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Karst aquifers display a range of geologic and geomorphic characteristics in a wide range of climatic and land-use settings; identification of transport dynamics representative of karst aquifers in general could help advance our understanding of these complex systems. To this end, nutrient, turbidity, and major ion dynamics in response to storms were compared at multiple sites in two karst aquifers with contrasting characteristics and settings: the Chalk aquifer (Eure Department, Normandy, France) and the Barton Springs segment of the Edwards Aquifer (Texas, U.S.A.). The Chalk aquifer is typified by high matrix porosity, thick surficial deposits (up to 30 m thick), and agricultural land use; the Barton Springs segment is typified by low matrix porosity, outcropping limestone, and urban land use. Following one to three storms, from 5 to 16 samples from springs and wells were analyzed for major ions, and specific conductance and turbidity were monitored continuously. Comparison of the chemographs indicated some generalized responses, including an increase in turbidity and potassium concentrations and a decrease in major ion and nitrate concentrations with infiltrating storm runoff. Factor analysis of major ions and turbidity revealed strikingly similar behavior of the chemical variables for the two aquifers: The first two factors, explaining more than 75% of the variability, illustrate that dynamics of most major ions (including nitrate) are opposed to those of turbidity and of potassium. The results demonstrate that potassium and nitrate are effective tracers of infiltrating storm runoff and resident ground water, respectively, and the similar results for these two highly contrasting aquifers suggest that the dynamics identified might be applicable to karst systems in general.  相似文献   

A multi-borehole radial tracer test has been conducted in the confined Chalk aquifer of E. Yorkshire, UK. Three different tracer dyes were injected into three injection boreholes and a central borehole, 25 m from the injection boreholes, was pumped at 330 m(3)/d for 8 days. The breakthrough curves show that initial breakthrough and peak times were fairly similar for all dyes but that recoveries varied markedly from 9 to 57%. The breakthrough curves show a steep rise to a peak and long tail, typical of dual porosity aquifers. The breakthrough curves were simulated using a 1D dual porosity model. Model input parameters were constrained to acceptable ranges determined from estimations of matrix porosity and diffusion coefficient, fracture spacing, initial breakthrough times and bulk transmissivity of the aquifer. The model gave equivalent hydraulic apertures for fractures in the range 363-384 microm, dispersivities of 1 to 5 m and matrix block sizes of 6 to 9 cm. Modelling suggests that matrix block size is the primary controlling parameter for solute transport in the aquifer, particularly for recovery. The observed breakthrough curves suggest results from single injection-borehole tracer tests in the Chalk may give initial breakthrough and peak times reasonably representative of the aquifer but that recovery is highly variable and sensitive to injection and abstraction borehole location. Consideration of aquifer heterogeneity suggests that high recoveries may be indicative of a high flow pathway adjacent, but not necessarily connected, to the injection and abstraction boreholes whereas low recoveries may indicate more distributed flow through many fractures of similar aperture.  相似文献   

The spatial pattern and magnitude of mass fluxes at the stream-aquifer interface have important implications for the fate and transport of contaminants in river basins. Integral pumping tests were performed to quantify average concentrations of chlorinated benzenes in an unconfined aquifer partially penetrated by a stream. Four pumping wells were operated simultaneously for a time period of 5 days and sampled for contaminant concentrations. Streambed temperatures were mapped at multiple depths along a 60m long stream reach to identify the spatial patterns of groundwater discharge and to quantify water fluxes at the stream-aquifer interface. The combined interpretation of the results showed average potential contaminant mass fluxes from the aquifer to the stream of 272microgm(-2)d(-1) MCB and 71microgm(-2)d(-1) DCB, respectively. This methodology combines a large-scale assessment of aquifer contamination with a high-resolution survey of groundwater discharge zones to estimate contaminant mass fluxes between aquifer and stream.  相似文献   

In a field experiment, two inorganic tracers and five organic solutes were injected into an unconfined sand aquifer. Breakthrough response curves were obtained at several points downgradient of the injection zone. These response curves are analyzed using a model which assumes equilibrium sorption and two models which postulate physical nonequilibrium. The physical nonequilibrium models hypothesize the existence of zones of immobile water, which act as diffusion sources and sinks for the solutes. The physical nonequilibrium models better simulate the sharp breakthrough and extended tailing exhibited by the experimental responses than does the model assuming equilibrium sorption. The reasonableness of parameters obtained from curve-fitting the data is assessed. The two physical nonequilibrium models are compared.  相似文献   

Transport and degradation of ethanol in groundwater   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Ethanol is rapidly replacing methyl tert-butyl ether (MtBE), the primary fuel oxygenate in the US, and ethanol releases from spills and leaky underground storage tanks (LUSTs) are anticipated. Ethanol has received little attention as a potential groundwater contaminant. This study investigates the fate and transport of ethanol under transient conditions in a sand and gravel aquifer. A pulse containing approximately 220 mg L-1 ethanol and 16 mg L-1 bromide was injected into the shallow sand and gravel aquifer and monitored to estimate its persistence and transport. The plume was monitored for 2.5 months using downgradient multilevel samplers (MLSs). Values for ethanol retardation were measured from ethanol and bromide breakthrough data and compared to estimates using published Koc values for low carbon aquifer sediments (foc=10 microg C g-1 sediment). Ethanol transport was not retarded (R=0.99). A 3-dimensional model reasonably simulated bromide and ethanol breakthrough curves. An average first-order decay constant was estimated to be 0.32 d-1 (t1/2=2.2 d). At the second fence, 75% of the injected bromide and less than 3% of ethanol remained in the plume. Monitored terminal electron acceptor concentrations demonstrated that the majority of the ethanol was transformed by anaerobic processes other than denitrification and sulfate reduction.  相似文献   

Three projects involving point velocity probes (PVPs) illustrate the advantages of direct groundwater velocity measurements. In the first, a glacial till and outwash aquifer was characterized using conventional methods and multilevel PVPs for designing a bioremediation program. The PVPs revealed a highly conductive zone that dominated the transport of injected substances. These findings were later confirmed with a natural gradient tracer test. In the second, PVPs were used to map a groundwater velocity field around a dipole recirculation well. The PVPs showed higher than expected velocities near the well, assuming homogeneity in the aquifer, leading to improved representations of the aquifer heterogeneity in a 3D flow model, and an improved match between the modelled and experimental tracer breakthrough curves. In the third study, PVPs detected subtle changes in aquifer permeability downgradient of a biostimulation experiment. The changes were apparently reversible once the oxygen source was depleted, but in locations where the oxygen source lingered, velocities remained low. PVPs can be a useful addition to the hydrogeologist's toolbox, because they can be constructed inexpensively, they provide data in support of models, and they can provide information on flow in unprecedented detail.  相似文献   

A new reactive transport modelling approach and examples of its application are presented, dealing with the impact of sorption/desorption kinetics on the spreading of solutes, e.g. organic contaminants, in groundwater. Slow sorption/desorption is known from the literature to be strongly responsible for the retardation of organic contaminants. The modelling concept applied in this paper quantifies sorption/desorption kinetics by an intra-particle diffusion approach. According to this idea, solute uptake by or release from the aquifer material is modelled at small scale by a "slow" diffusion process where the diffusion coefficient is reduced as compared to the aqueous diffusion coefficient due to (i) the size and shape of intra-particle pores and (ii) retarded transport of solutes within intra-particle pores governed by a nonlinear sorption isotherm. This process-based concept has the advantage of requiring only measurable model parameters, thus avoiding fitting parameters like first-order rate coefficients.In addition, the approach presented here allows for modelling of slow sorption/desorption in lithologically nonuniform media. Therefore, it accounts for well-known experimental findings indicating that sorptive properties depend on (i) the grain size distribution of the aquifer material and (ii) the lithological composition (e.g. percentage of quartz, sandstone, limestone, etc.) of each grain size fraction. The small-scale physico-chemical model describing sorption/desorption is coupled to a large-scale model of groundwater flow and solute transport. Consequently, hydraulic heterogeneities may also be considered by the overall model. This coupling is regarded as an essential prerequisite for simulating field-scale scenarios which will be addressed by a forthcoming publication.This paper focuses on mathematical model formulation, implementation of the numerical code and lab-scale model applications highlighting the sorption and desorption behavior of an organic contaminant (Phenanthrene) with regard to three lithocomponents exhibiting different sorptive properties. In particular, it is shown that breakthrough curves (BTCs) for lithologically nonuniform media cannot be obtained via simple arithmetic averaging of breakthrough curves for lithologically uniform media. In addition, as no analytical solutions are available for model validation purposes, simulation results are compared to measurements from lab-scale column experiments. The model results indicate that the new code can be regarded as a valuable tool for predicting long-term contaminant uptake or release, which may last for several hundreds of years for some lithocomponents. In particular, breakthrough curves simulated by pure forward modelling reproduce experimental data much better than a calibrated standard first-order kinetics reactive transport model, thus indicating that the new approach is of high quality and may be advantageously used for supporting the design of remediation strategies at contaminated sites where some lithocomponents and/or grain size classes may provide a long-term pollutant source.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for the transport of hydrophobic organic contaminants in an aquifer under simplistic riverbank filtration conditions is developed. The model considers a situation where contaminants are present together with dissolved organic matter (DOM) and bacteria. The aquifer is conceptualized as a four-phase system: two mobile colloidal phases, an aqueous phase, and a stationary solid phase. An equilibrium approach is used to describe the interactions of contaminants with DOM, bacteria, and solid matrix. The model is composed of bacterial transport equation and contaminant transport equation. Numerical simulations are performed to examine the contaminant transport behavior in the presence of DOM and bacteria. The simulation results illustrate that contaminant transport is enhanced markedly in the presence of DOM and bacteria, and the impact of DOM on contaminant mobility is greater than that of bacteria under examined conditions. Sensitivity analysis demonstrates that the model is sensitive to changes of three lumped parameters: K+1 (total affinity of stationary solid phase to contaminants), K+2 (total affinity of DOM to contaminants), and K+3 (total affinity of bacteria to contaminants). In a situation where contaminants exist simultaneously with DOM and bacteria, contaminant transport is mainly affected by a ratio of K+1/K+2/K+3, which can vary with changes of equilibrium distribution coefficient of contaminants and/or colloidal concentrations. In riverbank filtration, the influence of DOM and bacteria on the transport behavior of contaminants should be accounted to accurately predict the contaminant mobility.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new direct method for measuring water and contaminant fluxes in porous media. The method uses a passive flux meter (PFM), which is essentially a self-contained permeable unit properly sized to fit tightly in a screened well or boring. The meter is designed to accommodate a mixed medium of hydrophobic and/or hydrophilic permeable sorbents, which retain dissolved organic/inorganic contaminants present in the groundwater flowing passively through the meter. The contaminant mass intercepted and retained on the sorbent is used to quantify cumulative contaminant mass flux. The sorptive matrix is also impregnated with known amounts of one or more water soluble 'resident tracers'. These tracers are displaced from the sorbent at rates proportional to the groundwater flux; hence, in the current meter design, the resident tracers are used to quantify cumulative groundwater flux. Theory is presented and quantitative tools are developed to interpret the water flux from tracers possessing linear and nonlinear elution profiles. The same theory is extended to derive functional relationships useful for quantifying cumulative contaminant mass flux. To validate theory and demonstrate the passive flux meter, results of multiple box-aquifer experiments are presented and discussed. From these experiments, it is seen that accurate water flux measurements are obtained when the tracer used in calculations resides in the meter at levels representing 20 to 70 percent of the initial condition. 2,4-Dimethyl-3-pentanol (DMP) is used as a surrogate groundwater contaminant in the box aquifer experiments. Cumulative DMP fluxes are measured within 5% of known fluxes. The accuracy of these estimates generally increases with the total volume of water intercepted.  相似文献   

This study presents a new method to visualise forced-gradient tracer tests in 2-D using a laboratory-scale aquifer physical model. Experiments were designed to investigate the volume of aquifer sampled in vertical dipole flow tracer tests (DFTT) and push-pull tests (PPT), using a miniature monitoring well and straddle packer arrangement equipped with solute injection and recovery chambers. These tests have previously been used to estimate bulk aquifer hydraulic and transport properties for the evaluation of natural attenuation and other remediation approaches. Experiments were performed in a silica glass bead-filled box, using a fluorescent tracer (fluorescein) to deduce conservative solute transport paths. Digital images of fluorescein transport were captured under ultraviolet light and processed to analyse tracer plume geometry and obtain point-concentration breakthrough histories. Inorganic anion mixtures were also used to obtain conventional tracer breakthrough histories. Concentration data from the conservative tracer breakthrough curves was compared with the digital images and a well characterised numerical model. The results show that the peak tracer breakthrough response in dipole flow tracer tests samples a zone of aquifer close to the well screen, while the sampling volume of push-pull tests is limited by the length of the straddle packers used. The effective sampling volume of these single well forced-gradient tests in isotropic conditions can be estimated with simple equations. The experimental approach offers the opportunity to evaluate under controlled conditions the theoretical basis, design and performance of DFTTs and PPTs in porous media in relation to measured flow and transport properties.  相似文献   

A computational model is applied to the optimization of pulsed pumping systems for efficient in situ remediation of groundwater contaminants. In the pulsed pumping mode of operation, periodic rather than continuous pumping is used. During the pump-off or trapping phase, natural gradient flow transports contaminated groundwater into a treatment zone surrounding a line of injection and extraction wells that transect the contaminant plume. Prior to breakthrough of the contaminated water from the treatment zone, the wells are activated and the pump-on or treatment phase ensues, wherein extracted water is augmented to stimulate pollutant degradation and recirculated for a sufficient period of time to achieve mandated levels of contaminant removal. An important design consideration in pulsed pumping groundwater remediation systems is the pumping schedule adopted to best minimize operational costs for the well grid while still satisfying treatment requirements. Using an analytic two-dimensional potential flow model, optimal pumping frequencies and pumping event durations have been investigated for a set of model aquifer-well systems with different well spacings and well-line lengths, and varying aquifer physical properties. The results for homogeneous systems with greater than five wells and moderate to high pumping rates are reduced to a single, dimensionless correlation. Results for heterogeneous systems are presented graphically in terms of dimensionless parameters to serve as an efficient tool for initial design and selection of the pumping regimen best suited for pulsed pumping operation for a particular well configuration and extraction rate. In the absence of significant retardation or degradation during the pump-off phase, average pumping rates for pulsed operation were found to be greater than the continuous pumping rate required to prevent contaminant breakthrough.  相似文献   

Downstream patterns in the biology and bacteriology of Pymme's Brook (north London) between 1985 and 1992, are compared with the local Environment Agency (EA, England and Wales) quality classification of the site, revealing a considerable discrepancy. Although downstream contaminant dispersal patterns showed that at low flow the brook was less successful in absorbing contaminants at polluted surface water outfall (PSWO) entry points than it was at high flow (supporting the low flow strategy of contemporary audit schedules), this effect was found to vary downstream in response to reoxygenation from less polluted outfalls. Additionally, temporal variations in suspended solids, Escherichia coli counts, sediment-bound and soluble pollutant concentrations at low flow, and during two sampled storms, revealed that significant pollutant transfer was concentrated in the 'first flush' of storm events. A downstream survey of sediment-bound lead (Pb) found that concentrations in the bed sediments, which were likely to be mobilised during a first flush, were significantly higher than in solution. So, a complex pattern of downstream contaminant dispersal emerges, which varies with differing antecedent conditions, and through storms. These results indicate that: (1) the new General Quality Assessments (GQA) audit schedule proposed by the EA for England and Wales remains inappropriate for diffusely polluted, urban environments, because it omits routine E. coli counts and sediment-bound heavy metals; and that (2) when audit is based on chemical determinants alone, the choice of site and timing of audit excessively influence quality designations. Pre-audit planning surveys and more reliable alternatives to the use of chemical audit for urban watercourses, are discussed as possible ways forward for the design of quality audit schedules. Implications for the monitoring schedules in operation in other EU countries and the USA are also considered.  相似文献   

Transport of reactive colloids in groundwater may enhance the transport of contaminants in groundwater. Often, the interpretation of results of transport experiments is not a simple task as both reactions of colloids with the solid matrix and reactions of contaminants with the solid matrix and mobile and immobile colloids may be time dependent and nonlinear. Further colloid transport properties may differ from solute transport properties. In this paper, a one-dimensional model for coupled and contaminant in a porous medium (COLTRAP) is presented together with simulation results. Calculated breakthrough curves (BTC's) during contamination and decontamination show systematically the effect of nonlinear and kinetic interactions on contaminant transport in the presence of reactive colloids, and the effect of colloid transport properties that differ from solute transport properties. It is shown that in case of linear kinetic reactions, the rate of exchange of mobile and immobile colloids have a large impact on the shape of BTC's even if the solid matrix is saturated with respect to colloids. BTC's during the contamination and decontamination phase have identical shapes in this case. Moreover, the slow reactions of contaminants and colloids may lead to unretarded breakthrough of contaminants. Independent of reaction rates, nonlinear reactions lead to BTC's that are steeper during contamination than in the linear case. A characteristic aspect of nonlinear sorption is that shapes of BTC's differ during the contamination and decontamination phase. It has been observed that shapes of some of the simulated adsorption and desorption curves are similar as shapes found in experiments reported in literature. This stresses the importance of incorporating both kinetics and nonlinearity in models for coupled colloid and contaminant transport and the capability of COLTRAP to interpret experimental results. Finally, to figure out whether nonlinear processes play a role, it is very important to consider both contamination and decontamination in transport experiments.  相似文献   

Modeling field-scale cosolvent flooding for DNAPL source zone remediation   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A three-dimensional, compositional, multiphase flow simulator was used to model a field-scale test of DNAPL removal by cosolvent flooding. The DNAPL at this site was tetrachloroethylene (PCE), and the flooding solution was an ethanol/water mixture, with up to 95% ethanol. The numerical model, UTCHEM accounts for the equilibrium phase behavior and multiphase flow of a ternary ethanol-PCE-water system. Simulations of enhanced cosolvent flooding using a kinetic interphase mass transfer approach show that when a very high concentration of alcohol is injected, the DNAPL/water/alcohol mixture forms a single phase and local mass transfer limitations become irrelevant. The field simulations were carried out in three steps. At the first level, a simple uncalibrated layered model is developed. This model is capable of roughly reproducing the production well concentrations of alcohol, but not of PCE. A more refined (but uncalibrated) permeability model is able to accurately simulate the breakthrough concentrations of injected alcohol from the production wells, but is unable to accurately predict the PCE removal. The final model uses a calibration of the initial PCE distribution to get good matches with the PCE effluent curves from the extraction wells. It is evident that the effectiveness of DNAPL source zone remediation is mainly affected by characteristics of the spatial heterogeneity of porous media and the variable (and unknown) DNAPL distribution. The inherent uncertainty in the DNAPL distribution at real field sites means that some form of calibration of the initial contaminant distribution will almost always be required to match contaminant effluent breakthrough curves.  相似文献   

A novel inverse technique is proposed to quantitatively characterize macroscopic variability in aquifer reactivity in a Lagrangian representation. Reactivity heterogeneity is expressed in terms of distributions of flux over cumulative time of exposure of the solution to reactive surface area, termed here 'cumulative reactivity'. In cases involving single aqueous species the combined effects of physical and reactivity heterogeneity on reactive solute transport can often be established and further investigated through joint distributions of flux over travel time and cumulative reactivity. The inverse technique requires the breakthrough curve of a passive tracer to determine the distribution of flux over travel time, and additional breakthrough curves of reactive tracers provide additional moments of the distribution of flux over cumulative reactivity given travel time. Thus breakthroughs of one passive and two reactive tracers can provide the mean and variance of the distribution of flux over cumulative reactivity. This Lagrangian characterization is achieved with knowledge of the types of reactive surfaces present, but not their spatial locations. The distributions can subsequently be applied via forward modeling using the same technique to predict breakthrough curves of other solutes undergoing first-order reactions in similar physically and chemically heterogeneous configurations.  相似文献   

The problem of allocating liability cleanup costs is an arduous task when more than one potentially responsible party has contributed to the groundwater plume. This problem is most likely to be encountered when dealing with methyl-tert -butyl-ether (MTBE) contamination, as MTBE is seen to travel large distances in underlying aquifers. There has been a significant effort in the recent past to develop liability allocation methodologies that incorporate fate and transport behavior and toxicological characteristics of the contaminants. The application of such methods often requires estimation of contaminant input from the vadose zone into the underlying aquifer. A screening level analysis is presented here to develop preliminary insights on relative mass contributions arising from different source types. The analysis illustrates how different vadose zone conceptualizations lead to vastly different contaminant loadings. Parametric studies indicate that the contaminant flux into the aquifer is very sensitive to changes in water infiltration rates. Hence, a reliable estimate of this parameter is critical for equitable allocation of remedial costs. Conceptual model formulation, should focus on identifying whether the fuel present in the aquifer can flow as a separate phase. It is also important to obtain reliable estimates for fluid saturations at the site.  相似文献   

The problem of allocating liability cleanup costs is an arduous task when more than one potentially responsible party has contributed to the groundwater plume. This problem is most likely to be encountered when dealing with methyl- tert -butyl-ether (MTBE) contamination, as MTBE is seen to travel large distances in underlying aquifers. There has been a signi®cant effort in the recent past to develop liability allocation methodologies that incorporate fate and transport behavior and toxicological characteristics of the contaminants. The application of such methods often requires estimation of contaminant input from the vadose zone into the underlying aquifer. A screening level analysis is presented here to develop preliminary insights on relative mass contributions arising from different source types. The analysis illustrates how different vadose zone conceptualizations lead to vastly different contaminant loadings. Parametric studies indicate that the contaminant flux into the aquifer is very sensitive to changes in water infiltration rates. Hence, a reliable estimate of this parameter is critical for equitable allocation of remedial costs. Conceptual model formulation, should focus on identifying whether the fuel present in the aquifer can flow as a separate phase. It is also important to obtain reliable estimates for fluid saturations at the site.  相似文献   

In situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) using permanganate (MnO(4)(-)) can be a very effective technique for remediation of soil and groundwater contaminated with chlorinated solvents. However, many ISCO projects are less effective than desired because of poor delivery of the chemical reagents to the treatment zone. In this work, the numerical model RT3D was modified and applied to evaluate the effect of aquifer characteristics and injection system design on contact and treatment efficiency. MnO(4)(-) consumption was simulated assuming the natural oxidant demand (NOD) is composed of a fraction that reacts instantaneously and a fraction that slowly reacts following a 2nd order relationship where NOD consumption rate increases with increasing MnO(4)(-) concentration. MnO(4)(-) consumption by the contaminant was simulated as an instantaneous reaction. Simulation results indicate that the mass of permanganate and volume of water injected has the greatest impact on aquifer contact efficiency and contaminant treatment efficiency. Several small injection events are not expected to increase contact efficiency compared to a single large injection event, and can increase the amount of un-reacted MnO(4)(-) released down-gradient. High groundwater flow velocities can increase the fraction of aquifer contacted. Initial contaminant concentration and contaminant retardation factor have only a minor impact on volume contact efficiency. Aquifer heterogeneity can have both positive and negative impacts on remediation system performance, depending on the injection system design.  相似文献   

Processes controlling the distribution and natural attenuation (NA) of phenol, cresols and xylenols released from a former coal-tar distillation plant in a deep Triassic sandstone aquifer are evaluated from vertical profiles along the plume centerline at 130 and 350 m from the site. Up to four groups of contaminants (phenols, mineral acids, NaOH, NaCl) form discrete and overlapping plumes in the aquifer. Their distribution reflects changing source history with releases of contaminants from different locations. Organic contaminant distribution in the aquifer is determined more by site source history than degradation. Contaminant degradation at total organic carbon (TOC) concentrations up to 6500 mg l(-1) (7500 mg l(-1) total phenolics) is occurring by aerobic respiration NO3-reduction, Mn(IV)-/Fe(III)-reduction, SO4-reduction, methanogenesis and fermentation, with the accumulation of inorganic carbon, organic metabolites (4-hydroxybenzaldehyde, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid), acetate, Mn(II), Fe(II), S(-II), CH4 and H2 in the plume. Aerobic and NO3-reducing processes are restricted to a 2-m-thick plume fringe but Mn(IV)-/Fe(II)-reduction, SO4-reduction, methanogenesis and fermentation occur concomitantly in the plume. Dissolved H2 concentrations in the plume vary from 0.7 to 110 nM and acetate concentrations reach 200 mg l(-1). The occurrence of a mixed redox system and concomitant terminal electron accepting processes (TEAPs) could be explained with a partial equilibrium model based on the potential in situ free energy (deltaGr) yield for oxidation of H2 by specific TEAPs. Respiratory processes rather than fermentation are rate limiting in determining the distribution of H2 and TEAPs and H2 dynamics in this system. Most (min. 90%) contaminant degradation has occurred by aerobic and NO3-reducing processes at the plume fringe. This potential is determined by the supply of aqueous O2 and NO3 from uncontaminated groundwater, as controlled by transverse mixing, which is limited in this aquifer by low dispersion. Consumption to date of mineral oxides and SO4 is, respectively, <0.15% and 0.4% of the available aquifer capacity, and degradation using these oxidants is <10%. Fermentation is a significant process in contaminant turnover, accounting for 21% of degradation products present in the plume, and indicating that microbial respiration rates are slow in comparison with fermentation. Under present conditions, the potential for degradation in the plume is very low due to inhibitory effects of the contaminant matrix. Degradation products correspond to <22% mass loss over the life of the plume, providing a first-order plume scale half-life >140 years. The phenolic compounds are biodegradable under the range of redox conditions in the aquifer and the aquifer is not oxidant limited, but the plume is likely to be long-lived and to expand. Degradation is likely to increase only after contaminant concentrations are reduced and aqueous oxidant inputs are increased by dispersion of the plume. The results imply that transport processes may exert a greater control on the natural attenuation of this plume than aquifer oxidant availability.  相似文献   

In the Hesbaye region in Belgium, tracer tests performed in variably saturated fissured chalk rocks presented very contrasting results in terms of transit times, according to artificially controlled water recharge conditions prevailing during the experiments. Under intense recharge conditions, tracers migrated across the partially or fully saturated fissure network, at high velocity in accordance with the high hydraulic conductivity and low effective porosity (fracture porosity). At the same time, a portion of the tracer was temporarily retarded in the almost immobile water located in the matrix. Under natural infiltration conditions, the fissure network remained inactive. Tracers migrated downward through the matrix, at low velocity in relation with the low hydraulic conductivity and the large porosity of the matrix. Based on these observations, Brouyère et al. (2004a) [Brouyère, S., Dassargues, A., Hallet, V., 2004a. Migration of contaminants through the unsaturated zone overlying the Hesbaye chalky aquifer in Belgium: a field investigation, J. Contam. Hydrol., 72 (1-4), 135-164, doi: 10.1016/j.conhyd.2003.10.009] proposed a conceptual model in order to explain the migration of solutes in variably saturated, dual-porosity, dual-permeability chalk. Here, mathematical and numerical modelling of tracer and contaminant migration in variably saturated fissured chalk is presented, considering the aforementioned conceptual model. A new mathematical formulation is proposed to represent the unsaturated properties of the fissured chalk in a more dynamic and appropriate way. At the same time, the rock water content is partitioned between mobile and immobile water phases, as a function of the water saturation of the chalk rock. The groundwater flow and contaminant transport in the variably saturated chalk is solved using the control volume finite element method. Modelling the field tracer experiments performed in the variably saturated chalk shows the adequacy and usefulness of the new conceptual, mathematical and numerical model.  相似文献   

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