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安全生产事关广大职工的身体健康、生命安全和企业财产安全,是企业生存发展的基础,云铜集团紧紧围绕《国务院关于进一步加强企业安全生产工作的通知》要求,夯实管理基础,狠抓责任落实,通过一系列工作措施,全面推进了企业安全生产工作。其中"过三关"考核、"新反三违"活动以及班组标准化建设等措施更是独具特色,值得借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>党的十八大报告提出:"强化公共安全体系和企业安全生产基础建设,遏制重特大安全事故。"这为做好安全生产工作提出明确要求,指明了方向。实践证明,推进企业安全标准化工作是强化企业安全生产基础建设重要抓手。第一,安全标准化工作为企业安全生产基础建设提供了方法和手段;第二,安全标准化建设规范了企业安全生产行为;第三,安全标准化建设涵盖了企业安全生产基础建设的主要内容;第四,安全标准化建设促进了企  相似文献   

国务院安委会力推安全生产标准化建设提升事故防范能力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近日,国务院安委会印发《关于深入开展企业安全生产标准化建设的指导意见》,要求各地区、各相关部门大力推进企业安全生产标准化建设,进一步规范企业安全生产行为,强化安全基础管理,有效防范和坚决遏制重特大事故发生。总体要求:坚持"安全第一、预防为主、综合治理"的方针,牢固树  相似文献   

企业安全生产标准化管理模式研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
目前我国正处于企业全面开展安全生产标准化建设阶段,企业原有的安全生产管理模式大多不能完全符合安全生产标准化的要求。通过分析企业安全生产标准化建设中存在的共性问题和企业安全生产管理工作的一般需求,以安全生产标准化理论和标准体系为基础,提出了企业安全生产标准化管理模式。模式由核心要素集、基础信息库、管理工具箱组成,按照过程和对象进一步细化和重新组合安全生产标准化管理要素,分类汇总企业安全管理所需的基础信息,并为安全管理档案、记录和报表提出统一格式和内容要求。该模式可以灵活应用于安全生产信息化建设,保障企业持续保持安全生产标准化建设成果,有效减少不必要的重复性工作、提高企业安全生产管理工作效率  相似文献   

正为交流用人单位职业卫生基础暨标准化建设经验,推动用人单位科学有效开展职业卫生管理工作,中国安全生产科学研究院拟定于2016年5月11日-13日在北京举办"职业卫生基础暨标准化建设研讨班"。研讨目的:结合职业卫生政策、法规和标准最新进展,对用人单位职业卫生管理及职业卫生基础暨标准化建设要求、内容、要点等进行系统研讨,提升相关人员职业卫生管理能力和基础暨标准化建设水平。研讨对象:职业卫生技术服务机构相关专业技术人员、用人单位职业卫生负责人、职业卫生管理员及各级安全监管部门职业卫生监管人员等。  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市及新疆生产建设兵团安全生产监督管理局、工业和信息化主管部门、人力资源社会保障厅(局)、国资委、工商行政管理局、质量技术监督局,各银监局,有关中央企业: 近年来,全国工贸行业企业安全生产标准化建设从宣传动员、基础建设阶段进入了全面铺开、全力推进阶段,有力促进了全国安全生产状况持续稳定好转.但当前企业安全生产标准化建设仍存在认识不到位、发展不平衡、激励约束机制不完善等问题,必须采取切实措施,抓紧研究解决.为全面推进全国工贸行业企业安全生产标准化建设,现提出如下意见: 一、总体要求 深入贯彻落实党的十八大精神,坚持"安全第一、预防为主、综合治理"的方针,牢固树立以人为本、安全发展理念,按照《安全生产"十二五"规划》(国办发[2011]47号)的要求,根据《企业安全生产标准化基本规范》(AQ/T9006)及相关行业安全生产标准和规范的规定,全面推进工贸行业企业安全生产标准化建设,实现岗位达标、专业达标和企业达标,落实企业安全生产主体责任,夯实企业安全管理基础,提高企业本质安全水平,推动企业转型升级,为实现科学发展、安全发展,全面建成小康社会作出更大的贡献.  相似文献   

本文通过对我国以及唐钢公司安全生产形势的深刻分析,创造性地提出了"123"安全管理模式的概念,即树立先进安全管理理念;推行安全分级管理,推行安全属地负责制;加强安全标准化建设、加强安全基础建设、加强安全信息化建设以促进安全管理。经过近3年的应用实践,对持续提升企业安全绩效奠定了扎实基础,并不断为企业生产经营提供稳固的安全支撑。  相似文献   

<正>安全生产标准化是促进企业本质安全的重要手段,是提升企业安全生产管理水平的根本保障。片仔癀公司为贯彻落实上级安全生产标准化的工作部署,夯实安全管理基础,积极开展安全生产标准化创建活动,将标准化建设纳入重要工作日程,对照《工贸行业企业安全生产标准化建议实施指南》和《冶金等工贸企业安全生产标准化基本规范评分细则》的要求,深刻理解和掌握安全生产标准化申报的内容、核心和要求,开展了"安全生产标准化全员参与"活动,认真扎实地对安全制度完善、设备设施安全状况、安全投入情况、教育培训、操作行为、人员行为、作业环境、职业健康、应急预案及演练等工作进行全面详细  相似文献   

<正>开展企业安全生产标准化建设是落实企业安全生产主体责任的必要途径;是强化企业安全生产基础工作的长效制度;是政府实施安全生产分类指导、分级监管的重要依据;是有效防范事故发生的重要手段。为了深入贯彻落实新修订的《安全生产法》中关于"推进企业安全生产标准化建设"的有关要求,帮助企业更好地理解《国家安全监管总局关于印发企业安全生产标准化评审工  相似文献   

针对当前企业环境风险管理主体责任落实不到位,管理内容不清晰,缺乏建设规范和标准的问题,系统分析企业环境风险管理的重点领域和有效抓手,在借鉴ISO14000和澳洲风险管理标准(AS/NZS4360)管理程序和模式的基础上,以应急预案管理为抓手,以"建设准备-体系建设-评审备案-运行实施"(PDCA)为建设模式,开展企业环境风险管理体系标准化建设,持续推进企业环境风险管理工作的全面开展。  相似文献   

Explosion characteristics of micron- and nano-size magnesium powders were determined using CSIR-CBRI 20-L Sphere, Hartmann apparatus and Godbert-Greenwald furnace to study influence of particle size reduction to nano-range on these. The explosion parameters investigated are: maximum explosion pressure (Pmax), maximum rate of pressure-rise (dP/dt)max, dust explosibility index (KSt), minimum explosible concentration (MEC), minimum ignition energy (MIE), minimum ignition temperature (MIT), limiting oxygen concentration (LOC) and effect of reduced oxygen level on explosion severity. Magnesium particle sizes are: 125, 74, 38, 22, 10 and 1 μm; and 400, 200, 150, 100, 50 and 30 nm. Experimental results indicate significant increase in explosion severity (Pmax: 7–14 bar, KSt: 98–510 bar·m/s) as particle size decreases from 125 to 1 μm, it is maximum for 400 nm (Pmax: 14.6 bar, KSt: 528 bar·m/s) and decreases with further decrease of particle size to nano-range 200–30 nm (Pmax: 12.4–9.4 bar, KSt: 460–262 bar·m/s) as it is affected by agglomeration of nano-particles. MEC decreases from 160 to 30 g/m3 on decreasing particle size from 125 to 1 μm, its value is 30 g/m3 for 400 and 200 nm and 20 g/m3 for further decrease in nano-range (150–30 nm). MIE reduces from 120 to 2 mJ on decreasing the particle size from 125 to 1 μm, its value is 1 mJ for 400, 200, 150 nm size and <1 mJ for 50 and 30 nm. Minimum ignition temperature is 600 °C for 125 μm magnesium, it varies between 570 and 450 °C for sizes 38–1 μm and 400–350 °C for size range 400–30 nm. Magnesium powders in nano-range (30–200 nm) explode less violently than micron-range powder. However, likelihood of explosion increases significantly for nano-range magnesium. LOC is 5% for magnesium size range 125–38 μm, 4% for 22–1 μm, 3% for 400 nm, 4% for 200, 150 and 100 nm, and 5% for 50 and 30 nm. Reduction in oxygen levels to 9% results in decrease in Pmax and KSt by a factor of 2–3 and 4–5, respectively, for micron as well as nano-sizes. The experimental data presented will be useful for industries producing or handling similar size range micron- and nano-magnesium in order to evaluate explosibility of their magnesium powders and propose/design adequate safety measures.  相似文献   

Introduction. The aim of this study was to estimate maximal aerobic capacity (VO2max), to determine its associated factors among workers of industrial sector of Iran and to develop a regression equation for subjects’ VO2max. Methods. In this study, 500 healthy male workers employed in Shiraz industries participated voluntarily. The subjects’ VO2max was assessed with the ergocycle test according to the Åstrand protocol. Required data was collected with a questionnaire covering demographic details (i.e., age, job tenure, marital status, education, nature of work, shift work, smoking and weekly exercises). Results. The subject’s mean VO2max was 2.69 ± 0.263 L/min. The results showed that there was an association between VO2max and age, BMI, hours of exercise and smoking, but there was no association between VO2max and height, weight, nature of work and working schedule. On the basis of the results, regression equations were developed to estimate VO2max. Conclusion. Final regression equation developed in this study may be used to estimate VO2max reliably without the need to use other laboratory instruments for aerobic measurement.  相似文献   

Cascade-based attack vulnerability on the US power grid   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The vulnerability of real-life networks subject to intentional attacks has been one of the outstanding challenges in the study of the network safety. Applying the real data of the US power grid, we compare the effects of two different attacks for the network robustness against cascading failures, i.e., removal by either the descending or ascending orders of the loads. Adopting the initial load of a node j to be Lj=[kjmΓjkm)]α with kj and Γj being the degree of the node j and the set of its neighboring nodes, respectively, where α is a tunable parameter and governs the strength of the initial load of a node, we investigate the response of the US power grid under two attacks during the cascading propagation. In the case of α<0.7, our investigation by the numerical simulations leads to a counterintuitive finding on the US power grid that the attack on the nodes with the lowest loads is more harmful than the attack on the ones with the highest loads. In addition, the almost same effect of two attacks in the case of α=0.7 may be useful in furthering studies on the control and defense of cascading failures in the US power grid.  相似文献   

The properties of electro-activated (EA) aqueous solutions as well as the dynamics of their changes were considered in the current study using aqueous solutions of NaCl and NaHCO3. The concentrations of the salt solutions were 0.5, 0.25, 0.125 and 0.05 M. The tests were performed at the DC current densities of 25, 37.5, and 50 Å/m2. The electro-activation reactor consisted of three individual cells assembled together and separated by anion-exchange (AEM) and cation-exchange (CEM) membranes. During the experiments, four configurations of the membrane placements and solutions concentrations were studied. The obtained results showed the dynamics of the electro-activation process that allows obtaining electro-activated solutions with targeted properties such as pH and oxydo-reduction potential (ORP). It was possible to obtain electro-activated solutions at the anodic side (acid anolyte) with pH of 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0 and ORP of +1100 ± 15 mV when NaCl solution was used as electrolyte. Furthermore, several types of electro-activated solutions with high redox potential (ORP = +921 ± 12 mV) and neutral pH (6.48 ± 0.05) were obtained on the anode side when sodium carbonate was used. At the same time, two types of solutions, one with acid pH (2.14 ± 0.14) and the other one with alkaline pH (10.46 ± 0.03) with ORP = +689 ± 10 and 110 ± 21 mV, respectively, were obtained in the central compartment which considered as electro-activated solutions obtained by means of noncontact electro-activation.  相似文献   

Influence of super-absorbent polymer on the growth rate of gas hydrate   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The growth rate of hydrate and morphology of methane hydrate formation were studied in a visual pressure cell at 5.5 MPa. The gas hydrate formation was carried out (coal mine methane (CMM) + tetrahydrofuran (THF) + sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) + H2O) with and without SAP. Experimental data on the hydrate growth rate and induction time were obtained for three different CMM samples. The influence of SAP on hydrate growth rate was determined. Results showed that after the addition of SAP, with the methane concentration increased in CMM, the induction time was reduced by 9 min, 10 min and 3 min, and the growth rate was shortened by 0.56 × 10−6/m3 min−1, 0.53 × 10−6/m3 min−1 and 1.42 × 10−6/m3 min−1, respectively. This study could be useful for the recovery of methane from CMM by forming hydrate in the chemical and mining industry.  相似文献   

To study the suppression of different porous materials on the explosion of combustible gas, some experiments were implemented. The porous materials were categorized into three kinds, including six subcategories, and the explosion suppression characteristics of the thin iron hoop, one-layer porous materials, two-layer composite porous materials, and three-layer composite porous materials were studied and analyzed. The results show that a rarefaction wave appears in the spherical vessel during the rapid development stage of combustion explosion. Further, the thin iron hoop could enhance the gas explosion intensity. And the explosion intensity suppression effect of the porous materials is obvious, the best effects of one-layer, two-layer and three-layer porous materials are from Fe–Ni 10 mm/40 PPI, Fe–Ni 10 mm/90 PPI + Al2O3 10 mm/30 PPI, and Al2O3 10 mm/50 PPI + Fe–Ni 10 mm/40 PPI + SiC 20 mm/20 PPI, respectively. According to the surface morphology of the porous materials, the anti-sintering ability of the three categories of porous materials follows the order of Al2O3 > SiC > Fe–Ni. Besides, the thickness and pore size of the combined porous material was changed, which has a great influence on the explosion pressure and the explosion intensity.  相似文献   

We investigate the PAN dust explosion inhibition behaviors of NaHCO3 and Al(OH)3 in a 20 L spherical explosion system and a transparent pipe explosion propagation test system. The results show that, in the standard 20 L spherical explosion system, the highest PAN dust explosion concentration is 500 g/m3, the maximum explosion pressure is 0.661 MPa, and the maximum explosion pressure increase rate is 31.64 MPa/s; adding 50% NaHCO3 and 60% Al(OH)3 can totally inhibit PAN dust explosion. In the DN0.15 m transparent pipe explosion propagation test system, for 500 g/m3 PAN dust, the initial explosion flame velocity is 102 m/s, the initial pressure is 0.46 MPa, and the initial temperature is 967 °C; adding 60% NaHCO3 and 70% Al(OH)3 can totally inhibit PAN dust explosion flames. Through FTIR and TG analyses, we obtain the explosion products and pyrolysis patterns of the explosion products of PAN dust, NaHCO3, and Al(OH)3. On this basis, we also summarize the PAN dust explosion inhibition mechanisms of NaHCO3 and Al(OH)3.  相似文献   

Simultaneous photocatalytic reduction of poisonous Cr(VI) and Ni(II) ions, coupled with photocatalytic oxidation of sodium dodecyl benzene sulfonate (SDBS) were studied with a trace amount of commercial titania nanoparticles and by means of a direct-photo-irradiation reactor. The co-presence of metal ions and SDBS causes metal ions reduction as well as SDBS oxidation to enhance and energy efficiency to improve. XRD, XPS and FTIR analysis were used to characterize TiO2 particles before and after usage with the aim of evaluating the mechanism of reactions. The effect of major operating parameters, pH and temperature, was investigated. Under conditions of [Cr(VI)]0 = [Ni(II)]0 = 5 mg/L, [SDBS]0 = 10 mg/L, [TiO2] = 40 mg/L, pH 6 and T = 35 °C; the removal efficiencies of 55.4%, 71.2% and 57.2% were obtained, respectively, for Cr(VI) and Ni(II) reduction, as well as for SDBS oxidation, after 110 min operation. The relevant kinetic model jointed with the Arrhenius equation was introduced. Pseudo-first-order reactions are relevant. Energy consumption (electrical and thermal) evaluations revealed that operations at higher temperatures provide significant cost reduction. Meantime, a criterion was proposed for a consistent assessment of this kind of processes.  相似文献   

The 20L sphere is one of the standard devices used for dust explosivity characterization. One concern about the effectiveness and reliability of this test is related to the particle size variation due to particles' agglomeration and de-agglomeration. These phenomena are related to the turbulent regime of the dust cloud during the dispersion. This variable must be considered since it determines the uncertainty level of the ignitability and severity parameters of dust combustion. In this context, this study describes the influence of the cloud turbulence on the dust segregation and fragmentation through a study combining both, experimental and computational approaches. The behavior of the gas-solid mixture evidenced with the standard rebound nozzle was compared with that observed with six new nozzle geometries. Thereafter, the time-variation of the Particle Size Distribution (PSD) within the 20L sphere was analyzed for two different powders: carbon-black and wheat starch. On the one hand, the turbulence levels and PSD variations were characterized by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) tests and granulometric analyses, respectively. On the other hand, a computational approach described the dispersion process with CFD-DEM simulations developed in STAR-CCM + v11.04.010. The simulation results established that the homogeneity assumption is not satisfied with the nozzles studied. Nonetheless, the particles segregation levels can be reduced using nozzles that generate a better dust distribution in the gas-solid injections. Subsequently, an additional first-approach CFD model was established to study the behavior of the combustion step for a starch/air mixture. This model considers the gas-phase reactions of the combustible gases that are produced from the devolatilization of wheat starch (CO,CH4,C2H4,C2H6,C2H2, and H2) and allowed to establish the approximate fraction of the particle mass that devolatilizes, as well as to confirm that the modeling of the pyrolysis stage is essential for the correct prediction of the maximum rate of pressure rise.  相似文献   

In order to develop highly active sorbent for COS removal, Fe–Mn mixed oxides doped with CeO2, La2O3 or Sm2O3 were studied. The effects of these promoters on the structural properties of Fe–Mn oxides were investigated by XRD, BET, TPR and TEM techniques. XRD results revealed that the degree of crystallinity of Fe–Mn oxide phase decreased due to the addition of rare-earth oxides. Doping with CeO2, La2O3 or Sm2O3 led to an increase in BET surface area of the sample. TPR studies showed that the reactivity of the reduction of doped samples increased in the temperature range of 300–450 °C. In addition, the desulfurization test was performed at 325 °C with a gas hourly space velocity of 1000 h−1. It was found that the addition of 3% La2O3 greatly improved the absorption sulfur capacity of the sorbent, while the sorbent doped 3% CeO2 achieved a sufficiently high purifying degree before breakthrough.  相似文献   

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