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项目可持续发展影响评价初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从可持续发展的视角。介绍了项目可持续发展影响评价体系.对可持续发展影响评价的定义及内涵和原则及内容、评价指标体系进行阐述.建议改进现行的环境评价、经济评价和社会评价,使它们综合为可持续发展影响评价。  相似文献   

可持续发展目标(SDGs)是继千年发展目标(MDGs)之后联合国期望彻底解决社会、经济和环境3个维度发展问题而制定的具有一定约束性的目标指标体系。科学地监测和评估可持续发展目标的进展是确保实现SDGs的关键,也是各国均面临的困难和挑战之一。受制于发展的不充分性与不平衡性,不同国家及地区在实施SDGs上面临的主要问题和关注的重点也不同。文章以可持续发展目标演变为基础,梳理了MDGs到SDGs的变化过程,结合可持续发展目标指标机构间专家组(IAEG-SDGs)提出的全球指标框架及动态发展分析了全球层面落实SDGs的进展情况,指出了当前中国实施SDGs的机遇与挑战。以全球指标框架为基础,统筹国家相关规划和政策行动确定的关键指标,考虑中国当前统计数据的可获得性、相关指标的权威性及频度,对接SDGs语境下17项目标、169项子目标、231个指标的考核基础条件,对SDGs相对应的国内考核指标进行筛选,提出了构建SDGs中国本土化评价指标体系的设计原则与思路,建立了由142项指标组成的SDGs中国本土化指标框架体系。对接当前城市尺度可持续发展相关评价与考核基础,衔接国家可持续发展议程创新示范区建立的目标指标,对中国本土化评价指标体系进行城市层面的二次本地化,建立了由71项指标组成的中国城市可持续发展指标体系;考虑城市可持续发展能力和水平评估的现实需求,确定了23项关键指标,建立了由人类健康福祉指数、资源环境可持续利用指数及社会经济发展动力可持续性指数组成的城市可持续发展水平评估技术体系,以推动SDGs在中国从理念到实践、从目标到结果的实现。  相似文献   

联合国可持续发展指标体系述评   总被引:78,自引:4,他引:78  
在1992年联合国环境与发展大会之后,各国际组织、各国政府和学术团体对如何度量可持续发展,即建立可持续发展指标体系问题日益关注,因为可持续发展指标的筛选和体系的构造过程本身就是可持续发展进程的一部分,它可以使政府确定可持续发展进程中优先考虑的问题,同时给决策者和公众一个了解和认识可持续发展进程的有效信息工具。本文对联合国可持续发展委员会、统计局。环境问题委员会和世界银行所提出的四个主要的可持续指标体系进行了简介和述评,供国内有关部门和研究人员参考和借鉴。一、联合国可持续委员会提出的可持续发展指标体系…  相似文献   

可持续发展的基本理论分析   总被引:35,自引:1,他引:34  
本文首先从可持续发展的概念与内涵入手,通过对可持续发展的理论分析和系统分析,归纳出了可持续发展的基本特点;并通过对指标体系的研究现状的分析,就可持续发展指标体系的建立原则进行了深入的探讨。  相似文献   

中国可持续发展指标体系建立的原则及结构   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:28  
本文从中国的现实情况出发,借鉴了国外研究可持续发展指标体系的经验,提出了中国可持续发展指标体系的建立原则和结构。  相似文献   

旅游业可持续发展的指标体系研究   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
本文提出旅游业可持续发展指标体系的构建思路 ,指出指标体系应以可持续发展的社会、经济和环境多元目标为标准 ,全面衡量旅游业可持续发展水平、可持续发展能力和可持续发展的协调性。文章给出可持续旅游指标体系的 4个层 :状态层、诊断层、趋势层和目标层 ,并在建立指标体系基础上构筑可持续旅游目标判断模型  相似文献   

区域可持续发展指标体系与评价方法研究   总被引:68,自引:4,他引:68  
本文探讨了区域可持续发展指标体系建立的指导原则和方法,分析了区域社会大系统的运行模式,在此基础上提出了区域可持续发展评价指标体系。  相似文献   

可持续发展定量研究的几种新方法评介   总被引:81,自引:1,他引:81  
可持续发展衡量的指标体系及其评价方法和模型研究是可持续发展研究的重要内容,它可以为政府的可持续发展决策提供重要的科学依据和优先考虑的问题,还可以为公众提供可持续发展的有效信息。在分析国际上和国内衡量可持续发展的指标体系的基础上,本文介绍了90年代中期以来国际上提出的几种新的、有代表性的基于货币化估值的指标体系和以具体生物物理衡量的指标体系,并系统分析比较了它们的优特点。  相似文献   

南宁市可持续发展评价指标体系及可持续发展度研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
本文在对南宁市社会、经济和环境三个子系统研究的基础上,采用层次分析、专家咨询等方法,建立了城市可持续发展指标体系,运用指标体系和分析方法,对南宁市可持续发展水平进行了综合评价分析。  相似文献   

联合国在2015年发布了可持续发展目标,包含17个目标与169个具体目标,以指导并推动当今时代背景下的可持续发展。随后于2017年发布了包含232个指标的可持续发展目标指标体系,并指出监测工作的开展是促进可持续发展目标落实的重要途径。本文回顾了联合国可持续发展工作的主要历程,体现在可持续发展目标与指标的分离,以及目标体系不断细化两个趋势。为应对不断扩大并细化的可持续发展目标,指标体系也呈现复杂化发展的特征,并使数据需求成为监测工作有效实施的瓶颈。针对数据瓶颈,从复杂指标体系的数据来源、结构特征处理需求、数据整合框架支撑三个方面,剖析并细化了可持续发展目标监测中关于数据供应的挑战。进而提出应从全面性数据来源、多源异构数据处理与融合系列技术、基于地理空间信息的数据管理框架、持续性的数据供应四方面开展针对性研究,以保障可持续发展目标监测工作的实施。  相似文献   

Present trends of urbanization are accompanied by increasing demographic and economic shrinkage of rural regions. In countries such as Japan, these rural regions trail behind metropolitan counterparts according to GDP, the conventional measure used to guide governmental policies. Yet, past research suggests that these regions may be undervalued. Further, the Inclusive Wealth Index (IWI), largely only used at the national level, may be able to capture aspects previously missed. As such, our study attempts to highlight the wealth of rural regions by comparing the inclusive wealth of Sado Island and Japan between 1990 and 2014. Minor methodological modifications were made according to data availability at the local level and to improve the accuracy of human capital estimations. Results captured the ongoing shrinkage of Sado and demonstrate the distinct potential of the IWI as a stock measure. Sado’s per capita wealth was about 10% lower than the national averages, but its natural capital was about threefold national averages. Supplementary estimations of the natural capital of fisheries and cultivated forests suggest that inclusion of additional factors in the evaluation would further increase the relative valuation of rural regions. We discuss implications of our estimations for wellbeing, and conclude with a critical appraisal of the IWI calculation towards policy implementation of the index.  相似文献   

What is a ‘sustainable nation’ and how can we identify and rank ‘sustainable nations?’ Are nations producing and consuming in a sustainable way? Although several aggregate indexes have been proposed to answer such questions, comprehensive and internationally comparable data are not available for most of these. This paper quantitatively compares three aggregate indexes of sustainability: the World Bank’s ‘Genuine Savings’ measure, the ‘Ecological Footprint,’ and the ‘Environmental Sustainability Index.’ These three indexes are available for a large number of countries and also seem to be the most influential among the aggregate indexes. This paper first discusses the main limitations and weaknesses of each of these indexes. Subsequently, it shows that rankings of sustainable nations and aggregate assessments of unsustainable world population and world GDP shares vary considerably among these indexes. This disagreement leads to suggestions for analysis and policy. One important insight is that climate change, arguable the most serious threat currently faced by humanity, is not or arbitrarily captured by the indexes.  相似文献   

Putting a circular economy into practice in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Promoting a circular economy has been identified as China’s basic national policy, according to the recently enacted 11th five-year plan for China’s economic and social development. Because of the importance of the development strategy used for this purpose, an implementation framework is proposed in this paper. First, a program is suggested for practically implementing a circular economy in China to serve as a demonstration, beginning at the level of enterprises, then industrial parks, then expanding to cities and regions, thus enabling accumulation of experience to facilitate reasonable decision-making at each successive step. Legislation is also urgent. Certain issues involving legislation, for example the rules the law requires, maneuverability, public involvement, and referencing of developed countries’ experiences, must be effectively addressed. Finally, a scientific and effective assessment system should be developed to obtain accurate information and improve guidance. Assessment indices should include an economic development index, a green development index, and a human development index.  相似文献   

The World Bank used the Consumer Price Index (CPI) to calculate changes in the world poverty level (measured in U.S. dollars) prior to 1982. In 1983, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) replaced the CPI with several indices including CPI-W which was then adopted by the World Bank. This caused the inflated rate of the U.S. dollars and the percentage of the world population in poverty to be dramatically underestimated. This new incorrect procedure gives 25% (1.5 million) below the poverty line in 2005, while the more appropriate procedure (described herein) gives 52% (3.3 million in 2005). The rapid rise of the poverty line (using the preferable CPI) starting in 1987 occurred at nearly the same time as the peak in per capita annual cereal production.  相似文献   

工业生产是现代物质财富的主要来源,同时也是带来环境污染的重要产业。本文对中国工业增长的绿化度进行了考察。首先采用层次分析法测度2005-2009年中国各地区环境污染综合指数,结果表明2005-2009年这5年间全国大多数地区环境污染指数都有不同程度上涨,平均环境污染指数从2005年的0.208上涨到2009年的0.267,就地区差异而言,环境污染指数呈现东高西低的特征,东部地区环境污染指数平均为0.340,而中部地区和西部地区分别为0.241和0.154,这与东部地区工业较为发达存在密切关系,也印证了中国经济发展仍存在较为明显的粗放式特征;其次,应用DEA方法在综合考虑环境污染和能源消耗问题的基础上测度2005-2009年中国各地区工业增长绿化度,结果表明东部地区工业绿化度明显优于中西部地区,东部地区工业绿化度平均为0.689,远高于中部地区的0.435和西部地区的0.496,而且,"十一五"以来,东部地区工业绿化度上升趋势明显,说明东部地区工业增长正在积极向绿色转型;论文还应用TOBIT回归分析法对影响中国工业绿化度的因素进行分析,研究表明技术进步、结构升级、经济开放都会对工业绿化度产生积极的效应。因此,为促进工业绿色增长中国需要进一步为技术的研发、扩散搭建顺畅的渠道;积极推动产业融合,获得协同收益;有效吸引清洁外资,开展绿色生产。  相似文献   

生态市建设的若干理论探讨   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
生态市是指市域内自然生态系统的结构和功能及其服务体系与其社会经济系统的结构和功能处于较协调与统一状态的城市。生态市建设意味着城市发展进入一个新阶段.需要有新的城市发展理论与思维。要以区域发展统筹、经济与社会发展统筹、城乡发晨统筹、人与自然协调统筹、国内发展与对外开放统筹的“五大统筹”新思维来指导.实现物质文明、精神文明、政治文明和生态文明的统一。使国民经济体系由链条经济向循环经济、自然经济向生态经济转变。  相似文献   

Climate change and urbanization are among the most significant trends of the twenty-first century, affecting global natural resources such as water, economic development and human well-being. The growth of the world population will be absorbed by the cities. The necessity of cities adapting to these trends calls for radical changes in urban water management. In this paper, baseline assessments, i.e., City Blueprints, have been carried out for 45 municipalities and regions in 27 countries, mainly in Europe. The assessments showed that cities vary considerably with regard to their water management. This is also captured in the Blue City Index® (BCI), the arithmetic mean of 24 indicators comprising the City Blueprint®. Theoretically, the BCI has a minimum score of 0 and a maximum score of 10. The actual BCIs in the 45 cities and regions varied from 3.5 (Kilamba Kiaxi in Angola) to 8.5 (Helsingborg in Sweden). The BCI was positively and significantly correlated with the gross domestic product per person, the ambitions of the local authorities regarding water management, the voluntary participation index and governance indicators according to the World Bank (2013). The study also demonstrated a very significant correlation between the BCI and the University of Notre Dame Global Adaptation Index. The impacts of water scarcity and floods in cities are discussed. It is concluded that cities in transitional and developing countries are particularly at risk.  相似文献   

区域人口集聚是主体功能区优化布局的要求和重要指标。人口发展功能区规划是国家主体功能区规划的基础依据。本文以哈尔滨市人口功能区规划为例,根据国家人口发展功能分区指标体系,采用模糊综合评价方法测算了哈尔滨市人口功能分区,并提出了相关政策性建议。研究结果对于发挥哈尔滨市中心城市带动作用,引导城市化进程中人口有序流动,推进国家及省人口发展功能区规划工作具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

环鄱阳湖旅游圈旅游经济联系与区域发展策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旅游圈是推进区域旅游发展的有效载体,对区域内各地区间旅游经济关系产生重要影响。以资源主导型的环鄱阳湖区域为例,根据该区域旅游经济现状,以该研究区5个地级市所属的国家3A级及以上67个旅游景区为研究对象,从景区景观质量引力指数、旅游规模和交通可达性对传统引力模型进行修正,测度2003~2015年各地区间旅游经济联系强度及其演变情况,揭示环鄱阳湖区域旅游经济联系总量呈现出快速增长且联系紧密、区域差异较明显、交通作用逐渐增强等特征。在此基础上,提出构建环鄱阳湖旅游圈区域旅游发展的基本模式,以及圈内各地旅游经济联系的思路,形成多极核的网络化结构旅游圈层格局,并演进为区域旅游圈的一般结构模式,为推进区域旅游可持续发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

我国区域规划的编制与实施的若干问题   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
区域规划是协调人口、经济、资源、环境之间的关系以及地区关系的区域开发与国土整治方案,是市场经济下政府进行宏观调控的重大举措,目前我国的区域规划编制和实施还存在一定问题,主要是各层次规划衔接不力,从而了区域规划的实施和应用。借鉴国外的规划体系、内容和实施途径,针对我国区域规划的实施问题,提出如下建议:(1)建立完善的区域规划体系、协调区域规划与经济计划的相互关系,以及与土地利用规划和城市规划的关系。  相似文献   

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