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中国质量万里行促进会目前披露,餐厅免费赠送的茶水大多是"垃圾茶",不但农药残留和重金属超标,而且灰尘多,消费者饮用前应仔细鉴别.  相似文献   

酒中乙醇对人体有直接毒害作用,长期过量饮酒可致肝痛、肝硬化、脂肪肝、肝癌……米汤醒酒:醉酒者可取浓米汤饮服,米汤中含有多糖类及维生素B,有解毒醒酒之效。加入白糖饮用,疗效更好。茶叶醒酒:醉酒后可饮浓茶,茶叶中的单宁酸能解除急性酒精中毒,咖啡碱、茶碱对呼吸抑制及昏睡现象有疗效。甘蔗汁醒酒:醉酒神志尚清醒者可自己嚼食甘蔗,严重者可榨出甘蔗汁灌服,能醒酒。  相似文献   

正十个生活坏习惯1.不吃早餐。不吃早餐不仅伤害肠胃,使人疲倦、胃部不适、头痛,而且容易产生胆结石,同时催人衰老。2.空腹跑步。空腹跑步增加心脏和肝脏负担,容易引发心律不齐,甚至猝死。3.用滚开水泡茶。滚开水泡茶破坏茶叶中的维生素C,最好使用70到80摄氏度的白开水,这样泡出的茶水有益健康。  相似文献   

盐开水:中医称白开水是百药之王。从营养学观点来看,任何含糖饮料都不如白开水的价值大,因为纯净的白开水进入人体后能很快被胃吸收,进入血液循环发挥新陈代谢的功能,同时调节体温、清洁人体内环境。  相似文献   

过多饮用牛奶可能诱发癌症上个世纪90年代以来,已经有多项研究宣称过多饮用牛奶可能诱发女性乳腺癌、卵巢癌,男性前列腺癌等多种癌症。研究人员认为,近50年来世界乳腺癌发病率的大幅提高与人们饮食结构中牛奶及奶制品消费增加密切相关。例如:日本战后,饮食结构西化,牛奶和奶制制品的消费大幅增加,这使得日本女性的平均身高明显增加,但是同时女性乳腺癌发病率也随之提高了一倍。来自丹麦的研究人员对117000名妇女的调查发现,8-14岁少女青春期的成长速度对其成年后乳腺癌的发病率有很大影响,青春发育期体形高而瘦的女孩成年后乳腺癌的发病率明显高于那些胖而矮的女孩。研究人员认为,大量饮用牛奶会增加人体中类胰岛素一号增长因子  相似文献   

摘要:我国制造业小企业尽管工资水平不高,但其工资水平与全行业企业工资水平的差距远小于相互之间的劳动生产率水平差距,工资水平与劳动生产率水平的相互关系很不平衡,“生产率一工资平衡系数”远低于发达国家,工资增长明显遭遇到生产率偏低的瓶颈制约。因此,要紧密结合小企业的生产经营特点来提高小企业的劳动生产率水平。  相似文献   

<正>中国拥有着悠久的茶文化,不论古代还是现代,大部分家庭还是习惯饮用白开水。然而,烧开水和喝开水也是有很多讲究的,尤其是现在水污染严重,不注意饮水健康,很容易就会生病。那么烧开水应该注意哪些要点呢?水快开时(80~90℃)应打开壶盖因为现在水中的有机污染物越来越多,有些物质是挥发性的,加热时会随着水蒸气挥发出去。因此,在水快烧开时要把水壶的盖子打开,可以让这些物质最大限度地挥发出去。水烧开后等3分钟左右再关火  相似文献   

近来发现痛风的初次发病年龄有明显年轻化的趋势:第一组(1981~1985年)平均初发龄为47.8岁,40岁以下初发病者占32%。1986~1990年。1991~1995年及1996~2000年二组初发龄分别是45.1、43.7岁及41.5岁,小于40岁初发病者依次占34.1%、42.3%及58.3%。也就是说,在不足20年的时间里痛风的初发平均年龄下降了6.3岁,不足40岁初次发病者增加了26.3%。 在我国,痛风发病为什么出现这样明显的年轻化趋向呢?究其原因:1、摄入富含嘌呤类食物者迅速增多。…  相似文献   

上午8时,公安部督导组一行驱车来到新罗区龙门春运服务站检查指导春运,并亲切慰问了执勤民警。要求认真履行为春运服务的职能,对9座以上客运车辆做到逢车必查,积极为广大司机和旅客提供茶水、休息、加水等服务项目,树立公安交警的良好形象。  相似文献   

为了预测火力发电厂尘肺发病趋势,本文详细记录和测定了某火力发电厂接尘工人接尘时间、肺总通气量、粉尘浓度和游离二氧化硅含量,计算职工肺内石英负荷量,然后采用累积剂量患病率寿命表法研究尘肺患病率与粉尘剂量反应关系,结果表明两乾呈显著正相关关系。推算出其直线回归方程y=-45.4044+11.0102x。提示每人平均工作30年,要想使尘肺患病率低于5‰,燃料运行,锅炉运行、锅炉检修作业场所平均粉尘浓度应  相似文献   

为了探讨生物型表面活性剂溶液在煤表面的润湿吸附规律,选定茶皂素、蔗糖酯、无患子和脂肽这4种结构性能不同的生物型表面活性剂作为研究对象,通过对4种溶液在煤表面接触角和表面张力进行测定,研究这4种生物型表面活性剂在煤表面的铺展系数、黏附功、黏附张力等润湿吸附参数。研究结果表明:脂肽的表面张力、接触角和黏附功均低于其他3种溶液,而其铺展系数高于其他3种溶液,说明脂肽在煤表面的润湿吸附性要强于茶皂素、蔗糖酯和无患子,但是黏附性则低于茶皂素、蔗糖酯和无患子。脂肽对煤体的润湿吸附性能优于另外3种生物型表面活性剂。  相似文献   

Background: Two of the 3 standardized field sobriety tests that U.S. law enforcement uses at roadside checks have a postural equilibrium component to them. Those tests have been validated to detect impairment caused by blood alcohol concentrations (BACs) of 0.08 g/dL or above. Many medical and traffic safety associations support a lower limit, and one state, Utah, has passed a law to lower the limit to 0.05 g/dL. Many studies have examined the effects of alcohol on postural control (of which postural equilibrium is a component), with a consensus emerging that impairment is usually found at BACs greater than 0.06 g/dL. Most of these studies, however, had a relatively small number of subjects, usually between 10 and 30. The current study collected data from a much larger sample.

Objective: The objective of this study was to provide additional evidence that posture control is negatively affected at BACs greater than 0.06 g/dL or breath alcohol concentrations (BrACs) of 0.06 g/210 L.

Method: This was a between-subjects study, with BrAC group as the independent variable (5 levels: 0.00, 0.04, 0.06, 0.08, and 0.10 g/210 L); 4 measures of postural control as the dependent variables; and age, height, and weight as the covariates. Posture control was measured with a force-sensing platform connected to a computer. The feet's center of pressure (CoP) on the platform was recorded and the corresponding movement of the body in the anterior–posterior and lateral planes was derived. Participants (N = 96) were randomly assigned to one of the BrAC groups. Positive BrAC groups were compared to the zero BrAC group. Data were examined with hierarchical multiple regression.

Results: Adjusted for age, height, and weight, the main effect of lateral CoP with eyes open was not statistically significant. There was a statistically significant main effect of alcohol on anterior–posterior CoP excursion with eyes open and with eyes closed and lateral CoP excursion with eyes closed. For all 3 of those variables, only BrACs of 0.08 and 0.10 g/210 L produced differences against zero BrAC. Although the main effect of alcohol on Lateral CoP Excursion with eyes open was not statistically significant, the contrasts between 0 and 0.08 and 0 and 0.10 g/210L BrAC were in the hypothesized direction.

Conclusion: The current study did not directly address the issue of whether the sobriety tests are sensitive to BrACs of 0.05 g/210 L or above; rather, it provides additional evidence that postural control, one of the components of those tests, is relatively unaffected by BrACs lower than 0.08 g/210 L. Additional research is needed on the diagnostic characteristics of the sobriety tests at BrACs lower than 0.08 g/210 L.  相似文献   

建立了高效液相色谱法测定中药材阳春砂中黄曲霉素(AFT)B_1、B_2、G_1、G_2的方法.样品经提取、免疫亲和层析净化,采用荧光检测器,以柱后衍生系统结合HPLC检测.结果表明,阳春砂中4种黄曲霉素在1.00 μg/kg,10.00 μg/kg和32.00 μg/kg 3个水平的加标回收率均在84.0%~101.0%之间,相对标准偏差均小于1.7%;方法最低检出限AFB1与AFG1为0.35 μg/kg,AFB2与AFG2为0.06 μg/kg;标准曲线良好,相关系数大于0.998 7.本方法可用于阳春砂中黄曲霉素的检验.  相似文献   

Evaluation of personal inhalation exposure to methylene diphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) among 39 employees, working in the window fixation and window glue processes in an automobile manufacturing company was performed. This study was conducted for both case and control groups. After sampling and sample preparation processes, MDI was determined with a UV-VIS spectrophotometer at 590 nm; the lung function was assessed with a digital spirometer, too. The average concentration of MDI in the window fixation, and window glue workplaces were 34.53 and 27.37 micro g/m3, respectively, which was lower than the threshold limit value (TLV) recommended by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) (51 micro g/m3). Respiratory symptoms in the exposed group were significantly different compared to the unexposed group (p < .05). Lung capacities in the case group were lower than in the control group (p < .05). Therefore, MDI can be easily measured making it possible to evaluate the adverse effects caused by occupational exposure.  相似文献   

微囊藻毒素对不同生育期水稻生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灌溉水中的微囊藻毒素不仅会影响作物生长与产量,还可能沿食物链传递而威胁人类健康。以水稻为试材,研究了不同质量浓度(1μg/L、100μg/L、1 000μg/L、3 000μg/L)微囊藻毒素(MCs)对幼苗期和孕穗期水稻生长与成熟期水稻产量的影响,以及MCs在3个生育期水稻中的积累。结果表明:处理7 d后,1μg/L MCs处理对幼苗期水稻生长有一定促进作用,而对孕穗期水稻生长没有影响,高质量浓度MCs(≥100μg/L)抑制幼苗期和孕穗期水稻的生长;胁迫结束且恢复7 d后,100μg/L处理组孕穗期水稻根长、根表面积恢复能力强于幼苗期,株高、叶面积低于幼苗期,而1 000μg/L和3 000μg/L MCs组水稻各指标不仅未恢复,且劣于胁迫期,水稻产量下降92.4%和95.2%。用酶联免疫法检测发现,胁迫后MCs均在水稻体内富集。对于相同质量浓度MCs处理,幼苗期水稻各器官富集能力最大,孕穗期次之,成熟期最小。3 000μg/L MCs处理组的水稻谷粒中MCs质量比达21.2μg/kg,使人体每天摄入MCs的量可能高于世界卫生组织规定的人体每天吸收MCs的上限值。  相似文献   

为了研究碱性水对煤自燃特性的影响,选取葫芦素煤矿102工作面煤样作为实验煤样,利用STA-449C型同步热分析仪进行热重实验,研究加入PH=8 NaOH的煤样与原煤以及加入蒸馏水煤样在空气氛围中燃烧失重、放热量、特征温度点等变化规律,并根据Coats-Redfern积分模型计算了3种煤样燃烧反应动力学参数(活化能、指前因子)。研究结果表明:加入碱性水的2号煤样失重量较1,3号少,燃烧失重速率更低;2号煤氧化燃烧温度区间缩短,着火温度点升高,放热量少,比1,3号煤分别少485.0,480.4 J/g;3种煤样反应机理基本遵循一级化学反应函数,2号煤各段活化能高于1,3号煤,但2号煤失水活化能小于3号,表明碱性水具有抑制煤自燃效应。  相似文献   

In comparison to allocating resources to oneself, when allocating resources to one's group, people are able to ‘get away with’ taking more than a fair and equal share because there exists an implicit justification that fellow group members will benefit. Such an implicit justification enables people to hide their self-serving motivation. Results reveal that subjects allocating a sum of money between their group and a competing group took a significantly greater share of the resource than subjects allocating between themselves and a competing individual. Whether the allocation was made public or kept private had a significant impact on this relationship: the difference between group and self allocations was significantly greater when the allocation was made public than when kept private. However, subjects allocating only to themselves and in private were almost as self-serving as subjects allocating to their group (both in private and in public). The only case where subjects were overly constrained by equality was when they were allocating to only themselves and the allocation was made public. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

探讨了3种非离子表面活性剂Brij30、Brij35和Tween80溶液对水溶液中甲基对硫磷的增溶作用,对土壤中甲基对硫磷的洗脱作用以及土壤对3种非离子表面活性剂的吸附作用.增溶实验结果表明,3种非离子表面活性剂在水溶液中均对甲基对硫磷有较好的增溶作用,而且无论在临界胶束浓度前或后,表面活性剂对甲基对硫磷的增溶顺序均为:Tween80,Brij30和Brij35.淋洗实验结果表明,3种非离子表面活性剂对土壤中甲基对硫磷的去除效果不如蒸馏水好,而且实验土壤对3种非离子表面活性剂均有较强的吸附作用.这种吸附作用对土壤中甲基对硫磷的去除有严重不利影响.  相似文献   

以二甲胺、二乙胺、甲乙胺、吗啉和N-甲基苄胺5种二级胺代表物质为例,分别使用气相色谱-氢火焰(GC-FID)技术和气相色谱-质谱(GC-MS)技术检测饮用水中二级胺质量浓度。结果表明,使用优化的预处理方法处理后进样分析,5种代表物质的线性范围在20~2 000μg/L,相对标准偏差(RSD)≤0.46%,最低检出限在3.18~24.19μg/L。FID比MSD具有较强优势。该方法对于直链脂肪类和杂环类的二级胺都有良好的检测效果,可用于对饮用水二级胺类物质的检测。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The current study aims to evaluate the influence of age-related stature on the frequency of body region injury and overall injury severity in children involved in pedestrian versus motor vehicle collisions (PMVCs). METHODS: A trauma registry including the coded injuries sustained by 1,590 1- to 15-year-old pedestrian casualties treated at a level-one trauma center was categorized by stature-related age (1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, and 13-15 years) and body region (head and face, neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvic content, thoracic and lumbar spine, upper extremities, pelvis, and lower extremities). The lower extremity category was further divided into three sub-structures (thigh, leg, and knee). For each age group and body region/sub-structure the proportion of casualties with at least one injury was then determined at given Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) severity levels. In addition, the average and distribution of the Maximum Abbreviated Injury Score (MAIS) and the average Injury Severity Score (ISS) were determined for each age group. The calculated proportions, averages, and distributions were then compared between age groups using appropriate significance tests. RESULTS: The overall outcome showed relatively minor variation between age groups, with the average +/- SD MAIS and ISS ranging from 2.3 +/- 0.9 to 2.5 +/- 1.0 and 8.2 +/- 7.2 to 9.4 +/- 8.9, respectively. The subjects in the 1- to 3-year-old age group were more likely to sustain injury to the head, face, and torso regions than the older subjects. The frequency of AIS 2+ lower extremity injury was approximately 20% in the 1- to 3-year-old group, but was twice as high in the 4- to 12-years age range and 2.5 times as high in the oldest age group. The frequency of femur fracture increased from 10% in the youngest group to 26% in the 4- to 6-year-old group and then declined to 14% in the 10- to 15-years age range. The frequency of tibia/fibula fracture increased monotonically with group age from 8% in the 1- to 3-year-old group to 31% in the 13- to 15-year-old group. CONCLUSIONS: While the overall outcome of child pedestrian casualties appears to be relatively constant across the pediatric stature range considered ( approximately 74-170 cm), subject height seems to affect the frequency of injury to individual body regions, including the thorax and lower extremities. This suggests that vehicle safety designers need not only account for the difference in injury patterns between adult and pediatric pedestrian casualties, but also for the variation within the pediatric group.  相似文献   

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