and Perspectives There are environmental, political as well as economical incentives to increase the agricultural application of sludge. However, such usage should be performed with care as there are also ways in which sludge fertilisation could harm the environment and human health. Recently, a new European COST Action (859) has been established covering the field of food safety and improved food quality. Part of the Action is dealing with the application of sewage sludge in agriculture. Before any political and economical measures can be taken, the pros and cons have to be sufficiently investigated on a scientific level first. ESS-Submission Editor: Prof. Elena Maestri (elena.maestri@unipr.it)  相似文献   

Background, Aim and Scope The article is focused on dioxin, furan, PCB and organochlorine pesticide monitoring in the surface waters of the Central European, protected natural reserve Krivoklatsko, under the UNESCO programme Man and Biosphere. Persistent compounds are presently transported via different means throughout the entire world. This contamination varies significantly between sites. This raises the question of what constitutes the naturally occurring background levels of POPs in natural, unpolluted areas, but which are close to industrialised regions. Information of real background POP contamination can be of high value for risk assessment management of those sites evidently polluted and for the defining of de-contamination limits. Preserved areas should not be seen as isolated regions in which the impacts of human activities and natural factors are either unexpected or overlooked. Every ambient region, even those protected by a law or other means, are still closely connected to neighbouring human developed and impacted areas, and are therefore subject to this anthropogenic contamination. These areas adjacent to natural reserves are sources of diverse substances, via entry of air, water, soil and/or biota. After an extended period of industrial activities, organochlorine pollutants, even those emitted in trace concentrations have reached detectable levels. For future research and for the assessment of environmental changes, present levels of contamination would be of high importance. This work publishes data of the contamination with organochlorine pollutants of this natural region, where biodiversity and ecological functions are of the highest order. Materials and Methods: Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) were utilised as the sampling system. SPMDs were deployed in two small creeks and one water reservoir selected in the central part of the Krivoklatsko Natural Reserve, where it could be expected that any possible contamination by POPs would be lowest. The exposed SPMDs were analysed both for chemical contents of POPs and for toxicity properties. The chemical analyses of dibenzo-dioxins, dibenzo-furans, PCBs and OCPs were analysed by GC/MS/MS on GCQ or PolarisQ (Thermoquest). Toxicity bioassays were performed on the alga Desmodesmus subspicatus, bacteria Vibrio fischeri and crustacean Daphnia magna. All toxicity data were expressed as the effective volume Vtox. Vtox is a toxicity parameter, the determination of which is independent of SPMD deployment time and pre-treatment dilution (unlike, for example, the EC50 of the SPMD extract). Results: The following chemical parameters were monitored: 1) tetra, penta, hexa and hepta dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans; 2) all those detectable from tri- through deca-polychloriated biphenyls (PCBs) and 3) a group of organochlorine pesticides: hexachlorobenzene and isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane, DDE, DDD and DDT. The concentrations of dioxins and furans on the assessed sites varied from under detection levels up to 7 pg.l-1; PCBs were detected in a sum concentration up to 2.8 ng.l-1; and organochlorine pesticides up to 346 pg.l-1. The responses of bioassays used were very low, with the values obtained for Vtox being under 0.03 l/d. Discussion: Toxicity testing showed no toxicity responses, demonstrating that the system used is in coherence with the ecological status of the assessed sites. Values of Vtox were under the critical value – showing no toxicity. The PCA of chemical analysis data and toxicity responses resulted in no correlations between these two groups of parameters. This demonstrated that the present level of contamination has had no direct adverse effects on the biota. Conclusions: The concentration values of six EPA-listed, toxic dioxins and sums of tetra-hepta dioxins; nine EPA toxic dibenzofurans and the sums of tetra-hepta bibenzofurans are presented together with all tri-deka PCBs and organochlorine pesticides (alfa-, beta-, gama-, delta-HCH, HCB, opDDE, ppDDE, opDDD, ppDDD, opDDT, ppDDT). These values represent possible current regional natural background values of these substances monitored within the Central European region, with no recorded adverse effects on the freshwater ecosystem (up until the present time). Recommendations and Perspectives: Assessment of dioxins, furans and other organochlorine compounds within natural reserves can be important for the monitoring of human-induced impacts on preserved areas. No systematic monitoring of these substances in areas not directly affected by industry has generally been realised. There is a paucity of data of the presence of any of these substances within natural regions. Further monitoring of contamination of both soil and biota by dioxins and furans in preserve regions is needed and can be used for future monitoring of man-made activities and/or accidents. Semipermeable membrane devices proved to be a very good sampling system for the monitoring of trace concentrations of ambient organochlorine compounds. Toxicity evaluation using the Vtox concept demonstrated that those localities assessed expressed no toxicity.  相似文献   

Background Recent studies indicated that arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) play important roles in plant accumulation of uranium (U) from contaminated environments, but the impacts of fertilization practices on functioning of the symbiotic associations, which are crucial factors influencing plant nutrition and growth responses to mycorrhiza, have rarely been considered. Materials and Methods In a greenhouse experiment, a bald root barley mutant (brb) together with the wild type (wt) were used to test the role of root hairs and AMF in uranium (U) uptake by host plants from a U contaminated soil. Nil, 20 and 60 mg KH2PO4-P kg–1 soil were included to investigate the influences of phosphorus (P) fertilization on plant growth and accumulation of U. Results Dry matter yield of barley plants increased with increasing P additions and wt produced significantly higher dry weight than brb. Mycorrhiza markedly improved dry matter yield of both genotypes grown at nil P, whereas only brb responded positively to mycorrhiza at 20 mg P kg-1. At the highest P level, mycorrhiza resulted in growth depressions in both genotypes, except for the roots of wt. In general, plant P concentrations increased markedly with increasing P additions and in response to mycorrhiza. Mycorrhiza and P additions had no significant effects on shoot U concentrations. However, root U concentrations in both genotypes were significantly increased by mycorrhiza. On the other hand, shoot U contents increased with increasing P levels, while 20 mg P kg-1 stimulated, but 60 mg P kg-1 marginally affected the U accumulation in roots. Root length specific U uptake was moderately enhanced both by root hairs and strongly enhanced by mycorrhiza. Moreover, non-inoculated plants generally had higher shoot-root ratios of U content than the corresponding inoculated controls. Conclusion Our study shows that AMF and root hairs improves not only P acquisition but also the root uptake of U, and mycorrhiza generally decreases U translocation from plant root to shoot. Hence, mycorrhiza is of potential use in the phytostabilization of U contaminated environments. Perspectives The complex impacts of P on U accumulation by barley plants suggested that U behavior in mycorrhizosphere and translocation along the soil-fungi-plant continuum as affected by fertilization practices deserve extensive studies for optimizing the function of mycorrhizal associations for phytoremediation purposes.  相似文献   

The natural attenuation of polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the vadose zone of a naturally revegetated former industrial sludge basin (0.45 ha) was examined. This was accomplished by comparing the concentration of 16 PAH contaminants present in sludge collected below the root zone of plants with contaminants present at 3 shallower depths within the root zone. Chemical analysis of 240 samples from 60 cores showed the average concentration of total and individual PAHs in the 0-30 cm, 30-60 cm, and bottom of the root zone strata were approximately 10, 20, and 50%, respectively, of the 16, 800 ppm average total PAH concentration in deep non-rooted sludge. Statistically significant differences in average PAH concentrations were observed between each strata studied and the non-rooted sludge except for the concentrations of acenaphthene and chrysene present at the bottom of the root zone in comparison to sludge values. The rooting depth of the vegetation growing in the basin was dependent on both vegetation type and plant age. Average rooting depths for trees, forbs (herbaceous non-grasses), and grasses were 90, 60, and 50 cm, respectively. The deepest root systems observed (100-120 cm) were associated with the oldest (12-14 year-old) mulberry trees. Examination of root systems and PAH concentrations at numerous locations and depths within the basin indicated that plant roots and their microbially active rhizospheres fostered PAH disappearance; including water insoluble, low volatility compounds, i.e. benzo(a)pyrene and benzo(ghi)perylene. The reduced concentration of PAHs in the upper strata of this revegetated former sludge basin indicated that natural attenuation had occurred. This observation supports the concept that through appropriate planting and management practices (phytoremediation) it will be possible to accelerate, maximize, and sustain natural processes, whereby even the most recalcitrant PAH contaminants (i.e. benzo(a)pyrene) can be remediated over time.  相似文献   

Control of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) in emissions and thermal residues from incinerators has been a cause of public concern for more than one decade. Recently, several studies showed that other persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls (co-PCBs) also have dioxin-like activity and are released from incinerators. Therefore, the present study was aimed at making a risk assessment about dioxin-like activity in extracts of thermal waste residues (e.g. combustion gas; fly ash, slag) from incineration and melting processes in Germany and Japan. For this purpose, polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls (co-PCBs), polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) and polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were analyzed by chemical analysis. Additionally, 2, 3, 7, 8-TCDD equivalents (EROD-TEQs) were determined by in vitro Micro-EROD bioassay using rat H4IIE hepatoma cells. EROD-TEQs could be correlated to I-TEQ values (from PCDD/Fs/co-PCBs) analyzed by chemical analysis resulting in a maximal sixfold higher estimate. Our study indicates minor influences of co-PCBs, PAHs and PCNs to the sum of dioxin-like toxicity in the extracts of thermal waste residues as determined here. Furthermore, we showed that the levels of dioxins and co-PCBs contained in slag from melting processes and bottom ashes from incineration processes were lower by 1-2 orders of magnitude than that in fly ash.  相似文献   

Size-specific concentrations and bioaccessibility of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in dust from air conditioner filters were measured, and the factors influencing the PBDE bioaccessibility were determined. Generally, the PBDE concentrations increased with decreasing dust particle size, and BDE209 (deca-BDE) was generally the predominant congener. The bioaccessibility ranged from 20.3% to 50.8% for tri- to hepta-BDEs, and from 5.1% to 13.9% for BDE209 in dust fractions of varied particle size. The bioaccessibility of most PBDE congeners decreased with increasing dust particle size. The way of being of PBDE (adsorbed to dust surface or incorporated into polymers) in dust significantly influenced the bioaccessibility. There was a significant negative correlation between the tri- to hepta-BDE bioaccessibility and organic matter (OM) contents in dust. Furthermore, tri- to hepta-BDE bioaccessibility increased with increasing polarity of OMs, while with decreasing aromaticity of OMs. The tri- to hepta-BDE bioaccessibility significantly positively correlated with the surface areas and pore volumes of dust. Using multiple linear regression analysis, it was found that the OM contents and pore volumes of dust were the most important factors to influence the tri- to hepta-BDE bioaccessibility and they could be used to estimate the bioaccessibility of tri- to hepta-BDEs according to the following equation: bioaccessibility (%) = 45.05 − 0.49 × OM% + 1.79 × pore volume. However, BDE209 bioaccessibility did not correlate to any of these factors.  相似文献   

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